Rankin Dispatch January 2018

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ROUGH The Sons of Confederate Veterans – Camp 265



Home of the Rankin Rough & Ready’s – Brandon, Mississippi

Commander’s Report
I pray that everyone had a Merry Christmas and that you will
have best New Year Ever!
Our speaker this month is one of our own members.
Mr. Lynn Gaskin will present a program on weapons used in
the Civil War and will have them available to show!
Please remember to bring $13.50 in cash to pay for the
buffet! We have new members to welcome, upcoming events
to discuss, and much more. If you have any ideas on how to
improve the camp, any questions, comments, or input, bring
them to the meeting.
We will have a grand kick off to the 2018 year! So
come early, bring someone with you, and as sure as we will
only get out of this year, what we put into it, I will probably see
you at our next meeting on January 6th, 2018 at the Bass Pro
Shop! The OCR meeting starts at 5:00pm and SCV meeting
starts at 7:00pm. – Tim Cupit

Meeting Agenda for November 4th:

Agenda For January 6th, 2018 Meeting
- Open with prayer at 7pm sharp
- Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag and salutes led by
2nd Lt. Commander Tom Lilly
- Trivia by Ralph Smitherman
- Guest Speaker – Lynn Gaskin: Topic: Weapons – Q&A

Unfinished Business
- Adopt minutes from Dec 9th meeting. Motion, 2nd, discussion, Vote.
- www.scv265.com and Facebook stats from Chris Merck
- 1st Thursday Coin Club by Ed Lofton, Brandon Library at 6:30pm Toy Run with the SCV–Mech Cav!
- OCR Report by Brandi Gray On Sunday December 17th, members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans –
- Kroger card program by Chuck Gray Mechanized Cavalry joined forces for the John Sandifer/Doug Jones Memorial
- Scholarship Program – Chuck Gray: Read, motion to accept as read, Christmas Toy Run. The ride started at Trustmark Park Stadium in Pearl, and
second, discussion, vote. ended at the Jackson Harley Davidson dealership on I-55 South in Jackson. The
- Nametags – Comments – Hang them on rack before leaving. procession was led by six vans full of children, everyone enjoyed a cookout and
- Did everyone receive their membership cards? some good food courtesy of the Jim Eddy Cooking Team, and most importantly
gifts were handed out amongst the children!
New Business
- February 3rd meeting at Penn’s
- Division Reunion Committee Meeting at Penn’s on Jan. 27th at 3pm
Keep up with what’s happening in and around Camp
- New Members
- Initiative 62 265 by checking out the official
- We will be marching in the Dixie National Parade on Feb 10th, 2017 Rankin Rough & Ready’s Facebook page!
- Did everyone sign in?
- Does everyone have a door prize ticket? http://www.facebook.com/scv265
- Door prizes
- Open floor
- Close meeting with prayer at approximately 8:30pm
- Please leave $1.00 for the girls who clean up behind us! Commander’s Quote:
“If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way.
If not- you’ll find an excuse.”
by Tom Fortenberry by Charles Lewis

“My trust is in the mercy and wisdom of a kind Providence, who ordereth all
things for good.” – Robert E. Lee

A Soldier’s Prayer Our camp had a very successful year! Camp 265 2017 Recap:
January- Swore in new officers, and attended the Lee, Jackson Banquet in
The other day as I was searching the web for some of my folks from Forrest MS.
way back. I happened to find the names of Jacob and Frances M. February- Marched in the Dixie National Rodeo Parade and helped the
Biffle. Having known before hand that both of these men were my Brandon Garden Club with their annual fund raiser.
March - Attended 4th Brigade picnic.
ancestors. Jacob Biffle Sr. having served in the first war for April- Helped with Memorial Services in Brandon, Jackson, Forrest, and
independence in 1776, later moved to Hampshire, Tennessee after the Vicksburg for Confederate History Month. Work day at McWilliam's house..
war from North Carolina. May- Trail of Honor ( turkey shoot )
June- Attended Division Reunion and hosted Relic Show.
In 1861-1865 Jacob Biffle’s son Frances Biffle, my Great grand July- Breakfast with the Blue; appreciation breakfast with the Richland Police
father on my mom’s side, served with the 9th Tennessee Cavalry
September- Set up a recruiting and information booth at Pelahatchie Day.
during the War of Aggression or Second War for Independence , with October- Moved meeting room to Bass Pro and set up turkey shoot at Fall
a whole slew of Biffle kin who joined up to fight. It seems that Muster at Beauvoir.
walking in the Biffle family was distasteful to the fact that all of November- Camp Moore Reenactment and food drive for Loving Hands Food
them, some two dozen all joined the cavalry. I also joined the Pantry in Florence, MS.
cavalry, armored cavalry in 1976. Like most families, my family December- Marched in Clinton Christmas Parade and participated in the V. A.
Christmas Shoppe.
likes to set around and tell stories on each other, laugh, grin a lot, cry Other- Quarterly trash pickup and work at Rodney Church.
as little as possible, and mourn when times require.
We had an informal meeting at Penn's on Saturday December 9th. We
Jacob and Frances Biffle rest now as many soldiers who fought for discussed jobs (other than elected officers) that need to be filled in order for
what they believed and lived. The following poem, unknown date, the camp to be successful. Some have been spoken for, but the others need to
carried down by the family: be filled. If you are willing to help with the below job list, contact Tim. Listed
below are the camp jobs that need to be filled. I encourage each of you to take
on one of them. It is a great way to become more involved with the camp and
Tread lightly, ‘tis a soldiers grave, its activities.
A lonely, mossy mound;
And yet to hearts like mine and thine Camp Jobs:
It should be holy ground. Help with 2018 Civil War Relic Show
Collect signatures for Initiative 62
Speak solitude, let no careless laugh,
Sign in form- Butch Kuriger and Bo Pitts
No idle, thoughtless jest Name tags- Lynn Gaskin and _________
Escape your lips where sweetly sleeps Door prize tickets- Butch Kuriger and Bo Pitts.
The hero in his rest. Recording Officer / minute taker _____________
For him no reveille will beat Meeting room set up (3 pm)- Bill Kuriger
When morning beams shall come; Sound System __________
Photographer / Videographer ______________
For him, at night, no tattoo Coffee at meetings _____________
Rolls it’s thunders from the drum. Meeting Cheat sheets - Tom Fortenberry & ___
Tread lightly for a man bequeathed Greeter (need 2) _______________
Ere laid beneath this sod. Money collector (meals at meeting) - Richard Evans
His ashes to his native land, Genealogist - Robert Myers & Chuck Gray
His gallant soul to God. Parliamentarian- Ralph Smitherman
Grant Writer __________
Communication Officer ___________
– Pearl Rivers Camp Scrapbook Creator - Ian Powell
Newsletter Editor- Michael Wade
I relate this story in remembrance to the service of my family and Newsletter mailer ( fold, tape, label, sort by zip code & deliver 225 newsletters
your own families who have served during times of need. to P. O.)__
Publicity Officer _________
Webmaster- Chris Merck and Chuck Gray
Today as we approach a new year may we draw closer together in the Facebook- Chris Merck and Chuck Gray
rededication of our faith to God and to each other to up hold in truth Event Officer__________
the cause we for which we stand. Fundraiser ( should be everyone) ___________
Call 25 members each month_____________
God Bless, Chuck Gray and Bo Pitts are heading the 2019 Reunion

Committee. Give them all the support you can. We discussed T-shirt designs
– Thomas Fortenberry, Chaplain Camp 265 and Polo shirt designs. No decision made. Between the SCV and OCR we had
20 members participate in the December 9th V.A. Christmas Shoppe. It was an
honor and privilege to give back to these veterans in a small way.

Be sure and support Amazon Smile, Pay Pal, and Kroger as they donate to the
Please help us support our camp a percentage of your purchases. Contact Chuck Gray or Chris Merck to
Wounded Warriors of Mississippi sign you up for these programs. If you are a new member (SCV) and have not
received your certificate please attend an upcoming meeting to receive it.
by visiting their web page at: –Charles Lewis, Adjutant
Members from Mary Ann Forrest and Camp #265 participated in the Christmas Shoppe at the G.V. “Sonny” Montgomery VA hospital in Jackson on December
9th, 2017. Items such as blankets, socks, jewelry and perfumes were donated and setup on tables. Hospitalized Veterans that were not able to do any Christmas
shopping for their loved ones, were encouraged to choose items for free as gifts for their families. It was an awesome opportunity to give back to those who
gave so much!

Mary Ann Forrest Chapter

of the Order of Confederate Rose
We had a great time last month doing our various
projects with the VA Christmas Shoppe! We are ready
for a great New Year in 2018 with many great things
happening! I’m so thankful for our host Camp 265 and
can’t wait to see what this year has in store for us!
Working together has accomplished many great things
and we plan to continue. Happy New Year from all of us
at the MaryAnn Forrest Order of Confederate Rose!

For more information on the Mary Ann Forrest Chapter of

the Order of Confederate Rose, or to become a member,
please visit them online at www.maryannforrestocr.com

You can also visit them on Facebook at:


Mary Ann Forrest President Brandi Gray assists a Veteran do a little

Christmas shopping for his family.

For more information about SCV Camp 265,

the Rankin Rough & Ready’s, visit us online at:


Civil War relic show in Franklin, Tennessee.

2018 Civil War Relic Show Update

On December 2nd & 3rd, Commander Tim Cupit traveled to a Civil War Relic Show in Franklin, Tennessee to solicit vendors and
promote the Brandon Civil War Relic Show in 2018. As of December 11th, 2017 we have sold 125 tables for our Relic Show! We have
mailed out 600 Christmas cards with registration forms to our vendors. We are currently working on the design for our 4”x12” flier and
our ad for the newspapers.

We need to find people willing to do a LIVING HISTORY at our Relic Show. Please keep that in mind and spread the word! We also
need help raising money by selling ads in our newsletter or soliciting donations. Any help with this endeavor would be greatly
appreciated by all of us at Camp 265. We have sponsor sheets to use when selling ads with photos of activities our camp has done in the
community, an explanation of how their donation will be used, and information for them regarding a tax write off.

Remember: if you ask, you may be told no, but if you never ask- you’ll never be told yes!

Please make plans to attend the 2018 Civil War Relic Show and help us make it a success!
The Sons of Confederate Veterans
Camp #265


317 Lake Heather Road BRANDON, MS
Brandon, MS 39047 PERMIT NO. 265

Our next meeting is November 4th

at Bass Pro Shops in Pearl at 7:00pm.
Come early!

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