Mechanical and Rheometric Properties of Gilsonite Carbon Black N 2016 Polyme

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Polymer Testing 56 (2016) 1e9

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Material Properties

Mechanical and rheometric properties of gilsonite/carbon black/

natural rubber compounds cured using conventional and efficient
vulcanization systems
Juan Sebastia lez a, *, Sandra Vela
n Ve squez a, Diego Giraldo b
Grupo BIOMATIC - Biomeca nica, Materiales, TIC, Disen stico, caucho y sus cadenas productivas, Centro de Disen
~ o y Calidad para el Sector cuero, pla ~o y
Manufactura del Cuero del SENA, Itagüí, Antioquia, Colombia
Grupo de Materiales Polimericos, Departamento de Ingeniería Metalúrgica y de Materiales, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Antioquia UdeA, Calle
70 No. 52-21, Medellín, Colombia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The effect of adding gilsonite micrometric particles on the properties of N330 carbon black (CB) rein-
Received 12 May 2016 forced natural rubber (NR) compounds was investigated. Formulations with 30/0, 22.5/7.5, 15/15, 7.5/22.5
Received in revised form and 0/30 parts per hundred of rubber (phr) of CB/gilsonite were used, comparing the effect of conven-
16 August 2016
tional and efficient vulcanization systems. Gilsonite was characterized by X-ray fluorescence (XRF),
Accepted 4 September 2016
Available online 8 September 2016
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), elemental analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron
microscopy (SEM). Tension, uniaxial compression, compression-set, abrasion resistance and dielectric
strength tests were carried out on specimens that were moulded using the optimal curing time
Vulcanization systems
measured by oscillating disc rheometry (ODR). Abrasion wear resistance, and mechanical and rheometric
Gilsonite properties varied with the CB/gilsonite content and on the vulcanization system. It was found that
Natural rubber gilsonite facilitated the incorporation of carbon black during mixing, diminished the reversion during
Rubber-filler interaction rheometric tests of compounds with efficient vulcanization cure systems and increased the dielectric
strength. Some gilsonite/CB/NR compounds showed similar rheometric properties, compressive modulus
and wear resistance to CB/NR compounds, which evidenced the use of gilsonite as an available filler for
NR-based materials.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction other mechanical properties [1,2]. NR-based compounds employ

vulcanization systems that are formed by: activators, curing agents
Natural rubber (NR) reaches 40% of rubbers worldwide con- and reaction accelerators or retardants [3,4]. It was found that from a
sumption. NR is a widely used elastomer obtained from the latex of greater accelerator/sulphur ratio, a faster reaction is obtained, and
some plant species, among which the Heveas brasiliensis tree is the promotes the formation of monosulphide and disulphide crosslinks
most commonly used in the industry [1]. An NR article over polysulfide crosslinks. Quantity and type of crosslinks affects
manufacturing begins with the mixing of NR with organic and the rheological, mechanical and thermal properties of cured rubbers
mineral additives; then the mixture is cured by the vulcanization [3e5]. Hence, properties of vulcanized rubber compounds depend
process at temperatures usually between 140 and 180  C. As a result, on the vulcanization process, the type and structure of the elas-
the compound acquires high elasticity that distinguishes elasto- tomer, and on the type and concentration of the ingredients of the
meric materials from any other type of polymer. In the NR vulcani- vulcanization system [6]. Based on the sulphur content and accel-
zation process, a cross-linked structure is obtained with improved erator/sulphur ratio, vulcanization is classified into efficient (EV),
environment and solvent resistance, tensile strength, elongation at semi-efficient (SEV) and conventional (CONV) vulcanization sys-
break, tear strength, abrasion resistance, compressive stiffness and tems; each exhibits a different performance with regard to thermal,
mechanical and chemical behaviour [7].
Rubber industry uses fillers to improve properties and/or reduce
costs [5,8]. Some fillers result in a reinforcing effect, therefore an
* Corresponding author. improving of mechanical properties is achieved, but other fillers do
E-mail address: (J.S. Ve
0142-9418/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 J.S. Velez et al. / Polymer Testing 56 (2016) 1e9

not alter the mechanical properties or can even reduce it [9e11]. contents were determined at 1050  C, while oxygen content was
The most used reinforcement filler in the rubber industry is carbon measured at 1250  C in helium atmosphere. Sulphur content was
black [5,12], whose morphology, size and affinity with the elasto- measured at 1350  C with oxygen flow and an IR detector. The main
meric matrix have not been surpassed by any other reinforcing elemental composition was analyzed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) in
filler [13,14]. However, one of the main disadvantages of carbon a spectrometer model Optim'x Thermo.
black is its volatility that difficult its incorporation to the compound Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was carried out on a TA In-
during mixing. In the case of rubber articles where electrical struments Q500 equipment between 25 and 900  C under nitrogen
insulation is needed, reinforcement with carbon black could be a atmosphere with a heating rate of 20  C/min. A following TGA
problem due to its low dielectric strength when compared with analysis was carried out using a temperature interval of 25e550  C
other mineral fillers [15]. For this reason the rubber industry is with a heating rate of 20  C/min under a nitrogen atmosphere. Once
constantly in search of alternatives to improve rubber processing a temperature of 550  C was reached, the atmosphere was changed
and properties, and/or reduce costs. Gilsonite could be an inter- to oxygen. At this state an isotherm for 5 min was applied. Finally
esting additive for rubber compounds owing to its bituminous the temperature was increased up until 900  C at 20  C/min.
composition, availability and relative low price. It is a bitumen- X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was carried out by using a
impregnated rock known for its high content of asphaltene, Rigaku Miniflex diffractometer. The samples were scanned from 10
commonly added to asphalts to improve the performance of to 90 diffraction angle (2q) in scanning steps of 2 . Particle
asphalt binder at high temperatures [16,17]. Savage and Hitchcock morphology was analyzed in a scanning electron microscope (SEM)
have studied gilsonite in rubber formulations for electrical wiring JSM-590LV (JEOL).
[18], but no other studies have been reported on mechanical,
thermal or processing properties of gilsonite/rubber compounds. 2.3. Compounding, rheometric tests and specimens fabrication
As stated by Roland [19], the interest in the electrical properties of
rubber compounds is primarily due to the strong effect of fillers, Table 1 displays the compound formulation of gilsonite/CB/NR
hence the relevance of assessment non-conventional fillers for compounds with conventional (CONV) and efficient (EV) vulcani-
rubber industry. zation systems. As showed in Table 1, five compounds for each
This study is aimed at the characterization of gilsonite available vulcanization system were evaluated varying the gilsonite and
in Colombia, and to evaluate its processability, mechanical prop- carbon black content. In all the compounds the total content of CB
erties and abrasion resistance in NR compounds using different and/or gilsonite was 30 phr.
gilsonite and carbon black contents and comparing conventional ThecompoundingprocesswascarriedoutonaBollingtwo-rollmill
and efficient vulcanization system behaviour. The effect of the with 600 diameter  1200 length rolls. Rheometric properties of three
addition of gilsonite on dielectric strength is also evaluated, since it samplesrandomlycutfromeachcompoundweremeasuredat160 Cby
is a subject of interest for some rubber articles as shoe soles and using a Monsanto Oscillating Disc Rheometer (ODR). Specimens for
vibration isolators. mechanicaltestswerevulcanizedintoahotpressmouldingmachineat
160  C, using the t100 time determined by rheometric tests. Tensile
2. Experimental specimenswereobtainedfroma2mmthicknesssheetmouldedforeach
2.1. Materials from each sheet. For uniaxial compression and compression-set tests,
three cylinders according to ASTM D575 standard were moulded for
NR grade TSR-10 from Guatemala, N330-grade CB from Cabot Cor- eachcompound.Cylindersof6mmindiameter12mmoflengthwere
poration, zinc oxide (ZnO), stearic acid, N-butylbenzothiazole-2-sul- mouldedtoobtainsamplesforweartests.
fenamide (TBBS) and sulphur (S) from Bayer Co. were purchased from
IndustriasdelCaucho,inMedellín,Colombia.Groundedandpulverized 2.4. Tensile and compressive properties
Tensile modulus values at 100% (M100) and 300% (M300) of
2.2. Gilsonite preparation and characterization elongation were evaluated from the stress-strain curves of dumb
bell samples according the ASTM D412 standard. The grip separation
Grounded and pulverized gilsonite was sieved by using a speed was set to 500 mm/min and initial gauge length to 25 mm.
200 mesh sieve. The particle-size distribution (PSD) was measured Tensile forces were applied by using a Digimess universal testing
at a Malvern equipment reference Mastersizer 2000. machine and a maximum elongation of 550% was applied during
Elemental analysis was carried out to determine carbon, tests.
sulphur, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen content in gilsonite and CB, Compressive modulus values were measured from uniaxial
by using a LECO elemental analyser. Carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen compressionteststhatwerecarriedoutinaShimadzuInstronuniversal

Table 1
Formulations studied in this work.

Material CONV system EV system

phr phra

Natural rubber (NR) 100 100

Zinc oxide (ZnO) 5 5
Stearic acid 2 2
TBBS 0.8 3.5
Sulphur (S) 2.75 0.6
Accelerant/sulphur ratio 0.3 5.8
Carbon black N330/gilsonite 30/0, 7.5/22.5, 15/15, 22.5/7.5, 0/30 30/0, 7.5/22.5, 15/15, 22.5/7.5, 0/30
Parts per hundred parts of rubber.
J.S. Velez et al. / Polymer Testing 56 (2016) 1e9 3

Fig. 1. Particle-size distribution of gilsonite.

Fig. 2. SEM micrographs of gilsonite particles added to the rubber compounds.

testing machine at a crosshead speed of 20 mm/min, compressing the Table 2

specimens up to 25% of strain. Compression-set tests were carried out Gilsonite and CB composition detected by elemental analysis.

accordingtomethodBspecifiedinASTMD395standard,at70  Cduring Filler Element (%w/w)

22 h, using the device recommended by the standard. Hardness of C H N O S Others
dumbbell-shaped specimens was measured using a Shore A-type
Gilsonite 75.2 7.0 1.5 8.4 1.5 6.4
Carbon black 86.3 12.8 0.1 0 0.8 0

2.5. Abrasion wear tests

Table 3
Abrasion wear resistance of cylindrical specimens was carried Gilsonite composition detected by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer.
out by using a Maqtest apparatus according to ASTM D5963,
Element S Fe V Si Ti Al Ni K Pb Ca Zn
applying 10 N as normal load.
% w/w 72.1 7.5 5.4 4.6 3.6 1.6 1.5 1.1 0.9 0.6 0.5

2.6. Dielectric strength

Dielectric strength of 7 cm diameter  2 mm thickness speci- N itro g e n
N itro g e n - a ir
mens was measured in a Baur equipment reference DPA. Cylin- 1
drical electrodes were used, and 1 KV/s was applied during the 80
Derivat. weigth
change (%/°C)

tests. The maximum applied voltage was 75 KV. Tests were carried 1
out at room temperature.
Weigth (%)


3. Results and discussions

0 200 400 600 800 1000
3.1. Gilsonite characterization Tem
mperature (°C))
N itro g e n A ir
Figs. 1 and 2 show the particle-size distribution and SEM mi-
crographs respectively of gilsonite added to rubber compounds. It 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
can be observed that gilsonite particles presented sizes between 0.4 T e m p e ra tu
u re (°C )
and 40 mm, with approximately 80% with sizes between 2 and
15 mm. Particles appeared to be polyhedral with smooth and flat Fig. 3. TGA and DTGA thermograms of gilsonite in nitrogen and air atmospheres.
4 J.S. Velez et al. / Polymer Testing 56 (2016) 1e9

Fig. 4. Diffractogram of gilsonite.

surfaces, which do not favour the mechanical interlocking with the Fig. 3 shows the thermogram obtained by TGA for gilsonite. Un-
rubber matrix, since it is well known that irregular shapes and high der nitrogen atmosphere, one single weight loss of 49.73% was
surface area are preferred to increase the reinforcing effect of fillers. observed; this decomposition started at 380  C and ended at 470  C,
Table 2 indicates the results of gilsonite and CB elemental and it is attributed to the hydrocarbon decomposition. The residue
analysis, and Table 3 shows the gilsonite composition detected by mass at the end of the test was 43.69% w/w. Under nitrogen-air at-
XRF, regarding the latter is a semiquantitative technique. The mosphere, the weight loss occurred in two-step losses. In the first
elemental composition of gilsonite showed lower percentages of step, the weight loss was of 42.75%, at the same temperature in-
carbon and hydrogen when compared to CB, but higher percent- tervals observed in the nitrogen atmosphere test. In the second step,
ages of oxygen, sulphur and other elements. Sulphur content in 53.86% weight loss is attributed to the hydrocarbon decomposition
gilsonite could alter the vulcanization kinetics, but it must be when gilsonite was exposed to oxygen in at 550  C when the
evaluated at rheometric tests. Zinc and iron could also influence the isothermal process was applied. At 900  C 3.2% of the specimen
vulcanization, but they are present in low contents. remained as residue.

30 CB
25 7.5 Gils - 22.5 CB
15 Gils - 15 CB
22.5 Gils - 7.5 CB
20 30 Gils
Torque (dN.m)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Time (min)

a. Conventional vulcanization system


30 CB
25 7.5 Gils - 22.5 CB
15 Gils - 15 CB
20 22.5 Gils - 7.5 CB
Torque (dN.m)

30 Gils


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Time (min)

b. Efficient vulcanization system

Fig. 5. Rheometric curves at 160  C using (a) conventional and (b) efficient vulcanization systems.
J.S. Velez et al. / Polymer Testing 56 (2016) 1e9 5

Table 4
Rheometric properties of the compounds studied in this work.

System Parameter Gilsonite/CB content (phr)

0/30 7.5/22.5 15/15 22.5/7.5 30/0

CONV ML (dN.m) 1.22 ± 0.05 2.07 ± 0.52 1.16 ± 0.09 0.97 ± 0.37 1.64 ± 0.92
MH (dN.m) 27.81 ± 0.54 29.15 ± 2.02 27.33 ± 1.51 25.73 ± 1.07 21.33 ± 1.50
MH e ML (dN.m) 26.59 ± 0.49 27.08 ± 1.70 26.17 ± 1.42 24.76 ± 0.70 19.69 ± 0.68
ts2 (min) 3.54 ± 0.22 3.57 ± 0.21 3.54 ± 0.13 3.15 ± 0.13 3.79 ± 0.36
t100 (min) 9.25 ± 1.35 8.67 ± 1.14 9.54 ± 0.69 7.11 ± 0.91 12.06 ± 2.09
CRI (min1) 0.18 ± 0.04 0.20 ± 0.03 0.17 ± 0.02 0.25 ± 0.03 0.12 ± 0.05
EV ML (dN.m) 1.25 ± 0.00 1.27 ± 0.21 0.88 ± 0.11 0.74 ± 0.05 1.17 ± 0.10
MH (dN.m) 26.00 ± 0.72 24.88 ± 1.25 21.97 ± 0.31 19.33 ± 0.27 24.10 ± 0.54
MH e ML (dN.m) 24.75 ± 0.72 23.61 ± 0.94 27.09 ± 0.20 18.59 ± 0.22 22.93 ± 0.44
ts2 (min) 5.02 ± 0.10 4.61 ± 0.42 4.50 ± 0.17 4.58 ± 0.10 3.34 ± 0.18
t100 (min) 13.65 ± 0.61 11.42 ± 4.78 13.73 ± 0.69 14.24 ± 0.90 8.58 ± 0.46
CRI (min1) 0.12 ± 0.02 0.15 ± 0.06 0.11 ± 0.02 0.10 ± 0.03 0.19 ± 0.01

Fig. 4 shows the diffractogram obtained from DRX analysis. Ac- peaks at diffraction angles 2q of 20.827, 26.593 , 50.046 , 59.857
cording to the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database for quartz (ICSD and 68.193 correspond to the hexagonal SiO2, whereas the peaks at
01-083-0539) and for aluminium oxide (ICSD 00-031-0026), the 20.935 , 24.921, 25.652 , 40.472 and 50.167 were identified as


30 CB
Stress (MPa)

7.5 Gils - 22.5 CB

15 Gils - 15 CB

22.5 Gils - 7..5 CB

30 Gils

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
Strain (mm/mm)

a. Conventional vulcanization system

20 30 CB

7.5 Gils - 22.5 CB
Stress (MPa)

15 Gils - 15 CB
22.5 Gils - 7..5 CB
30 Gils

0 1 2 3 4 5
Strain (mm/mm)
b. Efficient vulcanization system
Fig. 6. Stress-strain curves of CB, gilsonite and CB/gilsonite NR compounds with (a) conventional and (b) efficient vulcanization systems.
6 J.S. Velez et al. / Polymer Testing 56 (2016) 1e9

on black conttent (phr)
30,0 22,5 15,0 7,5 0,0
3.5 9
M EV 8
3.0 M300
M EV 7
100% Modulus (MPa)

300% Modulus (MPa)

2.5 6


1.5 3


0.5 0
0.0 7.5 15.0 22.5 30.0
sonite conten
nt (phr)

Fig. 7. Tensile modulus M100 and M300 of CB, gilsonite and CB/gilsonite NR com-
pounds using conventional and efficient vulcanization systems. Lines between data are Fig. 9. Compressive modulus of CB, gilsonite and CB/gilsonite NR compounds using
presented only to facilitate the visualization. conventional and efficient vulcanization systems. Lines between data are presented
only to facilitate the visualization.

22.5 gilsonite/7.5 CB/NR compounds presented lower vulcanization

times than CB/NR and 7.5 gilsonite/22.5 CB/NR compounds,
because of the reactivity of hydrocarbon chains and sulphur at
As expected, CB reinforced NR cured with a conventional
vulcanization system showed reversion i.e. decreasing of torque
with increasing testing time after the end of the curing. A plateau
curing curves after the end of the vulcanization was observed for
efficient vulcanization system. For compounds exhibiting reversion
behaviour, t100 was taken at the time where maximum torque was
presented; exhibiting a plateau after ending the curing reaction,
t100 was taken at the time where torque values reached a steady
behaviour. It is remarkable that addition of gilsonite to CB/NR
compounds did not affect the reversion of compounds cured using
conventional vulcanization systems or the plateau of compounds
cured using efficient vulcanization systems. However, compounds
only with gilsonite showed rheometric curves with different
behaviour to compounds with some content of CB. Gilsonite/NR
Fig. 8. Hardness of CB, gilsonite and CB/gilsonite NR compounds using conventional compound cured with conventional vulcanization system showed
and efficient vulcanization systems. Lines between data are presented only to facilitate
the highest reaction time and did not exhibit reversion; the com-
the visualization.
pound only with gilsonite and an efficient vulcanization system
showed the lowest reaction time and presented reversion. This
aluminium oxide (Al2O3). indicates the synergic effect of CB and gilsonite, and influence of
gilsonite on the vulcanization kinetics. It is well known that
reversion in NR sulphur-based vulcanization is related to accel-
3.2. Rheometric characteristics
erant/sulphur ratio [3,4,6,7], therefore, differences in the behaviour
after the end of the vulcanization process could be associated to
Fig. 5 shows the rheometric cure curves at 160  C using con-
gilsonite interaction with the ingredients of the vulcanization
ventional and efficient vulcanization systems. Rheometric proper-
ties of the compounds studied in this work are presented in Table 4.
The rheometric properties considered in this work were the min-
imum torque ML, maximum torque MH, difference between MH 3.3. Tensile and compressive properties
and ML, the scorch time ts2, the time for reaching the 100% of the
curing t100 and the curing rate index CRI. Tensile curves until 550% of elongation are shown in Fig. 6. One
It can be observed that curves for CB/NR and 7.5 gilsonite/ representative curve is showed for each material seeking to facili-
22.5 CB/NR compounds are very similar, for both CONV and EV tate the visualization of the curves. 100% and 300% modulus,
systems. Increase of gilsonite up to 15 and 22.5 phr at the same time hardness and compressive modulus are shown in Figs. 7e9,
that CB content was decreased at 15 and 7.5 phr, respectively, respectively. It is important to note that lines between data are
diminished the stiffness of the cured compounds, which indicates a presented in Figs. 7e9, 11 and 12 only to facilitate the visualization,
lower reinforcing effect of fillers at those levels; this behaviour was but it was observed that CB/NR compounds exhibited a behaviour
observed for both vulcanization systems. 15 gilsonite/15 CB/NR and with some remarkable differences when compared with CB/
J.S. Velez et al. / Polymer Testing 56 (2016) 1e9 7

Fig. 10. SEM micrographs of the fracture surfaces during tensile tests of CB, CB/gilsonite and gilsonite filled NR compounds using conventional and efficient vulcanization systems.

gilsonite/NR compounds or gilsonite/NR compounds as will be without the addition of any filler. He found the same tensile
discussed in the next sections. modulus and hardness obtained in this work for gilsonite/NR cured
It can be observed that CB presented a reinforcing effect as ex- with the conventional vulcanization system. Cured gilsonite/NR
pected; however, stiffness decreased with increasing the gilsonite compounds using the efficient system show increased hardness,
content and decreasing the CB content. tensile and compressive modulus compared to the same formula-
It is observed that all the compounds using conventional tion cured with conventional system, an opposite behaviour than
vulcanization system showed higher stiffness than those with materials with some CB content. This could suggest that gilsonite
efficient vulcanization (EV) system. This behaviour is attributed to affect the structure of the cross-linked network as described in the
the formation of polysulfide crosslinks which enhances stiffness rheometric properties presented previously in this work.
more than monosulfide or disulfide crosslinks, regarding that using SEM micrographs of the failed fracture during tensile tests of
conventional vulcanization systems promotes more polysulfide some compounds at various curing systems are shown in Fig. 10.
crosslinks than EV systems in sulphur-based vulcanization of NR Decrease of CB content and increase of gilsonite content result in
[6,7]. less tearing lines and surface roughness of the rubber matrix. This
The setback in hardness, tensile and compressive modulus is indicates a reduction of rubber-filler interaction when gilsonite
attributed to the combined effects of the decreasing content of CB content is increased, which altered the crack paths in rubber
and a poor rubberegilsonite interaction. Urrego [6] studied the decreasing resistance to crack propagation. Some isolated particles
same vulcanization systems used in this work, in NR compounds of gilsonite appeared in the gilsonite/NR and CB/gilsonite/NR
8 J.S. Velez et al. / Polymer Testing 56 (2016) 1e9

Carbon black content (phr)

30.0 22.5 15.0 7.5 0.0


Dielectric strength (KV/mm)





0.0 7.5 15.0 22.5 30.0
Gilsonite content (phr)

Fig. 11. Variation of compression-set values of the CB, CB/gilsonite and gilsonite NR Fig. 13. Dielectric strength of CB, CB/gilsonite and gilsonite filled NR compounds. Lines
compounds using conventional and efficient vulcanization systems. Lines between between data are presented only to facilitate the visualization.
data are presented only to facilitate the visualization.

values of compression-set than those cured with efficient systems.

Carbon black content (phr) Compounds cured with efficient vulcanization system showed a
30.0 22.5 15.0 7.5 0.0 continuous increase in compression-set with the increase in
gilsonite content. This behaviour is explained by the decrease in the
reinforcing effect of CB when gilsonite was added, which allows the
relaxation of NR chains. Same behaviour is observed in compounds
cured with conventional vulcanization system, with the noticeable
exception of gilsonite/NR specimens. Low compression-set of
Volumetric loss (mm )

gilsonite/NR compound vulcanized with conventional system is

due to interaction between gilsonite particles and NR matrix, which
was not affected by the effect of CB.
Results of abrasion tests are shown in Fig. 12. It is observed that
CB/gilsonite/NR compounds with efficient vulcanization systems
showed lower abrasion resistance than the same compounds cured
with conventional vulcanization system. This difference is attrib-
uted to the prevalence of polysulphide crosslinks in latter, which
are more resistant to abrasion wear than mono or disulphide
crosslinks that are prevalent on compounds cured with efficient
system. CB/NR and gilsonite/NR compounds showed different
0.0 7.5 15.0 22.5 30.0 behaviour to CB/gilsonite/NR compounds, indicating a synergic
Gilsonite content (phr) effect on the abrasion resistance when CB and gilsonite were added.
No difference was observed between the wear resistance of
Fig. 12. Volumetric loss in abrasion tests of CB, CB/gilsonite and gilsonite filled NR 30 phr CB/NR and 22.5 phr CB/7.5 phr gilsonite/NR compounds
compounds using conventional and efficient vulcanization systems. Lines between cured with a conventional vulcanization system. A slightly increase
data are presented only to facilitate the visualization.
in volumetric loss was found with the conventional vulcanization
system for 15 phr CB/15 gilsonite/NR and 7.5 phr CB/22.5 gilsonite/
compounds, which is another evidence of low rubberegilsonite NR compounds. A remarkable increase in volumetric loss was
interaction when mechanical stresses are applied. observed for gilsonite/NR compound using a conventional vulca-
Since no differences between tensile modulus were observed for nization system, which is related to the poor interaction between
gilsonite/NR compounds cured using conventional and efficient gilsonite particles and NR matrix when CB is not present as rein-
vulcanization systems, gilsonite appeared to be responsible for forcing filler.
setback in rigidity instead of the type of crosslinking related to the CB reinforced compounds cured with efficient vulcanization
vulcanization system. Additionally, the sulphur at gilsonite reacted systems exhibit increased volumetric loss with increasing gilsonite
with the rubber chains and the vulcanization system for producing content. However, gilsonite/NR without CB compound show an
additional crosslinks. The formation of new links between the improved abrasion resistance than 7.5 phr CB/22.5 phr gilsonite/NR.
rubber chains and the sulphur of the gilsonite reduced chain This is attributed to the synergic effect of CB and gilsonite on the
mobility and slippage when a load was applied to the rubber. volumetric loss setback.
Compression-set results are shown in Fig. 11. It was found that As presented in Fig. 13, addition of gilsonite improved the
compounds only with CB or only with gilsonite showed no dielectric strength of the compounds, because of the wellknown
dependance of the vulcanization system, but CB/gilsonite/NR dielectric behaviour of asphaltites, as the gilsonite used in this
compounds cured with conventional systems presented higher study. Since CB has low dielectric strength when compared to
J.S. Velez et al. / Polymer Testing 56 (2016) 1e9 9

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