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Simple Past tense.

Name Date and Day No. of Students Class Length Level of Proficiency Skill in Focus
Haya Aitezaz 13th October, 2017 33 VI 45 min Pre-Intermediate Integrated
Main Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use simple past tense appropriately.
Sub Aim:
By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
 Identify the difference between present and past forms of verb.
 Complete sentences using correct form of verbs.
 Analyse different past situations and to respond to them accordingly.

Assessment and Evaluation: The teacher will assess students ‘answers, completion of task taking feedback after every activity.

Class Profile: The students in this class are of different levels of English proficiency. They are
comparatively good at reading and listening comprehension but not in spoken language. They do
not use accurate grammar in writing and speaking as they get exposure of English, mostly in
Students have practiced simple past tense in many previous lessons but in this lesson they will
get chance to learn the tense with its functions.
Language Skills:

Language System:
Past tense.

A classroom, AV aids and worksheets.

Anticipated Problem:
 My EFL student may not be able to respond to different past situations at this stage.

Suggested Solution:
 I will give the Ss, example sentences at first to respond to it better. After that they will be
given freer practices.
Stages of Time Procedure/ activity Skill in Stage Aim
Interaction Focus
Warm-up 5 T greets Ss and ask to watch a video listening To energise them and give cue
mins. clip carefully. Speaking about the topic.
After watching the video. T asks
some Ss
 “What did sally do
 What did a girl student do
 What did teacher do
Then T writes Ss responses on the
T asks Ss to guess the topic. Then Oral
Development 10 writes(simple Past tense) on the interaction To let the students infer why
mins. board. do we use simple past tense.
Then T tells Ss “we use simple
past tense to describe the action
that is started and finished at a
specific time in the past”.
Then T asks Ss randomly,
 What time did you eat
 What time did you sleep
last night?
 Which form of verb do
we use in past simple
Then T underline some of the
verbs from the sentences (Ss
responses)and ask Ss,
 What are the regular and
irregular verbs?
 What “be verbs” do we
use in past tense?
After taking responses from Ss T
tells “ Regular verbs end with
After this T distribute the
worksheet and asks Ss to do Ex:1
Ex: 1 Here is a list of different
past and present forms of Writing
verbs, identify it , write it in To develop their concept of the
their respective columns and transformation of the verbs in
also identify whether is it past form.
regular or irregular verb.
( Appendix #1)

T quickly discuss the answers

with the Ss.

Practice(a) 5-10 T shares one of the Ss response Writing To develop their understanding
mins. ( written on the board) by asking of the structure of the focused
e.g tense.
 Did sally go to the park
(Ss respond by saying no she
read books.)
Then T points out and writes the
structure of negative and
interrogative sentence on the
board. And tells Ss that we use
“did” as an auxiliary verb in
simple past tense.
Then T asks Ss to do Ex : 2 in
their worksheets.
Ex: 2 Complete the sentences with Listening To let students practice the
the past simple form Speaking simple past tense with
of the verbs in brackets. (Appendix guidance.
#2 )

Feedback 10-12
min T asks Ss to discuss their answers
in pairs.

Now T asks Ss to solve Ex : 3
Ex: 3 Complete the story with Thinking To further give them practice
suitable ending in two to three and of transformation in sentences.
sentences by using simple past Writing And to use past tense to write
tense.( Appendix #3) past story.
Afterwards, the T calls Ss
randomly to share their ending of
the story..

Production T instructs ss, “ Write any of your Writing To give them home task for
(home work) earliest childhood memory by further practice of the target
using simple past tense.” structure in different situation.

Warm- up video : (
Appendix # 2: (
Appendix # 3: (
Qamar e Bani Hashim Secondary School.
Name:__________________ class:6 Sec:__________ Date:_____________
Ex: 1 Identify present and past forms of verbs from the following list and also identify
whether it is regular or irregular verb, write in their respective columns.
do , caught, write , play , sang, watched, drive, heard, arrived, fall, buy ,bought, wanted ,

Present forms Past forms Regular / Irregular verb

Ex: 2 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1. We really _______________ (enjoy) the game last Sunday.

2. ______________ (Marco /win) the golf competition?
3. They_____________ (not play) very well yesterday. They lost the match.
4. How many goals________________ (your team / score) in the first half?
5. Sandra _____________________ (not want) to go rowing with me.
6. ________________ (they / go) to the swimming pool yesterday?
7. I _______________ (buy) a new baseball cap last week.
8. James _________________ (stop) his car in front of the sports shops.

Ex: 3 Complete the story with suitable ending in two to three sentences by using simple past

One day the hare and the tortoise decided to have a race. The hare __________ (know) that
he ____________ (can) run faster than the tortoise. But the tortoise _________ (be) more
intelligent than the hare.
'Yes, I'll race you,' __________ (say) the clever tortoise. The tortoise _________ (have) a
clever plan. He __________ (find) his brothers and sisters and he _________ (tell) them to
wait in different places along the path of the race. So they all __________ (hide) behind the
trees along the path. The race ___________ (begin)! The tortoise _________ (run) as fast as
possible. But the hare __________ (be) faster, of course. 'This will be a very easy
race', ___________ (think) the hare. So the hare _____________ (decide) to have a
rest, and he quickly ____________ (fall) asleep at the side of the road. Suddenly, the hare

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