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University of the Philippines

College of Science

Physics 71
Set A
Second Long Exam
First Semester, AY 2015–2016

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Second Long Exam First Semester, AY 2015–2016 Physics 71

Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer to each of the following questions. Use
Mongol 2 pencil only to shade your answer to the exam. To change your answer, erase neatly
your old answer and simply shade the new one. Any form of cheating in examinations or any
act of dishonesty in relation to studies, such as plagiarism, shall be subject to disciplinary
action. Following instructions is part of the examination.

1. Parallel Universe. An object was displaced by a position-dependent force. In universe

I, the force is a piece-wise function of position, while in universe II, the force is a linear
function of position. Which is the correct relationship between F1 and F2 so that the net
work done in I is equal to that of II?

A. F1 = F2 C. F1 = 2F2
B. 2F1 = F2 D. 2F1 = −F2

Second Long Exam First Semester, AY 2015–2016 Physics 71

2. Bayan o Sarili. Bayan and Sarili pushed a crate from the x = 0 to x = +3.00 [m]ı̂ along
the horizontal frictionless surface. From the x = 0 to x = +2.00 [m]ı̂, Bayan pushed it
with a constant force +FB ı̂. Sarili replaced Bayan and applied a constant force magnitude
FS on the crate from x = +2.00 [m]ı̂ to x = +3.00 [m]ı̂. Sarili can choose to push the crate
with a force of either negative or positive direction, with the corresponding ∆K shown
in the table:

Table 1: Sarili’s push

Direction of FS ∆K of the crate from x = 0 to x = +3.00 [m]ı̂
Negative x-direction zero
Positive x-direction +12.0 [J]

What is the magnitude of FB ? Mamili ka!

A. 3.00 [N] B. 4.00 [N] C. 5.00 [N] D. 6.00 [N]

3. Knight of the horse. A box is pulled at the constant ve-

locity by a horse as shown in the figure. For 90.0 [mins],
the horse provides a constant power rating of 10.8 [W].
If the kinetic friction between the box and the ground is
11.8 [N], what is the speed of the box?

A. 1.37 [m/s] C. 9.15 × 10−1 [m/s]

B. 6.10 × 10−1 [m/s] D. 1.02 × 10−2 [m/s]

4. TWork It Like Miley. A block of weight w slides down a

rough inclined plane of angle θ. A constant frictional force
fk acts on the block so that it moves at a constant velocity v
down the incline. What is the total work done on the block
as it descends a height h down the incline?

A. Wtot = 0 C. Wtot = (w cos θ − fk )v

B. Wtot = (w cos θ − fk )h D. Wtot = (w cos θ − fk )h sec θ

Second Long Exam First Semester, AY 2015–2016 Physics 71

5. That product. What is the scalar product of vectors A and B, if A = Xı̂ + Y ̂ and
B = Y ı̂ − X ̂?

A. X 2 − Y 2 C. 2XY
B. XY ı̂ − Y X ̂ D. zero

6. ArtWork. A painting is moved from point A to point B at a distance of 10.0 [m]. It is

applied by an external constant force of 2.00 [N]. If the angle between the external force
and the displacement is 60.0◦ , what is the work done on the painting by an external

A. 10.0 [J] B. 17.3 [J] C. 20.0 [J] D. 34.6 [J]

For the next two items, consider a box of mass 15 [kg],

that is attached to the spring with k = 550 [N/m] and
initially at rest at point P on a frictionless horizontal
surface. It is then pushed by a constant force F.

7. For starBOX lovers. The speed of the box is 1.5 [m/s] after the spring is compressed by
some distance x. What is the work done by the constant force F if the work done by the
spring on the box is −28 [J]?

A. 17 [J] B. 28 [J] C. 30 [J] D. 45 [J]

8. For starBOX lovers 2.0. Suppose the box reaches the maximum compression of the
spring, what is the work done by the constant force F if the work done by the spring on
the box at maximum compression is −64 [J]?

A. zero B. 32 [J] C. 64 [J] D. 128 [J]

9. You had me at my best. Which of the following combination of spring’s constant and
maximum compression is best suited for providing speed of 25.0 [m/s] on a 7.20 [kg]
block in an horizontal, frictionless table?
A. k = 1.80 × 103 [N/m] ; x = 0.050 [m]
B. k = 1.80 × 103 [N/m] ; x = 0.500 [m]
C. k = 1.80 × 104 [N/m] ; x = 0.050 [m]
D. k = 1.80 × 104 [N/m] ; x = 0.500 [m]

Second Long Exam First Semester, AY 2015–2016 Physics 71

10. And you chose to break my heart. Consider a heart made of glass
compressed by a spring by distance d with spring0 s constant of k.
If the glass and spring is placed above a horizontal frictionless
table of height h, what is the speed of the glass when it reaches
elevation of h/3?

r r
k 2 2 k 2 1
A. v = d + gh C. v = d + gh
m 3 m 3
r r
k 2 4 k 2
B. v = d + gh D. v = d + 2gh
m 3 m

11. Pyramid. As part of their routine, a cheerleader is raised from the ground to the top of
their pyramid, 10.0 [m] above ground. What is the work done by gravity on the cheerleader
if her mass is 50.0 [kg]?

A. +4.90 × 103 [J] C. +5.00 × 102 [J]

B. −4.90 × 103 [J] D. −5.00 × 102 [J]

12. Liberated. Which of the following statements is TRUE when a non-conservative force
acts on a system?
I. The total mechanical energy of the system is not conserved.
II. The total work done on the particle is zero when it returned to it’s original position.
III. The process is path independent.

A. I only C. II and III only

B. I and II only D. I, II, and III

13. Bato-bato sa langit. Stone A (mass mA ) is thrown from point P at the top of the cliff,
with an initial speed of v0A at an angle θA above the horizontal. Also, from point P, stone
B (mass mB ) is thrown with an initial speed of v0B at an angle θB below the horizontal.
Neglecting air resistance, which of the following is ALWAYS TRUE about v0A and v0B if
the two stones hit the ground with the same final speed?

A. v0A = v0B C. v0A sin θA = v0B sin θB

B. v0A < v0B D. v0A sin θA < v0B sin θB

Second Long Exam First Semester, AY 2015–2016 Physics 71

14. More Work. If you performed work W in compressing a spring by a certain displacement
from equilibrium x, how much more work will you need to compress it further from x to

A. W B. 2W C. 3W D. 4W

For the next two items, consider a particle that is moving in the x-direction. The particle is
then acted on by a single conservative force with the following potential energy function. The
total mechanical energy of the particles is represented by the horizontal dashed line.

15. True or False. If the particle is released from rest at A,

which of the following statement/s is/are TRUE?
I. C, E and F are the stable equilibrium points.
II. It has the highest kinetic energy at point C and the
lowest kinetic energy at point A and G.
III. It has a positive acceleration at point B.

A. II only C. I and III only

B. I and II only D. II and III only

16. May the FORCE be with you. Which of the following correctly describes the force at
point G?

A. |FG | = |FE | C. FG > 0

B. |FG | < |FE | D. FG < 0

17. Impulsive-Compulsive. The force versus time plots are shown in the figure. The force
and the time in the plots are in Newtons and seconds, respectively. Which of the choices is
the correct ordering from the smallest to largest impulse?

Second Long Exam First Semester, AY 2015–2016 Physics 71


For the next two items, consider blocks A and B, each with masses 5.00 [kg] and 3.00 [kg]
respectively, arranged in a horizontal frictionless floor as shown in the figure. Initially, the
spring with k = 5.00 × 104 [N/m] is neither compressed nor stretched. Block B collides
elastically to block A with an initial velocity of −4.00 [m/s]ı̂.

18. One, two, three, Takbo! What is the final ve-

locity of block A after the collision?

A. −3.00 [m/s]ı̂ C. +1.00 [m/s]ı̂

B. −2.00 [m/s]ı̂ D. +2.00 [m/s]ı̂

19. Aray ko po, ang sakit. What is the maximum compression of the spring after the colli-

A. 0.0200 [m] B. 0.0300 [m] C. 0.0400 [m] D. 0.0600 [m]

20. Walang 4ever. Shown is the momentum vs. time (p − t) graph of a block moving through
space. At which point is the magnitude of the average impulsive force maximum?

21. Yaya Bob. Bob A with mass m, attached to a pendulum

of length L, is released from a height h. At its lowest
point, bob A collides with bob B with mass 3m, which is
initially at rest. What is the velocity of the masses after
a perfectly inelastic collision?
√ √
A. 2gh C. 2gh/3
√ √
B. 2gh/2 D. 2gh/4

Second Long Exam First Semester, AY 2015–2016 Physics 71

For the next 2 question, consider the following scenario. The position of Popoy, Basha and
Trisha is described by the position vector
RP = (+1.00 [m/s] · t )̂
RB = (−1.00 [m/s] · t )ı̂
RT = (+2.00 [m] )ı̂ + (2.00 [m/s] · t )̂
where t is time. The mass of Popoy, Basha and Trisha is 60.0 [kg], 50.0 [kg] and 40.0 [kg]
22. dramatic silence scene. What is the location (XCM , YCM ) of the center of mass at t =
1.00 [s]?

A. (0.200 [m], −0.933 [m]) C. (0.933 [m], 0.200 [m])

B. (0.200 [m], 0.933 [m]) D. (−0.933 [m], 0.200 [m])

23. Habulan with Piolo Pascual love song scene. What is the velocity of the center of mass?

A. 0.333 [m/s]ı̂ + 0.933 [m/s]̂ C. 0.200 [m/s]ı̂ + 0.933 [m/s]̂

B. −0.333 [m/s]ı̂ + 0.933 [m/s]̂ D. −0.200 [m/s]ı̂ + 0.933 [m/s]̂

24. Wala kayong pakialam. Pastillas Girl, with mass 80.0 [kg] was moving with velocity
3 [m/s]ı̂ when she suddenly exploded into two Pabebe Warriors, Pabebe U with mass
50.0 [kg] and Pabebe K with mass 30 [kg]. If Pabebe U travels 60.0◦ above the horizon-
tal, while Pabebe K travels 45.0◦ below the horizontal, what is the speed of Pabebe U?

A. 2.17 [m/s] B. 2.69 [m/s] C. 3.51 [m/s] D. 7.17 [m/s]

25. Semantics. Consider an isolated system comprised of two particles A and B. Let Fint,i
and Fext,i be the individual internal and external forces, respectively, and pA and pB be the
momenta of the particles A and B. Which of the following is TRUE about the system of
A. If i Fint,i = 0, then pA + pB = constant.
B. If i Fint,i = 0, then pA = pB = constant.
C. If i Fext,i = 0, then pA + pB = constant.
D. If i Fext,i = 0, then pA = pB = constant.

Second Long Exam First Semester, AY 2015–2016 Physics 71

26. PAT. The moment of inertia about the edge of a solid cylinder with radius 2.0 [m]
as shown in 20. [kg · m2 ]. What is the mass of the solid cylinder?
A. 0.74 [kg]
B. 1.1 [kg]
C. 3.3 [kg]
D. 6.4 [kg]

27. Tryanggulo. Objects with masses shown are glued to a light stick
to form a right triangle. What is the moment of inertia about an
axis passing through one of the corners of the triangle?

A. 1.50 [kg · m2 ] C. 5.00 [kg · m2 ]

B. 3.00 [kg · m2 ] D. 6.75 [kg · m2 ]

28. Lazy Suzy. An ant is located on the edge of a Lazy Susan (turntable)
with radius R and constant angular speed ω. The ant got dizzy and
crawled halfway through the radius of the turntable. By how much
did the ant changed its radial acceleration?

A. doubled B. same C. halved D. quartered

29. Ikot-ikot lang. Sarah rides a gigantic spinning disk with an angular speed of 20.0 [rev/s].
If Sarah is 0.100 [m] from the center of the disk, what is her linear speed?

A. 12.6 [m/s] B. 6.28 [m/s] C. 3.15 [m/s] D. 2.00 [m/s]

30. Wheel of fortune. A wheel of fortune has an initial angular velocity of +6.35 [rev/s]k̂ .
It has a constant angular acceleration so that it can rotate 14.2 revolutions before it stops.
Assuming the wheel lies in the x-y plane, what is its angular acceleration?

A. −8.92 [rad/s2 ]k̂ C. +8.92 [rad/s2 ]k̂

B. −0.226 [rad/s2 ]k̂ D. +0.226 [rad/s2 ]k̂

Second Long Exam First Semester, AY 2015–2016 Physics 71

31. Karwahe ni Luna. A carriage is pulled by a horse at a constant acceleration of 1.0 [m/s2 ].
The radius of the wheels on the carriage is 0.50 [m]. After 5.0 [s], what is its angular
displacement if it is initially at rest?

A. 50. [rad] B. 25 [rad] C. 10. [rad] D. 5.0 [rad]

32. Amazing Race. A solid ball and a (solid or hollow) cylinder roll down an inclined plane
without slipping. If the ball and the cylinder have equal mass and radius and came from
the same altitude of the inclined plane, which reaches the bottom first?
A. The ball reaches the bottom first.
B. The cylinder reaches the bottom first.
C. They arrive at the bottom at the same time.
D. It depends on whether the cylinder is solid or hollow.
33. Bear this Cross. A metal rod lies in the xy-plane and it is hinged at the origin. A force
F = 3.0 [N]ı̂ − 4.0 [N]̂ is applied to the rod at (x, y) = (−2.0 [m], 3.0 [m]). What is the
torque in the rod?

A. +1.0 [N · m]k̂ C. −18 [N · m](ı̂ − ̂)

B. −1.0 [N · m]k̂ D. −18 [N · m]

34. Nakakahilong body. The angular momentum of a spinning body is conserved. Let the

→ − → →
− −→
external forces acting on the body be F1 , F2 , · · · , Fi · · · FN and their corresponding torques
with respect to the body’s center of mass are → −
τ1 , →−
τ2 , · · · , →

τi · · · −
N . Which of the following
conclusion is ALWAYS CORRECT?

A. Fi = 0 for all i
B. →
−τi = 0 for all i

− P → −
C. Each Fi are maybe nonzero, but N i=1 Fi = 0
D. Each →− P → −
τi are maybe nonzero, but N i=1 τi = 0

35. Ayaw ko nang mangarap. A solid uniform sphere with radius R is spinning about a
frictionless axle through its center. Its surface is applied by a frictional force f so that its
has an angular acceleration magnitude α0 . If the radius of the sphere were reduced half
of its size while applying the same f and maintaining its mass, what is its new angular
acceleration magnitude?

A. 4α0 B. 2α0 C. α0 D. α0 /2

A – 10
Second Long Exam First Semester, AY 2015–2016 Physics 71

36. Transformer. Iko-tron is a robot that can transform from a disk of radius R to a rod of
length 4R. In an outer space battle, Iko-tron spins in his disk form with an angular speed
of ωdisk . He then transforms himself into a rod (see the extraordinary figure below), giving
him a new angular speed of ωrod . What is the ratio of ωdisk to that of ωrod ?

A. 1:4 B. 1:6 C. 2:3 D. 8:3

37. Super Stick. A uniform stick with length 3.00 [m] and
mass 5.00 [kg] is moving and rotating about its center of
mass (CM) as shown in the figure. If the stick and point
O both lie in the same xy-plane, what is the total an-
gular momentum of the stick at point O at the instant

A. −76.7 [kg · m2 /s] k̂ C. +76.7 [kg · m2 /s] k̂

B. −95.4 [kg · m2 /s] k̂ D. +95.4 [kg · m2 /s] k̂

38. Nahuhulog ka na ba? A block with mass m rests on a friction-

less, horizontal surface. A cord attached to the block passes over
a pulley whose radius is R, to a hanging block with mass 2m. The
system begins to accelerate with magnitude a after having been
released from rest. What is the magnitude of the net torque on
the pulley?

A. |2mg − ma|R C. |2mg − 3ma|R

B. |2mg − 2ma|R D. maR

A – 11
Second Long Exam First Semester, AY 2015–2016 Physics 71

39. Ang KErot . A solid sphere of mass 25 [kg] and radius 0.55 [m] rolls without slipping on
a horizontal surface. If its translational kinetic energy as it moves is 50. [J], what is its
rotational kinetic energy?

A. 10. [J] B. 20. [J] C. 30. [J] D. 40. [J]

40. Yow-yow. A solid sphere yoyo has mass M and radius R. What is the velocity of its
center of mass after falling a height h from a stationary hand?
r r r r
10 4 10 5
A. gh B. gh C. gh D. gh
7 3 9 3

A – 12

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