Spark Gap Tube Experiments With A Bipolar Tesla Coil

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Spark Gap Tube Experiments with a Bipolar Tesla Coil

By Timothy Raney, TCBOR,

Introduction. This paper describes the theory, construction and initial tests of an enclosed
spark gap, otherwise known as a "spark gap tube". This spark gap tube was used in place
of a conventional open-air spark gap in the primary circuit of a small bipolar Tesla Coil.
Spark gap tube operation is almost identical to a conventional spark gap except for being
enclosed. The experimental results indicate this spark gap tube is quiet, rapidly de-ionizes
(quenches) and does not reduce the Tesla Coil output. The spark gap tube used in this
experiment is similar to ones used in early high voltage switching research during World
War II RADAR development.

Theory. The electric discharge of a spark gap is a complex phenomenon that includes
ionization of gas molecules by electrons, positive ion bombardment, the photoelectric effect
and the impact of metastable atoms. I will attempt a very brief summary of this
complicated topic here and refer the experimenter to the references. Electron emission from
the spark gap electrodes occurs in air when the applied potential is great enough to remove
electrons from the electrode surface. Once these electrons are "free", they ionize gas
molecules through collision and strike either electrode to cause secondary electron
emission. These free electrons may even dislodge positive metal ions from the electrodes.
This intricate process also generates ultraviolet (UV) and visible light. The UV light is then
responsible for liberating more electrons through the photoelectric effect (for the most
part). The result is an electrically conducting or ionized gas (plasma) in the spark gap. Once
the air in the gap is ionized, a spark bridges the two electrodes.

Now, on an atomic scale, the ionization process results from electron bombardment that
removes outermost orbital electrons from the gas (air) molecules. The electrons and
metastable atoms in the spark gap also acquire kinetic energy from the electric field and
ionize gas molecules within the gap through elastic and inelastic collisions. These ionized
molecules now act as charge carriers. In addition to the applied potential, ionization
induced discharge has a threshold based on ambient pressure, gas composition and
electrode geometry. When these variables achieve their respective thresholds, the spark
discharge occurs. The same mechanism applies to the enclosed gap. However, though the
enclosed spark gap operates at reduced pressure, the principles are the same. Other
differences are covered below in more detail.

For example, "Paschen's Law" describes the minimum sparking potential for a spark gap.
This law characterizes a relationship between gas pressure and electrode spacing.
Described algebraically, Paschen's Law is written as Es = δd, where Es is the minimum
sparking potential, δ is the gas density and d is the inter-electrode distance in millimeters
(or the minimum sparking potential is equal to the product of gas density times pressure).
Given a fixed gap, the sparking potential depends on the gas density or number of gas
molecules in the volume between the electrodes. The sparking potential may increase or
decrease, but only if the pressure is changed. If the gas density remains constant (stable
number of molecules), sparking potential will only change if the electrodes are moved. If
the potential is constant, the spark will only occur at a given pressure and electrode
spacing. Therefore, the minimum sparking potential will change if the pressure or electrode
spacing changes (Maxfield and Benedict, 1941).

At lower pressures (fewer molecules), ion and electron mean free paths are greater and
they acquire more kinetic energy from the electric field and have a greater ability to ionize
gas molecules. The mean free path is the average distance a molecule, electron or ion
travels without colliding with another particle (Chapman, 1980). This leads to a lower
sparking potential to a point. At approximately 1 Torr (1-mm Hg) pressure, the conductivity
of the gas (air) in the spark gap is greatest. However, below that pressure, gas conductivity
decreases since there are fewer gas molecules to ionize. The mean free path for electrons
and ions is greater, but the probability of an electron or ion colliding with a gas molecule is
now reduced since the molecular density is lower.

Equipment and Procedures: Spark Gap Tube Construction. The spark gap tube
consisted of two 0.040-inch diameter tungsten electrodes sealed into a 20-mm diameter
Pyrex tube (see Figure 1). The overall length of the tube was 8-cm. I used conventional
glass-working techniques to make the tube (Strong, 1938). I cut the glass tube to length,
reduced the ends and fused them to accept the electrodes. For example, after I softened
one end of the tube in an oxy-acetylene flame, I reduced it in diameter, inserted the
tungsten electrode and further heating seals the electrodes to the glass. This "glass-to-
metal" seal hermetically seals the tube. Before the second electrode was put in place, I
allowed the tube to cool and placed a small quantity of magnesium shavings in the tube.
These shavings are fine enough to energetically oxidize immediately if they touch a flame.
Consequently, I shook the tube so the shavings settled well away from the flame used for
sealing the second electrode.
Originally, I added the magnesium shavings only as a "getter" to gradually absorb the
oxygen in the tube. Using magnesium this way, it gradually reacts with the oxygen and
removes it from the tube by converting it to magnesium oxide (Reimann, 1952). However,
in sealing the tungsten electrodes to the glass, they ended up being too far apart (about 1-
cm or so apart) and the gap would not spark with a 7.5kV potential applied to the Tesla
Coil's primary circuit. I disconnected the tube and shook the shavings so they were within
the gap. In this way, the magnesium acted as a "bridging electrode," the spark jumped to
the magnesium and then to the other electrode. Additionally, some of the magnesium
burned (oxidized) and lowered the tube pressure. The spark would then jump between the
electrodes without the magnesium shavings as a bridge since the tube pressure was lower
after the oxygen combined with some of the magnesium. The scheme worked, though the
tube was internally coated with a thin layer of magnesium oxide. This was not bad since it
filtered light from the spark. The tube was then operated in the vertical position so the
magnesium shavings were out of the way.

In theory, this tube should work like a series quench gap. They both rely on reduced
pressure within the gap. However, the two gaps differ in the number of electrodes. Both
gaps are airtight and oxygen is removed through chemical means. In the spark gap tube,
magnesium metal reacts with the oxygen and forms magnesium oxide and removes
gaseous oxygen from the tube (mentioned previously). In the quench gap, metallic nitrides
and oxides are initially formed with the electrode surfaces during sparking. This process
also removes oxygen from the gap, i.e., the oxygen reacts with nitrogen in the presence of
the sparks and yields nitric oxides that react with the electrode metal. Any ozone that forms
also reacts with the electrode metal and removes oxygen from the gap.

Equipment and Procedures: Tesla Coil. The Tesla Coil used in this experiment was the
"bipolar" type that uses a horizontal secondary coil with a discharge terminal at each end
(see Figure 2.). This is a variation of the other form of Tesla Coil where the secondary coil
is vertical with one discharge terminal (the other terminal is grounded). The Tesla Coil was
modeled after designs used in physics laboratories in the past (Goldman, 1998). This
particular design has a 1.25-inch diameter by 12-inch long secondary coil with 500-turns of
#24 gauge copper magnet wire and was mounted concentric with the primary coil. The
primary coil was a modified 13-turn radio transmitter coil. The primary circuit consisted of
the spark gap tube in parallel with the primary coil and two 0.0047 uF (15kV) capacitors in
series with each lead of the primary coil. All components were mounted on porcelain
standoff insulators on a phenolic base. The power supply was a 7.5kV, 30 mA neon sign
transformer and all wiring (other than the coils) was #12 rubber-coated stranded copper
wire rated at 25kV. The output of this bipolar Tesla Coil using a conventional two-gap spark
gap was 2.25-inches, the spacing between the secondary discharge electrodes.
Results. The tube appears to quench well. The secondary discharge output is similar to
using a conventional spark gap in the primary circuit. The spark gap tube is also quiet in
operation and its glass envelope may attenuate the ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the
spark. The spark gap tube does emit UV radiation, even with the glass envelope.

This was verified qualitatively by placing a UV sensitive material 1.5-cm from the spark gap
tube's surface. The UV sensitive material was a fluorescent zinc silicate (Zn2SiO4 doped with
manganese) in the form of the mineral, willemite. Fluorescence was noted. The tube's
internal magnesium oxide coating attenuates the visible light output from the spark. The
sparking potential for the tube was similar to the minimum sparking potential of the
conventional spark gap.

Conclusion. This paper described the theory, construction and initial tests of a glass-
enclosed spark gap tube. This spark gap tube was successfully used to replace a
conventional open-air spark gap in the primary circuit of a small bipolar Tesla Coil.
Experimental results indicate the spark gap tube is quiet and attenuates or eliminates visible
and UV radiation from the gap. Additionally, the spark gap tube appears to allow for rapid
gap de-ionization (quenching). In initial testing, the spark gap tube did not adversely the
bipolar Tesla Coil output. Future experiments may include operating the spark gap tube for
a longer duration to accurately determine its operating characteristics and possible failure
modes. These experiments also gave me a better understanding and appreciation for the
physical processes associated with spark gaps and the relative complexity of the sparking

Cited References:

Chapman, B. Glow Discharge Processes (Sputtering and Plasma Etching). John

Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1980, pp. 9-11.

Goldman, H. (Editor). Tesla Coil Builders Association News, Volume #17, Issue
#2, April-June 1998, "Tesla Coils Resurrected" section.

Maxfield, F.A. and Benedict, R.R., Theory of Gaseous Conduction and

Electronics. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1941, pp. 88-89 and

Reimann, A. L. Vacuum Technique. Chapman & Hall, Ltd., London, 1952, pg.

Strong, J. S., Procedures in Experimental Physics. Reprinted by Lindsey

Publications, Inc., Bradley, IL, 1986, originally published by Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
New York, NY, 1938, pp. 264-266.

General References:

Brown, S.C. Introduction to Electrical Discharges in Gases. John Wiley and

Sons, Inc., New York, 1966.

Von Engel, A. Ionized Gases. Oxford University Press, Amen House, London,

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