Informe Mining and Metals Business Risks 2017 2018 PDF

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Top 10 business

risks facing mining

and metals
Risk radar for mining and metals
Top 10 business risks

in t ventu
agi imization of energy
a n d opt
ce ss t ment
Ac r eplace
esou to opera
te 8
ic ense
9 ial
l 7
Soc ization
8 o ptim
7 Ca ry risk 4
g ulato
6 Re 1
ld commodities
w wor
5 Ne
4 ber
3 mpe 9
Co areholder retur
2 sh ns
D fectivenes
1 ef s Productivity
in 2 0 16
7–20 8




Up from 2016 Down from 2016 Same as 2016 New to the radar

“This year’s business risks report clearly reflects the positive uptick in
the market — volatility has eased off in a number of commodities, and
balance sheets are in a better position. It is now all about how you stay
ahead of the competition — gaining competitive advantage and being
at the lower end of the cost curve is key. Managing the risks will assist
mining and metals companies to do this.”
Paul Mitchell,
EY Global Mining & Metals Advisory Leader
Executive summary
Our number one risk this year is digital New in at number four is new world “Digital transformation,
effectiveness. While the concept of digital commodities as disruption in other sectors, ongoing innovation
mining is not new, there is disconnect particularly with increased focus on and a focus on new
between the potential from digital sustainability, is having a major impact on world commodities are
transformation and the successful commodities. The end of petroleum cars will bringing a different
implementation of new technologies. impact a significant part of platinum demand: kind of volatility to
We believe that digital transformation almost half of global platinum production is the mining and metals
will be a critical enabler to address the used in catalytic converters to remove diesel sector. Companies will
sector’s productivity and margin pollution. Other commodities, such as cobalt, have to be increasingly
challenges. Companies risk being left lithium and nickel, will benefit from the flexible and agile in
behind by their competition if they are not increased demand for battery storage. their business models
at the forefront of this. to remain competitive.”
Regulatory risk is new and comes in at
Competitive shareholder returns is a new number five, although it includes elements of
Miguel Zweig,
risk at number two as it has exponentially transparency risk. While transparency is still
EY Global Mining
increased in relevance over the last six important, there has been a sharp upturn in & Metals Leader
months. With cash being generated at regime risk in developing countries as
significant levels again, the level of commodity prices improve and countries
shareholder activism in the sector is seek their fair share of improved returns.
increasing on the back of the fear that it Licensing requirements have also increased
won’t be sustained. Mining and metals as a result of environmental accidents. Share on
social media
companies need to differentiate
Also new to the risk radar is risk eight:
themselves — by investing capital properly
resource replacement that needs to be
and getting a good return compared with
addressed now to future-proof your
the rest of the market. Ultimately, they need
organization. With leverage across the
to be a leader in the market to
sector significantly reduced, and cash flow
attract capital.
improved as a result of better capital
Cyber risk has moved up to the number three allocation and higher commodity prices,
position as a result of increased digital shareholders expect higher returns than the
transformation and the convergence of sub-5% on average over the last five years.
information technology (IT) and operational Until these returns are met, investing for
technology (OT), which makes companies growth will remain a marginal activity rather
more vulnerable to the continued rogue than the central strategy that defined the
activity in the sector. first decade of this millennium.

2017-2018 2008 (peak of the supercycle)

Over 10 years

01 Digital effectiveness 01 Skills shortage

Top 10 risks

02 Competitive shareholder returns 02 Industry consolidation

03 Cyber 03 Infrastructure access
04 New world commodities 04 Social license to operate
05 Regulatory risk 05 Climate change
06 Cash optimization 06 Rising costs
07 Social license to operate 07 Pipeline shrinkage
08 Resource replacement 08 Resource nationalism (regulatory risk)
09 Access to and optimization of energy 09 Access to energy
10 Managing joint ventures 10 Increased regulation (regulatory risk)

Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals 2017–2018 1

Ma d optimi
zation of energy
to an
Acc lac em ent
e rep
10 Res e to perate
ial l
9 Soc ion
8 h op
7 tory ri sk
orld commodities
5 Ne

4 ber
3 mpet
Co areholder retu
sh rns
2 ital
Dig ectivene
1 eff ss

Key thought
The focus should be on using digital to solve
Digital the most urgent business problem: improving
productivity and margins across the value chain.

Digital is having significant wet weather. Digital enablement could help can optimize working capital, and
determine optimal run rates under different analytics will help to identify spend and
impact in the sector as
conditions, such as the maximum loads and cost-reduction opportunities.
companies seek to use new driving speeds in wet weather, and preempt • How we sell — Analytics for customer
technologies to support efforts truck breakdowns. There is a massive insights and optimization tools will drive
to improve productivity and opportunity through digital. greater real-time sales to match
margin. An EY poll earlier this Much of the sector focus on digital has been production profiles.
year with over 700 industry on driving the productivity agenda, but • New world assets — Rio Tinto’s New
representatives revealed the wider themes may fundamentally change Ventures business is focused on
how the sector works. For example: investments in new and emerging
majority have started the commodities.
digital journey. • Blockchain — Secure distributed ledger
• Disruption — In the future, technology
approaches may offer pathways for
In our experience, the bulk of these digital contract automation, reducing transaction players bringing innovation to mining with
activities have been initial “no regrets” costs and improving Internet of Things automation and Artificial Intelligence will
projects on a small scale as many (IoT) security. disrupt traditional structures.
companies have had mixed experiences We believe that new business models will
• How we buy — Direct linkages between
with new technologies in the past and want need to be developed, so agility is key.
machine health and virtual warehouses
to limit capital expenditure.
Digital goes beyond adopting technology How high on the agenda is digital in your organization?
though — it needs to be solving a business Percentage of respondents
issue and is key to resolving the sector’s
number one operational challenge: 31.0% 31.2% 22.7% 15.1%
improving productivity across the value
chain. Companies need to be pragmatic
when targeting digital enhancements. New
tools can be OK, but investing in integration
and expanding usage of current applications
can also generate a lot of value. Using
digital provides access to additional data
and ways of analyzing that data to enhance
asset management, improve reliability and
A part of Started on Under Not on
consistency, and also introduce predictive day-to-day the journey consideration the agenda
capability. For example, you make subtle but business

important changes to your operations in Source: EY “Preparing for tomorrow’s digital mine today” webcast poll,
with more than 700 participants, February 2017

2 Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals 2017–2018

oint v
ing j
Ma d optimi
zation of energy
to an
Acc lac em ent
e rep
10 Res e to operate
9 ial l
Soc ion
8 h op
7 tory ri sk
orld commodities
5 Ne

4 ber
3 mpet
Co areholder retu
sh rns
2 ital
Dig ectivene
1 eff ss

Key thought
Balancing short-term shareholder returns with
Competitive long-term value can be both difficult but key.

shareholder returns
Video insight Shareholder returns
60 6

50 5

Percentage (%)
40 4

30 3

20 2

Lee Downham, 10 1
EY Global Mining & Metals Transactions 0 0
Leader, discusses shareholder returns in 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
mining and metals and key considerations.
Dividends Share buybacks Dividend yield
Average of the top 50 miners by market capitalization
Source: S&P Capital IQ

The sector has consistently term strategy, it is clearly not sustainable as Should miners prioritize dividends
underperformed in terms of the sector ultimately needs capital over growth?
investment targeted into higher returning
returns to shareholders in projects. With shareholders now focused on
Due to significant project overruns and
recent years. It’s now focused poorly timed M&A, there have been
strategic investment decisions, there is a
significant impairments across the industry,
on rebalancing that equation growing chorus of investor activism, focused
and management remains cautious about
through the allocation of capital at the industry and ready to intervene where
allocating cash for expansion projects. But
capital allocation decisions are not focused
to dividends and share on optimal returns. Going forward, it will be
simply returning cash to shareholders is not
repurchases, ahead of increasingly important to balance capital
a long-term strategy — ultimately, good
projects executed effectively will offer
reinvestment in longer-term discipline with the growth agenda. The
better returns for shareholders in the long
growth projects. dilemma rests in missing out on growth
run. Therefore, selecting an optimal
opportunities while waiting for greater
Strong cash generation through 2016 has portfolio as well as exercising good
pricing visibility before executing on new
seen companies clarifying dividend policies judgment in investment opportunities are
projects. The expectation is that players with
and returning cash to shareholders through crucial actions toward offering shareholders
a healthier balance sheet will now carefully
share buyback programs and special a unique value proposition.
return to growth, even if it means executing
dividends. We would argue that this was a on only a limited number of projects. We believe that the return to growth will
necessary step to regain shareholder bring opportunities for value creation. This
confidence on the back of poor capital calls for mining and metals companies to
allocation in recent years. But, as a long- build resilient, multicycle portfolios that
offer sustainable returns to shareholders.

Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals 2017–2018 3

Ma d optimi
zation of energy
to an
Acc lac em ent
e rep
10 Res e to perate
9 ial l
Soc ion
8 h op
7 tory ri sk
orld commodities
5 Ne

4 ber
3 mpet
Co areholder retu
sh rns
2 ital
Dig ectivene
1 eff ss

Key thought
Could “cyber risk” be the downfall of all the
Cyber productivity gains and digital advancement
aspirations for a mining organization?
(from 9 in 2016)

Video insight The convergence of IT and OT has seen many the gaping hole that the “human factor”
organizations extend their “crown jewels” exposes to potential cyber attacks. The
assessments from the enterprise applications urgency becomes more critical when you
to cover critical operational technology that accept the ideology that it is no longer “if” but
enables automation, process control, and “when” a cyber attack will occur.
health, safety and environment (HSE). As OT
A step toward cyber protection
becomes more prevalent, the risk increases
as it doesn’t have the same controls Mining and metals companies need to have a
Mike Rundus, environment. An additional challenge is that clear plan — their digital road map needs to be
EY Oceania Mining & Metals Advisory Leader, the attack surface is only getting larger with cognizant of cyber risk, or they risk facing a
discusses cyber risk in mining and metals the increasing investment in digital and major incident. There needs to be a
and key considerations. reliance on control systems for efficient recognition that cybersecurity firstly requires
operations. The large number of connected the organization to establish a baseline of
devices across an operating environment can “basic” cyber controls maturity supported by
Cyber risk has moved up in our
make the footprint significant. For example, a a risk-based approach to prioritize strategic,
risk ranking as a result of mining company will have thousands of long-term cyber investment for the subset of
increased digital transformation connected devices, many in physically secure top cyber threat scenarios. Companies need
and the convergence of environments, such as the port, some in more to apply a cybersecurity framework to identify
information technology (IT) and controlled environments at mine sites, and the critical cyber control gaps that need to be
others in public areas, such as railway signals. closed to achieve the target cyber risk profile.
operational technology (OT), The sector shares similar cyber threat profiles
which makes companies more The emerging risk associated with OT is
to “critical national infrastructure” and
therefore being closely assessed and
vulnerable to the continued prioritized globally. However, while cyber risk
technologies utilized within the energy sector.
rogue activity in the sector. The has become a board-level issue, we haven’t
These organizations generally started their
“step change” cybersecurity journey nearly
world is experiencing an seen a step change in cybersecurity
two to five years ago, depending on where
unprecedented number of cyber awareness, and the security culture within the
they operate. It is critical that the mining and
mining and metals sector is needed to resolve
attacks every year, and the metals sector accelerates its cyber program.
sector has not been immune to
data breaches and lost revenue
as a result.1

1  “Cyber threats to the mining industry,” Trend Micro, accessed 29 September 2017.

4 Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals 2017–2018

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zation of energy
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Acc la ce m ent
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10 Res e to operate
9 ial l
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8 h op
7 to ry r isk
orld commodities
5 Ne

4 ber
3 mpet
Co areholder retu
sh rns
2 ital
Dig ectivene
1 eff ss

Key thought
Understanding the impact of changing attitudes and
New world technologies is vital in keeping a balance between
old and new world commodities in portfolios.
Video insight Future of coal There will also be a positive effect for more
traditional commodities, such as copper,
How quickly renewables will step up and
that not only have cobalt as a by-product
replace the need for fossil fuels is the
but will also be required for electric cars in
question hanging over the coal market.
greater volumes than petroleum cars. This
Future demand dynamics for coal are
demand has raised the question for miners
largely being driven by innovation
over the value of entering these markets if
associated with emission-reducing
they don’t already hold assets. For others
technology. The volume of coal deals has
Lee Downham, who do hold assets, the imperative rises to
increased as miners make a bet on coal’s
EY Global Mining & Metals Transactions optimize operating assets to take advantage
Leader, discusses new world commodities in future either through the acquisition of
of higher prices or to push projects forward
mining and metals and key considerations. higher-grade coals found in Australia or
with greater speed to hit production to
through the divestment of lower-grade coal
secure higher returns.
from their portfolios. There are conflicting
Changing attitudes and the views on the future of coal in the energy Companies also need to consider which
dynamics of new technology market, but with the increased prevalence commodities will be negatively impacted and
are causing significant of low-emission coal technologies, it will how to manage the effect of lower demand
continue to play a role. for certain commodities on the value of their
disruption to mining and metals portfolios. A good example of this is where
companies. Understanding the Rise of electric vehicles (EVs) and almost half of platinum produced globally
battery storage solutions
impact of these changes on is used in catalytic converters to minimize
their portfolios and keeping a UBS estimates that the combined production diesel pollution. Some estimates suggest
of pure EVs and plug-in hybrid EVs will that the adoption of EVs will result in a 7.5%
balance between new and old decline in platinum demand by 2025.
increase from around 1m vehicles in 2017 to
world commodities has become around 14m in 2025.2 As a result, a 12-fold
Clearly the energy mix in Australia will be
a complex task in such a rapidly increase in battery power will be needed by
different to that in the US and China, as
changing environment. 2025. This will boost global cobalt demand
will demand for EVs in emerging versus
for plug-in vehicles at an average rate of
developed markets. Decisions around where
around 20% per annum for the next five
to invest and allocate capital will need to be
years.3 Lithium demand is also set to rise by
taken long in advance. Miners will therefore
16% per year over the course of the next
need to adopt a level of flexibility in their
decade, quadrupling by 2025 to 750kt. As a
business models to be agile to change and
result, prices of key commodities associated
regularly review their portfolios, considering
with making batteries have exploded.
all future growth assets — new and old.

2  “Nickel: big winner from electric vehicles?” UBS via ThomsonOne, 20 July 2017.
3  “Electric car growth sparks environmental concerns,” Financial Times, 7 July 2017.

Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals 2017–2018 5

Ma d optimi
zation of energy
to an
Acc lac em ent
e rep
10 Res e to perate
9 ial l
Soc ion
8 h op
7 tory ri sk
orld commodities
5 Ne

4 ber
3 mpet
Co areholder retu
sh rns
2 ital
Dig ectivene
1 eff ss

Key thought
Regulatory risk has increased for the sector as
Regulatory governments demand a greater return from, and
oversight of, their natural resources.
Many governments and tax authorities increasing taxation and royalties levied
have a new view of resource nationalism on the mining sector
and will seek to increase the level of tax • A mineral export ban and increased
raised from the sector through controversy government ownership of mining sector
and disputes, with a shifting of focus to the operations in Indonesia
way businesses are structured rather than
• The implementation of environmental
what was attempted in the earlier part of
reviews and mining bans in the Philippines
this decade, through creating new mining
taxes or increasing royalty rates. In • New mining laws in Tanzania, which give
Andrew van Dinter,
EY Global Mining & Metals Tax Leader, addition, transparency initiatives continue the government a 16% stake in mining
discusses regulatory risk in mining and to gain momentum as governments seek to projects, increased royalties and a ban on
metals and key considerations. comply with both sector initiatives (such as unrefined mineral exports
the Extractive Industries Transparency • In South Africa, the Department of
Initiative (EITI)) and non-sector-specific Mineral Resources‘ suspension of the
Governments and regulators in
initiatives (such as OECD Base Erosion implementation of the third edition of
developing countries have and Profit Shifting (BEPS)). the Mining Charter, pending a High
intensified their focus on Court hearing in December 2017. The
As commodity prices and profits improve,
implementing new laws aimed regulatory risk has surged, particularly in
Department’s decision follows the
at greater local participation Chamber of Mines’ ongoing court
developing nations as they seek to take a
challenge of the charter. Among others,
which has brought uncertainty fair share of their natural resources. This is
the Mining Charter seeks to increase
and risk to the sector. increasingly linked to a social license to
local black ownership from 26% to 30%,
operate as miners seek to be regarded as
introduce new levies, royalties and certain
good corporate citizens who contribute
preferential dividend distributions, as well
their “fair share.” New and changing
as more demanding local Broad Based
regulations regarding beneficiation, export
Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE)
bans, taxes and tariffs have impacted
procurement, employment and
supply and increased price volatility, as well
management requirements4
as potentially reduced the level of future
investment. These actions can depreciate A change in the regulatory framework can
the value of an asset either through the cause significant uncertainty to companies
inability to operate optimally or through in situ and possibly impact foreign
forced divestment. investment. It is therefore critical to keep
abreast of proposed regulatory changes
Recent regulatory activity includes: and maintain open and transparent
• Brazil’s new regulatory framework communications to all levels of government
currently under discussion which and their regulatory agencies.
could impact operations in Brazil by

4  “Unilaterally designed Charter will destroy investment and jobs to the benefit of select few,” Chamber of Mines of
South Africa media release, 8 August, 2017.

6 Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals 2017–2018

oint v
ing j
Ma d optimi
zation of energy
to an
Acc la ce m ent
e rep
10 Res e to operate
9 ial l
Soc ion
8 h op
7 to ry r isk
orld commodities
5 Ne

4 ber
3 mpet
Co areholder retu
sh rns
2 ital
Dig ectivene
1 eff ss

Key thought
This risk now turns to allocation of capital and
Cash managing the competing demands of shareholders
vs. growth projects.
(from 1 in 2016)

Further, a return to growth will likely drive optimize cash, with more strategic
increased production, which will in turn initiatives needed to drive through working
require investment into working capital and capital efficiencies that are capable of being
capital investments. These changes will play embedded for the long term. We expect
an important role in decisions around working capital efficiencies to continue but
capital allocation and how in turn this overall working capital levels to increase
optimizes cash. across the sector as companies increase
production and expand supply chains in
On the back of price volatility, revenues will
Hopewell Mauwa, order to gain greater margin per unit.
remain susceptible to unpredictable
EY Global Mining & Metals Senior Analyst,
discusses cash optimization in mining and
fluctuations. Global markets remain awake At the same time, shareholders have a
metals and key considerations. to potential headwinds from the chance of a critical eye on portfolios, which will drive
slowdown in China, the possible aftershocks management to review and enhance
of a post-Brexit Europe and increasing portfolios to improve returns on invested
A recovery in commodity prices pressures from inward-looking policies led capital. While organizations have begun to
and the relentless cost-cutting by the US under the Trump administration. pay back cash to shareholders, concerns
exercises have resulted in still linger over the sustainability of total
The curtailment of sustaining capex, which
shareholder returns if new projects are not
higher margins and improved helped companies optimize cash, is unlikely
cash generation. However, new to continue as aggressively as in recent
years. Companies resorted to cutting both All these forces will no doubt mean a
risks are emerging as the growth and sustaining capital expenditure greater need to optimize cash for mining
industry switches to growth. during the downturn. Most will now find and metals companies. Industry participants
While there will be relatively themselves in a situation where those cuts therefore face a strategic imperative not
less cash commitments for debt will no longer be sustainable. Further, the only to prioritize effectively their cash
level of divestments seen over the last three commitment, but also to continuously
reduction purposes, mining and
years will fall dramatically, removing improve their cost structures to cushion
metals companies have signaled another lever that management pulled themselves from adverse price movements
intentions to return cash to during the downturn to free up capital. and anticipated extra expenditure.
shareholders. While gains in working capital performance
have been achieved in recent years, further
improvement in this area will be key to

Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals 2017–2018 7

Ma d optimi
zation of energy
to an
Acc lac em ent
e rep
10 Res e to perate
9 ial l
Soc ion
8 h op
7 tory ri sk
orld commodities
5 Ne

4 ber
3 mpet
Co areholder retu
sh rns
2 ital
Dig ectivene
1 eff ss

Key thought
SLTO is a privilege that needs to be earned
Social license to through strong collaboration with the local
community and a range of stakeholders.
operate (SLTO)
(from 4 in 2016)

Managing the needs and Organizations may be investing millions of • Canada’s Gabriel Resources sued the
dollars in sustainability and community Romanian Government for US$4.4b in
expectations of communities,
investment initiatives, but according to a alleged losses when it refused to approve
governments, employees and recent EY study in Chile,5 there needs to be a the long-stalled Rosia Montana gold and
other stakeholders who provide shift from a reactive and compensation silver project following community
mining and metals companies model of social investment to one that is far protests.8
with their SLTO can be a delicate more strategic and collaborative. The study
To earn an SLTO from communities, mining
identified a number of reasons for social
balancing act of agendas and conflict around mines, including involuntary
and metal companies should:
issues. Environmental accidents, resettlement, traditional land rights and • Engage early and openly with communities
employee strikes and worker environmental impacts. In addition, to understand and address concerns
fatalities suffered by some responsible miners may be contributing to around mining operations and implement
the economy, but due to weak legislation, the strategies to reduce impacts, with the
companies can result in wealth may not be reaching the local view to create lasting value for both the
collateral damage for the communities. community and the organization
whole industry. • Identify how operations can be adjusted
There is often an expectation gap between
what a mining and metals company offers to create more value for communities
and what a community wants, and, as a and consequently increase the value to
result, several miners have had to abandon the company
projects. For example: • Develop community engagement and
development programs with a clear
• Newmont has deferred near-term
strategic focus, linking to a well-defined
investment in its US$5b copper-gold
business case that has considered both
Conga project in Peru in 2016 due to
risk and opportunity
community opposition.6
• Measure and clearly report on the impact
• The Guatemalan Government revoked
and outcomes of community engagement
Tahoe Resources’ mining license for its
and development initiatives, so that value
flagship Escobal mine due to a long-
is demonstrated to stakeholders and
running dispute with local groups,
decisions on investment can be targeted
resulting in a collapse in its share price.
toward the initiatives providing the
A court has since reinstated the license
greatest value
but the company has been unable to
restart operations due to a blockade
at the mine.7

5 “Visión de la Comunidad sobre la Inversión Social de la Minería,” Ernst & Young Ltda, 2016.
6  “Newmont drops Conga gold project in Peru amid political, social opposition,” SNL Metals & Mining Daily, 20 April 2016.
7  “Tahoe’s licence for Escobal reinstated, but blockade remains,” The Northern Miner via Factiva, 18 September 2017.
8  “Gabriel seeks US$4.4b in damages from Romania,” National Post via Factiva, 30 June 2017.

8 Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals 2017–2018

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zation of energy
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Acc la ce m ent
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10 Res e to operate
9 ial l
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8 h op
7 to ry r isk
orld commodities
5 Ne

4 ber
3 mpet
Co areholder retu
sh rns
2 ital
Dig ectivene
1 eff ss

Key thought
Resource depletion is a concern — we’ve stopped
Resource spending on exploration. This is equivalent to
technology companies not spending on innovation.
Exploration was the first cost to Over the last five years, capex spent on was spent for 11 discoveries. In 2015, just
resource replacement has declined by 66% under US$2b was spent for a single
be cut as prices declined but
from US$20.5b to US$6.8b due to lower discovery.10
hasn’t been the first to be commodity prices and returns.9 Now that
reinstated. It is, however, To overcome some of these challenges, in
growth is back on the agenda, mining and
addition to increasing exploration spending,
essential for future sector metals companies are allocating more
mining and metals companies are:
growth. sustaining or growth capital to get the most
out of current projects. However, we have • Forming strategic partnerships with junior
yet to see a significant increase in miners to expand their reserve base, e.g.,
exploration capex. And while recent data Newmont has invested in Canadian and
shows that global drilling has increased, Australian properties owned by junior
budgets are still off levels at the peak of the explorers to strengthen its long-term
supercycle and aren’t evenly spread across growth pipeline11
regions or minerals. • Entering joint ventures, e.g., Goldcorp
Exploration has also become more and Barrick have partnered to develop
expensive as reserves are harder to gold mines in Chile12
access, more remote or on environmentally • Acquiring existing projects or mines
sensitive land. In the gold sector in • Improving technology to achieve higher
1995, some US$1.4b was spent for 19 exploration success rates
discoveries, and in 2005, around US$1.6b

9  “World exploration trends: A Special Report for the PDAC International Convention,” S&P Global Market Intelligence, March 2017.
10  “Strategies for gold reserves replacement,” SNL Metals and Mining, July 2016.
11 “Junior thinks big,”, 18 September 2018, “Newmont Secures Rights to Explore and Develop Prospective New Yukon
Gold District,” Newmont press release, 6 March 2017.
12  “Goldcorp spends nearly $1 billion to get into Chilean joint venture with Barrick Gold,” Financial Post, 28 March 2017.

Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals 2017–2018 9

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orld commodities
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1 eff ss

Key thought
Cost and security of energy supply are important
Access to and factors in the choice of energy sources.

optimization of energy
(from 7 in 2016)

Mining and minerals-processing In some countries, mining and metals that the use of microgrids and renewable
companies are faced with rising tariffs for energy for power, and to supplement diesel at
operations require a large
traditional sources of energy, e.g., in isolated mining operations, is increasing. For
quantity of electricity. Remote Australia and Zambia, or with having to example, Iamgold is developing a 15MW solar
area mining operations have pay more to secure the energy to extract photovoltaic plant in Burkina Faso to cut costs
unique challenges in developing, deeper, lower-quality ore that requires and increase energy security for its mine.16
more processing. In Chile, copper mining,
maintaining and operating stand- The decision on energy sources also has
smelting and refining use one-third of the
alone power systems. Operations country’s electricity, and this demand is
reputational and social implications for
organizations that are facing increased
fortunate enough to have major expected to increase at a compound annual
scrutiny on the extent of their emissions and
grid supplies are often significant growth rate of 4% to 2026.13
water usage.
customers in the electricity To minimize fuel price volatility and secure
Organizations are realizing that the adoption
system such that their supply, companies are opting for a mix of
of renewables could yield social benefits, such
energy sources — fossil fuels, hydroelectricity
consumption can have a material as access to energy for local communities and
and renewable energy. The use of alternative
influence on the electricity energy sources is not only reducing operating
general development of the solar market in the
region.17 Aluminium and copper producers
networks and energy markets in costs but is also being supported in some
are highlighting their use of solar and hydro
which they operate. Access to countries (e.g., Canada) by government
energy to both maintain their reputation as a
incentives and favorable policies to reduce
grid supply can provide pricing “green” metal but also to obtain a premium
greenhouse gases.14
benefits but comes with with industrial customers wishing to reduce
Traditional forms of electricity are usually their carbon footprint.18 Furthermore, the
increased complexity in
more expensive in remote locations. In most effective way of reducing emissions is by
assessing options, risks and Australia, the cost of electricity at some mine avoiding the consumption of that next
benefits. sites can be over A$300/MWh. Renewables electron. Energy-efficiency opportunities may
can deliver cheaper, more predictably priced be identified through improved metering and
power, as well as reduce fuel supply risk to data analytics that can now be provided at
remote sites.15 It is therefore not surprising significantly lower cost than in the past.

13  “Copper-Rising Energy Costs,” AME Research, May 2017.

14  “Canada’s gold miners to embrace green energy to control costs,”, 11 January 2017.
15  “Renewing energy generation to improve mine site efficiency,” Australian Mining, 9 August 2017.
16  “Implementation of hybrid renewable-diesel microgrids set to increase,” Mining Weekly, 30 June 2017.
SAIS, March 2014.
18 “Hydro-powered smelters charge premium prices for ‘green’ aluminium,” Reuters, 2 August 2017.

10 Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals 2017–2018

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Acc la ce m ent
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10 Res e to operate
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orld commodities
5 Ne

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3 mpet
Co areholder retu
sh rns
2 ital
Dig ectivene
1 eff ss

Key thought
This is often seen as a way to mitigate risk but, if
Managing joint managed incorrectly, can become a significant risk.

(from 8 in 2016)

Companies enter into joint When JVs are managed well, they have the Non-operating JV partners need to consider
potential to deliver substantial value to what mitigation strategies should be put in
venture (JV) arrangements
stakeholders, significantly enhancing the place to protect their investments, such as
for a variety of reasons, value of company portfolios and access to conducting non-operator audits or embedding
including capital intensity, reserves and capabilities. However, when non-operator management to provide
risk mitigation, access to these relationships go wrong, they can be increased visibility. Regular challenges by
resources and technology, extremely disruptive, particularly to project active investors will remove complacency and
schedules and key decision points. Aside from demand a greater consideration of all
supply chain optimization, the disruption to the core business, arbitration stakeholder interests when making
market positioning, regulatory and legal proceedings relating to any failure operational decisions.
requirements or political can be costly and time-consuming distractions
sensitivities. for management of both the JV and the
parent organizations.
Non-operators may be particularly vulnerable
to operating risks as they have very limited
say in the day-to-day operations at mine sites.
Any decisions by the operator could diminish
value creation for the non-operator or even
result in large penalties or liabilities in the
event of accidents or other operational issues.
In the last few years, operational risks have
become so complex and dynamic that it is
almost impossible for an operator or a
non-operator to reasonably factor in risk at
the start of a project.

Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals 2017–2018 11

How EY’s Global Mining & Metals Network can EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory
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EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory
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