Stars and Stripes Ecce Leaflet

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IWB Software

Teacher’s B

Test Booklet


Comprehensive preparation for ECCE

Effective development of language

and exam skills

Extensive, innovative Writing practice

Class Audio CDs

01Leaflet ECCE S_S INT_01Leaflet ECCE S_S INT 07/08/2012 5:10 ΜΜ Page 3

ted Skills
Builder T
Skills Builder Student’s Book

Skills Builder
Class CDs

Practice on Vocabulary, Grammar,

Listening, Speaking and Writing
Can be used alongside Stars &
Stripes coursebook or
independently Sample pag
e from Stars
& Stripes Ski
lls Builder
01Leaflet ECCE S_S INT_01Leaflet ECCE S_S INT 07/08/2012 5:10 ΜΜ Page 4

Speaking &
Units Vocabulary Grammar Reading Listening Writing
1 Time out Sports/Leisure Present Tenses Show Predicting
(pp. 6-13) Activities Jumping content from
Exam Practice Exam Practice
(Part I)
2 Going the Transportation Past Tenses Exploring Introduction to Stage I
Module 1

distance the City Expressing opinions

(pp. 14-21) Exam Practice Exam Practice
(Stages 2-4)
3 Having fun Entertainment Future Tenses Theme Formal essays/
(pp. 22-35) Phrasal Verbs/ Parks letters making
Prepositions suggestions/
solving a
Exam Practice Exam Practice
4 Health Health Infinitive/ Acne Note taking
(pp. 36-43) Participles/
Too – Enough
Exam Practice Exam Practice
(Part II)
Module 2

5 Eating out Food Adjectives/ Dining Out Dealing with problems,

(pp. 44-51) Adverbs/ Expressing opinions,
Comparisons Giving reasons
Exam Practice Exam Practice
(Stages 2-4)
6 Keeping fit Healthy Living Modals Sports Formal essays
(pp. 52-67) Phrasal Verbs/ & Fitness advantages/
Prepositions disadvantages
Exam Practice Exam Practice Revision &
7 Safe travels Travel Tips The Passive Swimmers
(pp. 68-75) and Safety Voice Beware
Exam Practice Exam Practice
(Part I/Part II)
8 Accommodations Travel Causative Form Youth Discussing
(pp. 76-83) Arrangements Hostels advantages &
Module 3

Exam Practice Exam Practice
(Stages 2-4)
9 Touring the city Tourism Plural Nouns A Tour of Formal letters
(pp. 84-99) Phrasal Verbs/ Montreal giving advice
Exam Practice Exam Practice Revision &
10 The world we Environmental Reported Hydropower
Module 4

live in Issues Speech

(pp. 100 -107) Exam Practice Exam Practice
(Part I/Part II)

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Speaking &
Units Vocabulary Grammar Reading Listening Writing
11 Saving the planet Going Green Questions Cleanup Listing/adding points,
(pp. 108 -115) Campaign giving a talk, offering
solutions, giving
Exam Practice Exam Practice
Module 4

(Stages 2-4)
12 Visiting wildlife Wildlife and Articles/ Wildlife Formal essays/
(pp. 116 -131) Animal Issues Possessives Photography letters
Phrasal Verbs/ expressing
Prepositions opinion

Exam Practice Exam Practice Revision &

13 Fighting crime Crime and Clauses/ Luminol
(pp. 132-139) Punishment Expressing
between ideas
Exam Practice Exam Practice
(Part I/Part II)
14 Handy gadgets Inventions Expressing Making Life Building useful
(pp. 140-147) Relationship Easier vocabulary,
Module 5

Between Ideas expressing preference

Exam Practice Exam Practice
(Stages 2-4)
15 Leap into Technology Quantifiers Science & Formal essays
technology Phrasal Verbs/ Technology describing
(pp. 148-163) Prepositions problems and
Exam Practice Exam Practice Revision &
16 Wild weather Weather Conditionals The Desert
(pp. 164-171) Conditions
Exam Practice Exam Practice
(Part I/Part II)
17 Mysterious Superstitions & Wishes/Had Film Festival Discussing
events Phenomena better/Would consequences,
(pp. 172-179) rather/Prefer/ suggesting solutions
Module 6

Unreal Past
Exam Practice Exam Practice
(Stages 2-4)
18 Mother nature at Elements of Inversion/ Wilderness Formal letters/
work Nature Emphatic/ Walk essays
(pp. 180-195) Phrasal Verbs/ Imperative/ including
Prepositions It – There descriptive
Exam Practice Exam Practice Revision &
Grammar Appendix (pp. i-v) Answer Section (pp. AS1-AS34)
Speaking Appendix (p. vi) Tapescripts (pp. T1-T20)
Vocabulary Appendix (pp. vii-xiv) Irregular Verbs
Writing (pp. xv-xxi)

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ñ Do you play any sports?
ñ What is your favorite sport? Why?
ñ Are there any sports you would
like to try? Discuss in groups.

I’ve known my horse, Simon, all his life. I was there when he
Reading was born, and right after his birth, I remember my mom saying
he had the look of a winner. I’ve spent years training with Simon,
Read the passage. Then answer the competing in one arena after another, taking home more
questions on the next page.
trophies than I can fit on my mantel. This weekend, we’re

participating in the Brentina Cup, a championship for riders aged
18-26. The event is the perfect stepping stone for the Grand Prix,
the most challenging competition in show jumping.
ñ Scan the multiple choice questions Simon and I have spent many days in the ring together to
without looking at the choices. get to this point in our careers. I say “our” careers, because I
ñ Read the text carefully to
understand what it is about.
believe that Simon, through his love of showing off, decided for
ñ Look at the first part of the question, himself that this is what he wanted to do. I remember his first
and underline key words. Don’t read training jumps – over a pole laid two inches off the ground. At
the options (A-D) yet. Find the part first, he preferred to walk around the pole, like any other
of the text the question refers to.
ñ Go through the choices and choose reasonable creature. Not long after, he was making the jump
the answer that fits best and is based with the grace and courage of a true equestrian show jumping
on what the text says, not your own horse. As time went on, the jumps became higher and closer
experience. Keep in mind that the
together on a course of twists and turns. I was very careful not to
information may be rephrased.
ñ Even if you think you know the correct push Simon too hard. I didn’t want to shake his confidence if he
answer, always check that the others happened to miss difficult jumps. Eventually, Simon and I were
are not appropriate. Double check jumping over pools of water, and walls six feet high, and so far,
your answer. Don’t go for the obvious
one as it may be a trap.
we’ve competed in dozens of shows. I’m so proud of Simon;
I owe my success in show jumping to him.

02Leaflet ECCE S_S INT_02Leaflet ECCE S_S INT 07/08/2012 5:12 ΜΜ Page 7

1 Which statement best describes the
main idea of this passage? 2 Choose the correct item.

1 The Youth Theater Group gave their best .............. of the season last
a Show jumping is a challenging but night.
thrilling event. a achievement c performance
b The rider and her horse have a very b conference d progress
special bond.
c Show jumping requires grace and 2 Many parents .............. their children to participate in school sports.
courage. a reassure b encourage c position d promote
d The horse, Simon, was born to 3 Was the outcome of the decision .............. for Jack’s team?
compete in show jumping. a favorable b challenging c offensive d popular
2 In the first paragraph, what is a
4 Josie didn’t .............. losing the championship very well.
a get b receive c take d carry
a a type of shelf c a type of horse
b a riding jacket d a bulletin board 5 You can .............. a lack of natural talent by practicing a lot.
a overcome b grasp c master d succeed
3 What is one aspect the Brentina Cup?
a It’s the most important show in
show jumping.
b It’s mainly a show for young horses. 3 Underline the correct word.

c It’s a good competition for 1 Laurie pulled a muscle from extending/stretching/expanding/

advancing to other shows. tightening too much.
d It’s a required competition for 2 The Flatpoint High soccer team played a great game, but they were
entering the Grand Prix. defied/defined/defended/defeated in the end.
3 Did the coach tackle/confront/encounter/oppose Josh about his
4 According to the article, why did Simon
bad behavior?
become a show jumping horse?
4 The basketball player strained/pressured/toughened/stressed to
a It was decided at his birth. make the difficult shot.
b The rider’s mom wanted him to be one.
c It was his choice.
d He was too old to race.

5 According to the article, what do 4 Check the appropriate box(es). Use

the phrases to fill in the items
horses do at their first jump? below.
a They stand still and don’t move.
b They slowly walk over the jump.
c They become upset and afraid.
d They find another way around the a living
jump. experience
a competition
Vocabulary a prize
a salary
Sports/Leisure Activities
1 She wanted to ......................... doing a job
1 Fill in: trophy / competition / winner /
grace / arena / courage 2
she loves.
The only way to ..................... is to finish in
first place.
1 Alicia moved with ............................
as she exercised on the field.
2 The rider and her horse entered the
.................. to begin the course.
3 Jason faced stiff .............................. Speaking & Writing
during the basketball tryouts.
ñ Other than physical activity, what are some benefits of practicing a
4 It takes great ...................................
to perform in a stadium full of
ñ Do you think animals should be used for sports?
ñ Is competition healthy? Talk about it to the class.
5 His bowling team was awarded the
ñ Should certain sports be banned? Which ones? Spend three minutes
first-place .............................. .
writing about the topic.
6 Shelly emerged as the clear ...........
in the race.
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1b Grammar Present Tenses

Simple Present 1 Fill in the blanks using the simple present or present progressive.

It is used:
ñ for permanent situations/states.
He doesn’t live in New York anymore.
ñ for permanent truths or laws of nature.
Water freezes at 32Æ F. Nowadays, more and more schools 1) ..........................
ñ for repeated actions/habits (especially (face) new problems concerning Internet use. Currently,
with frequency adverbs). She always the music industry 2) ......................... (file) complaints with
washes her car every Saturday afternoon. universities across the country and 3) ...........................
ñ for reviews/sports commentaries/ (accuse) students of sharing MP3 files over school
headlines/narration. Meryl Streep acts networks. In most cases, a student 4) ......................... (pay) for the MP3 file,
superbly in the movie. but 5) ............................. (make) it available to his or her friends at no charge.
ñ for schedules/programs (future When asking students why they do it, they simply reply: “Everyone
reference). The plane lands at 12:50 pm. 6) ..................... (do) it because nobody 7) ............................ (think) they will
ñ in exclamatory sentences that begin get caught!” Industries usually 8) ............................... (identify) the students
with there or here. There he goes! by their numerical Internet address and then 9) ....................... (report) them
to the universities. They 10) ............................ (also/improve) their programs
Time expressions: every day/week/month/ to stop future MP3 sharing.
year, usually, sometimes, always, rarely,
never, often, in the morning/afternoon/
evening, at noon, at night, etc.

Adverbs of frequency express how often

2 Complete the sentences using the present progressive and then
indicate its use.
something happens: always (100%), usually 1 A: Michael just got a new job in France.
(75%), often (50%), sometimes (25%), B: He’s leaving (leave) for Paris next month. (fixed arrangement in
seldom/rarely (10%), never (0%). the future)

Present Progressive 2 A: Hi, Mrs. Brady. Is Peter home?

B: Yes, but he ............................... (take) a shower at the moment.
It is used: 3 A: Do you want to come see a play with me tonight?
ñ for temporary situations. She is staying B: I can’t. I ........................................................... (babysit) tonight.
with her aunt this week. 4 A: Is Linda in the office today?
ñ for changing or developing situations.
B: No, she ..................................................... (not/work) this week.
Hybrid cars are becoming popular.
ñ for frequently repeated actions with 5 A: I can’t stand the way Daisy drives!
always, constantly, continually, B: You ............................................. (always/complain) about her!
expressing annoyance or criticism. He’s 6 A: Are you still on the gymnastics team?
always talking in class. B: Yes, but I’m going to quit. The competitions ..............................
ñ for actions happening at or around the (get) too hard.
moment of speaking. Pete is studying for a
math test now. Are your parents looking for a
new house?
ñ for fixed arrangements in the near
future. I’m meeting Ann this afternoon.
3 Fill in the blanks using the simple present or the present
Time expressions: now, at the moment,
at present, nowadays, today, tonight,
always, still, etc. Dear Mom and Dad,
Hi! How 1) ..................... (you/do)? Soccer camp 2) ...................
(be) great fun! Every morning we 3) ............................ (practice) for
Stative Verbs
three hours. The drills 4) ............................. (get) harder and harder as
Stative verbs are verbs which describe a state we go along! After that, the coaches 5) .......................... (give) us free
rather than an action. They do not normally time. There are many activities to choose from. This afternoon my
have a progressive form. These verbs are: friends and I 6) ....................... (hike) to the top of the mountain near
ñ verbs of the senses (used to express our camp.
involuntary actions): feel, hear, see, smell, My teammates are all very friendly. I really 7) ......................... (like)
taste, etc. I hear someone calling me. hanging out with them. The regional finals 8) ............................ (be) at
ñ verbs of feeling and emotions: adore, 7 pm next Monday. Although my team 9) ................................
detest, dislike, forgive, hate, like, etc. (not/have) a good chance of making it, we intend to give it our best!
She really likes chatting online. I have to go now. My friends 10) ...................... (wait) for me!
Lots of love,
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Grammar Present Tenses 1b

ñ verbs of opinion: agree, believe, suppose,
4 Put the verbs in parentheses into the simple present or present
understand, etc. I believe you’re wrong.
1 A: I ..................... (see) there’s a great movie on TV. Would you like
ñ other verbs: appear (= seem), belong,
concern, contain, depend, fit (= be the to watch it?
right shape and size for sth), have B: I’d love to, but I ..................... (see) my lawyer later today, so I
(= possess), know, mean, owe, own, have to go soon.
possess, need, prefer, require, want, 2 A: I ........................................... (think) of buying an electric guitar.
weigh, wish, keep (= continue), seem, B: I .................................................. (not/think) that’s a good idea.
etc. They know a lot about music. 3 A: Why ............................................................ (you/smell) the pot?
Note: Feel and hurt can be used in B: I’ve washed it twice, and it still ......................... (smell) like fish.
progressive or simple forms. Sue is feeling/
4 A: My parents ......................... (look) at some vacation brochures.
feels dizzy. Listen, look, and watch express
B: That’s why they ................................................ (look) so happy!
deliberate actions and can be used in
progressive forms. They are looking at the 5 A: .......................................................... (you/do) anything tonight?
sunset. B: Yes. I ......................... (go) to the movies with Ann. The movie
......................... (start) at 7:00 so we .............................. (meet)
er! at 6:30 outside the movie theater. Would you like to join us?
6 A: The doctor ................................... (weigh) the baby to see if he
Some stative verbs (be, love, enjoy, see,
has gained any weight.
smell, taste, think, etc.) have progressive
B: He .......................................... (weigh) about 16 pounds I think.
forms, but there is a difference in meaning.
(For details see Grammar Appendix 1b.) 7 A: ................................................ (Mike/enjoy) his new computer?
B: Yes, he ................................................... (enjoy) surfing the Net.
8 A: The Simpsons ..................... (have) money troubles nowadays.
Present Perfect B: Really? But they both .................................... (have) great jobs!

It is used:
ñ for recently completed actions. She has 5 Choose the correct answer.

redecorated her bedroom. (The action is 1 He ............. Cuba for two years.
complete – her bedroom is now a has been in c has been to
redecorated – evidence in the present.) b is going in d has gone in
ñ for completed past actions connected to 2 Melina ............. in a good mood.
the present with stated or unstated time a has been usually c is usually
reference, or with time words such as b is usually being d is being usually
just or already. They have bought a car.
3 Martha ............. washing her car.
(We don’t know when they bought the
car.) He has just returned from work. (stated a just finish c just finishes
time reference) b has finished just d has just finished
ñ for personal experiences/changes which 4 I ............. waterskiing before.
have happened. I have never eaten such a a have never tried c am trying never
delicious cake! I have gained weight recently. b never try d never trying
ñ to emphasize number. We have seen three 5 She ............. the movies twice this week.
movies this week. It is the first time I’ve been to
a goes to c is going
Alaska. (use of phrase it is the first/
b has been to d has been in
second, etc. time ...)
6 I ............. hockey for a year.
Time expressions: just, ever, already, a playing c am not playing
never, yet, always, recently, how long, so b don’t play d haven’t played
far, since, for, today, this week/month, etc.

6 Fill in the blanks with the following words.

er! rarely / since / ever / for / just / still / yet / already / before
1 Have you ............................. been to a soccer game?
ñ He has gone to the store. (He’s on his
2 I’ve never seen that man ............................. .
way to the store, or he’s there now.
3 This movie has not ............................. been rated.
He hasn’t come back yet.)
4 It’s almost seven o’clock, and I .................... haven’t started dinner!
ñ He has been to Las Vegas. (He has
5 Bill hasn’t spoken to Lara ............................. their fight.
visited Las Vegas, but he isn’t there
6 You don’t have to vacuum. I’ve ......................... done it.
now. He has come back.)
ñ He has been in Switzerland for two years. 7 Sorry, but Mr. Burns has ....................... stepped out for a moment.
(He lives in Switzerland now.) 8 Tony has played on the baseball team ............. more than two years.
9 The new celebrity couple has .............. been seen in public together.
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1c Grammar Present Tenses

Present Perfect Progressive 8 Name the correct present tense in bold, and then match it to its use.
1 He usually watches TV after dinner.
It is used: 2 They have been sunbathing all afternoon.
ñ for actions started in the past and
3 The play starts at 7 pm.
continuing up to the present. She has
been answering emails for an hour. (She 4 We are trying to book our vacation right now.
started an hour ago and she’s still 5 She is happy because she has just bought a new car.
answering them.) 6 We are flying to Paris next week.
ñ for past actions of certain duration 7 Sports cars are getting more and more expensive.
having visible results or effects in the 8 Snow falls in the winter.
present. They have been shoveling snow.
That’s why they’re out of breath. a fixed arrangement for the future
ñ to express anger, irritation, annoyance, b schedule
explanation, or criticism. She has been c action which started in the past and continued up to the present with
opening my mail. (annoyance) Who has emphasis on duration
been using my computer? (anger) d changing or developing situation
ñ to emphasize duration with for, since, or e law of nature
how long. I have been feeling ill for days. f action happening at the time of speaking
g daily routine
Time expressions: just, since, how long,
h action that happened at an unstated time in the past
for, all day/week, etc.

The present perfect and the present
9 Put the verbs in parentheses in the simple present, present
progressive, present perfect, or present perfect progressive tense.
perfect progressive can be used
1 A: Stan .......................................................... (exercise) a lot lately.
interchangeably with certain verbs such
B: Yes, he ............................... (compete) in a triathlon next week.
as: work, study, stay, wait, live, etc.
She has lived/has been living in Maine for 2 A: After work, I usually ............................. (walk) the dog and then
twenty years. ............................................................................... (cook) dinner.
B: I .................................................... (always/watch) the 6 o’clock
evening news when I get home from work.
3 A: Ben ................................ (take) his driving test tomorrow, right?
B: Yes, but he probably won’t pass because he .............................
7 Complete the sentences using the
present perfect or the present 4
.............................................................................. (not/practice).
A: They ....................................... (already/pack) for their vacation.
perfect progressive. B: Really? They ................................... (not/leave) until next week!
1 A: I didn’t know Phil had a dog! 5 A: I ........................................... (not/see) Sara much this summer.
B: Yeah, he ................ (have) it for B: She ....................................................... (play) soccer every day.
two years.

2 A: I’m going out!

B: Already? You ....................... 10 Look at the pictures and answer the questions using the
appropriate present tense. In pairs, use the pictures to make up
................... (only/work) for half more questions and answer them.
an hour!

3 A: Why are you angry at your

B: He .................................... (use)
my computer all week without
asking me.
1 What is she 2 What haven’t they
4 A: Angela is a wonderful girl. doing? done yet?
B: Yes, she is. Actually, I ................
................... (know) her since
high school. 3 What have they been
5 A: .................................. (she/talk) doing all weekend?
on the phone all this time?
B: Yes, that’s why our phone bill is
so high. 4 Where is she?

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Exam Practice Grammar 1c

Read the sentence carefully, then read the four options. Decide which completes the sentence correctly. Remember that
common mistakes are often included as options. Read the completed sentence to make sure it makes sense.

1. He seems to be getting _______________ at football. 10. Dinner will be ready by the time you _______________ home.
a. better and better a. come
b. best and better b. coming
c. more better c. will come
d. best d. will have come
2. “Why wasn’t Jennifer at the party on Saturday?” 11. “Have you ever been to a Thai restaurant?”
“She _______________ about the date change.” “Yes, I _______________ to one just last week.”
a. wasn’t been told a. was going
b. hadn’t been told b. went
c. hadn’t told c. have gone
d. wasn’t been informed d. had gone
3. “Who won the tournament?” 12. I wish I _______________ that second piece of cake. I had a
“Both teams – they _______________ for first place.” stomachache all night long.
a. tie a. could not eat
b. tied b. would not eat
c. are tying c. had not eaten
d. had tied d. did not eat
4. “I hope people at work _______________ to carpool more often.” 13. This soup isn’t _______________ to eat yet.
“Yeah. It’s a good way to protect the environment.” a. warm enough
a. began b. very warm
b. beginning c. too warm
c. will begin d. much warmer
d. must begin 14. We _______________ by his announcement.
5. “Are you going to invite Jane to the school dance?” a. were surprised
“Well, I _______________ , but I’m not sure.” b. surprised ourselves
a. want to c. were surprising
b. am wanting to d. found surprise
c. have wanted to 15. _______________ a donation, but she also founded an
d. to want to organization for the homeless.
6. Hardly had I opened the door, ___________ I heard somebody a. She did only make
scream. b. Not only she made
a. but c. Not only did she make
b. after d. She only made not
c. than 16. Let’s ask Tim _______________ on his birthday cake.
d. when a. he wants
7. Late _______________ it was, he still called her. b. what he wants
a. although c. what does he want
b. despite d. does he want
c. nevertheless 17. “I am thinking about traveling abroad.”
d. though “Well, traveling to a foreign country has _______________ its
8. No sooner had they left, _______________ it started raining. positive and negative points.”
a. but a. both
b. when b. neither
c. than c. also
d. after d. either
9. It’s very important that you _______________ here on time for the 18. “I want to take the family on a European tour.”
meeting tomorrow. “You _______________ your trip arranged through my travel
a. will be agent – she’s great!”
b. are being a. must have
c. be b. would rather have
d. will have been c. will have
d. had better have
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1d Listening Skills

Predicting Content from Pictures

1 a) Work in pairs. Look at the pictures below and brainstorm what you think the conversations will be about.

b) Which of the words/expressions below do you expect to hear? Match the words to the appropriate set of pictures.

1 credit card 5 boarding pass 9 hockey practice

2 hang gliding 6 vacation 10 reading
3 front row seats 7 drop somebody off 11 pictures
4 clown 8 baseball 12 train ticket

c) What do you think is going to be asked in each set of pictures (1-6) below?

1 4


2 5


3 6


2 Match the following questions to each set of pictures above.

A Which activity would best suit the man? ................. E What activity does she NOT have
B How will he get to soccer practice? ................. time for? .................
C Where will the man sit? ................. F What kind of transportation is the man
D Where will they go? ................. taking? .................

3 ≤Look at the pictures in Ex. 1 again. Now listen to the short conversations and circle the correct answer (A, B, or C).

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Exam Practice Listening 1d

Part I
You will hear several short conversations. After each conversation, you will be asked a
question. Listen, look at the pictures, and mark A, B, or C. Here is an example:
Look at the pictures and brainstorm
EXAMPLE: what the conversations will be
about. Listen carefully as the
The correct answer is B. answer depends on the third
speaker’s question. Keep in mind
Now, let’s continue.
that all of the items may be
mentioned in the conversation, but
only one is correct according to the
A B C question.

1 6


2 7


3 8


4 9


5 10


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2d Speaking
The speaking section of the ECCE consists of a four-stage, one-on-one interaction between the examinee and an oral examiner. In
Stage 1, you will be asked some general personal questions on a variety of topics, such as school, family, and general interests.
This stage is a warm-up activity and is not rated.

Although Stage 1 is not rated, it is an opportunity for the examiner to get an idea of your language level. Practice answers
to common questions about yourself, but do not memorize the answers or prepare a short speech because you will not
have a natural conversational tone, and the examiner will usually be able to recognize this.

Many topics regarding general personal information can be brought up in Stage 1. Here is a list of possible
topics and questions:

What are your favorite subjects? Where do you go to school? Do you plan on
¸ Education
continuing your studies?

¸ Employment Describe your job. What type of job are you looking for?

¸ Name What does your name mean? What is its origin? Who/What are you named after?

Where do you live? What is the population? How do people get around? What do
¸ Place of residence
you like about your town/city? What do you dislike about it?

What languages do you speak? Why are you interested in learning English? What
¸ Languages
is your view on learning different languages?

Describe a recent vacation. Do you have any plans for future vacations? Where
¸ Vacations
would you like to go on vacation?

What do you do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies? What do you do for
¸ Free time

What types of books/movies do you enjoy? What types of television programs do

¸ Entertainment
you prefer? What kind of music do you listen to?

What sports do you play? How often? What is your favorite sport? Which athletes
¸ Sports
do you admire?


1 a) Read the following

I’m Brenda. My name is Scandinavian, and it means 1) ................ .
ñ I am Brenda. I’m a student at 2) .................... I live in Cleveland, a 3) ....................
ñ I am a student. in 4) ....................... Ohio. I can speak English 5) ......................... . I’d
ñ I live in Cleveland, love to learn 6) ...................., too. I really enjoy 7) ....................
Ohio. languages. My favorite hobby is basketball. I play 8) ....................
ñ I can speak four times a 9) ..................... It’s thrilling. I don’t have a lot of
English. 10) ...................., but when I can, I like going to the 11) ....................
ñ My favorite hobby is with my 12) ..................... . We usually go every 13) ....................
basketball. Saturday.
ñ I like going to the movies.

b) ≤Now listen and complete the 2 Work in pairs. Talk about yourself to your partner. Use Brenda’s
blanks. How has Brenda expanded description in Ex. 1b as a model.
on the statements in Ex. 1a?

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Exam Practice Speaking 2d

Read the information carefully to understand the situation. Listen to the examiner’s answers carefully. These will help you
form your opinion. Use appropriate linkers to express your opinion. Make sure you justify your choice and also explain why
the second option is not appropriate.

3 Work in pairs. One is the examinee and the other is the examiner. Read the information below. Then, use the
language boxes to do the task.

I am your cousin and I am interested in taking up an OPTION 1
after-school activity. I have two activities in mind, but
I would like to hear your opinion on which activity to
Look at the pictures and ask.
ñ What are the options?
ñ What are the advantages of each option?
ñ What are the disadvantages of each option?

When you get all the information you need, use it to give
the examiner some advice to help him/her make a
decision. You can choose from one of the options or
provide a new one. Remember to use information you
learn from asking questions to explain your final choice.

After you have shared your decision, the examiner will ask OPTION 2
you more questions about the topic.

EXAMINER’S NOTES (See Speaking Appendix 2d)

Points to consider Expressing Opinions

ñ allows you to be physically active ñ gives you the opportunity ñ I think/I believe ...
ñ involves teamwork and to be highly creative ñ In my opinion, ... because ...

sportsmanship ñ allows you to work ñ As I see it, ...

ñ may have to play during bad independently ñ ... is the perfect solution for ... because ...
weather ñ can be expensive ñ I don’t think you should ... because ...
ñ can result in physical injury ñ requires patience ñ It’s not a good idea to ...

Model Interview 5 In pairs, discuss the following.


4≤ Listen to the examinee doing

the task in Ex. 3. Find out the

reason why the examinee 1 What types of after-school activities do you enjoy?
chose one option and rejected 2 Why do people play sports? Why do people like art?
the other. 3 Do you think it’s important for students to be involved in after-
school activities? Should after-school activities be only about
having fun? What can students learn through after-school

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3d Exam Practice Vocabulary

Read each sentence and then the options, and decide which one best fits the meaning of the sentence. Read the completed
sentence to make sure it makes sense.

1. Children under 9 must be ______________by an adult. 11. Mike’s house was ______________ last night. Someone sprayed
a. collected paint on his front door.
b. accompanied a. cheated
c. followed b. robbed
d. connected c. vandalized
2. Handling loss with grace and dignity is a(n) ______________test d. burglarized
of character. 12. A ship’s captain is _______________ to know the weather
a. right conditions for sea travel.
b. factual a. required
c. true b. requested
d. exact c. reminded
3. Motorists are advised to exercise ______________when traveling d. recalled
in icy conditions. 13. The horse took off as Pam was about to _______________ it.
a. alarm a. mount
b. warning b. climb
c. alertness c. jump
d. caution d. raise
4. You must complete your journey within the _______________ 14. The rides at that amusement park always ____________ me.
time stated on the bus transfer. a. discourage
a. confined b. disappoint
b. allotted c. disapprove
c. furnished d. disregard
d. budgeted 15. The coach carefully __________ all the potential team members.
5. The policeman stepped in to _______________ traffic. a. practiced
a. defend b. competed
b. direct c. guarded
c. govern d. screened
d. usher 16. Knowing how to fly an airplane in bad weather is a
6. Steve and Louis were __________ in a serious game of chess. necessary _______________ for pilots.
a. engaged a. training
b. installed b. skill
c. located c. trade
d. forced d. practice
7. You must follow proper ______________ precautions to avoid 17. Do you know how to _______________ grams into pounds?
injury. a. arrange
a. security b. convert
b. defense c. exchange
c. safety d. switch
d. danger 18. The cost of medicine is rising at a(n) _______________ rate.
8. The ___________ of the damage to the movie sets is unknown. a. nervous
a. development b. stressed
b. extent c. alarming
c. strength d. anxious
d. influence 19. Oscar _______________ a heart attack last week.
9. The boxer was __________his opponent with rude comments. a. suffered
a. injuring b. tolerated
b. provoking c. struggled
c. striking d. endured
d. defending 20. The building is easily ______________ to people with disabilities.
10. The team incurred a _______________ for the foul. a. obtainable
a. loss b. available
b. punishment c. accessible
c. fine d. reachable
d. penalty
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Phrasal Verbs/Prepositions 3d
21. Jason’s new stereo didn’t work properly, so he took it
back to the store for a full _______________ .
a. repair
1 Underline the correct particle. Check in Vocabulary
Appendix 1. Make sentences with the phrasal verbs
b. refund you didn’t use.
c. replacement 1 Do you know when this TV show will be off/for/out/
d. return over?
22. Hawaii has over 3,000 types of plants that are _______________ 2 It’s unfortunate that Sylvia broke down/off/into/out
to the region. her relationship with Lance.
a. inborn 3 Photo albums always bring forward/up/back/out
b. natural great memories for me.
c. inherited 4 The woman called out/in/on/for to the firemen below.
d. native 5 You’re welcome to come off/over/across/into any
time you like.
23. Traveling to foreign countries is a great way to _______________
6 Susan forgot to pay her phone bill, and her phone
the mind.
was cut into/out/back/off.
a. enlarge
b. increase
c. widen
d. broaden
24. The cottage is located near the _______ of the Chippewa
2 Fill in: to / with / for / on / at / of. Check in Vocabulary
Appendix 2.
River. 1 Paper products account ........... 20% of commercial
a. banks waste.
b. shores 2 My brother is quite good .......... doing crossword
c. coast puzzles.
d. sides 3 The game consists ........... wooden balls, mallets,
25. The best place to view gorillas is in their natural __________ . and wire hoops stuck in the ground.
a. territory 4 Did the storm cause any damage ........ the stadium?
b. residence 5 The soccer player collided ........... the referee and
c. habitat knocked him down.
d. locale 6 Don’t waste time worrying about it. Concentrate
........... finishing the work.
26. The road into the wildlife preserve was _______________ by a
fallen tree.
a. hindered
b. cornered
c. trapped 3 Choose the correct item. Check in Vocabulary
Appendix 3.
d. blocked
1 Airplanes are ....... far the fastest means of
27. Certain gas emissions negatively affect the ozone ______ .
transportation known to man.
a. deposit
a for b by c from d to
b. sheet
c. layer 2 ....... any rate, I’d rather jog in the morning.
d. film a In b Of c On d At
28. Employees must have their work badge displayed upon 3 I’d stay here and chat, but I’m ....... a hurry.
_______________ . a on b at c with d in
a. permission
b. access 4 Instead of our normal bike ride, let’s hike ....... a
c. admission change.
d. entry a in b to c by d for

29. The project reached a _______________ phase in its timeline. 5 The concert starts in ten minutes if it’s ....... schedule.
a. scientific a on b before c off d with
b. critical
6 Can you adjust this lens? I believe it’s ....... focus.
c. logical
a in b out of c under d for
d. primitive
30. The company ______________ its latest laptop computer model 7 We cannot enter. It’s ....... limits.
at the convention. a on b under c behind d off
a. unearthed 8 Keeping tigers as pets should be ....... the law.
b. uncovered a against b before c under d by
c. unwrapped
d. unveiled

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Writing I Formal Essays/Letters (making suggestions/solving a problem)

Task Essay

Many parents are concerned about what their children

watch on television but do not know what to do about it.
A letter/An essay making suggestions or solving a problem How can parents make sure their children are watching
is a formal piece of writing in which you offer solutions to a acceptable programs? Write an essay making suggestions
problem and explain the results that would follow. It is as to how parents can do this. Include examples.
important that each body paragraph begin with a topic
sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph,
followed by supporting details. Study the plan below: b) Read the model essay. Are any of your
suggestions in Ex. 1a mentioned in it?
Para 1 ñ statement of problem MO
ñ reason for writing (letter) or statement There is concern regarding children and their
that indicates essay will offer television viewing choices. Clearly, there are some
suggestions (essay) simple measures parents can take to help children
Main Body choose television programs that are suitable for
their age.
Para 2 ñ suggestion 1 & supporting details
ñ expected result First, parents should take the time to watch
television with their children and discuss the
Para 3 ñ suggestion 2 & supporting details
content of the programs they like watching. For
ñ expected result
example, parents can explain their feelings and
Conclusion point out the things they object to. This would also
Para 4 ñ summarize suggestions give parents the opportunity to listen to their
ñ restate the positive effect that the children express their opinions. Consequently,
suggestions will have on the problem
children will gradually be able to develop their own
understanding of which programs are acceptable
to watch and which are not.
Furthermore, parents should take the time to
1 a) Work in pairs. Read the excerpt from a
newspaper article and the task which follows. read the TV guide together with their children.
Answer the questions. Parents can discuss which shows listed send
1 Who will read your essay?
positive messages and point out which ones do
2 Do you think children watch TV shows that contain not. In addition, they can teach children to
inappropriate content? determine if a show is age-appropriate and explain
3 What sorts of solutions can you think of? why. As a result, parents will be able to build trust
with their children and their decisions regarding
which programs to watch.
All in all, as parents cannot always be present,
taking the time to discuss programs and study the
contents of the TV guide beforehand can bring
positive results. Soon enough, children will become
responsible television viewers.

There is concern
about the television
2 a) Read the model essay again. In pairs, answer
the following questions.
programs children are watching
these days. Studies show that many TV 1 What are the two suggestions the writer makes?
2 Is each suggestion supported with details? If so,
programs contain unsuitable content. Child
what are they?
psychologists are urging parents to pay close 3 Is a result offered for each suggestion that is offered?
attention to the types of programs their What are the results?
children are watching.
b) What is each paragraph about?

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Writing I

Linking Words/Phrases
4 Read the model letter and answer
the questions.

A linking word/phrase, or “linker,” is a word or set of words that can act

as a bridge between ideas. Linkers help make a piece of writing flow and DEL Dear UNICEF Ambassador,
are also known as “transitions.” Grammatically, the linker is not
In general, people are often so
necessary to the structure of the sentence; the sentence can stand alone
without the linker. concerned about their own
Grammatical Structure: linker + comma + complete sentence
problems that they forget about
e.g. First of all, music helps people relax. others suffering around the world.
NOTE: Linkers are used in a piece of writing to give it structure and to That is why I would like to request
help the reader follow the ideas. However, incorrect usage of linkers that you come to my school to
can cause confusion. Likewise, overuse of linkers gets in the way of the encourage students to become
ideas and can make a piece of writing sound repetitive. involved in the effort to help children
FUNCTION LINKERS in need around the world.
introduce topic (start piece First of all, you could tell the
evidently, clearly, obviously, certainly,
of writing by making students at my school about the
by and large, in general, generally
general statement) children in Africa and other places who
introduce points (bring up in the first place, first of all, to start are starving. Explain to them how
a new idea or state first with, to begin with, for one thing, first, poverty and drought in developing
point of a main idea) firstly
countries often lead to malnutrition.
furthermore, in addition, what is more, As a result, those listening will be
also, moreover, additionally, likewise, inspired to donate money to UNICEF
add points (state second, for another thing
third, fourth, etc. detail of so that the organization can provide
same main idea) second, secondly, second of all food for these children.
finally, lastly, last of all, last but not least What is more, you could show
(for final point only)
pictures of the people you have
introduce supporting aided and the places you have
for example, for instance, in other words
detail (explain point) visited. Tell them stories about the
indicate result (explain
as a result, consequently, therefore, children you have met and the
how something happens
accordingly, in turn adventures you have had while
because of something else)
in short, in conclusion, to sum up, to traveling the world. In turn, students
conclude (end piece of
conclude, all in all, all things considered, will see how caring about others can
in the end, taking everything into account be rewarding and enriching.
In conclusion, I would be so
appreciative if you came to my school
3 a) Read the theory, then read the model on p. 30 again and
underline the linkers used. What is each linker’s function?
to give a presentation on the work of
UNICEF. I know that it would raise
Replace them with other synonymous ones.
awareness among the students and
cause them to act on behalf of the
b) Use a linker to rewrite the following sentences.
struggling youth around the world.
1 There has been a rise in the number of foreign films in the past few Sincerely,
years. (introduce topic) Certainly, there has been a rise in the Juliette Hobbs
number of foreign films in the past few years.
2 It is expensive to take pets with you when you fly. (introduce point)
1 What is the problem and what linker
3 Reading to your children is an excellent way to get a head start on
does the writer use to introduce it?
their education. (add point)
2 Why is the writer writing this letter?
4 People are buying fewer and fewer CDs. (indicate result)
3 What are the two suggestions the
5 An MP3 player is a wise investment. (conclude)
writer makes?
6 Your relatives will understand that you have other commitments.
4 Is each suggestion supported with
(indicate result)
details? If so, what are they?
7 Soccer is not as popular in the United States as it is in Europe.
5 Is a result offered for each suggestion
(introduce topic)
that is made? What are the results?
8 Volunteering at the homeless shelter gives you a new perspective
6 What is the function of each
on life. (add points)
sentence in the conclusion?
9 Carpooling saves money on gas. (introduce points)
7 Circle all examples of linkers in the
model letter.
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Writing I

Formal Language Introduction – Objective Statements

vs. Informal Language In an objective statement, the author gives information
about the topic without letting the reader know his/her
Informal language is used to communicate with a friend
opinion. He/She states the problem as a fact, and not as
and more often in conversation as opposed to writing.
a personal feeling.
Formal language is used for essays, articles, reports,
and letters or emails to people you do not know Examples:
personally. Formal language is characterized by: Objective Statement: Young athletes know that many
basketball players in the NBA do not have college
ñ formal expressions, advanced vocabulary, longer
degrees. NOT: In my view, it sets a bad example for
sentences. e.g. Taking everything into
young athletes that many basketball players in the NBA
consideration, it can be said that hotel facilities
do not have college degrees.
have improved over the past decade.
Objective Statement: The subway system does not
ñ formal linking words/phrases (i.e. However, meet standards of cleanliness. NOT: I feel that the
Nevertheless, In addition, Consequently, etc.). e.g. subway system is dirty and an embarrassment to the city.
The fine arts building should include a theater and a
movie theater. Furthermore, an exhibition hall should
Useful Language:
be provided for lectures.
ñ no use of short forms (i.e. I’m, there’s, ...). e.g. I ñ it is evident/agreed/ ñ there is concern
would be grateful if ... (instead of: I’d be grateful if ...) understood/true that regarding
ñ given the fact that ñ oftentimes
ñ impersonal tone, i.e. use of the passive, no ñ based on the fact that ñ recently/currently
description of feelings. e.g. Thousands of people ñ taking into account that ñ experts say/argue that
were left homeless after the flood.
ñ factual presentation of the information. e.g. The
students encountered a number of difficulties
during the school excursion. (instead of: The school
excursion was very demanding.) 6 a) Work in pairs. Write a check (✓) next to the
sentence that is an objective statement.

1 It is evident that children eating too much and

5 Write F for formal and I for informal next to each
sentence to indicate the style in which it is written.
becoming overweight is an issue of great
concern in the United States.
Give reasons for your answers. In my opinion, it is the fault of fast food chains
that children in the United States are eating too
1 The public bus system is the most affordable means
much and becoming overweight.
of transportation in the city.
2 I think that violent video games encourage
Taking the bus is the best deal in town.
aggressive behavior in children.
2 I’d like to give the principal a piece of my mind Experts say that video games encourage
about the new “no iPods at school” rule. aggressive behavior in children.
I would like to speak with Principal James regarding 3 It is true that children of this generation watch
the ban on iPods within school grounds. more television than children of the previous
3 Mountain climbing takes serious guts. generation.
Mountain climbing is an activity that requires a great I believe that parents should control the
deal of stamina, concentration, and courage. amount of television their children watch.
4 Most musicians would consider it an honor to 4 Currently, hundreds of tourists are victims of
perform the opening act for a band as famous as U2. passport theft.
To me, tourists who allow their passports to be
Opening for U2 would be awesome!
stolen are irresponsible.
5 I think that going on a ski trip this winter is a
waste of money.
Based on the fact that there has been so little
snow this winter, ski resorts are suffering.

b) Write an objective statement for each of the


1 talking about a friend behind his/her back

2 disobedient pets
3 students competing with one another for good
grades in school
4 careless drivers causing accidents
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Writing I
8 a) Write supporting details for the
following suggestions.
Main Body Paragraphs – Suggestions/
1 Suggestion: One way to improve your
Solutions, Supporting Details & Results
English is to listen to American music.
When writing main body paragraphs for letters/essays making
2 Suggestion: In addition to planning
suggestions or providing solutions to problems, we normally use three
your vacation for the off-season, think
types of statements to express our ideas:
of other ways to save money on travel.
Supporting 3 Suggestion: I suggest that you
Suggestion Result
Detail monitor your child’s use of the Internet.
used to explain the
used to give b) Write a result for 1-3 above.
used to offer a way of outcome of our
examples or
solving the problem suggestions and their
Useful Language: Useful Language: Useful Language:
9 Write a suggestion, a supporting
detail, and a result for each of the
ñ should/could/might ñ [imperatives] ñ it would follow that tasks below. Write in complete
ñ you could try ñ for example ñ in doing so sentences and include linkers.
ñ it might work if ñ for instance ñ that/this way
ñ I suggest that ñ in other words ñ if … then 1 Make suggestions to a friend on
ñ one way to ñ would allow
how to deal with classmates talking
ñ another thing to do ñ not only ... but also
about her behind her back.
ñ in addition to ñ then
ñ as well as 2 Make suggestions on how to
ñ [imperatives] Take reduce competition for better
a yoga class in grades among students.
your free time. 3 Make suggestions to drivers on
e.g. I suggest that you e.g. Buy a Shakira e.g. Not only will you how to make the roads safer.
listen to Spanish songs CD and sing along learn more Spanish this
in order to improve by reading the way, but you will also
your Spanish. lyrics. have fun doing it. 10 Refer to Writing Appendix I for
correct usage of useful language.
Then circle the correct item.

1 It is agreed that ........... an issue for

7 Match the suggestions (1-5) with their supporting details (a-e) and
their results (i-v). Expand them into full paragraphs using
women who travel alone at night.
a riding the subway
appropriate useful language. b people think
c subway safety is
Suggestions d all subways threaten
1 Make time for your family. 2 There is concern regarding ........... .
2 a the museum lost money
Always wear your seat belt.
b price museum tickets
3 Study in 45-minute periods. c to donate to the museum
4 Use a calendar to recall important dates. d museum funding
5 One thing to do is to monitor TV time. 3 Oftentimes, ........... .
a people wanting to retire
Supporting details b the standard age for retirement
a Have a snack or a drink or simply stretch your legs. in the U.S. is 65.
b Circle birthdays in red. c people save money for
c Eat dinner together and go on outings. retirement
d Limit your kids to two hours a night. d how many people save enough
e Buckle it as soon as you get in the car. for retirement
Results 4 Experts say ........... .
a the therapy is successful
i As a result, your relationships will become stronger and more
b I find music therapeutic
c music can be therapeutic
ii Taking regular breaks prevents you from becoming overtired.
d listen to music more
iii This would allow them to have more time for homework.
iv This way, you will have a better chance of surviving an accident. 5 In doing so, children .......... how to
v In doing so, you will be more organized and will not get in trouble play musical instruments.
for forgetting important dates. a learned c to learn
b learning d would learn
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Writing I

Brainstorming for Ideas Step 3: Look at the words and phrases you’ve written
and decide if each one indicates something that is
Brainstorming for ideas (thinking of things to include in
specific or something that is general. Write an S next to
your letter or essay) is an important prewriting
the specific words or phrases and a G next to the general
technique. First look at the newspaper article and the
words or phrases. (See Step 2.) Now look at the
task. Then read carefully through the five brainstorming
words/phrases with a G next to them and pick two from
which you could make suggestions.
Example: parents, school
Rise in Child Obesity Step 4: Think of suggestions that have to do with each of
the two words/phrases you chose. You can use some of
Doctors are concerned about the recent increase in
your brainstorming phrases, if they fit. Remember not to
child obesity. A doctor blames poor diets: “There are stray from the topic.
many reasons why children are gaining too much
weight, but the biggest reason is that their eating change their own habits
habits are not healthy .” Nutritionists are concerned, set a good example
Parents cook nutritious meals
as well. They urge parents and other people who
shop for healthy foods/snacks
influence children to help them lead a healthier talk about nutrition at home
provide healthy snacks in the cafeteria
educate students on developing healthy
eating habits
Task Essay Schools hand out information on the food pyramid
Many parents are actively involved in their children’s teach students about calories and how
diet but are not always successful in changing their the body burns them
eating habits. What can they do to succeed in helping invite a nutritionist to speak
their children eat better? In an essay, suggest ways to
improve their habits and help them lead a healthier Step 5: Choose the best suggestions from your lists
lifestyle. Be specific. above, and then think of the results those actions would
Step 1: Read the task and underline the main idea. cook nutritious meals
This will serve as the topic of your essay. Remember ñ Children will eat healthier food and get used to it.
that the main idea may not be completely contained in ñ You will be setting a good example for their future.
a single phrase. (See the underlined words in the task educate students on developing healthy eating habits
above.) ñ They will know more about the food they eat.
Step 2: Read the newspaper excerpt and circle the ñ They will establish healthy eating habits.
words/phrases you think are most important to help
you write the essay. Then read the underlined parts of
the task aloud and make a list of words or phrases that
come to mind.
ñ food pyramid ñ cafeteria
ñ overweight ñ setting an example
ñ parents ñ change of habit
ñ fast food ñ diet
ñ unhealthy snacks ñ meals
ñ carbohydrates ñ sugar
ñ nutrition education ñ school

Conclusion – Summarizing Suggestions/Solutions

The concluding paragraph of an essay/letter making
Conclusion: All in all, cooking nutritious meals
suggestions or providing solutions to problems should
and educating children regarding healthy eating
summarize the suggestions/solutions that were made
habits are two of the most important things we
and restate the positive effects that those
can do to improve their diets. In doing so, we
suggestions/solutions will have on the problem at
can help them avoid the pitfalls of obesity and
enjoy a healthy life.

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Writing I
11 a) Match the introductions to their conclusions. Task A Letter
Introductions In what ways can teens incorporate physical
1 Clearly, members of families are living further and further apart. If exercise into their lives? Write a letter to the
you live far from your loved ones, I would like to offer you some school newspaper making suggestions on
suggestions on how to make the distance less difficult. how teens can improve their health through
Evidently, there are still people who think that women cannot be exercising. Give examples. Start your letter,
serious athletes. Here are some ways people can go about solving “Dear Editor.”
this problem.
3 It is apparent that strict airport security can be a problem for Task B Essay
passengers at the airport. I am writing to suggest how you might
Some teenagers feel intimidated by the idea
make the check-in and boarding process easier.
of playing sports. How can they be
encouraged to participate? What should
Conclusions friends, parents, schools, and/or coaches do
A All in all, being prepared and knowing the security restrictions in advance to convince them to take part in athletics?
will save you time and trouble at the airport. You can avoid delays. Write an essay on what can be done to solve
B All things considered, we need to recognize the accomplishments of this problem.
world-class female athletes and improve the programs and facilities for
younger ones. Doing so will raise the level of respect for women’s
C In conclusion, families need to make an effort to communicate often
13 Using the newspaper excerpt, write
either the letter or the essay. Use
and to see one another on holidays and vacations. Although this is not your ideas in Ex. 12.
a replacement for living in the same city, it will allow relatives to remain

b) In pairs, decide which Introduction/Conclusion can be

Check list
improved and rewrite it.
14 After you have finished writing
your letter/essay check for the
Writing following.

12 Read the newspaper excerpt and the tasks below. What is the
topic? Then in pairs, answer the questions.
Is the problem stated clearly
and objectively in the
Letter: Who will you address the letter to? What are your suggestions? Is your reason for writing
Think of appropriate supporting details and expected results. stated in the introduction
Essay: What solutions can you think of? What would the expected results (letter only)?
be? Is the suggestion/solution
stated clearly at the beginning
of each body paragraph?
Teens’ after-school activities Are specific supporting details
provided for each suggestion/
The New York State Department of Health solution?
is worried that teens are spending more
Is a logical result provided for
and more time in front of the computer each suggestion/solution?
and the television and are not getting
Are the suggestions/solutions
enough physical exercise. Researchers
summarized in the last
state that a rise in teen obesity is due to the
paragraph? Is the summary
fact that teens do not play enough sports.
followed by a restatement of
The New York State Department of Health
general positive effects the
is teaming up with the New York State suggestions/solutions will
Education Department to think of have on the problem?
programs that will encourage teens to
Are linkers/useful language
exercise more.
used correctly to make the
letter/essay flow?
Is a wide range of relevant
vocabulary used?
Is polite, formal language used?
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es from
Sample pag
Stars & S
er for the
Skills Build
Michigan E
Student’s B
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es from
Sample pag
Stars & Str
er for the
Skills Build
Michigan E
s Book
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es from
Sample pag
Stars & Str
er for the
Skills Build
Michigan E
s Book
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es from
Sample pag
Stars & Str
er for the
Skills Build
Michigan E
s Book
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Stars & Stripes Michigan ECCE Book is intended for Upper-

Intermediate learners taking the ECCE Michigan exam.
The course follows the principles of CEF level B2.

Key Features
ñ authentic theme-based reading & listening texts,
followed by exam-type tasks
ñ lexical exercises practicing and activating vocabulary, as
well as collocations, prepositions, and phrasal verbs
ñ a variety of listening and speaking tasks reinforcing skills
needed for the exam
ñ grammar sections covering all major grammatical areas,
plus a Grammar Appendix
ñ Exam Practice sections, serving to practice vocabulary and
grammar throughout the book
ñ detailed composition analysis and models for all types of
writing tasks set for the ECCE exam

Student’s Book
Teacher’s Book (overprinted)
Class Audio CDs

Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury,

Berkshire RG19 6HW
Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363
Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463

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