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Economics of Education Review 27 (2008) 646–654

Course scheduling and academic performance

Angela K. Dillsa, Rey Hernández-Juliánb,
Stetson School of Business and Economics, Mercer University, 1400 Coleman Ave, Macon, GA 31207, USA
Department of Economics, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Campus Box 77, P.O. Box 173362, Denver, CO 80217-3362, USA
Received 20 April 2006; accepted 23 August 2007


This paper examines the relationship between course scheduling and student achievement, controlling for student and
course characteristics. The literature in psychology recognizes that performance varies by time of day and that spacing
learning out over time may foster greater long-term memory of items. We use student grades as a measure of performance
and find a small, positive time of day effect partly driven by student selection into preferred course times. In addition, we
find that students earn higher grades in classes that meet more often.
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

JEL classification: I21; J24

Keywords: Grades; Scheduling; Academic performance

1. Introduction traditional 50 min periods. There is evidence that

block scheduling leads to improved performance
Duke University recently moved its earliest class (Hughes, 2004; Rettig & Canady, 1999). Block
time from 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. One motivation classes typically meet daily for half of the semester
behind the change was to give ‘‘sleep deprived’’ or on alternate days throughout the entire semester.
students a chance to rest more before class. The new To our knowledge, no studies have examined
policy was counterproductive: the average student whether students learn more when their classes
ended up going to class earlier since many classes meet more often (for instance, 5 times a week
were moved from the common 9:10 a.m. start time instead of 2 or 3 times a week).
to the new 8:30 a.m. slot. Regardless, the adminis- Duke and the block systems raise an interesting
tration used sleep as a pretext for the policy change set of questions: to what extent does student
(Carleton, 2004). learning depend on class scheduling? Do students
High schools have also been experimenting with learn more or less later in the day? Do students learn
changes in their scheduling, adopting block systems more or less when classes meet more often? The
where classes meet for 90 min periods, instead of the answer to these questions will help allocate school
resources and plan courses to increase student
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 303 556 4912; learning. This paper offers some insight into the
fax: +1 303 556 3966. issues of offering 2-day- or 3-day-a-week classes and
E-mail address: (R. Hernández-Julián). the timing of course offerings.

0272-7757/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.K. Dills, R. Hernández-Julián / Economics of Education Review 27 (2008) 646–654 647

Universities typically schedule courses that meet 2 with wakefulness peaking at some point in the late
days a week for about 75 min, 3 days a week for morning and again in the afternoon.
about 50 min, or both. The two formulas offer the Even articles that find no effect of sleepiness
same number of credit hours and class time; the 3- recognize the existence of adolescent sleep phase
day-a-week schedule spreads out the materials over delay and discourage schools away from earlier start
more days. There is a demonstrated cost advantage times (Eliasson, Eliasson, King, Gould, & Eliasson,
to meeting less frequently. However, spreading out 2002). Minneapolis high schools changed their start
learning into periods of shorter duration but greater time from 7:15 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. Attendance rates
frequency improves skill acquisition as well as long- and continuous enrollment increased and crime on
term recollection of the material (Lee & Genovese, campus decreased. However, the later start time did
1988; Willingham, 2002). This benefit may be not lead to any measurable effects on grades,
greater for simpler, motor skills than more complex though the authors admit that this may be the
tasks (Donovan & Radosevich, 1999). Many studies result of data errors (Wahlstrom, Davidson, Choi,
have addressed the educational benefits and costs of & Ross, 2001). Davis (1988) finds that 8th grade
block scheduling though few have documented students learn more in afternoon English courses
whether changing the number of times a class meets than in morning ones. Extending the analysis to
in a week has any significant effect on learning college students at a small liberal arts college,
(Rettig & Canady, 1995). If colleges reduce the Skinner (1985) documents lower average class
number of times that classes meet to accommodate GPAs for morning courses relative to afternoon
faculty preferences or to reduce costs, it is possible and evening courses.
that student learning could suffer. Our study uses administrative data from Clemson
Universities choose not only how often classes University, a public research university in South
meet, but also at what times. Sleep research Carolina, to determine the effect of class schedule
provides three predictions about time of class and on student performance. Unlike Skinner (1985), we
student performance. First, sleepy students perform account for student ability, potential sorting across
worse than rested ones. This effect has been verified class times, course content and difficulty, class size,
among non-traditional graduate students, Mexican and the number of days per week a course is offered.
undergraduates, and medical students (Austin, In addition, we are able to observe the same
Fennell, & Yeager, 1988; Campos-Morales, Valen- students in more than one semester, giving us
cia-Flores, Castaño-Meneses, Castañeda-Figueiras, within-student variation in scheduling. We find that
& Martı́nez-Guerrero, 2005; Medeiros, Mendes, students perform slightly better in courses offered
Lima, & Araujo, 2003). Second, adolescents are later in the day and in those offered more days per
less likely to be rested early in the morning.1 week. Given choices among class times, students
Adolescents, in general, when faced with an earlier select courses that best fit their scheduling prefer-
start to the school day, prefer to sleep less instead of ences. This course selection accounts for part of the
going to bed earlier (Shinkoda, Matsumoto, Park, observed effect of the time of the class. Additional
& Nagashima, 2000; Wolfson & Carskadon, 2003). evidence suggests that the time of day effect is not
Adolescents are also particularly prone to suffer driven by students’ reduced attendance at early
Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome: their body clock morning classes.
runs at a rate slower than the sun’s, so they tend to
go to bed late and wake up late (Dement, 1999). 2. Conceptual framework and methodology
Third, the circadian cycle during the day and its
varying wakefulness may be observed in changes in A student’s grade in a course depends on many
academic performance throughout the day (Cars- variables: the time of day, frequency of class
kadon, Labyak, Acebo, & Seifer, 1999; Carskadon, meetings, student ability, class size, grading prac-
Wolfson, Acebo, Tzischinsky, & Seifer, 1998). tices, the difficulty of the material, and teaching
Circadian rhythms are daily cycles that make people effectiveness. We focus on the effect of time of day
more likely to be sleepy at certain times of the day, and frequency of class meeting, factors typically
neglected in studies of student achievement.
Psychologists provide some predictions on how
Adolescence typically lasts between ages 11–13 and ages 18–21 class schedules may affect student achievement.
(Colman, 2001; Corsini, 1994). Adolescents are predicted to perform poorly earlier
648 A.K. Dills, R. Hernández-Julián / Economics of Education Review 27 (2008) 646–654

in the day and circadian rhythms would create math-phobic early bird enrolls in calculus in the
peaks in performance at some point in the morning morning; the math-phobic night owl enrolls in
and again in the afternoon. The earliness effect is calculus late in day. Both types of students
similar for all students, while the circadian effects accommodate their circadian cycles by taking
vary. We thus expect an earliness effect to be much courses that are relatively difficult for them at
more evident than a circadian effect. Distributed preferred times. This would tend to bias downwards
practice suggests more frequent class meetings the time of day effect.
should increase student learning. Alternatively, students could schedule their fa-
We examine the effect of time of day on student vorite classes in the afternoons to reduce the
grades by estimating the following grade regression likelihood they skip class for more enjoyable after-
for student i in section j of course c: noon activities. Students could take their least
favorite classes in the morning to more quickly
gradeijc ¼ g0 f ðtimejc Þ þ d0 ðno: of time=weekjc Þ
finish the hardest part of their day. Student
þ X 0 b þ si þ d c þ ijc ð1Þ preference for afternoons would create a positive
selection bias on the time of day effect. Under this
The vector X contains class size and whether the
scenario, better grades in afternoon classes may
class meets in the fall or in the spring. Smaller
reflect both time of day effects and selection effects.
classes may increase student learning, although the
Student class choices would also be affected if they
empirical evidence on this relationship, at least in
prefer longer classes that meet less often as opposed
K-12 education, is mixed (Betts, 1996; Hanushek,
to shorter ones that meet more often.
1997, 1999). The student fixed effects, si, control for
The fixed effects strategy does not account for
both observable and unobservable student charac-
these optimizing behaviors. To better capture the
teristics such as ability. Course fixed effects, dc,
true effect of time of day on student grades, we
account for differences in course content, difficulty,
employ a differences-in-differences strategy.3 Some
and grading. The use of these two sets of fixed
courses are offered once per semester, but at
effects implies that any scheduling effect is net of the
different times in the fall and spring semesters.
characteristics of the particular course or student. In
These limited offerings reduce the selection into
all the regressions, standard errors are clustered by
preferred courses. Although students may defer
the start time of each class. Although grades vary
their course-taking to later semesters to improve the
for each observation, we observe many students at
scheduling match, within-semester optimizing is
each class time. Clustering by class time accounts
eliminated. To produce estimates of the effect of
for this reduced variation.
time of day and class meetings per week with
We focus on g0 and d0, the effects of class
minimal course selection, we estimate the following:
scheduling on the student’s grade. We estimate the
time of day effect a variety of ways. In one gradeijc ¼ a0 timejc þ a1 onesectionjc
specification, we include a set of indicator variables
þ a2 ðonesectionjc Þðtimejc Þ
for each of the most common course times. In
others, a continuous measure of start time accom- þ y1 ðno: of times=weekjc Þ
modates a functional form including linear and þ y2 ðonesectionjc Þðno: of
quadratic models. The overall picture is similar for times=weekjc Þ þ X 0 b þ si þ d c þ ijc ð2Þ
all of these specifications.2 Spreading out course
material typically leads to greater retention of We continue to include class size, the semester (fall
knowledge than more intensive instruction, so we or spring), student fixed effects, si, and course fixed
expect d0 to be positive (Bloom & Shuell, 1981). effects, dc.
The above framework assumes students are One-section courses limit student selection into
randomly assigned to courses. Students, however, preferred course times. The estimated effect of time
schedule their own courses. If students register for of day excluding this within-semester student
times where they know they will perform their best, selection is the sum of the coefficients on the time
then course selection could bias the estimates. The of day and on the interaction of time of day and the
one-section indicator variable. Comparing this
We also estimate a spline specification that sets knots based on
circadian cycles and regressions estimated using an ordered We thank the anonymous referees for pointing out this
probit instead of OLS. The results are qualitatively similar. limitation and its potential solution.
A.K. Dills, R. Hernández-Julián / Economics of Education Review 27 (2008) 646–654 649

estimate to estimates of a0, the effect for multiple- If students learn more in afternoon classes,
section courses, suggests the direction of selection whether because of their own preferences or their
bias. A similar calculation provides the direction professors’, there is still a benefit to encouraging
of selection bias for the number of course meetings students to take later classes. If students learn more
per week. with more frequent course meetings, shifting to-
wards these types of courses could improve both
their grades and their education. One concern that
3. Selection problems and limitations would invalidate our results is if instructors are
more apt to assign higher grades later in the day for
A serious limitation is that we do not observe who a given student performance. This motivation
teaches each course. Baird (1984) argues that a large would imply that later class start times would lead
fraction of the unexplainable variation in grading is only to grade inflation and not improved student
due to differences in teachers. This affects our learning.
scheduling estimates only if instructor quality or
ease of grading is correlated with course scheduling.
4. Data
The same instructor, for example, may perform
differently at different times of day. However,
To examine the effect of class schedule on a
Skinner (1985) provides suggestive evidence that
student’s performance, we require data on students,
instructors teaching the same course in a semester,
courses, and class times. Clemson University (a
once in the morning and once in either the
public, doctoral, research extensive, land-grant
afternoon or evening, exhibit similar differences in
institution in South Carolina) archives comprehen-
mean grades between the sections as between a
sive data on its students, including every grade
morning class and an afternoon/evening class
received and all application information. Grades are
taught by two different instructors. Similarly,
recorded without pluses or minuses as A, B, C, D,
professors may prefer teaching fewer days a week
or F; we recode these as 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0. We use
and so grade more easily for those courses. This
data from these administrative records for students
would bias downwards the estimate on number of
in the fall of 2000 and the spring of 2001. We
times per week.
combine the student records with meeting time
The quality of instructor may be correlated with
information from the schedule of classes. The time
course schedule. Adjunct instructors, for example,
of day assigned is the start time at which a class
may be assigned less favorable class periods than
meets most often, measured in military time. A unit
professors who have more priority in scheduling.
increase in start time is 1 h.4
Adjunct professors appear similarly effective as
The unit of observation is a grade in a class. We
professors (Bettnger & Long, 2006), however,
observe 12,886 students an average of 8.2 times for a
adjuncts in business and finance courses give higher
total of 105,428 grades in a class. The average
grades than full-time faculty (Sonner, 2000; Van
student is enrolled in 14.4 credits, or just under five
Ness, Van Ness, & Kamery, 1999). If adjuncts are
courses a semester.5 The average grade is just below
more likely to have morning classes or classes that
a B (2.97) with a standard deviation of 1.07. The
meet more frequently and assign higher grades, this
average class size is 23 students. The students in the
would bias the effect of time downwards and the
sample, averaging just over 20 years old, are slightly
effect of class meetings upwards. Course fixed
older than the adolescents previously studied in the
effects capture some of this effect if adjunct
instructors typically teach some courses and not
Although the sample draws from only a single
institution, these students are fairly average college
Our sample consists of mostly full-time profes-
students in the US. The median college student in
sors, with few adjunct instructors and graduate
2000 was white, female, graduating at slightly lower
teaching assistants. Among lower-division courses,
than the top 20% of the high school class, and
full-time faculty members teach 62% of courses,
scoring a 505 on the SAT math test (College Board,
part-time faculty members 24.4%, and graduate
assistants 13.8% (SCCHE, 2005). Upper-division 4
Results are similar if we use the average of the start and end
courses are overwhelmingly taught by full-time times.
faculty. We exclude labs from the analysis.
650 A.K. Dills, R. Hernández-Julián / Economics of Education Review 27 (2008) 646–654

2000). Clemson students scored somewhat higher on the most common class times, the figure suggests a
the SAT math at 578 and are less female than most positive relationship between the time a class meets
colleges, with 54% of the student body being male. and average student grades.
The school day begins at 8 a.m. Monday, Table 1 shows the average time of day for each
Wednesday, Friday (MWF) classes typically meet grade in TTh courses and MWF courses. The average
for 50 min with a 15 min break between classes. TTh class meets just before noon, at around 11:37.
Tuesday, Thursday (TTh) classes typically meet for The average time a class meets is higher for A’s than
75 min with a 15 min break between classes. There for lower grades. Classes that meet MWF follow a
are also many afternoon Monday, Wednesday similar, although less pronounced pattern. Table 1
(MW) classes that meet for 75 min at the MWF verifies the impression from Fig. 1 of a slightly
start times and some two-credit TTh classes that positive relationship between time of day and
meet for 50 min. academic performance. Average grades are higher
Fig. 1 shows the average grades for each time for TTh courses than for MWF courses, suggesting
when classes start. Most classes meet at many of the that distributed practice may not increase learning.
same times. The figure sizes a data point according
to the number of observations represented by that 5. Results
meeting time and grade combination. Focusing on
Table 2 reports OLS estimates of Eq. (1). We limit
the sample to courses that meet at standard class
times on MWF, TTh, or MW. These courses make
up 77.4% of the full sample. The regression includes
an indicator variable representing the start time of
each class. For example, for MWF classes, the start
times are: 8:00 a.m., 9:05 a.m., 10:10 a.m., 11:15
a.m., 12:20 p.m., 1:25 p.m., 2:30 p.m., and 3:35
p.m.6 The omitted class time is 8:00 a.m. MWF. The
change in the estimated coefficients reveals the effect
of time on academic performance. As noted, we
control for observable and unobservable student
characteristics with student fixed effects. We also
include course fixed effects.7
The results follow a pattern of increasing grades
Fig. 1. Relationship between time and grades, all students.
throughout the day.8 As was the case in Table 1, the
increase is most dramatic among TTh classes, but
Table 1 the pattern is consistent throughout. Although there
Mean start time of day for each grade
is a positive relationship between time of day and
Grade Obs Mean S.D. academic performance, we find no evidence of a
cyclical pattern in the relationship between time of
(a) T, Th day and academic performance.9 Grades are highest
0¼F 1317 11.23 2.43
1¼D 2323 11.31 2.35 6
For Tuesday, Thursday classes the times are: 8:00 a.m., 9:30
2¼C 7848 11.39 2.42
a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 3:30 p.m., and 5:00 p.m.
3¼B 14,049 11.64 2.47
For Monday, Wednesday classes the times are: 8:00 a.m., 9:05
4¼A 14,650 11.80 2.56
a.m., 10:10 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 12:20 p.m., 1:25 p.m., 2:30 p.m., and
All (mean ¼ 2.96) 40,187 11.62 2.49 4:00 p.m.
We have also estimated the regressions using student
(b) MWF characteristics instead of student fixed effects. The estimates on
0¼F 2137 10.84 1.99 class time are similar to those reported here.
1¼D 2994 10.70 1.94 8
The estimated coefficients for the different class start times are
2¼C 8601 10.69 1.87 significantly different from each other and jointly significantly
3¼B 13,138 10.79 1.86 different from zero.
4¼A 12, 815 10.89 1.97 9
More restrictive regressions using the cut-offs from expected
All (mean ¼ 2.79) 39,685 10.80 1.91 circadian cycles also show no evidence of circadian cycles and a
trend on increasing performance during the day.
A.K. Dills, R. Hernández-Julián / Economics of Education Review 27 (2008) 646–654 651

Table 2
Effect of class time on student performance

Start time (MWF) All students’ grades

Estimate t-statistics TTh Estimate t-statistics MW Estimate t-statistics

8:00 a.m. 0.061 2.68 8:00 a.m. 0.051 1.08

9:05 a.m. 0.078 6.49 9:30 a.m. 0.011 0.75 9:05 a.m. 0.097 2.45
10:10 a.m. 0.034 2.02 11:00 a.m. 0.062 4.09 10:10 a.m. 0.043 0.81
11:15 a.m. 0.012 6.86 12:30 p.m. 0.038 2.20 11:15 a.m. 0.032 0.81
12:20 p.m. 0.097 5.42 2:00 p.m. 0.100 6.96 12:20 p.m. 0.025 0.74
1:25 p.m. 0.198 10.48 3:30 p.m. 0.191 11.26 1:25 p.m. 0.167 4.87
2:30 pm 0.119 4.33 5:00 p.m. 0.302 8.30 2:30 p.m. 0.159 9.10
3:35 p.m. 0.059 0.60 4:00 p.m. 0.202 9.10
No. of credits 0.169 1.94
Fall 0.043 4.54
Class size 0.0005 1.20
Observations 81,550
R-squared 0.30

Robust t-statistics in parentheses. All regressions include 12,819 student fixed effects and 1109 course fixed effects, although these estimates
are suppressed. Standard errors are clustered by time. The omitted class time is MWF 8:00 a.m.
 Significant at 5%.
Significant at 1%.

in the afternoon. The benefits of distributed practice grades. Classes that meet more often during the
should appear in MWF classes as they meet more week tend to have higher grades. The magnitude of
often. The evidence for distributed practice is mixed. the effect of a class meeting an additional time each
Grades are lower in MWF afternoon classes than in week is comparable to scheduling a class 2 h later.
MW or TTh afternoon classes; grades are higher in Grades are lower in the fall; larger classes tend to
MWF morning classes than in MW or TTh morning have higher grades.
classes. The third column in Table 3 includes an interac-
In Table 3, we impose a functional form on the tion term of start time and the number of times the
relationship between the students’ performance and course meets per week. The coefficient on the
the start time of the class. This also allows for a interaction term suggests that, although later classes
direct consideration of the effect of the frequency of are significantly better than earlier classes, the
class meeting times. These regressions include the benefit decreases significantly when the course meets
full sample of courses, so the number of observa- more often. For most students, more class meetings
tions is greater than in Table 2. Columns (1) and (2) per week involve a choice between TTH and MWF
present linear and quadratic specifications. or a choice between MW and MWF. The reduced
The relationship between time of day and grades benefit from meeting more often may be a result of
is positive and significant at the 1% level. In the students frequently skipping Friday classes; lower
linear specification the effect is small. An increase in attendance mitigates the time of day effect. Alter-
start time of 1 h is associated with a 0.023 increase in natively, morning classes most days may moderate
grades. The magnitude of the effect at the mean is the difficulty teenagers face waking up early. The
similar in the quadratic specification. The effect of interaction results confirm the impression in Table 2
time of day increases in the afternoon, as suggested that late afternoon classes are best 2 days a week
by the results in Table 2.10 Students’ grades are while morning classes are best 3 days a week.
higher in courses taken later in the day; early These estimates may be subject to selection bias.
morning classes are particularly bad for students’ We take advantage of the two semesters of data to
minimize this potential bias. Of the 1464 courses in
In estimates not presented here, a spline specification placing the full sample, 1330 courses are offered only once a
knots at times suggested by circadian cycles confirms this semester. Of these one-section courses, the univer-
impression. sity offers 234 in both semesters, 134 at different
652 A.K. Dills, R. Hernández-Julián / Economics of Education Review 27 (2008) 646–654

Table 3
Differences-in-differences estimate of time of day and class meetings per week effects

All courses

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Start time 0.023 (10.04) 0.004 (0.23) 0.051 (10.02) 0.024 (10.61)
Start time2 0.001 (1.53)
No. of times/week 0.050 (3.55) 0.054 (3.86) 0.190 (5.85) 0.048 (3.37)
Class size 0.001 (2.59) 0.001 (2.61) 0.001 (2.31) 0.001 (2.24)
Fall 0.032 (5.40) 0.033 (5.47) 0.033 (5.45) 0.030 (5.49)
Start time  no. of times/week 0.012 (4.88)
One-section 0.166 (1.12)
One-section  start time 0.011 (1.38)
One-section  no. of times/week 0.027 (0.64)
Observations 105,428 105,428 105,428 105,428
R-squared 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32

Robust t-statistics in parentheses. Regressions with all courses include 12,886 student fixed effects and 1464 course fixed effects. Standard
errors are clustered by time.
 Significant at 5%.
 Significant at 1%.

times in the two semesters, and 49 with a different points higher. We again compare the effects for one-
number of meetings per week in the two semesters. section and multiple-section courses. For one-
With the one-section courses, students have little section courses, the effect of the number of course
ability to choose preferred course times within a meetings per week is 0.027 grade points larger than
semester. Estimating the effects of time of day and the effect for multiple-section courses. Students
number of class meetings per week for these classes choose to take preferred courses in sections that
should, in theory, reduce the effect of student meet less frequently, perhaps to avoid choosing
selection. Identifying scheduling effects while redu- between their enjoyable class and alternate Friday
cing the effect of student selection relies on these 148 activities. This selection, however, is not statistically
one-section courses offered on different days or significant. Selection appears to play little or no role
times in each semester. in the effect of the number of class meetings on
Column (4) of Table 3 presents these estimates. student grades.
The time of day effect for classes with multiple Another possibility is that students may be more
sections is 0.024. In other words, taking the class an likely to skip morning classes if they oversleep. In
hour later is associated with a grade increase of two- Table 4, we show the results of a regression
hundredths of a grade point. This estimate can be including an indicator for whether the class is the
divided into a time of day effect and a selection student’s earliest class that day and an interaction
effect. With one-section courses, students are less term of this indicator variable and the class’s start
able to choose preferred class times, eliminating the time. The results that students perform worse in
selection effect. For these courses, the effect of start their earliest classes. However, this effect is not
time falls by 0.011 grade points, although this significant at conventional levels and does not
difference is not significant at conventional levels. depend on how late the class meets. The time of
We fail to reject that the effect of start time is the day effect, however, persists and is similar to the
same in one-section and multiple-section courses. estimated effect without the earliest class dummy.
Students appear to schedule their classes in a way Students seem likely to skip their earliest class. The
that improves their grades although this effect is pattern of results, nonetheless, indicates that the
only marginally significant. time of day effect is not driven by attendance
In the same regressions in Table 3, we consider decisions.
the effect of courses that meet more or fewer times Column (2) of Table 4 presents an alternate
per week. When the same course meets one more specification substituting the start time of a stu-
time per week, students’ grades are 0.048 grade dent’s earliest class for the indicator for earliest
A.K. Dills, R. Hernández-Julián / Economics of Education Review 27 (2008) 646–654 653

Table 4 hour. To the extent that grades reflect learning,

Effect of earliest class on student performance students learn more when enrolled in classes that
(1) (2)
meet later in the day and more often.
Our results suggest that students perform best in
Earliest class 0.014 (1.58) Tuesday/Thursday and Monday/Wednesday late
Start time 0.021 (7.89) 0.006 (0.67) afternoon classes. We observe benefits to distributed
Earliest class  start 0.00003 (0.04)
practice, particularly in Monday/Wednesday/Fri-
Earliest time 0.021 (1.79) day morning classes. The benefit of later classes,
Earliest time  start time 0.002 (2.22) however, outweighs the benefit of more frequent
Class size 0.001 (2.58) 0.001 (2.62) classes. In other words, we find that late afternoon
Fall 0.032 (5.40) 0.032 (5.45) classes are best 2 days a week while morning classes
No. of times/week 0.048 (3.40) 0.051 (3.68)
are best 3 days a week.
Earliest class  no. of 0.0002 (0.06)
times/week Policies moving classes may have high costs.
R-squared 0.32 0.32 Some professors may prefer to teach in the
mornings and research in the afternoons. At
Robust t-statistics in parentheses. There are 105,428 observa-
research schools, shifting to later class times may
tions. Regressions include 12,886 student fixed effects and 1464
course fixed effects. Standard errors are clustered by time. improve student learning but reduce research
 Significant at 5%. productivity. There is evidence that universities
Significant at 1%.
struggle with whether to offer more or fewer Friday
classes. Many colleges are adding Friday classes,
an underutilized day, to alleviate classroom con-
straints and maximize the use of their facilities (Au,
class. The effect of the start time of a student’s first 2005; Young, 2003). Shortening the school day by
class is the sum of the earliest time coefficient and starting later may also strain university resources.
the coefficient on the interaction of earliest time and At least one college, citing fuel costs for their
start time. This sum is positive, but not significant, commuting students, has eliminated Friday classes
indicating that the start time of a student’s first to reduce the number of days students drive to
class has no effect, on average, on the student’s campus (June, 2006). Interestingly, new research
grade in his first class. Students earn lower grades suggests that college students are less likely to binge
in their first classes because they are first, not drink on Thursday nights when they have Friday
because they are early. At the mean, the effects of classes before 10 a.m. (Wood, Sher, & Rutledge,
both time of day and the number of meetings per 2007).
week are similar to the estimates in the base Given the pressure to change times and schedules,
specification. However, the effect of time of obtaining reliable estimates of their effects is not
day increases with the lateness of a student’s only interesting but essential for institutions of
first class, suggesting that students perform better higher education to meet their goals. The findings of
in afternoon classes, particularly if they had late these studies might extend even beyond classrooms,
first classes. The results can be interpreted as a helping firms time their production processes more
sleepiness effect. As students sleep later into the efficiently.
morning, their performance improves throughout
the day. Acknowledgments

6. Policy implications and conclusions We thank Brett Dalton, Michael Maloney, and
Robert McCormick, who generously offered the
Multivariate regression analysis of the relation- Clemson University data. We also thank Adora
ship between course schedule and student perfor- Cheung, Bentley Coffey, June Pilcher, Dennis
mance shows that students perform better in a class Placone, Daniel Rees, and discussants and partici-
that meets later in the day and more often during pants at sessions during the Southern Economic
the week. Student complaints about early classes’ Association and the Eastern Economic Association
hurting their performance find some empirical meetings for helpful comments. Finally, we thank
support in this study. The magnitude of the effect, the Earhart Foundation for research support. The
however, is quite small at 0.024 grade points per usual caveat applies.
654 A.K. Dills, R. Hernández-Julián / Economics of Education Review 27 (2008) 646–654

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