Opprotune Obstical Course

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UbD Template 2.

A Daring Obstacle Course Finale!

Stage 1 Desired Results

General learner attitudes

Grade 1
Phys Ed
- Basic Skills—Locomotor;
o A1-1 perform locomotor skills through a variety of activities
- Basic Skills—Nonlocomotor;
o A1-3 perform nonlocomotor skills through a variety of activities
- Application of Basic Skills in Individual Activities
o A1-13 demonstrate the basic skills of running, jumping, throwing in a variety of environments and using various
equipment; e.g., skipping ropes
- Safety
o D1-3 show a willingness to listen to directions and simple explanations
o D1-4 participate in safe warm-up and cool-down activities
o D1-5 move safely and sensitively through all environments; e.g., space awareness activities

Understandings Key Questions
- Body control - What can you do to help control your own body?
o balance - Is doing something quickly better than doing it right?
o speed - If you are not in control of your body, what can you do to
o rhythm help get control?
Potential Misunderstandings
- How quickly you do a task is more important than doing it
- Speed is not associated to body control
Students will know… Students will be able to…
- How to better regulate their body control by monitoring - Maintain balance and body control while preforming
factors such as speed and concentration consecutive split steps
- Have mind body connection strong enough to step exactly
three times in each hula hoop while moving across a line.
- Maintain balance while standing on one foot and bending to
touch nose to a ball
- Walk five steps along a line while balancing a ball on their
- Jump along a sequence of mats, from one to another
- Throw a bean bag into a net from ten feet

Stage 2 - Evidence
- Split step over a line to a rhythm
- Move along a hula hoop line, stepping three times in each
- Balance on one foot, bend over and touch nose to ball on pylon
- Take five steps while balancing a ball on their head
- Jump from one mat to another
- Throw a bean bag into a net from 10 feet

- The students are being active listeners when paying attention to the instructions
- The students are attempting to keep control of their body, not moving wildly
- Students maintain their balance
- Students maintain footing
- Are able to follow counted rhythm
Hula Hoop Run
- Students step three times in each hoop
- Students stay inside the hoops
Balance Boop
- Students keep one foot in the air for duration
- Students touch nose to ball
- Secondary goal: Student is able to bend over and touch nose to ball without raising a leg
Level Heads
- Student is able to take five steps while balancing ball on head
- Secondary goal: Student is able to balance ball on head while standing still for five seconds
Lava Leap
- Student successfully jumps across mats without touching the floor
Bean Toss
- Student is able to throw the bean bag into the net from 10 feet
- Secondary goal: Student can throw the bag into the net from 5 feet

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

Summary of Key Learning Activities and Instruction
Where = Inform the students that they will be testing their trained hand eye coordination and body control (speed, balance, motor skills, etc.).
We are going to be putting together all the activities that had been practiced before into an exciting challenge.

Hook = The hook is that they are going to be participating in the school’s super spectacular obstacle course!

Equip = The students have been prepared for success by practicing the motions before the obstacle course.

Rethink = Students will be able to attempt the activities multiple times, creating ongoing formative learning.

Evaluate = Students will be able to attempt the activities multiple times, creating ongoing formative learning. The teacher will be able to
support their evaluation by reminding and modeling what the task should look like.

Tailor = To help create feelings of success and inspire self-confidence, there will be two tiers of difficulty for the balance boop, level heads,
and bean toss activities.

Organize =
o We start the class by having students run into their corners for warmup
o They run three laps, with each lap having a separate physical action they need to do in every corner. The actions are: burpees,
jumping jacks, and frog jumps.
o The students then line up in four lines, in front of pylons.
o I model the activities the students will be doing stressing the importance of body control for each task.
o I remind the students it is not a race, speed doesn’t matter, completing each task properly is what matters.
o Have the students attempt the obstacle course, taking notes on performance.
o Come to circle for make a pizza stretch and calm down transition
o Line people up to go back to class or get a drink.

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