Cylinder and Block

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Cylinder and Block

A cylinder of radius r and mass m move with speed v on a horizontal plane. In front of it, there is a block with height h

(h<r) and mass M rest on the same plane.

The cylinder then hit the block inelastically and start moving up onto the block. Ignore all friction.

Determine minimum velocity of the cylinder so that it can go up to top of the block!

An Old Bridge Model

An old bridge can be modeled as a half-cylinder's shell. Consider an old bridge of radius r is placed on a ground. The

ground is not perfectly horizontal, but it makes an angle θ with the horizontal. Then a mass M is placed on top of the

bridge. See picture below.

The bridge's mass can be ignored, compared to M. Assume that the ground is frictionless and the bridge is not glued on

the ground. Determine the position of a point where the bridge is most likely to break!

A capacitor consists of two parallel identical plates with area A and mass m. The plates are movable and initially

separated by a distance d (d^2 is much smaller than A). Between the plates, there is an insulator spring connecting the

two plates. Its spring constant is k and its relaxed length is d. The system is placed in vacuum.

The capacitor is then connected to a voltage source with emf V. As it's connected, the two plates start


Determine the condition so that the plates can do oscillation!

(Only consider one dimensional movement and ignore energy loss)

Swinging Ball on Rough Inclined Plane

A ball of mass m is hang by a string of length l on a rough inclined plane with coefficient of friction μ and angle θ with the

horizontal (μ=tanθ). Initially the ball is at the lowest position.

Calculate the minimum initial velocity, v, should be given to the ball to make a full circle of its path!

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