Conversation 1: 2Nd Partial Oral Exam

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Hello my name is Mauricio Fernandez

I am a student of level 6 of the English class of section 1201

Next we will have a conversation with Ivin Cáceres

Conversation 1

Mauricio: Hey, good to see you. I see you’re still doing Zumba

Ivin: Oh, yeah.

Mauricio: How long have you been doing that?

About three years?

Ivin: Well, Actually, for five years now.

Mauricio: Excellent that is awesome

Conversation 2

Ivin: Well, Have you seen the movie that just released?

Mauricio: I've heard good things about The mummy, that's what you mean?

Ivin: Yes, but I have not seen it yet.

Mauricio: Do you like that kind of suspense movie?

Ivin: Yes, I like that kind of movies.

Mauricio: Would you like to go to the movie theater with me?

Ivin: Yes, Sure.

Conversation 3

Mauricio: Excuse me, I was wondering if you still have tickets for the mummy?

Maria: Sure, let me check mmm We have ticket for 5:00, Would you like that schedule?
Mauricio: We would like to know if there is a tickets for 4:00?

Maria: Oh no, I’m Sorry but we don’t have for that time.

Mauricio: Oh, no problem, we'll come back another day.

Conversation 4 Another day

Mauricio: Hello Ivin, how are you today?

Ivin: Hello Mauricio, I'm fine and you?

Mauricio: Well, I’m a little surprised. Do you remember Mario?

Ivin: Yes, what happened with Mario?

Mauricio: Well he just graduated from the University with only 20 years!

Ivin: Seriously, He must be a genius.

Mauricio: Although he cannot be more than 20 years old.

Ivin: If that's what I think, maybe it's a another Mario.

Mauricio: Could be.

Conversation 5

Mauricio: You will not believe what happened yesterday!

Ivin: What happened?

Mauricio: I had a confused moment.

Ivin: Tell me about it?

Mauricio: Well, someone say Hello to me and I don’t remember who was her. Was very
confused to me.

Ivin: Oh no, that's Funny, Do you remember Know?

Mauricio: No, I don’t still remember.

Conversation 6

Ivin: Did I mention you that I’m learning to play the guitar?

Mauricio: Seriously, that must be fun.

Ivin: Yes, it is very interesting to be able to play guitar

Mauricio: Well, that must be good for stress.

Conversation 7

Ivin: Yes, I was seeing in the news that they said that being able to learn to play an
instrument help to reduce stress.

Mauricio: Seriously, Well I need to learn to play an instrument.

Ivin: What kind of instrument would you like to learn to play?

Mauricio: I would like to play piano, to play the Mozart Song.

Ivin: That would be excellent, so you could play Requiem by Mozart

Conversation 8

Mauricio: I also saw on the news about the weather , and it’s going to be rainy.

Ivin: Seriously, I heard that it was going to be Sunny.

Mauricio: No, there are places where it rains a lot and there is damage.

Conversation 9

Ivin: Did you hear about the tornado that passed through Guatemala yesterday?

Mauricio: Really? I haven’t heard about it.

Ivan: Well, I heard from the news that said that.

Mauricio: Oh no How terrible, The rain started, we better go home.

Ivin: Yes, see you later.

Mauricio: Thanks you Ivin, See you letter, maybe an another day We can talk about it.
Ivin: Bye See you.

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