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Local government is the management and administration of local

problems / local affairs by the local people themselves or through the

representative at local level.

Importance of Local Government

1. Local Government is important for National Development for many reasons

2. Local Government helps in avoiding local oppositions to Plan

3. Local Government contributes to the Political Stability

4. Local Government provides a sense of participation on the part of people

5. Local Government provides foundation to the Socio-Economic Political

development in society

6. Local Government bridges the gap of relationship in between a man &

village man and in National political system

7. Local government helps to motivate people for resource mobilization and

national reconstruction

Local Government is important for National Development for many reasons:

The sole objective of modern state is not policing but welfare of their people

and welfare is only possible when government has strict check in the needs

of people. These needs can be better understood through the local bodies

because these institutions are very close to local masses in comparison with

the federal or provincial government.

For instance, when welfare projects starts at grass root level, it has positive

impact on the psyche of masses. They realize that their needs are recognised,

fulfilled and therefore become more motivated to attach with the

government and be a part in executing it for National development.

Local Government helps in avoiding local oppositions to Plan:

Local government works fro the welfare of the local people at lower level so

it shows the welfare performance of its government very easily to the local

masses due to which the unnecessary propaganda or accusations of the local

oppositions can be avoided by the local support of the local people. In local

government, authorities has an opportunity to convince the local people for

its actions, what it has done or plans to do in future and by doing well in one

tenure not only they win the hearts of people but also make sure their re

election in future which directly results in avoiding local opposition.

Local Government contributes to the Political Stability:

Local government is the government with the elected members at the lower

level which acts as cabinet as well as a body for the welfare of the people.

Local government has necessary arrangements to keep local people satisfy

and reply to arguments raised by the local opposition. Actions taken at the

National level, which are not easily understood in the local masses, are well
explained by the local government so that opposition can not take illegal

advantage of penetrating people against the government. Local Government

gives proper reply and maintain peace in the local people which add to the

political stability of the Government.

For instance, if opposition tries to raise anger in people, local government

comes in to action before things get out of control so therefore local

government acts as a spokesman of the Government. The perfect check and

balance established at lower level which brings political stability.

Local Government provides a sense of participation on the part of people:

Local Government works for the welfare of the people at lower level by the

government then people automatically attach with the government and are

really concern about the decisions of government because its impacts is on

them in first place. Naturally people involves in the projects thereby gives

their suggestions, recommendations and even condemn projects which

government has initiated through the local government.

For instance through initiated projects masses pay taxes and when masses

see immediate results in the form of benefits of the projects, they view their

participation is worthy and they actively participate in the affairs of

Local Government provides foundation to the Socio-Economic Political
development in society:

Local Government executes a proper system at the local level which is based

on fulfilling the demands of the people by keeping eye on the available

resources. A proper system development at the lower level helps in

controlling corruptions and misuse of the financial resources at the local

level by the establishment of a proper check & balance system in different

institutions such as police, educational institution which comes in the

jurisdiction of the local government. These actions help in controlling

corruption as well proper utilization of resources. If there is a shortage of

fund at lower level than local government acts as a channel which transfer

the budget to the local people by catering their needs. Local government

also establishes a strong socio-economic structure at the lower level which

not only fulfills the needs of the people but also helps the federal

government to utilize the available financial resources in effective and

efficient manner so that the taxes which masses pay may not be wasted.

Local Government bridges the gap of relationship in between a man &

village man and in National political system:

Local Government exercise its authority in a particular jurisdiction and

responsible for a particular jurisdiction. One local government can not claim
the responsibility nor can take any action for the people outside its territory

which means that the taxes people paid in one area can be utilized on them.

The benefits are enjoyed by the people who paid the taxes in one territory.

In other words the taxes collected from the one territory can not be utilized

on the masses of other territory. If the resources of one area is utilized by the

other are it gives birth to hostile scenario and people start breaking the law

by destroying the public property so in the presence of the local government

people get instant platform to record their protests and ask about their rights

in their own jurisdiction without disturbing other areas so better peace is

created and healthy environment are established which promotes healthy

relations as well trades and other welfare activities.

Local government helps to motivate people for resource mobilization and

national reconstruction:

Since the philosophy of the local government is the management of

problems at the local level by the local people through local representatives

so people when see the results in the form of benefits which they get for the

taxes they pay then they are motivated and through joint efforts of a local

people as their resources and the projects take place more rapidly and since

each locality pays for the development of its area so the development of the

areas means the development of the nation. Through their resources better
utilization because of better institutes are established. It leads to the well

security and their participation increases in projects so mobilization of

resources takes place in the form of national reconstruction.

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