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NAME OF THE POST Junior Assistant Electrical Inspector Class II

Advertisement No. 36/2017-18

Preliminary Test held on 23-12-2017
Que No. 001– 300
Publish Date 27‐12‐2017
Last Date to send
suggestion(s) 3‐1‐2018


(1) All Suggestions are to be sent with reference to website published Question paper
with Provisional Answer Key Only.
(2) All Suggestions are to be sent in the given format only.
(3) Candidate must ensure the above compliance.

(1) ઉમેદવાર વાંધા- ૂચનો ર ૂ કરવા વેબસાઇટ પર િસ ધ થયેલ િનયત ન ૂનાનો ઉપયોગ કરવો. 
(2) ઉમેદવારોએ પોતાને પર ામાં મળે લ સીર ઝની ુ તકામાં છપાયેલ માંક ુ બ વાંધા-

ૂચનો ર ૂ ન કરતા તમામ વાંધા- ૂચનો વેબસાઇટ પર િસ ધ થયેલ ોિવઝનલ આ સર ક ના
માંક ુ બ અને તે સંદભમાં ર ૂ કરવા

(3) ઉમેદવારોએ ઉ ત ૂચના ંુ અ ૂક પાલન કર ંુ અ યથા વાંધા- ૂચનો ગે કરલ ર ૂઆતો યાને
લેવાશે નહ . 
001. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$B L$„‘“uA¡ l¡hdp¡f ApBõ¾$ud lõsNs L$ey¯?
(A) v$rnZ L$p¡qfep - gp¡Ë¡$ (B) cpfs - Adyg
(C) Å‘p“ - gp¡Ë¡$ (D) cpfs - k“auõV$

002. fuQX®$ ’¡gf“¡ A’®ip”dp„ “p¡bg ‘pqfsp¡juL$ n¡Ódp„ s¡Ap¡“p âv$p“ dpV¡$
A¡“pes L$fhpdp„ Apìey„.
(A) kpdpÆL$ A’®ip” (B) hs®r“L$ A’®ip”
(C) BL$p¡“p¡d¡V²$u¼k (D) ‘ep®hfZ A’®ip”

003. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$ep b¡ d„Ópgep¡A¡ “p“p L$p‘X$ DÛp¡Np¡“¡ dv$v$ L$fhp dpV$¡ ""kp’u''
(SAATHI) iê$ L$ey¯?
(A) L$p‘X$ d„Ópge - drlgp A“¡ bpgL$ëepZ d„Ópge
(B) L$p‘X$ d„Ópge - h¡‘pf d„Ópge
(C) L$p‘X$ d„Ópge - EÅ® d„Ópge
(D) L$p‘X$ d„Ópge - ‘qfhl“ d„Ópge

004. rbfkp dy„X$p Apqv$Års rhðrhÛpge“y„ Dv¹$OpV$“ Mps¡ ’ey„.

(A) QV²$p, TpfM„X$ (B) Av$ugpbpv$, s¡g„NpZp
(C) “p„v$¡X$, dlpfpô²$ (D) “d®v$p, NyS>fps

005. A“yk|rQs rhõspfp¡dp„ v$pê$“u vy$L$p“p¡ dpV¡$ N°pdkcp“u d„S|>fu afÆeps “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u
L$B hX$u Av$pgs¡ L$fu?
(A) Aëlpbpv$ hX$u Av$pgs (B) NyS>fps hX$u Av$pgs
(C) l¥Öpbpv$ hX$u Av$pgs (D) L¡$fm hX$u Av$pgs

006. v$f hj£ rhð bpm qv$hk fp¡S> d“phhpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡.
(A) 14 “h¡çbf (B) 18 “h¡çbf
(C) 20 “h¡çbf (D) 21 “h¡çbf

007. ApC.A¡d.A¡a. (IMF) “p Æ.X$u.‘u (GDP) X¡$V$p âdpZ¡ “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$ep¡ v$¡i
rhð“p¡ kp¥’u kd©Ù/^r“L$ v$¡i R>¡?
(A) tkNp‘yf (B) L$spf
(C) ey.A¡k.A¡. (D) g¼kdbN®

EIA-A ] [ 2 ] [ Contd...
008. ""‘pBL$ rhÖp¡l'' dp„ ’ep¡ lsp¡.
(A) sprdg“pXy$ (B) dlpfpô²$
(C) Ap¡qfkp (D) fpS>õ’p“

009. qV$hV$f D‘f ""ApõL$ ^ õ‘p¡L$k‘k®“'' ‘l¡g L$p¡“p Üpfp iê$ L$fhpdp„ Aphu?
(A) N©l d„Ópge (B) rhv$¡i d„Ópge
(C) k„fnZ d„Ópge (D) f¡ëh¡ d„Ópge

010. cpfs“y„ â’d lpB õ‘uX$ f¡g spgudL¡$ÞÖ Mps¡ õ’p‘hpdp„ Aphi¡.
(A) Np„^u“Nf, NyS>fps (B) kyfs, NyS>fps
(C) dy„bB, dlpfpô²$ (D) D‘f“p ‘¥L$u L$p¡B “lu

011. L¡$ÞÖ kfL$pf¡ L$W$p¡m“u r“L$pk D‘f“p ârsb„^p¡ v|$f L$ep®.

(A) gugp QZp, gpg QZp, dk|f
(B) gpg QZp, L$pmp QZp, hV$pZp„
(C) gpg QZp, L$pmp QZp, L$pmu dk|f
(D) sdpd L$W$p¡m D‘f L$p¡B ârsb„^ “l]

012. dyX$uT¡ (Moody's) (Moody's Investors Service) (d|X$uT BÞh¡õV$dÞ¡ V$ kh}k) cpfs“y„
kp¡hf¡“ ¾¡$X$uV$ f¡V$]N (Sovereign Credit Rating) ky^pfu ’u L$ey¯.
(A) Baa3 ’u Baa1 (B) Baa3 ’u Baa2
(C) Caa3 ’u Caa2 (D) Caa2 ’u Caa3

013. ""r“c®ep'' rdkpBg bpbs¡ “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$ey„ rh^p“ Mp¡Vy„$ R>¡?
(A) s¡ gp„bp A„sf“u kbkp¡“uL$ ¾y$T rdkpCg R>¡.
(B) s¡ cpfs“u â’d õhv$¡iu b“phV$ A“¡ rhL$rks gp„bp A„sf“u kbkp¡“uL$
¾y$T rdkpCg R>¡.
(C) s¡“u L$pep®[Þhs f¡ÞS> 1000 qL$.du. R>¡ A“¡ 300 qL$gp¡N°pd i”p¡/
eyÙkpdN°u“y„ hl“ L$f¡ R>¡.
(D) D‘f“p ‘¥L$u L$p¡C “lu.

014. d|kp ‘fdÆsuAp“p, S>„Ngu L¡$mp“u A¡L$ “hu Ås“u ip¡^ dp ’B R>¡.
(A) Ap„v$pdp“ A“¡ r“L$p¡bpf V$p‘yAp¡ (B) gnÜu‘ V$p‘yAp¡
(C) v$pv$fp “Nf lh¡gu (D) v$uh A“¡ v$dZ

EIA-A ] [ 3 ] [ P.T.O.
015. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$C cpfsue Arc“¡Óu“¡ kpdprS>L$ Þepe 2017 “p¡ d^f V¡$f¡Tp
d¡dp¡qfeg ‘pqfsp¡rjL$ dýep¡?
(A) L$fu“p L$‘|f (B) A¥ðep® fpe
(C) râe„L$p Qp¡‘fp (D) D‘f“p ‘¥L$u L$p¡B “lu

016. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$ep fpô²$hpv$u “¡sp ""^ V²$uõV$ Ap¡a X¡$õV$u“u'' ("the tryst of destiny)
“p cpjZ kp’¡ k„L$mpe¡gp R>¡?
(A) dlpÐdp Np„^u (B) S>hplfgpg “l¡ê$
(C) hëgccpB ‘V¡$g (D) Æ bu ‘„s

017. fpô²$ue L$V$p¡L$V$u“p Ål¡f“pdp“u Akfp¡ R>¡ :

1. k„O kfL$pf“u L$pfp¡bpfu kÑpAp¡“y„ rhõsfZ
2. k„kv$“u L$pev$p¡ OX$hp“u kÑpAp¡“y„ rhõsfZ
3. b„^pfZ“u k„Oue Å¡NhpBAp¡ b¡iL$ê$‘¡ Qpgy fl¡i¡.
4. b„^pfZdp„ MpÓu’u Ap‘hpdp„ Aph¡gp d|mc|s l¼L$p¡“y„ r“e„ÓZ
kpQp¡ S>hpb ‘k„v$ L$fp¡.
(A) a¼s 1 (B) a¼s 1 A“¡ 2
(C) a¼s 1, 2 A“¡ 3 (D) a¼s 1, 2 A“¡ 4

018. ‘„Qpesu fpS> k„õ’pAp¡ gNs A¡g. A¡d. tkOhu krdrs“u cgpdZp¡ ‘¥L$u“u
kp¥’u ANÐe“u cgpdZ iy„ lsu?
(A) Q|„V$ZuAp¡dp„ fpS>L$ue ‘np¡“u kpd¡gNufu
(B) Q|„V$ZuAp¡dp„ fpS>L$ue ‘np¡“u kpd¡gNufu “l].
(C) fpCV$ Vy$ fuL$p¡g
(D) ‘„Qpesu fpS> k„õ’pAp¡ dpV¡$ r“[íQs dyv$s

019. v$¡idp„ ‘„Qpesu fpS>“u k„õ’p“¡ âp¡Ðkprls L$fhp dpV¡$“y„ Ýe¡e ^fphsp b„^pfZue
ky^pfp (sp¡s¡fdp¡ ky^pfp¡) Ar^r“ed, 1992 bpbs¡ L$C lL$uL$s Mfu “’u?
(A) rS>ëgp Apep¡S>“ krdrsAp¡“y„ NW$“
(B) sdpd ‘„Qpesu Q|„V$ZuAp¡ ep¡S>hp dpV¡$ fpÄe Q|„V$Zu ‘„Q
(C) fpÄe “pZpL$ue ‘„Q“u õ’p‘“p
(D) ku^u Q|„V$Zu Üpfp ‘k„v$ ’e¡g ìe[¼sAp¡’u ‘„Qpes“u sdpd b¡W$L$p¡ cfhu.

EIA-A ] [ 4 ] [ Contd...
020. cfsu L$pe®hpludp„ k„O Ål¡f k¡hp Apep¡N“y„ ApMfu L$pe® R>¡?
(A) ‘k„v$Nu (B) r“dÏ„L$
(C) âdpZ‘ÓuL$fZ (D) àg¡kd¡ÞV$

021. fpÄedp„ rh^p“‘qfjv$ v|$f L$fhp A’hp s¡“y„ kS>®“ L$fhp dpV¡$ L$p¡Z cgpdZ L$fu
(A) fpÄe“u d„Óu‘qfjv$ (B) fpÄe“u rh^p“kcp
(C) fpÄe“p fpÄe‘pg (D) fpÄe“p dy¿ed„Óu

022. cpfsdp„ â’d hMs Ar^r“ed AÞhe¡ õ’pr“L$ õhfpÄe“¡ âp„rse rhje
sfuL¡$ Ål¡f L$fhpdp„ Apìep¡.
(A) d¡ep¡ W$fph
(B) Nh®“d¡ÞV$ Ap¡a BÞX$uep A¡¼V$, 1909
(C) Nh®“d¡ÞV$ Ap¡a BÞX$uep A¡¼V$, 1935
(D) Nh®“d¡ÞV$ Ap¡a BÞX$uep A¡¼V$, 1947

023. fpÄe“p fpÄe‘pg rh^p“‘qfjv$“p kæep¡ “¡ rh^p“‘qfjv$dp„ “ud¡ R>¡.

(A) kæep¡“p 1/8 cpN“p (B) kæep¡“p 1/10 cpN“p
(C) kæep¡“p 1/6 cpN“p (D) kæep¡“p 1/5 cpN“p

024. 1976 dp„ Aõ‘©íesp (r“hpfZ) Ar^r“ed“y„ “pd bv$gu“¡ ’ey„.

(A) “pNfuL$ l¼L$p¡“y„ k„fnZ Ar^r“ed
(B) fpô²$ue Aõ‘©íesp (r“hpfZ) Ar^r“ed
(C) gOyÑd kpdpÆL$ l¼L$p¡“y„ k„fnZ Ar^r“ed
(D) “pd bv$ghpdp„ Apìey„ “’u

025. cpfs“p„ b„^pfZue Brslpkdp„ “uQ¡“p OV$“p¾$dp¡“p¡ kpQp¡ ¾$d L$ep¡ R>¡?
1. L¡$bu“¡V$ rdi“ àgp“
2. duÞVp¡ dp¡g£“p ky^pfpAp¡
3. dp¡ÞV¡$Áey-Q¡çkaX®$“p¡ Al¡hpg
4. kped“ L$rdi““p¡ Al¡hpg
(A) 2, 3, 4, 1 (B) 3, 2, 1, 4
(C) 1, 4, 2, 3 (D) 3, 4, 1, 2

EIA-A ] [ 5 ] [ P.T.O.
026. cpfs“p b„^pfZ l¡W$m “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u“p¡ L$ep¡ dp“hl¼L$ s¡dS> d|mc|s l¼L$ R>¡?
(A) dprlsu“p¡ l¼L$ (B) rinZ“p¡ l¼L$
(C) L$pd L$fhp“p¡ l¼L$ (D) fl¡W$pZ“p¡ l¼L$

027. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$p¡Z¡ ""Ap¡iue“uL$ kL®$g'' (Oceanic Circle) “p¡ rhQpf OX$ep¡?
(A) dlpÐdp Np„^u (B) gp¡L$dpÞe sugL$
(C) S>hplfgpg “l¡ê$ (D) dp¡ldv$Agu TuZp

028. NyS>fps“p L$ep„ fpS>hu Üpfp dlp“ S>¥“ rhÜp“ l¡dpQpe®“¡ Apîe Ap‘hpdp„
(A) rkÝ^fpS> (B) cudv$¡h
(C) L$Z® (D) cudv$¡h-II

029. dÝeL$pgu“ NyS>fpsdp„ ""Nfpiuep'' iåv$“p¡ k„v$c® R>¡.

(A) L$ÃR>“p “p“p õhs„Ó fpS>‘|s hX$pAp¡
(B) rhõ’pr‘s L$p¡mu kfv$pfp¡
(C) fpS>‘|s fpS>hu ‘qfhpf“p “p“p kæep¡“¡ Ap‘hpdp„ Aph¡g S>du“p¡ A“¡
Npdp¡“p hpfkpNs ^pfZL$sp®Ap¡
(D) cug hX$pAp¡“p “p“p kæep¡“¡ Ap‘hpdp„ Aph¡g S>du“p¡ A“¡ Npdp¡“p
hpfkpNs ^pfZL$sp®Ap¡.

030. ‘yfpsÐhue ‘|fphp A“ykpf “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$ey„ õ’m dZL$p b“phhp“p¡ ^d^dsp¡
DÛp¡N k|Qh¡ R>¡?
(A) L$pgub„Np“ (B) gp¡’g
(C) b“phgu (D) ip¡fsyNB

031. rNf“pf rhõspfdp„ kyv$i®“ smph“p Y$p¡mph“p„ bp„^L$pd dpV¡$ Aip¡L$“p¡ Ar^L$pfu
L$p¡Z lsp¡?
(A) ‘Z®v$Ñp (B) ê$Öv$d“
(C) s|jõ‘p (D) d¡Nõ’“uS>

032. B.k. 1025 dp„ Äepf¡ NT“u“p dl„dv$¡ kp¡d“p’ g|„V$ey„ Ðepf¡ AZlughpX$ fpÄe“p¡
fpÅ L$p¡Z lsp¡?
(A) d|mfpS> (B) vy$g®cfpS>
(C) cud-I (D) L$Z®

EIA-A ] [ 6 ] [ Contd...
033. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$pZ
¡ ¡ 1857 “u D’g‘p’g v$fçep“ N|S>fpsdp„ kq¾$e c|rdL$p cS>hu lsu?
1. dyMu NfbX$v$pk
2. k|fS>dg
3. Å¡^p A“¡ dym| dpZ¡L$
4. ê$‘p A“¡ L¡$hg “peL$
(A) a¼s$ 1 A“¡ 2 (B) a¼s$ 1, 2 A“¡ 3
(C) 1, 2, 3, 4 (D) a¼s 2, 3, A“¡ 4

034. sMstklÆ Üpfp cph“Nfdp„ kp¥fpô²$“u â’d L$p¡g¡S>, ipdmv$pk L$p¡g¡S>“u õ’p‘“p
L$fhpdp„ Aphu lsu. Ap ipdmv$pk L$p¡Z lsp„?
(A) cph“Nf“p eyhfpS> (B) cph“Nf“p qv$hp“
(C) cph“Nf“p ‘p¡guk Ar^L$pfu (D) D‘f“p ‘¥L$u L$p¡C “lu.

035. Tp„kudp„ rk‘pluAp¡“¡ s¡d“p Ar^L$pfuAp¡“u AhNZ“p L$fhp s¡dS> ql„kp A“¡
lÐep dpV¡$ L$p¡Z¡ â¡ep®?
(A) fpZu gÿdubpB (B) spÐep s$p¡‘¡
(C) gR>dZ fph (D) v$pdp¡v$f fph

036. bp¥Ý^ ^d®“p d|mc|s rkÝ^p„sp¡ Qpf Ddv$p kÐep¡ Üpfp fS|> ’pe R>¡. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u
L$ey„ Ddv$p kÐe “’u?
(A) vy$:M (B) vy$:M“y„ L$pfZ
(C) vy$:M“u kdprá (D) ApÐdp“y„ AdfÐh

037. 1930 “p¡ ipfv$p Ar^r“ed sfa qv$ipdp“ L$f¡ R>¡.

(A) ”u L¡$mhZu
(B) R>p¡L$fpAp¡ A“¡ R>p¡L$fuAp¡ b„“¡ dpV¡$ g‚ he“y„ r“ed“
(C) R>p¡L$fuAp¡ dpV¡$ g‚he“y„ r“ed“
(D) v$l¡S>“p¡ A„s gphhp¡

EIA-A ] [ 7 ] [ P.T.O.
038. NyS>fps“p “uQ¡“p fpS>h„ip¡“¡ L$pg¾$d’u Np¡W$hp¡.
1. d¥ÓL$
2. epv$h
3. kp¡g„L$u
4. QphX$p
(A) 2, 1, 4, 3 (B) 4, 3, 1, 2
(C) 1, 3, 4, 2 (D) 1, 4, 3, 2

039. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$ep õ’m“¡ cpfs“p ‘ròd L$p„W$p“y„ h¡QpZ c„X$pf sfuL¡$ Ap¡mMhpdp„
Aph¡ R>¡?
(A) S|>“uL$p¡f“ (B) ‘pÖu
(C) L|$Þspku (D) gp¡V¡$ðf

040. Oydgu fpS>h„i“u fpS>^p“u lsu.

(A) d¥ÓL$ (B) ‘fdpf
(C) S>¡W$hp (D) nÓ‘

041. kp¡g„L$u kde“y„ L$Z®dy¼s¡ðf d„qv$f Mps¡ Aph¡gy„.

(A) Adv$phpv$ (B) hpgd
(C) ÜpfL$p (D) A„bp¡X$

042. ""L$Þ“l v$¡ âb„^'' S|>“u NyS>fpsudp„ Üpfp gMpe¡gy„ dlpL$pìe R>¡.
(A) hpka (B) “kfsMp“
(C) ‘Ú“pc (D) Tuep-DÝv$u“ bfp“u

043. â’d nÓ‘ fpÅ L$p¡Z lsp¡?

(A) Qô$“ (B) c|dL$
(C) ê$Öv$d“ (D) rhðk¡“p

044. NyS>fps“y„ L$ey„ â’d õ’m v$ip®h¡ R>¡ L¡$ dÝe‘pjpZ eyN lfà‘“ k„õL©$rs“y„ kdL$prg“
(A) gp„OZS> (B) ApMS>
(C) dp¡V$u ‘u‘mu (D) D‘f“p ‘¥L$u L$p¡B “lu

EIA-A ] [ 8 ] [ Contd...
045. dp¡Y¡$fp Mps¡“p k|e®d„qv$f“¡ R>¡.
(A) r“f“^pfp Apep¡S>“ (B) k„^pfpApep¡S>“
(C) NX$L$ i¥gu (D) rÓf’p Apep¡S>“

046. kp¡g„L$u eyN“p d„qv$f õ’p‘Ðe“p A¡guh¡i“ (v$¡Mph/dp¡fp¡) L¡$V$gp ApX$p rhcpNp¡dp„
hl¡Qpe¡gy„ R>¡?
(A) ÓZ rhcpNp¡ (B) ANuepf rhcpNp¡
(C) A¡L$ rhcpN (D) Ó¡huk rhcpNp¡

047. NyS>fpsdp„ Bõgpd õ’p‘Ðe“p DÃQ ApNhp rQÞl sfuL¡$ L$C dõÆv$“u NZ“p
’pe R>¡?
(A) Ådp dõÆv$, Adv$phpv$ (B) dõÆv$, ‘pV$Z
(C) Ådp dõÆv$, cê$Q (D) Ådp dõÆv$, M„cps

048. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$B lõsâs âpQu“ cpfsdp„ NrZsip” bpbs¡ h©Ñp„s Ap‘¡ R>¡?
(A) bp¡hf lõsâs (B) ApfÎeL$
(C) QfL$ k„rlsp (D) b¿ipgu lõsâs

049. kpbfL$p„W$p Æëgpdp„ spd°‘pjpZeyN“y„ MX$L$rQÓ“y„ õ’m R>¡.

(A) CX$f (B) CÞÖ“Nf
(C) MpMkf (D) k|CNpd

050. kyf¡ÞÖ“N$f Æëgpdp„ Aph¡gp dy“ubphp d„qv$fdp„ R>¡.

(A) hsy®mpL$pf d„X$‘ (B) ‘„QL$p¡Zue d„X$‘
(C) Aô$ L$p¡Zue d„X$‘ (D) Qp¡fk d„X$‘

051. kfL$pf“u Ly$g AphL$ L$fsp„ h^pf¡ MQ®“¡ L$l¡ R>¡.

(A) dl¡k|gu Mp^ (B) fpS>L$p¡jue Mp^
(C) A„v$pS>‘Óue Mp^ (D) d|X$u Mp^

052. 2011 “p A„v$pÅ¡ A“ykpf rhð“u Ly$g hõsu“p L¡$V$gp V$L$p hõsu cpfsdp„
hk¡ R>¡?
(A) 15 (B) 20
(C) 17.5 (D) 22.5

EIA-A ] [ 9 ] [ P.T.O.
053. 2011 “u hõsuNZÓu A“ykpf L$ey„ fpÄe kp¥’u Ap¡R>u hõsuNuQsp ^fph¡ R>¡?
(A) L¡$fm (B) Aê$ZpQg âv$¡i
(C) “pNpg¡ÞX$ (D) Np¡hp

054. cpfsue A’®s„Ó“p k„v$c®dp„ ""Ap¡‘“ dpL£$V$ Ap¡‘f¡iÞk'' A¡V$g¡ .

(A) A“yk|rQs b¢L$p¡ Üpfp Apf.bu.ApB. dp„’u D^pf
(B) DÛp¡N A“¡ h¡‘pf“¡ hprZÄe b¢L$p¡ Üpfp ^ufpZ
(C) Apf.bu.ApB. Üpfp kfL$pfu ârsc|rs“y„ Mfuv$ A“¡ h¡QpZ
(D) h¥^pr“L$ sfgsp NyZp¡Ñf“u ÅmhZu

055. kfL$pf Üpfp “urs (NITI) Apep¡N“¡ sfuL¡$ Ap¡mMhpdp„ Apìep¡ R>¡.
(A) kyipk“ dpV¡$“y„ hpl“ (B) h¥QpqfL$ A“¡ kgplL$pf k¡hpAp¡“y„ L¡$ÞÖ
(C) kpL$ëehpv$u rhL$pk“y„ L¡$ÞÖ (D) klL$pfu k„Ohpv$“y„ L$pep®ge

056. L¡$ÞÖue klL$pfu b¢L$p¡ kp’¡ ku^p k„‘L®$dp„ lp¡e R>¡.

(A) L¡$ÞÖ kfL$pf (B) fpÄe klL$pfu b¢L$p¡
(C) M¡X|$sp¡ (D) S>du“ rhL$pk b¢L$p¡

057. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u ¼ey„ v$¡i“u Apr’®L$ L$pe®ndspdp„ h^pfp“y„ dp‘“ L$fsy„ î¡óW$ dp‘v$„X$
dp“hpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡?
(A) hprj®L$ Mp“Nu fp¡L$pZdp„ h^pfp¡ (B) hpõsrhL$ fpóV²$ue AphL$dp„ h^pfp¡
(C) hpõsrhL$ dp’pv$uW$ AphL$dp„ h^pfp¡ (D) Qp¡¿Mp hprj®L$ fp¡L$pZdp„ h^pfp¡

058. khp®r^L$ dp’pv$uW$ AphL$ n¡Ódp„ ìeõs kq¾$e hõsu“p âdpZ kp’¡ rh‘fus
klk„b„^ ^fph¡ R>¡.
(A) L©$rj (B) k¡hpn¡Ó
(C) DÛp¡N n¡Ó (D) D‘f“p sdpd

059. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u ¼ey„ r“L$pk apS>g dpV¡$“y„ kp¥’u h^y ep¡Áe L$pfZ R>¡?
(A) v$¡i“u r“L$pk âp¡Ðkpl“ qL„$ds/d|ëe
(B) v$¡i“u L$X$L$ Apeps“urs
(C) fpóV²$ue A“¡ Ap„sffpóV²$ue bÅfp¡dp„ rhL$pk
(D) D‘f“p ‘¥L$u L$p¡B “lu

EIA-A ] [ 10 ] [ Contd...
060. spS>¡sfdp„ n¡Ódp„ r“ed“ dpV¡$ cpfs“p kyfnp A“¡ ^p¡fZp¡ kÐspd„X$m“y„
(k¡ãV$u A¡ÞX$ õV$pÞX$X®$k Ap¡’p¡fuV$u Ap¡a BÞX$uep) NW$“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡.
(A) âhpk A“¡ ‘e®V$“ (B) bpep¡V¡$L$“p¡gp¡Æ A“¡ bpep¡l¡TpX®$
(C) kpebf ¾$pBd (D) MpÛ ‘v$p’p£

061. MpÛ ^ufpZ“u S>ê$qfepsp¡“¡ ‘|Z® L$fhp dpV¡$“u kh®î¡óW$ fus ‘k„v$ L$fp¡.
(A) Ap„sffpóV²$ue D^pf Üpfp (B) Apf.bu.ApBdp„’u D^pf Üpfp
(C) “hy„ QgZ R>p‘u“¡ (D) ‘fv$¡iu dv$v$ Üpfp

062. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$ep“p¡ aºNphp D‘f L$pdQgpD r“e„ÓZ dpV¡$ D‘ep¡N L$fu iL$pe?
(A) “pZp ‘|fhW$pdp„ OV$pX$p¡ (B) h¡s“dp„ h^pfp¡
(C) h¡fpAp¡dp„ OV$pX$p¡ (D) AÞ“ ‘|fhW$pdp„ OV$pX$p¡

063. Afbu kdyÖdp„ Aph¡gp cpfsue V$p‘yAp¡“u kp¥’u ANÐe“u gpnrZL$sp iy„ R>¡?
(A) s¡Ap¡ L$v$dp„ blº “p“p R>¡.
(B) s¡Ap¡ b^p L$p¡fg (‘fhpmp) d|m“p R>¡.
(C) s¡Ap¡ blº k|L$u (iyóL$) Apbp¡lhp ^fph¡ R>¡.
(D) s¡Ap¡ d|mM„X$“p rhõs©s cpNp¡ R>¡.

064. g|Zu “v$u ‘|óL$f ‘pk¡’u Dv¹$ch¡ R>¡ A“¡ “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u ¼epdp„ hlu Åe R>¡?
(A) L$ÃR>“p fZdp„ (B) Afbu kdyÖdp„
(C) M„cps“p AMpsdp„ (D) kp„cf smphdp„

065. hj®dp„ a¼s b¡ dlu“p dpV¡$ A‘|fsp¡ hfkpv$ ^fphsp„ rhõspf dpV¡$ “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u
¼ey„ kp¥’u ep¡Áe R>¡?
(A) i¡fX$u (B) Qp
(C) L$‘pk (D) L$W$p¡m

066. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$ep âL$pf“p¡ L$p¡gkp¡ L$pb®““y„ khp®r^L$ âdpZ ^fph¡ R>¡ A“¡ ^ydpX$p
hNf v$l“ ’pe R>¡?
(A) A“rsS>hpgpN°plu L$p¡gkp¡ (A¡Þ’¡’pBV$)
(B) rbV$éyqd“k L$p¡gkp¡
(C) rgÁ“pBV$
(D) ‘uV$

EIA-A ] [ 11 ] [ P.T.O.
067. NyS>fpsdp„ “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$C Apqv$ÅrsAp¡ Å¡hp dmsu “’u?
(A) fbpfu (B) sp¡X$uep
(C) bp¡¼kp (D) L$p¡mu

068. rdî M¡su“u “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$C dy¿e gpnrZL$sp R>¡?

(A) fp¡L$X$ ‘pL$ A“¡ MpÛ ‘pL$ b„“¡“u M¡su
(B) A¡L$S> M¡sf b¡ L¡$ s¡’u h^pf¡ ‘pL$“u M¡su
(C) ‘iy‘pg“ A“¡ ‘pL$“u M¡su b„“¡
(D) D‘f“p ‘¥L$u L$p¡B “l].

069. iyÙ gp¡M„X$“u NyZhÑp A“¡ V$L$phpfu dyS>b “uQ¡“p gp¡lAeõL$p¡“p âL$pfp¡“¡ h^sp
¾$ddp„ Np¡W$hp¡.
1) d¡Á“¡V$pBV$
2) lud¡V$pBV$
3) gudp¡“pBV$
4) kuX$fpBV$
(A) 4, 1, 2 A“¡ 3$ (B) 1, 4, 2 A“¡ 3$
(C) 4, 2, 1 A“¡ 3$ (D) 4, 3, 2 A“¡ 1

070. cpfs“p “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u ¼ep rhõspfdp„ d¡ÞN°p¡h S>„Ng, klpblpf (A¡hfN°u“) S>„Ng
A“¡ ‘p“Mf S>„Ng“y„ k„ep¡S>“ Å¡hp dm¡ R>¡?
(A) DÑf sV$ue Ap„^° (B) v$rnZ ‘ròd b„Npm
(C) v$rnZ kp¥fpóV²$ (D) Ap„v$pdp“ A“¡ r“L$p¡bpf V$p‘yAp¡

071. 2011 “u hõsuNZÓu A“ykpf “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u ¼ep fpÄeA¡ ÅrsâdpZdp„ kp¥’u
KQp¡ OV$pX$p¡ v$ip®ìep¡ R>¡?
(A) S>çdy A“¡ L$p[ídf (B) rblpf
(C) NyS>fps (D) dlpfpóV²$

072. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$C “v$u NyS>fps fpÄedp„’u hl¡su “’u?

(A) ku‘y (B) cudp
(C) i¡Y$u (D) b“pk

EIA-A ] [ 12 ] [ Contd...
073. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$C “v$u/“v$uAp¡ apV$MuZdp„’u hl¡ R>¡?
1) v$pdp¡v$f
2) “d®v$p
3) BÞÖhsu
4) bfpL
“uQ¡ Ap‘¡g L$p¡X$“p¡ D‘ep¡N L$fu kpQp¡ S>hpb ‘k„v$ L$fp¡.$
(A) a¼s 2 (B) a¼s 1 A“¡ 2
(C) a¼s 1, 2 A“¡ 3 (D) 1, 2, 3 A“¡ 4

074. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$ey„ Å¡X$Ly„$ kpQu fus¡ Å¡X$pe¡gy„ R>¡?

(A) L$p¢L$Z L$p„W$p¡ - L¡$fm (B) dgbpf L$p„W$p¡ - dlpfpóV²$
(C) r“gph¡gu L$p„W$p¡ - Ap¡qfkp (D) L$p¡fp¡d„X$g L$p„W$p¡ - sprdg“pXy$

075. ^psy“u iyÝ^sp “u dv$v$’u “½$u ’C iL¡$ R>¡.

(A) ‘põL$g“p¡ r“ed (B) bp¡Bg“p¡ r“ed
(C) ApqL®$rdqX$T“p¡ rkÝ^p„s (D) Öìe“u Arh“prisp“p¡ rkÝ^p„s

076. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u ¼ey„ huS>Qy„bL$ue âL©$rs ^fphsy„ “’u?

(A) L¡$’p¡X$ qL$fZp¡ (B) n-qL$fZp¡
(C) Npdp qL$fZp¡ (D) BÞäpf¡X$ qL$fZp¡

077. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$ey„ ""õV²¡$ÞS>f N¡k'' (stranger gas) sfuL¡$ ‘Z Ap¡mMpe R>¡?
(A) ApN®“ (B) r“ep¡“
(C) rT“p¡“ (D) “pBV²$k Ap¡¼kpBX$

078. gW¹$W$p (v$pê$) L$ê$Zp„rsL$pAp¡dp„ A„^Ðh sfa v$p¡fu S>sy„ hp„^pS>“L$ ‘v$p’® R>¡.
(A) B’pBg ApëL$p¡lp¡g (B) A¡dpBg ApëL$p¡lp¡g
(C) b¡ÞTug ApëL$p¡lp¡g (D) rd’pBg ApëL$p¡lp¡g

079. f¼siL®$fp“p r“e„ÓZdp„ “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u L$p¡“u k„X$p¡hZu M|bS> S>ê$fu R>¡?
(A) A¡X²$u“g (B) õhpvy$t‘X$
(C) bfp¡m (D) a¡ãkp„

EIA-A ] [ 13 ] [ P.T.O.
080. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u ¼ep s¡gdp„ dlÑd âp¡V$u“ kpdN°u R>¡?
(A) qv$h¡g (B) k|e®dyMu“y„ s¡g
(C) kp¡epbu““y„ s¡g (D) Ly$kyd“y„ s¡g

081. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u ¼ey„ fpS>õ’p“ A“¡ NyS>fps d|m“y„ R>¡ A“¡ lpg rhgyàs âpZu R>¡?
(A) N¢X$p¡ (B) ^p¡fpX$
(C) L$prmepf (D) D‘f“p ‘¥L$u L$p¡B “l]

082. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u ¼ep ‘y¿e he“p gp¡L$p¡dp„ Å¡hp dmsp¡ kpdpÞe fp¡N, X$pepbuV$uk
d¡guV$k, kp’¡ k„L$mpe¡gp R>¡?
1) f¼sdp„ iL®$fp“y„ KQy õsf
2) f¼sdp„ iL®$fp“y„ “uQy„ õsf
3) f¼sdp„ BÞõeygu““y„ “uQy„ õsf
4) f¼sdp„ BÞõeygu““y„ KQy„ õsf
(A) 2 A“¡ 4 (B) 1 A“¡ 2
(C) 2 A“¡ 3 (D) 1 A“¡ 3

083. gpL$Xy„$, A“pS>, Mp„X$ A“¡ çeyr“rk‘g L$Qfp S>¡hp„ ‘v$p’p£dp„ k„Ofpe¡g kp¥f EÅ®“¡
L$l¡ R>¡.
(A) c|Dódue EÅ® (B) Ly$v$fsu hpey
(C) A[ídc|s H^Z (D) bpep¡dpk

084. “¡V$hL®$dp„ âkpfZ (V²$pÞkdui“) dpV¡$ X¡$V$p“p„ L$p¡X$]N (coding) A“¡ õ¾¡$dbg]N
(scrambling) “¡ L$l¡ R>¡.
(A) fnZ (B) ¾$uàV$p¡“
(C) A¡[Þ¾$ài“ (D) D‘f“p sdpd

085. sdpfp L$çàeyV$fdp„ B-d¡g X$pD“gp¡X$ L$fhp dpV¡$ B-d¡g L$gpeÞV$ Üpfp h‘fpsp¡
âp¡V$p¡L$p¡g R>¡.

EIA-A ] [ 14 ] [ Contd...
086. ‘fdpÏ Ap‘rÑ“p qL$õkpdp„, “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u ¼ep rhL$ë‘ ÞeyqL$gef fuA¡¼V$fp¡“¡ W„$Xy$
L$fhp dpV¡$ A‘“phu iL$pe?
1) fuA¡¼V$f“¡ ‘pZu“y„ ‘ç‘]N L$fhy„
2) bp¡fuL$ A¡kuX$“p¡ D‘ep¡N
3) fuA¡¼V$fdp„’u H^Z kmuep (ãeyg fp¡X$) L$pY$u s¡d“¡ ‘pZudp„ d|L$hp.
(A) 1, 2 A“¡ 3 (B) a¼s 2 A“¡ 3
(C) a¼s 1 A“¡ 2 (D) a¼s 3

087. “uQ¡“p ‘¥L$u ¼ep ‘pL$p¡“y„ ‘qfc°dZ L$fhp’u fpkperZL$ Mpsfp¡“p D‘ep¡N D‘f
Ap^pf fpMhp“y„ Ap¡Ry>„ ’i¡?
(A) Qp¡Mp A“¡ dfQy„ (B) OJ A“¡ bV$pL$p
(C) QZp A“¡ Qp¡Mp (D) bV$pL$p A“¡ Qp¡Mp

âí“p¡ 88 ’u 90 : A¡L$ rhõspfdp„ Ly$g 7 Npd X, Y, Z, P, Q, R A“¡ S

Aph¡gp R>¡. hj® 2011dp„ D¼s rhõspf“u Ly$g hõsu“p âdpZdp„ v$f¡L$ Npd“u
hõsu“u V$L$phpfu Ap‘¡gp ‘pB X$pepN°pd dyS>b R>¡. s¡ kp’¡ Ap‘¡gp L$p¡óV$L$“p¡
Aæepk L$fu âí“p¡“p S>hpb Ap‘p¡.
hj® 2011 dp„ hõsu“y„ âdpZ

Npd“y„ “pd Nfubu f¡Mp “uQ¡“u hõsu“u V$L$phpfu

X 38
Y 52
Z 42
P 51
Q 49
R 46
S 58

EIA-A ] [ 15 ] [ P.T.O.
088. hj® 2011 “u kfMpdZudp„ hj® 2012 dp„ P “u hõsu 10% S>¡V$gu h^¡ R>¡,
s’p Z “u hõsu 5% S>¡V$gu OV¡$ R>¡. ‘f„sy Nfubu f¡Mp “uQ¡“u hõsu“u V$L$phpfu
v$f¡L$ Npd dpV¡$ kfMu fl¡ R>¡. sp¡ hj® 2012 dp„ Npd P dp„ Nfubu f¡Mp
“uQ¡“u hõsu“u V$L$phpfu A“¡ Npd Z dp„ Nfubu f¡Mp “uQ¡“u hõsu“u V$L$phpfu
“p¡ NyZp¡Ñf Apif¡ L¡$V$gp¡ ’i¡?
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 3 : 2
(C) 4 : 3 (D) 5 : 4

089. hj® 2011 dp„ ¼ep Npddp„ Nfubu f¡Mp “uQ¡“u hõsu kp¥’u h^y li¡?
(A) X (B) Y
(C) P (D) R

090. Å¡ hj® 2011dp„ Npd Q dp„ Nfubu f¡Mp “uQ¡ Æhsu hõsu 3773 lp¡e, sp¡
Npd X “u hõsu L¡$V$gu li¡?
(A) 10400 (B) 11200
(C) 5600 (D) Apdp“y„ A¡L$‘Z “l].

091. “uQ¡ Ap‘¡gp rhL$ë‘p¡ ‘¥L$u L$ey„ rh^p“ kÐe R>¡?

(A) hsy®m“p n¡Óam A“¡ ‘qfO “p¡ NyZp¡Ñf π R>¡.
(B) hsy®m“p ‘qfO A“¡ rÓÄep“p¡ NyZp¡Ñf π R>¡.
(C) π A¡L$ Ak„d¡e k„¿ep R>¡.
(D) π A¡L$ k„d¡e k„¿ep R>¡.

r“v$£i : (âí“p¡ 92-94) v$f¡L$ âí“dp„ A¡L$ âí“ A“¡ b¡ rh^p“p¡ (I) A“¡ (II)
Ap‘hpdp„ Apìep R>¡. sdpf¡ A¡ “½$u L$fhp“y„ R>¡ L¡$ rh^p“p¡dp„ Ap‘hpdp„ Aph¡gu
dprlsu Ap‘¡g âí““p¡ S>hpb Ap‘hp ‘ep®às R>¡ L¡$ L¡$d? sdpfp¡ S>hpb “uQ¡
dyS>b Ap‘p¡.
(A) Å¡ rh^p“ (I) A¡L$gy„ S>hpb Ap‘hp ‘ep®às R>¡.
(B) Å¡ rh^p“ (II) A¡L$gy„ S>hpb Ap‘hp ‘ep®às R>¡.
(C) Å¡ rh^p“p¡ (I) A“¡ (II) bÞ“¡ A¡L$ kp’¡ S>hpb Ap‘hp dpV¡$ AphíeL$ R>¡.
(D) Å¡ rh^p“p¡ (I) A“¡ (II) bÞ“¡ A¡L$ kp’¡ ‘Z âí““p¡ S>hpb Ap‘hp ‘ep®às “’u.
092. x “u qL„$ds L¡$V$gu li¡?
rh^p“ (I) x – y = 5 (D)
rh^p“ (II) x3 + y3 + z3 = 39

EIA-A ] [ 16 ] [ Contd...
093. kpBL$g khpf“u TX$‘ L¡$V$gu li¡?
rh^p“ (I) kpBL$g khpf“¡ 50 qL$gp¡duV$f A„sf L$p‘sp 7 L$gpL$ 45 rdr“V$ ’pe R>¡. (A)
rh^p“ (II) õL|$V$f khpf“u TX$‘ kpBL$g khpf L$fsp„ bdZu R>¡.
094. QsyóL$p¡Z ABCD “y„ n¡Óam L¡$V$gy„ li¡?
rh^p“ (I) QsyóL$p¡Z ABCD “p rhL$Z® AC “u g„bpB rhL$Z® BD “u g„bpB
L$fsp bdZu R>¡.
rh^p“ (II) QsyóL$p¡Z ABCD kdbpSy> QsyóL$p¡Z R>¡. (D)

095. A¡L$ ‘pkhX®$ sfuL¡$ 4 A„L$“u k„¿ep ‘k„v$ L$fhpdp„ Aph¡ sp¡ s¡“p Qpf¡e A„L$ Sy>v$p
lp¡hp“u k„cph“p L¡$V$gu?
(A) 64/225 (B) 81/250
(C) 63/250 (D) A¡L$ ‘Z “l]

096. A¡L$ kp„L¡$rsL$ cpjpdp„ “COUNSEL’’ “¡ “BITIRAK” sfuL¡$ gMhpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡.
sp¡ Ap cpjpdp„ “GUIDANCE” dpV¡$ ¼ep¡ iåv$ li¡?

097. “uQ¡“p rh^p“p¡“p¡ Aæepk L$fp¡:

(i) sin2 a + cos2 a = 1
(ii) sin a + cos a = 1
(iii) sin (-a) = sin a
Ap rh^p“p¡ ‘¥L$u:
(A) dpÓ rh^p“ (i) kÐe R>¡.
(B) dpÓ rh^p“ (ii) kÐe R>¡.
(C) dpÓ rh^p“ (i) A“¡ (iii) kÐe R>¡.
(D) ÓZ¡e rh^p“p¡ kÐe R>¡.

098. rhS>e kp„S>¡ 6 L$gpL¡$ s¡“y„ OqX$epm V¡$bg ‘f A¡hu fus¡ d|L¡$ R>¡ L¡$ s¡“p¡ L$gpL$
L$p„V$p¡ DÑf qv$ip sfa lp¡e, Å¡ A¡ s¡“y„ OqX$epm Ðep„’u Mk¡X¡$ “rl sp¡ fpÓ¡
9.15 L$gpL¡$ s¡“p¡ rdr“V$ L$p„V$p¡ L$C qv$ip sfa li¡?
(A) ‘|h® (B) ‘[íQd
(C) DÑf-‘[íQd (D) v$rnZ

EIA-A ] [ 17 ] [ P.T.O.
099. “uQ¡“u î¡Zudp„ M|V$su k„¿ep ip¡^p¡.
11, 23, , 53, 71
(A) 31 (B) 36
(C) 37 (D) 39

100. A¡L$ fL$d “¡ 2 hj® dpV¡$ 20% “p ìepS> v$f¡ Q¾$h©[Ý^ ìepS>¡ d|L$hpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡.
Å¡ ìepS> v$f 6 drl“¡ Dd¡fhpdp„ Aph¡ sp¡ Ly$g ìepS>, ìepS> v$f hj£ Dd¡fhpdp„
Aph¡ s¡“p L$fsp„ ê$. 482 h^y R>¡. sp¡ s¡ fL$d L$C li¡?
(A) ê$. 15000 (B) ê$. 20000
(C) ê$. 25000 (D) ê$. 40000

101. Which among the following factors influence the cost of generation of
electric power?
(A) Generator efficiency (B) Fuel cost
(C) Transmission losses (D) All of these

102. The output of a standard second order system for a unit step input is
2 –t r
given as y (t) = 1 – e cos ` 3t – j .
3 6
The transfer function of this system is given as
2 1
(A) (B)
(s + 2) s + 3 h (s + 1) 2
3 4
(C) 2 (D) 2
s + 2s + 3 s + 2s + 4

103. Thyristor can be protected from over voltages by using

(A) Voltage clamping device (B) Fuse
(C) Heat Sink (D) Sunbber Circuit

104. The positive plates of nickel iron cell is made up of

(A) Nickel hydroxide (B) Lead peroxide
(C) Ferrous hydroxide (D) Potassium hydroxide

EIA-A ] [ 18 ] [ Contd...
105. Why resistor is used in snubber circuit?
(A) To minimize the loss
(B) To minimize the charging current
(C) To minimize the discharging current
(D) All of these

106. The number of entries in the truth tables of a 3 input NAND gate is
(A) 6 (B) 9
(C) 8 (D) 3

107. Which logic family provides minimum power dissipation

(A) Suppressing emissions
(B) Reducing the efficiency of the coupling path
(C) Reducing the susceptibility of the receptor
(D) All of these

108. Which theorem states that the total average power of a periodic signal is
equal to the sum of average powers of the individual Fourier coefficients?
(A) Parseval's theorem (B) Rayleigh theorem
(C) Both (a) and (b) (D) None

109. What is power angle equation of synchronous machines?

(A) An equation between electrical power generated to the angular
displacement of the rotor.
(B) An equation between mechanical power generated to the angular
displacement of the rotor.
(C) An equation between electrical power generated to the angular
displacement of stator windings.
(D) An equation between mechanical power generated to the angular
displacement of stator windings.

EIA-A ] [ 19 ] [ P.T.O.
110. Laplace Transform exists when the function is
(A) piece-wise continuous and piecewise discrete
(B) piecewise discrete and of exponential order
(C) of differential order and of exponential order
(D) of exponential order and piece-wise continuous

111. What is/are the crucial purposes of using the Fourier Transform while
analyzing any elementary signals at different frequencies?
(A) Transformation from time domain to frequency domain
(B) Plotting of amplitude and phase spectrum
(C) Both a and b
(D) None of the above

112. Voltage-divider bias provides :

(A) An unstable Q point
(B) A stable Q point
(C) A Q point that easily varies with changes in the transistor's
current gain.
(D) A Q point that is stable and easily varies with changes in the
transistor's current gain.

113. With a 12 V supply, a silicon diode, and a 370-ohm resistor in series,

what voltage will be dropped across the diode?
(A) 0.3 V (B) 0.7 V
(C) 0.9 V (D) 1.4 V

114. Which type/s of discrete-time system do/does not exhibit the necessity
of any feedback?
(A) Recursive Systems (B) Non-recursive Systems
(C) Both a and b (D) None of the above

115. According to Nyquist stability criterion, where should be the position

of all zeros of q(s) corresponding to s-plane?
(A) On right half (B) At the center
(C) On left half (D) Random

EIA-A ] [ 20 ] [ Contd...
116. The force between two charges is 120 N. If the distance between the
charges is doubled, the force will be
(A) 60 N (B) 30 N
(C) 40 N (D) 15 N

117. If poles are added to the system, where will the system tend to shift
the root locus?
(A) To the left of an imaginary axis
(B) At the center
(C) No shifting takes place.
(D) To the right of an imaginary axis

118. If a type 1 system is subjected to parabolic input, what will be the

value of steady state error?
(A) 0 (B) 100
(C) Constant k (D) Infinite

119. Which system exhibits the initiation of corrective action only after the
output gets affected?
(A) Feed forward (B) Feedback
(C) Both a and b (D) None of the above

120. Which statements represent the properties of a tree according to the

network graph theory?
A1 : There exists only a single path between any pair of nodes.
A2 : The rank of a tree is similar to the rank of graph
A3 : A tree does not contain any node on the graph
A4 : A tree comprises all closed paths
(A) A1 & A3 (B) A3 & A4
(C) A1 & A2 (D) None of the above

121. How many number of trees are possible for a network possessing 'n'
(A) 2n – 1 (B) 2n+2
(C) n[1/n+2] (D) nn–2

EIA-A ] [ 21 ] [ P.T.O.
122. Which element of graph theory specifies a subgraph of a graph by
allowing the incidence of exactly two branches at each node?
(A) Twig (B) Path
(C) Loop (D) Link

123. The no-load current drawn by a transformer is usually what percentage

of the full load current.
(A) 0.2 to 0.5 percent (B) 2 to 5 percent
(C) 12 to 15 percent (D) 20 to 30 percent

124. The efficiency of a transformer will be maximum when

(A) Copper losses = Hysteresis losses
(B) Hysteresis losses = Eddy current losses
(C) Eddy current losses = Copper losses
(D) Cooper losses = Iron losses

125. The maximum efficiency of a distribution transformer is at

(A) Full load (B) 80% load
(C) 50% load (D) No load

126. Which of the following protects a cable against mechanical injury?

(A) Armoring (B) Bedding
(C) Sheath (D) None of the above

127. Dielectric strength of rubber is

(A) 10 kV per mm (B) 100 kV per mm
(C) 30 kV per mm (D) 15 kV per mm

128. If the capacitance of a single phase motor is short-circuited the motor

(A) run in reverse direction
(B) be short circuited
(C) not start
(D) run in the same direction with reduced r.p.m.

EIA-A ] [ 22 ] [ Contd...
129. In a shaded-pole single phase motor, the revolving field is produced by
the use of
(A) Inductor (B) Capacitor
(C) Shading coils (D) Combination of resistors

130. The relative permittivity of rubber is between

(A) 5 and 6 (B) 2 and 3
(C) 9 and 10 (D) 10 and 12

131. KCL works on the principle of which of the following

(A) Law of conservation of charge
(B) Law of conservation of energy
(C) Both
(D) None of the above

132. Materials exhibiting zero value of resistivity are known as

(A) Conductors (B) Semiconductors
(C) Insulators (D) Superconductors

133. Megger is a portable instrument. It is used for the measurement of

(A) Low inductance (B) Low resistance
(C) High inductance (D) High resistance

134. Compare the total copper cross sections in terms of current-carrying

capacity for a single-phase and a three-phase 120 V system with effective
load resistance of 15 ohm.
(A) Single-phase 8 A; three-phase 4 A
(B) Single-phase 16 A; three-phase 8 A
(C) Single-phase 32 A; three-phase 16 A
(D) Single-phase 16 A; three-phase 0 A

135. What causes the piezoelectric effect?

(A) Heat or dissimilar metals (B) Pressure on a crystal
(C) Water running on iron (D) A magnetic field

EIA-A ] [ 23 ] [ P.T.O.
136. The speech signal is obtained after
(A) Analog to digital conversion (B) Digital to analog conversion
(C) Modulation (D) Quantization

137. The Nyquist theorem for sampling

(1) Relates the conditions in time domain and frequency domain
(2) Helps in quantization
(3) Limits the bandwidth requirement
(4) Gives the spectrum of the signal
(A) 1, 2 and 3 are correct (B) 1 and 2 are correct
(C) 1 and 3 are correct (D) All the four are correct

138. If the instrument is to have a wide range, the instrument should have
(A) Linear scale (B) Square-law scale
(C) Exponential scale (D) Logarithmic scale

139. DTFT is the representation of

(A) Periodic Discrete time signals (B) Aperiodic Discrete time signals
(C) Aperiodic continuous signals (D) Periodic continuous signals

x2 sin (x) - e x
140. x " 0
cos d x + n
(A) 1 (B) Infinity
(C) 0 (D) 0.5

141. The interval in which the Lagrange’s theorem is applicable for the
function f(x) = 1/x is
(A) [–3, 3] (B) [–2, 1]
(C) [2, 3] (D) [–1, 1]

142. If f(x) = | x |, then for interval [–1, 1], f(x)

(A) Does not satisfy the conditions of Mean Value Theorem
(B) Satisfies all conditions of Rolle’s Theorem
(C) Satisfies all conditions of Mean Value Theorem
(D) None of these

EIA-A ] [ 24 ] [ Contd...
143. What is the derivative of f(x) = | x | at x = 0
(A) 1 (B) –1
(C) Does not exist (D) 0

144. The maxima and minima of the function f(x) = 2 × 3 – 15 × 2 + 36x + 10

occur respectively at
(A) x = 3 and x = 2 (B) x = 1 and x = 3
(C) x = 2 and x = 3 (D) x = 3 and x = 4

145. Area bounded by the parabola 2y = x2 and the line x = y – 4 is equal

(A) Infinity (B) 18
(C) 6 (D) None of the above

146. Sum of the perimeters of a circle and a square is 1. If sum of the

area is least, then side of the square is
(A) Double the radius of circle (B) 1/2 of the radius of the circle
(C) Equal to radius of the circle (D) None of these

147. 8085 microprocessor has how many pins

(A) 30 (B) 44
(C) 40 (D) 60

148. Lead network is used to

(A) Improve transient response (B) Both A and C
(C) Increase bandwidth (D) Improve steady state response

149. The phase of lead compensator of the system G(s) = (s + a) / (s + b)

is maximum at
(A) ab (B)
(C) ab (D)

EIA-A ] [ 25 ] [ P.T.O.
150. The dc gain of a system represented by the transfer function
12/(s + 1) (s + 3) is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 5 (D) 10

s+ 5
151. What is the order of a system G (s) = ?
s (s + 4) (s + 2)
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4

152. A negative feedback closed loop system is supplied to an input of 5

volt. The system has a forward gain of 1 and a feedback gain of 1.
What is the output voltage (in Volts)?
(A) 1 (B) 1.5
(C) 2.5 (D) 3

153. A system of constant voltage and constant frequency is called

(A) feedback (B) infinite
(C) zero (D) None of the above

154. What quantity of charge must be delivered by a battery with a Potential

Difference of 110 V to do 660 J of Work?
(A) 0.6 C (B) 6 C
(C) 60 C (D) 600 C

155. A cascade of three linear time invariant systems is casual and unstable.
From this we conclude that
(A) each system in the cascade is individually caused and unstable.
(B) at least one system is unstable and at least one system is causal.
(C) at least one system is casual and all systems are unstable.
(D) the majority are unstable and the majority are causal.

156. Which triggering is the most reliable?

(A) Forward voltage triggering. (B) Thermal triggering.
(C) dv triggering. (D) Gate triggering

EIA-A ] [ 26 ] [ Contd...
157. The latching current of SCR is 20 mA. Its holding current will be
(A) 23 mA (B) 40 mA
(C) 10 mA (D) 60 mA

158. When a neutral point of 3 - z system is directly connected to earth

then it has what type of grounding?
(A) Solid (B) Resistance
(C) Reactance (D) Peterson coil

159. Which of the following material is not used as fuse element?

(A) Silver (B) Copper
(C) Aluminium (D) Carbon

160. In a certain three-wire Y-connected generator, the phase voltages are

2 KV. The magnitudes of the line voltages are
(A) 4000 V. (B) 3464 V.
(C) 2000 V. (D) 666 V.

161. Which of the following theorem can be applied to any network, which
is linear (or) nonlinear active (or) passive, time variant (or) time in
(A) Superposition Theorem. (B) Norton’s Theorem.
(C) Thevenin’s Theorem. (D) Tellegen’s Theorem.

162. The list of coded instructions is called.

(A) Computer program (B) Algorithm
(C) Flowchart (D) Utility programs

163. A 10 V battery with an internal resistance of 1W is connected across a

non-linear load whose V. I characteristic are 71 = V2 + 2V . The current
delivered by the battery is
(A) 2.5 A (B) 5 A
(C) 6 A (D) 7 A

EIA-A ] [ 27 ] [ P.T.O.
164. Mass in force-voltage analogy is analogous to
(A) Inductance (B) Charge
(C) Current (D) Resistance

165. Steady state stability limit is

(A) Equal to transient stability limit
(B) Greater than transient stability limit
(C) Lesser than transient stability limit
(D) None of these.

166. If the gain of the open loop system is doubled, the gain margin.
(A) is not affected (B) gets doubled
(C) becomes half (D) becomes one-forth

167. An ideal diode is one which behaves as a perfect when forward

(A) Conductor (B) Insulator
(C) Resistance material (D) none of the above

168. In an SCR circuit, the supply voltage is generally that of

breakover voltage
(A) equal to (B) less than
(C) greater than (D) none of the above

169. In AC supply, an SCR can exercise control over

(A) Positive half-cycles only
(B) Negative half-cycles only
(C) Both positive and negative half-cycles
(D) Positive or negative half-cycles

170. In an LC transistor oscillator, the active device is

(A) LC tank circuit (B) Biasing circuit
(C) Transistor (D) None of the above

EIA-A ] [ 28 ] [ Contd...
171. Hartley oscillator is commonly used in .
(A) Radio receivers (B) TV receivers
(C) Radio Transmitters (D) None of the above

172. Slope of asymptote in Bode plot of 2nd order system is per

(A) 18 dB (B) 12 dB
(C) 6 dB (D) 3 dB

173. The graph of an electrical network has N nodes and B branches. The
number of links L with respect to the choice of a tree, is given by
(A) N – B + 1 (B) B + N
(C) B – N + 1 (D) N – 2B – 1

174. Error constants of a system are measure of

(A) transient state response
(B) steady state as well as transient state response
(C) relative stability
(D) steady state response

175. What causes the depletion region?

(A) Doping (B) Diffusion
(C) Barrier Potential (D) Ions

176. Relative permittivity can be measured by bridge.

(A) Wheatstone (B) Hays
(C) Desauty (D) Schering

177. Which of the following is not a transmission medium?

(A) Telephone lines (B) Coaxial cables
(C) Modem (D) Microwave systems

178. 2nd order low pass filter has cut off frequency as compared to
1st order low pass filter
(A) higher (B) lower
(C) equal (D) indeterminate

EIA-A ] [ 29 ] [ P.T.O.
179. Differentiation of parabolic response is a response.
(A) step (B) impulse
(C) ramp (D) parabolic

180. What is the open loop DC gain of a unity feedback control system
s+ 4
having closed loop transfer function is 2 ?
s + 7s + 13
4 13
(A) (B)
13 4
9 4
(C) (D)
4 9

181. Adding a pole to a system transfer function in terms of compensator

represents a compensator?
(A) Lead (B) Lag
(C) Lead-Lag (D) Lag-Lead

182. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is
given by G(s) = k/s(s+1). If gain k is increased to infinity, then damping
ratio will tend to become.
(A) Infinite (B) 0.707
(C) Unity (D) Zero

V (s) +
183. The system function N (s) = = s 3 The system is initially at
I (s) 4s + 5
rest. If the excitation i(t) is a unit step, which of the following is the
initial value?
(A) 0 (B) 3/5
(C) 1/4 (D) 3/9

184. A system is stable for

(A) Gain margin and Phase margin both positive.
(B) Gain margin and Phase margin both negative.
(C) Gain margin positive, Phase margin negative.
(D) Phase margin negative.

EIA-A ] [ 30 ] [ Contd...
185. Time constant is defined as the time taken by the response of the
system to reach ?
(A) 100% of the final value (B) 70.7% of the final value
(C) 63% of the final value (D) 50% of the final value

186. If the magnitude of G(jw)H(jw) at phase crossover frequency is 0.5.

Find the gain margin of the given system?
(A) 0.5 (B) 2
(C) 1 (D) 4

187. A square matrix is called singular if its

(A) determinant is zero. (B) determinant is unity.
(C) determinant is infinity. (D) rank is unity.

188. The internal resistance of a dry cell is of the order of

(A) 0.2 to 0.4 Ohm. (B) 1 to 1.5 Ohm.
(C) 2 to 5 Ohm. (D) 1 to 15 Ohm.

189. Galvanizing is the coating of

(A) lead. (B) chromium.
(C) brass. (D) zinc.

190. For a ring counter, the number of output states are always equal to
number of
(A) input states (B) clock pulses
(C) registers (D) flip flops

191. Convert the binary number (1111000011110000) to hexadecimal number.

(A) 1010 (B) F0F0
(C) 7070 (D) 5050

192. 2’s Complement of 10101011 is

(A) 01010101 (B) 00111100
(C) 10101011 (D) 10101100

EIA-A ] [ 31 ] [ P.T.O.
193. Which of the quantity consists of unit as Pascal?
(A) Temperature (B) Pressure
(C) Force (D) Impulse

194. A galvanometer with a full scale current of 10 mA has a resistance

of 1000 W. The multiplying power (the ratio of measured current to
galvanometer current) of 100 W shunt with this galvanometer is
(A) 110. (B) 100.
(C) 11. (D) 10.

195. The speed of a DC shunt-motor depends upon the

(A) supply voltage alone
(B) field flux and supply voltage
(C) shaft load alone
(D) Both the supply voltage and the load torque

196. A practical capacitor is specified by a loss angle which is the

(A) angle between voltage acaross the capacitor and the current through it.
(B) angle between the supply voltage and the output voltage.
(C) Phase angle deviation from 90°.
(D) Power loss angle and measured as the angle between the plates.

197. The speed of an Induction Machine can be best controlled by varying

(A) supply voltage
(B) supply frequency
(C) supply voltage and frequency in proportion
(D) number of poles

198. In a tube light the starter contains a capacitor in parallel to

(A) filter electromagnetic interference
(B) supply reactive power
(C) boost the voltage
(D) match the impedance

EIA-A ] [ 32 ] [ Contd...
199. The displacement current flows in
(A) pn junctions (B) magnetic circuits
(C) SCRs (D) Capacitors

200. Skin effect is an

(A) Thermal phenomena (B) Electromagnetic phenomena
(C) Ohmic phenomena (D) Conductive phenomena

201. Which system cannot be represented by a transfer function?

d2 x # x (u) du
(A) y = 2 (B) y =
dt 0
(C) y = x + (D) y = mx + c

202. The step response of a system with transfer function G (s) = 1/ (xs + 1)
attains more than 98% of its final value in time t equal to
(A) t (B) 2t
(C) 3t (D) 4t

203. The loop transfer function in a feedback control system is, .
(s + 2) (s + 10)
The steady state error due to step input is,
(A) 0.2 (B) 0.1
(C) 0.6 (D) 0.3

204. The Z transform of x (n) = a 1 k u (n + 2)
(A) 1/(1 – 3z–1) (B) 1/(1 – 3z)
(C) 1/(z – 3) (D) 1/(1 + 3z–1)

205. If the closed-loop transfer function of a control system is given below.

s- 5
The system is T (s) =
(s + 2) (s + 3)
(A) An Unstable System. (B) An Uncontrollable System.
(C) A Minimum Phase System. (D) A Non-Minimum Phase System.

EIA-A ] [ 33 ] [ P.T.O.
206. A Signal has frequency components from 300 Hz to 1.8 KHz. The
minimum possible rate at which the signal has to be sampled is more
than ______.
(A) 2.1 KHz (B) 3.6 KHz
(C) 600 Hz (D) 1 KHz

207. The signal u(t – 1) is

(A) Causal (B) Anti-causal
(C) Non causal (D) None of this.

208. Magnetic Hysteresis can be used in

(A) transformers (B) inductors
(C) to store data (D) to damp oscillations

209. The power loss in a resistance when charging an inductor to current I

from a DC source is
(A) ½ LI2 (B) 2 LI2
(C) LI2 (D) 1 3  LI2

210. A signal generator should have

(A) High Input Impedance (B) High Output Impedance
(C) Matching Output Impedance (D) Small Input Impedance

211. The induction heaters used in kitchen has

(A) runs at high power factor
(B) runs at a very lower factor
(C) injects a lot of reactive power to the system
(D) injects a lot of harmonics to the system

212. In Digital Circuits the major heat is generated at the

(A) Transistor when it is Switching
(B) Transistor when it is ON
(C) Transistor when it is OFF
(D) Transistor when it is cut off

EIA-A ] [ 34 ] [ Contd...
213. The pressure coil of the wattmeter has
(A) High Resistance (R) but very Low Inductance (L)
(B) Low Resistance but very Low Inductance
(C) Low Resistance but very High Inductance
(D) High Resistance and High R/L ratio

214. Generally the noise is characterized by its

(A) Amplitude (B) Phase
(C) Distribution (D) Frequency

215. A network has 7 nodes and 5 independent loops. The number of branches
in network is
(A) 13 (B) 12
(C) 11 (D) 10

216. What does a hall effect sensor sense?

(A) temperature (B) moisture
(C) magnetic fields (D) pressure

217. Twelve 1 Ohm resistances are used as edges to form a cube. The
resistance between two diagonally opposite corners of the cube is
(A) 5/6 Ohms (B) 1/6 Ohms
(C) 6/5 Ohms (D) 3/2 Ohms

218. A system described by the following differential equation

d2 y dy
+3 + 2y = x (t) is initially at rest. For input x(t) = 2u(t),
dt 2
the output y(t) is
(A) (1 – 2e–t + e–2t) u (t) (B) (1 + 2e–t – e–2t) u (t)
(C) (0.5 + e–t + 1.5e–2t) u (t) (D) (0.5 + 2e–t + 2e–2t) u (t)

219. The dB is generally calculated for the

(A) Power
(B) Energy
(C) Instantaneous value of the signal
(D) Only for SNRs
EIA-A ] [ 35 ] [ P.T.O.
220. In a typical opamp the common mode rejection ratio should be
(A) Low (B) High
(C) Depends on the application (D) Very Low

221. One Tesla is equivalent to

(A) 10,000 Gauss (B) 0.01 Wb/m2
(C) 10 Wb/m2 (D) 1000 Gauss

222. In steady-state single phase transformers the hysteresis effect induces

(A) 2nd Harmonic Current components
(B) DC components
(C) third Harmonic Current Components
(D) Overvoltages

223. The sampling error in an A-D converter can be reduced by

(A) Low Pass filter (B) High Pass Filter
(C) Increasing the Voltage Levels (D) Reducing the conversion time

224. The race around condition in flip-flops can be removed by

(A) Cascading and clocking
(B) Putting them in parallel and clocking
(C) Using very high speed flip flops and clocking
(D) Only by a clock at the input

225. The transformer core is laminated to

(A) carry more flux (B) to make the manufacturing easy
(C) to reduce hysteresis loss (D) to reduce eddy current loss

226. What should be the nature of root locus about the real axis?
(A) Asymmetric
(B) Symmetric
(C) Exponential
(D) Decaying

EIA-A ] [ 36 ] [ Contd...
227. The input to a linear system is a purely sinusoidal signal.
(A) the output need not be a sinusoid
(B) the output will be a sinusoid of different frequency
(C) the output is a sinusoid of same frequency with phase shift
(D) the output is a linear waveform varying linearly with time

228. The following circuit can act as a memory

(A) A combinatorial circuit (B) GATE with feedback
(C) A simple GATE (D) An XOR GATE

229. The plant having a stable under-damped transfer function as

2 2
s + 2~n gs + ~n
(A) steady state error to step input
(B) steady state error to ramp input
(C) no steady state error for any inputs
(D) steady state error to impulse input

230. Impedance Matching is necessary to

(A) transfer maximum current (B) transfer maximum power
(C) transfer maximum voltage (D) avoid frequency drifts

231. A sinusoidal signal of frequency 1 kHz should be measured by a

(A) Digital Multimeter (B) A moving iron voltmeter
(C) An electronic voltmeter (D) A moving coil voltmeter

232. An inverting operational amplifier is fed from a signal source through

resistance Rl. The feedback resistance is RF. If the opamp acts as sign
changer then
(A) RF = 0.5 R1 (B) RF = 2 R1
(C) RF = R1 (D) RF = 0.75 R1

233. What is the result of frequency instability?

(A) Voltage collapse (B) Frequency swings
(C) Tripping of generating units (D) Both (B) and (C)

EIA-A ] [ 37 ] [ P.T.O.
234. The minimum number of wattmeter’s required to measure three phase
(A) One (B) Two
(C) Three (D) Four

235. Form factor is

(A) RMS/average (B) Average/RMS
(C) 1/RMS (D) 1/average

236. Quality factor is

(A) Resonating frequency/bandwidth
(B) 1/bandwidth
(C) 1/Resonating frequency
(D) Bandwidth/Resonating frequency

237. Short-circuit voltage and open-circuit current in a network is

(A) One (B) Infinity
(C) Zero (D) None of the above

238. Current flowing in the circuit ______ the supply voltage in a Series
RL circuit.
(A) Lags (B) Leads
(C) Lag-Lead (D) Lead-Lag

239. The base criteria for nodal and loop analysis are ______ and ______,

240. In an AC circuit, the reactance offered by the inductor and capacitor

will be:
(A) 2πfL, 2πfC (B) 1/2πfL, 1/2πfC
(C) 2πfC, 1/2πfL (D) 2πfL, 1/2πfC

EIA-A ] [ 38 ] [ Contd...
241. The expression for power factor in a series RLC circuit is given as :
(A) R/Z (B) cos(arctan(X/R))
(C) active power/apparent power (D) All of the above

242. The effective impedance of a series RLC circuit under resonance is

equal to ______.
(A) Resistance (B) Inductive reactance
(C) Capacitive reactance (D) Either b or c

243. Inductor and capacitor does not allow sudden change in ______ and
______, respectively.
(A) Voltage, current (B) Active power, reactive power
(C) Reactive power, active power (D) Current, voltage

244. Schmitt trigger acts as

(A) Triangle wave generator (B) Sine wave generator
(C) Square wave generator (D) None

245. OP-AMP is having

(A) High input impedance (B) Low output impedance
(C) Both a & b (D) Neither a nor b

246. UJT acts as

(A) Amplifier (B) Rectifier
(C) Switch (D) Relaxation Oscillator

247. Universal logic gates are

(A) AND, OR and NOT (B) NAND and NOR
(C) EX-OR and EX-NOR (D) None

248. In a BJT, the relation between current gains is given by

a 1+ b
(A) b = (B) a =
1- a b
(C) Both a & b (D) None

EIA-A ] [ 39 ] [ P.T.O.
249. The expression of settling time in second order system
1 2
(A) (B)
g~n g~n

3 4
(C) (D)
g~n g~n

250. The following stability assessment tool is carried out for sinusoidal input
(A) Root locus (B) Nyquist stability criterion
(C) Bode plot (D) None

251. In the first column of routh array, number of sign changes indicate
(A) Number of roots on left half of s-plane
(B) Number of roots on right half of s-plane
(C) Number of roots on imaginary axis
(D) None

252. For verifying the closed loop stability, which technique is used
(A) Root locus (B) Nyquist stability criterion
(C) Bode plot (D) None

253. The mathematical relation for converting state-space to transfer function

(A) C(SI – A)–1 B + D (B) B(SI – A)–1 C + D
(C) A(SI – B)–1 C + D (D) D(SI – A)–1 B + C

254. A linear system satisfies:

(A) Ohm’s law (B) Thevenin’s theorem
(C) Principle of superposition (D) None

255. For variable frequency applications, ______ converter is used

(A) Half-wave (B) Full-wave
(C) Inverter (D) Cycloconverter

EIA-A ] [ 40 ] [ Contd...
256. Which of the power electronic device conducts for minimum gate current:
(C) SCR (D) None

257. A voltage source in series with inductor can be treated as:

(A) Voltage source (B) Current source
(C) Not a source (D) Never to be used

258. In averaged model of VSC, peak value of line to neutral voltage is

(A) (B) m
2 2
(C) (D) m
4 4

259. Voltage Source Converter refers to

(A) Rectifier (B) Inverter
(C) Either a or b (D) DC-DC converter

260. PWM pulse can be generated by comparing

(A) Sine and triangle waves (B) Sine and square waves
(C) Square and triangle wave (D) None

261. Statement 1: Diode rectifier is controllable

Statement 2: Thyristor based rectifier is controllable
Which of the above statement is false
(A) Both Statement 1 and statement 2
(B) Only Statement 2
(C) Only statement 1
(D) None

262. The ratio of output voltage and input voltage for a step down
chopper is
(A) Duty ratio (B) 1/(1-Duty ratio)
(C) 1/Duty ratio (D) None

EIA-A ] [ 41 ] [ P.T.O.
263. For a step-up chopper, output voltage is equal to input voltage when
(A) Duty ratio is zero (B) Duty ratio is one
(C) Duty ratio is 0.5 (D) None

264. Equal area criterion is applicable only for

(A) Single machine infinite bus system
(B) Two machine infinite bus system
(C) Multi machine infinite bus system
(D) None

265. Which of Dead weight gauge is used for the measurement of pressure
of about
(A) 1000 bar (B) 2000 bar
(C) 5000 bar (D) 7000 bar

266. Which of the following methods converge for less iterations

(A) Gauss-Seidal power flow solution
(B) Newton-Raphson power flow solution
(C) Both a & b
(D) None

267. For long transmission line, the relay preferred will be:
(A) Ohm relay (B) Mho relay
(C) Buchhloz’s relay (D) None

268. Active and reactive power flows in a transmission line are governed
by ______ and ______, respectively.
(A) Voltage magnitude, voltage angle
(B) Only voltage magnitude
(C) Only voltage angle
(D) Voltage angle, voltage magnitude

EIA-A ] [ 42 ] [ Contd...
269. In a short transmission line, ______ is neglected.
(A) Line resistance
(B) Line inductance
(C) Capacitance between line and ground
(D) None

270. Which of the following relation holds good for transmission parameters:
(A) A = D (B) AD - BC = 1
(C) Both A & B (D) Only B

271. The concept of locus diagram is applied to:

(A) Steady state stability limit (B) Surge impedance loading
(C) Power system protection (D) None

272. Short transmission line is governed by

(A) Thermal limit (B) Steady state stability limit
(C) Surge impedance loading (D) All of the above

273. Fast Decoupled Load Flow method is the modification of:

(A) Gauss-seidal
(B) Newton-Raphson
(C) Both Gauss-Seidal and Newton Raphson
(D) New method

274. The units of inertia constant are:

(A) Hertz (B) Cycle/sec
(C) Sec (D) 1/sec

275. Inertia constant is the ratio of:

(A) KE/MVA (B) KE/kW
(C) KE/kVAR (D) KE/sec

EIA-A ] [ 43 ] [ P.T.O.
276. Direct and quadrature axes powers in a synchronous machine refers to:
(A) Only active power (B) Only reactive power
(C) Reactive and active powers (D) Active and reactive powers

277. In a power system, active power is influenced with

(A) Voltage (B) Voltage magnitude
(C) Frequency (D) Both B & C

278. In the context of India, the power plant meeting based load is:
(A) Hydel (B) Thermal
(C) Nuclear (D) Wind power plant

279. Synchronous condenser is:

(A) Over excited synchronous motor
(B) Under excited synchronous generator
(C) Both A & B
(D) Only A

280. STATCOM generates

(A) Active power
(B) Reactive power
(C) Both active and reactive powers
(D) No power

281. A bus or node in a power system refers to:

(A) Capacitor bank (B) Alternator
(C) Compensator (D) Sub-station

282. Which of these components are negligible in a balanced three phase

(A) Positive sequence (B) Negative sequence
(C) Zero sequence (D) Both B & C

EIA-A ] [ 44 ] [ Contd...
283. The preferred transmission system above breakeven distance:
(A) AC transmission (B) DC transmission
(C) Hybrid AC-DC transmission (D) None

284. Voltage regulation of transformer is negative in the case of:

(A) Leading power factor load (B) Lagging power factor load
(C) Unity power factor load (D) None of the above

285. The number of parallel paths for lap and wave windings in a DC
machine are:
(A) P and 2 (B) P and P/2
(C) 2 and 4 (D) P/2 and P

286. The EMF equation in a DC machine is proportional to:

(A) Speed (B) Square of speed
(C) Inverse of speed (D) None

287. Induction motor acts as generator at ______ the synchronous speed.

(A) Above (B) Below
(C) 5 of (D) Half

288. Which of the following machine is best suited for constant speed
(A) DC series motor (B) 3-φ induction motor
(C) Synchronous motor (D) 1-φ induction motor

289. The nomenclature of the following 3-φ transformer is:

Balanced 3-phase supply

(A) Yd11 (B) Yd1
(C) Dy1 (D) Dy11

EIA-A ] [ 45 ] [ P.T.O.
290. In a DC series machine, torque is proportional to:
(A) ia (B) i a2
(C) ia (D) None

291. In synchronous machines, damper winding is placed to

(A) Provide starting torque (B) Prevent hunting
(C) Reduce speed (D) Increase speed

292. In case of a 1-φ induction motor, the phase shift between main and
auxiliary windings will be:
(A) 30° (B) 70°
(C) 90° (D) 120°

293. The commutation in a DC machine involves

(A) Current reversal (B) Voltage reversal
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None

294. Which of the following tests can be conducted to determine iron and
copper losses of a transformer simultaneously:
(A) OC test (B) SC test
(C) Back to back test (D) None of the above

295. Statement 1: Unequal power ratings of transformers cannot be considered

for parallel operation.
Statement 2: The X/R ratios of transformer windings need to be same
for parallel operation.
(A) Only statement 1 is correct (B) Both the statements are correct
(C) Only statement 2 is correct (D) Both the statements are wrong

296. One of the following experiments is carried out at no-load.

(A) Swinburne’s test (B) Hopkinson’s test
(C) Field’s test (D) None of the above

EIA-A ] [ 46 ] [ Contd...
297. The field in the air gap of an induction motor rotates at
(A) Difference between synchronous and rotor speeds.
(B) Synchronous speed
(C) Rotor speed
(D) None of the above

298. The armature current of a DC shunt generator is:

Vt Vt - E g
(A) (B)
Ra Ra

E g - Vt Eg
(C) (D)
Ra Ra

299. Rotor resistance can be varied in

(A) Slip-ring induction motor (B) Squirrel case induction motor
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)

300. From no-load and blocked rotor tests of an induction motor, which of
the following can be determined:
(A) Losses (B) Efficiency
(C) Power factor (D) All of the above

EIA-A ] [ 47 ]

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