Microalgae As A New Source of Bioactive Compounds 2016 Current Opinion in Fo

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Microalgae as a new source of bioactive compounds in

food supplements
Bruna da Silva Vaz1, Juliana Botelho Moreira1,
Michele Greque de Morais1 and Jorge Alberto Vieira Costa2

Microalgae contain several bioactive compounds that can The biochemical composition of microalgae depends on
supplement the nutritional and energy needs of the the macro and micronutrients that are used to prepare
population. The biochemical composition of microalgae can culture media. These nutrients are involved in growth of
be manipulated by altering the culture conditions and these microorganisms through various enzymatic reac-
environmental stress to induce the microorganisms to tions for biosynthesis of several compounds [2]. Micro-
produce high concentrations of a biocompound of interest. algae respond strongly to nutritional stress and, thus, can
In addition, microalgae do not require arable land and can be alter their biosynthetic pathway to form and accumulate a
grown in regions where land use change is not a concern. bioproduct of interest.
Thus, the present work is a review of the biotechnological
and biochemical potential of microalgae in food, wherein the Microalgae cultivation provides a funding source for
main functional constituent compounds are in the biomass. humans [3,4] and significantly aids in reducing the green-
The biological effects of these bioactive substances house effect due to microalgae’s carbon dioxide (CO2)
and possible applications for food products are also biofixation capacity [5,6]. Therefore, producing bioactive
discussed. compounds from microalgae is interesting because it may
be a means of sustainable processing.
Laboratory of Microbiology and Biochemistry, College of Chemistry
In this context, this study reviews the biotechnological
and Food Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande, PO Box 474,
Rio Grande, RS 96203-900, Brazil and biochemical potential of microalgae in food and
Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering, College of Chemistry and Food discusses the main functional constituent compounds
Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande, PO Box 474, Rio Grande, in the biomass. The biological effects of these bioactive
RS 96203-900, Brazil substances and possible applications in food products are
Corresponding author: Costa, Jorge Alberto Vieira (jorge@pq.cnpq.br)
also discussed.

Current Opinion in Food Science 2016, 7:73–77 Microalgae biotechnological potential

This review comes from a themed issue on Food bioprocessing Microalgae can double their biomass ranging from 2 to
Edited by Carlos Ricardo Soccol
5 days on average and reach high yields without applying
pesticides, herbicides or fungicides [7]. Moreover, they
For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial
do not require arable land for cultivation, and the nutri-
Available online 8th January 2016 tional requirements for growing these microorganisms can
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cofs.2015.12.006 be found in industrial waste, which may turn what is
2214-7993/# 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. considered a problem into raw material for producing
products with high added value [8]. Average biomass
yields of up to 20 kg/m2/year have been reported for
microalgal cultures [9].

Microalgal biomass applications range from production of

Introduction food and feed to high-value products for biotechnological
Microalgae contain several bioactive compounds that can applications [10]. Due to their enormous biodiversity as
meet the nutrient and energy needs of the population and well as biochemical and molecular strategies for dealing
promote health to prevent chronic disease. Various with stress, microalgae can synthesize various bioactive
processes have demonstrated the potential of these chemicals [11]. Among the various groups of microalgae,
microorganisms in food, animal feed, cosmetics industries cyanobacteria are an exceptional source of bioactive
and the production of pigments and additives. Microalgae compounds [12].
do not compete with food crops because they do not
require arable land and can use waste as nutrients for Over the last 30 years, microalgae biotechnology has
development. Several species thrive in extreme environ- developed and diversified significantly [7]. For example,
ments [1], and, thus, their bioprocesses have been Spirulina has been used to feed indigenous people in
highlighted. Mexico and Chad (Africa) since ancient times. In Mexico,

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74 Food bioprocessing

Spirulina was collected from Lake Texcoco and used to [22]. The fatty acids in microalgae correspond the largest
produce a cake referred to as tecuitlatl. In Chad, Spirulina lipid fraction, and, in certain species, PUFAs compose
was harvested from the alkaline lake Kossorom and used between 25 and 60% of total lipids [23]. Several micro-
for preparing a cake referred to as dihe [13,14]. In addition algae species were cultivated to obtain compounds con-
to use as a consumable food product, Spirulina is also sidered nutraceuticals, such as the PUFAs EPA and DHA
useful as a functional ingredient because the biomass can [24]. In 2004, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
be incorporated in various food products to enhance claimed that food containing PUFA v-3 compounds,
nutritional quality and for therapeutic action on chronic particularly EPA and DHA, reduces the risk of coronary
diseases [12,15]. heart disease. Currently, microalgae are primarily grown
to produce DHA as a food additive (Martek Biosciences
Bioactive compounds of microalgal origin Corporation, USA) [25].
Microalgae such as the genus Spirulina, Botryococcus,
Chlorella, Dunaliella, Haematococcus, and Nostoc have been Polysaccharides found in the cell wall vary with the
recognized as a source of bioactive compounds (Table 1). microalgae genera and species [26,27]. A group of the
Natural pigments are important for photosynthetic algae most extensively studied algal polysaccharides contain
metabolism and feature several beneficial biological ac- sulfate esters, which are referred to as sulfated polysac-
tivities, such as antioxidant, anti-carcinogen, anti-inflam- charides (e.g., carrageenan, ulvan and fucoidan). Carra-
matory, anti-obesity, anti-angiogenic and neuroprotective geenans exhibit antiviral and anti-oxidant properties and
activities [16,17]. The major classes of pigments in micro- are widely used as food additives. Ulvan exhibits antitu-
algae are carotenoids and phycobiliproteins. Currently, mor properties as well as physicochemical and biological
carotenoids are mainly used for dietary supplements, characteristics of potential interest for applications in the
fortified foods, food dyes, animal feed and pharmaceutical food and pharmaceutical industries. In recent years,
and cosmetic products [18]. fucoidan has been investigated in the development of
new medicines and functional foods [28,29]. The sulfated
Biopeptides (protein hydrolysates) are convenient polysaccharide isolated from the microalgae Spirulina
sources of protein for human nutrition because they are platensis (calcium Spirulan) exhibits antiviral activity be-
absorbed more efficiently through the gastrointestinal cause it inhibits in vitro replication of various viruses [30].
tract compared with intact protein or free amino acids A recently marketed new cosmeceutical product from
[19]. The protein content of Spirulina (50–70% dry microalgae is a mixture of polysaccharides extracted from
weight) contains all essential amino acids, particularly green algae [31], which was marketed under the brand
leucine, valine and isoleucine, and exhibits high digest- name Alguronic Acid.
ibility (83–90%) [20]. Nutritional and toxicological eva-
luations have demonstrated that microalgal biomass is Microalgae are excellent sources of vitamins with antiox-
beneficial as a food supplement or substitute for conven- idant properties. These microorganisms contain water-
tional protein sources [21]. soluble vitamins and lipids and can be used as ingredients
or food supplements. Microalgae are a source of nearly all
The most common poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) important vitamins, such as tocopherols, ascorbic acid, B1,
in microalgae are arachidonic acid (AA), linolenic acid B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid, nicotinic
(GLA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which are acid, inositol and biotin [32,33,34]. Spirulina is rich in
pharmacologically important for diet and/or therapy vitamin B12 and provitamin A (b-carotene) [20]. Studies

Table 1

Main bioactive compounds extracted from microalgae.

Microalgae Bioactive compounds

Spirulina sp., S. platensis, S. fusiformis, S. maxima Polysaccharides, phycocyanin, C-phycocyanin, allophycocyanin, phenolic acids,
tocopherols (vitamin E), neophytadiene, phytol, PUFAs (n-3) fatty acids, oleic acid,
linolenic acid, palmitoleic acid, diacylglycerols, terpenoids, alkaloids, flavonoids
Chlorella sp., C. vulgaris, C. minutissima, Carotenoids, sulfated polysaccharides, sterols, PUFAs (n-3) fatty acids,
C. ellipsoidea, C. protothecoides canthaxanthin, astaxanthin, peptide, oleic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA),
zeaxanthin, violaxanthin, lutein, phenolic, terpenoids, alkaloids, phytol, phenol
Haematococcus pluvialis Astaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin, lutein, b-carotene, oleic acid
Dunaliella salina All-trans-b-carotene, all-trans-zeaxanthin, all-trans-lutein, cis-betacarotene, b-
carotene, oleic acid, linolenic acid, palmitic acid, diacylglycerols, sterols
Botryococcus braunii Linear alkadienes (C25, C27, C29, and C31), triene (C29)
Nostoc sp., N. muscorum, N. humifusum, Borophycin, cryptophycin, phycocyanin, phenolic, terpenoids, alkaloids, phycobilins
N. linckia, N. spongiaeforme

Source: Morais et al. (2015).10

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Microalgae in food supplements Vaz et al. 75

suggest that eating Spirulina increases Lactobacillus in the authors developed chocolate biscuits fortified with S.
gut and facilitates more efficient absorption of vitamin B1 platensis and evaluated the product’s physical, chemical
and other vitamins from food [35]. and sensory characteristics as well as digestibility. The
food with 5.0% biomass added exhibited a protein con-
Microalgal biomass: applications in food and tent 7.7% higher than the control. Biscuits with 1.0% of S.
future prospects platensis added showed 86.9% digestibility and better
In recent years, consumer concerns regarding health and acceptance by the judges (compared with other cookies
safety issues on the consumption of processed foods have added the microalgae).
increased. The American Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), the European Food Safety Authority (AESA) in Various foods with microalgal Spirulina biomass added
Europe, and other national authorities around the world have been developed in the Laboratory of Biochemical
have restricted, for example, use of synthetic dyes in food Engineering — LEB (Figure 1). The products were
due to increases in cancer development or allergic reac- developed in the Spirulina Food Enrichment Center
tions. Thus, the trend in the food industry will be to use (CEAS) located in the Federal University of Rio Grande
natural additives [36], and microalgae are potential actors — FURG.
in this scenario. Despite the rich biochemical composition
of several microalgae, only a few genera are commercially To offer gluten-free bread to consumers with celiac
available for consumption, including Chlorella, Dunaliella, syndrome, Figueira et al. [44] developed products with
Spirulina and Nostoc [37]. rice flour to replace wheat flour. The authors found that
the gluten-free breads produced using rice flour with
Several species are cultivated commercially and biomass 2.0 to 5.0% of S. platensis added showed higher protein
produced has been used as source of products for appli- content (an increase of 15.59 and 39.04% in breads with
cation in the food industry. The main microalgae grown 3.0 and 5.0% of the microalga, respectively). They also
commercially are species of genus Chlorella and Spirulina exhibited a better amino acid composition compared with
for addition in natural foods, Dunaliella salina to obtain b- the control without microalgae with significant increases
carotene and Haematococus pluvialis to obtain astaxanthin in 11 amino acids, four of which are essential (threonine,
[38]. methionine, isoleucine and leucine). In a sensory analysis,
the preference for the gluten-free bread with 5.0% of
The microalgae Spirulina, Chlorella and Dunaliella are microalgal biomass added did not differ from the bread
used as functional foods, being found on the market in with 3.0% added.
the form of pills, tablets and capsules. These microalgae
were also integrated into the nutritional formula of pasta, Another study related to Spirulina was proposed by
snacks, sweets and drinks [18]. Rabelo et al. [45]. The authors found that adding different
concentrations of S. platensis improved the nutritional
Chlorella vulgaris is marketed as a food supplement, quality of the products produced with respect to protein,
additive [39,40], dye and food emulsion [41]. Spirulina minerals, fibers and lipids. Sensory testing showed that
is a microalgae with blue-green coloring and multicellular
filaments, and, according to Food and Agriculture Orga- Figure 1
nization (FAO), this microalgae is used in many countries
in Africa as food from natural waters. In parts of Asia, this (a) (b)
microalgae is widely used as food for human health.

Spirulina may be used in foods because it is a source for

proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, group B vitamins and
several minerals [42]. In addition to chlorophyll, Spiru- (c) (d)
lina contains phycocyanin, which is a blue pigment with
an interesting antioxidant power [36].

More recent studies have attempted to improve the

(e) (f)
nutritional properties of food products by adding micro-
algae biomass. Fradique et al. [40] incorporated micro-
algae biomass, such as from Chlorella vulgaris and
Spirulina maxima, which yielded products with better
chemical composition without affecting baking quality. Current Opinion in Food Science

According to Morais et al. [43], Spirulina can be a Food enriched with Spirulina sp.: isotonic beverages (a), cereal bars
suitable source of protein for malnourished people. These (b), instant soups (c), pudding (d) cake powder mix (e) and biscuits (f).

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76 Food bioprocessing

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biotechnological uses of Spirulina platensis, a blue-green algae, which
ising food source. Microalgae do not require arable land has been recognized and used worldwide as a traditional source of
and can be grown in regions where land use change is not protein in the food.
a concern [46]. Thus, based on the demand for micro- 9. Varshney P, Mikulic P, Vonshak A, Beardall J, Wangikar PP:
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mechanisms in the human body, has spurred intense study of the
Microalgae is a source of active ingredients with potential application of microalgal biomass in various foods and pharmacological
applications in functional food supplements as well as and medical products. In this context, the aim of this review is to discuss
bioactive metabolites produced by microalgae for possible applications
nutraceutical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. in the life sciences.
This potential capacity for human nutrition and clinical
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food. A variety of high-value products, and bioactive compounds are useful
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ME, Belay A. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2008:312.
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