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- provides an interface between the application and the screen
- has four states
o active
o paused
o stopped
o destroyed

- transfers data between activities or other applications
- intents can be returned to the activity that origionally sent the intent
with the
onActivityResult and setResult methods

- a pop-up message that is useful for notifying the user of a change or

Saving States
- uses Bundle objects to temporarly store data
- onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState
- Bundle
o contains name / value pairs

Storing Data Longterm

- SQLite
o used for large data sets
- SharedPreferences
o used to save smaller sets of data
o Editor - used to make changes to that activities preferences

- defined as the UI
- typically defined in XML to separate presentation from implementation
- defined in code with the setContentView method

ListView / ScrollView / GridView

- extend ViewGroup
- allow dynamically displaying data
- use adapters

- means a bunch of different things
- in development widgets are used in the presentation layer as buttons,
textboxes, ext.

- define the look of the presentation layer
- xml resource file

- a style applied to an activity or a whole application
- use the AndroidManifest.xml file
- removing the title bar is done with themes
- themes change between versions so using version specific values folders is

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