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Class:III YEAR-A No. of Periods/week: 05

Branch: CSE A
Subject: Object Oriented Analysis And Design No. of periods : 70
Name of the Staff:


UNIT - 1
1. Introduction to UML 1 5/1/15 Chalk and Talk

2. Importance of modeling, principles of modeling 1 6/1/15 Chalk and Talk

3. Object oriented modelling 1 8/1/15 Chalk and Talk

4. Conceptual model of UML 1 9/1/15 Chalk and Talk

5. Architecture 1 12/1/15 Chalk and Talk

6. Software development life cycle 1 13/1/15 Chalk and Talk

7. Revision 1 16/1/15 Chalk and Talk

8. Slip test 1 17/1/15

UNIT – 2
9. Basic structural modelling 1 19/1/15 Chalk and Talk

10. Classes 1 20/1/15 Chalk and Talk

11. Relationships 1 22/1/15 Chalk and Talk

12. Common mechanisms 1 23/1/15 Chalk and Talk

13. Diagrams 1 27/1/15 Chalk and Talk

14. Advanced structural modelling 1 29/1/15 Chalk and Talk

15. Advanced classes 1 30/1/15 Chalk and Talk

16. Advanced relationships 1 31/1/15 Chalk and Talk

17. Interfaces 1 2/2/15 Chalk and Talk

18. Types and roles 1 3/2/15 Chalk and Talk

19. packages 1 5/2/15 Chalk and Talk

20. Examples 1 6/2/15 Chalk and Talk

21. Revision 1 9/2/15 Chalk and Talk

22. Slip test 1 10/2/15

UNIT – 3
23. Terms, concepts for class diagrams 1 12/2/15 Chalk and Talk
24. Modelling techniques for class diagrams 1 13/2/15 Chalk and Talk

25. Terms concepts for object diagrams 1 14/2/15 Chalk and Talk

26. Modelling techniques for object diagrams 1 16/2/15 Chalk and Talk

27. Revision 1 19/2/15 Chalk and Talk

28. Slip test 1 20/2/15

UNIT – 4
29. Basic behavioural modelling 1 23/2/15 Chalk and Talk

30. Terms,concepts for interactions 1 24/2/15 Chalk and Talk

31. Modelling techniques for interactions 1 26/2/15 Chalk and Talk

32. Terms,concepts for interaction diagrams 1 27/2/15 Chalk and Talk

33. Modelling techniques for interaction diagrams 1 28/2/15 Chalk and Talk

34. Revision 1 2/3/15 Chalk and Talk

35. Slip test 1 3/3/15

UNIT – 5
36. Basic behavioural modelling II 1 6/3/15 Chalk and Talk

37. Terms,concepts for usecases 1 12/3/15 Chalk and Talk

38. Modelling techniques for usecases 1 13/3/15 Chalk and Talk

39. Terms,concepts for usecase diagrams 1 16/3/15 Chalk and Talk

40. Modelling techniques for usecase diagrams 1 17/3/15 Chalk and Talk

41. Terms concepts for activity diagrams 1 19/3/15 Chalk and Talk

42. Modelling techniques for activity diagrams 1 20/3/15 Chalk and Talk

43. Revision 1 21/3/15 Chalk and Talk

44. Slip test 1 23/3/15

UNIT – 6
45. Advanced behavioral modelling 1 24/3/15 Chalk and Talk

46. Terms, concepts for events and signals 1 26/3/15 Chalk and Talk

47. Terms, concepts for state machines 1 27/3/15 Chalk and Talk

48. Terms, concepts for process and threads 1 30/3/15 Chalk and Talk

49. Terms, concepts for time and space 1 31/3/15 Chalk and Talk

50. Terms, concepts for state chart diagrams 1 4/4/15 Chalk and Talk

51. Modelling techniques for state chart diagrams 1 6/4/15 Chalk and Talk

52. Revision 1 7/4/15 Chalk and Talk

53. Slip test 1 9/4/15

UNIT – 7
54. Architectural modelling 1 10/4/15 Chalk and Talk

55. Terms, concepts for component 1 13/4/15 Chalk and Talk

56. Terms, concepts for Deployment 1 14/4/15 Chalk and Talk

57. Terms, concepts for component diagrams 1 16/4/15 Chalk and Talk

58. Modelling techniques for component diagrams 1 17/4/15 Chalk and Talk

59. Terms, concepts for deployment diagrams 1 18/4/15 Chalk and Talk

60. Modelling techniques for deployment diagrams 1 20/4/15 Chalk and Talk

61. Revision 1 21/4/15 Chalk and Talk

62. Slip test 1 23/4/15

UNIT – 8
63. Case study: the unified library application 1 24/4/15 Chalk and Talk

64. Class diagrams 1 27/4/15 Chalk and Talk

65. Interaction diagrams 1 28/4/15 Chalk and Talk

66. Usecase diagrams 1 30/4/15 Chalk and Talk

67. Activity diagrams 1 1/5/15 Chalk and Talk

68. Component diagrams 1 4/5/15 Chalk and Talk

69. Statechart diagrams 1 5/5/15 Chalk and Talk

70. Deployment diagrams 1 6/5/15 Chalk and Talk


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