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By Sexpert Debbie Tideman


Disclaimer Notice

Programs of this type, like diet or exercise programs, will not provide
the same results for everyone, Do not start any such program without
first consulting your medical advisor to be certain that your wife is in
good health and the program will not affect her adversely,
Any application of the X-tasy Spot theory or games is at reader's
discretion and sole risk. This book does not constitute medical advice,
as Debbie Tideman is not a medical doctor. We cannot guarantee the
safety or effectiveness of any technique.
If your wife has had a hysterectomy, you should note that the primary
focus of the techniques, the X-tasy Spot Rub and Horizontal Slide
Technique, will not provide the desired result for you.
The sketches of the human body are not anatomically correct, they are
for illustration only.
For the sake of simplicity, the writer will assume the reader is a married
man and refer to his partner accordingly.
Sex Pilot Check List Begin by spreading her legs and inserting two or three fingers palm
Locating the X-tasy Spot upward into the vagina. At the end of the tunnel, you will find a hard,
rounded lump with a depression or indentation in the middle of the
protrusion. This is the cervix, on which the X-Spot is located.
As you deeply probe the vagina, you can fondle the cervix with your
- Briefing ……....... Discuss the X-Spot with her. Make sure that she's
fingers, pressing firmly, as though massaging, this is the key to cervical
checked with her Gynecologist first.
gratification. You can rub your fingers on this X-Spot or around the
- Foreplay……....... Beginning at dinner the night before.
side of it to gently move the lump back and forth. Lightly rubbing or
tapping the indentation of the cervix, increasing pressure in small
increments, is one way to find the pleasure point.
- Clean………........ Shower/shave/brush teeth. Use a cologne that is
Gentlemen, you must be careful not to push on the cervix too hard. As
her favorite.
she begins to orgasm, there's no need to increase pressure on the cervix.
- Fingernails……….Short, Clean, Smooth.
The same pressure used to initiate orgasm will be sufficient to keep it
going. Pushing harder or faster could cause pain, spoiling the effect.
Your fingers can rub and gently move the X-Spot as you thumb
- Wife…………… . Receive clearance for takeoff. (Be sure she knows
stimulates the clitoris. Your other hand is free to caress her nipples and
that this experience, this time, is just for her. She is not expected to
other sensitive spots.
reciprocate sexually for now; just enjoy and maybe coach you a little
While fondling your wife's X-Spot, if at any time during her orgasm
about what feels good and what doesn't.)
you feel contractions, that's okay; it's part of the body's reflex, Other
times you may feel a widening of the vagina barrel. That is normal also,
and it is called "tenting".
- Oil-Pressure…...... Yes, lots of sex oil.
- Foreplay….......… Complete (back rub, foot rub, the works),
- Climax…….......... Recommended give her a clitoral climax
- Listen……........… Have her rate what she feels on a scale of one to
- Procedure….....… With her on her back, kneel beside her and, with
ten while you experiment with the X-Spot.
your palm upward, insert two or three fingers, leaving at least the little
- Expect………….. A long orgasmic flight.
finger and thumb out and bent over.
- Safety………...… If you notice that there is bleeding before ever
having removed your hand, stop and tell her. She should check with her
doctor before you try again.
If after removing your hand there is only a small amount of blood and
the bleeding has stopped, you can wait until she comes down to tell her,
so she can tell her doctor about it.
- Landing…….……… Only when she runs out of orGASm.
Variations of the X-tasy Spot Rub X-Massage

Here are descriptions and illustrations of many ways to perform the X- Find the indentation at he end of the cervix and gently probe it with the
tasy Spot rub. You're sure to find a few that work best for you. middle finger. Then run your finger around the rim. Move the cervix
The drawing below is a cutaway view of the female anatomy that gently back and forth with the finger pressed into the indentation.
shows the different ways the X-tasy Spot can be stimulated. Manually
rubbing and gently moving the cervix by hand is the most direct way
to give your spouse hour-long orgasm.

On the next few pages, four techniques are illustrated:

- Love Slide Love Tug
- X-Massage
- Love Tug Lovingly tug on the side of the cervix moving id back and forth and
- Love Triangle side to side. Always strive for gentle movement.

Love Slide

Slide three fingers into the vagina to teasingly bump and caress the tip
of the cervix.
Love Triangle Horizontal Slide Technique

Encompass the cervix with three fingers. Move your hand in circles Many sexual positions will stimulate the X-tasy Spot if done properly,
and rotate for the desired effect. Ordinarily, the man thrusts his penis in and out during sexual
The woman can be face up or face down, If she is face up, your thumb intercourse, To affect the X-tasy Spot, he must make love differently.
can stimulate the clitoris, Squeezing the pubic bone with a finger In the Horizontal Slide Technique, the penis is thrust deep inside the
stimulates the G-spot while the other three fingers work on the X-tasy woman's vagina; then a horizontal sliding motion by the man, forward-
Spot. backward, causes the penis to bend up and down, bumping the cervix
back and forth.

Face Down, Manual Stimulation

Face down, the pinkie finger manipulates the clitoris, The ring finger
pummels the G-spot, the middle and index fingers work the X-tasy Start by putting your wife on her stomach, face down, (You may want
Spot, and the thumb can probe the anus. to start this position with her kneeling instead.) Enter your wife's
vagina from behind her, either kneeling or lying on top of her, once
you have deep penetration, you then slide up toward her head and back
toward her feet. You keep your body straight, not pumping with your
hips in the ordinary way. At the same time, angle your wife's buttocks
up as far as you can. A pillow placed under her hips can help. This is a
pleasant position because you can caress her breasts or clitoris from
For more power, push off with your hands from under her shoulders to
slide toward her feet, and with her knees bent, put your heels behind
her knees to slide toward her head.
You only need to slide up and down horizontally while your wife
adjusts the angle. A pillow will help her hold the angle once she has
found it. This way, you are in the power and speed position, while she
fine-tunes the angle herself to put all your effort in just the right spot.
X-tasy Spot Horizontal Slide Technique

Start out with the woman kneeling with her hands on the bed. The
Penis bends down, rubs across end of cervix to the maximum up
man kneels behind and enters vagina from behind. Once in, he slides
position. In the maximum down position, penis is on top of cervix.
back and forth, not in and out.

To slide horizontally, push with legs by locking heels behind her

knees; to slide down, push with arms at her shoulders.
This is a great penetration angle. He can hold her hips and bring her
in deeper. The man has lots of control and leverage in this position.

Sliding motion causes penis to bend up and down. As the penis pivots
on the man, it bumps the cervix back and forth causing a full feeling
for her.

The man has access to her breasts and clitoris in this position.
Male from behind:
There are a variety of positions you can use during one session of
lovemaking that hit the X-tasy Spot. Ladies do not have to move much
to experience an explosive orgasm from an X-tasy Spot rub.
The Best X-tasy Spot Rub Position
Softcopy Copyright 1999 by Jetex Publishing Company.
Notice the pillow under her hips to access the right angle.
All rights reserved. Except for appropriate use in critical reviews or
works of scholarship, the reproduction or use of this work in any form
or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means now known or
hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, and in any
information storage and retrieval system is forbidden without written
permission of the author.

Inquiries should be addressed to:

JETEX Publishing Company
P.O. Box 388067, Dept. 404
Chicago, IL 60638

e-mail: Debbie@XspotOrgasm.com
Website: http://www.XspotOrgasm.com

Elbows on bed, pillow under hips. Knees are bent, legs up, and head is
facing forward and up.

NOT in and out (below).

DO NOT push in, then withdraw half-way, then push in again. Once
in, keep contact with the penis on the cervix ie. X-spot.
By Sexpert Debbie Tideman

Hidden Flavor TV Fan

A delicious game to be played nude. Put some flavored lip gloss, A game for those avid television viewers. See who can arouse their
vanilla, or honey somewhere on your body. Place it in a hard-to-find partner the most during a commercial break and see how many
spot like behind your ear, the small of your back, or ankle bone. Now commercials it takes before you shut the TV off.
challenge your woman to find it. She will have to lick and caress you
with her tongue until she tastes it. Now it is your turn in this
tantalizing game to find it on her body. If you want to keep score,
time it to see who discovers the flavor in the shortest time.

Making Bets

Instead of betting money, it's more exciting to bet the exchange of

Salt Bath
sexual favors. I mean this in a very lighthearted way. Make a bet and
whoever wins gets his or her favorite sexual position or the lucky
Great for a terrific sauna-type effect. Beauty magazines suggest winner receives a special night to be pampered and make the
adding salt to your bath water in the interest of health. Your spouse lovemaking decisions. You make like to bet a half-hour massage with
can also join the fun. Put about three sheets and two blankets on the hot oils and the works.
bed beforehand. Add at least two pounds of regular table salt to the
steaming hot water. Both of you get into the bath and come out when
you start feeling faint. Go directly to the bedroom and roll up in the
blankets together.

Soon you will feel a warm sensation flow over your body, making
your skin tingle. The two of you should start perspiring at the same

If you choose to make love at this time, you will experience a sensual
experience as you both slide up and down on each other's wet and
slippery body.
Water Games Alien Fantasy

There are lots of games you can play in the bath or shower. Pretend your partner is an alien from space and you want to have
Here are just a few examples: sex but she doesn't know how. You have to take her by the hand
and teach her everything since she has no previous knowledge.
- Buy some colored soap crayons (sold for children's bath Next time, you be the alien, and she will show you what turns her
time) and use them to color your lover. on.
- Spray crazy soap foam all over each other's body and rub-a-
- Use the water stream from the faucet or a shower massage
attachment to give each other a climax in the tub.

Softcopy Copyright 1999 by Jetex Publishing Company.

All rights reserved. Except for appropriate use in critical reviews

or works of scholarship, the reproduction or use of this work in
any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means now
known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and
recording, and in any information storage and retrieval system is
forbidden without written permission of the author.

Inquiries should be addressed to:

JETEX Publishing Company
P.O. Box 388067, Dept. 404
Chicago, IL 60638

e-mail: Debbie@XspotOrgasm.com
Website: http://www.XspotOrgasm.com
By Sexpert Debbie Tideman

1) Lick their belly button.

2) Write a sexy note.
3) Give a bouquet of flower.
4) Give a coupon for "ONE FREE, NO OBLIGATION ORGASM".
5) Rub their feet, especially the sensitive part between the toes.
6) Men, present her with gift of sexy crotchless panties at a public place. Women, let him know (while at a restaurant or
other public place) that you are wearing crotchless panties.
7) Give your partner a facial. (they now make one that gets hot when you apply it).
8) Kiss, suck, and nibble on their nipples.
9) Each of you put a different flavor lifesavers in your mouth, then exchange flavors (NO HANDS).
10) Get a can of shaving cream, rub it over each others body in the shower.
11) Buy glow-in-the-dark lipstick (Available around Halloween) Make designs and write a message on your body for your
lover. Turn off the lights, and turn each other on.
12) Wear only a hat, and boots, or glove and sunglasses, while making love.
13) Take your finger (palm upward) and lightly rub the ridges of your partner's mouth.
14) Think of 101 different things to do with a cucumber.
15) Buy plastic sheets or even a plastic drop cloth, to lay over the bed or floor. Then each get a bottle of baby oil, start
squirting .
16) Cover bed with rose petals for a romantic evening.
17) Light as many candles as you can for a warm glow.
18) Make love in a car (Even if it's parked in your own driveway).
19) For an exotic mood light incense.
20) While showering together she can wear a white T-shirt.
21) Make love in front of a mirror.
22) Right before your lover climaxes, put ice on their sensitive parts.
23) Make love on the kitchen counter, dining room table, or on the washing machine during the spin cycle.
24) Both wear silk underwear.
25) For her wear fishnet hose. For him fishnet briefs.
26) Fill the bedroom with balloons that say "I Love You".
27) Put a note in your partner purse, lunch, or briefcase, with a note saying, "Can't wait...."
28) Write "I Love You" in sand or snow.
29) Buy a one of those fabric marking pens with disappearing ink and write "Lets Make Love" boldly on a T-shirt.
30) Use three vibrators at once.
31) Use a black-light bulb in your nightstand lamp, for a sexy glow.
32) Go down on your partner while they are looking out the window.
33) Figure out 101 different ways to kiss.
34) Pinch their rear-end unexpectedly.
35) Fake an orgasm in their ear during a commercial.
36) Turn off the lights in the bedroom, turn on a flashlight and shine it on their private parts as you kiss and caress them.
37) Wake your lover up by going down on them.
38) Make love outside (Even if it's your own yard).
39) Give your/his penis a pet name.
40) Make love hanging form the ceiling in a Taiwan basket, or Love Swing.
41) Around Christmas time, hang tinsel on your naked body.
42) Eat a juicy peach or plum together, one person biting from one side, as the other bites the other side simultaneously.
43) She can brush her hair up and down his naked body.
44) Write a sexy note with lipstick on the bathroom mirror.
45) He can slowly remove her panties with his teeth.
46) She can try to open his fly with her mouth.
47) Flutter your eyelashes on their cheek.
48) Kiss them and say "I Love You" 50 times.
49) Do a photo shoot, with a Polaroid camera, for an instant picture just the two of you will see.
50) Wear edible underwear.
51) Lick their eyelashes.
52) Write "I Love You" in several different languages.
53) Lick their ear, and gently blow in and out.
54) Put a curiously strong peppermint in your mouth, before going down on them.
55) Pick a day to wear very old clothes, when you meet go wild on each other, tearing each other's clothes off.
56) Write a short erotic story for your partner.
57) Gather up some silk scarves and rub them over each other.
58) Give your honey a gift certificate for a professional massage.
59) Join the mile high club (make love in an airplane).
60) Tickle each other with feathers.
61) Use a blindfold during foreplay.
62) Make love in a sleeping bag or tent.
63) Make love outside in the rain on a warm night.
64) Women wear a pair of clip on earrings on your nipples.
65) Put body glitter on before a sexy dance.
66) Engrave or write a sexy message on the inside of their belt.
67) Find her G spot!
68) Women wear a figure enhancing push-up bra.
69) Spray a can of whip cream on each other bodies and lick it off.
70) Agree ahead of time to be sexual uninhibited, dress up, behave out of character (basically try something new).
71) Trim each other's pubic hair.
72) Send a bouquet of flowers to your Mother-In-Law.
73) Take gelatin tablets and pretend they're aphrodisiacs - go wild on each other.
74) Play a game of strip poker.
75) Print out the Totally Free Sex Game, available from www.HowToHaveGreatSex.com and enjoy a night of hot wild
76) Rub fur on each other's bodies.
77) Go for a walk in the moonlight - kiss in the moonlight.
78) Drop a tail of sexy underwear leading to the bedroom.
79) Make love on a hammock.
80) Make love in various positions with a bright light shining on you so you can make shadow pictures on the wall.
81) Women, go somewhere formal and tell him you forgot to wear your panties.
82) Find HIS G Spot!
83) While your sweetheart is taking a bath, walk into the bathroom, to bring an extra towel. Then jump into the tub
(clothes and all) and start kissing them.
84) Flash your partner expectedly.
85) Make up a secret code name for making love.
86) Have phone sex with each other.
87) Add one drop of menthol to 6 oz of lubricant, for a HOT TIME.
88) Take your partner by the hand and show them what turns you on.
89) Take an ad out in the personal, telling your baby that you love them.
90) While celebrating, save some champagne to pour onto each other bodies and lick it off. Or dip his penis in a glass of
91) Buy flavored Emotion Lotion. Pour some on their back and rub it so it gets warm. When you blow on it, it gets hot.
May be used as a lubricant also.
92) Cut out heart shapes from dried roll-up fruit you buy at the supermarket. When you wet them, they will stick to your
body like a fun, edible tattoo.
93) Buy matching pajamas for the two of you.
94) Take a long bubble bath together.
95) Gently bite the back of their neck.
96) Spend time together relaxing in a Hot Tub.
97) Women cup your breast in your hand and rub your nipples across his face, chest, stomach, and legs. Use nothing but
your nipples to caress him all over.
98) Do a striptease for your honey.
99) Stop at a instant photo booth in the mall, have your man stand guard outside, and unbutton your blouse and give your
sexiest centerfold look. Boy, will he be surprised at what develops.
100) After taking a shower together, use the feather applicator to apply edible Honey Dust to your lover's body. Then
slowly lick it off of them.
101) If you see a machine that will make a medallion, (like at 50's diners) make one that says Good For One Free Orgasm!

Softcopy Copyright 1999 and revised 2003 by Jetex Publishing Company.

All rights reserved. Except for appropriate use in critical reviews or works of scholarship, the reproduction or use of this
work in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means now known or hereafter invented, including
photocopying and recording, and in any information storage and retrieval system is forbidden without written permission
of the author.

Inquiries should be addressed to:

JETEX Publishing Company
P.O. Box 388067, Dept. 404
Chicago, IL 60638

e-mail: Debbie@XspotOrgasm.com
Website: http://www.XspotOrgasm.com

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