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Decision - To become an Entrepreneur (In the Past)

After spending a few years in a corporate job, some of us had a decision concerning our career with
respect to becoming a Stronger Independent Professional. Whether to continue with current job,
take up a new job, join an MBA, or pursue Entrepreneurship. Amongst all the options, it was decided
to become an Entrepreneur.

The decision was based on the following factors, taken into consideration at that point in time:

 Desire to earn More Money

 Break from Creative Blockage
 Bored of regular 9 to 6 Corporate Culture
 The Thrust to create own empire
 Frustration from Redundancy of Work

Decision - To become an Entrepreneur (Now)

With the application of Decision Making Process, the decision of becoming an entrepreneur is
reassessed in the following manner:

Fundamental Objective - To become a Self-Managed Independent Professional rather than to be

managed by someone else

Means to objective - Becoming an Entrepreneur

Alternatives -

1. Pursue MBA then Entrepreneurship immediately.

2. Pursue MBA then Job, gain financial stability and then pursue Entrepreneurship.
3. Direct Entrepreneurship

Trade Off (between Entrepreneurship and the following)-

 Taking a new Job – A fresh start to your career/change of industry.

 Sticking to the same job – Staying in the Comfort Zone.
 Losing out on the network formed in our respective geography.

Recourse Opportunities -

 After starting MBA finding suitable business partners and decided to drop out to pursue
 Found funding opportunities gave up MBA to pursue entrepreneurship

Learning Opportunities-

 Forming a new network during MBA of likeminded people

Constraints -

 Availability of Time
 Lack of Support from Family
 Funding Issues
 Not Enough Savings
 Regulatory Issues for Setup of Business
 Lack of Expertise
 Human Resource

Outcome –

After using the Decision Making Process, we could analyse that to reach the end the objective we
should pursue Alternative 1 OR 2, out of the 3 alternatives mentioned above. We reached an
outcome that MBA will lead us to achieve our objective of being an Self-Managed Independent

Prior to being introduced to the Decision Making Process, the decision of becoming an entrepreneur
was more of an Impulsive one, Lacked planning, Lacked consideration of Constraints &

We can understand that the Decision-Making Process has helped to structure the approach towards
decision making which enables us to concentrate on fundamental factors important to arrive at a

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