Pilsen Footbridge

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Case Study

Pilsen Footbridge

 Analysis and assessment of the behaviour of a dynamically sensitive footbridge

 Pedestrian load modelling to EN 1991-2 (Draft version)
 Optimisation and installation of a tuned mass damper for pedestrian comfort

Pontex Consulting Engineers Ltd. used LUSAS Bridge to assist with its analysis and assessment
of the dynamic behaviour of a slender decked, steel cable stayed bridge on behalf of the Roads
and Motorways Directorate of the Czech Republic. Finite element analysis and dynamic loading
tests showed that the structure was susceptible to pedestrian loading, and especially by
vandalism, meaning that an energy dissipation device needed to be installed. After the design and
installation of a tuned mass damper a second dynamic loading testwas carried out, proving the
effectiveness of the installed unit.

Pilsen Footbridge is a cable stayed footbridge that
spans around 65m across the D5 motorway near
Plzen in the Czech Republic. The steel box girder
deck is supported by three pairs of 40mm diameter
fore-stays anchored into a 24m high, steel pylon
which, in turn, is anchored by three pairs of 50mm
diameter back stays into a substantial piled
concrete foundation. The pylon has a ball and
socket joint at its base. The box girder is supported
by articulated steel bearings. During tender design
(by others) a tuned mass damper was seen to be
necessary. Final detailed design saw some re-
design to parts of the bridge but it remained very
dynamically sensitive to live load, showing that
some form of passive damping was still required.

Schematic elevation of footbridge

Modelling with LUSAS

A 3D model was created in LUSAS to examine the dynamic behaviour of the structure. Beam elements
represented the deck and pylon members and bar elements modelled the cables. From the LUSAS
analysis natural frequencies and mode shapes for the structure were obtained and the first two modes in
the vertical direction were found to be within a specified problematic range. As a result a pedestrian
loading assessment was carried out based on a draft copy of EN1991-2. This involved assessing three
pedestrian loading situations:

 A group of pedestrians modelled by a pulsating single force. (Loading type 1)

 A constant stream of pedestrians modelled by a pulsating constant uniform load (Loading type 2)
 Vandalism where a group of ten people are effectively jumping up and down together at
problematic frequencies. (Loading type 3)
Two models of the footbridge, one without a tuned mass damper, and one with, were created and an
optimisation of TMD parameters was carried out. Dynamic response of the structure was investigated
using the modal superposition method involving step-by-step analysis.

1st vertical bending mode (without a TMD installed). 2nd vertical bending mode (without a TMD installed).
Natural frequency = 1.33 Hz Natural frequency = 2.93 Hz

Calculated dynamic responses to pedestrian loading

Welded steel structures generally have very low damping. A viscous damping ratio of 0.5% was therefore
used for all mode shapes in the dynamic analysis. For pedestrian comfort, and in addition to having to
meet specified displacement criteria, an acceleration comfort value of less than 0.7m/s2 had to be met.
From LUSAS analyses of the three pedestrian loading types it was seen that this value was greatly
exceeded by the group of pedestrian loading (1.8m/s 2), let alone a moving stream of people (11m/s2), so
the installation of a tuned mass damper was chosen as the best solution to reduce the structural
Displacement response from a group and flow (stream) of Acceleration response from a group and flow (stream) of pedestrians
pedestrians (loading types 1 and 2) (loading types 1 and 2)

Acceleration response from vandalism loading Summary of maximum accelerations and displacements for
(loading type 3) pedestrian loading types 1,2 3 and 3

Tuned Mass Damper assessment

A LUSAS analysis to assess the installation of a

tuned mass damper was carried out using TMD
parameters that were chosen according to
Bachmann and Weber (1995). This resulted in a
modal mass of 2 tonnes being used along with a
frequency of 0.95 of the natural frequency of the
structure that was to be damped. The results
showed that vertical acceleration at the critical
location in the deck would be reduced to just
0.1m/s2 for the pedestrian group loading and
0.56m/s2 for the flow (stream) of pedestrians.
Acceleration response due to vandalism was
similarly reduced to a value of 0.5m/s2, satisfying
this particular comfort criteria. Maximum vertical
displacement values were also substantially
Calculated acceleration response from vandalism loading
reduced. The maximum displacement caused by a (with a TMD installed)
flow of pedestrians, for example, reduced from
158mm to just 6mm.

In Situ Dynamic Loading Tests

After the final construction works had been carried out the bridge was subjected to an in situ dynamic
loading test. The aim was to measure the natural frequencies, derive mode shapes, evaluate the
response of the structure to different types of human loading and assess initial damping requirements. A
variety of walking, swaying and running loadcases were undertaken at critical frequencies of the first and
second vertical bending modes and this included a vandalism case of ten people swaying at the location
where the displacement in the deck would be greatest for the first vertical bending mode. Measured
results were compared against those calculated by LUSAS and found to be in good agreement. At the
time of this first loading test the mass of the real footbridge was less than the mass of the LUSAS models
but allowance was made for this in the final design of the TMD.
The installed tuned mass damper parameters were based upon the results of the first in situ dynamic
loading test and on Pontex Ltd’s stated requirements. Four viscous dampers with a combined damping
value of 1500Ns/m were employed in a pair of units that were located inside the deck 30.6m from the end
furthest from the pylon.

Tuned Mass Damper installation

Following the installation of the TMD the same dynamic pedestrian loading as used on the first test was
carried out on the footbridge. Measurements showed that, with the TMD fitted and for the critical case of
deliberate vandalism, the acceleration in the deck was reduced to just one-tenth of its previous value.

Measured response of the deck to vandalism loading (without and with TMD installed)
Completed structure

"By using LUSAS we obtained a good correlation of the measured frequencies and
successfully designed and tested a tuned mass damper to restrict deck movement for all
the pedestrian loadings that were considered."

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