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PsioNic POWER’

Options for Ardents, Battleminds, Monks, and Psions


Robert J. Schwalb • An Marmell
D o~


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Game rules based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS

rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the
later editions by David “Zeb” Cook (2nd Edition); Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter
Adkison (3rd Edition); and Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and
James Wyatt (4th Edition).

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A psionic character wields the power of the mind, book introduced you to what your psionic character
whether honed by rigorous training or inspired by can do. Psionic Power”~ is your key to unlocking the
wild and uncontrollable impulse. Disciplined monk mind’s secrets in the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game.
and psion, unhindered ardent and battlemind—psionic
characters defend the world against dark threats with UsiNG THIS BOOK
the most potent of all arms, the weapon within.
Like Primal Power”, Divine Power”', and Arcane Power
Psionic characters unlock the unexpected power
before it, Psionic Power focuses on and is organized
of their consciousness, bringing it to bear in the fight
around the four psionic classes—the subtle ardent,
ing techniques they master or the magical effects
the forthright battlemind, the focused monk, and the
they create. Characters who study the psionics tradi
dedicated psion. Each chapter introduces a new class
tions passed down through generations can transcend
feature, new powers, and new paragon paths, and
the body’s limits, eventually apprehending the whole
also provides a rich amount of backdrop to enhance
of creation with a single thought.
the experience of roleplaying a psionic character.
The history ofpsionic power in the DUNGEONS &
Chapter 5, “Psionic Options,” contains more than 100
DRAGONS game dates back to 1976, when the Eldritch
new feats, information on psionics philosophies and
Wizardry supplement to the original DUNGEONS &
orders, details about psionic backgrounds and blood
DRAGONS boxed set introduced a psionics system
lines, six new epic destinies, and new magic items
that promised to “enliven games grown stagnant.”
particularly suited to psionic characters.
Psionic Power can be used in several ways. You might
fied and expanded psionics as a distinct and optional
want to create a brand-new character using the builds
subsystem ofthe rules, but it wasn’t until 2nd Edition’s
and powers presented in this book, putting a different
Complete Psionics Handbook that psionics became an
spin on the standard psionic classes. You might use
integrated part of the game.
new powers to customize an existing character, taking
Psionics came into its own in 2nd Edition’s popu
advantage ofthe retraining rules in the Player’s Hand
lar DARK SUN campaign setting, which left a lasting
book. The new feats presented here are equally useful
influence on this unique and powerful magic. In
for characters using builds from Player’s Handbook 3 or
the 3rd Edition DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game, that
the new builds presented in the class chapters in this
foundation was rebuilt and expanded into a complete
book. New paragon paths and psionic bloodlines can
system of psionics use and classes.
provide unique insights into your character’s develop
4th Edition introduced the psionic power source
ment, and new epic destinies can set the tone and
and four psionic classes in Player’s Handbook 3. That
goals ofyour character’s entire adventuring career.

1: ARDENT 4 4: PSION 80 Paragon Tier Feats 135
Playing an Ardent 6 Playing a Psion 82 Epic Tier Feats 139
New Build 10 New Build 85 Multiclass Feats 141
New Powers 11 New Powers 86 Bloodline Feats 142
New Paragon Paths 22 New Paragon Paths 100 Epic Destinies 145
CosmicSoul 145
2: BATTLENIND 28 5: PSIONIC OPTIONS 106 Demiurge 146
Playing a Battlemind 30 Psionic Power in the World 108 Eighth Seal 147
New Build 34 Philosophies and Orders 110 Grandmaster of Flowers 148
New Powers 35 The Origin of Psionics 118 Master of Moments 149
New Paragon Paths 49 Psionic Backgrounds 120 Topaz Crusader 150
Psionic Bloodlines 1 24 Equipment: Superior Ki Focuses.. .151
3: NONK 54 Elan 124 Magic Items 152
Playing a Monk 56 Foulborn 127 Ki Focuses 152
New Build 60 New Feats 130 Augmentable Items 1 54
New Powers 61 Augment Feats 130
New Paragon Paths 74 Heroic Tier Feats 130


“Myjoy is your anguish. My courage isyourfrar. My path
to victory lies within your mind.”

FOR THE ardent, emotions are more than mere

sensation. Emotion is a weapon you can wield and a
tool with which the world can be remade. You draw
power from your experience, taking advantage ofyour
joy, your courage, and even your fear. You call on the
power ofyour psionics by focusing your mental state,
weaving emotion into a complex web or inflaming your
passions through sheer force ofwill. Just as you chan
nel this power, you are also a conduit for it. Sensing the
emotions of allies and enemies alike, you manipulate
them to suit your purpose with a deft mental touch.
Those who stand at your side are strengthened by
the power that flows from you. Your enemies find
their own bravery withering, their plans confused
and their hopes shattered by the strength of your
mental resolve. But the psionic power you wield
comes at a price. Fear and doubt, dark thoughts and
anger can all cloud your concentration.
However you master the energy of emotion and
the mind, this chapter contains a wealth of informa
tion to support your ardent character.
4 Playing an Ardent: The ardent’s place in the
world, and how this information can enrich your
4 New Build and Class Feature: The impetuous
ardent rejects the traps of sorrow and fear by sheer
strength of will, overcoming doubt and hesitation
to seize the advantage on the battlefield. Mantle of
Impulsiveness allows you to turn an enemy’s wrath
into renewed resolve for you and your allies.
4 New Powers: You can read your enemies’ fear
and use it as a weapon, or impel your allies to
access unseen reserves of strength. This chap
ter supports all ardent builds with powers that
strengthen your allies and let you stand against
increasingly powerful foes.
4 New Paragon Paths: Six new ardent paragon
paths allow you to draw power from raw chaos,
to unlock the full potential of you and your
allies, and to destroy your enemies in body and

CHAPTER 1 Ardent ~ ~

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Fear. Fear so thick, it might as well have been perfume. fear armors you against attack; your anger blasts your
Oh, it wasn’tjustfear. These thugs worked as leg breakers foes with psychic force; your love and concern soothe
and enforcersfor the thieves’ guild. And this was their home your allies’ hurts.
turf Even now, Thalvos couldn’t be certain which ofthe van Ardents draw on all feelings, but you focus on one
ous patrons in the common room were genuine drunks, and particular emotion—your “mantle.” Although your
which were hunting him and his companions. powers do not rely on this emotion only, your mantle
But they were here somewhere. This much he knew. He is the emotion on which you draw most frequently,
felt them. And there, beneath the light spice ofexhilaration and the one that allows you to control and channel
and a smattering of anger, the main dish was definitely other emotions.
frar. They knew that Thalvos and his companions had
already slain a dozen members of their guild, and despite EMOTIONS BEYOND COMBAT
their confidence, they worried that they might be next. It Ardents absorb the emotions of those around them,
would be a shame to disappoint them. but this ability remains all but unnoticeable in
Thalvos coughed into his ale, sprayingfoam across his combat. Although battle inspires potent emotions,
thick beard as he struggled to maintain control,fighting the it creates roughly the same combination of excite
urge to giggle uncontrollably. They made it so easy. ment, exhilaration, anger, fear, and pain in everyone.
Even as he rosefrom his chair, he grabbed at theirfrar Ifyou’re already engaged in a life-or-death struggle,
like a child catching snowflakes. He swirled it around in feeling your foe’s emotions isn’t likely to change
his mind, tasting it, transforming it. And he wondered, as your own.
he cast that emotional energy out as easily as he’d taken it Apart from battle, the ability of an ardent to absorb
in, ~f the thugs would recognize their own terror coating the emotions becomes more noticeable. You likely take
blades that would soon be raised against them. on at least an aspect of the feelings of those surround
ing you. In the middle of a boisterous revel, you might
Wants and desires; needs and ambitions; loves and become giddy and high-spirited. You feel grief at a
hatreds and fears. The world is driven neither by funeral, even ifyou’ve never met the deceased. The
intellect nor belief, but by emotion—and those who elation felt by a gathering of zealots performing a
control emotions control the world. Perhaps you are a ceremonial rite might overcome you even if you don’t
child of the streets who learned to read danger in the share the beliefs of those present.
intentions of others and to harness the hunger and Ardents are not only the recipients of outside
fear that were the only weapons you had. You might emotion—they project their own emotions as well.
be a frustrated student whose breakthrough came People gathered around when you’re in a bad mood
only after your impulses overcame your studies. You grow irate, just as your own good cheer can spread
could be the guardian of a primitive tribe, drawing through the dourest crowd. Neither phenomenon is so
on powers developed in reaction to the dangers of the strong as to enforce an instant change in behavior. You
wild. Perhaps you are a wanderer denied a normal won’t turn on a friend because someone else is mad at
life, determined to reduce the suffering in the world her, nor will your own despair cause another character
because you are cursed to feel the suffering of others. to abandon an ongoing endeavor. But such emotional
You might have followed one of several paths to projections can create subtle long-term effects.
become what you are now. As an ardent, you are History records that the Arkhosian city of Kanrhik
driven and empowered by emotion—and you can no fell to orc mercenaries employed by Bael Turath—biit
more change what you are or what you do than you some historians place the blame on one of Kanrhik’s
can cease feeling at all. psionically inclined noble families. When the patri
arch’s only daughter fell in battle, the entire family
MANTLES AND EMOT ONS went into mourning. Several of them were ardents,
You are unique among the psionic classes in your and historians believe that their sorrow so infected
manipulation of emotion as the source of your Kanrhik’s leaders and soldiers that they failed to
power. Although all psionics users draw strength react in time to an assault they should otherwise
from emotion to some degree, they do so largely for have repelled. Among those familiar with psionics, a
the sake of their own empowerment. You use emo sudden change in the behavior of a small population
tions as a puppeteer uses strings, manipulating the is often taken as evidence of an ardent’s presence.
world around you. Although many ardents shun strong emotion and
Your powers come from the intensity of the emo avoid large groups so that they aren’t overwhelmed
tion you experience. You sense the feelings of those by the feelings of others, some members of this class
around you and add them to your own power. Your deliberately seek out such experiences. They travel

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
in the hope of experiencing everything the world has boisterous, don’t hog the spotlight. You’re a character,
to offer: the greatest joys, the fiercest fury, and the not a caricature, and faking tears because the tavern
darkest sorrow. By doing so, these ardents hope to doesn’t carry elven wine isn’t dramatic—it’s silly, and
learn to control such emotions, to ready themselves it can take everyone else out of the game.
for accidental encounters with strong feelings, and to Consider playing your character’s emotions as
harness that energy to empower their disciplines. appropriate to the powers you use. When impos
ing penalties with fear attacks, you might become
YOUR LIFE BEFORE vicious and intimidating, blatantly angry. Or you
might become fearful instead, your manipulation of
Ardents are the most seemingly mundane of the
that emotion making you hesitate to approach your
psionic classes. Psions and monks train to become
foes, or forcing you to visibly “talk yourself up” before
what they are; battleminds discover their power in
taking risks. When healing your allies, allow your
the heat of combat or under physical duress. You, on
concern for them to show in your voice and your
the other hand, might have been anyone. Ardents
actions, perhaps acting briefly as a defender as you
sometimes learn their abilities from other ardents,
stand between them and the enemy. Your powers
but for most, their powers arise spontaneously. It is
draw on your emotions—in a very real sense, they are
said that no amount of study can create an ardent
your emotions—so ifyou behave appropriately, you
from someone who lacks the basic empathic and
help reinforce that connection in the minds of the
psionic capacities.
other players, as well as in your own.
You might have been wandering the marketplace
Many ardents are solicitous of others. These
when you were suddenly overwhelmed by the feel
ardents are sympathetic and kind, always quick
ings of those around you. Perhaps you returned from
with a joke or a shoulder on which to lean. But some
a hunt to discover that you had far greater insight into
ardents grow jaded to the emotions of others over
the people ofyour village. Or you might have had
time. They wall themselves off, not caring what the
an inkling ofyour power before it fully manifested,
people around them feel. They project their own
perhaps discovering that your own mood influenced
emotions onto other characters—perhaps out of a
those around you. You might have taken advantage
desire to manipulate, perhaps out of spite. As an
ofyour ability to manipulate moods by becoming a
ardent, you are constantly torn between these two
vendor, a performer, a grifter, or a gambler. Depend
extremes, and only you can decide which path you
ing on what sort of person you were, you might have
ultimately take.
been popular, making those around you as happy as
you were. Or perhaps you were hated, as your own
anger or resentment was mirrored back by others. AMBIENT EMOTION
Whatever the case, people rarely appreciate being In the same way that you can adjust your character’s
manipulated. Many ardents first take up the path of emotional state based on the power you’re using, you
a wandering adventurer when those around them might do so based on the people around you. If one
become aware of their power, turning against them ofyour companions is upset, you might become so
and forcing them to abandon the lives they once led. as well, even if you have no real motivation to do so.
Ifyour party is attending a ball, you might be swept
up in the joy and pageantry when you’re supposed to
ROLEPLAYING AN ARDENT be keeping your wits about you. Again, don’t take the
Unsurprisingly, as an ardent, you are a highly emo emotions too far—this should be a character quirk,
tional person. You react strongly to others, sometimes not a means of stealing attention from the other play
overreacting. If something is funny, it’s hilarious; if it’s ers or ruining their plans. In moderation, however,
fearsome, it’s terrifying; if it’s irritating, it’s infuriat this can provide both an interesting roleplaying chal
ing. These extremes come about partly because you lenge and an obvious hook by which to make your
feel echoes of others’ emotions, and partly because character memorable.
your own emotions run so strongly. They must, after
all, ifyou’re to draw power from them.
You can roleplay this internal conflict to give your
You have little use for intricate planning. You prefer
character a strong sense of personality. You might
to act as the urge strikes you in any given situation,
attempt to wear a mask of stoicism at all times, strug
trusting your instincts and your feelings to guide you.
gling to repress—or at least conceal—those emotions.
You might grow impatient with others who try to plan
You don’t speak often, and you make every effort to
for every possible contingency.
avoid snap decisions.
This doesn’t mean you’re incapable of forethought,
You could also choose to go with the flow of the
however, nor does it make you an idiot. You don’t
emotions surrounding you. You laugh loudly, and you
blindly leap into obvious danger, and you don’t take
fight fiercely. But ifyou decide to play your ardent as
actions detrimental to your party or your cause

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
simply because you’re in an irritable mood. More creative muscles a bit, consider modifying your
often than not, though, you base your decisions on ardent’s manifestations.
what feels right rather than laboriously calculating Ifyour character is grim and despondent, your
every possible outcome. corona might contain elements of swirling gray and
deepest black, mixed with whatever colors represent
your current feelings. Alternatively, your corona
FOLLOW THE LEADER might take on recognizable shapes. If you’re a zeal
Player’s Handbook 3 refers to ardents as “incidental lead
ously religious character, your corona might become
ers.” Although you might deliberately set out to fill a
a winged silhouette reminiscent of an angel. A mili
leadership role, most ardents don’t consciously choose
tant, bloodthirsty ardent’s corona might resemble a
to do so. Like so much else, you probably got where you weapon forged of light.
are by following your instincts and impulses.
Your corona might change based on the power
Even as a leader, you might not take an active lead
you’re using. Defensive powers might manifest in
ership role. Instead, you use your powers to support
a form resembling armor or a shield. Teleportation
your allies and are content to let someone else make
powers could manifest as a brief image of a rearing
the decisions. When people do follow you, it’s more
horse or flapping wings.
likely because you’re the first to act and because you
instinctively know that your decisions are the correct
ones. (At least you feel that way at the time; hindsight ARDENTS IN THE WORLD
might convince you otherwise.) You never insist that In a world accustomed to all manner of magic,
others follow your lead. But, driven as you are by your ardents are imperfectly understood. Because their
emotions, you might be surprised or put out when powers arise spontaneously, and because they repre
they don’t. sent a relatively new form of psionics, less is known
You might find yourself in a position of leadership about ardents than about monks or psions. (Moreover,
only under specific circumstances. For example, if in the grim aftermath of the fall of Nerath, those who
you play your ardent as a sharp-tempered, tactically do understand ardents have difficulty disseminating
savvy character, you might find your companions that knowledge.)
happy to follow your lead in battle but hesitant to Many people—including those well versed in the
let you speak (or stand too close) during diplomatic arcane arts—don’t yet recognize ardents as possess
negotiations. ing a fully realized, variant form of psionics, seeing
them only as peculiar individuals who have an odd
MANiFESTATION smattering of powers. In isolated regions, they remain
Your disciplines visually manifest in an aura of color subject to lingering traces of superstitious suspicion
that swirls around you, its hues and intensity vary that have largely faded from more civilized lands.
ing based on your emotions. If you’re interested in Because of this, ardents have left only a light footprint
individualizing your character or stretching your in the world to date.



CHAPTER 1 Ardent
the far-flung reaches of the empire was caused by this
RISING EMOTIONS kind of emotional feedback, centered on a small but
Ardents represent the youngest—or at least the most
recently recorded—tradition of psionics. Although his
tory is replete with individuals who might well have
growing ardent population.
Many early ardents were driven into various 1
fringe organizations and faiths, including a number
been ardents, the first confirmed ardents appeared of diabolic cults. Commoners who already attributed
only within the last few centuries. The Bad Turathi ardent energy to an evil influence quickly drove such
general Insalanda led the tiefling armies against the characters into the arms of those who would accept
forces ofArkhosia for years, turning her enemy’s own them, even as devil worshipers sought to take advan
fears against them. Although several bloodlines of tage of the ardents’ strange new powers. The fact
Arkhosian dragonborn also produced ardents, Insa that many early ardents arose among the Asmodeus
landa is the first historical figure who contemporary worshipers of Bael Turath also contributed to this
sages agree was an ardent of real power. association.
Since Insalanda’s time, the population of ardents
has increased some say faster than any other type
of psionics user. But the sages cannot agree on why
ardents first appeared, or why their numbers are In recent years, as the number of ardents has
increasing so swiftly. Supporters of various theories— increased, the folk of the humanoid realms have
such as the belief that psionic energy is a reaction to, grown more accepting of them. A few isolated corn
or is caused by, aberrant incursions—point to ardents rnunities still express distrust, but in most regions, an
as evidence that the Far Realm’s influence is grow ardent can expect a welcome no different from any
ing. Those who have religious viewpoints believe the other psionics user.
increase is the result of conflict between bun and That said, ardents are still the least understood of
Vecna, which has allowed psionic energy to grow the psionic classes. Ardents rarely form groups larger
uncontrolled. Those who cite the theory of phrenic than the occasional cabal, and they lack the larger
planes (page 91) suggest that the physical and mental guilds and colleges that make wizards and psions
planes are coming into alignment. (See “The Origin readily identifiable to the populace. Ardents operate
of Psionics,” page 118, for more on these theories.) freely in many regions, although not because of any
But every argument is hypothetical at best, and no growing acceptance. Rather, the average commoner
faction has offered proof. All they agree on is that has no inkling that such characters even exist.
the spread of ardents suggests that psionic energy is Even other psionics users sometimes look askance
indeed growing more prevalent in the world. at ardents—not denigrating their abilities, but ques
tioning their level of discipline. Monks and psions,
who train hard to master their powers, view the emo
tional and impulsive ardent as a wild card, lacking
A common theme during the early years of the
the self-control to master the power with which he or
ardents’ emergence into the world was the extreme
mistrust and persecution they faced. Although the she plays. In particular, because many psions value
intellect and logical process over instinct, members of
great empires treated ardents as any other user of
the two classes often end up on opposite sides of lively
obscure energy, smaller communities often revived
philosophical debates.
ancient charges of witchcraft that had otherwise been
Battleminds are more accepting of ardents’ abili
largely forgotten in an age of widespread spelicraft.
The common folk, after all, have a vague idea of ties, since they, too, operate largely on an instinctive
what arcane and divine magic are supposed to look level. But a focus on the physical leads many battle-
minds to shut themselves off from emotion in a way
like. When lone individuals appeared among them,
that ardents cannot understand.
manifesting strange coronas and unfamiliar powers,
Such conflict between the classes is rarely seen
a certain level of distrust and fear was unavoidable.
within adventuring parties, where a character’s
The nature of the ardents’ power amplified this initial
distrust, often with horrifying results. An ardent’s actions and commitment to his or her allies speaks
louder than words. Moreover, as the number of
ability to magnify ambient emotion meant that a
ardents increases and people become ever more
people’s suspicion and an ardent’s own fear would
aware of their capabilities, these general attitudes are
mix and reflect back from the ardent like a dark tide,
slowly but surely shifting toward a measure of grudg
resulting in a vicious cycle of escalating terror and
ing respect.
rage. In many communities, ardents were persecuted
or killed. In others, they used their powers to become
petty tyrants.
Although it is not a widely held belief, some his
torians attribute the fall of Nerath in part to ardents.
They maintain that the social turmoil that devastated

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
becomes impassive as you become a true instrument
NEW BUiLD of destruction. The fear you might once have felt now
manifests in your foes, shattering their resolve as you
cut them down like wheat before the scythe.
This section introduces a new ardent build for use
alongside the builds presented in Player’s Handbook 3.
The build includes a new mantle that you can choose NEW CLASS FEATURE
when you create your ardent character. When you choose your Ardent Mantle, you can
choose Mantle of Impulsiveness instead of another
option, such as the ones in Player’s Handbook 3.
iMPETUOUS ARDENT Mantle of Impulsiveness: When an ally within 5
If fear, sorrow, and hatred invite madness and defeat, squares ofyou is targeted by an opportunity attack, that
the only certain method for protecting oneself from ally gains a power bonus to damage rolls equal to your
their toxic effects is to jettison them from the mind alto Constitution modifier until the end ofhis or her turn.
gether. So-called intelligent creatures are vulnerable In addition, each ally within 5 squares ofyou gains a
to such emotions when they cloak themselves in intel +2 bonus to Endurance checks and Intimidate checks.
lectual loftiness and hide behind certainty and belief to You also gain the ardent eruption power.
shield themselves from the uncomfortable world. You
reject these notions and seek out your true nature. Ardent Eruption Ardent Feature
Sifting through the layers of experience and learn Your pain bleedsfrom you in a wave, touching your allies and
ing imposed upon you by your people and culture, you lending newferocity to their attacks.
uncover the iron core at the heart ofyour being. By Encounter + Psionic
retreating behind its stiff walls, you silence all doubts No Action Close burst 5
and misgivings, acting without hesitation or fear. Even Trigger: You are bloodied by an attack
if the results are not immediately beneficial, you do not Target: Each ally in burst
second-guess yourself. Some might call you reckless, Effect: The target gains a +2 bonus to his or her damage
but you follow your true nature—a hardened warrior rolls until the start of your next turn.
Level 11: +4 bonus.
who offers no apology for your aggressive ways.
Level 2!: +6 bonus.
The battlefield is your home, and you destroy
those who would seed the world with darkness.
Ardent Surge: When you use your ardent surge
When so engaged, your eyes grow dark, and your face
power, the target also gains a +2 bonus to speed until
the end of your next turn.
q ~
— ç~J - 3
Impetuous ardents have little use for caution or careful
‘~. ~&~J 1~6’ planning, and they allow their natural talent and fate
to guide their actions. As an impetuous ardent, your
secondary role is striker. Choose powers that deliver
punishing damage, improve your allies’ attacks, or
strip away your enemies’ ability to protect themselves.
Any power that can help to quickly remove an enemy’s
threat reinforces your preferred tactics. This said,
wading through enemies places you at great risk. To
mitigate the dangers arrayed against you, be sure to
invest in feats and powers that help you last in combat.
Charisma should be your highest ability score.
Look to your Dexterity score next to let you act sooner
in the round and to keep your Reflex high. Round out
your defenses and hit points by making Constitution
your third highest ability score.
Suggested Class Feature: Mantle ofImpulsiveness*
Suggested Feat: Deft Eruption*
Suggested Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Heal,
Suggested At-Will Powers: impetuous ruin*, part
Suggested Daily Power: battleflow*
*New option presented in this book D

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
Part the Fog Ardent Attack 1
NEW POWERS Your attack clears the wayfor andllj~ tt~unIèashfury against

The new powers presented in this chapter add to the

At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon .1
range of powers already available to ardents. Many Standard Action Melee weapon
of these new powers are tailored to the Impetuous Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Ardent build, but ardents of any kind can find useful
Hit 1 [~] + €harisma modifier.damage. One ally adjacent
options here. to you or the target gainsia+2 power bonus to attack
rolls against the target untilthe start of your next turn.
LEVEL 1 AT-Wlu. DisciPuNEs Augment 1
Hit As above, and the target cannot benefit from
concealment or invisibility until the start of your next
Impetuous Ruin Ardent Attack 1
Your strike hobblesayour ei inj Ifnp’ulsiveness, preventing it Augment 2 .
from reacting in the heat ofjo~bdt. Hit: 1 [Wi + €harisma modifi~r damage. The next ally
At-Will + Augmentable, Charm, Psionic, Weapon within 5 squares of you to mi’ss the target with an
Standard Action Melee weapon attack before the start of your n~xt turn can reroll the
Target: One creature attack roll.
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage, and the target Wave of Fatigue Ardent Attack 1
cannot make opportunity attacks against any creature
A wave oflethargyfollowsyour~strik~harnperingyourfoe’s
other than you until the end of your next turn.
ability to effectively counterattack. -
Augment 1
Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage, and the target At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
cannot make opportunity attacks until the end of your Standard Action Melee weapon
next turn. Target: One creature
Augment 2 Attack: Charisma vs. AC -.

Hit: 1 [WI + €harisma modifier damage, and the target is Hit ‘li[WJ + C~harisma mod ificrdamage. The target is
dazed until the end of your next turn. slowed until the end of your nexttiirn:
Augment 1
Hit: As above, and the target takes a 2 penalty to
Karmic Bond Ardent Attack 1
opportunity attack rolls and damage rolls until the end of
Your strike ensures the enemyreap,s what it sows byforming a your next turn.
bond between it and the creaturè~itattäck~ next. Augment2 . - .~::
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Close burst 1 -

Standard Action Melee weapon Target: Each creature you can see ln burst
Target: One creature Effect Until the end of your next’turn, enemies take
Attack: Charisma vs. AC a penalty to damage rolls equal to your Constitution
Hit 1 [WI + Charisma modifle’rda’mage. Until the start of modifier while adjacent to you, an~i any creature that
your next turn, when the~target~deals damage with an starts its turn adjacent to you i5~sI~o~v~d until the end of
attack, it takes extra dàthage equal to your Constitution its turn.
modifier on the next attadk tha~t hits it before the end of
your next turn.
Augment 1
Hit: As above, and until the start of your next turn, if the
target saves on its turn, one ally within 5 squares of you Battle Flow Ardent Attack 1
can make a saving throw with a power bonus equal to Your attack draws strengthfrom afoe ~fuel the movement of
your Constitution modifier. you and your allies.
Augment 2 Daily + Psionic, Weapon
Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifierdamage. If the target hits Standard Action Melee weapon
with an attack before the start of your next turn, it takes Target: One creature
extra damage equal to your Constitution modifier from Attack: Charisma vs. AC
each attack that hits it before the~end of your next turn. Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier d~~age, and one ally you
can see shifts 2 squaresas a fr& action. In addition,
CORONA’S ~L~W whenever the target takes a noye~ ~ction, you or one ally
you can see shifts 2 squares asan’inimediate reaction
Optional Rule: At your Dungeon Master’s discretion, the (save ends). . ‘~- 3

corona that manifests when you use your powers casts Miss: Half damage, and one ally you can see shifts 2 squares
a visible light. you.use an ardent encounter as a free action.
or daily power you also shed dim light to a range of~4
squares uiitil the ‘start of your ~iext turn. During this time,
anyone in the area can see normally, but you take a —5
penalty to Stealth checks.

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
Foretaste of Death
Ardent Attack 1 LEVEL 2 UTiLiTY DIsciPLiNES
Your attack cau~es!dfine to be overcome with a vision of its own
~ in combat. Close Wounds Ardent Utility 2
E h’~iii~:wounds stanch, and strength returnsfor a time.
Daily 4 Illusion, Psychic, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Encounter+ Psionic
Target: One creature Minor Action Ranged 5
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Target: One bloodied ally
Hit~ii~’k+~t€hariSma modifier damage ?EffectT’target gains temporary hit points equal to your
Effect: The target has visions of death (save ends). While c~li~risriia modifier.
under this effect, the target cannot gain combat advantage,
cannot flank with its allies, and grants combat advantage. Dull Pain Ardent Utility 2
~Aft~Jeffqç takes 10 psychic damage.
You re~on4’~o.~ift4.hernY’5 attack by dampening your ally’s
Lingering Fury Ardent Attack 1 Encounter 4 Psionic
aside, leaving it shrouded in a lingering Immediate Interrupt Ranged 5
that gran~pgwerto your allies Trigger: An ally within 5 squares of you takes damage from
Daily 4 Psionic, Psychic, Weapon an attack
Standard Action Melee weapon Target The triggering ally
Target: One creature Eff~i’R~d&e the damage the target would take by your
Attack: Cha risma vs. AC ~ ~i~om~m’odifi~r. The target also gains a +2 power bonus
Hit 2~!J -i~Charisma modifier psychic damage and you ~ the end of his or her next turn.
~pusl~het~rg~f1 square.
Miss: Half damage. Healing Bond Ardent Utility 2
- Effe’~:’Th,e f ~êt.isafected by a lingering fury (save ends). Youitrengthen the bond between two allies so that when one
,~ Whil~ tI~hb~get is~affected by this lingering fury, allies ~os~erth~yboth benefit.
gain +i.~b~Jer bonus to attack rolls and a +2 power
• bo~us~4~arflage rolls while adjacent to the target. Daily 4 Healing, Psionic
Immediate Reaction Ranged 5
Trigger: An ally within S squares of you spends a healing
Recursive Emotions Ardent Attack 1
Yourfo~s att~~tto shake off the emotional onslaught ofyour Target: One ally other than the triggering ally
attack ha ~the enemies while it restores vigor to your allies Effe’~t~e,$.arget regains hit points as if he or she had
Daily 4 Psychic, Psionic, Weapon a haling surge.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature Psionic Charge Ardent Utility 2
Attack: Charisma vs. AC ally springs into motion, you channel psionic power
Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier psychic damage. to’~l’end him Or h~r additional strength and speed.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect. t~h~t~et ~k9s ongoing 5 psychic damage (save Encounter+ Psionic
ends) WheneverThe target makes a saving throw against Minor Action Ranged 10
this effect~dneerkeP1X you can see takes psychic damage Target: One ally
~equáj to ~ydur Wis’dom or Constitution modifier, and one 4Eff~V~h’eI~ the target charges before the end of its
ally you ~àn’~see iegains the same number of hit points. ~ne5~t~türn;itgaiflS a +2 power bonus to speed and a
i~” ~ bonus to damage rolls equal to your Wisdom or
~ €~stiiutiónipodifier on the charge attack.


If you ye chos~n to roleplay your ar,dent as an emotionally what about a dragon7 Ai~ orc~ For that,matter, what~bout a
driven or impulsive character you might consider altering human or dwarf mercernary? What does it do to you t9 feel
th~ way you behave in combat to match For instance their emotions at the moment of death7 Do you spend a
when ydu are sui~prised, when you feel particularly threat- few moments, or hours. in a despondent state after combat?
ened, or when you’re first bloodied, you might react with a Do you throw yourself headlong into the next adventure,
daily power, the use of an action point, or both—even when hoping it’ll make you forget the last?
these options are less than tactically sound. Because the rules of the game make it.relatively easy to
If you’re interested in trying something different, con- defeat a foe without slaying it, you might refuse to kill your
sider this: What’s it like to literally feel someone die? enemies—again, making exceptions for particularly vile
Adventuring is a violent way of life. Creatures such as aber- creatures—regardless of the difficulties that might result.
rants and demons are alien and innately evil enough that You should first make sure that other players around the
their deaths don’t bother you, and constructs and most table are okay with this. Not everyone enjoys regular
undead don’t project much in the way of feelings. But “What do we do with the prisoners?” discussions.
LEVEL 3 Ai-Wiu. DIsciPLINEs Withered Technique Ardent Attack 3 LI,
Your attack scours your enemy’s mind and instincts, hobbling its
Cloud Mind Ardent Attack 3
Your attack clouds afoe’s mind to let an ally slip past without
most potent attacks.
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon 0 1
fear of reprisal. Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Standard Action Melee weapon Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of z
Target: One creature your next turn, the target takes a 2 penalty to attack
Attack: Charisma vs. AC rolls for any attack that is not a basic attack.
Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage, and one ally adja Augment 1
cent to you or the target can shift as a free action. Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage. If the target
Augment 1 makes an attack that is not a basic attack before the
Hit 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage. One ally within 5 start of your next turn, you can slide the target a number
squares of you gains combat advantage against the target of squares equal to your Constitution modifier as an
until the end of your next turn. immediate reaction.
Augment 2 Augment 2
Hit 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of
your next turn, any ally more than 1 square away from your next turn, the target deals half damage with any
the target has concealment against it. attack that is not a basic attack.

Guarded Prison Ardent Attack 3

You constrain the target’s mind, making it imagine walls on all
sides each time it tries to move.
Decelerating Slash Ardent Attack 5
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon When your strike lands, lightflashesfrom you to drain away
Target: One creature your enemy’s momentum.
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Daily + Psionic, Weapon
Hit 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage, and on its next Standard Action Melee weapon
turn the target cannot use move actions to walk or run. Target: One creature
Augment 1 Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: As above, and if the target shifts before the start of Hit 3[W] + Charisma modifier damage, and the target is
your next turn, each ally adjacent to you gains a +2 slowed (save ends).
power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next First Failed Saving Throw: The target is immobilized
turn. instead of slowed (save ends).
Augment 2 Miss: The target is slowed (save ends).
Hit 21W] + Charisma modifier damage. If the target will Each Failed Saving Throw: One ally you can see shifts as a
ingly moves or shifts before the start of your next turn, free action.
one ally adjacent to you or the target can make a basic
attack against the target as an immediate interrupt. Invitation to Defeat Ardent Attack 5
You raise your weapon andforce your enemies to approach you,
Unsteadying Rebuke Ardent Attack 3 inviting them to certain deftat.
Your enemy’s attack inspires a savage psionic rebuke, letting you Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
shift the battleflelWs perspective inyourfavor. Standard Action Close burst 5
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Target: Each enemy in burst
Immediate Reaction Melee weapon Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Trigger: An enemy targets you with a melee attack Hit: You pull the target 5 squares. Any target pulled to a
Target: The triggering enemy square adjacent to you is weakened (save ends).
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Effect: Until the end of your next turn, enemies are
Hit 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage, and you slide the weakened while they are adjacent to you. In addition, until
target 1 square to a square adjacent to you. the end of your next turn, any enemy that takes damage
Effect: You lose your standard action on your next turn. while adjacent to you also takes psychic damage equal to
Augment 1 your Charisma modifier.
Hit As above, and one ally adjacent to you can shift to Sustain Minon The effect persists.
any unoccupied square adjacent to the target’s new
position as a free action.
Augment 2
Hit: 11W] + Charisma modifier damage, and you slide
the target a number of squares equal to your Wisdom
modifier. You then slide each enemy now adjacent to the
target 1 square.
Effect: You do not lose your standard action on your next

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
Foretaste of Death ‘rdent Attack 1 LEVEL 2 UTiLiTY DisciPuNEs
Your attack causes_afoe to be overcome with a vision of its own
death, nderingitseffectivefless in combat. Close Wounds Ardent Utility 2
Daily + Illusion, Psychic, Psionic, Weapon ~esh~kn(tt~7ound’s ‘stanch, and strength returnsfor a time.
Standard Action Melee weapon Encounter 4 Psionic
Target: One creature Minor Action Ranged 5
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Target:~ne_bloodied ally
Hit. 1!~j~+~ dcarisma modifier damage Eff,~ct. The~t~rget gains temporary hit points equal to your
Effect: The target has visions of death (save ends). While C-hlrismà mod ifier.
under this effect, the target cannot gain combat advantage,
cannot flank with its allies, and grants combat advantage.
~Aftereffect~Thetarget takes 10 psychic damage.
Dull Pain Ardent Utility 2
• You re~j~ ‘ah~emy’s attack by dampening your ally’s
~ abh~pfeeipam
lingering Fury Ardent Attack 1
Encounter 4 Psionic
~You si~iashydur~ enei4 a~ide, leaving it shrouded in a lingering
fui~thatigrants,~owetto your allies. Immediate Interrupt Ranged 5
Trigger: An ally within 5 squares of you takes damage from
Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Weapon an attack
Standard Action Melee weapon Target: The triggering ally
Target: One creature Eff~~R~d&e,the damage the target would take by your
Attack: Charisma vs. AC ‘~ NJ~domñ1odifie,r.The target also gains a +2 power bonus
Hit~[~jl-i Ch&~ma modifier psychic damage and you ~: to’savi~g~ o~w~ until the end of his or her next turn.
~ push~tH~targ~t1 square.
Miss: Half damage. Ardent Utility 2
E~iTIje target is affected by a lingering fury (save ends)
Healing Bond
While the~$~rget is affected by this lingering fury allies ~You str~eng~then the bond between two allies so that when one
again a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and a +2 power prospers they both benefit
.b~nus t,~1a~tnage rolls while adjacent to the target. Daily 4 Healing, Psionic
Immediate Reaction Ranged 5
Recursive Emotions Ardent Attack 1 Trigger: An ally within 5 squares of you spends a healing
Yoi~-fo~attt•Io shake off the emotional onslaught ofyour
Target: One ally other than the triggering ally
attacJ~ harr?ts other Enemies while it restores vigor to your allies.
~~~ie,ta~get regains hit points as if he or she had
Daily + Psychic, Psionic, Weapon ?~spent~ihealing surge.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Psionic Charge Ardent Utility 2
Hit: 1 [WI Charisma modifier psychic damage. • ~ oitr’ally springs into motion,you channel psionic power
Miss: Half damage. ~t~lE’hd~himor her additional strength and speed.
Effect. TLh’~~1get ~k9s ongoing 5 psychic damage (save Encounter 4 Psionic
ends) Whe~e~e1rthe target makes a saving throw against Minor Action Ranged 10
‘this effect ione enemy you can see takes psychic damage Target: One ally
‘~equal to3~&r Wisdom or Constitution modifier, and one the target charges before the end of its
ally you ca~i see’re~ains the same number of hit points. hY. ‘~next%rn~t gains a +2 power bonus to speed and a
i.’ :‘p~Wer bbnus to damage rolls equal to your Wisdom or
i: Cdiistitutiân modifier on the charge attack.


~‘ ~

If you ye chosen to rolep~ay your ardent as an em~ti~nally what about a dragon? An orc~ Fo~ that matter what ~bout a
driven or impulsive character you might consider altering human or dwarf mercenary? Wl~at does it do to yot~ to feel
the way you behave in combat to match For instance their emotions at the moment of death7 Do you spend a
whé~n you are ~urprised~ when you feel particularly threat- few moments, or hours, in a despondent state after combat?
ened, or when you’re first bloodied, you might react with a Do you throw yourself headlong into the next adventure,
daily power, the use of an action point, or both—even when hoping it’ll make you forget the last? 7
these options are less than tactically sound. Because the rules of the game make it relatively easy to
If you’re interested in trying something different, con- defeat a foe without slaying it, you might refuse to kill your
sider this: What’s it like to literally feel someone die? enemies—again, making exceptions for particularly vile
Adventuring is a violent way of life. Creatures such as aber- creatures—regardless of the difficulties that might result.
rants and demons are alien and innately evil enough that You should first make sure that other players around the
their deaths don’t bother you, and constructs and most table are okay with this. Not everyone enjoys regular
undead don’t project much in the way of feelings. But “What do we do with the prisoners?” discussions.

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
LEVEL. 3 AT-Wlu. DlscIPuNEs Withered Technique Ardent Attack 3
Your attack scours your enemy’s mind and instincts, hobbling its
Cloud Mind Ardent Attack 3
Your attack clouds afoe’s mind to let an ally slip past without
most potent attacks.
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon .1
frar of reprisal. Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Standard Action Melee weapon Hit 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of
Target: One creature your next turn, the target takes a —2 penalty to attack
Attack: Charisma vs. AC rolls for any attack that is not a basic attack.
Hit 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage, and one ally adja Augment 1
cent to you or the target can shift as a free action. Hit: 1 LW] + Charisma modifier damage. If the target
Augment 1 makes an attack that is not a basic attack before the
Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage. One ally within 5 start of your next turn, you can slide the target a number
squares of you gains combat advantage against the target of squares equal to your Constitution modifier as an
until the end of your next turn. immediate reaction.
Augment 2 Augment 2
Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of
your next turn, any ally more than 1 square away from your next turn, the target deals half damage with any
the target has concealment against it. attack that is not a basic attack.

Guarded Prison Ardent Attack 3

You constrain the target’s mind, making it imagine walls on all
sides each time it tries to move.
Decelerating Slash Ardent Attack 5
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon When your strike lands, lightflashesfrom you to drain away
Target One creature your enemy’s momentum.
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Daily 4 Psionic, Weapon
Hit 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage, and on its next Standard Action Melee weapon
turn the target cannot use move actions to walk or run. Target: One creature
Augment 1 Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: As above, and if the target shifts before the start of Hit 3LW] + Charisma modifier damage, and the target is
your next turn, each ally adjacent to you gains a +2 slowed (save ends).
power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next First Failed Saving Throw: The target is immobilized
turn. instead of slowed (save ends).
Augment 2 Miss: The target is slowed (save ends).
Hit 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage. If the target will Each Failed Saving Throw: One ally you can see shifts as a
ingly moves or shifts before the start of your next turn, free action.
one ally adjacent to you or the target can make a basic
attack against the target as an immediate interrupt. Invitation to Defeat Ardent Attack 5
You raise your weapon andforce your enemies to approach you,
Unsteadying Rebuke Ardent Attack 3 inviting them to certain defrat.
Your enemy’s attack inspires a savage psionic rebuke, letting you Daily 4 Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
shift the battlefleld~s perspective inyourfavor. Standard Action Close burst 5
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Target Each enemy in burst
Immediate Reaction Melee weapon Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Trigger: An enemy targets you with a melee attack Hit You pull the target 5 squares. Any target pulled to a
Target: The triggering enemy square adjacent to you is weakened (save ends).
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Effect: Until the end of your next turn, enemies are
Hit 1 ~W] + Charisma modifier damage, and you slide the weakened while they are adjacent to you. In addition, until
target 1 square to a square adjacent to you. the end of your next turn, any enemy that takes damage
Effect: You lose your standard action on your next turn. while adjacent to you also takes psychic damage equal to
Augment 1 your Charisma modifier.
Hit As above, and one ally adjacent to you can shift to Sustain Minor The effect persists.
any unoccupied square adjacent to the target’s new
position as a free action.
Augment 2
Hit: 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage, and you slide
the target a number of squares equal to your Wisdom
modifier. You then slide each enemy now adjacent to the
target 1 square.
Effect: You do not lose your standard action on your next

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
Meteoric Charge Ardent Attack 5 Rapid Calculation Ardent Utility 6
Your attack provides allies with an emotional surge, setting up a You quickly assess the threat before you and help your allies to
series offurious charges against yourfoes. properly preparefor thefight.
Daily + Psionic, Weapon Daily + Psionic
Standard Action Melee weapon No Action Close burst 5
Target: One creature Trigger: You roll initiative
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Target: Each ally in burst
Hit 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage. Effect You slide the target 3 squares, and the target gains
Miss: Half damage. a +2 power bonus to all defenses until it takes its first
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, any ally who starts action during the encounter.
his or her turn within 5 squares of you gains a +2 power
bonus to charge attack rolls and a power bonus to charge Shared Momentum Ardent Utility 6
damage rolls equal to your Charisma modifier.
You link two allies with psionic energy, letting them match each
Special: When charging, you can use this power in place other’s movements in battle.
of a melee basic attack. If you do so, you gain a +1 power
bonus to the attack roll. Encounter + Psionic
Immediate Reaction Ranged 5
Trigger: An ally within 5 squares of you moves or shifts
Specter of Doubt Ardent Attack 5
Target: One ally other than the triggering ally
Your attack plants a seed of doubt in your enemy’s subconscious. Effect: The target shifts a number of squares equal to your
As it grows, it infects otherfoes, robbing them of their will to Wisdom modifier.
Daily + Fear, Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Primary Target: One creature
Primary Attack: Charisma vs. Will Accelerated Maneuvers Ardent Attack 7
Hit 1 [W] + Charisma modifier psychic damage. Whenever You open your mind to your enemies’ intentions, using that
the primary target makes an attack, it takes 10 psychic knowledge to maneuver your allies into position.
damage (save ends). At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Miss: Whenever the primary target makes an attack, it takes Standard Action Melee weapon
5 psychic damage (save ends). Effect: Before the attack, one ally adjacent to you can shift 1
Each Failed Saving Throw: You can make the following square as a free action.
secondary attack as a free action. Target One creature
Secondary Target: One creature within 3 squares of the Attack: Charisma vs. AC
primary target Hit 1 [WI + €harisma modifier damage.
Secondary Attack: Charisma vs. Will Augment 1
Hit The secondary target is dazed (save ends). Effect: Before the attack, one ally adjacent to you can shift
a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier.
LEVEL 6 UTILiTY DlscIPuNEs Augment 2
Hit 2[W} + Charisma modifier damage.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, each ally who
Escalating Fury Ardent Utility 6
starts his or her turn within 5 squares of you gains a
Your pain girds allies against the threats looming on all sides. +2 power bonus to speed and can shift 2 squares as a
Encounter + Psionic move action.
No Action Close burst 5
Trigger: You take damage from an attack Fatal Attraction Ardent Attack 7
Target Each ally in burst
Your attack prevents an enemyfrom ignoring your presence on
Effect: The target gains temporary hit points equal to 3 +
the battlefield.
your Charisma modifier.
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Opportunity Seized Ardent Utility 6
Target: One creature
When afoe slips past you or your ally, it opens up new opportu Attack: Charisma vs. AC
nities to attack. Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage, and you mark the
Encounter + Psionic target until the end of your next turn.
No Action Close burst 3 Augment 1 (Psychic)
Trigger: You or one ally in burst misses with an opportunity Hit As above, and the first time the target hits any of your
attack allies, the target takes psychic damage equal to your
Target: The triggering creature Wisdom modifier.
Effect: The triggering creature repeats the opportunity Augment 2
attack against the same target or a different one. Hit: 2[W1 + Charisma modifier damage, and you mark
the target until the end of your next turn. Until the end
of your next turn, the target grants combat advantage
to allies adjacent to you.

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
Stolen Strength Ardent Attack 7 LEVEL 9 DAiLY DisciPLiNEs LI,

Your~Ei~k1eaves afoe reeling, sapping its strength as it tries to

fight bacJL Cerebral Worm Ardent Attack 9
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Your ~1tt~ick lodges inyourfoe s mind like a parasite hindering
Standard Action Melee weapon .4 attack.
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
~ Hit i[~P9]~darnage. Until the start of your next turn, the Standard Action Melee weapon z
target~ollsfwice when it makes a damage roll and must Target: One creature
use~thë.lower roll. Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Augment 1 rHi~’2[W1TCharisrna modifier psychic damage, and the
Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage. The target’s basic ta~eVis affecfed by your cerebral worm (save ends).
attacks deal half damage until the end of your next turn. Wh’~le the target is affected by the worm the first time
the target niakes an attack roll on each of its turns it
- -~--,-~.
musit1~er tak’e 10 psychic damage or make the attack
Hit: 2[W]?+’Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of
~your next.-i’urn, the target takes a penalty to damage ~; ~rôII twice a’iid~se the lower roll.
rolls equal to your Constitution modifier Miss: Half damage, and the target takes 10 damage the next
time it makes an attack roll before the end of your next turn.
Trailblazing Assault Ardent Attack 7
Emotional Wellspring Ardent Attack 9
Your ä~tia&2pens upthe battlefield, letting an ally surgefor
ward tô’atta~k. Yoi~r atta2k ~i~iis eloe of its resilience, and allows allies to
~claiith~t~esilidn~efdr themselves.
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
Target One creature Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Target: One creature
Hittil I~W]~ Clia~isrna modifier damage. One ally within 5 Attack: Charisma vs. Will
squares of you gains a +2 power bonus to speed until the Hit. 2[W] + Chari~ia ~iodifier damage
Miss: Half damage.
• ~ndofy~~iextturn.
Effect ~rhe target takes ongoing 5 psychic damage (save
~ ~

Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of a

melee basic attack. • ends~. ln~addition, each ally who hits the target can choose
Augrnenti(Healing~ to gain t~mporarv~hit points equal to your Charisma modi
• Hit ~ the ally regains hit points equal to ~ fler or make a~aviii~;thràw with a +4 power bonus. This
A ~t\~ -~ .
~‘ your €on~titution modifier if he or she hits with a
effect lasts until~Iie end ofyour next turn, or until the tar
charg~ftack before the end of your next turn. get is no long~~~king ongoing damage from this power
Augment 2 (Healing)
Hit: 11W] modifier damage. One ally you can see charges Spatial Anomaly Ardent Attack 9
with a power bonus to the attack roll equal to your Yourfocused ti ought~puncies a hole in reality, drawing your
Constitution modifier. If the ally hits with this attack, he enerny~int6positionfór.yoür allies’ attacks.
or she gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the
Daily 4 Psionic, Teleportation
start of your next turn and can spend a healing surge.
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One enemy
L Effect. You teI~tt the target 5 squares One or two allies
adjacent to th~f~r~t at the end of the teleport can each
make antiel~e basic attack against the target as a free
•FT~t~,Each ally WIio~hits the target also gains temporary
hit pointsjej’ual to your Charisma modifier


The most infamous of the small number of ardent enclaves ,iiany~ardents gathered together, the feelings that th~
scattei:ed across the world is th~ so called Court of proJ~ct can have a subtle yet substan~I impact on i~I~e
Sorrows This company of a dozen ardents dwells in a com mind set and emoti~nal state~of all people i~earby The
munal home in the isdiated Wilderness, but itsmèmbers effect is not capable offórcingal&al dukE, baron, or
spend their time traveling throughout the region’s major mayor to make any given decision. But it does render
communities. The court offers its services to any who can such characters susceptible to negotiation, intimidation,
pay, and specializes in manipulating the leaders and gov- or deception, and makes it more difficult for them to make
ernments of communities. tactically wise decisions.
Rather than using overt, short-term, and easily detected Although the ardents of the Court of Sorrows are paid
methods such as domination powers, the ardents of the well for their services, they have no obvious use for the
Court of Sorrows instead covertly gather in large numbers funds they gain. As a result, the order’s true goals remain
near government buildings and emote in unison. With so unknown.

Spur the Battle Ardent Attack 9 LEVEL 13 AT-WILL DisciPLiNEs
As you attack, mystical light shrouds your nearby allies, speed
ing them into battle. Conflicted Emotions Ardent Attack 13
Daily + Psionic, Weapon Your attack leaves your enemy unable to tellfriendfromfoe,
Standard Action Melee weapon wracking it with pain if it comes too close to another creature.
Effect: Before the attack, you shift 1 square. At-Will 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
Target: One creature Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Target: One creature
Hit 2[W] + €harisma modifier damage. Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Effect: After the attack, each ally adjacent to you can shift 1 Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage. The target takes
square or move his or her speed as a free action. psychic damage equal to your Wisdom modifier if it ends
its next turn adjacent to one of its allies.
LEVEL 10 UT1UTY DisciPLiNEs Augment 1
Hit: As above, but the target takes the psychic damage if it
ends its next turn adjacent to any creature.
Force of \WiIl Ardent Utility 10
Augment 4
You throw off an affliction with suchforce that nearby allies are Close burst 1
protected by your power. Target: Each enemy in burst
Encounter 4 Psionic Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage.
No Action Close burst 3 Effect: Until the start of your next turn, any enemy that
Trigger: You succeed on a saving throw ends its turn adjacent to you takes 5 psychic damage and
Target: You and each ally in burst grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Effect The target gains a 2 power bonus to all defenses
until the end of your next turn. Essence Conduit Ardent Attack 13
In pressing the attack, you steal afoe’s resolve and bestow it on
Fostered Talent Ardent Utility 10 an ally.
You draw strengthfrom an ally’s accomplishment, then share At-Will 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
that strength with other allies. Standard Action Melee weapon
Encounter + Psionic Target: One creature
Free Action Close burst 10 Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Trigger: An ally you can see succeeds on a skill check Hit 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage, and one ally you
Target: You and each ally in burst other than the triggering can see gains temporary hit points equal to S your
ally Constitution modifier.
Effect: The target gains a +2 power bonus to the next skill Augment 1
check he or she makes before the end of your next turn. Hit: As above, and the ally can use his or her second wind
as a free action.
Psychic Boon — Ardent Utility 10 Augment 4 (Healing, Psych’i~)
Hit: 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage plus 1 d8 psychic
When an ally’s attack hits, you channel the rush of victory
damage. øne ally within 5 squares of you can spend a
and return it as increased resilience.
healing surge and regain additional hit points equal to
Encounter+ Psionic
your Constitution modifier.
Free Action Close burst 5
Trigger: An ally within 5 squares of you hits with a melee
attack Invert Defeat Ardent Attack 13
Target: The triggering ally in burst The psychic energy you stealfrom a triumphantfoe bolsters
Effect: The target gains temporary hit points equal to 5 + your allies as their own strengthfades.
your Charisma modifier. At-Will 4 Augmentable, Healing, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Vital Summons Ardent Utility 10 Target: One creature
When an ally is in trouble, you speed help to his or her side. Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage. If the target
Encounter + Psionic, Teleportation
bloodies an ally or hits a bloodied ally with an attack
Immediate Reaction Ranged 5
before the end of your next turn, that ally regains hit
Trigger: An ally within S squares of you becomes bloodied
points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
or drops to 0 hit points or fewer
Augment 1
Target One ally other than the triggering ally
Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage. One bloodied ally
Effect You teleport the target to a square adjacent to the
adjacent to the target gains temporary hit points equal to
triggering ally.
your Charisma modifier + your Wisdom modifier.
Augment 4
Hit: 3[Wj + Charisma modifier damage. Until the start
of your next turn, when an enemy you can see deals
damage with an attack, one ally within S squares of
you gains temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
Stack the Odds Ardent Attack 13 Coordinated Effort Ardent Attack 1 5
Your quick strike grants ~your allies added strength. You link minds with your allies, granting all ofyou the chance to
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
act in concert before yourfoes can react.
Daily 4 Healing, Psionic
Target: One creature Minor Action Close burst 5
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Target: You and each ally you can see in burst, to a
Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage. Each ally adjacent maximum of five targets
to you gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls until the Effect: You apply one of the following effects to each tar
start of your next turn. get. Each effect can be used only once.
Augment 1 (Psychic) 4 The target flies a number of squares equal to your
Hit: 11W] + Charisma modifier damage. Until the start of Charisma modifier as a free action. The target must
your next turn, allies deal extra psychic damage equal land at the end of this movement.
to your Constitution modifier with melee attacks while 4 The target shifts its speed as a free action.
adjacent to you. 4 The target spends a healing surge.
Augment 4 4 The target can make a basic attack as a free action.
Hit 3[W] + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of 4 The target can charge as a free action.
your next turn, allies gain a +2 power bonus to attack
rolls while adjacent to you, and enemies take a 2 pen Treachery’s Seed Ardent Attack 15
ally to attack rolls while adjacent to you.
Your mind touches an enemy’s, planting a seed of treachery that
lets you control it through its ownattacks.
LEVEL 15 DAiLY DIsciPLINEs Daily 4 Charm, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Aggressive Accompaniment Ardent Attack 15 Target One creature
Youflash across the battlefield to unleash a devastatin8 attack Attack: Charisma vs. AC
in concert with an ally, then grant that ally increasedfwy Hit 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage.
against your commonfoe. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever the target
hits with a melee attack, you can use an immediate
Daily 4 Psionic, Psychic, Teleport, Weapon reaction to force the target to make a melee basic attack
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 10 against a target you choose.
Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you makes a melee
Effect: Before the attack, you teleport to an unoccupied LEVEL 16 UTiLiTY DisciPLiNEs
square adjacent to the triggering ally.
Target One creature Common Cause Ardent Utility 16
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
An ally’s recovery lets you channel a temporary burst of resil
Hit 2[WI + Charisma modifier damage, and the target is’
ience to other allies.
dazed (save ends).
Miss: Half damage. -
Daily 4 Psionic
Effect: The triggering ally gains combat advantage against Immediate Reaction Area burst 5 within 10 squares
the target for its triggering attack, and deals 2d6 extra Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you spends a healing
psychic damage with that attack. surge
Target Each ally in burst
Effect: The target gains temporary hit points equal to 10
Bloody Resurgence Ardent Attack 15
your Charisma modifier.
When you lash out with your weapon, an allyfeels its strength
Detach Mind Ardent Utility 1~
Daily 4 Healing, Psionic, Weapon
You reach into your subject’s mind to provide a temporary re
Standard Action Melee weapon
spitefrom a debilitating condition.
Target: One enemy, or two enemies if you are bloodied
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Encounter 4 Psionic
Hit 31W] + Charisma modifier damage. Minor Action Ranged 5
Miss: Half damage. Target: You or one ally
Effect: When you make this attack, one ally who can see Effect: Choose one effect on the target that a save can end.
you can spend a healing surge. If you are bloodied, the The target is not affected by that effect until the end of
ally regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma its next turn, but it cannot make a saving throw against
modifier. that effect at the end of that turn. The target gains a +2
power bonus to his or her next saving throw to end that

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
Disbelieve Danger Ardent Utility 16 Probability Flux Ardent Attack 17
With a thought, you cause an ally under attack to take on a Your strike alters the laws of chance, denying goodfortune to
spectralform that protects against additional harm. the enemy.
Encounter + Psionic At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 10 Standard Action Melee weapon
Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you is hit by an attack Target One creature
Target: The triggering ally Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Effect: The target is insubstantial until the end of his or her Hit 1 LW] + Charisma modifier damage, and any critical hit
next turn. the target scores until the end of your next turn is treated
as a normal hit.
Resilient Bond Ardent Utility 16 Augment 1
Hit: 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end
The bond youforge with an ally ensures that you both make it to of your next turn, any enemy that scores a critical hit
the battle’s end. against an ally within 5 squares of you must reroll that
Daily + Healing, Psionic attack roll.
MinorAction Ranged 5 Augment 4
Target: You and one ally Hit 3[Wj + Charisma modifier damage. Critical hits
Effect: Each target gains regeneration 5 until the end of scored against any ally within 5 squares of you before
the encounter. If a target starts its turn more than 5 the end of your next turn is treated as a normal hit.
squares away from the other target, this regeneration In addition, when an enemy within 5 squares of you
does not function for the target during that turn. succeeds on a saving throw, each ally within 5 squares
of you can make a saving throw with a bonus equal to
your Wisdom modifier.
Blinding Clarity Ardent Attack 17
Violent Upsurge Ardent Attack 17
You smash your enemy with suchforce that it is left vulnerable
Your attack overwhelms yourfoe, hindering its ability to take
tofollow-up attacks.
advantage of opportunities in combat.
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target One creature
Target One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage. Until the start
Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage, and the target cannot
of your next turn, whenever the target takes damage
make opportunity attacks until the start of your next turn.
from a melee attack, it takes extra damage equal to your
Augment 1
Constitution modifier.
Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end
Augment 1
of your next turn, the target cannot make opportunity
Hit 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage. Until the start of
attacks and takes a penalty equal to your Wisdom
your next turn, whenever the target is hit by an attack,
modifier to any attack roll made as an immediate action.
you gain a +4 bonus to the damage roll for the first
Augment 4
attack you make against the target during your next turn.
Hit 2LW] + Charisma modifier damage, and the target is
This bonus is cumulative.
blinded until the end of your next turn.
Augment 4
Hit 2~W] + Charisma modifier damage, and the target
Emotional Flood Ardent Attack 17 gains vulnerable 2 to all damage until the end of your
Your attack releases emotion that~grants vigor to your allies. next turn. This vulnerability increases by 2 whenever an
At-Will + Augmentable, Force, Psionic, Weapon attack hits or misses the target.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature LEVEL 19 DAiLY DisciPLiNEs
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit 1 [W] + Charisma modifier force damage, and you push
the target 1 square. One ally adjacent to you gains tempo
Clarified Pain Ardent Attack 19
rary hit points equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier. The pain your enemyfeelsfrom your assault lets you strengthen
Augment 1 your allies’ attacks.
Hit 1 LW] + Charisma modifier force damage, and you Daily 4 Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
push the target 2 squares. Each ally adjacent to you gains Standard Action Melee weapon
temporary hit points equal to 5 + your Constitution Target One creature
modifier. Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Augment 4 Hit 3[W] + Charisma modifier damage, and ongoing 10
Close burst 1 psychic damage (save ends).
Target Each enemy you can see in burst Miss: Ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends).
Hit: 2[WJ + Charisma modifier force damage. Effect Whenever the target makes a saving throw to end
Effect Each ally adjacent to you gains temporary hit the ongoing psychic damage from this attack, one ally
points equal to your Constitution modifier + 5 for each within 5 squares of you gains a +2 power bonus to attack
enemy you hit with this attack. rolls until the end of his or her next turn.

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
Corridor of Pain Ardent Attack 19 Empathic Recovery Ardent Utility 22
The power ofyour devastating strike resonates within afoe, let Your ally’s disappointment helps you recover your expended
ting you continuallyfling it into optimal positionfor your allies
to attack.
Daily 4 Psionic
Daily + Psionic, Teleportation, Weapon Immediate Reaction Personal
Standard Action Melee weapon Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you misses with an
Target: One creature encounter attack power
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Effect You regain 2 power points.
Hit 2[W] + €harisma modifier damage. You slide the tar
get 5 squares, and it is restrained (save ends). Expedite Healing Ardent Utility 22
Miss: Half damage.
Your psionic connection to an ally whofalls in combat allows
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever the target
him or her to Set back in thefight quickly.
takes damage from an attack, you teleport the target 5
squares to a destination adjacent to at least one of your Daily 4 Healing, Psionic
allies. Immediate Reaction Ranged 10
Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you drops to 0 hit
points or fewer
Mind Rend Ardent Attack 19
Target The triggering ally
Your attack generates afield ofpsionic energy that tears away Effect: The target regains hit points as if he or she had
your enemies’ will to act. spent a healing surge, and can stand up and shift a
Daily 4 Psionic, Psychic, Zone number of squares equal to your Charisma modifier as a
Standard Action Close burst 2 free action.
Target Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Sudden Reinforcements Ardent Utility 22
Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the
You see an ally in danger and dispatch a waiting ally to help.
target is slowed (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). Daily 4 Psionic, Teleportation
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of Immediate Reaction Ranged 10
your next turn. Any enemy that ends its turn within the Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of you hits an ally with
zone is dazed until the end of its next turn. a melee attack
Sustain Minor: The zone persists. Target One ally
Effect: The target teleports to an unoccupied square
adjacent to the triggering enemy and gains combat
Reactive Jaunt Strike Ardent Attack 19
advantage against that enemy until the end of the target’s
When you strike yourfoe, your expanded awareness lets you next turn.
leap to the side of an ally in danger.
Daily 4 Psionic, Stance, Teleportation, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Concerted Strike Ardent Attack 23
Hit 3[W] + Charisma modifier damage. Your straightforward weapon attack inspires your allies tofol
Miss: Half damage. low your lead.
Effect You enter the reactive jaunt stance. Until the stance At-Will 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
ends, whenever an ally within 5 squares of you becomes Standard Action Melee weapon
bloodied by an attack or drops to 0 hit points or fewer, Target: One creature
you teleport to an unoccupied square adjacent to that Attack: Charisma vs. AC
ally and can make a melee basic attack as an immediate Hit 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage. Each ally adjacent
reaction. to you gains a power bonus to basic attack rolls equal
to your Constitution modifier until the end of your next
LEVEL 22 UTILITY DlsclPuNrs turn.
Augment 2
Hit As above, and each ally also gains the power bonus to
Awakened Id Ardent Utility 22
attack rolls for unaugmented at-will powers.
You callforth your ally’s innate combat instincts to turn the tide Augment 6
of battle. Hit 2[WJ + Charisma modifier damage. One or two allies
Daily 4 Psionic, Psychic within 5 squares of you can each make a basic attack
Minor Action Ranged 10 as a free action, with a power bonus to the attack roll
Target: One ally equal to your Constitution modifier. Each ally makes its
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, while the target attack against a different target that is not the target of
is bloodied, he or she gains a +1 bonus to speed, a +5 this power.
power bonus to Athletics checks and Endurance checks,
and deals 5 extra psychic damage with melee attacks.

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
Restorative Smash Ardent Attack 23 Inverted Emotions Ardent Attack 25

The elation youfuelfrom a successful attackfills a nearby ally Your attack corrupts the target!s emotions, bestowing painfrom
with renewed vigor. its triumphs and increasing the scope ofitsfailure.
At-Will + Augmentable, Healing, Psionic, Weapon Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage. One bloodied ally Hit: 4[W] + Charisma modifier damage.
adjacent to you regains hit points equal to your Wisdom Miss: Half damage.
modifier. Effect The target is affected by inverted emotions (save
Augment 2 ends). While the target is affected by inverted emotions,
Hit: 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage. One bloodied ally the first time on each of its turns that it hits with a melee or
adjacent to you can spend a healing surge and regain a ranged attack, one enemy you choose adjacent to it takes
additional hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. 10 psychic damage. When the target misses with an attack,
Augment 6 it grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Close burst 1 Aftereffect: The target is dazed until the end of your next
Target: Each enemy in burst turn.
Hit 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage, and the target
grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn. Outpouring of Grief Ardent Attack 25
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, any ally who hits
You channel psionic power through yourfoe, letting you turn
an enemy with an attack while adjacent to you can
one ally’s pain into another’s healing.
spend a healing surge and regain additional hit points
equal to your Wisdom modifier. Daily + Healing, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target One creature
Ruinous Scream Ardent Attack 23
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Your weapon attack unleashes a thunderous psionic scream that Hit 5[W] + Charisma modifier damage.
rattles yourfoes. Effect: Until the target drops to 0 hit points, when an ally
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Thunder, Weapon becomes bloodied by an attack while you are within 5
Standard Action Melee weapon squares of the target, another ally adjacent to you or the
Target: One creature target can spend a healing surge.
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit 1 [WI ÷ Charisma modifier thunder damage, and you Victorious Vision Ardent Attack 25
push the target 1 square. The target is deafened until the
You channel the emotion ofvictory to your allies, a confidence
end of your next turn.
that lets them lash out atyourfoes.
Augment 2
Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier thunder damage, and you Daily 4 Psionic, Psychic
slide the target 1 square. Each enemy adjacent to the Standard Action Close burst 3
target at the end of the slide takes thunder damage Target: One or two allies in burst
equal to your Wisdom modifier. Effect The target can make a basic attack against an en
Augment ~ emy as a free action. If the attack hits, the enemy takes 5
Melee 2 extra psychic damage and is also dazed (save ends). If the
Hit: 2[W] + €harisma modifier thunder damage, and attack misses, the enemy takes 15 psychic damage and
you slide the target 5 squares. At the end of the slide, the target slides the enemy 1 square.
each enemy adjacent to the target takes 10 thunder
damage, and each ally adjacent to you or the target LEVEL 27 AT-WIu. DlsclPuNEs
gains temporary hit points 5 + your Wisdom
Falling Sky Ardent Attack 27
Your attackfills an enemy with a momentary sensation ofver
LEVEL 25 DAILY DlsclPuNEs tigo that leaves it reeling.
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Bountiful Portent Ardent Attack 25 Standard Action Melee weapon
When a chosenfoefalls, you and your allies can restore your Target: One creature
selves with its strength. Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Daily 4 Healing, Psionic, Weapon Hit 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage, and the target is
Standard Action Melee weapon slowed until the end of your next turn.
Target: One creature Augment 2
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Hit: 2[W} + Charisma modifier damage. The next time the
Hit: 4[W] + Charisma modifier damage. target takes damage before the start of your next turn, it
Miss: Half damage. falls prone.
Effect: When the target drops to 0 hit points, you and each Augment 6
ally within 5 squares of it regain hit points as if each of Hit 4[W] + Charisma modifier damage. The target chooses
you had spent a healing surge. either to be immobilized until the end of your next turn or
to grant combat advantage until the end of your next turn.

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
Tactical Failure Ardent Attack 27 LEVEL 29 DAILY DlsclPuNEs
,ien3bu~strike,you prevent yourfoefrom responding with its
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
Explosive Summons
Ardent Attack 29
•You~are drawn to the side of an ally under attack, unleashing a
. -1
Standard Action Melee weapon ~ po~jj,~blast of psychic energy against yourfoes
Target: One creature
Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Teleportation, Weapon
Attack: Cha risma vs. AC
Immediate Reaction Close blast 5
Hiti [W]4-~ Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of
yoOr’hexf:turn, the target takes psychic damage equal to Trigger: An ally you can see is hit by an attack
Effect: Before the attack, you teleport to an unoccupied
you~ Wisdom modifier when it makes an attack that is
square adjacent to the triggering ally.
Target Each enemy in blast
Augment 2
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 21W] + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of rHit ~[\A~j~i- Charisma modifier psychic damage and you
your next turn, the target provokes opportunity attacks
~~sh.tKètarget 5 squares.
when it makes any attack that is not a basic attack. _A~aL.L .a~*I.t...L .;,.
Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 1 square.
Hiff~1~t- Charisma modifier damage The target is
Lethal Delusion Ardent Attack 29
: dazed imntil~the end of your next turn or until it takes
• ~ attack our~vicious~aJleaves afoe convinced of its own imminent
fazlurecnpplingit in combat.
Unconscious Assault Ardent Attack 27 Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Reliable, Weapon
You~takeon~tr.olof:afoe’s unconscious impulses,forcing it to Standard Action Melee weapon
attackatyur ~‘him Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
At-Will + Augmentable, Charm, Psionic, Psychic
H~2[W]r+Charisma modifier damage and the target is
Standard Action Melee touch
•‘. lethal delusion (save ends). While the target
Target: One creature
is ~We~’~teä by the delusion it takes a —2 penalty to attack
Effect: The target makes a melee basic attack as a free
rolls, defense’s,’ànd saving throws. In addition, the first
action against a creature you choose, with a +2 power ~sses with an attack during each of its
bonus to the attack roll. If the target’s attack hits, it deals
turn~ittakes 10 psychic damage.
extra psychic damage equal to your Constitution modifier,
and the target takes 10 psychic damage.
• ~.-T_
Augment2 - : - Vulnerability Revealed Ardent Attack 29
Eff~~As~bove and you slide the target 2 squares be ~ciwn&)~ar~s aground you, highlighting the vulnerability of
.~ foiè~it iiiakes its attack.
ie~ctes,eie,n d~i~grants power to your allies.
Augment 6 (Weapon) Daily + Psionic, Weapon
Melee weapon Standard Action Melee weapon
Hit: 2[W1 + Charisma modifier damage. Target One creature
Effect: The target charges an enemy you choose as a free Attack: Charisma vs. AC
action. If this attack hits, the target takes 10 psychic ~Hiç~~iarisnia modifier damage.
damage and the creature it charged take 10 extra Miss: Half damage.
psychic damage. Effeci.~UntiCihe ~nd of the encounter bloodied enemies
~a~t~1iat advantage to your allies while adjacent to
you~anfl~ gain a power bonus to damage rolls equal
•tby~r Ch~áris~i~ mâdifier for attacks against enemies
~ .,~
. -,


Although it makes up a huge thematic aspect of the ardent ardent experiences a sharp sp~ke of murderou~s rage What
class the ability to~s~nse and project emotions doe~sn t does it mean? Are murderous plots afoot7 l~ tile duke in
have much of a mechanical im~act Many of the ardent s danger’ And perhaps most ir~ipo~tantly who’aiiiong the
powers play off it, but it remaircs primarily a flavor and hundreds of guests was the so ~ecfthis sensation?
roleplaying tool. If you go this route, make sure that your player under-
You can use this connection to emotion as a story tool stands that this is not something over which the character
or an adventure hook, as well. This chapter already offers has control or that can be consistently relied on. An ardent
examples of how the long-term presence of a population is not a walking lie detector, and the character cannot
of ardents can affect a community. On a smaller scale, you wander past each person in hopes of sensing the emo
can use an ardent character as a means of introducing tion for which he or she is looking. If a player wants his or
plot points to the party. Suppose the adventurers are in her ardent character to sense emotions deliberately, use
the middle of a well-attended banquet in the castle of the the Insight skill and augment it with feat and background
local duchy, enjoying the atmosphere, when suddenly the choices.

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
Anarchic Strike Anarchic Adept Attack 11

ANARCHiC ADEPT Raw chaosflows into your weapon as you strike, inflicting your
foe with a temporary battle madness.
“I see the order within uncertainty; I touch the chaos within
Encounter + Augmentable, Charm, Psionic, Weapon
law. I stand in both worlds as master of order and disorder.”
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Prerequisite: Ardent Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage. You slide the
As your psionic talent matures, you find yourself target 1 square, and it makes a melee basic attack as
focusing on the disparate nature of the disciplines a free action against an enemy you choose. The attack
you master. Focusing your thought on the edge of gains a +2 power bonus to the attack roll.
Augment 2
unpredictability in your training, you discover the
Hit: 21W] + Charisma modifier damage. You slide the
latent chaos flowing through your magic. Through target 3 squares, and it makes a melee basic attack as
trial and error, you learned to master the chaos latent a free action against an enemy you choose. The attack
within your powers and unleash it against your gains a +2 power bonus to the attack roll and the
enemies. Drawing on the power of chaos can be dan damage roll.
gerous, but you are up to any risk you might face.
Chaos Unbound Anarchic Adept Utility 12
ANARCHIC ADEPT PATH FEATURES As you are pressed in combat,you channel chaos to infect all
Anarchic Surge (11th level): When you use those around you.
ardent surge, roll a d6. If you roll an even number, the Daily 4 Psionic, Zone
target of ardent surge can also teleport 2 squares as Immediate Reaction Close burst 2
Trigger: You are bloodied by an attack
a free action. Ifyou roll an odd number, add the die
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of
result to the hit points the target regains. your next turn. The zone moves with you, remaining cen
Chaotic Action (11th level): When you spend tered on you. When any creature within the zone makes
an action point to make an attack, you can choose to an attack roll, a skill check, an ability check, or a saving
bestow the power of chaos onto one ally adjacent to throw, roll a d4. If you roll an odd number, subtract the
you or adjacent to any target of the attack. Roll a d6 to result from the triggering die roll. If you roll an even num
determine the effect. ber, add the result.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
d6 Chaotic Action Effect
Chaos Breach Anarchic Adept Attack 20
1 No effect.
2 The ally shifts as a free action. Youfling a creature through a chaos breach in the aftermath
ofyour attack, temporarily shunting it off the battlefield, then
3 The ally gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls
controlling its movement once it returns.
until the end of your next turn.
Daily 4 Psionic, Teleportation, Weapon
4 The ally gains temporary hit points equal to your
Standard Action Close burst 1
Charisma modifier. Target: Each enemy in burst
5 The ally gains a bonus to damage rolls on his or her Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
next attack equal to your Charisma modifier. Hit 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage.
6 The ally can make a basic attack as a free action. Miss: Half damage.
Effect: You choose one creature hit by the attack, then
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2 fling that creature through a chaos breach. That creature
is removed from play. At the start of your next turn, it
additional power points.
reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 squares of
Clarity in Confusion (16th level): You do not you that isn’t hindering terrain. In addition, the target
grant combat advantage for being dazed or stunned. is subjected to a chaos distortion (save ends). Until the
In addition, whenever you are dazed, you can take a distortion ends, when the target ends its turn within 5
minor action in addition to the single action allowed squares of you, you can teleport it 5 squares to another
by that condition. square within 5 squares of you as a free action.

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
teleport a number of squares equal to your Wisdom
AWAKENED VisIoNARY modifier before or after the attack. I
“Many roads lead into thefuture, but byfollowing the one I
walk, you canfind the victory you seek.”
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2
additional power points.
Unnerving Vision (11th level): Whenever you z
Prerequisite: Ardent 0
hit an enemy with an unaugmented ardent at-will
power, you mark that enemy until the end of your ci:
Incursions from the Far Realm have left scars across next turn.
the world throughout the ages, so that the material Instant Adjustment (16th level): Whenever an
fabric of the mortal realm is riddled with holes and enemy marked by you ends its turn in a square adja
fault lines. Your psionic power has made you sensitive cent to you, you can teleport the enemy to any other
to the damage caused by the aberrant invasion, and unoccupied square adjacent to you as a free action. z
it has given you a talent for using that damage to your
own advantage.
The memories come to you in dreams and
waking visions, instructing you in forgotten fighting
Yawning Portals Awakened Visionary Attack 11
techniques to better combat the invasion from the
Outside. These revelations also grant you a unique Your attack binds your enemy to myriad doorways only you
can see. If it seeks to escape, you alter its path to control its
perspective on the world, allowing you to seek hidden
pathways through time and space. Through these
Encounter 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Teleportation,
unseen scars of ancient battles, you move from place
to place in a flash and can open portals through Standard Action Melee weapon
which you scatter your enemies across the battlefield. Target: One creature
The more destruction caused by the threat of the Far Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Realm, the more powerful you become. Most impor Hit 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage, and you mark the
tantly, this knowledge also tells you that the aberrant target until the end of your next turn. If the target moves
menace will one day be defeated. on its next turn, you can teleport the target 2 squares as
a free action at the end of that turn.
Augment 2
AWAKENED VisioNARY Hit: 3[W] + Charisma modifier damage, and you mark the
PATH FEATURES target until the end of your next turn. If the target moves
on its next turn, you can teleport the target a number of
Dimensional Action (11th level): When you
squares equal to your Wisdom modifier as a free action
spend an action point to make an attack, you can at the end of that turn.

Clear Horizon Awakened Visionary Utility 12

You and an ally swap places through hidden portals to confuse

your enemies.
Encounter + Psionic, Teleportation
Move Action Ranged 10
Target: One ally
Effect: You teleport yourself and the target, swapping
positions. Each enemy adjacent to you at the end of the
teleport grants combat advantage to your allies until the
end of your next turn.

Warping Iandscape Awakened Visionary Attack 20

You warp reality tofiipyourself your allies, and yourfoe across
the battlefield.
Daily 4 Psionic, Teleportation, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: Before the attack, you teleport yourself and one ally
within 5 squares of you, swapping positions.
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit 4[WI + Charisma modifier damage, and you mark the
target (save ends).
Aftereffect: You teleport the target and one ally within S
squares of you, swapping their positions.
a Miss: Half damage, and you mark the target until the end of
your next turn.
CHAPTER 1 Ardent
“I am the key to unlocking yourforgotten potential.”
Adaptive Expertise (11th level): After each
extended rest, choose one skill in which you do not
Prerequisite: Ardent have training. Until the start ofyour next extended
rest, you are treated as ifyou had training in that skill.
Although knowledge and training are great virtues, Goading Action (11th level): When you spend
sometimes such expertise acts as a barrier. Knowl an action point to make an attack and hit with your
edge can breed complacency, blinding an individual first attack roll, one ally adjacent to you can shift as
to a better path. As an individual specializes, time a free action and a different ally within 5 squares of
spent gaining a deeper understanding of the chosen you can make a basic attack as a free action.
specialty is time not used to expand his or her knowl Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2
edge in other areas. Too much focus can narrow the additional power points.
vision. Erupting Critical (16th level): When you score a
Rather than bind yourself to one pursuit and critical hit using an ardent power, each ally within 5
one belief, you expand your mind and reject your squares ofyou gains a +5 bonus to damage rolls until
assumptions. In doing so, you find new possibilities to the start ofyour next turn.
explore. The lessons you learn help you overcome dif
ferent challenges and hardships, and they allow you CATAlYST DiScIPLINEs
to adapt to whatever situation you face.
The liberation you enjoy can also extend to your Violent Impulse Catalyst Attack 11
companions. Reaching into their minds, you stir their You temporarily dismiss the limitations within your allies’
true selves, shaking them free from the expectations minds, allowing them to undertake a coordinated violent assault.
that bind them. No doubts or fears hold them back. Encounter + Augmentable, Psionic, Psychic
They are free to strive harder and to push past limita Standard Action Close burst 5
tions their expertise places on them. You are their Target: One, two, or three allies in burst
catalyst, and with a mere mental touch, you effect a Effect: Each target can make a basic attack as a free action,
each against a different creature. If only one target hits,
transformation to help them become what they were his or her attack deals 2d6 extra psychic damage. If only
meant to be. two targets hit, each of their attacks deals 1 d6 extra psy
chic damage.
Augment 2
Effect: As above, and each target deals 3 extra psychic
damage with his or her basic attack.

Serene Mind Catalyst Utility 12

You clear away an ally’s doubts so that nothing can deter him
or herfromfinding success.
Daily + Healing, Psionic
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One ally
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the target has resist
10 psychic, gains a +2 power bonus to untrained skill
checks, and gains a +2 power bonus to opportunity attack
rolls. Asg~ minor action, the target can end this effect and
regain hit points as if he or she had spent a healing surge.

Unleash the Power Within Catalyst Attack 20

Your chosen ally’sformflares brightly, then settles into a corus
cating pattern of light that boosts his or her prowess in combat.
Daily + Polymorph, Psionic
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One ally
Effect The target assumes the form of unleash~d power
until the end of the encounter. While in this form, the
target gains a +2 power bonus to speed, opportunity
attack rolls, and all defenses.
When the target hits with an unaugmented at-will
attack power, he or she can choose to end this effect I
as a free action. By doing so, the attack deals 3d8 extra S
damage, and the target of the attack is dazed (save ends). C

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
bright light out to 10 squares until the end of your
INCANDESCENT CHAMPION next turn. Enemies adjacent to you while you emit
“Not even the gods can control the perfect beauty and
boundless power contained in the mortal soul.”
this light gain vulnerability to radiant damage equal
to your Constitution modifier.
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2
Prerequisite: Any psionic class additional power points.
Incandescent Presence (16th level): You emit
Mortals might be flawed creations, given to error bright light out to 3 squares. As a free action, you can
and misjudgment. But all mortals are blessed with reduce the bright light to dim light or dismiss it alto
a singular gift: the soul. Psionic energy revealed gether. You can resume the light as a free action.
your soul’s power, and through long study and intro When you score a critical hit while you shed bright
spection, you learned to navigate the labyrinthine light with this path feature, allies within the light
pathways ofyour being. gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution
This energy suffuses you and surrounds you in a modifier, and each enemy within the light takes radi
radiant glow. Although you can dampen your inner ant damage equal to your Constitution modifier.
light, you and others around you find its presence
comforting. In time, the light responds to your com
mands, burning your enemies while bolstering your
allies, or even allowing your soul to eclipse your body. DisciPLiNEs
The more you access your soul’s power, the more
you understand that this essence must be guarded. Incandescent Strike Incandescent Champion Attack 11
Those who would exploit souls, twisting them for When you strike, intense light poursfrom your weapon, leach
dark ends, and those who would hoard souls on their ing all colorfrom the area and blinding yourfoe.
journey beyond the body must be destroyed and their Encounter + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
prisoners freed. To this end, you commit yourself Standard Action Melee weapon
against the myriad villains who use or abuse souls. Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit 1 [W~ + Charisma modifier damage, and the target is
iNCANDESCENT CHAMPION blinded until the end of your next turn.
Hit 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage, and the target is
Brilliant Overload (11th level): Whenever you
blinded until the end of your next turn.
hit an enemy with an augmented psionic at-will Effect: Each enemy within 3 squares of you takes a 2
attack power, you can spend 1 power point to have penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
the power deal 1d6 extra radiant damage.
Luminous Action (11th level): When you spend Unbearable Incandescent Champion Utility 12
an action point to take an extra action, you emit Countenance
The perfection ofyour soul burns so brightly that your terrWed
enemies cannot bear to look upon you.
Daily + Fear, Polymorph, Psionic
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any enemy that
makes ~ attack that includes you as a target takes a 2

—I ~

penalty to its attack rolls for that attack.

Perlect Incandescent Champion Attack 20

—~\ As you attack, your souPs perfection spillsforth, transforming
you into a being ofpure radiance.
Daily + Polymorph, Psionic, Radiant, Weapon
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each enemy you can see in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit 2[W] + Charisma modifier radiant damage, and the
target is blinded (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target takes a 2 penalty to
attack rolls (save ends).
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you are insubstantial
and gain fly 8 (hover). You emit light from your
z Incandescent Presence feature out to a number of
squares equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 3).

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
“Your secrets are mine to use as I seefit.”

Prerequisite: Ardent

You hear everything. Every thought, every idea, and

every internal conversation reaches receptors in your
mind in a confusing din. You have learned to reduce
the cacophony to a muted rumble to maintain your
sanity. You know these thoughts have their uses,
however, and so you focus your concentration, sifting
through the noise to seize the most powerful voices to
aid you.
You are a phrenic invader—a thought warrior who
can slip into any conscious mind and plunder it for
its secrets. It takes only a moment to sift through the
confusing jumble to find what you need, especially
on the battlefield. An enemy’s mind reveals its intent, ‘S
helping you anticipate its strikes. You can sense when
another enemy might close on you, shifting your posi
tion to best receive the attack. The thoughts you steal
help guide your attacks and keep you from harm,
letting you endure in combat to destroy the enemies
standing against you.
Mind’s Bitter Betrayal Phrenic Invader Utility 12
PHREN1C iNVADER PATH FEATURES Yourfocused concentration lets you bolster your allies with en
Opened Mind (11th level): You gain telepathy 5. ergy drawnfrom your enemies’ uncertainty.
If you already have telepathy, you increase its range Daily + Psionic, Zone
by 5. Minor Action Close burst 3
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2 Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of
additional power points. the encounter or until you end the effect as a free action
Reflexive Action (11th level): Whenever you are during your turn. The zone moves with you, remaining
damaged by a melee attack, you can spend an action centered on you. While within the zone, enemies grant
combat advantage to you, and allies gain a +2 power
point to use an unaugmented ardent at-will power as bonus to all defenses. Until the zone ends, you are
an immediate reaction. slowed.
Shared Senses (11th level): You cannot be deaf
ened or blinded as long as you are adjacent to at least Thought Interloper Phrenic Invader Attack 20
one creature that is not deafened or blinded. You lay open your opponent’s mental barriers, ravaging its
Wary Mind (16th level): You gain a +2 bonus to mind and reading its every move in combat.
attack rolls for opportunity attacks and immediate Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
action attacks. Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
PHREN1C iNVADER DlscIPuNEs Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: 2[Wj + Charisma modifier damage.
Effect: The target is affected by your thought interloper
Phrenic Strike Phrenic Invader Attack 11
(save ends). While the target is affected by the interloper,
Youfight past your enemy’s attack to deliver a punishing blow it takes ongoing 5 psychic damage and its attacks provoke
to its body and mind. opportunity attacks from you.
Encounter + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Each Failed Saving Throw: One ally adjacent to the target
Immediate Reaction Melee weapon can make a melee basic attack against the target as a free
Trigger: An enemy hits you with a melee attack action.
Effect: Before the attack, you shift 1 square.
Target: The triggering enemy
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage, and the target
grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Augment 2
Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage, and the target is
dazed until the end of your next turn.

CHAPTER 1 Ardent
that is slowed, dazed, stunned, or taking ongoing psy
SIPHON chic damage, you gain temporary hit points equal to
“Yourfears, hates, hopes, and dreams are mine to devour.
Myfrast will end when only your husk remains.”
your Wisdom modifier.
Torpid Action (11th level): When you spend an
action point to make an attack and the attack hits,
Prerequisite: Ardent .
each enemy within 3 squares ofyou is slowed until
the end ofyour next turn.
Not all vampires are undead, drinking the blood of Draining Surge (16th level): When an enemy
the living or draining souls with a touch. Some feast within 5 squares ofyou drops to 0 hit points or
on intense feelings such as fear and love, anger and becomes dazed, stunned, or weakened, ifyou use
happiness. They are insidious creatures—parasites ardent surge before the end ofyour next turn, the
that gorge without drawing attention to themselves. target of the power regains additional hit points equal
Some might not even realize what they’re doing. to your Wisdom modifier.
Regardless of whether a siphon is cognizant of his or
her abilities, the effect of such a character’s power is
palpable, as a victim falls into the clutches of lethargy, SIPHON DlsclPuNEs
becoming torpid and drained.
As a siphon, you use psionics to absorb thought Insidious Distraction Siphon Attack 11

energy from your victims, drinking deep from their Your weapon attack lets you sink psychicfangs into yourfoe’s
mind, crippling its ability to think and act.
emotions and feelings to increase your power. Your
mind is a vortex, catching others’ thoughts and using Encounter + Augmentable, Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
them to replenish your resources and overcome
Target: One creature
your injuries. Once you establish a link with another Attack: Charisma vs. AC
creature, you can draw its energy until your prey Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the
is drained and unable to act. You might keep this target is dazed and slowed until the end of your next
energy for yourself or transfer it to your allies so that turn.
they can share its benefits. Augment 2
Hit: 11W] + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the
target is dazed and immobilized until the end of your next
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2
additional power points. Feast of Death Siphon Utility 12
Psychic Vampire (11th level): When you use an You draw on the psychic energy of a dying creature to grant
unaugmented ardent at-will power to hit an enemy yourself and your allies a surge ofvigor.
Encounter + Psionic
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: A creature within 10 squares of you that you can
see drops to 0 hit points or fewer
Effect You gain temporar~y hit points equal to your
Charisma modifier. Each ally adjacent to you gains tem
porary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Emotion Leech Siphon Attack 20

Your weapon slips through an opponent’s defenses and opens
a conduit to its mind. As long as the conduit remains open, you
canfeast onyourfoe’s misfortune.
Daily + Healing, Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier psychic damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The target is affected by your emotion leech (save
-~ ends). While the target is affected by the leech, the
target is slowed and weakened. In addition, at the start
of its turn if you have line of sight to the target, you and
each ally adjacent to you regain hit points equal to your
Wisdom modifier.


CHAPTER 1 Ardent

“Magic and steel are afool’s weapons,for no attack will
ever breach the armor ofmy mind.”

YOU ARE the invincible warrior, turning aside

an enemy’s attack using only a single thought. You
are the tireless champion, standing fast in the thick
of~battle as your foes fall to the power of your mind.
Y9u are the wild berserker, channeling your pain into
a ~ounterstrike that leaves the strongest enemy reel-
ing. You are the battlemind—a warrior of thought and
action, whose physical and mental fortitude are the
equal of any foe.
Your combat prowess alone would make you a
formidable opponent. But it is your mastery of psion
ics that grants you your edge in combat. You call on
the power within to tear into an opponent’s mind,
unearthing its secrets. You anticipate and avoid your
foes’ attacks, then deliver a punishing response that
batters both body and mind. Psionic power is not
merely an accessory to your armament—it is the foun
dation of your combat skill.
Each individual battlemind’s training and outlook
are unique. Rejecting formal study, most battleminds
borrow fighting forms from enemies and allies alike,
combining several disparate styles into a single dev
astating technique. Whatever path your battlemind
character takes, this chapter offers new options to let
you sow discord and destruction among your foes.
+ Playing a Battlemind: An overview of the battle-
mind’s place at the table and in the world of the
+ New Build and Class Feature: The harrier battle-
mind shapes time and space in the thick of combat.
Your persistent harrier class feature lets you cross
the field in the blink of an eye, evading attacks and
redirecting the fight against vulnerable foes.
+ New Powers: A host of new battlemind disci
plines let you draw on psionic power to shape
your attacks and the state of the battlefield itself.
New Paragon Paths: The five new paragon
paths introduced in this chapter give battlemind
characters the option of honing the speed of their
assault, assuming the strength of ageless stone, or
using the mind to harness the power of the storm.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
Half a dozen lightly armoredfigures lay scattered across HEARTS AND MINDS
the sun-baked grass, groaning as they cradled bruised limbs Battleminds have a reputation for an air of superior
and ringing heads. Beneath the watchful gaze of Captain ity. For many, it is a reputation that is well deserved.
Halmont, halfa dozen more battled back andforth across Battleminds carry themselves with a confidence
thefield. Five of them gave thanks to Kord and Erathis that earned from many victories, their skill and cunning
they werefighting with wooden practice blades. The sixth winning the day over enemies of every stripe. But
tried to smother her disappointment. their fighting prowess is only part of the story.
Imarra swept through herfoes like a subversive thought, Willpower is the core of every battlemind’s
herfret scarcely seeming to touch the ground. Her wooden strength, but this willpower manifests in different
longsword cracked into one warrior’s ribs as she spun, but ways. Some battleminds carry themselves with a
it wasfar more than theforce ofthe blow that drove him
distinct arrogance. Others center themselves in the
backward. Imarrafrlt the powerflowing through her limbs, quiet conviction that they are up to any challenge.
riding the wake ofher own elation. Afreling ofecstasy. The most reckless battleminds evince an inability to
One ofthe guards raised his blade, but even before he acknowledge defeat that borders on madness. Battle-
could begin to bring it down, Imarra had stepped around minds are hardened warriors, without a doubt. At the
him, her own sword grazing the small ofhis back. He shud point at which a fighter or a barbarian’s endurance
dered at the touch—not ofher blade, but ofher mind. As would begin to ebb, a battlemind’s psionic energy
he collapsed in a gibbering heap, two ofthe others lunged sees the fight through to the bitter end.
at her, but Imarra was already gone, seeming to vanishfor In thinking about your character’s personality,
an instant before she reappeared behind them. Two more consider how your resolve manifests in your behavior
quick spins, a leap that should have required wings, a thrust and outlook. Are you an ego-driven warrior, gleefully
sw!fter than sight, and she stood alone on thefield. testing your blade against any foe willing to stand
Casually dropping her battered blade atop the last against you? Are you a shining crusader, embracing
fallen guard, she sauntered over to the table at the edge of any cause that feels right? And what happens when
thefield, stopping to meet Captain Halmont’s dark stare. you realize that your cause is less just than you had
“My best soldier couldn’t have done that,” he murmured. first thought, or when you take on more foes than you
Imarra stooped to retrieve her scabbard where it lay can handle? Do you learn from your errors? Or do
beside him. She grinned as she turnedfor the barracks. you mask your failure with greater bravado?
“Actually, your best soldierjust did.” As important as your drive is to your character,
you should never overlook your physical might. Many
Other warriors train themselves to enter combat battleminds see their strength and durability as the
believing that death is the ultimate glory. They have channels through which their psionic energy flows.
no fear because they have nothing to lose. Not you. As A battlemind’s body is a vessel for psionic power. All
a battlemind, you leap headfirst into battle without battleminds devote time and training to maintaining
fear because you believe because you know—that their physical edge, to ensure their bodies are up to
you’ve already won. All you need to do now is make the challenges they face.
the enemy understand it.
Combat flows in your soul with the pounding
strength of the blood in your veins and the boldness THE ART OF WAR
at the center ofyour thought. You might be a profes A dedication to perfection is an integral part ofyour
sional soldier who discovered an untapped well of personality, and it carries over into all other aspects
inner power, a brigand who learned you were des ofyour life. Although battleminds might see them
tined for something greater, or a city guard whose selves as the pinnacle of the warrior’s art, however,
oaths allowed you to tap into a force stronger than few are self-centered enough to think of themselves
mere muscle when you heft your blade. Yet no matter as masters of every endeavor they attempt. Most
the differences in your origins and goals, you recog battleminds are unlikely to claim expertise at archi
nize other battleminds as kindred spirits. For they, tecture, lore, music, or similar pursuits—although
like you, literally live for battle—all of you recognizing some have no doubt that they could master any of
that the only true strength comes from within. these with enough time and attention.
It is typically only in combat that a battlemind’s
drive and dedication manifest fully. Battleminds have
a complete conviction of their martial superiority,
trusting in their talents and tactics to defeat any chal
lenge. If a battlemind suffers failure, it is never more

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
than a momentary setback, easily overcome with In the end, however, even the most arrogant
renewed focus and more training. battlemind knows when to back down—particularly if
What is it about combat that inspires nascent bat doing so helps keep the party united. Your sense that
tleminds to develop their unique abilities? Why does you are destined for greater things means that you -J

your boldness not grant you the power to excel in can be forceful without causing trouble, confident I
other areas with as much ease? For the most part, few without bruising the feelings ofyour companions.
circumstances apart from combat inspire the rush Although battleminds have a reputation for reck
of mental intensity that unlocks a battlemind’s latent
psionic ability. Once that ability has been honed in
lessness, few are suicidally overconfident. Your belief
in yourself and your abilities is the foundation of
the forge of battle, there is no turning back. The fury your strength, but you recognize that you fight with a
of combat becomes inextricably linked with your purpose that cannot be served by your meaningless
psionic powers, and so your mind continually shapes demise. Some foes have had longer to hone their abili
and hones those powers for the battlefield. ties than you have. Some monsters are too powerful
to be faced without the proper resources. Although
YOUR LIFE BEFORE you never abandon a fight, you acknowledge that
some conflicts require a tactically sound retreat.
A battlemind’s life is steeped in conflict. Even before
Many of even the least egocentric battleminds are
their psionic talent manifests, most battleminds live
attention seekers. They place themselves in a leader
a warrior’s life. You might have been a soldier or a
ship role, steering their companions toward situations
guard in service to a noble or a temple. You might
in which their own abilities can prove useful. Be
have been a gladiator or a common brawler. Your
careful, though, not to steal attention from the other
psionic power stayed hidden just beneath your con
players around the table.
scious mind so that you could not exploit its strength.
Portraying a glory-hog without actually becom
Your potential need not have revealed itself in
ing one takes a bit of effort. When you are pushing
battle. Any physical exertion might have triggered
for something purely in character, make it clear to
your awakening, from the thrill of the hunt to explor
other players that this is the case. Keep a close eye on
ing some unknown realm or ruin. Even simple
the line between in-character and out-oIcharacter
burglary or a feat of athletics might have been the
reactions. Make sure the other players know that you
trigger that unlocked your power.
won’t take it personally when their characters don’t
Some battleminds learn to harness their poten
go along with your battlemind’s desires, and make
tial by thinking about or yearning for combat. You
it obvious that any objections you offer are solely on
might have been a brilliant tactician or an advisor to
your character’s behalf.
a noble or a king, never picking up a sword until your
In the end, the foundation of your battlemind’s
power manifested and filled you with the hunger
leadership lies not only in demonstrating self-assur
for glory. Alternatively, you might come from a back
ance in what you can do—it lies in fostering the same
ground disconnected from the arts of war, even as
confidence in your allies. Take responsibility for your
you spent your life idolizing the legendary heroes of
actions and attitudes, and use your power and insight
your people. A yearning to follow in the footsteps of
to shepherd your companions to similar success.
a champion ofyour faith or country inspired you for
Boldness turns to rude, haughty, or arrogant behavior
many years, then finally showed you what you were
easily enough. Just reserve those traits for the crea
capable of.
tures and characters you fight, not the people who
fight beside you.
With boldness as the driving force behind many of Ifyou’re starting a campaign at 1st level, or ifyou’re
your powers, you might consider how that boldness recasting an existing character by miilticlassing
defines your character’s state of mind. Between the into battlemind, think about playing through the
extremes of simple self-confidence and towering discovery ofyour abilities, with the Dungeon Mas
arrogance lies the wider range of personalities that ter’s permission. Many battleminds do not initially
battleminds can adopt. Even ifyour skill and power recognize that their newly discovered potential is
do not manifest as ego, you are consistently first into psionic in nature. When these amazing powers first
battle, making sure that your enemies know what manifest, you might attribute their effects to physical
is about to befall them. You take on any challenge, prowess, divine intervention, or dumb luck.
never worrying about the outcome. Every victory is Only gradually do you realize that these abili
earned and deserved; every defeat is but a temporary ties are innate, recognizing the connection between
setback. your powers and your own strength of will. But a full
understanding of the change being wrought within

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
you takes time and self-reflection. By playing through alterations to your physical or mental state. Other
this process, you can experience your character’s ini aspects are profound transformations into monstrous
tial surprise and lack of understanding, followed by creatures that send your foes scurrying in terror.
growing comprehension and a swelling of confidence Although any battlemind with the right mind set
as you accept the psionic power forged within your can adopt one or more aspects, not all do. Among
own mind. those battleminds who use aspect powers, most focus
on one or two aspects, allocating their additional
INSTiNCT AND iNTENTiON resources to other areas that can strengthen their
Your abilities developed more or less spontaneously, presence on the battlefield. Some battleminds reject
as has your fighting style. You might have had formal aspects altogether, taking the fight to the enemy with
combat training before developing your psionic out falling back on “shapechanging trickery.”
powers, but as a battlemind, your continued advance These diverse attitudes toward aspect disciplines
ment is based more on instinct and experience than stem from a battlemind’s core identity. Like all battle
on discipline. mind powers, an aspect transformation results from a
You are a great believer in natural talent. Formal particular state of mind. As a result, the battlemind’s
instruction might improve the prowess of a great war sense of self is critical to honing the psionic power
rior, but it cannot create natural ability in one who needed to allow an aspect to transform body and
lacks it. A character drawn instinctively to battle will mind.
always prove superior to one who takes up the sword Battleminds who adopt aspects choose aspect
by circumstance, not by choice. powers that speak to their own sense of who they are.
This attitude sometimes puts you at odds with A haughty battlemind who sees herself above her ene
certain martial traditions—most notably with monks. mies might assume the aspect of elevated harmony, her
The mind set of many monks is built around strict idealized form made manifest by her mind. A silent
discipline and ordered instruction. You believe in an brute of a battlemind might assume the aspect ofliving
intuitive development that comes only by reacting to stone to reflect his hard personality and unwavering
real combat as your instincts demand. Such differ dedication. A battlemind who strives for perfection
ences of philosophy rarely extend to members ofyour might find it easy to adopt a range of different forms,
own party, however. When battleminds and monks always seeking an ideal but never finding it.
fight side by side, each focuses on demonstrating the These considerations have little mechanical effect
virtue of his or her chosen path. on your power choices. Aspect powers are a useful
touchstone for roleplaying, however. When picking
aspect powers, think about what each says about your
character and what insights it reveals into his or her
As a battlemind, you are a defender first and fore personality.
most. You stand in the thick of the fight, absorbing
punishment and dishing it out in equal measure. For
some battleminds, this approach to combat is a delib BATTLEM1NDS
erate choice. Such characters feel an obligation to IN THE WORI~D
protect their less robust (or, in the minds of the arro
No members of any of the character classes are
gant, less effective) companions. In contrast, many
common in the world, but battleminds are particu
battleminds fall into the defender role almost by acci
larly rare—or at least they seem to be. The trouble
dent, by following their instincts and impulses.
with identifying battleminds is that they are hard
As a battlemind, you feel the burning need to be
to distinguish from fighters and members of the
in the center of the action. You might charge ahead
other combat-focused classes. With the right set of
and draw enemy fire not from any sense of tactics,
disciplines, a battlemind might fight in a manner
but because the enemy needs to know that you have
and style visually indistinguishable from that of a
no fear. By immersing yourself in the battle you crave, fighter or a paladin. Only those who become close to
you show your superiority to a hated foe and give
a battlemind learn to recognize the subtle signs of the
your companions a chance to fight with increased
character’s power.
effectiveness behind you.
Moreover, the number ofbattleminds—indeed the
number of all characters with an aptitude for psionics—
ASPECTS rises and falls in proportion to the severity ofthe Far
Within the full range of powers available to battle- Realm’s threat to the world. An imminent aberrant
minds, few are more indicative ofyour approach invasion might suddenly trigger the battlemind’s power
to combat than the aspects. When you assume an and potential in knights ofthe realm, common thugs,
aspect, you fix an idealized state in your mind, using and everyone in between. Ifthe threat ofthe Far Realm
psionic energy to reshape your form to match that ever ends, battleminds might even disappear from the
vision. The result is sometimes subtle, with only slight world, vanishing into myth and legend.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
LORE OF THE MIND-FiGHTERS fighting techniques, they also look to other psionic
Tales inscribed in ancient temples or on the oldest characters for the feats and other common ground
parchments tell of the first battleminds. These brave they share. Although a battlemind’s disciplines are
warriors harnessed their powerful will and psionic markedly different from those of a psion, the raw
gifts to combat the horrors that spilled through power of each is born of the same source.
breaches between this world and the Far Realm A battlemind’s relationship with his or her corn
beyond. Fighting alone, these ancient guardians panions depends in part on the characters’ cultural Sb

and historical background, but all battleminds recog

stood as a bulwark against the shadow cast across the
mortal realm. In conjunction with the gods and their nize their place and purpose within a larger group. A
battlemind might be outspoken, brash, and supremely
servants, they helped staunch the aberrant tide in
those long-forgotten wars. confident, but that confidence is backed up with
Through the ages, battleminds have come and unmatched bravery. Like their forebears, battlerninds
gone. Each generation, some arise to combat a new are the first into the breach, working to contain the
threat, helping to contain the aberrant menace and enemy before it can wreak havoc in the world around
safeguard the world from harm. The lack of common them. A stalwart and driven warrior, a battlemind
cause and custom between battleminds means that makes a powerful addition to any adventuring group.
each such generation of new heroes knows little of
the sacrifices or legends of those who came before
them. What little information can be found is often
apocryphal or misleading, mythologizing the deeds
of only the brashest heroes. As a result, battleminds
are forced to find their own way in the world, oniy
occasionally discovering others who share their gift
and the boldness that is their birthright.

Because of their individualistic nature and spontane
ous development, battleminds are seldom organized
into formal schools or open alliances. On occasion,
small numbers of battleminds gather into merce
nary companies or knightly orders. For the most )
part, though, a battlemind fights as an individual
A battlemind might believe that his or her combat
prowess is markedly superior to the skill or training
of others. But even though battleminds forge their I

combat skills in their own unique fashion, they are

quick to show their respect for the talents of other
warriors. Fighters and paladins, rangers and wardens, /
barbarians and monks all fight with unique styles
that a battlemind can learn from. As a result, most
battleminds pay respectful attention to those who
fight alongside them, watching their techniques to
ferret out new maneuvers that might augment or
perfect their own tactics.
To those battleminds who wholly embrace
the internal discipline of their power, the formal
approach to training favored by monks, psions, and
other classes can be unsettling. In particular, the
carefully honed maneuvers and otherworldly state of
mind of the psion seem alien to many battleminds,
who cannot dream of constraining their own power
in such a formal fashion.
Only the most arrogant battlerninds dismiss their
more disciplined counterparts in the psionic arts
without taking what they can from them. In the same
way that battleminds can learn from other warriors’
CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
This section adds a new option to the battlemind
builds presented in Player’s Handbook 3 and the DARK
SUN~’ Campaign Setting. This build also includes a new
power choice for the battlemind’s Psionic Study class

Time and space are inconstant. The world around
you is mutable and fully within your power to alter
as you need. Even a minor adjustment to the fabric
of reality creates spectacular changes in the heat of
combat, allowing you to move in the blink of an eye
or to slow an enemy’s attempt to raise its weapon
and block your incoming attack. You wield psionic
energy to alter fate and circumstance, darting into
the near future or stepping into the past to shape
the outcome of the moment before you. •1
As a harrier battlemind, you are unfettered in
combat. You might streak across the field to crash
into your enemies, then dart away before they can
mount a counterstrike. You harry your foes with • :
such speed that they quickly lose track ofyou. As : ~• •i•. -

~<. ‘-S..
your mastery grows, you can even shape time during •.,-~.-4
battle, striking, disappearing, then striking again.
Your desperate enemies can only guess where you
might attack from next.
Although many battleminds focus their efforts SUGGESTED OPTioNs
against a single enemy at a time, you prefer to strike As a harrier battlemind, you move with ease across
multiple foes at once, thwarting their tactics and the battlefield, whether taking the fight to your
sowing frustration to give you and your allies an edge. enemies or falling back to draw them closer to you.
Choose powers that facilitate movement, with tele
portation powers being the most important. Your
secondary role is controller, which can be strength
When you choose your Psionic Study, you can choose
ened by area powers that manipulate or hamper your
Persistent Harrier instead of another option such as
opponents. Your feat selection should improve your
those in Player’s Handbook 3.
defenses and mobility.
Persistent Harrier: You gain the persistent harrier
Make Constitution your highest ability score. Dex
power, which reflects the ease with which you can
terity should be your second-highest score, getting
outmaneuver your opponents.
you into the fight quickly and letting you avoid heavy
armor to keep moving at full speed in combat. A
Persistent Harrier Battlemind Feature
high Wisdom allows you to improve your battlefield
You slip the bonds ofspace to strike back at even a distant awareness, and Charisma remains important for the
many battlemind disciplines that rely on that skill.
Encounter + Psionic, Teleportation, Weapon
Suggested Class Feature: Persistent Harrier
Immediate Reaction Melee weapon
Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with an attack for the Suggested Feat: Harrying Step*
first time during an encounter Suggested Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Insight
Target: The triggering enemy Suggested At-Will Powers: renewedfccus*, world
Special: You can attack the target with this melee attack slipping advance*
even if the target is outside your melee reach. Suggested Daily Power: accelerating strike*
Attack: Constitution vs. AC *New option presented in this book.
Hit: 1 [WI + Constitution modifier damage, and you tele
port to a square adjacent to the enemy.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
Renewed Focus Battlemind Attack 1
NEW POWERS By the power ofyour mifld;~iL shrug off effects that would keep
you awayfromyourfoes.
The new powers presented in this chapter expand At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon .
the available options for battlemind characters. Many Standard Action Melee weapon
reinforce themes expressed in the Harrier Battle- Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. AC
mind build, but these powers are equally suitable for
Hit: 1 [Wj + Constitution modifier damage. You are no
other battleminds. longer marked or slowed, and you cannot be marked or
slowed until the end of your next turn. 2
Hit: 1 [WI + Constitution modifier damage. You and allies
Conductive Defense Battlemind Attack 1 within 5 squares of you are no longer marked or slowed,
and cannot be marked or slowed until the end of your
Your attack surrounds afoe~’witha~shroud of crackling light next turn.
ning, threatening retributionfor;sti-ike~against your allies. Augment 2
At-Will + Augmentable, Lightning, Psionic, Weapon Hit 2[W] + €onstitution modifier damage. You are no
Standard Action Melee 1 longer immobilized, marked,~or slowed, and you can
Target: One creature not be immobilized, marked, or slowed until the end of
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex your next turn.
Hit: 1 [WI + Constitutionrnodifie~ lightning damage. Until
the start of your next turn, tl~e target takes lightning Vicious Cobra Strike Battlemind Attack 1
damage equal to your €óns~titution modifier whenever it
hits one of your allies. ~ Inyourfoe’s mind,your weap~on.takes theform of a hissing
Augment 1 serpent, its strike hindering that’~enemy’s attacks against you.
Hit: As above, and, until the start of your next turn, the At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
target also takes the lightning damage whenever it shifts Standard Action Melee weapon
to a square adjacent to one of your allies. Target: One or two creatures
Augment 2 - Attack: Constitution vs. AC.
Hit: 2[W] + Constitution9odifie~r lightning damage. Until fl~fl~€onstitution modifier psy~hk damage, and you mark
the start of your next turn/the target takes lightning the target until the end of your next turn. If you target
damage equal to youç€oi~stitutioñ modifier whenever only one creature with this power,theattack deals 1 [WI
it hits one of your allies. extra damage.
Augment 1 -
Hit: As above, and you also mark one enemy adjacent to
the target until the end of your next turn.
1~ATTLEM1NDS AN~ Augment 2 -

T1-{d! ABERRANT MENACE Elosebursti

As detailed in Player’s Handbook 3, the prevalence of Target ~ enemy you can see in burst
Hit: 1 LW] + €onstitution modifier p~’chic damage, and
psionics in the world corresponds to the intensity of the the target is marked and takes a 2 penalty to attack
Far Realm’s threat. Where breaches in reality allow rolls until the end of ~
the Far Realm’s alien nature to spill into the world, this
nature corrupts and reforms mortal life in its own image. World-Slipping Advance Battlemind Attack 1
The natural world recoils from this contact, imbuing You slip unfettered across the bathéflelç~ to ~ain an advanta
sentient beings with the ability to wield psionic energy. geous position. - -

The way in which the role this history plays in your own At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
character’s backstoiy is for you to decide. Standard Action Melee weapon
In con~uItation’ with the Dungeon5 Master, y’ou .migh~ Target: One creature
see it as your character’s destiny~to seek an&destroy ~he Attack: Constitution vs. AC
aberrant threat~ ~oviding~a thread that might run through Hit: ‘II[Wj + €onstitution modifièrdàrnage, and you shift 1
the entire cani~aig~n. ~Jtematively, you might go you~ square to a square the;target.
entire career without ever :f~cing an aberrant creature Augment 1 (Teleportation)
Hit: 1 [WI + Constitution modifier damage, and you
in battle. Even a battlemind fully aware of the aberrant teleport 1 square to a square adjacent to the target.
threat can choose to avoid the front lines of that conflIct, Augment 2 (Teleportation) - .,.

focusing his or her achievements on weeding out cor Hit: 2~Wl + Constitution modifier damage, and you tele
ruption or shoring up the strength of a threatened world. port to a square adjacent tothe target.
After all, saving civilization from the aberrant menace
does little good if the crumbling foundations of that civi
lization have already fallen.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
Living Fortress Battlemind Attack 1
As you Ia i~t dtyourfoe, a shroud of rock and scree risesfrom
the ground ~io protect you.
Accelerating Strike Battlemind Attack 1
Daily + Psionic, Weapon
~ien~you surge toward afoe, the momentum ofyour attack Melee weapon
Standard Action
~~yo~u~thiough the rest of combat.
Target: One creature
Daily + Psionic, Weapon Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Standard Action Melee weapon Hit 3[W]+Co~stitution modifier damage.
Effect: Before the attack, you shift your speed. You can move Miss: Half damage.
through enemies’ spaces during this movement. ~~ect: U~til the end of the encounter, you and allies
Target: One creature adjacent t~o you have cover As a minor action you can
Attack: Constitution vs. AC. You have combat advantage for ~end~t~3effecttó.gain resistS to all damage until the
this attack. ~startdf~tir hext turn.
~Hi~’2[W]~9~istitution modifier damage. Your move
ment.doe~;9ot~provoke opportunity attacks from the
Stolen Grace Battlemind Attack 1
ta~g~$~~il tI~eend of the encounter.
Miss: Half damage. Yourfoes movement wracks it with psychic pain in the after
~Effect. U~l’~he end of the encounter you gain a +2 power ‘math oJ~oui~attack, even as your own mobility is heightened.
)bonus to speed In addition when you shift you shift 1 Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Stance, Weapon
~.‘ extraJs~Uare.~-’ Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Aspect of Bitter Ice Battlemind Attack 1 Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Hit:~2[Vc~~ +~Cinstitution modifier damage, and the target
Your weap,~~s rirned with ice as you strike In the aftermath
•takes;-5~5sychic damage if it moves more than half its
you are~imbuedwitha bitter cold that protects you and slows
~ sp~~jh~ñjt.~poves (save ends).
.your enemies.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of
Daily + Augmentable, Cold, Polymorph, Psionic, Weapon your next turn.
Standard Action Close burst 1 Effect: Yoij~as~imethe stolen grace stance. Until the
Target: Each enemy you can see in burst stance 4~1s; you gain a 4 power bonus to AC and Reflex
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude against o~oi1:unity attacks and a +2 power bonus to
Hit 1 [W] + Constitution modifier cold damage, you push opportunity attack rolls.
the target 1 square, and the target is immobilized (save
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). LEVEL 2 UTiLITY D1scIPuNEs
Effect You assume the aspect of bitter ice until the end of
the encounter. While in this aspect, you gain resist 5 cold Dimension Slide Battlemind Utility 2
and you can use the following augmentation with your you to better position yourself and
battlemind at-will attack powers that are augmentable.
This augmentation is in addition to the effects that an
at-will power might have; this augmentation doesn’t su Encounter + Psionic, Teleportation
persede them. Move Action Ranged 5
Augment 1 Target: You and one ally
Effect: Until the start of your next turn, any enemy that ~Effe~t~oü slide ~ne target 1 square and teleport the other
starts its turn adjacent to you is slowed until the end of
its turn.

A battlemind wades steadily into the thick of the fray Moreover your rnar~:sihard for the f~e to shed lasting as
turning aside attacks-with
~ .f.
~ ~ -~t~
it d~és’~iAtil the end of the’encOunter
- —
hackin’g t!ij.~ugh’h,~ foes yvith pqwç~ weapon ~attadcs. to mark a different enemy; EvenS, if you becpn?c dazed
Another battlenind’fights like the wind in combat or stunned your chosen opponent is hampered in its
moving so fast that nd enemy can track her movements, attempts to attack your allies. -:

Yet another unleashes wild fury as he blinks in and outof Blurred step lets you keep the pressure on a marked foe
existence, taunting his foes to attack if they can. by hindering its attempts to shift away from you. A marked
Each battlemind approaches combat from a different enemy that shifts away from you in order to target one of
perspective. But all members of this class are united by your allies will find itself unable to escape you.
their primary role as a defender—and by the three powers While you keep a marked enemy close with blurred
on which that role is based. step, mind spike becomes a potent power, compelling the
Rattlemind’s demand allows you to mark enemies within foe to attack you or suffer a backlash from its own attack.
3 squares of you. Because it is a minor action, this power This power is most effective against brutes, lurkers, and
can be used in conjunction with a standard-action attack. other creatures with high-damage single-target attacks.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
Evade Explosion Battlemind Utility 2 LEVEL 3 AT-WILL DJsc1PLINEs
A prescient vision of destruction allows you to sidestep the worst
effects of an attack. Cast the Net Battlemind Attack 3
Encounter + Psionic .
Your attack bends thefabric of space, drawing your enemy to a
Immediate Interrupt Personal more advantageous position.
Trigger: A close or an area attack hits you and deals damage
Effect: You shift 1 square. If the shift places you outside the
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Teleportation, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
area of the triggering attack, you~take half damage from
the attack. , .
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Hit 1 [WI + €onstitution moaifiér damage, and you tele
Oaken Resilience Battlemind Utility 2 port the target to a squareadjacent to you.
As your mind envisions thestren,qth of the oak, your body ac Augment 1
quires that tree’s ancient~r~silience. Melee weapon + 1 reach
Daily + Psionic V
Augment2 - - V

Minor Action Personal Hit: 2~Wl + Constitution modifier damage, and you tele
Effect: You resist 3to all~ámage until the end of the port the target to a square adjacent to you. If the target
encounter. -
moves more than 2 squärés on it~ next turn, you can
teleport it to a squareadjacent to you as an immediate
Wild Savagery Battlemind Utility 2
You summon the beast within, gaini,~g the power to send un
Harrier’s Dance Battlemind Attack 3
wasy foes sprawling.
Your successful attack empowers ~you,.letting you slip the bonds
Daily + Psionic, Stance of space in response to afoe’s assault. V
Minor Action Personal
Requirement: You must be bloodied. At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Teleportation, Weapon
Effect: Until the stance ènds;~any creature you hit with an Standard Action Melee weapon
opportunity attack ~ also knocked prone. Target: One creature
Once during the encounter, you can take the following Attack: Constitution vs. AC
action while in this stance. Hit 1 [WI damage. Before the start of your next turn, if you
Immediate Interrupt Personal take damage from any enemy that is not adjacent to you,
Trigger: An enemy marked by you deals damage to an ally you can teleport 2 squares as an immediate reaction.
with an attack that doesn’t include you as a target. Augment 1
Effect: Make a melee basic attack or a charge attack Hit: 1 [WI + Constitution modifier damage. Before the start
against the triggering enemy. On a hit, the enemy is also of your next turn, if you take damage from any enemy
knocked prone. that is not adjacent to you, you can teleport 2 squares as
an immediate reaction.
Augment 2 4.
Hit 2[W1 + Constitution modifie~damage.
THE DEATHLESS CHAM’?ION Effect: Whenever you take damage before the start of
Some battleminds believe that the psionic power from your next turn, you can teleport’3 squares as a free
which their potent combat disciplines are derived ~more action.
than just an inanimate source of energy and strength. Leg
ends tell that during the Dawn War, a powerful champion Lodestone Lure Battlemind Attack 3
of the gods managed through sheerforce of will to survive As you raise your weapon, afoe lurches toward you against its
his own death. This champion, whose name has been lost will.
to time, scattered his essence across the mortal world, At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
where its shards ne~ted in the souls of those pqtentially Standard Action Melee 2
worthyof pursuing his exarñple of b,raveiy and.greatness. Target: One creature
By this act ofimmorta[sacrifl~e, the flrst:battleminds were Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Hit: Constitution modifier damage, and you pull the target
gra.nted their power. V - V
1 square. Until the end of your next turn, the target can
Battleminds who subscribe~to this legend believethat move only to squares that are adjacent to you.
all members of the classc~rry ~vithin them a spark of this Augment 1
ancient champion. Such cIiàracters strive for personal Melee 5
perfection and glory in the name of a higher purpose, Hit: As above, but you pull the target 4 squares.
hoping that they might one day prove sufficiently worthy Augment 2
to serve as their lost progenitor’s true vessel. On this day, Melee 5
Hit 1 [WI + Constitution modifierdamage, and you pull
the Deathless Champion will manifest once more, reborn
the target 4 squares and knock it prone. Until the end
in the mind and body of his new host. of your next turn, the targe~ ‘can~move only to squares
that are adjacent to you.. V

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
Momentum Swing Battlemind Attack 3 Empathic Feedback Battlemind Attack 5
Your vicious attack Ietsyou swing awayfrom the target, ready Your counterattack sendsfoes reeliifg awayfrom you while your
to strike the nextifoe. . - vigor is temporarily replenished.
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Immediate Reaction Close burst 3
Target: One creature Trigger: You take damage from an attack
Attack: Constitution vs. AC Target: Each enemy in burst
Hit: 1 [WI + €onstitutionmodifiér damage. Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Effect: You shift 2 squares to a square adjacent to any Hit: ‘Ij [Wj + €onstitution modifier psychic damage, and you
enemy other than the target. - push the target 3 squares. -
Augment 1 Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 1 square.
Effect: You shift your speed to a square ~djacent to any Effect: You gain temporary hit pointsequal to one-half
enemy other than th~target. your level + your Constitution modifier.
Augment 2
Effect: Make a charge attack against a creature other than Fated Confrontation Battlemind Attack 5
the target. Movement made as part of the charge does You warpfate to take the place of another creature on the bat
not provoke opportunity attacks. tlefield, deliveniibrutal attack against an unsuspecting enemy,
and then return to your original posit~on.
LEVEL 5 DAiLY DISciPLINEs Daily + Psionic, Teleportation
Standard Action Ranged 5
Aspect of Unspeakable_Horror Battlemind Attack 5 Primary Target: One creature
Effect: You teleport yourself~and theprimary target, swap
Your attack heraldsiyour transfoi~hiation into a nightmare crea
ping positions. Make a sethndary attack that is a melee
ture whose appearance cri~plesyour~emies withfear.
weapon attack. -: -
Daily + Polymorph, Psionic, Psychic, Weapon Secondary Target: One creature
Standard Action Melee weapon Secondary Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Target: One creature Hit: 3[W] + Constitution modifier damage, and you mark
Attack: Constitution vs. Will the secondary target until the end of your next turn.
Hit: 1 [W] + C’onstitution modifier’damage plus 1 dl 2 psy Miss: Half damage, and you mark the secondary target
chic damage. until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage. Effect: You teleport yourself and the primary target,
Effect: You assume the aspectof-the unspeakable horror swapping positions.
until the end of the encounter.’ While in this aspect, you
gain +5 power bonus tolntimidatechecks and you can
Inconstant Location Battlemind Attack 5
use the following augmentatior~:with your battlemind at-
will attack powers that are augmentable. This augmen Your attack opens up ripples in,space;lettin,q you slipfrom place
tation is in addition to the effgct≤that an at-will power to place to stay one step ahead ofyouijoes.
might have; this augmentation doesn’t supersede them. Daily + Psionic, Stance, Teleportation, Weapon
Augment 1 (Fear) Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: Each target of the at-will attack takes a -2 penalty Target: One creature
to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. Attack: Constitution vs. AC - -

Hit: 2[W] + €onstitutión modifierdamage.

Miss: Half damage.
THE HIDDEN MIN1~ Effect: You assume the inconstant location stance. Until
the stance ends, you can teleport 2 squares as a free
Those versed in psionics lore sometimes speak of the action. - -.

Other, the Sleeper, or the Hidden Mind—a conscious Special: You can take this free actiononly as the first or
ness that dwells beneath all other sentient minds. Some the last action of your turn.- -

scholarly psions believe the Hidden Mind is a collec

tive consciousness—the amalgamation of all sentience LEVEL 6 UTiLITY DISCIPLINES
in the world somehow developing an awareness of its
own. In their view, the Hidden Mind is the source of all Energy Transformation Battlemind Utility 6
psionic power in the world When a chara~cter~wields Theforce of an opponents attack is shu!~ted through you as
that power, he oi~he draws directly from theSleeper’s brilliant white light.
unseen knowledge. G!vén the wid~ range~ of ways~ that Daily 4 Psionic
psionics can be ‘employed, this -nation is often dis Free Action Personal
missed as fancy. Still; more than a few battleminds and Trigger: You take damage from an attack.
monks claim to experience memories that are not their Effect: You take half damágefrom tIi~ triggering attack.
own—memories of events they have never lived. If not Until the end of the encounter, yd~i radiate bright light
originating within the Hidden Mind, then from where that fills your space and all squares within 5 squares of
do such memories come?

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
Mental Triumph Battlemind Utility 6 LEVEL 7 AT-WiLL DisciPLiNEs
By the powen of ‘our~rnthd,you shrug off the most potent physi
caIe~ ~‘ Body Double Battlemind Attack 7
Daily + Psionic ond~p~a~e to•te~np~,rarily stand in two places at once, be
Minor Action Personal comni’gj~double threat to your enemies
E~~Yóucannotbe slowed, immobilized, or restrained
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
~ encounter. Standard Action Melee weapon

Relentless H stility Battlemind Utility 6

Even bef~reyoarfoe drops you slip away in search of another
Target One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. AC
~‘Hit~1[W~4á~ge,.and choose a square adjacent to the
victim~ ~. target You o&upy that square in addition to your normal
At-Will + Psionic .squ~re~ntil.iliest~rt of your next turn. While you occupy
Free Action (Special) Personal ~le~squa~es through this power you can attack from
Trigger: You reduce an enemy to 0 hit points during your ~either square You can flank from either square and can
turn fl~w~~urself~ You can be targeted in either square,
Effect: You shift 1 square. bui dosejand~áreà attacks that affect both squares target
Special: You can use this power once during each of your : ~you only once:
turns. Augment 1
Hit As above, and when the effect ends, you choose
whether to occupy your original square or your double’s
Warning Premonition Battlemind Utility 6 square.
A premqn n of dangerfiashes through your mind letting you Aü~i~&i~
take th~A~ght to afoe that thought it had the drop on you H~2~j~4~age, and choose any square within 5
Daily + Psionic squares you You occupy that square in addition to
No Action Personal • y~normal square until the start of your next turn
Trigger: You are surprised •~ ~Whileyo~i~ccupy.multiple squares through this power,
E~~’i~i~are,no longer surprised. In addition, you shift yo~j äiI,att~ck from either square. You can flank from
‘ haW~ypur speed and mark one creature adjacent to you at ~ eithei~quare and can flank with yourself You can be
theiend of the shift until the end of your next turn • itar~fed
,3,,~-_ 4~_•~~-
i~ieithër square but close and area attacks
• th~i~affect both squares target you only once. When the
• ~‘ effec~ ends~you choose whether to occupy your original

,squareNyour double’s square.

•~.;_ ;•~~•~ ~.j •~~: ~ -‘•..‘...., ...... •.••.._ ‘.•

~ TH’E11R~ BRW~A1E~E
V. LI. ~

In the contemporary era the wilderness between civi iza ,, The Iron Brigade s~leaders hope to one day control a
tion s last bastions iswildj~d dangeipus QnIy the gre~test force of battlemiifds larger than any previous conclive of
organizatjons and groups develop rJput&~ions that sprJd these warriors by an order of magnitude With this psionic
~yond their1local environs One such group is the Iron army beh4?d them(the masters~öf the Brigade w~lthen
~rigade—a~mbat school and m~’rcenary company known send th~ir full forces to rout lesser armies as they~forge
and wide for the martial skill and tactical prowess of a psIonic~ military dictatorship—a new empire1to stand
its members and students where Nerath fell
The instructors of the Iron Brigade travel throughout The current high commander of the Iron Brigade is
the former realms of Neräth seeking out young warriors Mavthos Dorm, a human battlernind of high paragon level.
who show the potential for greatness. -Would-be stu- He is the grandson of the Brigade’s founder, but neither
dents must risk the dangers of the wilds, following the he nor his inner circle understands that the real power in
trail of rumor and reputation that leads to the Brigade’s the organization belongs to the hybrid warlock/battlemind
Iron Hall in the city of Kaddastrei. There, they hope to be deva Parnyelle. Believing that her role in the base schemes
found worthy of admittance, and of learning the secrets of the Brigade threatens to corrupt her into a rakshasa in
of combat from the world’s greatest teachers. her next life, Parnyelle uses her arcane and psionic power
Unknown to all except its leaders, the Iron Brigade to wield subtle influence over Dorm and reshape the
has a secret and sinister agenda. Each of the masters and Brigade for her own purposes.
founders of the Brigade is secretly a battlemind, and all Established battlemind characters are unlikely to train
the organization’s efforts are geared toward locating other with the Iron Brigade, since the order’s rank-and-file
battleminds scattered across the world. The school’s repu- instructors remain unaware of its secret purpose. A new
tation attracts warriors from all races and cultures, and its battlemind character roleplayed as being unaware of his or
intense training and mercenary endeavors are designed to her psionic ability might, however, come to the attention
spark the appearance of battlemind powers within those of the order’s higher-level masters. Alternatively, rumors of
who possess the latent talent. the Brigade’s secret purpose could be the starting point for
a series of adventures or an entire campaign.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
Flowing Weapon Battlemind Attack 7 Violent Ubiquity Battlemind Attack 7
o~u~vfngyour weapon, it ripples andflows to reach a dis ~oüi~à~tiä~k keeps the target off balance, as either it or one of
iantifoe. ~youralhes swap positions in a violent wrenching of reality
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Teleportation, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon + 1 reach Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. AC Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Hit: 1 [WI + Constitution modifier damage. Hit: 1 ~W].+ Constitution modifier damage. You teleport
Augment 1 you~icand either the target or one ally adjacent to you,
Melee weapon + 3 reach ~s~’a~ppiiig positions.
2 Augment 1
M~lèe.weápón+ 3 reach Hit: 11W] + Constitution modifier damage, and you mark
Hit ‘l[WI 4 Constitution modifier damage, and you pull the target until the end of your next turn. You then
1he.tdi~ét 4 squares. teleport yourself and one ally within 3 squares of you,
swapping positions.
Give Chase Battlemind Attack 7 tgit 2’
‘Hit: -1 ~Wj + Constitution modifier damage, and you mark
Yqur ~tt~k keep~ an enemy’s attention on you as you stay in ,tIiëtar~gét until the end of your next turn. You then
motion around it. telep&t yourself and one ally within 5 squares of you,
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Ewa~Tflg positions.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. AC LEVEL 9 DAILY D1scIPUNEs
jIit~ l:[W11 Constitution modifier damage, and you mark
~thef~r~et until the end of your next turn. If the target Baleful Teleport Battlemind Attack 9
‘tfigge’~ y~ur blurred step power before the end of your A~ c~ij~plii~j ~trike shunts yourfoe across the battlefield, then
ne5~urn, you shift 1 extra square with that power. .le~t’)és~it dazed.
Augment 1
Daily + Psionic, Teleportation, Weapon
Hit: 11W] + Constitution modifier damage, and you mark
Standard Action Melee weapon
the target until the end of your next turn.
Target: One creature
Effect: If the target triggers your blurred step power before
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
the end of your next turn, you shift a number of extra
Hit~’2[W] ± Constitution modifier damage, and you teleport
-~ squares equal to your Wisdom modifier with that power.
the targetS squares. The target is then dazed (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of
t Constitution modifier damage, and you mark your next turn.
• the target unjilthe end of your next turn.
Effect: If~th’e target triggers your blurred step power
.‘.bef&r~the end of your next turn, you can teleport 5 ~ D1SC~UPL1~1E
•.squares with that power instead of shifting.
Battleminds ~a~tch warrio’~s~of other class~ stu~dying
1 •~ .~e t ..-.~ . ,~, ‘
their techniques to hone ne~ metF~ods of taking the fight1
‘PSiO1N1(~S~ W1~{~~F 1~S1’cDN1CS2 to their enemi&s ~0dthough’some battlemiiids consider
Youiqiight find it’có~’nip~IIing tt~play ~ur battlemind char th~ir o~id teèhniqués super!~r to those “of otIiernon~
acteras if you have,fto ide~a what ou cando~or how this psionic classes, few are so close-minded as to beliege that
power hays con~e to~you 11n fact, b~ttleminds who acquire they have nothing tà lea~r~ from the example of others.
their techniques thrdugh trial and e(ror might not even Using the game’s multiciassing or hybrid rules is the
~ least initially. In most common means for a battlemind to directly adopt
mary cases, you might be convinced that your disciplines the tactics and techniques of another class. But with the
are simply advance4 martial exploits—the result of sub Dungeon Master’s approval, a character can take a more
stantial training or latent skill. You might consider yourself story-based approach.
a fighter, scoffing at the notion that you’ve somehow Any class’s powers can be fine-tuned by adjusting their
developed psionic powers. You might even take offense descriptive elements to mirror similar powers from other
at the suggestion, with its implication that you got where classes. As a battlemind, you might witness the success a
you are by unexplained accident rather than raw talent fighter has using tide of iron. The battlemind power world-
and endless training. slipping advance has a similar feel. As a result, you might
No battlemind can maintain this point of view indefi retrain for this power and incorporate some of the ele
nitely, however. By the time you’re teleporting yourself ments found in the fighter power—such as using a shield
or tossing foes around the battlefield when your allies hit and pushing the target as part of the attack. You and the
them, it’s pretty clear that your disciplines are no longer Dungeon Master can refine the power’s effects for when
obeying the laws of nature. But until then, this approach you use power points to augment the attack.
can give you an interesting hook on which to hang your

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
Lion’s Charge Battlemind Attack 9 Subjective Gravity Battlemind Utility 10 cM
You make springing charge attacks against twofoes, even as By altering reality, you ignore the effects ofgravity as you move. i.c.c
you set your sights on a third. Daily 4 Psionic, Stance
Daily 4 Psionic, Weapon Minor Action Personal 0
Standard Action Melee weapon Effect: Until the stance’ends, you can move across any
Requirement: You must charge and use this power in place horizontal or vertical surface without having to climb.
of a melee basic attack. You can walk on walls aiid ceilings~as if they were floors. uJ
Target: One or two creatures You fall if you end the stanc~ while on a surface on which z
Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Hit: 1 [WI + 1 d6 + Constitution modifier damage.
you could not normally st~nkl.
Miss: Half damage. Ubiquitous Vision Battlemind Utility 10
Effect If either attack hitscy&i can repeat the attack against
Your entire body becornèst~n’ ex7eñs~on ofyour eyes.
a third creature, with a t2~bbnu,s to the attack roll.
Daily 4 Psionic
Minor Action Personal
Shattered Time Battlemind Attack 9
Effect Until the endofThe encounter, enemies cannot gain
Your weapon attack dis~pts~the,~f cm’ of time around you, allow combat advantage’by flánkingyou, and you gain a +5
ing you to harc~yyourfoes’ ättem~ts to attack your allies. power bonus to Perception check≤:,
Daily 4 Psionic, Weapon, Zone
Standard Action Melee weapon Uncanny Senses Battlemind Utility 10
Primary Target: One creature
Foes try in vain to hidefrom your heightened senses.
Primary Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Hit 2[W] + €onstitutionmodifier damage. Encounter 4 Psionic
Miss: Half damage. Minor Action - Personal
Effect: You create~zone in arc!öse burst 2 that lasts until Effect: Until the end of your~next turn, you can see invisible
the end of your next turn. While you are within the zone, creatures and objects, andyou~ain a +5 power bonus to
you can make the following s~econdary attack. Insight checks and Perception’checks~
Opportunity Action Melee weapon
Trigger: An enemy within the zone makes an attack that LEVEL 13 AT-WnL DISciPLINEs
does not include you as a target
Effect: Before the attack, you shift to any unoccupied
square adjacent to the triggering enemy that is within Intellect Snap Battle mind Attack 13
the zone. Your weapon channels your psychicftii-y to distract and hinder
Secondary Target: The triggering enemy yourfoe.
Secondary Attack: Constitution vs. AC At-Will 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
Hit: 1 [W] + Constitution modifier damage, and you mark Standard Action Melee weapon
the secondary target until the end of your next turn. Target One creature
Sustain Minor: The zone persists. Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Hit Constitution modifier psychic damage, and the target
Strength of My Enemy Battlemind Attack 9 is dazed until the start of your next turn.
When your attack weakens-aloe, ?tsfleeting strength drives Augment 1
yourfury in battle. Hit: As above, and you are no longer dazed or marked.
Augment4~ * -~
Daily 4 Psionic, Weapon Hit 2[W] + €onstitution rnodifie,rpsychic damage, and the
Standard Action Melee weapon target is dazed until the end of~our next turn. In addi
Target: One creature tion, you or one ally within 5 .squaI~s of you can make a
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude saving throw against an effect thatdazes or stuns.
Hit €onstitution m~difiè,r dar~age, and the target is weak
ened (save ends). -.

Miss: The target is weakened until the end of your next turn.
Effect: While the target is we~kenéd from this attack, your AT THE VANGUAR1~
melee attacks deal 2d6 ext~a damage. When advancing as a battlemind, consider choosing feats
and items that enhance your ability to plant yourself in
LEVEL 10 UTiLITY DISCIPLINES the center of combat—not because you’re a defender,
but because that’s the way you like it. Feats that improve
Hone Weapon Battlemind Utility 10 mobility, such as Powerful €harge or Fast Runner, have
piore of a battlemind flavor than feats such as Weapon
You channel psionic power through your weapon, granting it a
brutal advantage in battle. Focu~s. Similarly, magic items that increase your s~~ed
or prevent you from being pinned,down in combat are
Daily 4 Psionic
Minor Action Melee touch more thematically appropriate than items that boost your
Target: One weapon defenses. Battleminds are eager to hurl themselves into
Effect: Until the end ofThe eicóunter, the weapon gains the thick of the fight, and your feat choices and magic
the brutal 1 propert~t In addition, critical hits with the item wish list can reflect this.
weapon deal 1 dl0 extra damage.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
Kinetic Shield Battlemind Attack 13 Unwavering Concentration Battlemind Attack 13
Your tack ~inniohs upa psionic shield that protects nearby a~ttaèkfocuses your mind and body to shield youfrom
~ allies. •~duntèratt~ks~
At-Will + Augmentable, Force, Psionic, Weapon At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Immediate Interrupt Melee weapon Standard Action Melee weapon
Trigger: An enemy hits you or an ally with an attack Target: One creature
Target: The triggering enemy Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude Hit 1[~?] 0~-Constitution modifier damage. You gain a +2
1Hi~~[W]~-Constitution modifier force damage and each po~~kibó to a defense of your choice until the start of
ally adjacent to you gains a +2 power bonus to all de -.

fenses u~jl th’~ ~iart of your next turn Augment 1

Effect: You don’t have your normal standard action on your Hit: 1 [WI + Constitution modifier damage. You gain a +2
next turn. power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next
Augmental turn. -

Hjt As ibove but the power bonus is +4. A~igment4 .

Augment 4 , close biwst 1~
000. t~ ~.
Hit: 2[W] + Constitution modifier force damage, and Hit 2[Wj 1- Constitution modifier damage You gain a
each ally adjacent to you gains a +2 power bonus to all -~ ..,po~ei~l~öntI~td MI defenses equal to your Wisdom

defenses until the end of your next turn. ~~1fi~rMtilthe end of ydur next turn.
Effect: You have your normal standard action on your next
Parting Shot Battlemind Attack 13
Aspect of the Battlemind Attack 15
~Yoiv~tughyour enemies like a shadow, striking hard
withyou7~a~’onasyou slip away. Raging Tempest
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Lightn~gjiares around the creature you strike feeding back to
Standard Action Melee weapon ~grant~ou”the power of the raging tempest.
Effect ~ushift2-squares and make the following attack Daily + Lightning, Polymorph, Psionic, Weapon
• against one enemy adjacent to you at any point during Standard Action Close burst 1
•‘ ti~is movement. - Target: Each enemy you can see in burst
• Target:~nçtë~turê Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Attack~ ~oiistitution vs. AC Hit: ‘~[Wf~ Constitution modifier damage, and ongoing 5
~~ bñ~titution modifier damage. ljgF~t~jrçg dam’age (save ends).
Augment 1 Miss: Half damage.
Close burst 1 ~Effectv$Youassume the aspect of the raging tempest until
Target: One or two creatures ~the e~,d~Ofthe encounter. While in this aspect, you can
Hit: 1 [WI damage. i~ iu,~e th~following augmentation with your battlemind at
~ swill att~ck powers that are augmentable This augmen
• ~ffe~t~i’9ushift~jour speed and can move through ene ~tationisIir~&li~iontd the effects that an at-will power
~ :~mies’ ç1aees~auring this movement. Make the following migh~~av~ this augmentation doesn t supersede them
~attack~aihsto~ne enemy adjacent to you at any point Au~ment1.(Thunder)
during th~s movement Eff~±0~heh you hit with the at-will attack, you slide
• Target One~’creature ~ ~nemy marked by you 1 square. That enemy then
: Attac Constit~tibn VS: AC •~tal~sthtind~r damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Hit:~2[Wj:t~,Con~titution modifier damage, and you
0 márktI~ar’get~until the end of your next turn.


Most types of damage l~ave~an obvious~ffect Fire iamage Fo~ physical style attacks (partict~Iarly powers that
burns cold damage freezes~ and force damage bludgeons a target a foe s AC) psychic damage takes the forkr?n of pure
foe1into submission But what ~xactly is psychic damage? pain—a suffering that has no physical cause but is no less
Mañypoweisthatdeal this damage type also target a foe’s real than the worst effect of any weapon attack. The stress
mind with other effects, but what does the damage itself of this agony wracks afoe’s body and mind, and can kill as
represent in the game world? • effectively’as any other damage type.
Psychic damage can be thought of as encompassing For many powers, psychic damage represents the
a range of damaging effects. Illusions that deal psychic wounding of the target’s sense of self. M~mories grow
damage work on the power of suggestion. By forcing the blurred and untrustworthy, thoughts become jumbled,
mind to believe that the body has been hurt, such powers and the body stops responding properly to the will of the
make that damage real. This type of psychic damage can mind. Even its identity can be stripped away as its mind is
blister skin or break bones with ease. temporarily but horrifically undone.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
Crushing Wave Strike Battlemind Attack 15 LEVEL 16 UT1uTY DiscIPLINEs
Your weapon attack isfollowed up by a blast of psionic power
that knocks creatures to the ground. Inertial Barrier Battlemind Utility 16
Daily + Force, Psionic, Weapon .
An attack against you ctiggersvicpsibi4ic~barrier that shields you
Standard Action Melee weapon and your alliesfrom harm.
Primary Target: One creature
Primary Attack: Constitution vs. AC Daily 4 Psionic, Zone
Hit 2[W] + Constitution mod ifier~damage. Immediate Interrupt Close burst 3
Miss: Half damage.
Effect Make a secondaryattack that is a close blast 5, and
Trigger: You or an ally adjacent to you is hit by an attack
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end
of your next turn. You and your allies gain resist 5 to all
that must include the pi~imary target as a target.
Secondary Target Each creaturéih blast damage while within the~zdne~An~ enemy that starts
Secondary Attack: C’onsti~tution vs. Fortitude or ends its turn within the zone is.pushed 1 square from
the center of the zone. The zone is difficult terrain for
Hit 10 + €onstitution modififr force damage, and you
push the secondary target 2 squares and knock it
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.

Precognitive Eye Battlemind Attack 15

Instant Move Battlemind Utility 16

Your attack inspires an enem~ofocus on you in combat, and You blur across the battlefield to move into positionfor an
lets you useflashes of thefuts(r~to disthnce yourselffrom your attack, or toflee an enemy.’s.retributioi~:’
foes. Encounter 4 Psionic
Daily 4 Psionic, Stance, Weapon Free Action (Special) Personal -
Standard Action Melee weapon Effect You shift your speed.
Special: You can use this power only as the first or the last
Target: One creature
action of your turn.
Attack: Constitution + 4 vs. AC
Hit 2[W] + Constitutionriiddifiér damage, and you mark
the target untiltheend ôf~1the encounter. No other mark Resolute Recovery Battlemind Utility 16
can supersede this mark~inl~ss you permit it. You shrug off a debilitatin~~ffectas you revitalize yourself in
Miss: Half damage, and you mark the target until the end of the midst of combat.
your next turn.
Daily + Psionic
Effect: You assumethe precognitive eye stance. Until the
Minor Action Personal
stance ends, whenever any eremy marked by you moves,
Effect: You gain temporary hit points equal to your
you can shift 1 square as a fr.~e á’ction. In addition, you
Constitution modifier + one-half youHevel and remove
gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls against enemies
one effect that a save can end. YoU then shift 1 square.
marked ~you.

Teleport Trigger Battlemind Utility 16

Sonic Burst Battlemind Attack 15
You warp space around~you, c~eating a means of quick escape
You move with the speed of thun&r, h~l astin,q yourfoes as you
for you and your allies. - -,
Daily 4 Conjuration, Psionic, Teleportation
Daily + Psionic, Thunder, Weapon Minor Action Ranged 10
Standard Action Close burst 1
Effect: You conjure four shimmeringteleport triggers in un
Effect: You shift twice your speedand make the following
occupied squares within~rar~efE~ch teleport trigger lasts
attack at any point during~t~rh6vement.
until the end of the encoün~ér~or~jntil expended. When
Target: Each creature in burst
you or an ally enters a square containing a teleport trig
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
ger, that character can’trig~er as a free action
Hit: 3[W] + Constitution modifier thunder damage, you
to teleport 5 squares.’
push the target 3 squares, and the target is deafened
(save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 1 square.

The innate confidence—some would say arrogance—central This type of characterization is a fine line to walk. You
to a battlemind’s powers can make for memorable role- want to make it clear that this is your character shoring
playing. If your party is forced to retreat from a losing battle, up his or her own ego by making excuses to the other
or if you,~fall in c,prnbat and must be rescued by your allies, characters—not you criticizing your friends and fellow
consi~ier~,looking for excuses as to why the setback couldn t players for their luck or tactics Likewise make sure that
possiE~ly have E~en y6ür fault. Point out circumstances in you don’tthkê ibis appioach tooofteri ortoo severely.’ But
which the enemy clearly got lucky, when the terrain and the when done well (especially in games that incorporate a
environment worked against you, or when your own allies certain amount of humor), this defensiveness can add to
dropped the ball with bad rolls or poor tactical choices. your roleplaying.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
LEVEL 17 AT-WILL D1sc1PUNEs Gravity Well Battlemind Attack 17
Your attack constrains afoe to its current location, hindering its
ability toflee from you.
Cloud of Dancing Blades Battlemind Attack 17
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Afield of spectral bladesfills the air around you, increasing
Standard Action Melee weapon
your retribution against afoe that harms your allies.
Target: One creature
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Standard Action Melee weapon Hit: 1 [WI + Constitution modifier damage, and the target
Target: One creature is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Attack: Constitution vs. AC Augment 1
Hit: 1 ~WJ + ~onstitution modlfiçr damage, and your Hit 1 [WI damage, and the target cannot move or be
mind spike power deals extra damage equal to your pulled, pushed, or slid more than 2 squares from its
Constitution modifier until the end of your next turn. current space until the end of your next turn.
Augment 1 Augment 4
Effect: Before the attack, you mark each enemy adjacent Hit 3~W] + Constitution modifier damage, and the target
to you until the start of your next turn. cannot move or be pulled, pushed, or slid more than
Augment 4 (Zone) 2 squares from its current space until the end of your
Close burst 2 next turn.
Primary Target: Each enemy in burst
Primary Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Open the Way Battlemind Attack 17
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the start
of your next turn. While you are within the zone, you Space ripples around you, letting you attack afoe beyond your
can make the following secondary attack. reach, then drawing you to that enemy’s side.
Immediate Interrupt Melee weapon At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Teleportation, Weapon
Trigger: An enemy willingly leaves the zone Standard Action Melee weapon + 2 reach
Effect: Before the attack, you shift 4 squares to an Target One creature
unoccupied square adjacent to the triggering enemy. Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Secondary Target: The triggering enemy Hit 1 [WI damage, and you teleport to a square adjacent to
Secondary Attack: Constitution vs. AC the target.
Hit: The secondary target is immobilized until the end of Augment 1
your next turn. Hit: 1 [WI damage, and you teleport one ally adjacent to
you to a square adjacent to the target.
Dancing Strike Battlemind Attack 17 Augment 4
Effect: Before the attack, you teleport 5 squares.
In the aftermath ofyour attack, you deftly stay ahead ofyour
Hit: 2[WI + Constitution modifier damage, and you tele
foes’ attempts to move around you.
port to a square adjacent to the target.
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature LEVEL 19 DAILY DiSCIPLINES
Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Hit 1 [W] + Constitution modifier damage. When you use Aspect of Squamous Horror Battlemind Attack 19
your blurred step power before the end of your next turn, Your attack pushes your enemies back, wrackin8 them withfrar
you can shift a number of squares equal to your Charisma as you take on theform of a hideous scaled beast.
modifier instead of shifting 1 square.
Augment 1 Daily + Fear, Polymorph, Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
Hit: As above, and you mark the target until the end of Standard Action Close burst 1
your next turn. Target Each enemy you can see in burst
Augment 4 (Force, Psychic) Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Hit 3~W] + Constitution modifier damage. When you Hit 2[WI + Constitution modifier damage, and you push
use your blurred step power before the end of your next the target 3 squares.
turn, you can shift a number of squares equal to your Miss: Half damage.
Charisma modifier instead of shifting 1 square, and the Effect: Each target takes 6 psychic damage. You then as
creature that triggers your blurred step takes 5 force and sume the aspect of squamous horror until the end of the
psychic damage. encounter. While in this aspect, you can use the follow
ing augmentation with your battlemind at-will attack
powers that are augmentable. This augmentation is in
addition to the effects that an at-will power might have;
this augmentation doesn’t supersede them.
Augment 2
Effect: Choose one creature hit by the at;~ill attack.
That creature moves its speed away from you by the
safest route possible as a free action.

CHAPTER 2 flattlemind
Dimensional Ambush Battlemind Attack 19 LEVEL 22 UTiLITY DIsciPLINEs
Your power bends the space around you, letting you strike a
distantfoe, thenforcing thatfoe back as you appear at its side to Deaden Blow Battlemind Utility 22
strike again. 0
You sense the attack coming ~venthefo~e you see it, transforming
Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Teleportation, Weapon your body to protect~itifromharm.
Standard Action Melee weapon + 3 reach
Target: One creature
Daily + Psionic l.1.1

Primary Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex

Immediate Interrupt Personal z
Trigger: You take damage from an attack
Hit 5 + Constitution modifier psychic damage, and you
Effect You ~ insubstantial until the end of your next
slide the target tsqUareF..
Miss: Half damage, and you slide the target 1 square.
Effect: You teleport to a square adjacent to the space
the target occupied before.the slide. Make a secondary Fearless Mind set Battlemind Utility 22
attack against the target. Your strength of mind lets you shrug 1offfear and yourfoes’ at
Secondary Attack: Constitution vs. AC tempts to draw you into cornba~ ‘
Hit: 3[WJ + Constitution modifier damage, and you mark Daily + Psionic, Stance
the target until the end of your next turn. Minor Action Personal
Miss: Half damage, and you mark the target until the end Effect You are ~ longer marked, ànd you assume the
of your next turn. fearless mind set stance: Until the stance ends, you gain
Effect: You teleport 5 squares. a +4 power bonus to Will, áj~+5~j~5~1er bonus to saving
throws against fear effects, and yöu~cannot be marked.
Focus Bind Battlemind Attack 19
You tempt an enemy’s wrath syoufocus your rage on it, setting Mental Haven Battlemind Utility 22
up a confrontation that only one~pfyou will survive. By opening a portal into your own~rnind, ~‘ou are temporarily
Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Weapon shunted out of the world, then invigorated ànyour return.
Standard Action Melee weapon Daily + Healing, Psionic
Target: One creature Minor Action Personal
Attack: Constitution vs. AC Effect You are removed fromiplay. Atthe end of your next
Hit 2~W] + €onstitution’~ôdifier damage plus 3d1 0 turn, you regain hit points equal to your bloodied value
psychic damage, and you mark the target until the end of or you regain the use ofan encàunter power you have
the encounter. No othermark~can supersede this mark already used in this encour~tei~.You:then reappear in any
unless you permit it.~ unoccupied space within 5 s~uares’of the space you last
Miss: Half damage, and you mark the target until the end of occupied.
your next turn.
Effect Until the mark imposed by this power ends, you are
treated as if you are marked by the target, and whenever Wings of Elevated Thought Battlemind Utility 22
you or the target mov~s th~ other can move the same Your power of thought Ii ~‘oufrie of the battlefield.
number of squares as,a ~i~t a’ction or shift 1 square as a Daily + Psionic, Stance
free action. Minor Action Personal
EffectUntiK~h~stance ends, you’gainfly,6 (altitude limit
Temporal Regression Battlemind Attack 19 3). If you end your turn flying, youdescend to the ground
You slip back through time toescape thefight around you, withouttakingfallingdamag~;
choosing a more advant~geot~s~pôsition when you reappear.
Daily + Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon CONSTITUTiON
Target: One creature FOR ATTACKS?
Attack: Constitution vs. AC. Make the attack twice. Battlemind attacks are based on €onstitution for the same
Hit 2[W] ÷ €onstitution h~idifi~r damage.
reasons that a paladin uses €harisma to smite his foes—
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: At the start of~y6u~r ñ~xt turn, you are removed from both classes are built on ai foundation of inner strength.
play. At the start of yourf~ii2wiñg turn, you reappear in When a batt!emind attacks, he or she uses psionic energy
an unoccupied spacewithir~5’squares of the space you to translate st~ength of bOdy into aggressive force. Jije
last occupied. ~ hçalthier a’nd tougher ~iourbattle,iiind character,.the more
powerfuLyoqr attacks. ‘A battlemind shatters enemies
through brute force guided by the power of the mind.
In game terms, this strength of self has the added bonus
of allowing you to heal more quickly, maintain greater
reserves of physical endurance, and soldier through nearly
any ailment that might afflict you.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
LEVEL 23 AT-WiLL DIscIPuNEs Iron Presence Battlemind Attack 23
A vicious strike magnifies your presence in your enemy’s mind,
Crushing Vortex Battlemind Attack 23 compelling it tofocus on your threat.
The power ofyour attack man~fests as aforce vortex that lashes At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
out against anotherfoe. Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
At-Will + Augmentable, Force, Psionic, Weapon Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Standard Action Melee weapon Hit 1 [W] + Constitution modifier damage.
Target: One creature Effect: Until the end of your next turn, your battlemind’s
Attack: Constitution vs. AC demand power targets two creatures in the burst.
Hit: 1 [WI + Constitution modifier damage, and one enemy Augment 2
adjacent to the target takes force damage equal to your Close burst 1
Constitution modifier. Target Each enemy you can see in burst
Augment 2 Hit 1 [W] + Constitution modifier damage, and you mark
Hit: 2[Wj + Constitution modifier damage, and one the target until the end of your next turn.
enemy marked by you takes force damage equal to your Augment 6
Constitution modifier. Close burst 2
Augment 6 (Zone) Target Each enemy you can see in burst
Hit 3[Wj + Constitution modifier damage. Hit: 21W] + Constitution modifier damage, and you mark
Effect Your space and each square adjacent to you be the target until the end of the encounter, until you use
comes a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. this power again, or until you use your battlemind’s
When a creature within the zone takes damage from an demand power.
attack, each enemy within the zone takes force damage
equal to your Eonstitution modifier.
Reality Shuffle Battlemind Attack 23

Double Vision Battlemind Attack 23 Theforce ofyour attack warps reality, leaving you and your
enemy in different positions in the blink of an eye.
Your attack leaves afoe reeling, and .1ets you channel psionic
power toflin8 yourself or the enemy across the battlefield. At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Teleportation, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon + 1 reach
At-Will + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Target: One creature
Standard Action Melee weapon Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Target: One creature Hit 11W] + Constitution modifier damage. You teleport
Attack: Constitution vs. AC yourself and the target, swapping positions.
Hit 1 1W] + Constitution modifier damage. Until the end of Augment 2
your next turn, the target grants combat advantage while Melee weapon + 3 reach
within 5 squares of you. Augment 6
Augment 2 lTeleportation) Hit 3[W] + Constitution modifier damage. You teleport
Hit As above, and when an ally hits the target, you can the target 3 squares and then teleport 3 squares.
teleport 3 squares as a free action.
Augment 6 (Teleportation)
Hit: 2[W] + Constitution modifier damage, and the target LEVEL 25 DAILY DisCIPLiNEs
is dazed until the end of your next turn. Also until the
end of your next turn, when you or any ally hits the Blazing Offensive Battlemind Attack 25
target, you can teleport yourself or the target 3 squares
You become a streak offlame that blurs across the battlefield,
as a free action.
devastating yourfoes with psionicfire.
Daily 4 Fire, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
AN UNDISCIPLiNED Effect: You shift three times your speed and make the fol
REPUTATION lowing attack against one, two, or three creatures during
this movement.
Battleminds and ardents are often lumped together as
Target One creature -
warriors driven by emotion and instinct. But every rule Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
has its memorable exceptions. For every battlemind who Hit: Ongoing 40 fire damage (save ends). Each time you -
epitomizes the brazen warrior, another is an enlightened hit the same target with this attack, the ongoing damage
combatant who takes on foes with reason and cunning. increases by 5.
In some corner of the campaign world, battleminds might Miss: Ongoing 20 fire damage (save ends).
train in special schools in much the same way as other
combat-focused classes. Likewise, holy orders of battle-
minds might follow a path reflecting that of the paladin
or the avenger.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
Stolen Vigor Battlemind Attack 25 LEVEL. 27 AT-Wlu. D1sc1PUNEs
Your weapon attack leaves afoe weakened, its stolen strength
replenishing your own vigor. Brandished Promise Battlemind Attack 27
Daily 4 Healing, Psionic, Weapon Youlash out atfoes close by, hoping to draw their ire and their
Standard Action Melee weapon attacks to you.
Target: One creature
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Standard Action Close burst 1
Hit: 4[W] + Constitution mod jfier damage. In addition, the
target is weakened, and you regain 10 hit points at the
start of each of the target’s turns (save ends both). While
Target: Each enemy you can see in burst
Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Hit €onstitution modifier damage, and you mark the tar
the target is adjacent to you, it takes a 2 penalty to saving
throws against this effect. get until the end of your next turn..
Augment 2
Miss: Half damage, and the target is weakened until the end
Hit: 1 [W] + Constitution modifier damage, and you mark
of your next turn. At the start of the target’s next turn, you
regain 10 hit points. the target and one other enemy within 2 squares of the
target until the end of your next turn.
Augment 6
Sublime Fury Battlemind Attack 25 Close burst 2
Your attack incites afrenzyfor battle that lets you lay waste to Hit: 2[W] + Constitution modifier damage, and you mark
yourfoes. the target until the end of your next turn.
Daily 4 Psionic, Stance, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Elusive Ghost Battlemind Attack 27
Target: One creature You strike, then teleport away to deny your enemies an easy
Attack: Constitution vs. AC counterattack.
Hit: 6[W] + Constitution modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage. At-Will 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Teleportation, Weapon
Effect You assume the sublime fury stance. Until the Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
stance ends, you take a ‘2 penalty to attack rolls and
Attack: Constitution vs. AC
your unaugmented battlemind at-will meleeattacks deal
Hit 1 [WI + Constitution modifier damage, and you tele
2d6 extra damage. In addition, whenever you reduce a
nonminion creature to 0 hit points, you make a melee port 1 square.
Augment 2
basic attack as a free action.
Hit 21W] + Constitution modifier damage, and you
teleport 2 squares.
Temporal Reiteration Battlemind Attack 25 Augment 6
Your strike pulls an enemy toward you, thenforces it back to its Close burst 1
previous location to relive.your attack. Target: Each enemy you can see in burst
Daily 4 Psionic, Teleportation, Weapon Hit: 2[W] + Constitution modifier damage.
Standard Action Melee weapon Effect: You teleport 5 squares.
Target: One creature
Primary Attack: Constitution vs. AC Imprisoned Mind Battlemind Attack 27
Hit 2~W] + Constitution modifier damage, and you tele Your attack binds your enemy’s thoughts, limiting its tactical
port the target to a square adjacent to you. movement.
Miss: Half damage.
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
Effect As a free action at either the start or the end of the
Standard Action Melee weapon
target’s next turn, you teleport the target to the space it
Target: One creature
occupied when you targeted it with this power. Make a
Attack: Constitution vs. AC
secondary attack against the target, even if you are no
Hit 1 [W] + Constitution modifier damage, and the target
longer within melee reach.
Secondary Attack: Constitution vs. AC cannot shift until the end of your next turn.
Hit: 1 LW] + Constitution modifier damage. Augment 2
Hit 21W] + Constitution modifier damage, and the target
is marked and cannot shift until the end of your next
Augment @
Hit 3[W] + €onstitution modifier damage, and the target
cannot shift until the end of your next turn. In addition,
you gain a +3 power bonus to opportunity attack rolls
against the target until the end of your next turn.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
Obsidian Shield Battlemind Attack 27 Killing Wind Assault Battlemind Attack 29
A shadowy shield press’es3’ourfoes and can hinder their You vanish before your enemies’ eye~s, becoming the unseen wind
movement. that unleashes death on the battlefield.
At-Will + Augmentable, Necrotic, Psionic, Psychic, Daily + Psionic, Weapon
Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon
Standard Action Close blast 3 Effect: Before the attack, you become invisible and then
Target: Each enemy in blast shift a number of squares equal to your speed. You remain
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude invisible until the start of your next turn.
Hit 1 [WI necrotic and psychic damage. Target: One creature
Augment 2 Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 [WI + Constitution modifier necrotic and psychic Hit 5[W] + €onstitution modifierdamage, and you knock
damage, and you mark the target until the end of your the target prone.
next turn. Miss: Half damage.
Augment 6 Effect II1Jij~JJ the end of the encounter, you gain a +4 power
Hit: 3[W] + Constitution modifier necrotic and psychic bonus to speed, and you are invisible while moving.
damage. In addition, ifthe target moves more than 2
squares away from you on its next turn, it takes 10 ne Many Doors Curse Battlemind Attack 29
crotic and psychic damage.
Your attack binds the target toyou,.wracking it with pain as you
fling it across the battlefield.
LEVEL 29 DAILY DlsclPuNEs Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Teleportation, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Darting Grace Strike Battlemind Attack 29 Target: One creature
Youflit across the battlefield, avoidiig your enemies as your Attack: Constitution vs. AC
attacks grantyou a lethal grace. -
Hit 4~Wj + Constitution~modlfièr damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Daily + Psionic, Stance, Weapon Effect: The target is subject to youi~rnany doors curse (save
Standard Action Melee weapon ends). While the target is aff~cted by your many doors
Target One, two, or three creatures curse, whenever the target fakesdamage from an attack,
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex you can teleport it to a s~uareadjacent to you or an ally
Hit 3[W] + Constitution modifier damage, and the target you can see as a free action. When you teleport the tar
is dazed (save ends). lithetarget is already dazed, the get this way, it takes 10 psychicid~tnage.
attack deals 5 extra ‘dama~e.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: You shift 3 squares after each attack. After making Omniscient Strike Battlemind Attack 29
the last attack, you assume the stance of darting grace. As your chosenfoe prepares to strik~,you sabotage its attack by
Until the stance ends, you gain a +2 power bonus to AC making a vicious attack ofyourown~
and Reflex, and you can take the following action. Daily 4 Psionic, Weapon
Free Action Personal Immediate Interrupt Melee weapon
Trigger: An enemy misses you with an attack Trigger: An enemy marked by you targets you with a melee
Effect: You shift 4 squares, and the triggering enemy grants attack
combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn. Effect: Before the attack, you shift 4 squares.
Target: The triggering enemy
Attack: Constitution vs. AC. You have combat advantage for
LOST MASTERS this attack.
To one degree or another, all psionic characters meld th - Hit 4~WJ + Constitution mbdifiér damage, and the target
intellectual and the physical on the battlefield. Although ~stunned (save ends).~’
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
they are rare, certain individuals are said to be able to
Effect: If you haveno po~er’p~ointsrémaining, you regain 2
channel their will into noncombat endeavors through power points. -
psionics, as well. Tales tell of Iegendar1y crafters who once
forged weaponsand armor of unsurpassed quality. Oth~rs
are said to have created magic items without the use of
rituals—or even without the intention of doing so Works
d~art and performances by IostJnasters~are ~aid to have
had a supernatural ability to move the viewer. Powers and
abilities much like those of the psionic classes might well
have played a part in the singular talents of such artisans.
But in these dark and troubled times, art and craft have
largely become secondary concerns next to the struggle
for survival.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
“I have peered into the darkness clouding my soul, and it
hasfound me worthy.”

Prerequisite: Battlemind 2
Strange dreams are common among those who wield
psionics. Your dreams, however, are different. You
dream of a black monolith set within a cavern rimed
with ice. This vision has haunted you for as long as
you can remember, but until now, you have struggled
in vain to discover its meaning.
The blackstone monolith has chosen you as its
champion. In another age, noble champions of a dis
tant land fought to contain a breach to the Far Realm.
They sealed the rift with powerful psionic wards,
behind elemental stone imbued with their own con
sciousness. Each generation, the wards they forged
must be resealed by new champions. You are bound
Monolithic Blessing Blaclcstone Guardian Utility 12
to the fate of the guardians you follow.
The mono! itWs power grants you the resilience of ageless stone.
Daily 4 Psionic
BLACKSTONE GUARDiAN Minor Action Personal
PATH FEATURES Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you have tremor-
Blackstone Action (11th level): When you sense 5 and resist 10 to all damage.
spend an action point to use an attack power, you Sustain Minor: The effect persists.
gain resistance to all damage equal to 3 + your
Wisdom modifier until the end ofyour next turn. Aspect of the Blackstone Guardian Attack 20
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2 Blackstone Gaoler
additional power points. Your attack wracks an enemy’s mind and binds its body in stone
Monolithic Vision (11th level): Whenever you as you channel the blackstone monolith’sforbidding power.
use your mind spike power, you also pull the target of Daily 4 Polymorph, Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
that power 3 squares. The target is then slowed until Standard Action Melee weapon
the end of its next turn. Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Blackstone Chains (16th level): Whenever
Hit 2[W] + Constitution modifier damage, and ongoing 10
you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, each enemy psychic damage (save ends).
marked by you is immobilized until the end of your First Failed Saving Throw: The target is restrained until
next turn. it saves against the ongoing damage.
Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is petrified
instead of restrained and takes a 2 penalty to sav
ing throws against the ongoing damage. The ongoing
damage from this power ignores the resistance granted
Blackstone Curse Blackstone Guardian Attack 11 by the petrified condition.
Your weapon attack inflicts a vicious curse on yourfoe, which Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 10 psychic damage (save
appears to turn to cracked black stone as it is heldfast. ends).
Encounter 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Effect: You push each creature adjacent to you 1 square.
Standard Action Melee weapon You then assume the aspect of the blackstone gaoler until
Target: One creature the end of the encounter. While in this aspect, you can
Attack: Constitution vs. AC use the following augmentation with your battlemind
Hit: 1 [WI + Constitution modifier damage, and the target at-will attack powers that are augmentable. This augmen
is immobilized until the end of your next turn. tation is in addition to the effects that an at-will power
Augment 2 might have; this augmentation doesn’t supersede them.
Hit: 1 [W] + Constitution modifier damage, and the target Augment 2
is petrified until the end of your next turn. Effect: You gain resistance to all damage equal to your
z Constitution modifier until the end of your next turn.
In addition, one creature you hit with the at-will power
z is restrained until the end of your next turn.
CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
QuicKsiLvER DEMON an opportunity attack, you gain combat advantage
against that enemy until the end ofyour next turn.
“Catch me ~fyou dare!”
Unfettered Movement (16th level): You can
shift 3 squares as a move action. When you do, you
Prerequisite: Battlemind
are no longer slowed.
Your mind rejects all notions of what is possible and
impossible on the battlefield. Psionic energy flows QUICKSILVER DEMON DisciPLiNEs
through you, imbuing you with an irrepressible need
to move. You flow around your enemies, blurring Rebounding Dance Quicksilver Demon Attack 11

past them before they can land a blow. As you move, You become a silver blur as you speed through yourfoes, striking
your attacks slip through your enemies’ defenses with sofast that they cannot retaliate.
deadly effect. You goad a foe into following you, then Encounter + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
wrack its mind and body as it gives futile chase. Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: You have concealment until the end of your next
You are quicksilver in living form, moving with turn, and you shift a number of squares equal to your
such speed and grace that your enemies have no hope speed + your Charisma modifier. You make the fol
of pinning you down. Whether you fight alone or lowing attack against one or two creatures during this
in the company of others who also race through the movement.
heat of battle, your enemies name you the quicksilver Target: One creature
demon, never knowing where you will strike next. Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Hit: 11W] + Constitution modifier damage.
Augment 2
QuicKsiLvER DEMON Hit 2[Wl + Constitution modifier damage, and the target
PATH FEATURES takes a —2 penalty to all defenses until the end of your
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2 next turn.
additional power points.
Quicksilver Action (11th level): When you Absorb Momentum Quicksilver Demon Utility 12

spend an action point to take an extra action, you can An enemy’s attempt toforce you across the battlefield only in
shift a number of squares equal to your Charisma creases your mobility.
modifier before or after the extra action. Daily + Psionic
Quicksilver Dance (11th level): You gain a +4 Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: An enemy’s attack pulls, pushes, or slides you
bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks.
Effect You negate the forced movement and gain a +4
In addition, whenever an enemy misses you with power bonus to speed until the end of the encounter.

Aspect of Quicksilver Quicksilver Demon Attack 20

Yourfoe suffers with eachfailed attack it makes against you,
even as you attain maximum mobility in battle.
Daily 4 Polymorph, Psionic, Psychic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: Before the attack, you shift your speed.
Target One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. AC
• ••.•~• ~‘ ;~ Hit: 5[Wj + Constitution modifier damage. In addition, the
target is marked and takes 5 psychic damage whenever
I-,’ .ç - -
it misses you with an attack (save ends both).
Miss: Half damage.
Effect After the attack, you shift your speed. You then as
sume the aspect of quicksilver strides until the end of
‘~ .1k.
the encounter. While in this aspect, you gain a +2 power
bonus to speed and you can use the following augmenta
tion with your battlemind at-will attack powers that are
augmentable. This augmentation is in addition to the
effects that an at-will power might have; this augmenta
tion doesn’t supersede them.
Augment 1
Effect: After the at-will attack, you shift half your speed.
In addition, one creature hit by the attack takes extra
damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
Augment 1 (Lightning)
STORM DISCIPLE Effect After the attack, you teleport 3 squares. Until the
“I am the power of the never-ending tempest that crosses all end of your next turn, any enemy that hitsyou with
planes. Do you think you can stop me?” a melee attack takes lightning damage equal to your
Constitution modifier.
Prerequisite: Battlemind
Your philosophy of life and battle is shaped by your
belief in the infinite storm. In every corner of the Lightning Strikes Twice Storm Disciple Attack 11
world and every part of the planes, order and chaos Living lightning wraps your body, letting you surgefrom one
contend for domination. Violent storms of elemental target to the next.
fury are the most potent sign of this struggle. At no Encounter + Augmentable, lightning, Psionic, Weapon
time is all the cosmos ever at peace. Through study Standard Action Melee weapon
and diligence, you draw power from these infinite Primary Target: One creature
and endless storms, channeling their destructive Primary Attack: Constitution vs. AC
fury. You represent the infinite storm in your travels, Hit [WI + Constitution modifier lightning damage.
Effect: You teleport 5 squares and make a secondary attack.
welcoming the violence that is a constant part of life.
Secondary Target One creature other than the primary
Like the power of the storm, you are everywhere. target
Secondary Attack: Constitution vs. AC
STORM DiSCIPLE PATH FEATURES Hit 11W] + Constitution modifier lightning damage.
Lightning’s Path Action (11th level): When Augment 2
Effect: You teleport 5 squares and make a secondary
you spend an action point to take an extra action, you
attack as above, then teleport 5 squares and make the
teleport 5 squares. After the teleport, each enemy secondary attack again against a different creature.
adjacent to you or marked by you takes lightning
damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. Stormwalker Storm Disciple Utility 12
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2
The winds of the immortal storm carry you into battle.
additional power points.
Encounter + Psionic
Storm Scion (11th level): You gain lightning
Minor Action Personal
resistance and thunder resistance equal to your Con Effect: You gain a fly speed equal to your speed and can
stitution modifier. hover. This effect lasts until an attack hits you or until the
Rouse the Storm (16th level): While blood end of the encounter. When the effect ends, you descend
ied, you can use the following augmentation with to the ground without taking falling damage.
your battlemind at-will attack powers that are aug
mentable. This augmentation is in addition to the Aspect of the Storm Disciple Attack 20
effects that an at-will power might have; this augmen Infinite Storm
tation doesn’t supersede them. When you strike, you summon the transformative power of the
infinite storm.
Daily + Lightning, Polymorph, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target Each enemy you can see in burst
Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Hit 1 [W] + €onstitution modifier lightning damage, and
ongoing 10 lightning damage (save ends).
Effect: You assume the aspect of the infinite storm until the
end of the encounter. While in this aspect, you can use
the following augmentation with your battlemind at-will
attack powers that are augmentable. This augmentation is
in addition to the effects that an at-will power might have;
this augmentation doesn’t supersede them.
Augment 2
Effect After the attack, you become the tempestuous
storm, occupying a 7-square by 7-square area centered
on your space. While in this form, you are insubstantial,
you can occupy other creatures’ spaces, and you cannot
attack. When any creature starts its turn in your new
space, you slide that creature 2 squares. In addition, one
creature hit by the at-will attack takes 5 extra lightning
damage and is dazed until the end of your next turn. At
the start of your next turn, you return to your normal
0 form in any unoccupied space in the area of the
S tempestuous storm.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
TALARIC IRONJACK neutralizing opponents when they strike, you endure
past the point when other warriors would fall.
“My mind is awakened to a purpose greater than my own
Prerequisite: Battlemind Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2
additional power points.
Since the Talaric Codex was first compiled to record Defensive Aura (11th level): Whenever you hit
the fighting techniques used against the horrors of with an unaugmented at-will psionic attack power
the Far Realm, fragments from that lost tome have while you have at least 1 power point, you gain a +2
been scattered far and wide. Although the war power bonus to all defenses until the start ofyour
rior society that conceived the codex is no more, next turn,
their workings live on in the champions who have Superior Action (11th level): When you spend
stumbled across these ancient writings and mastered an action point to make an attack, you gain a +4
their secrets. power bonus to the attack roll and you regain hit
During your travels, you have come across frag points equal to twice your Constitution modifier.
ments of the lost codex. The full meaning of these Ironjack’s Command (16th level): Whenever
scraps of lore escaped you at first. In time, however, you spend a healing surge and regain hit points, each
you put the pieces together to master the lessons they ally within 2 squares ofyou can shift 1 square as a
contained. Although others might draw different free action.
conclusions, you have learned that life is an essen
tial struggle between the natural world and the Far TAI.ARIC 1RONJACK DIsc1PUNEs
Realm. Whenever the madness of the Outside pushes
into ordered reality, the natural world responds with Iron-Hewed Smash Talaric Ironjack Attack 11
violence. With your unique talents, you have come to You imbue your weapon with your ownfury, striking hard to
embody the world’s wrath. send yourfoesflying.
From the teachings of the Talaric Codex, you Encounter + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon
turn your mind’s eye inward to search out flaws Standard Action Melee weapon
and vulnerabilities. When you discover a gap in Target: One creature
your defenses, you allocate your psionic resources Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Hit 2~Wl + Constitution modifier damage, and you push
to reinforce it against attack. Your extensive study
the target 5 squares.
also rewards you with increased clarity and focus Augment 2
in combat, allowing you to devastate your foes. By Close blast 3
Target: Each enemy you can see in blast

Enduring Body Talaric Ironjack Utility 12

As combat takes its toll on you, the power ofyour mind protects
your bodyfrom additional~harm.
Daily + Healing, Psionic
~ Minor Action Personal
Requirement You must be bloodied.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, while you are blood
ied you have regeneration 5 and resist 5 to all damage.
\- ~1/1%.
Overwhelming Force Talaric Ironjack Attack 20
You channel the inherent violence of the world into a blow that
freezes afoe in its tracks.
Daily 4 Force, Psionic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Hit 4[W] + Constitution modifier force damage, and the
target is immobilized (save ends).
Each Failed Saving Throw: The target takes 10 force
Miss: Half damage.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind
“I sail the seas ofpossibility, boundfor afate I choose.” I

Prerequisite: Battlemind z
Hidden pathways and secret portals riddle the world
and the planes. You possess the keen eye and open
mind that let you pick out these shortcuts and exploit
them. Your understanding of planar mechanics
might be instinctive, originating in an unusual knack
for sensing and locating such anomalies. It might be z
the result of extensive training, in which you learned
from a master unbound nomad how to circumvent
the bounds of reality. However you came by your
knowledge, you can travel unseen byways with ease.
As an unbound nomad, you are rarely in one place
for long. You use your talent to slip through the cracks
in the world around you, then reappear wherever
you want. You can dodge through new gateways to
escape a persistent enemy, or force your foes into the
unseen spaces between the planes. Your unpredict
ability leaves your enemies confused, chasing after
phantoms as you take charge of the battlefield around
One Hundred Doors Unbound Nomad Utility 12
UNBOUND NOMAD PATH FEATURES An enemy’s missed attack lets1you escape through a temporary
Banishing Action (11th level): When you spend portal, which remains openfor a time.
an action point to make an attack, you teleport one Daily + Conjuration, Psionic, Teleportation
target hit by the attack 5 squares. Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: An enemy misses you with an attack
Nomad’s Prerogative (11th level): Whenever an
Effect: You teleport 5 squares and conjure a hole in real
enemy pushes you, you can ignore the push and tele ity in the square you last occupied. Any creature in the
port 3 squares. conjuration’s space on its turn can teleport 5 squares as
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain’2 a free action, and the conjuration is pushed 1 d6 squares
additional power points. away from the creature’s destination square. The conju
Nomad’s Journey (16th level): Whenever ration lasts until the end of the encounter or until it is
you use your blurred step power, you can teleport a pushed into a solid object.
number of squares equal to your Dexterity modifier
instead of shifting. You must teleport to a square adja Unstable Nexus Unbound Nomad Attack 20
cent to the enemy that triggered that power. Your sweeping attack draws your enemies into a dimensional
void, then spits them out, leaving an unstable vortex behind.
Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Weapon, Zone
UNBOUND NOMAD DisciPuNEs Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each enemy you can see in burst
Cunning Abduction Unbound Nomad Attack 11 Attack: Constitution vs. AC
You appear next to your enemy to deliver a blow that whisks Hit 3[Wj + Constitution modifier damage, and the target
you both to your ally’s side. is removed from play. At the start of your next turn, the
Encounter + Augmentable, Psionic, Teleportation, target reappears in the space it last occupied or in the
Weapon nearest unoccupied space. Roll a d4 to determine an
Standard Action Melee weapon effect imposed on the target.
Effect: Before the attack, you teleport 5 squares. 1. The target is removed from play again until the start
Target: One creature of your next turn, reappearing in thelast space it occu
Attack: Constitution vs. AC pied, or the nearest unoccupied space.
Hit 2[W] + Constitution modifier damage. Choose one ally 2. The target takes 10 psychic damage.
within 10 squares of you that you can see. You teleport 3. The target is dazed (save ends).
yourself and the target to squares adjacent to that ally. 4. The target falls prone.
Augment 2 Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of
Hit: As above, and the target is dazed until the end of your your next turn. Any creature that starts its turn within the
a next turn. zone teleports 1 d8 squares in a random direction.
0 Sustain Minor: The zone persists.

CHAPTER 2 Battlemind

“An existence unburdened by limitation demands harmony
among body, spirit, and mind.”
YOU STAND between the material world of
the b1ody and the enlightened realm ofthe mind, and
within you, both these worlds meet. You are a monk,
trained in unique fighting methods passed down
~irough generations. You might have spent your life
refining your prowess in a secluded monastery, far from
worldly distractions. Or you might have learned your
unique fighting style on the darkest city streets, test
ing your endurance and cunning in a desperate fight
for survival. You might have tapped into your power
from ancient manuscripts, a mysterious master, or the
memory of a lost tradition hidden within your mind.
Although any well-trained warrior can drop a foe
with the power of a fist, you invest psionic power in
your attacks—the inner energy you call your ki. This
energy allows you to deliver attacks as punishing as
any spell or armed martial exploit, even as it expands
your physical capabilities with swift movement,
amazing leaps, and even flight. This chapter offers
new options to expand your power and your presence
on the battlefield and beyond.
+ Playing a Monk: A discussion of how monks fit
into the world and at the game table, with tips on
bringing your character to life.
+ New Build and Class Feature: The Iron Soul
tradition allows you to channel the power ofyour
ki through a weapon, making it an extension
of your body and mind. In your hands, even a
meager dagger can equal the power of a fighter’s
greatsword, and a simple quarterstaffbecomes a
whirring implement of destruction.
+ New Powers: You rely on psionic power to guide
your attacks and shatter the defenses ofyour
enemies. The new disciplines in this chapter
allow Iron Soul monks to advance their weapon
training, but give all monk characters new
options to keep their opponents on edge.
+ New Paragon Paths: Six new paragon paths
offer monk characters options for advancement
and a range of esoteric—and deadly—fighting

“Find whatyou need, stran8ers?” lacked, or were you already disciplined and looking
Thefigure approached the two nondescript travelers in only for purpose? Are styles of combat tools by which
the all but deserted library. A bear of a man, he sported a you achieve unity, an end in themselves, or just a few
thick black beard and a gapped-tooth grin. They had been of many steps on the path to wholeness?
warned about the local sheriff but had hoped to complete
their research before running into him. BODY, MIND, Soui.
“Indeed,” Lenaris said carefully. “bun’s temple is a yen
Discipline is central to the life of a monk. You cannot
tablefont ofknowledge.”
obtain self-mastery ifyou lack self-control. Through
“Ain’t afreefont,” the sheriff quipped. “There’s a taxfor
total understanding—mental, physical, spiritual—you
break down the false demarcation between the differ
“We were told ofno such tax,” Inelda protested.
ent aspects of your being. You understand that your
“I’m telling you now.” The sheriffpushed his cloak aside
powers originate from your will, from the muscles
to show the sword at his belt, glancing down as !f to say
and blood ofyour body, and from the spark ofyour
he’d already noted that both traveling companions were
soul. You strive to integrate all that you are into one
unarmed. Lenaris reached into his pouchfor a handful of
seamless whole.
silver. The grizzled warrior sneered as he sauntered away.
The physical prowess achieved by many monastic
Inelda glared, but Lenaris only shrugged. “Afight here
orders is legendary. Not as well known is the pro
might destroy irreplaceable texts. I’ve told you, Inelda,your
found spiritual nature of being a monk. Although not
temper undermines you. A bit ofdiscipline
all monks are religious, they are all keenly attuned to
He was interrupted by the angry voice of the sher~ff
the vital essence of their being.
a short way off berating the old priest who served as the
The mental aspects of the monastic lifestyle mani
temple’s librarian. The burly warrior had afragile tome in
fest psionically. Your power comes from within, not
his hand, raised as ~f he was ready to throw it.
from any outside source. In no small part, it is a func
Lenaris was suddenly gonefrom his seat, vanishing as
tion of supreme willpower. Monastic schools might be
quickly as the book subsequently vanishedfrom the sheriff’s
zealously religious, located in or near pious commu
fingers. The grizzledface had timefor a puzzled look before
nities. Alternatively, they could minimize ceremony,
Lenaris’s leg came up, striking with theforce ofa battering
proclaiming that their teachings are derived entirely
from ancient martial styles. Whether presented as
Inelda was smiling by the time the sound ofthe beating
rigorous exercise, unparalleled focus, or divine call
faded away. “You were proclaiming the virtue ofdiscipline..
ing, monastic art and practice are ultimately psionic
he said as Lenaris returned to the table.
“I showed substantial discipline,” Lenaris said quietly. “I
stopped hitting him the instant he struck thefloor.”
Each day is a step on a lifelong journey toward a spiri Many individuals who eventually train as monks have
tual awakening—the ultimate melding of body, mind, long felt that something is missing in their lives. You
and soul. If pursued with discipline and dedication, might have lacked discipline, regularly acting from
the odyssey brings success, contentment, and greater anger or on whim. You might have suffered a spiri
understanding. Perceptive allies gain insights about tual hollowness that traditional religious practices
themselves as you follow your path. For your enemies, failed to fill. Your life might have been directionless,
each day brings the vital, life-altering revelation that lacking meaning or purpose. You might have experi
standing against you is extremely unwise. mented with numerous professions, but discovered
As a monk, you seek mastery ofyour entire being. that excellence or fulfillment in them was unattain
Others think of body, mind, and soul as separate, but able. Any of these frustrations might prove sufficient
you understand that self, absent division, is the high motivation to drive you to the doors of a monastery.
est truth. Mortal weakness and misunderstanding Some monks show an inkling of psionic power
separate the aspects of a person. Only through iron before they ever make their way to a monastic order.
discipline can you shatter false barriers and attain You might have experienced visions, sporadic height
true unity. ened awareness, or a capacity for extraordinary
Your final goal is not at issue. How far along you physicality if sufficiently impassioned. You might
are and whether you are advancing or regressing are have displayed the rudimentary powers of one of the
less certain. How you pursue your spiritual passage less focused psionic classes, such as an ardent or a
toward enlightenment also varies. Did you seek out a battlemind. Whatever your initial response to these
monastic order to gain the control that you previously developments, you found comfort in discipline. You

discovered that your talent responded best to focus In the end, complete control is more an aspiration ~
and regimen. Whether you instinctually arrived on than a reality. You strive for mastery of self, accepting o
the monk’s path or happened on it only after attempt that you will not always succeed. You prefer to plan
ing other approaches, you discovered control as you and foresee rather than simply react. You try to avoid <
trained. Your studies gave your life meaning, sated extraneous temptations. You’re not necessarily a slave
that unfulfilled need, and defined your existence in a to tradition, but you respect it. z
way that gave you a measure of peace. Because you believe that body, mind, and soul
Your gravitation toward discipline can be moti should be one, no endeavor is outside your interest.
vated by any number of factors. You might be seeking You seek to improve yourself in a variety of ways.
the corporeal power that monastic training pro You enjoy learning new skills, experiencing new
vides—whether for vengeance against an enemy, to sensations, studying new topics and cultures, and
battle evil, or as a challenge to perceived limitations. practicing new forms of art. You will never be an
You understand that spiritual and philosophical inte expert in all things, for such goals are not in keeping
gration is necessary, but your passion lies with the with your focus. Still, each personal advancement or
combat styles and physical exertion ofyour training. improvement is a step toward enlightenment.
For some monks, faith and intellect are the ini Regardless of how far you’ve yet to go, you have
tial inspiration. You might have sought the peace of identified your path and begun your journey along it.
your soul through discipline, or been compelled to At the very least, you are content with your direction.
challenge your mind in order to overcome the rigors That self-understanding sets you apart from lost and
and temptations of the flesh. On the other hand, you drifting souls. You might offer to share the measure
might well have stumbled into monastic training of enlightenment you have achieved, aiding your
by accident. Many monasteries stand in dangerous friends in discovering their own potential. Rather
regions in which they are the only shelter for explor than proclaiming the lessons of virtue, you teach by
ers and adventurers. You might have staggered into example.
such a place wounded or seeking shelter, only to Some monks see it as their duty to protect those
become caught up in the traditions you found there. unable to stand against the hazards of the world.
Some monasteries, schools, and orders are par Others feel justified in leaving the morass of mortal
ticularly famous. Ifyou were lucky enough to have society to its own devices as they focus exclusively on
dwelled near one of these notable bastions, you might their own goals. Some decide that by virtue of their
have sought admittance our of a desire to serve and skill and discipline, wealth and power are rightfully
expand their legacy. Otherwise, you might have spent theirs for the taking. Whatever path you choose, your
substantial effort seeking out a mentor or a sensei. abilities and determination mark you as a force that
Research in historical and religious texts would the world must reckon with.
have pointed you to a particular tradition. Rumors of
individuals showing preternatural fighting abilities SPiRITuALiTY AND RELIGION
might have drawn you to a school hidden in a city’s True enlightenment encompasses aspects of being
back alleys. Whether your monastic training came such as heart, essence, and spirit that are neither
through quick acceptance, painstaking endeavor, or mental nor physical. For this reason, many monastic
something in between, it has become a core part of traditions embrace a spiritual element. They focus on
who you are. the soul as an integral part of the whole individual.
With the Dungeon Master’s assistance, you can deter
ROLEPLAVING A MONK mine whether your spirituality is derived from an
Discipline, discipline, discipline. Your training, your organized religion, separate from the trappings of a
powers, your spirituality, your life—all are centered particular deity or pantheon, or incorporates both.
on and enriched by discipline. You’ve strengthened Some monasteries consider themselves religious
your willpower to the point where once you’ve chosen sects. Ifyou are a member of one of these orders, you
a course, little can cause you to deviate from it. More include prayer sessions and sacred ceremonies as
than anything else, this dedication to discipline epito part of your training and daily rituals. You attribute
mizes the core aspect of the monk. your powers to the gods—either indirectly, claiming
Discipline does not mean lack of passion, how that psionics aptitude is a gift from above, or through
ever. Your focus does not require you to be an a belief that your abilities are divine, not psionic, in
emotionless automaton, without loves or fears or origin.
ambitions. Monks are creatures of the world, and Spirituality does not require piousness, however.
nothing in their training alters that. You lose your Even ifyou are a religious monk, your faith can be as
temper. You make mistakes. You have desires beyond loosely defined as that of any other nondivine class.
enlightenment. You might revere one or more gods on a personal
level, but that worship need not be integral to your

practices. Your faith might play little part in your together. For instance, one order featuring crane’s
discipline. In that case, you view your abilities as per wings might teach its students to spin during the leap
sonal gifts whose ultimate expression depends only granted by that power, attacking with a spinning
on you. back-kick. Another style could use the power to per
form a flying kick. If monks from these two orders
SCHOOL SPIRIT were to learnfurious bull, the student of the former
Unless something abnormal undermined your rela might move in tight circles around foes when pass
tionship, you profoundly respect and support your ing through their spaces; the latter practitioner might
school, monastery, or monastic tradition. You quickly shove them aside. Giving your full discipline powers
recognize students trained in the same styles, con an element of description in common enriches your
sidering them brothers and sisters until they prove combat style and brings it to life.
Your loyalty might show itself as a quiet strength— MONKS IN THE WORLD
a belief that your tradition is superior only because Although scholars, sages, and religious leaders under
your practice makes it so. In this case, your allegiance stand the holistic nature of a monk’s training, many
would be a matter of modest pride that comes out common folk view monks primarily as religious fig
only under select circumstances. Alternatively, you ures. They consider the monk’s ascetic lifestyle and
might feel that the preeminence ofyour school should spiritual philosophy as a product of strict religious
be manifest to all—particularly monks of competing fervor. This opinion is reinforced by the overtly reli
schools. You might be determined to spread the word gious nature of many monastic traditions.
of enlightenment as you see it. You might encourage Such folk expect you to be part of a formal eccle
rational debate, strongly arguing your position. You siastical hierarchy, and to display holy symbols or
might be arrogant or expressive, boasting about your other religious trappings. Ifyour tradition does not
tradition constantly. You might even engage in all include those features, you could be viewed with sus
three approaches—modesty, discussion, and bluster— picion. Locals might wonder ifyour lack of religious
at different times. But no matter what your approach, accoutrements hides an allegiance to an unholy or a
your school spirit is always present. disfavored deity.
Your monastic tradition and the lessons imparted Ifyour tradition emphasizes teaching enlighten
by your masters represent not only a body of knowl ment or correcting misapprehensions, you might find
edge but a spiritual pathway—a way of life and a road that your explanations concerning the trinity of body,
to enlightenment. Your dedication to this tradition is mind, and soul only confuse or annoy people. Monks
as fundamental as faith or culture is to others. Only whose spirituality does not include a religious dimen
something dramatic and profoundly disturbing can sion avoid these social difficulties by adopting a quiet
shake that devotion. presence. They act rather than talk, speaking only
when a situation calls to mind a parable or a homily
FULL DISCiPLINEs that might provide instruction. This approach leads
AND FIGHTiNG STYLES many folk to view nonreligious monks as inscrutable.
Many monk disciplines are full disciplines—powers Although they don’t entirely understand monks,
that integrate movement and attack. They define your commoners grant monks and their monasteries a
fighting style, training, and approach to combat. Each measure of respect. Monks are recognized as the
full discipline power represents a combat technique embodiment of discipline—highly learned and physi
passed down by the masters ofyour order. It car cally exceptional. Moreover, most folk have heard
ries the weight of tradition and embodies profound of (or seen firsthand) a monk’s prowess in combat,
lessons that you must internalize before reaching and so are eager not to make enemies of those who
enlightenment. These disciplines underpin the physi follow that path. Exceptions do exist, particularly
cal and mental exercises that you practice repeatedly among religious or militant organizations that view
to maintain your edge. the monastic traditions as a challenge to their own
No single full discipline encompasses an entire power. Monasteries and schools have their own rivals
monastic fighting style. The particular combination and enemies, but even the foes of a particular monas
of techniques taught by a given school constitutes the tic tradition acknowledge the capabilities of that
spine of that group’s traditions. By watching another tradition’s members.
monk in combat and noting the combination of Most commoners assume that all monks are mem
techniques displayed, you might identify his or her bers of a larger sect—a monastery, an order, a school,
tradition. or a temple. This impression might be accurate in
Consider making cosmetic changes to your full many cases, but any given monk might live, train,
disciplines to give them a unifying feel and highlight and travel alone. He or she might have abandoned an
the cohesive tradition that brings these techniques order or been trained by a lone master. People who

encounter such loners often refuse to believe they do Few of the oldest of the monastic traditions exist
not belong to a larger faction. today in anything close to their original form, but z
legends claim that deep in the Cloudroot Mountains, C
THE OLDEST TRADiTioN in a valley made inaccessible by weather and ambient
Legends and the myth-histories of ancient scholars magic ten months out of the year, a monastery stands
suggest that monastic traditions first appeared in the whose inhabitants practice the Fist of the Weeping
late years of the Dawn War. Such traditions began as Earth. Some sages believe this style to be one of the
sects within larger faiths, beholden to the oldest dei oldest of all monastic traditions—second only to the
ties. Warriors horrified by the destruction wrought Breath of the Sun and Moon (page 66), a style known -J
by primordial soldiers and aberrant creatures created solely from the contemporary orders that have bor
schools in which new techniques were developed to rowed from it.
fight such opponents. Dedicated martial arts styles,
defined by specific fighting techniques, were not a MONKS TODAY
new concept. But these practitioners buttressed their
physical prowess with the mental and spiritual focus
Since their initial expansion, the spread of monastic 3
traditions has waxed and waned. During epochs of
that would grant them an edge against their other relative peace and stability, new orders arise and old
worldly foes. orders expand. Monks are found wandering through
For generations, monastic traditions remained a all lands, spreading the example of enlightenment.
part of the faiths that spawned them. These religious Candidates interested in monastic training can travel
orders, and new ones founded on similar principles, freely to the schools of their choice.
continue to this day. Some of these holy monks, During dark times such as the contemporary era,
however, began to question whether the path to monks hole up in their strongholds, as hard-pressed
enlightenment necessarily led through the domain to survive as all other folk. Adventuring monks still
of any specific deity. They grew to believe that their make sojourns across the dangerous wilds between
duties to the priesthoods distracted them from per the isolated enclaves of civilization, but these trav
sonal studies. These monks considered a religious elers can sometimes go for months or even years
approach unbalanced toward spirit and not suffi without seeing others of their kind.
ciently respectful of body and mind. Whatever their individual traditions, monks
Some temples attempted to stop their monks from remain widespread but go largely unseen throughout
leaving, denouncing them as heretics and traitors. the world. Orders exist across all civilized lands, but
Other faiths shook their heads at the foolishness individual schools typically boast a mere handful
and hubris of these ascetics. A few denominations of members—at most a few dozen. Travel is difficult
blessed their endeavors, offering reintegration should in these troubled times, and communication even
the monks desire it at a later time. Whatever the between significant outposts of the same tradition is
response of their hierarchies, these independently infrequent.
minded monks set off on their own, forming new tra In the first years after the fall of Nerath, the
ditions based on purely spiritual—not religious—paths. influx of new acolytes to the monasteries was slow.
The custom of building monasteries in remote locales But the number of such petitioners has increased in
arose at this time, as the new orders sought to escape recent years as psionics aptitude has become more
the influence—whether hostile or well intentioned—of widespread. The total number of monks in the world
their former faiths. remains low, but it does not seem likely to stay so for
Monastic traditions spread across the world long.
with surprising speed. Although the training was The current state of their membership does
too demanding to become widely popular, candi not minimize the sway of individual monasteries.
dates who sought purpose, discipline, and personal Although most monastic orders and schools are not
empowerment could be found everywhere. Some of large communities, they often have influence over
these seekers proved receptive to the idea that power their immediate surroundings as places of learning,
could be cultivated internally, rather than obtained stability, and safety. Refugees and others gather in
from the gods or obscure mystical formulas. Just as monastic environs in the hope of improving them
important to the spread of monastic schools was their selves and escaping the increasingly dangerous lands
ease of formation. An order could be started with where civilization once held sway.
one or two masters and a handful of students. With
little more than the ability to feed, clothe, and shelter
themselves, monks could prosper while practicing
their arts. Over time, many orders adopted the vir
tues of austerity and endurance as a reflection of the
dedication needed to pursue a monastic life.

The school of the Iron Soul is a new monastic tradi
tion that stands alongside the traditions introduced
in Player’s Handbook 3. Iron soul monks are no less
deadly than their kin in unarmed combat, but they
have learned to incorporate weapon use into their
powers with devastating effect.

iRON Soui.
The use of simple weapons is the cornerstone of the
Iron Soul tradition, founded long ago by oppressed
peasants denied access to military weapons by the
tyrants who ruled them. Adherents of the Iron Soul
master common tools, transforming them into potent
implements of war. Over time, monastic warriors have
refined these primitive techniques and incorporated
them into a range of powerful psionics disciplines.
Devotees of the Iron Soul often come from
common stock, taught to defend themselves with
whatever weapons they have on hand. Iron soul
schools are found within established communities,
typically alongside temples dedicated to peaceful
gods and philosophical concepts.

NEW C1.ASS FEATURE Before your foes can react, you settle into a ready pos
When you choose your Monastic Tradition, you can ture, deflecting counterstrikes with your weapons.
choose the Iron Soul tradition instead of another You are a monk, trained in fighting techniques
option, such as the ones in Player’s Handbook 3. that transform your hands and feet into deadly weap
Flurry of Blows: You gain the iron soulfiurry of ons. You differ from your kin in the Centered Breath
blows power. and Stone Fist schools by virtue of the dedication you
put into weapon training. You choose the weapons
Iron Soul Flurry of Blows Monk Feature of the common folk, including the mace, staff, spear,
Youfollow up an initial assault with a quick strike that disori and dagger. Your unique training then allows you
ents your enemy, curtailing its combat options. to treat those weapons as extensions ofyour body,
At-Will + Psionic making them far more deadly than they would be in
Free Action (Special) Melee 1 the hands of any other warrior. Your psionic power
Trigger: You hit with an attack during your turn infuses your strikes with speed and accuracy.
Target: One creature Like other monks, you should put your highest
Level 11: One or two creatures score in Dexterity because you depend on it for your
Level 21: Each enemy adjacent to you
attacks. Its origin among the common folk means that
Effect The target takes damage equal to 2 + your
Constitution modifier, and it cannot shift until the start of the Iron Soul tradition focuses on toughness, so make
your next turn. If the target was not a target of the trig Constitution your second highest score. Aside from
gering attack, it also can’t make opportunity attacks until the specific full disciplines that rely on Constitution,
the end of your turn. additional hit points and healing surges are useful for
Special: You can use this power only once per round. keeping you in the fight. Consider making Wisdom
your third highest ability score to increase your bat
Mental Arsenal: While wielding a weapon other tlefield awareness and your Will.
than one in the unarmed weapon group, you gain a Suggested Class Feature: Iron SouI*
+1 shield bonus to AC. Suggested Feat: Still Water*
Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Endurance, Insight,
You are a cunning warrior, adapting your combat Suggested At-Will Powers: lion’s den*, steel wind*
style to meet whatever threat you face. You leap into Suggested Encounter Power: stinging nettles* I

battle, ripping through your opponents with blind Suggested Daily Power: steel avalanche*
ingly fast attacks designed to distract and confuse. *New option presented in this book. 0

Laughing Wind Monk Attack 1
NEW POWERS ~:~u~aiiack summons a laughing wind that drags yourfoes
dqoss the.battlefleld.
Some of the new powers presented in this section Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic 0
have an Iron Soul entry, which provides additional a~ttàEk Technique.
options for monks of the Iron Soul tradition. But these Standard Action Melee touch
and the other powers presented here provide useful .Thrget: Onecreature
options for any monk character. Attick~Dexterity vs. Fortitude z
Hi d8+~ Dexterity modifier damage. Until the start of, as a free action, you slide any enemy
LEVEL 1 AT-WILL DISCIPLINES ‘~iliatends.its turn in a square adjacent to you a number
~ .ofsqUares equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Lion’s Den Monk Attack 1 Movement Technique
Move Action Personal
~Youf&E~step to the side, then assume an offensive posturefrom
i~E~yo’ucan sting anyfoe that draws near.
At-Will + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you gain a +2
power bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks.
You then move your speed.
Attack Technique
Standard-Action Melee touch
~Täiget:~On’ecreature Scattering of Leaves M.nk Attack 1
Attaclâ Dexterity vs. Reflex YoI~rd~ivo~enwnies back with quick strikes, then use the mo
Hit i~6+ Dexterity modifier damage. Until the start of ~rn~u:~jfyoi~r atta~ks to scatter otherfoes.
~youtnèxtturn, as a free action, you can deal damage Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
equal to your Constitution modifier to any enemy that Atta~f~hnique.
e~nters a’~jua~th adjacent to you. Sta~IIrd Action Melee touch
~LeveL~: ?,d6 + Dexterity modifier damage. Prini~ry Tirget One creature
Movement Technique ~i~LAttack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Move Action Personal H~t i~i~O~ Dexterity modifier damage, and you push
Effect: You shift 1 square and gain a +1 power bonus to all the prirñá’ry target 1 square. You then shift 1 square
defenses until the start of your next turn. -ànii make’ä secondary attack.
Seconda~y Target: One creature other than the
Steel Wind Monk Attack 1 ~.‘ prin~ai~y~tar~et
~‘ %econdàry Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
Yotr~acrossthe battlefield, then channel a multiple assault
Hiti;1’d1~4- Dexterity modifier damage, and you slide
cigainst~e~haj~~ught themselves out ofyour reach.
~~hesdcondary target 1 square. You then push each
At-Will + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic énemy,~djacent to the secondary target 1 square
• Attack Tetiinique’ ‘. frorñ~the’secondary target.
*Stan~dard~Action Close blast 2
Movement Technique
Targe%~Each enemy you can see in blast Move Action Personal
- ~Attack~~D~terity vs. Reflex
Effect: You make an Athletics check to jump with a +5
Hit 1 ~ Dexterity modifier damage power bonus. You are considered to have a running start,
Level~L 2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage and the distance of the jump isn’t limited by your speed.
Movement Technique
Move Action Personal S

Effect You are no longer marked. You move your speed + 2. T1-~E ~NE WHO WAL*SP
Lege~ids from the oldest mona~tIc4~raditIons speak~of the
~.neWb9 W~l~cs:is~nk4supe.rhurnaivdiscipJine
-~ ~ ‘r~ ~
•.~ ~ r ~ .
and~power an~lsat the4edge~of~ehlighterjment ‘~T~ie One
E~gIe Claw Strike Monk Attack 1 Who Walks f~llo~,s teachings th~t have passed from the
Your l~a~is sdgraceJul that you seem to hang in the airfor a Breath of theSun and Moon ~nd oth~ráncieñt traditions.
short~peiio~L~V~1hen you land,you deliver a shattering strike. These practices, the legend say~,~grant the One Who
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Walks near-immortality. This monk wanders the world,
Attack~Technique looking for a single student to whom he or she can pass
Standard Adtion Melee touch this wisdom. The student then assumes the mantle of the
.-Tárg~i~n~creature or unattended object One Who Walks, who can finally achieve true enlighten
Attàckt Dexterity vs. Fortitude
,Hitu2Ad8~t Dexterity modifier damage, and the target ment and leave the mortal realm behind.
~takesajerialty to AC equal to your Strength modifier More than one unscrupulous monk has claimed to be
uritil~theendbf your next turn. Against an unattended the One Who Walks, gaining money or influence over
objei~t, this attack deals 2d8 extra damage. adherents eager for their teachings. Even if the legend
Movement Technique has any basis in truth, the identity of the One Who
Move Action Personal Walks remains a subject of much speculation and few
Effect: You fly your speed. If you don’t land at the end of hard facts.
this movement, you fall.

Stinging Nettles Monk Attack 1 LEVEl.. I D~ii.v DIsciPLINEs
Your attack sets you into an optimal defensive position, allow
ing you to punish anyfoe with the temerity to strike at you. Cacophonous Shout Monk Attack 1
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic You summon a wall of soundthatslarns into yourfoes like a
Attack Technique battering ram. .~

Standard Action Melee touch

Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Thunder
Target: One creature
Standard Action Close blast 3
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
Target: Each creature in blast
Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage. Until the start of
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
your next turn, as a free action, you deal damage equal
Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier thunder damage, and you
to your Constitution modifier to any enemy adjacent to
push the target to the nearest unoccupied square outside
you that hits you with aimelee attack.
the blast. The target is deafened until the end of the
Iron Soul: If you make theattack using a light blade or
a spear, the target aIso’c~nnot make opportunity
Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 1 square.
attacks until the end ~you~ next turn.
Movement Technique
Move Action Personal bshing Rain Monk Attack 1
Effect: You swap places with one creature adjacent to you. Your savage strike draws an enemy close, leaving you in an ag
gressive stance that lets you punish a~iy.foe that approaches you.
Swift River Floods Monk Attack 1 Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Stance
Your crashing attack throws~yourfoe off balance to hinder its Standard Action Melee touch
movement, letting you slip ait~ayji,kefastflowing water. Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you slide the
Attack Technique ‘
target 2 squares to a square adjacent to you.
Standard Action Melee touch
Effect: You assume the lashing rain stance. Whenever
Target: øne creature
an enemy you can see enters a square adjacent to you
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex -
while you are able to make opportunity attacks, you deal
Hit: 2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is
5 damage to that enemy and slide it 2 squares to any
slowed until the end of your next turn.
unoccupied square adjacent to you. You are slowed while
Iron Soul: If you make the~ttack using a mace or
you are in this stance. You can end the stance as a free
a staff, the target takes~xtra damage equal to your
Constitution mod!fier.
Movement Technique
Move Action Personal Steel Avalanche Monk Attack 1
Effect: You shift 2 squares. You unleash a wave ofpsionic p,ower~that cuts through yourfoes
like steel.
Daily 4 Implement, Psionic
DAILY RITUAL Standard Action Close blast 3
Monks strive not to perform any act accidentally or care Target: Each enemy in blast
lessly. Their efforts are methodical and precise, requiring Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
complete attention. Such concentration is most obvious Hit 3d8 + Dexterity m~difier’damage, and the target
during training or studying, but it is not limited to those takes a —2 penalty~to attack roll~ (save ends).
activities. A monk gardening, cooking a meal, painting a Miss: Half damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to
attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
picture, building a wagon, or tabulating a monaster~y’s
Effect: You shift 4 squares to ~ny square adjacent to the
yearly income isjust~focused. The maxim that anything blast.
worth doing is worth doing properly is part of a mónk’~
creed. For a monk, ever~ything iii life, from the’ mundane Stunning Palm Monk Attack 1
to the magnificent, takes on ana≤pectof’iltua!.
Your psionic energy keeps youfocused in combat, and can be
In some instances, the fócus on mundane aàs fadli released in a stunning blow tha,~kiioc1~s afoe senseless.
tates medi~tation and the cl~aring of the mind (page
Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Stance
70). For the most 15árt’,’ howe~’er, monks view complete Minor Action Personal
engagement as a wayof life. Concentration is a means Effect Until the stance ends, you cannot be dazed or
of achieving perfect discipline. True control over the self stunned, and you can make t~he.foilowing attack.
cannot be obtained through a divided focus. Working Standard Action Melee touch
toward perfect understanding of any task, even every Target: One creature
day routines, brings one closer to enlightenment. With Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
Hit: Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is stunned
this approach, any activity required by day-to-day living
(save ends).
becomes a spiritual accomplishment. Miss: 2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect: The stance ends.

LEVEL 2 UTiLITY DIsciPLINEs Springing Drake Assault Monk Attack 3
You~gB leap over afoe with nofear of reprisal, then deliver an uJ
Fall of Wind Monk Utility 2 attack whose momentum drives an~enemy Wherever you want
it to go. 0
You have meditated on the nature of the air around you and can
control it to cushion yourjall. Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
Attack Technique - ‘ , -
At-Will + Psionic
Standard Action Melee.touch
Free Action Personal z
Target: One creature
Trigger: You fall
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Effect: You reduce the damageyou.take from falling by 5 +
Hit 2d1 0 + Dexterity rnodifier4damage, and you slide
one-half your level. .. J
the target 2 squares. ‘ -

Iron Soul: If you make the attack.using a light blade or a

Fighting Fury Monk Utility 2 spear, you slide the target-a number of squares equal to
Your discipline and control letyou channel your anger into each your €onstitution modifier.
Daily 4 Psionic, Stance
Movement Technique
Move Action Personal
Minor Action Personal Target: One creature adjacent to you
Effect Until the stance ends,you~ unarmed melee attacks Effect: You jump to any square adjacent to the target. This
deal extra damage equal to ‘yoünSfrength modifier. movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Swift Flight M.nk Utility 2 Undeniable Incitement Monk Attack 3

Channeling psionic energy through-pjzlms pointed at the ground, Your psionic summons pulls an enemy tbyou, then the immov
your simple leap becomes a smooth glide across the battlefield. ableforce ofyour presence sends it hard to the ground.
Encounter 4 Psionic Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
Move Action Personal Attack Technique
Effect: You fly a number ofsquares equal to your speed + Standard Action - Melee 2
your Wisdom modifier. If you ~çn~t land at the end of this Target One creature
movement, you fall. .“ ‘
Attack: Dexterity vs. Will ;.
Hit You pull the target 1 square~ lfthe target ends that
movement adjacent to you, it takes 2d6 + Dexterity
LEVEL 3 ENCOUNTER DIsciPLINEs modifier damage and falls prone~You gain a +2 power
bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
Inner Eye Opened Monk Attack 3 Iron Soul: If you makethe attàck’~sing a mace or a
staff, the power bonus t~AC equals your Constitution
By blocking out the impermanence of the vi~’ual world, you
modifier. ,‘
shunt the psychic energy of~your inner eye ihto a lethal attack.
Movement Technique
Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic, Psychic Move Action Personal
Attack Technique - “
Effect: You move your speed. You do not provoke
Standard Action Melee touch opportunity attacks when moving away from enemies
Effect You are blinded an’d g~’in.~lir~dsight 5 until the adjacent to you at the start of this movement.
start of your next turn..
Target One creature, .
Attacle Dexterity vs. Will•’ LEVEL 5 DAILY DISCIPLINES
Hit 1 d8 + Dexterity modifi~r da~n~dge plus 1 d8 psychic
damage. .. -~ Disrupting Fist Monk Attack 5
Movement Technique You channel psionic energy to empower your attacks, and you
Move Action Personal can discharge this energy through abI~w that disorients your
Effect: You swap places with one creature adjacent to you. foe. ~:‘ -

Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Stance

Resounding Strike Monk Attack 3 Minor Action Personal
Your strike sets up subtle vibration~ in afoe, so that a subse Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain.a +2 power bonus
quent blow triggers a disruptive burst of thunder. to melee damage rolls, and you,~an make the following
Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic, Thunder attack.
Attack Technique -
Standard Action Melee touch
Standard Action Mel~e tt?uch’ Target: One creature
Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit 3d6 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is
Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity rnodifier.damage. The next time dazed (save ends).
the target takes damage befo~re ih~’start of your next Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of
turn, it takes extra thunder’damage equal to 3 + your your next turn.
Strength modifier. Effect: The stance ends.
Movement Technique
Move Action Personal
Effect: You move your speed + 2.

Freeze the Life Blood Monk Attack 5 LEVEL 6 UTiLiTY DlsciPuNEs
Ice rimes your hands andfeet,:so that your next attack binds the
foe in afreezing embrace. Abundant Step Monk Utility~
Daily + Cold, Implement, Psionic Tapping into the momentiii~t of an ~ñemy’s errant strike, you
Standard Action Melee touch slip through space to appear .vhereyourfoe least expects.
Target One creature
Encounter + Psionic, Teleportation
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Immediate Reaction Personal
Hit 2d8 + Dexterity modifier ~oIddamage, and the target
Trigger: An adjacent enemy misses you with an attack
is immobilized (save e~hd~).:~, . - -
Target: The triggering enemy
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Effect: You teleport’to an~ square adjacent to the target.
Effect: While the target is im~n6bilized or slowed by this
The target~càrnbat advantage to you for your next
power, any enemy that ends~it~ tutu adjacent to the tar
attack roll made .-. the ~ndof-your next turn.
get takes cold damage equ~I.to4yoür Dexterity modifier.

Airborne Form Monk Utility 6

Resonating Fist Monk Attack 5
You meditate on the wind, assumisg a measure ofitsfree
Your strike reverberates throt~h~ihe’ enemy, so that each time it
faces anew attack, it recalls th~e pain you wrought.
Daily + Psionic, Stance
Daily + Implement, Psionic
Minor Action Personal
Standard Action Melee touch
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain a 2 power bonus to
Target: One creature
speed, you are insubstantial while moving, and you can
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
move through enemies’ spaèes.
Hi~ 2d6 + Dexterity m~iifi~rdamage,and the target
gains vulnerability to allidamage equal to your Strength
modifier (save eñds).~Whenè hit the target with Iron Heart Endurance Monk Utility 6
an attack, it takes a 2 penalty to its next saving throw The pain o~your injuries lets you clear your mind of all distrac
against this power’seffect. tions,forttfyingeyourfighting spirit.
Miss: 2d6 + Dexterity modIfier damage. Encounter + Psionic
Minor Action Personal
Thunderbolt Surge Monk AttackS Requirement: You must be bloodied.
You hurl a ball ofroiling thunder. into the thick of combat, blast Effect: You gain tèm~rary hit points equal to twice your
ing onefoe and knocking nearby creatures to the ground. Constitution modifier.
Daily + Implement, Psionic, Thunder
Standard Action Ranged 5 Quicksilver Motion Monk Utility 6
Target: One creature You surge through combat inthe blink of an eye.
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Encounter + Psionic
Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier thunder damage, and each Free Action (Special) Personal
creature adjacent th the tar~get falls ~rone. Effect You move your speed.
Miss: Half damage. Special: You can use this power only as the first or the last
action of your turn.


Monastic teachings can inc-lude restrictions that seem 4 You must never strike a blow against a certain sort
nonsensical to outsiders. These requirements might be of creature. Some traditions create an exception to
designed to help adherents mentally prepare for enlight this rule for self-defense. .

enment, to aid in the maintenance of discipline, or to show 4 Yot~ must teach the basics tenets of your tradition to
reverence ~j~3particular faith, creed, or deity. . . anyone who expresses honest interest.
To determine what, if any teachings and taboos your 4 You must observe all the religious c&emoñie_s of•a
tradition includes you can select from th~ following ~p~rticular god as if you were ~ piiçst.
examples or use them as models inidesigning your own 4 Yowmust never strike,thefirst blow in.battle. ‘~.

4 You must n~tpart~ke-ofcçrtain foods,o1 you must 4 You must practice, or avoid practicing ‘certa~ir~
ingest certain foods at certain times. fornis of fine art( playing mu~ic,jainting, or
+ You must not retain more wealth than you’can carry. • calligraphy).
+ You must practice certain chants, katas (martial exer 4 You must not speak at certain times of~he day, unless
cises), or ceremonies at certain times of the day or keeping silent would result in harm t~ others.
on certain days of the year. 4 You must render aid upon request to’any member of
4 You must never (or always) wear garments of a cer your tradition, even at the expense of your immedi
tain color, style, or fabric. ate goals.

LEVEl. 7 ENCOUNTER DIsCiPLINEs Mountainfall Stomp Monk Attack 7
The éai~th bu~klés’~around you as you drive into your enemy, a I.1.I
Arc of the Flashing Storm Monk Attack 7 ,yicious kicks~eji~ling it t~ the ground and keeping it there.
You cà l~l~cross•the battlefield, lightning wrapping around Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic 0
you as oislam~yoi~irfoe back and disrupt its counterattacks. .~Attack ~Techpique
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Lightning,
• StandaidrAction Melee touch
Psionic, Teleportation ~ T~rget~O~e~creature
~. ~ Fortitude
Hiti2d6 + Dexterity modifier damage and you knock
StandãVd;Action Melee touch
the targ~t7j~rone If the target stands up before the end
Target..~O~,ne creature
of your next turn that action provokes an opportunity
• Attack Dexterity vs. Reflex
attäck~fr’oth you
Hit 2d1~0~+ Dexterity modifier lightning damage you
pUslvthe target.2.squares, and the target takes a 2
Movement Technique
Move Action Personal
•pe~aIty tc$~ck rolls until the end of your next turn.
Effect: You shift 1 square. Squares adjacent to you then
Iran ~I:~If you mal~è the attack using a mace or a staff,
become difficult terrain until the start of your next turn.
the~arg~t s penalty to attack rolls against you instead
equals your Constitution modifier
Movement Technique Unity of Steel Monk Attack 7
Move Action Personal • Allie~wh~pjess~M against afoe grant you some of their
- So,.
Effect: You teleport your speed. -~sç~gth,~incieasing the effectiveness ofyour own attack.
Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
Feeding the Doves M.nk Attack 7 Attack Technique
.Y..oi ,.anract’ mW L-fwihat unhindered before using a series of ~ .St~’därcI~Action Melee touch
qwtk’crr’ikt~ tL~ puni%h (luLl SL(iueryourfoes like aflock of birds ~ T~get~One:creature
• “t°—,.~.. ~ :.~
Att~ck: Dexterity.vs. Reflex
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
Attack Technique l~n~oul ~lf you make the attack using a light blade or
• ,Standai~dAction Close burst 1 e a~p,~~yougaina +2 power bonus to the attack roll.
Hit 2d8~ I exterity modifier damage plus 2 damage for
Prirnary.Target~ Each enemy you can see in burst
~~j~Jlly adj~’cent to the target
• -: Prim~y Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Movement Technique
Hit4d8’+’ Dexterity modifier damage.
Move Action Personal
Eff&t’~M~keàsecondary attack that is a close burst 2.
Effect: You swap places with one ally adjacent to you.
~Secondary:’Target: Each enemy you can see in burst
otF~~than the primary target
SecondarVAttack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
r Hi~D~.~rity modifier damage, and you push the
~c~i~id~ry target 2 squares. Finishing Move Monk Attack 9
Movement Technique
Move Action Personal ~~l~g~iack can drop a badly injuredfoe with the dev
Effect: You move your speed + 2. During this movement, asj4ngTfin~hrn~move Ifthefoefalls other enemies lose their
- resolve
you ignore difficult terrain. ~--

Daily 4 Implement, Psionic

• . - . :~.-
Standard Action Melee touch
TH~.’N~E.~-J~ 1(1. JJ Target: One creature
Although mosiks are,not the only masterfdf.the psionic
• . ~ . ~•~•
Attack: Dexterity ys. Fortitude
energy khdwn aski, tW&~onimdii~iñdentahdiii’g.öf.this ~ modifier damage, and the target is
--h _c~,
sldW~andft’~ak~s’a —2penalty to attack rolls (save ends
energy1originates in’the olden monastic traditions The
term “ki’.is b~li~Vedib~ome frdm.early d~as;wh&were [‘bdt~). lf~e.t~~ethas 1.0 hit points or fewer after this
p ~ .~, ~ ..—.,• ‘7 ..•. ~ 4 attack~is resolved you reduce it to 0 hit points
attempting to develop~ ~ommon word for a concept Miss: Half damage.
tbat at the time existed only in the Supernal language ~ the target to 0 hit points, each
The term draws together two related notions. enemy w~nS squares of you takes a -2 penalty to
4 The separation of self into body, mind, and soul is ~ attack roll~against you (save ends)
• artificial,- and disrupts the proper flow of spiritual
+ Assimilating the unity of body, mind, and soul taps
into a profound source of internal power.
All monastic traditions teach that body, mind, and soul
are one. Monks must attempt to set aside their concept
of the separate aspects of the self and envision a point at
which body, mind, and soul are anchored to one another. By
considering and nurturing that metaphysical node, monks
hope to increase their understanding of the nature of ki.

Flying Tiger Assault Monk Attack 9 LEVEL 10 UTILiTY DIsciPLINEs
Yourflying kick batters1your ehemy, ‘d~iving it back as the recoil
ofyour strike lets you dance away. Adamant Soul Monk Utility 10
Daily + Implement, Psionic You coordinate body, mind, and soul to protectyoufrom the
Standard Action Melee touch energy ofyourfoes’ attacks.
Effect: Before the attack, you fly your speed. You must land Encounter + Psionic
at the end of this movement. Immediate Interrupt Personal
Target One creature Trigger: An attack that deals at least one specific damage
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex type hits you
Hit: 3d1 0 + Dexterity modifier~damage, and you push the Effect Until the end of your next turn, you gain resistance
target 5 squares. equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier to all damage types
Miss: 1-laif damage, and you push the target 2 squares. dealt by the trigg~jng attack.
Effect You shift 1 square..’
Adamantine Bones Monk Utility 10
Immolating Fist Monk Attack 9
Your ki energy strengthens ~youfrom.the inside out, reducing the
Fire blazes within your clenchedfists to bu~n those you strike, effectiveness ofyour enemies’ attacks.
culminating in an explosive attack~tha~t w~rapsyourfoes in a
shroud offlames. Encounter + Psionic
Minor Action Personal
Daily + Fire, Implement, Psionic, Stance Effect: You gain resist 5 to alldan~age until the end of your
Minor Action Personal next turn.
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain resist 5 fire. In
addition, whenever you hit an enemy with a melee
attack, it takes 5 extra fire damage. You can also make the Confirmation of Spirit Monk Utility 10
following attack. The aftennath of a successful attack confirms your discipline
Standard Action Melee touch andfocus, granting you the strength tofight on.
Target One creature Encounter + Healing, Psionic
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Free Action Personal
Hit: 1 d8 + Dexterity mo’difier da~nage plus 1 dl 2 fire Trigger: You hit an enemy with a melee attack
damage, and each enemy adjacent to the target takes 5 Effect: You regain hit points equal to 5 + your Wisdom
fire damage. :‘
Miss: Half damage. ,,

Effect: The stance ends. ‘. ~‘..

Iron Heart Resilience Monk Utility 10

Uncommon Clarity Monk Attack 9 You visualize the essence of determinat on, anchoring yourself
against the worst ofwhat~your enemies impose upon you.
You attune yourself to yourfoe’~thcughts, granting you in
creased accuracy with your attack.
Daily + Psionic, Stance
Minor Action Personal
Daily + Implement, Psionic Effect: Until the stance ends, you make saving throws at
Standard Action Melee touch the start of your turn in ad~Iition’to the end of your turn.
Target: One creature You take a -3 penalty to~h~sa~t)g1throws granted by
Attack: Dexterity + 2 vs. Reflex. You can score a critical hit this power.
with this attack on a roll of 19-20.
Hit 2d12 + Dexterity mddifierdaina~e’.
Miss: Repeat the attack using Dexterity - 2 instead of
Dexterity + 2. You are then dazed until the start of your
next turn. Do not repeat the attack again if it misses.


Little recorded history remains from the days following they used Supernal terms to do so. Finally, they established
the Dawn War. Still, some sages claim that the Breath of the completely immersive, monastic way of life and first
the Sun and Moon is the earliest known formal monastic practiced it in isolated communities. Disciplines developed
tradition. The specifics of this tradition’s teachings are lost by the monks of the Breath of the Sun and Moon are still
to history, but it retains a place of great honor and venera taught today in one form or another.
tion among monks. ~: Numerous contemporary monastic traditions claim
The influence oftheBreath bf the Sun and Moon can be direct descent from this ancient order, though no clear
found in all contem~orary orders, Followers of this tradi evidence for such claims exists. Many monasteries use the
tion are said to be the first practitioners to gather disparate rank titles that the Breath adopted in ancient times. Titles
techniques into a set of consistent thematic disciplines. such as “Master of the North Wind,” “Master of Autumn,”
They first enunciated the ideal of unity between body, and ‘Grand Master of Flowers” reveal the influence of the
mind, and soul. They began the discussion of ki, although Breath of the Sun and Moon.

LEVEL 13 ENCOUNTER DIsclPuNEs Thundering Waterfall Monk Attack 13
Y~u~ind~takda deiàstating rush through the thick of combat
As the Arrow Flies Monk Attack 13 1 that.mak’es~5~àuhArder to hit.
Yo~iifljrJik~Ӈn arrow over other combatants, ready to de Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic C
liver an ~ttack that pins an enemy where it stands ~ttackTd~h~Tjüë.,
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic &4 Standard A~i~iY.’ Melee touch
Attack1~hnique “Prthar~cTa,~et: One creature
~ Pri~aryA~tack Dexterity vs. Reflex z
StandardrAction. Melee touch
~‘ Hit’2~0~Dexterity modifier damage, and you push
~ Ta~get~Onekcreature
theprihi~i~~arget 3 squares.
iAttack:,Dextenty vs..Reflex ~ Effeèt Y~ushift 3 squares and make a secondary attack
Hit. 3d6~t~Re~xterity modifier damage and the target is
‘~~immobiliied until the end of your next turn. ~‘ th~tJ~ cIos~ b~urst 1.
Ir6n S~1~T~’lf~you make the attack using a light blade or SecondacyTarget Each enemy in burst
-~ Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
a s~ear,~wh’éñever the target takes damage before the
e.enddfyoürnext turn, you can slide the target 1 • . Hit~ The~econ~lary target is dazed until the start of
• -7
~squa~ toa square adjacent to you as a free action ••~ yourn~xttum...
Movement Technique li~ñ.S~1~l~if you-make the attack using a mace or a
r ~ ~taff, econdary target also takes damage equal
Move Action Personal
Effect: You fly your speed. If you don’t land at the end of ~ modifier.
Movement Technique
this movement, you fall.
Move Action Personal
Effect: You move your speed. Each time any enemy
Resounding Fist Monk Attack 13 misses you with an opportunity attack provoked by this
Resou~nding~enet~gyframyour powerful strike disrupts yourfoe movement, you gain a cumulative +1 power bonus to all
and~rants your allies an opening defenses until the start of your next turn.
Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Force, Implement, Psionic
Attack T~cIiñhjui. LEVEL 15 DAILY DlscIPuNEs
Standard~Action Melee touch
Taig~t:.O~e cr~ature or unattended object
Booming Shout Monk Attack 15
Attack:iDexterity vs. Fortitude
• Hi~2~~De~xterity modifier force damage, and any Ape~dtby4,si6nic power, your voice booms across the battle
~ally4s~tt~k.i~ade against the target deals extraS ~fi~ldWtteijn~ähd disorienting creatures before you.
~cfai~ge~e~,qualto 2.+ your Strength modifier until the Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Thunder
endiöf youit next turn Against an unattended object Standard Action Close blast 5
~ 0 extra force damage. Target: Each creature in blast
Movem~nt Technique Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
Move Action Personal Hi~~?b~xterity modifier damage, and the target
Effect: You shift 2 squares and gain resist 3 to all damage takes ouigoingilOthunder damage and is deafened
until the start of your next turn. (save ends b~h) In addition you push the target to the
.ifêareit~und’ccuj~ied square outside the blast.
Storm’s Wake Monk Attack 13 ~ T~he target is dazed until the end of your next
You d~h~j~p~vof combat to better anticipate attacks as you ~
Miss: Half damage, you push the target 1 square, and the
~ your own strike with a ki shout thatjolts
target takes ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
Falcon’s Rent Monk Attack 15
-. ~z’c777:,•7i~.,•_,. .
Stan&rd~Actiôn Melee touch You Iash~t.~with.~i psionic strike atfoes around you, leaving
Target One cre~ture .ihose~jieinzes reelzng and unable to properly defend themselves.
&ttackt~Dextérit~Yvs Reflex Daily 4 Implement, Psionic
Hit. 2d1 Oj± Dexterity modifier damage and you push Standard Action Close burst 1
~ th~tã~get a~nd each enemy adjacent to you a number of Target: Each enemy in burst
¶~ sq~~es~qual to your Wisdom modifier. Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Movement Technique Hit. ~2d8~b~xterity modifier damage and the target
Move Action Personal ~ takes ongoing~l~O damage and a —2 penalty to all de
Effect: You move your speed + 2. During this movement, fenses(save~nds both).
you gain a bonus to all defenses equal to your Wisdom Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
modifier. Effec~Bef&re~r~after the attack, you fly your speed. If you
don t land at~,the end of this movement you fall

Mithral Tornado Monk Attack 15 LEVEL 16 UTIUTY DisciPLiNEs
Twinned attacks send you hurtling across the battlefield,your
enemies reeling from a whirlwind of blows. Altered Awareness Monk Utility 16
Daily + Implement, Psionic Your successful attack lets you touch afoe’s mind, thenfade
Standard Action Close burst 1 from its sight.
Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the Encounter + Illusion, Psionic
end of your next turn.
Free Action Personal
Primary Target: Each enemy you can see in burst Trigger: You hit an enemy with a melee attack
Primary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Target: The enemy you hit
Hit: 1 dl 0+ Dexterity modifier damage, and the primary Effect You are invisible to the target until the end of your
target is dazed (save ends). next turn.
Miss: Half damage, and the primary target is dazed until the
end of your next turn.
Effect: You move your speed. Any enemy that misses you Pearl of Black Doubt Monk Utility 16
with an opportunity attack provoked by this movement As the enemy’s attack goes wide, you plant doubt’s bitter seed in
takes 5 damage. When you end this movement, you its mind to hamper itsfight against you.
make a secondary attack that is a close burst 1. Daily + Psionic, Stance
Secondary Target: Each enemy you can see in burst other Immediate Reaction Personal
than the primary target Trigger: An adjacent enemy misses you with an attack
Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Effect Until the stance ends, you gain a +2 power bonus
Hit 1 dl 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the secondary to all defenses against the triggering enemy’s attacks.
target is dazed (save ends). In addition, whenever the triggering enemymisses you
Miss: Half damage. with an attack, you gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls
for any attack that includes the triggering enemy made
Quickening Assault Monk Attack 15 before the end of your next turn.
With careful aim and precise movement, you use one devastat
ing attack to setup another. Sundered Chains Monk Utility 16
Daily + Implement, Psionic With the power ofyour mind,youfree your bodyfrom constraint.
Standard Action Melee touch Encounter + Psionic
Target One creature No Action Personal
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Trigger. You start your turn immobilized, restrained, or slowed
Hit: 3d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage. Effect The triggering condition ends.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect The next monk at-will attack power you use before
the end of your next turn deals 1 dl 0 extra damage and
Unfailing Resolve Monk Utility 16
deals half damage to one creature it misses. Yourfocus and discipline lets you stay onyourfeet even though
you are at deatWs door.
Still Waters Strike Monk Attack 15 Daily + Psionic, Stance
No Action Personal
The physical and mental pain ofyour strike knocks afoe back,
Trigger: You drop to 0 hit points or fewer
then places you into a waiting posture that invites enemies to
Effect: Until the stance ends, while you are dying but not
attack you at their peril.
dead, dying causes you to be slowed and weakened in
Daily + Implement, Psionic, Psychic stead of unconscious.
Standard Action Melee touch
Target One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude LEVEL 17 ENCOUNTER DlsciPuNEs
Hit 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage plus 2d1 0 psychic
damage, and you push the target 2 squares. A Feather’s Weight Monk Attack 17
Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 2 squares.
A powerful strike leaves your enemy off balance, so that any
Effect: You grant combat advantage to the target until attack will send it to the ground.
the start of your next turn. While you grant combat
advantage to the target from this power, you can make Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
the following attack. Attack Technique
Immediate Interrupt Melee touch Standard Action Melee touch
Trigger: An adjacent enemy hits you with a melee attack Target One creature
Target: The triggering enemy Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
Attack: Dexterity + 2 vs. Reflex Hit 2d1 2 + Dexterity modifier damage, you slide the tar
Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you knock the get 2 squares, and the target is dazed until the end of
target prone. your next turn. The next time the target takes damage
before the start of your next turn, the target takes extra
damage equal to your Strength modifier and falls prone.
Movement Technique
Move Action Personal
Effect: You move your speed + 2. You can use the attack
technique at any point during this movement.

Feigned Opening M.nk Attack 17
You give your enemy afalse opening to lure it close, then lash
•i, ~%\

out with brutalforce that leaves it reeling.
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic C
Attack Technique :~ -

Standard Action Melee 3

Target One creature •., - uJ
Attack: Dexterity vs. Will z
Hit: You pull the target 2 squares. If you pull the target to
a square adjacent to you, it takes 3d6 + Dexterity modi
fier damage and grants combat advantage until the end
of your next turn. -

Iron Soul: If you make theattack~using a mace or a

staff, the target takes extra damage equal to your
Constitution modifier. ~
Movement Technique \,f 1’
Move Action Personal )(~ \~
Effect: You move your speed + 2. You do not provoke
opportunity attacks when moving away from enemies
adjacent to you at the start of this movement.

Glare of the Inner Eye M.nk Attack 17

Your senses expand beyond sight as the p~wer ofyour inner eye
lets you project a mental assaultiagainst’a distantfoe.
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic, Psychic
Attack Technique - -
Standard Action Melee 5
Effect: You are blinded and gain~blindsight 10 until the Leaping Dragon Strike Monk Attack 17
start of your next turn. You leap into the air tojump over your enemy. When you land,
Target One creature youfollow up with a vicious strike that drives thefoe back.
Attack: Dexterity vs. Will Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
Hit 3d8 + Dexterity modifier psychic damage. Attack Technique
Movement Technique Standard Action Melee tuch
Move Action Melee 1 Target (i)ne creature
Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex ,.
Effect: You shift 1 square and swap places with the target Iron Soul: If you make the áttacklusiñg a light blade or
or swap places with the target and shift 1 square. a spear, you gain a +2 power bonus, to the attack roll.
Hit 3d8 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you can use
your movement technique as a free~dion. You then
FINDING THE PATH push the target 2 squares.
Monastic acolytes might face significant challenges seek Movement Technique
ing out a desirable order or school before they arrive at Move Action Melee 1
Target: One creature
the monastery’s gate. Although some schools and their
Effect: You jump to any square adjacent to the target. This
locations are famous, at least locally, other traditions are movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
secretive or geographically isolated. Some regions hold
no monastic orders at all. In these cases, a candidate
must search far and wide, both by traveling and in terms
LEVEI. 19 DAfl.Y DlsclPuNEs
of introspection. In the end, such effort might be wasted
Crushing Reprisal Monk Attack 19
if the potential master finds the petitioner unsuitable.
Despite th’ese barriers, locating a mona~teI~y or a Your enemy’sfailed attack lets you slip in quickly to deliver a
crushing counterstrike. ,,
scho~l is sometimes easier than ~might be êxpec-ted~
Candidates who have sufflcWñtdisci~ljne can feel drawn Daily + Implement, Psionic
Immediate Reaction Melee touch
to a particular làcale or building, siumbling upon the
Trigger: An enemy misses you with a melee attack
monastery with an accuracy that cannot be dismissed as Effect: Before the attack, you shift 2 squares.
coincidence. Many scholars theorize that characters des Target The triggering enemy
tined to become monks unconsciously tap into a psionic Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex -

or a spiritual connection that subtly guides them toward Hit 2d6 + Dexterity mod ifier d~mage, and the target is
a suitable tradition and a willing master. stunned (save ends). .. -.

Miss: Half damage.



Hare’s Panicked Retreat Monk Attack 19 Twin Fountain Strike Monk Attack 19
The power ofyourforceful strikefihlsj~ourfoe with dread, caus As you tumble past~your enemies, your\ aitack drawsforth a
ing it to knock down other enemies asydu’~control itsfeeble at blood red mist that shrouds them andflhlsotherfoes withfear.
tempts to escapefromyou. Daily + Fear, Implement, Psionic
Daily + Fear, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Melee touch
Standard Action Melee touch Effect: You shift your speed -i- 2~a,?dmake the follow
Target: One creature ing attack against one ontwocréatü~res during this
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude movement.
Hit: 3dTh ÷ Dexterity modifier daniage and the target is Target: One creature
slowed (save ends). Until this effect ends, ‘whenever the Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
target starts its turn, you can push iP2.squares as a free Hit 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and ongoing 10
action. Each enemy adjacent to the~tar~et at the end of damage (save ends). Until this ongoing damage ends, the
the push falls prone. target’s space and each square adjacent to it are lightly
Miss: Half damage, and you push the target its speed. obscured. Any enemy not immune to fear takes a 2
penalty to attack rolls while it can see squares lightly
obscured by this power.
Loud Fist Strike Monk Attack 19
Yourfast attack sends afoe careening into other enemies, which
are blasted back by an explosive clap ~fththider. LEVEL 22 UTILiTY DlscIPuNEs
Daily + Implement, Psionic, Thunder
Standard Action Melee touch Empty Body Monk Utility 22
Effect: Before the attack, you shift your speed. You exchange the limits of the bodyfor the e~nbrace of pure
Primary Target: One creature spirit. In thisform, nothing can contain you.
Primary Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Daily + Psionic, Stance
Hit: 3d1 0 + Dexterity mod ifier damage, and you push the Minor Action Personal
target 5 squares and knock it prón~. Requirement You must be bloodied.
Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 5 squares. Effect Until the stance ends, you arè insubstantial and
Effect Make a secondary attack that is an area burst 2 phasing. . -
centered on the primary target.
Secondary Target: Each enemy in burst other than the
primary target Meditative Vanishing Monk Utility 22
Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude You extend your will to overpower the senses ofyour enemies,
Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier thunder damage, and you excising your presencefrom their minds. -

push the secondary target 3 squares from the primary Daily + Illusion, Psionic
target. Minor Action Close burst 5
Miss: Half damage. Target: Each enemy in burst
Effect: You are invisibl~tothe tarjet until you make an
attack against it. ‘~ . -

Monks and psions meditate in a variety of ways to main There is no pain; there is only warning.
tain discipline and to reinvigorate their bodies and minds. There is nofear; there is only caution.
For roleplaying purposes, you might decide exactly what There is no retreat; there is only delay.
those practices entail and describe your character. There is no defeat; there is only death.
performing them during periods of rest or downtime. There is ii~ me; there is only what I do.
You can adopt one of these s~iggestions or dé4se Focus on the Mundane: Monks and psions often
yourown devote the entirety of their attention to mundane stimuli,
~rt-Some psionics users engagein iousforips~fp~ allowing theirthou~hts to drift. Examples include con
formance or fine art—such asipainting, sewing, calligraphy centrating on the flickering of a candle flame, the feel of
or ‘music—as a meansof focusing the mind ~nd calming a knotte4 leather~ strap, or therhythni of ne’s breathing
the emotions. or heartbeat.
Chants and Litanies: Specific phrases, repeated over Katas: By repeatedly performing katas (carefully
and over, form the basis for many forms of meditation. For arranged sequences of martial movements), a psionics user
example, the following is the litany of the Winding Soul clears his or her mind and reinforces the links between
tradition: mind, body, and spirit.

Supreme Parry Monk Utility 22 lightning Throw Monk Attack 23
Your weapon blurs as you spin it aroundyou in an impenetrable You through the air to land ‘with’explosiveforce, your
Daily + Psionic, Stance a distantfoe. V -
melee attack summoning the power ‘of lightning that you hurl at
Minor Action Personal Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Lightning, Psionic
Effect: Until the stance ends,.youàdd the proficiency Attack Technique - V

bonus of any melee weapon you wield to your AC and Standard Action Mél~e touch LJJ
Reflex. Primary Target One creatute z
Primary Attack: Dexterity v≤?~Reflek
Thousand World Stride Monk Utility 22 Hit: 3d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you make a
secondary attack that is a ranged .10 attack. This attack
By elevating your consciousness over.your physical limitations,
does not provoke opportunity attacks.
youtil72 able to reach thefar side of the battle in a single step.
Secondary Target One creature other than the
Daily + Psionic, Stance, Teleportation primary target
Minor Action Personal Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Effect Until the stanc&ends,.you can teleport your speed Hit: 2d1 2 + Wisdom modifier ligF~tning damage, and
as a free action. •~.
the secondaiy target is blinded’until the end of your
Special: You can take this free action only as the first next turn. ‘

action of your turn. Movement Technique

Move Action Personal V
LEVEL 23 ENCOUNTER DIsciPLINEs Effect: You flyyour speed + 2. If you don’t land at the
end of this movement, you fall. Enemies adjacent to
you when you land take lightning damage equal to your
Iron Cascade Monk Attack 23
Constitution modifier.
You capture your allies’ spiritual s~ngth,focusing it into an
attack whose ironfury crushes your eperny. Shattered Earth Fall Monk Attack 23
Encounter + Full Discipline, implement, Psionic Your vicious strike can knock aifoe down, a!ld grants you the
Attack Technique -: .
power to sweep other nearby enemies~t~ the ground.
Standard Action Melee touch
Target One creature .. ‘ . V
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Attack Technique •.

Iron Soul: If you make th~ttack using a light blade or Standard Action Melee touch
a spear, you gain a +2 power bonus to the attack roll. Primary Target One creature
Hit: 4d8 + Dexterity modifier damage plus 4 damage for Primary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
each ally adjacent to the target. Hit 3d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you knock
Movement Technique the primary target prone..
Move Action Melee 1 Effect: Make a secondary a~ttack.that is a close burst 1.
Target One creature Secondary Target Each enemy ~ou can see in burst
Effect: You swap places with the target, then shift a Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
number of squares equal to your Constitution modifier. If Hit You knock the secbi da~jrtarget prone.
the target is an ally, he or she can shift the same number Movement Technique
of squares as a free action. Move Action Personal
Effect: You shift 3 squares. You can ignore forced
movement until the end of your next turn.


Dragon Fist Strike Monk Attack 25

You end your prodigious leap with a blow ihat smashes your
enemy to the ground, all other ôppon’ents recoiling before you.
Daily + Fear, Implement, Psionic
Standard Action Melee touch
Effect: Before the attack, you fly your speed + 2. If you don’t
land at the end of this movement, you fall.
Target One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit 4d1 2 + Dexterity modifier da~ii~ge, and the target
falls prone and cannot stand upi(save ends).
Each Failed Saving Throw: The target is dazed until the
end of its next turn.
Miss: Half damage, and the target falls prone.

Effect Until the start of your next’turn, any creature that
can see you takes a —‘2 penalty to attack rolls for any
attack that includes youàs a target.

Fate’s Judgment Monk Attack 25 LEVEl. 27 ENCOUNTER DIscIPUNEs
An enemy strikes and you make a savage counterattack. Ifyour
opponent attacks again, it is punished by the lingering reso From Earth to Heaven Monk Attack 27
nance ofyourfury.
Your grace andfocusflow through your attacks, driving back
Daily + Implement, Psionic your enemies and lifting you to safety above thefray.
Immediate Reaction Melee touch
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
Trigger: An adjacent enemy hits you with an attack
Attack Technique
Target: The triggering enemy
Standard Action Close burst 2
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Target Each enemy in burst
Hit: 3d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
takes 10 damage the first time each turn it makes an
Hit: 3d6 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you push the
attack (save ends).
target 1 square. The target is immobilized until the end
Miss: Half damage, and the target takes 5 damage the first
of your next turn.
time each turn it makes an attack (save ends).
Movement Technique
Move Action Personal
Four Hidden Sounds Monk Attack 25 Effect: You fly your speed + 2. You gain a power bonus
You center your mind on thefour hidden sounds of the natural to all defenses equal to your Wisdom modifier during
world. When you speak each sound,you release a potent blast of this movement. If you don’t land at the end of this
elemental energy. movement, you fall.
Daily + Implement, Psionic, Stance; Varies
Standard Action Personal Part the Seas M.nk Attack 27
Effect Until the stance ends, you can make the following Foes that try to stop you are knocked aside as you surge through
attack. combat, ready to unleash a blow that stuns an enemy in its
Minor Action (1/round) Close blast 5 tracks.
Target: Each creature in blast
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Attack Technique
Hit: 1 dl 0 + Wisdom modifier damage. Choose a damage
Standard Action Melee touch
type: acid, cold, fire, or lightning. The attack deals
Target One creature
damage of this type to each target. You can choose each
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
damage type only once in an encounter.
Hit 1 dl 2 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is
Effect: The fourth time you use this attack in an encounter,
stunned until the end of your next turn.
the stance ends.
Iron Soul: If you make the attack using a mace or a
staff, the target also falls prone.
Glacier’s Mantle Monk Attack 25 Movement Technique
Frostflares around you as an icy mist, adding lethal cold to your Move Action Personal
attacks and chilling anyfoe that comes too close. Effect: You move your speed + 6. Any enemy that misses
Daily + Cold, Implement, Psionic, Stance you with an opportunity attack provoked by this
Standard Action Melee touch movement takes damage equal to your Constitution
Target: One creature modifier and falls prone.
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit 3d8 + Dexterity modifier damage plus 2d1 2 cold Shatter the Mountain Monk Attack 27
damage. An unshakeable concentration girds your body as your rock
Miss: Half damage. shattering strike overwhelms afoe.
Effect: You can enter the glacier’s mantle stance. Until
the stance ends, your melee attacks deal 5 extra cold Encounter Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
damage. In addition, any enemy that enters a square Attack Technique
adjacent to you takes cold damage equal to 5 + your Standard Action Melee touch
Strength modifier. Target One creature or unattended object
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d1 2 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you push
Strike of Perfect Clarity Monk Attack 25 the target a number of squares equal to 3 + your
Your attack is delivered with such masterful balance andform Strength modifier. If this attack bloodies the target, it
that yourfoe’s mind turns on itseiffor daring to challenge you. takes idi 2 extra damage. If the target is an unattended
Daily + Implement, Psionic, Psychic object, this attack deals 2d1 2 extra damage.
Standard Action Melee touch Movement Technique
Target: One creature Move Action Personal
Attack: Dexterity vs. Will Effect: You shift 4 squares and gain resist 5 to all damage
Hit: 4d8 + Dexterity modifier damage plus 2d1 2 psychic until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Repeat the attack against the same target or a
different one. Do not repeat the attack again if it misses.

Weight of the Anchor Monk Attack 27 Falling Star Strike Monk Attack 29
Your attack hits with theforce of iron, pinning an enemy in You streak into the air, trailingfire and light. When you land,
place as you race across the battlefield. the impact staggers, blinds, and burns yourfoes.
Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Daily 4 Fire, Implement, Psionic, Radiant, Teleportation, 0
Attack Technique Thunder, Zone
Standard Action Melee touch Standard Action Close burst 2
Target: One creature Effect: Before the attack, you teleport your speed, appearing
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex up to 50 feet in the air above your destination space. You z
Iron Soul: If you make the attackusing a light blade or then fall without taking damage.
a spear, you gain Ei +2 powef bonus to the attack roll. Target Each creature in burst
Hit 4d8 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
immobilized until the end of your next turn.’ Hit 3d10 + Dexterity modifie~fi~e,~adiant, and thunder
Movement Technique damage, and the target is bliñded(save ends).
Move Action Personal Miss: Half damage.

Effect: You move your speed + 6. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end
of your next turn. Any creature thdt ends its turn within
the zone takes fire damage equar~o~your Dexterity
LEVEL 29 DAiLY DisciPLiNEs modifier.

Adamantine Hurricane Monk Attack 29

Titan’s Mighty Grasp Monk Attack 29
You are a blur as you move and attack, laying intofoes around
You rock your enemy withii3 devast~auin,~ attack, then wrap it in
you with a destructiveforce equal to~that of the mightiest
a steely, unbreakable embrace.
weapons. .
Daily 4 Implement, Psionic
Daily 4 Implement, Psionic
Standard Action Melee touch
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target One creature
Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the
Primary Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
end of your next turn.
Hit 5d1 2 + Dexterity modlfieridamage, and you grab the
Primary Target: Each enemy you can see in burst
target. The target takes a penalty tochecks to escape the
Primary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
grab equal to your Strength1rnodifier~
Hit 2d1~+ Dexterity modifier damage, and the primary
Miss: Half damage, and you grab the target
target takes ongoing 110 damage~(save ends). If the
Effect: Until the grab ends,you can r~iake the following
primary target is already takingi~ngoing damage, that
secondary attack against the target.
ongoing damage incr~as~s~b~ lO!~
Standard Action Melee touch
Effect: You move your speed + 2. Any enemy that misses
Secondary Attack: Dexterity + 2 vs. Fortitude
you with an opportunity attack provoked by this
Hit 3d1 0 + Strength modifier damage. The target cannot
movement takes 10 damage and falls prone. Make a
attempt to escape the grab until the start of your next
secondary attack that is a close burst 1.
Secondary Target: Each enemy you can see in burst other
than the primary targets
Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the secondary
target takes ongoing 10 damage (save ends). If the
secondary target is already taking ongoing damage, that
ongoing damage increases by 10.


Many isolated monasteries exist completely apart from arrangements bear equal measures of benefit and respon
the bounds of civilization, independent from any super sibilit3~ but some dependencies are more extreme.
visory, affiliated, or beholden group. On occasion, a small A school dedicated wholly to discipline might subor
settlement grows up near an otherwise remote monastery, dinate itself to a local settlement, perhaps as ~ means of
eager for the protection the monks offer frorn~the hazards achieving enlightenment through service. Another order
of the wild Over time, a formal relationship might develop might exert a cruel dominion inflicting crippling taxe~s
between the order and the community The monk~ might and growing wealthy off the labor of its subjects. Such an
become landlords, collecting taxes or tithes. They might evil-aligned monastery might also send students roaming
become overlords, passing laws and serving as both reli beyond their own environs to engage in banditry, waylay
gious and secular leaders for the local population. Many ing travelers and raiding neighboring communities.

“Look into these eyes and see the doom awaitin8 you.”

Prerequisite: Monk

The basilisk is renowned for its hunting prowess, and

its pitiless gaze. Inspired by both the basilisk’s sinu
ous movements and the immobilizing effect of its
gaze, a group of monks have developed disciplines
that mirror this creature’s fearsome reputation.
Your study of the basilisk’s fury has opened your
mind to the emotions around and in you. Achieving
this state empties your body of thought and draws the
sensations of others through your eyes. Foes that peer
into your obsidian gaze are drained of hope. All that
remains for your enemy are apathy, stasis, and death.


Baleful Action (11th level): You can spend an
action point to slow each enemy within 5 squares of
you that can see you until the start ofyour next turn. Basilisk Nature Basilisk’s Fury Adept Utility 12
Any enemy that takes damage while slowed in this Defense
way becomes slowed (save ends). The power ofyour mind transforms your body into stone.
Basilisk’s Boon (11th level): You gain a +2 Daily + Healing, Psionic
bonus to saving throws against effects that immobi Immediate Interrupt Personal
lize, restrain, or slow. When you are subjected to an Trigger: An attack makes you unconscious or stuns you
effect that petrifies you, you can make a saving throw Effect You are instead petrified for as long as you would be
against that effect. Ifyou save, the effect ends on you. unconscious or stunned by the triggering attack. You can
spend a healing surge. If you do so, you gain a +2 power
Basilisk’s Fury (16th level): When you score a
bonus to saving throws until you are no longer petrified.
critical hit against an enemy using a monk or basi
lisk’s fury adept attack power, that enemy is petrified
Stone-Shatter Strike Basilisk’s Fury Adept Attack 20
(save ends).
Your attackfreezes afoe, rendering it vulnerable to yourfollow-
up strike and threatening to transform it to living stone.
BAsILIsK’s FURY ADEPT DiscIPLINEs Daily + Implement, Psionic, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 5
Eyes of the Basilisk Basilisks Fury Adept Attack 11 Target: One creature
You drive your enemy back, then bind it in place with a 8aze. Primary Attack: Dexterity vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + Dexterity modifier psychic damage, and the
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
target is immobilized (save ends).
Attack Technique
First Failed Saving Throw: The target is instead petri
Standard Action Melee touch
fied (save ends). The target takes a 2 penalty to saving
Target: One creature
throws against this effect.
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
Miss: Half damage, and the target is immobilized until the
Hit: 2d1 2 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you push
end of your next turn.
the target 3 squares. The target is then marked and im
Effect Once during the encounter while the target is im
mobilized until the end of your next turn. If the target is
mobilized or petrified by this power, you can make the
already slowed or immobilized, it is restrained until the
following attack against the target.
end of your next turn.
Standard Action Melee 1
Movement Technique
Secondary Attack: Dexterity + 2 vs. Reflex
Move Action Personal
Hit: 3d8 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target falls
Effect: You move your speed + 2, ignoring difficult terrain.
prone and cannot stand up (save ends). If the target is
Any enemy that misses you with an opportunity attack
petrified, this attack ignores the resistance granted by
provoked by this movement is slowed until the end of z
that condition and deals 4d8 extra damage.
your next turn.
Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of z

a melee basic attack.

FOUR WINDS MASTER Gusting Action (11th level): When you spend
an action point to make an attack and the attack hits, I
“I am as powerful as the winds and as constant as the
you shift your speed after resolving the attack.
Mysteries Revealed (16th level): After each
extended or short rest, you can choose two mysteries z
Prerequisite: Monk C
and benefit from both at the same time. The benefit
of the mysteries lasts until you choose another two
Devotees of the four winds strive for peace and tran
quility in all that they do. They recognize, however,
In addition, whenever you shift, you can instead
that violence is sometimes necessary to achieve
fly the same distance. Ifyou don’t land at the end of
greater harmony. Just as destructive winds can carry
this movement, you fall. uJ
away anything that stands against them, a monk of z
the four winds is an overwhelming force. Breath of the Four Winds Master Utility 12
Four Winds
You anticipate imminent danger and call thefour winds to
PATH FEATURES whisk you to safety.
Mystery of the Four Winds (11th level): After Encounter + Psionic
each extended rest, choose one of the following Immediate Interrupt Personal
mysteries. The benefit of that mystery lasts until you Trigger: You are hit by an attack
choose another mystery. Effect You are insubstantial until the start of your next
Mystery of the East Wind: You gain lightning turn. After the triggering attack is resolved, you fly your
speed + 2. If you do not land at the end of this move
resistance equal to one-half your level. In addition,
ment, you hover until the start of your next turn, at
whenever you shift, you can move 2 squares before or which point you land safely in the space below you or in
after the shift. the nearest unoccupied space.
Mystery of the North Wind: You gain cold resistance
equal to one-half your level and a +5 bonus to saving Four Winds Tempest Four Winds Master Attack 20
throws against charm effects and fear effects. You take to the auto lash out with a vicious attack, then call on
Mystery of the South Wind: You gain force resistance thefour winds that hold you aloft to batter yourfoe.
equal to one-half your level and a +4 bonus to initia Daily 4 Implement, Psionic; Varies
tive checks. Standard Action Melee touch
Mystery of the West Wind: You gain thunder Effect: Before the attack, you fly a number of squares equal
resistance equal to one-half your level. In addition, to your speed + 2. If you do not land at the end of this
whenever you spend a healing surge, you can shift 2 movement, you hover until the start of your next turn, at
squares as a free action. which point you land safely in the space below you or in
the nearest unoccupied space.
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
Hit 4d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Four Winds Ass~uIt Four Winds Master Attack 11 Effect: The target is affected by the four winds tempest
Psychic winds can carry you to your opponents, gusting hard (save ends). While the target is affected by the tempest,
when you strike to scatter yourfoes. whenever the target starts its turn, roll a d4 to determine
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic the effect.
Attack Technique 1. The target takes 10 lightning damage, and you push it
Standard Action Melee touch 4 squares.
Target One creature 2. The target takes 110 cold damage and is slowed until
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude the end of its turn.
Hit: 1 d8 + Dexterity modifier damage. You lift the target 3. The target takes 10 force damage, and you pull it 4
10 feet into the air, where it is immobilized until the squares.
end of your next turn. At the end of your next turn, the 4. The target takes 10 thunder damage, and you slide it
target drops safely to the ground in the space it last oc 4 squares.
cupied or in the nearest unoccupied space.
Aftereffect You slide each creature within 5 squares of
the target 5 squares.
Movement Technique
Move Action Personal
Effect: You fly your speed + 2. If you do not land at the end
of this movement, you hover until the start of your next
turn, at which point you land safely in the space below
you or in the nearest unoccupied space.

“My sword is more than a weapon—it is my spirit.”

Prerequisite: Monk, trained in Acrobatics

Battle is not just a physical contest—it is a spectacle, a

dance of parries and thrusts, of slashes and ripostes.
True mastery of the blade adds soaring form and
motion, transporting the struggle into aerial art.
What sets you apart from earthbound combatants ~, “it
is your melding of discipline and precise swordplay.
Your training and your psionic power grant you
incredible mobility; your focus hones your edge.


Focused Parry Action (11th level): When you
spend an action point to make an attack and the
attack hits, you gain a bonus to all defenses equal to
your Constitution modifier until you make an attack
or until the end of the encounter.
Soaring Blade Style (11th level): You gain a +3
bonus to Acrobatics checks. In addition, when you
would make an Athletics check to climb or jump, you
can make an Acrobatics check instead.
Soaring Blade Training (11th level): You gain Charge the Clouds Soaring Blade Utility 12
proficiency with all simple and military heavy blades.
You soar above thefight, avoiding yourfoes’ attacks as you pass.
You can utilize a heavy blade for any monk power
Encounter + Psionic
usable with a light blade.
Move Action Personal
Ki Blade (16th level): You channel psionic energy Effect You fly your speed. This movement does not pro
through your heavy blade. After each extended rest, voke opportunity attacks. If you don’t land at the end of
choose a damage type: cold, fire, or lightning. Your this movement, you fall.
melee attacks using a heavy blade deal extra damage
ofthat type equal to your Constitution modifier. In Storm of Raining Blades Soaring Blade Attack 20
addition, when you score a critical hit using a heavy You are carried aloft by your psionic power, touching down
blade, the attack deals 2d10 extra damage of that type. three times to hack through and scatter yourfoes.
Daily + Implement, Psionic
SoARiNG BI~ADE D1scIPUNEs Standard Action Melee touch
Requirement You must make this attack using a heavy blade.
Sword Fall Leap Soaring ~I~e Attack 11
Effect: Until the end of your turn, your movement does not
provoke opportunity attacks. Before the attack, you fly 3
You leap across thefield of combat. iNhen you attack, your squares. If you don’t land at the end of this movement,
blade work cuts one enemy deeply and slashes allfoes nearby. you fall.
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Primary Target One creature
Attack Technique Primary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Standard Action Melee touch Hit 1 d8 + Dexterity modifier damage.
Requirement: You must make this attack using a heavy Effect: You fly 3 squares. If you don’t land at the end of this
blade. movement, you fall. You then make a secondary attack
Target One creature that is a melee touch attack.
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Secondary Target One creature other than the primary
Hit 3d8 + Dexterity modifier damage, and each en target
emy adjacent to you takes damage equal to your Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Constitution modifier. Hit: 2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage.
Movement Technique Effect You fly 3 squares. If you don’t land at the end
Move Action Personal of this movement, you fall. You then make a tertiary
Effect: You make an Acrobatics check to jump with a +10 attack that is a close burst 1.
power bonus. You are considered to have a running start, Tertiary Target: Each enemy you can see in burst
and the distance of the jump isn’t limited by your speed. Tertiary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Level 21: You make the Acrobatics check with a +20 Hit: 1 5 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you slide the
power bonus. tertiary target 2 squares.
Miss: Half damage, and you slide the target 1 square.

TIGER CLAW MASTER Tiger’s Endurance (16th level): When you use
your second wind, you regain additional hit points
“I am the hunter. You are my prey.”
equal to your Strength modifier. In addition, the
bonus to all defenses granted by your second wind
Prerequisite: Monk
equals 2 + your Strength modifier.
The tiger claw style is an ancient, honored path. Its
practitioners have incorporated techniques from TIGER CLAW MASTER DiSCIPLINES
different traditions, but the style retains a central
feature: the tiger claw. A practitioner curls his or her Tiger Claw Rake Tiger Claw Master Attack 1

fingers toward the palm to make a claw. Through You sprint across the battlefield, and your tiger claw tears your
iron discipline, the monk transforms each digit into a foe and leaves it in debilitating agony
rigid talon capable of raking and rending. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
Mastering tiger claw maneuvers builds your
strength and hardiness, and your strikes shred
Attack Technique
Standard Action
Target: One creature
Melee touch 3
enemies. You spring at your foes with astounding Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
speed. With true mastery, you take on the charac Hit 3d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target
teristics of the celestial tiger. Coarse orange and takes a —2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your
white striped fur covers your body. Your hands next turn. If the target moves more than 2 squares on
become clawed paws and a tiger’s visage replaces its next turn, it takes 5 damage.
your features. With great green orbs for eyes and a Special: When charging, you can use this power in place
of a melee basic attack.
mouth filled with sharp teeth, you embody the tiger
Movement Technique
claw style. Move Action Personal
Effect: You move your speed 2, ignoring difficult terrain.
TIGER CLAW MASTER Any enemy that hits you with an opportunity attack
provoked by this movement takes damage equal to your
PATH FEATURES Strength modifier, and you mark the enemy until the
Tiger Claw Style (11th level): When you make start of your next turn.
an attack roll, you can take a 2 penalty to the roll. If
the attack hits and you trigger your Flurry of Blows Tiger Frenzy Tiger Claw Master Utility 12
power, that power deals 4 extra damage. Pain clarifies your mind, letting~you strike with ease atfoes that
Pouncing Action (11th level): When you spend come too close.
an action point to make a charge attack, you move Daily + Psionic, Stance
your speed + 2 as part of the charge, your movement Immediate Reaction Personal
for the charge doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks, Trigger: You are bloodied by an attack
and you can reroll one attack roll made as part of the Effect: Until the stance ends, any enemy that ends its turn
charge. adjacent to you takes damage equal to your Strength

Awaken the Tiger Claw Master Attack 20

Celestial Tiger
As you spring at your enemy,your body transforms into the
celestial tiger a relentlessforce ofunearthlyfury.
Daily + Implement, Polymorph, Psionic
Standard Action Melee touch
Requirement: You must charge and use this power in place
of a melee basic attack.
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex. Make the attack twice.
Hit 4d1 0+ Dexterity modifier damage, and you knock the
target prone. If you hit with both attacks, the target takes
2d1® extra damage.
Miss: Half damage. -
Effect You assume the form of the celestial tiger until the
end of the encounter. While in this form, you are im
mune to fear effects, your Flurry of Blows power deals
extra damage equal to your Strength modIfier, and you
gain a +2 power bonus to speed.

TRANSCENDENT addition, enemies do not gain combat advantage for
flanking you unless you are adjacent to three or more
“I am more than thisflawed vessel.”
Prerequisite: Monk DI5CIPuNE5
The mystics of transcendent perfection believe the Riddle of Motion Transcendent Perfection Attack 11
mortal body is a faulty receptacle that prevents them
Solving the riddle of motion lets you control yourfoe’s move
from attaining a higher form. They strive to over ment and keeps your enemiesfrom doing the same to you.
come the body’s limitations and attain their true
Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic, Psychic
potential. Just as importantly, they believe that they Attack Technique
must foster reason and enlightenment, and help Standard Action Melee touch
others transcend the body to embrace a state of har Target: One creature
monious existence. Attack: Dexterity vs. Will
By following the transcendent path, you learn Hit: 3d6 + Dexterity modifier psychic damage, and the
to overcome your physical limitations by solving target is either immobilized until the end of your next
the riddles of past masters. Each conundrum you turn or you slide the target a number of squares equal
to its speed.
unravel opens your mind to greater possibilities. Movement Technique
You first learn to shape your words to encourage Move Action Personal
behavior and alter impressions, to move without Effect: Choose one of the following effects. You move
interference, or to deny movement to those who twice your speed and gain a +2 power bonus to all
oppose you. You learn to close wounds and van defenses against opportunity attacks provoked by this
quish ailments with a touch. Upon mastering the movement; or you can ignore forced movement until the
techniques of transcendent perfection, you can deny end of your next turn.
your enemies’ attacks by elevating your conscious
ness above pain and despair. Riddle of Health Transcendent Perfection Utility 12
Your knowledge lets you cleanse the body of injury and
Encounter + Healing, Psionic
PATH FEATURES Minor Action Ranged 5
Enlightened Action (11th level): When you Target: You or one ally
spend an action point to take an extra action, you Effect: The target spends a healing surge and makes a sav
shift your speed and are insubstantial until the end of ing throw. If the saving throw is against a poison effect, it
your next turn. You ignore difficult terrain, and you gains a +5 power bonus.
can move across water and other liquid surfaces. You
sink ifyou end your turn on such a surface. Riddle of Transcendent Perfection Attack 20

Riddle of Conversation (11th level): You gain a Invulnerability

+2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Insight, and Intimidate A pulse of psychic power tears at your enemies, exploiting the
checks. You also gain training in one of those skills. weakness oftheirflesh and enhancing your resilience.
In addition, whenever you use your Flurry of Blows Daily + Implement, Psionic, Psychic, Stance
power, one ally adjacent to you or to a target of that Standard Action Close burst 1
power can shift as a free action. Target: Each enemy you can see in burst
Attack: Dexterity vs. Will
Riddle of Awareness (16th level): You see invis
Hit: 3d1 0 + Dexterity modifier psychic damage, and the
ible creatures and objects within 1 square ofyou. In target gains vulnerable 5 to all damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: You can enter the riddle of invulnerability stance.
Until the stance ends, you gain resist 5 to all damage.

UNSEEN HAND your Flurry of Blows power, you can target an addi
tional creature within 10 squares ofyou with that I
“I am the unseen blade, the killer in shadow, thefinal
power by firing a loaded hand crossbow that you are
holding. This does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Unseen Action (11th level): When you spend z
Prerequisite: Monk, trained in Stealth
an action point, you become invisible until the end of C
your next turn.
A covert clan of enigmatic monks engage in assassina
Flit Through Shadows (16th level): Whenever
tion, espionage, and sabotage. They are mercenaries,
you shift while you have concealment, you shift 2
taking commissions from the powerful or the venge
extra squares.
ful. Members of the Unseen Hand are bound to the
order for life—the clan’s mysteries are too sensitive to
allow any member to withdraw or resign.
Secrecy and subtlety lie at the heart ofyour train
ing. As long as your enemies cannot identify your Unseen Hunter’s Pounce Unseen Hand Attack 11

purpose, you have them at a disadvantage. You might Dartingfrom the shadows, you strike yourfoe hard as your
achieve this subterfuge through cunning disguises, power twists its mind and clouds its senses.
skulking through shadows, or misdirection. Mas Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic
tering the higher mysteries helps you manipulate Attack Technique
Standard Action Melee touch
darkness, leap across vast distances, and penetrate
Target One creature
your enemies’ minds. Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Being a trained killer is not so different from Hit 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you are
being any other kind of warrior, but you must ensure invisible to the target until the end of your next turn.
that your tactics and techniques do not alarm your If you use a weapon other than your monk unarmed
companions. At the same time, you must maintain strike to make this attack, the attack deals extra
friendly relations with the Unseen Hand clan or face damage equal to your Constitution modifier.
Movement Technique
ostracism, retribution—or worse.
Move Action Personal
Effect: You have concealment until the end of your
UNSEEN HAND PATH FEATURES next turn, and you shift your speed. At the end of this
Arms of the Unseen Way (11th level): You gain movement, you can make a Stealth check to hide.
proficiency with the hand crossbow. When you use
Unseen Scrutiny Unseen Hand Utility 12
You erase yourselffrom afoe’s mind, invisibly shadowing its
Encounter + Psionic
Minor Action Ranged sight
Target: One creature you are hidden from
Effect You are invisiLle to the target until you attack it
or until the end of the encounter. While this invisibility
lasts, whenever the target moves, you can shift a number
of squares equal to your Dexterity modifier as an imme
diate reaction.

Unseen Ambush Unseen Hand Attack 20

You slip through space to cut down afoe with a crippling attack,
then step away to vanish in the shadciws.
Daily + Implement, Psionic, Teleportation
Standard Action Melee touch
Effect: Before the attack, you teleport your speed.
Target One creature you are hidden from
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex. If you use a weapon other than
your monk unarmed strike to make this attack, you gain
combat advantage for the attack.
Hit: 3d6 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is
stunned and gains vulnerable 10 to your attacks (save
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: After the attack, you teleport your speed. If you
teleport to a square that grants you concealment or cover,
C you can make a Stealth check to hide.


“Your nightmares serve at my command, and nothing can
save you now.”

THE POWER of the mind is yours to do with

what you will. You can assume control of another
creature, move objects and monsters with the merest
thought, or reshape the matter of the material world
into more useful forms. Although you recognize that
psionic power can be focused and honed in many
ways, your specialized training and your respect for
the magic of the mind give you insights that few other
psionic characters can match.
Your power is a perfect combination of natural
talent and disciplined training. You might have
always had a knack for piercing the veil of the mate
rial world with your mind. As a child, perhaps you
caught faint fragments of the thoughts of those
around you, or learned to nudge small objects by
concentration alone. But it is only with the dedicated
training that is your life’s work that you discover the
full extent ofyour gifts.
Regardless of which path your psion character fol
lows, this chapter presents numerous useful options.

+ Playing a Psion: The psion’s relationship to

psionic power and place in the world of the game,
with all the information you need to bring a psion
character to life.
+ New Build and Class Feature: Shaper psions
use their psionic power to alter and transmute
the material world. The Shaper Focus class fea
ture allows you to project your consciousness and
create mundane objects using only the power of
your mind.
+ New Powers: With the new powers presented in
this chapter, a psion can tear reality asunder,
summon creatures from nightmare, pry open
a foe’s mind, or assail enemies with thoughts of
pure destruction.
New Paragon Paths: Five new paragon paths
provide psion characters with a host of options
for expanding their power, from the firestarter’s
roiling flame to the thrallherd’s ability to control
another creature’s body and mind.

Sweat on his brow, hands tight on his sword, Gorna imagination and the narrower your focus, the greater
watched the shambling mass ofcreatures slouchforthfrom the power you can project. Academic psions devote
the darkness. Gaping mouths shrieked in eyelessfaces, themselves to research and study; adventuring psions
insectoid legs scuttling across unyielding rock. A dozen, a engage in various forms of meditation as a means of
score, and still they kept coming. maintaining their intellectual edge.
At the head ofthe throng stood the creature they had Strict, methodical process is your preferred way
come tofind, the creature they hadfoolishly thought they of reaching your decisions and accomplishing your
could kill. Its writhing tentacles lashed the air as it raised goals. You are likely drawn to rigid studies such as
its clawed hands, and in their minds, the illithid laughed. mathematics or alchemy. It is important for you to
Itsfirst assault had taken out Rathelle, their best hope of understand and master every step of any given task—
countering the mindflayer’s power. She lay at itsfret now be it translating an ancient codex, brewing a potion,
in a crumpled heap, no sign ofl!fe in her eyes—but even developing a new discipline, or cooking a stew. For a
!fGorna had wanted to leave her behind, they were sur psion, the process is just as important as the result.
rounded. There was nowhere to run.
As the aberrant horrors surgedforward, Gorna and ScHools AND STUDIES
the others cast silent prayers to any gods they knew. They The methodical attitudes at the heart of a psion’s
hoped at least that death might come cleanly, quickly. technique lend themselves to formal study. Psions
Then, sw~ft as thought, the mindflayer’s armsfril. Its were the first psionic class to form scholastic tradi
servants stopped, their inhuman eyes staring questioningly tions, and the first to develop unifying theories of
at their master. The creature turned as !f in thought, the air psionic energy. A psionics college is not necessarily a
rippling around it. And then the power ofthe illithid’s mind specific location. It’s a combination of philosophy and
blasted outward, sweeping over its own allies and render methods of study, a means of teaching more than a
ing them senseless. The mindflayer stood rigid, its back to place of teaching.
itsfoes. The various psion builds and focuses are an exten
“Hurry,” Rathelle whisperedfrom the ground where she sion of these scholarly traditions. Are you a telepath,
lay,face set in concentration as she struggled to speak. “I a telekinetic, or a shaper? Do you prefer orbs and
can’t control itfor long crystals, or would you rather wield a staff? Do you
practice ritual magic or alchemy? Which of the vari
Nothing is more potent than the mind. Arcane ous psionics origin theories do you support? These
magic, primal spirits, even the divine power of the traits were likely shaped by the psionics college that
gods themselves—the potential of sentient thought is instructed you.
greater than all these things. It is a simple truth, but
one that few have grasped. You are one of those few.
You are a psion, devoting yourself to utter mastery of
your thoughts and dreams, hopes and fears, identity You recognize that the mind, composed in equal part
and potential. Through the mastery ofyour mind, you of thought, memory, and emotion, is the most vital
master the world. aspect of the self. The body is a vessel, a tool. Some
Although the rigorous path ofthe psion most corn psions discount the existence of the soul, seeing it as
monly appeals to those who seek order and answers in an aggregate of memories and personality viewed
their lives, your motivations are entirely your own. Did through the lens of worship. Most psions believe
you start down this path for the knowledge and power that the soul represents the catalyst that allows the
it would bring? Did you have a natural talent that you intellect to burn bright. It is the mind that ultimately
could never fully master until you stumbled on the leg provides awareness, memory, and personality.
ends and teachings ofthe psions who came before you?
Were you training your mind for some other purpose, YOUR LIFE BEFORE
only to discover that your efforts tapped a wellspring of Some individuals are drawn to the art of the psion
power you never knew you possessed? because it fits their personality, aptitudes, and
ambitions. You might have heard tales of the psion
INTELLECTUAL EXERCISE colleges while engaged in other scholarly pursuits
As a psion, your thoughts control your environment— and become intrigued by this mysterious path. You
but only as well as you control your thoughts. Your might have been actively learning the techniques
life is centered on intellect and understanding, logic of wizardry or some other class, discovering in the
and experimentation. The stronger your mind, the process that you carried the rare psionics potential
more controlled your thoughts. The broader your within you.

You might have recognized that potential early follows. You work constantly to expand your knowl z
on, seeking psion instruction to help you deal with it edge of a wide variety of subjects, using what you’ve
rather than following the largely self-taught path of learned to anticipate what comes next.
the ardent. Ifyou hail from a community in which You believe that all problems can be solved
psionics is viewed with suspicion or superstition, you through the proper application of logical reasoning
might have thought you were learning arcane magic and the knowledge of what’s come before. You view z
only to discover that your master was preparing you people who act wholly on impulse to be irrational. >-
in secret for another path. Instinct, however, is another type of knowledge to you, ~.1
Regardless ofyour background, the one thing you and you respect those who properly respond to it.
almost certainly had in common with other psions Ifyou are like most psions, you work hard not to
even before you began your instruction is a strong act on emotion. Though you have no need to sup
sense of order and logic. Without such a mind set, few press or conceal your emotional side, you make every
can master the rigid disciplines of the psion class. effort not to let emotions influence your choices and
decisions. Even when emotion does overtake you,
ROLEPLAVING A PSION you remain logical and methodical about how you
pursue its goals. You are just as likely as any other
You see the world through a lens of order, but this
character to seek vengeance against a foe that threat
does not imply any particular personality or align
ens or harms your loved ones, but you are far more
ment. Rather, you look for patterns in all things, the
connections between events.
brutally thorough in planning out and executing that
Whether it’s the study of psion disciplines or
The best psions use their powers to protect others.
alchemy, rural economics or astrology, mathematics
They share their knowledge, believing that with their
or the progression of history and culture, you need
power comes an obligation to use it wisely. Darker
to comprehend how each step leads to the step that
psions lose themselves in that power. They begin to
see other sentients as puppets to be manipulated. To
such psions, the strong are entitled—even obligated—
to dominate the weak. Such a path is an easy one to
follow without meaning to, and underlying all your
training is the knowledge that you must tread care
fully as your power grows.

The corona of power marks an ardent, just as a monk
is identifiable by his or her unique combat tactics.
But no single sign accompanies the manifestation of
a psion’s disciplines. When manifesting a discipline,
a psion’s eyes might blaze with silver or violet light. A
discipline might be accompanied by a faint chiming
or unintelligible whispers heard only in the minds of
its target. In some cases, a psion’s power manifests as
sensation fed directly into the mind.
Decide what form your own manifestations might
take, and whether they are consistent or vary from
power to power. For example, you might decide that
powers dealing the most potent damage are accompa
nied by a flare of light in your eyes, and that a charm
is felt in its target’s mind as a wave of hazy memories.


The average commoner sees no functional differ
ence between a psion and a wizard. Those who do
recognize the obvious difference in traditions and
trappings between the two classes also typically know
of the psion’s proficiency at controlling the minds of
others. As a result, among the common folk who do
distinguish between the two classes, psions are often
U viewed with more suspicion.
Among scholars and adventurers, psions are well advantage in its war against Arkhosia’s dragonborn,
known and treated with an equal mix of respect the empire encouraged psionics study among its
and wariness. As a psion, you wield some of the people. Arkhosia, in turn, countered with new psion
most overtly impressive psionic powers, even if ics traditions of its own. Psions never became a major
not necessarily the most powerful. You are highly factor in that war, since both sides already fielded
knowledgeable, possessing methods of research and potent magic, but the open acceptance of psionics
discovery that even other spelicasters lack. And most survived and flourished after both empires’ fall.
importantly for some, your numbers are growing.
THE BiRTH OF UNDERSTANDiNG Just as in previous ages of darkness, the number
Psions cannot claim the earliest formal psionics of psions has increased since the fall of Nerath. As
organizations, a distinction that belongs to the oldest the influence of the Far Realm presses more heav
monastic traditions. But those early traditions tended ily against the threshold of reality, psionics grows
to be religious or spiritual in nature, leaving psions to more pervasive throughout the world. Even in areas
form the first specifically psionics-focused orders. pressed by less sinister threats, the common folk
Psionic power was poorly understood in the first typically welcome wanderers possessed of strange
generations following the Dawn War, and only rarely powers—and hope desperately that those powers can
recognized as a form of power unto itself. The formal protect them.
studies that would eventually grow into the psion The spread of the adventuring psion is a relatively
class and its colleges are thought to have originated recent phenomenon. For most of the class’s his
with a priestess of bun named Pharaelis. tory, psions have remained largely devoted to study,
Although she was not the first to study the pecu research, and experimentation. They worked alone or
liar energy that empowered the earliest psionic gathered in colleges and cabals, and if they engaged
characters, Pharaelis was one of the first to under in battle, it was in defense of their communities.
take a significant and methodical analysis of it. Even Although scholarly psions still outnumber adventur
though they recognized that psionic energy was dis ers, a growing number choose the explorer’s life,
tinct from divine magic, Pharaelis and her students braving the hazards of the wild alongside members of
took it on faith that these powers had their origins other heroic classes.
with bun and other gods of knowledge and the mind. Some adventuring psions seek to counter the
Over the course of her studies, Pharaelis developed growing aberrant threat, or to push back against the
psionic ability of her own, though clerical magic more general darkness that threatens to overwhelm
remained her life’s work and focus. After her death, the scattered motes of civilization. Others hold the
the acolytes who carried on her studies founded the purely personal goals of fortune, glory, and power.
earliest of the formal psion colleges. Still others adventure as scholars, taking to the field
in order to test and research their theories regarding
MIND OVER MAGIC the origin, nature, and purpose of psionics.
The spread of psions was rapid at first, as those who Psions get along well with other studious charac
demonstrated a natural talent for psionics found a ters, including wizards, clerics, warlocks, and bards.
formal means of channeling that power. But with that Indeed, though a small number of wizard schools
rise came unrest. The widespread clerical temples and psionics colleges still view one another as rivals,
and established schools of wizardry did not care for many work together, pooling their substantial knowl
this new challenge to their power. In many cases, edge for the benefit of both.
those organizations sought to maintain the study of The most academic of psions sometimes take a
psionic power as a subset of the arcane or the divine. less than reverential view of other psionic characters.
On the fringes of civilization, psions often failed to In the eyes of such elitists, the members of the other
gain a foothold, or had to teach and learn their disci psionic classes are mere dabblers in psionic power,
plines in secret. forever squandering their true potential. Adventuring
In the dark ages between the earliest empires, psions see things differently. Although only monks
psions had greater success. The common folk gave share a dedication and a focus with which psions can
fealty to anyone who could protect them from the hor easily identify, ardents and battleminds are equally
rors of those terrible times, or who could teach them well respected for their results. Some psions even
to protect themselves. When later empires formed, maintain a secret envy of battlemind and ardent
established psion colleges and cabals were already characters, recognizing that their emotional and
in place, distinct from the divine and arcane factions instinctive approaches to psionics represent aspects
that had fallen and risen again alongside them. of that power outside a psion’s control.
A significant development in the psion tradition
came in the tiefling empire of Bael Turath. Seeking

NEW BUiLD — ~.1

The shaper psion joins the psion build options
presented in Player’s Handbook 3. This section also 1.1.1
includes a new discipline focus geared toward shaper

Psionic energy is a boundless sea of potential, limited
only by the imagination. Objects that exist nowhere
but in your mind can be made real with enough cre
ativity and focus—whether born of fanciful dreams or
mind-blasting nightmares.
You see the world as a canvas awaiting your
mental brush, ready to be painted with the beauty
and the terror of the mind. These creations live only
as long as you bend your mind to keeping them real.
The world is your canvas, and you are the artist of
reality itself.


When you choose your Discipline Focus, you can
choose Shaper Focus instead of another option, such
as the ones in Player’s Handbook 3.
Shaper Focus: You gain the powers shaped con
sciousness and minor creation.
The world is yours to shape as you desire. You chan
Shaped Consciousness Psion Feature
nel the latent psionic energy in your environment,
You shape afragment ofyour consciousness, bringing it into molding it to serve your needs. You shape psionic
existence to extend your scope on the battlefield.
power to unleash lethal attacks or conjure useful
Encounter + Conjuration, Psionic objects from your own mind. With the right focus
Minor Action Close burst 10
and power, you can even create creatures that do your
Effect You conjure a fragment of your consciousness in
an unoccupied square in the burst. The fragment lasts bidding.
until the end of the encounter or until you dismiss it as a Summoned creatures are the foundation ofyour
minor action. The fragment occupies its square, and you shaper psion tactics. Such creatures are created only
and your allies can move through it. When you take a through your daily disciplines. Call on them spar
move action, you can also move your fragment a number ingly, and choose at-will and encounter disciplines
of squares equal to your speed. You can see, hear, and that support this theme.
use psion powers as if you were in your fragment’s space.
As it does for all psions, Intelligence powers your
Your fragment can be attacked. If it takes any damage,
it disappears. It is immune to your attacks. attacks, so it should be your highest ability score.
Charisma is an important secondary ability for a
Minor Creation Psi.n Feature
shaper, since it helps you control or empower your
creations. Since summoned creatures depend on your
You create somethingfrom nothing.
hit points, you should also keep your Constitution
Encounter + Conjuration, Psionic
high. Conjuration and summoning powers allow you
Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You conjure a nonliving, nonmagical object that to make the most ofyour secondary role as leader.
appears within range, either in an unoccupied square, Suggested Class Feature: Shaper Focus*
in your hand, or in an ally’s hand. The object lasts until Suggested Feat: Buiwarked Construction*
the end of the encounter or until you dismiss it as a free Suggested Skills: Arcana, Bluff, Dungeoneering,
action. The object you conjure is a single weapon or an Perception
item listed under “Adventuring Gear,” page 222 of the Suggested At-Will Powers:force shard*, static
Player’s Handbook. At the Dungeon Master’s discretion, mote*
you can create some other nonmagical object no larger
than one that a Medium creature can carry. Suggested Daily Power: summon thought servant*
*New option presented in this book.

Mind Lock Psion Attack 1
NEW POWERS Your attack locks down an enemy’s ability tofocus, hindering its
The powers presented in this section offer new At-Will + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic
options for psion characters. Many of these new Standard Action Ranged 10
powers are particularly useful for shapers, though Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
psions of any build can benefit from them.
Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the
target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Hit As above, and the target also cannot shift until the end
Dimensional Scramble Ps on Attack of your next turn.
Augment 2
Your attack causes space tojumble andfragment, scattering Area burst 1 within 10 squares
creatures into diffeTent positions. Target Each creature in burst
At-Will + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic,
Teleportation Static Mote Psion Attack 1
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst A mote of roiling lightning hinders yourfoes before exploding in
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude t~ devastating burst.
Hit 1 d6 Intelligence modifier damage, and you teleport At-Will + Augmentable, Conjuration, Implement,
the target to a square adjacent to the burst. Lightning, Psionic
Augment 1 Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: Each enemy in burst Effect: You conjure a static mote in an unoccupied square
Augment 2 within range. The mote lasts until the start of your next
Target Each enemy in burst turn. Any creature that starts its turn adjacent to the
Hit 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you teleport mote is slowed until the end of its turn. After the mote
the target to another square in or adjacent to the burst. ends, you make the following attack.
No Action (Special) Close burst 3 centered on the
Force Shard Psion Attack 1 square the mote occupied
Target: Each creature in burst
A shard ofpureforce appears in the air at your mental corn Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
mand, creating a hazardforyourfoes. Hit 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage.
At-Will + Augmentable, Conjuration, Force, Implement, Special: You can take this free action only as the first
Psionic action of your turn.
Standard Action Ranged 5 Augment 1
Effect: You conjure a force sh~F~i in an unoccupied square Hit As above, and one target is pulled 1 square toward
within range. The shard lasts until the end of your next the center of the burst.
turn or until expended. Any enemy that enters the Augment 2
shard’s space or ends its turn there takes force damage Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage.
equal to your Charisma modifier. In addition, you can
make the following attack using the shard.
Minor Action Ranged 5 LEVEL I DAILY DiscIPLINEs
Target One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Living Missile Psion Attack 1
Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage. You bind an enemy with a thought; then hurl itinto another
Effect: The force shard is expended. foe.
Augment 1
Daily + Implement, Psionic
Effect: You conjure a force shard as above, and you can
Standard Action Ranged 10
also move the force shard 5 squares as a move action.
Primary Target One creature
Augment 2
Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage.
Hit The target is immobilized (save ends).
Miss: The target is slowed (save ends).
Effect: While the target is immobilized or slowed by this
power, you can make the following secondary attack.
Minor Action (1/round) Ranged 10
Effect: Before the secondary attack, you slide the primary
target 10 squares.
Secondary Target: One creature adjacent to the primary
target at any point during the slide
Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the
secondary target falls prone. The primary target takes
half damage and falls prone.
Miss: Half damage, and the primary target falls prone.

Psychic Dissolution Psion Attack 1 LEVEL 2 UTILITY DisciPLiNEs
A psychic wind scours yourfoe, shredding it to a dark haze.
Daily + Implement, Psionic Borrow Training Psion Utility 2
Standard Action Ranged 10 You reach into an ally’s mind to borrow the knowledge you need.
Target: One creature
Encounter + Psionic
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Minor Action Ranged 10
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and ongoing 5
damage (save ends).
Target: One ally z
Effect Choose one skill in which the target is trained and
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing S damage (save ends).
you are not. Until the end of your next turn, you gain a
Effect: When the target takes ongoing damage from this
+5 power bonus to skill checks with the chosen skill.
power, each square adjacent to the target becomes light
ly obscured until the end of your next turn.
Buoyancy of Thought Psion Utility 2
Summon Thought Servant Psion Attack 1 Your mind catches you whenever you mightfall.
The power ofyour mind summons an obedient servant that can Encounter 4 Psionic
fight with you or come to an ally’s aid. Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You take falling damage or an attack knocks you
Daily + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic,
Effect: You reduce any falling damage by a number of
Minor Action Ranged 10
Effect: You summon a Small thoughtservant in an unoc
cupied square within range. The servant has speed 8. You
points equal to your level, and you are not knocked
prone by the triggering attack or the triggering fall. 4
can give the servant the followingspecial commands.
Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature; Intelligence Dimensional Stowaway Psion Utility 2
vs. AC; 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. You establish a psychic connection to an ally, bringing it with
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature; you when you teleport.
Intelligence vs. AC; 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic Encounter+ Psionic, Teleportation
damage. Free Action Melee 1
Augment 1 Trigger: You teleport or a creature teleports you
Effect: As above, and you can give the thought servant Target One ally adjacent to you before the teleport
the following additional command. Effect You teleport the target to a square adjacent to your
Opportunity Action: Triggered when a dying ally destination.
adjacent to the servant starts its turn; targets the
triggering ally; the servant makes a Heal check to
stabilize the target or to allow the target to use his or Mind Shroud Psion Utility 2
her second wind. You slow your movement to shroud yourselfin a shimmering
haze, clouding all creatures’ minds against your presence.
Telepathic Projection Psion Attack 1 Encounter 4 Psionic
Youforce your own will into an enemy’s mind, manipulating Minor Action Personal
thefoe like a puppet under your control. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you have superior
cover and you are slowed.
Daily + Charm, Implement, Psionic, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature LEVEL 3 AT-WILL DisciPLiNEs
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit 3d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the Crushing Turmoil Psion Attack 3
target is subject to your telepathic projection (save ends).
Your attack crushes your enemy’s confidence and resolve, hin
While the target is affected by your telepathic projection,
dering its ability to shrug off debilitating effects.
when you start your turn, the target makes a melee basic
attack as a free action against a target you choose. At-Will 4 Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic
Miss: Half damage, and the target makes a melee basic attack Standard Action Ranged 10
against a random creature. If this attack targets one of your Target: One creature
allies, the target takes a -2 penalty to the attack roll. Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and
the target takes a -2 penalty to the next saving throw it
makes before the end of your next turn.
Augment 1
Hit As above, and the target also takes a -2 penalty to
attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Augment 2
Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and
the target takes a 2 penalty to attack rolls and saving
throws until the end of your next turn.

I Fuse Form Psion Attack 3
The energy ofyour mind scours yourfoe to hinder its move
ment, and it can bind multiple enemies together with unbreak
able psychic bonds.
Psychic Anomaly Psion Attack 3
You conjure a shimmering anomaly of pure psionic energy,
which disrupts the minds ofnearbyfoes.
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Conjuration, Implement, Psionic,
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Implement, Psionic Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10 Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature Effect: You conjure a psychic anomaly in an unoccupied
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude square within range. The anomaly lasts until the end of
Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and if the target your next turn. You can make the following attack using
moves more than 2 squares on its next turn, it takes 5 the anomaly.
damage. Opportunity Action Melee 1
Augment 1 (Fear) Trigger: An enemy starts its turn in a square adjacent to
Hit As above, and enemies take a -2 penalty to attack the anomaly
rolls while adjacent to the target until the end of your Target: The triggering enemy
next turn. Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Augment 2 Hit: 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and you
Primary Target One creature slide the target 3 squares to a square adjacent to the
Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude anomaly.
Hit 1d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and if the Augment 1
primary target moves more than 2 squares on its next Effect: As above, and your allies can flank with the psy
turn, it takes 5 damage. You make a secondary attack chic anomaly.
that is an area burst 1 centered on the primary target. Augment 2
Secondary Target: Each enemy in burst Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the
Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Hit: 5 ÷ Intelligence modifier damage. Until the end
of your next turn, the secondary target cannot move
to a square that is not adjacent to the primary target, LEVEI. 5 DARY DiscIPLINEs
and the primary target cannot move to a square that
is not adjacent to one or more seèondary targets. Force Spheres Psion Attack 5
Your powerfocuses into protective spheres of shimmeringforce
Kinetic Trip Psion Attack 3 that can be hurled at your enemies with a thought.
Your attack constrains your enemy, bowling it over unless it Daily 4 Force, Implement, Psionic
stands its ground. Standard Action Personal
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Force, Implement, Psionic Effect You set four force spheres spinning around you in
Standard Action Ranged 10 your space until the end of the encounter or until you
Target One creature expend them. While you have at least one force sphere,
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses, and you can make
Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage. On its next the following attack.
turn, if the target moves more than half its speed, it falls Minor Action (1/round) Ranged 20
prone. Target: One creature
Augment 1 Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage. On its next Hit 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the
turn, if the target makes a move other than a shift, it falls target falls prone.
prone. Effect: You expend one force sphere.
Augment 2
Target: One, two, or three creatures Inflicted Mindscape Psion Attack 5
As you reach into your enemies’ minds, the ground beneath their
feet becomes a clutching mire of madness.
Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Psychic, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit 2d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the
target is immobilized (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of
your next turn. Any enemy that ends its turn’within the
zone is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.

Summon Ebony Stinger Psion Attack 5 Mental Void Psi.n Utility 6
Wisps of black shadow coalesce toform a, monstrous scorpion When an enemy strikes at your mind, the attack only boosts
under your control. your resilience.
Daily + Augmentable, Implement, Poison, Psionic, Encounter 4 Psionic 0
Summoning Immediate Interrupt Personal
Minor Action Ranged 10 Trigger: An enemy attack targets your Will
Effect: You summon a Medium ebony~stinger in an unoc Effect: You gain a +4 bonusto Will until the end of your
cupied square within range. Thestinger has speed 7 next turn. If the triggering attacl~ misses, the attacker z
and climb 3. The stinger has a +4~bpnus to AC and a +2 grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
bonus to Reflex. You can give the stinger the following
special commands. Shared Recovery Psion Utility~
Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
You tap into the mind of anally, letting us or her recovery grant
Intelligence vs. Reflex; 1d8 + Intelligence modifier
a temporary boost to your own vitaltt,~
damage, and the stinger grabs the target.
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature; Encounter 4 Psionic
Intelligence vs. Reflex; 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier Free Action Personal
damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). Trigger: An ally within S squares of you regains hit points or
Augment 1 succeeds on a saving throw
Effect: As above, and any cretature grabbed by the ebony Effect: You gain temporary hit poihts equal to twice your
stinger takes a -4 penalty~to ché~ks to escape the Intelligence modifier.
stinger’s grab.
Thunderous Exit Psion Attack 5
A blast of thunder rocks your enem’ids,’dllowin8 you to escape in Ectoplasmic Servant Psion Attack 7
its booming wake. -
A conjured shower ofglistehiftg ~lfrn~takes humanoid shape at
Daily + Implement, Psionic, Teleportation, Thunder your command, spraying yourfoes •with’ caustic acid.
Standard Action Close burst 3 At-Will 4 Acid, Augmentable, Conjuration, Implement,
Target: Each creature in burst Psionic
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Standard Action Ranged 10
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage. Effect: You conjure an ectoplasmi~ s&vant in an unoccu
Miss: Half damage. pied square within ~~The~serva,nt.lasts until the end
Effect: You teleport 5 sq~ãi~s. of your next turn or until expende~1. Any enemy that en
ters the servant’s space or ends it~ turn there takes acid
LEVEL 6 UTiLITY DIscIPuNEs damage equal to your ~harismani&iifier. In addition, you
can make the following attack usiñgthe servant.
Minor Action CIose burst 1
Explosive Force Psion Utility~
Target: Each enemy in burst
Yourforce attack releases a pulse of e~nerj3y that leaves nearby Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
creatures vulnerable tofollow up at?acks. Hit: 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier acid damage, and the
Encounter 4 Psionic target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Free Action Personal Effect: The ectoplasmic servant is expended.
Trigger: You hit an enemy within 10 squares of you with an Augment 1
unaugmented psion at-will force attack power Effect You conjure an ectoplasmkservant as above, and
Target: Each creature adjacent to the enemy you hit any enemy that starts its turn in or adjacent to the ser
Effect: The target grants comIiata~d~antage until the end of vant’s space is slowed until the ~nd of your next turn.
your nextturn. t Augment 2
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier acid damage, and the
Intellect Prism Psion Utility 6 target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Motes oflight.swirl toform a crystalliie p~ism in the air, sharp
ening your senses and extendin~~yqur pr~sence on the battlefield.
Daily 4 Conjuration, Psionic
Minor Action Ranged 5
Effect You conjure an intellect prism in an unoccupied square
within range. The prism lasts until the~end of the encounter
or until you dismiss it as a minor action. You can use your
attack powers as if you were in the prism’s space. As a move
action, you ~ii move the prism a number of squares equal
to your Intelligence modifier. While the prism is adjacent to
you, you gain a +3 bonus to Perceptibn checks.
The prism can be targeted by melee and ranged attacks.
It has a +4 bonus to all defenses and hit points equal to your
healing surge value. If the prism drops to 0 hit points, it is
destroyed and you are dazeduntil the end of your next turn.

Ego Whip Psion Attack 7 LEVEL 9 DAILY D1scIPUNEs
Your psychic attack hits like the crack of a whip,flooding your
foe withfeelings of crushing worthlessness. Echoing Boom Psion Attack 9
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Fear, Implement, Psionic, Psychic You unleash a burst of devastating thunder whose booming
Standard Action Ranged 10 echo lets you scatterfoes across the battlefield.
Target: One creature
Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Thunder
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Hit Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target
Primary Target: Each creature in burst
takes a 2 penalty to attack rolls and a —2 penalty to all
Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
defenses until the end of your next turn.
Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage.
Augment 1
Miss: Half damage.
Hit: As above, and the target also takes a -2 penalty to
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you can make the
saving throws until the end of your next turn.
following secondary attack.
Augment 2
Immediate Reaction Ranged 10
Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the
Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of you is hit by an
target takes a —2 penalty to attack rolls, all defenses,
and saving throws until the end of your next turn.
Secondary Target The triggering enemy
Effect: The secondary target takes 5 thunder damage, and
Kinetic Buffer Psion Attack 7 you slide the secondary target 1 square.
A burst offorce protects you even as it slams into your enemies Sustain Minor~ The effect persists.
and knocks them back.
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Force, Implement, Psionic Inflict Pain Psion Attack 9
Standard Action Close burst 1 Your thoughts work their way into afoe’s mind like razor-sharp
Target Each creature in burst needles, crippling it with excruciating pain.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Psychic
Hit 1 d6 ÷ Intelligence modifier force damage, and you
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
push the target 1 square. In addition, you gain a +2 pow
Target: Each enemy in burst
er bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Augment 1
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the
Target: Each enemy in burst
target is slowed and takes ongoing 5 psychic damage
Augment 2
(save ends).
Close burst 2
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of
Target Each enemy in burst
your next turn.
Hit 2d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and you
push the target a number of squares equal to your
Wisdom modifier. In addition, you gain a +2 power Malicious Lightning Psion Attack 9
bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. A burst of lightning lingers asfour sizzling motes, each ofwhich
erupts atyour command.
Matter Dissipation Psion Attack 7 Daily 4 Conjuration, Implement, Lightning, Psionic
Your attack leaves an area ofghostly translucence that tears at Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
creatures lingering within it. Primary Target: Each enemy in burst
Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Zone
Hit 2d6 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage.
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Miss: Half damage.
Target Each creature in burst
Effect: You conjure four lightning motes in unoccupied
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
squares in the burst. Each mote lasts until the end of the
Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier damage.
encounter or until expended. Any creature that starts its
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of
turn in a square adjacent to a lightning mote takes light
your next turn. Any creature that ends its turn within the
ning damage equal to your Intelligence modifier. Starting
zone takes damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
on your next turn, you can make the following attack
Augment 1
using a lightning mote.
Effect: As above, but any enemy that ends its turn within
Minor Action (1/round) Close burst 1
the zone takes the damage.
Secondary Target Each creature in burst
Augment 2
Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage.
Hit: 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, and the
lightning mote pushes the secondary target 1 square.
Effect: The mote is expended.

Summon Phantasmal Kill Psion Attack 9 LEVEL 10 UTILITY DisciPLiNEs Ill

YourfoTs worst~~s di-e~nanifested as a nightmarish monster 1.1.1

that it cannot shake off Dimensional Shortcut Psion Utility 10
Daily + Augmentable, Illusion, Implement, Psionic, I ~-
1Yourpsionic power connects two points in space, allowing you
Psychic, Summoning to slipfrom one location to the other
Minor Action Ranged 10
Effeàt:~~J~ü~iinon a Medium phantasmal killer in an
Daily + Psionic, Teleportation
unoccupie~quarewithin range. Choose one enemy
Move Action Close burst 3 z
i~ ~djac~t~t~ifheikiller to become its prey until the end of Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect. Ch~.?e a square within 20 squares of you Each
‘~ the eñcou,~tèr.-’:iihekiller has speed 8, phasing, and gains

a +4 bonus tolAC and Reflex against opportunity attacks ~- ge~~4elepi~rt~io’a square within 3 squares of the
~ ~ as a free action
~,1~he kill~isi~is~ibstantial to all attacks from creatures
~otli~han~itsprey. When its prey drops to 0 hit points
~orat4he en~ of the encounter the killer disappears You Energy Mitigation Psion Utility 10
‘~ gjç~t~~e~killerthe following special commands. Yois9~il~ou1jnental strength to diminish the effect of
Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature that is a~f9,~sa~tac~ ~
the killer’s prey; Intelligence vs. Will; 2d6 + Intelligence Encounter + Psionic
modifier psychic damage, and the target takes a 2
Immediate Interrupt Personal
penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Trigger: You are hit by a close or an area attack
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature; - -
Lifect: Yp~tajçe!haWdamage from the triggering attack.
Intelligence vs. Will; 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic
damage, and the phantasmal killer pushes the target 1
square. If the target is the killer’s prey, it takes 2d6 extra Force Barricade Psion Utility 10
damage and is not pushed. A shzmmering7~ll offorce blocks attacks and movement
Augment 1 ~i!~:.-’~ Daily + Conjuration, Force, Psionic
Eff~ct As’above but you choose two enemies adjacent Standard Action Area waIl 5 within 10 squares
~ killer as its prey When both crea — ~~:o-~-- ,~t,,(y.t,,x.,. -
~ Effect: Youconjurea solid, transparent wall of psionic force
Lli~ ,tui ;cho≤én’~s the killer’s prey drop to 0 hit points, the ~that lasts uñt1l~the:ëtid of your next turn. The wall can
~. killer disappears:
be up to 3’squar~es~high. The wall blocks line of effect
and movei’~~ No creature can enter a wall square and
t~ phasing creati7~e~,s cannot move through it
Th~wallca~jl~eatta&ed, and attacks against it hit
-‘n ~
- automatically The wall has 50 hit points and an attack
‘on any sq~re de~aIs damage to the entire wall If the wall
drops to points the effect ends and each creature
~.withifl 2squar~s’ of the wall takes 10 force damage and
S. ~ze~
fall ne.’ -~%~
Sustain Minor: The wall persists.

Many psionics scholars believe that psionic enei~gy com~s purest and most ~xaggerated form thei~ must be another
from other planes—most commonly the Far Realm or the r source of more orderly thought in contrast to that madness
Plane of Dreams Such s~cholars identd~ these as the phrenic This would be a realm of pure reason—of intellect ~nd logic
pla~s (or planes of pure thought)~ji~st as the Feywild the and undersi~1~ding ~itterl~ unmarred by the confrision ~f
Shad6ve~fell~ añdthewôrld are th4lànes’of.mátter.-~ . . is from ‘this realm that Thegifts of r~ason and
[ke7all kno~ledgea~ie sages 5p~onics schol~rs unt~er ~udgment come mixing with~he influence of tl~te Fa1 Re~I~i
stand that the Plane of Dreams is~born of the mind~,of in thre Plane of Dreams, and in turn p~odiicing the s~ntient
sentient creatures in the mortal realm—a kind of fantastic mind as it is known in the mortal world
counterpart to the world Phrenic scholars, however, break A small number of psions and scholars even claim to
with tradition by naming the Far Realm as a place not out- have communed with creatures from this plane of perfect
side the cosmos but within it—a twisted reflection of the reason. Because such creatures are entities of pure thought,
Plane of Dreams, as the Shadowfell is a dark reflection of according to these claims, the mortal mind is incapable of
the natural world. As denizens of a plane of madness, the comprehending or observing their true form As a result,
aberrant creatures of the Far Realm are nightmares given these alien entities are said to interact with mortals in the
physical form. form of hovenng crystals of perfectgeometric shapes (cubes,
Philosophers who take this view believe that just as tetrahedrons, spheres, and so forth). Obscure legends speak
there exist two echo planes of the mortal world in the form of an order of psions dedicated to conjuring creatures of
of the Shadowfell and the Feywild, there must be two echo pure reason within construct bodies. These hybrids were
planes of the Plane of Dreams. Thus, if the Far Realm rep- said to appear as clockwork geometric figures of bizarre
resents madness and uncontrolled emotion distilled to its countenance—pure logic and order given physical form.

Trace Teleport Psion Utility 10 Inexplicable Attraction Psion Attack 13
You teleport ~y steaFzng the residual traces of another creatures ~Againstits~ill~ti~zenerny is drawn close to another creature in
pOWt ~ at.,- ~:. ~. -. the aft mat~of~’o~ur attack.
Encounter + Psionic, Teleportation At-Will 4 Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic
Immediate Reaction Personal Standard Action Ranged 10
Trigger: A creature within 10 squares of you teleports Target One creature
Effect You teleport the same number of squares as the Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
triggering creature. Hit. 1 d8 + h~Iljence modifier psychic damage and you
slide theta~g~t~3sqLiares to a square adjacent to any
- tiieature~ .4.
LEVEL 13 AT-WILL DisciPLiNEs Augment 1
Hit: As above, but you slide the target and one creature
Brilliant Thought Psion Attack 13 adjacent to the target.
The power ofyour mz~dflares brilliant white blasting an en tAu~me~t44~ ~
einy and clouding ~vision ‘.~TaigettOn~e dr t~~reatures
- -. -~ . - ti~-~i~ - -,
~Ijit2d8+~IntelIigence modifier psychic damage, and you
At-Will + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Radiant
-j~ ~ sqUares to a square adjacent to any crea
Standard Action Ranged 10
sture If th&target doesn tend its next turn adjacent to that
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
creature i~k~flIamage equal to your Wisdom modifier
~ 1 d8 + Inteli~e~c~[riodifier radiant damage Until the
end ofyóur~héxt~urn, creatures more than 2 squares Kinetic Wave Psi.n Attack 13
away from thetarg~t have éoncealment against the • A wave ~f psidnicfo~c~ ls~soi~t to drive nearby creatures
target ~‘ ~
Augment 1 At-Will 4 Augmentable, Force, Implement, Psionic
Hit As above, but creatures also have concealment against Standard Action Close blast 3
any enemy adjacent to the target. Target: Each creature in blast
Augment4 1’ Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Area bur~t1iithhi~TO~squares • . .. ‘~—:-ro .. -
Hit ,1rd6 + Intelligencemodifier force damage, and you
• - -Target
Attack: Eachcreaturejiñ burst
lntelIigence~ii~ Fortitude. Make the attack twice. ~-~shthe~4squares.
- .. -•. Augment 1 (Zone)
Hit ~2 ÷ intelhge~çe~nodifier radiant damage. If both Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the start of
attacks hit the t,~drg~t is also blinded until the end of your next turn. The zone is difficult terrain.
~ ~‘Aiignit4~pne) ~ -
€làse bl~si~5..
- Hit: 3d6 + intell~gence,modifier force damage, and you
~-•. •~-.. ~..•

- rpiish the targ4t’a~number of squares equal to your

Wisdom md~Iifler
f~Thr~ Thèlblast creates a zone that lasts until the start
of your next4~i~i The zone is difficult terrain and
any creature ends its turn within the zone takes
damage equaI~toyour Wisdom modifier


The dividing line between the mind and the so I t~a is nothing D 1~li~lIr3 energy~ Iackingejjx~ part of

~ource of vigorous debate within different c~abaIs~coIleges, creature’s personality or memories For them, ghosts an~

and psionics orders Among most folk, the soul is thoug~it ~ other incorjoreal ui~dead consist of1inot’only the soul but
as the sourc~ of what make; a person~n individuaP ~ ~‘of~fra~m~nts of the mind as well— ,
fr~ ~,,.-÷-•-,.- ~?~W--~
Although certain aspects ofspersonalityaresmodlfiedby’ ~
-• fewipsionics
- userst(most1of~whom are dedi— . ~--~-.:
r~- ~ ~ ~ ~
memory and~experience, according-to~this.behef;the soul cated academic psions).deny the. existence:of. the soul
•~‘-‘ ~ • •• ~.~•‘ ~• - -:4 ~c-’-’~-
——‘~ - -~ . -- - - - .
stand~s át~every sentient creature’s core The essential entirely They maintain that the mind is the center of
nátu~e of-a!l indi~id’uals—good or evil; kind or cruel-- mortality and an entity unto itself, pointing to phenon~
resides in the spark ofdivinity that grants them life. When ena such as the Speak with Dead ritual as proof that
a mortal dies, the soul retains this essence as it travels memory and sensation endure within a body even after
to the domain of the Raven Queen, and on to whatever the so-called spirit has supposedly fled. Such psionics
lies beyond. users consider the traditional beliefs of th~ mortal races
An opposing belief maintains that the soul is the energy to be superstitious nonsense—the fears of folk incapable
that powers life, and that all personality comes from the of understanding the mind. Some even blame the gods
mind—each person’s unique combination of thoughts, themselves for such beliefs, accusing the deities of invent-

N memories, and emotions. Psionics users who adhere to

this philosophy believe that the soul that remains after

ing the mythology of souls as a means of keeping mortals
beholden to them.

Void Shard Psion Attack 13 Living Barrage Psion Attack 15 ‘I,

A shard of nothingness holdsfast any creature that slips too You ensnare your enemies with a thought, then hurl them about
close. like living weapons.
At-Will + Augmentable, Conjuration, Force, Implement, Daily + Force, Implement, Psionic C
Psionic Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Standard Action Ranged 10 Primary Target: Each enemy in burst
Effect You conjure a void shard in an unoccupied square Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude w
within range. The shard lasts until the start of your next Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the z
turn. Any creature that ends its turn in or adjacent to the primary target is immobilized (save ends).
void shard’s space is immobilized until the end of its next Miss: Half damage, and the primary target is slowed (save
turn. After the shard ends, you make the following attack. ends).
No Action (Special) Close burst 3 centered on the Effect: While at least one primary target is immobilized by
square the shard occupied this power, you can make the following secondary attack.
Target Each creature in burst Minor Action (1/round) Ranged 10
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Secondary Target: One or two primary targets
Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the immobilized or slowed by the attack
target falls prone. Effect: You slide the secondary target 5 squares and
Special: You can take this free action only as the first make the following tertiary attack against one creature
action of your turn. adjacent to the secondary target during the shift. You
Augment 1 cannot attack the same tertiary target more than once
Effect As above, and when the void shard is conjured, it per round with this power.
makes the following attack. Tertiary Target One creature
Free Action Close burst 3 Tertiary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Target Each enemy in burst Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex secondary target and tertiarytarget fall prone. The
Hit The void shard pulls the target 3 squares. secondary target takes 5 damage.
Augment 4
Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the Summon Thought Warrior Psion Attack 15
target is both dazed and slowed until the end of your
An idealized warriorformed of thought energyfights alongside
next turn.
Daily + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic,
LEVEI. 15 DAfl.Y DisciPuNEs Summoning
Minor Action Ranged 10
Forced Serenity Psion Attack 15 Effect You summon a Medium thought warrior in an un
Your attack imbuesyourfoe with lingering psychic energy, crip occupied square within range. The warrior has speed 7.
pling it with pain at any sign of aggression. It has a ÷4 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. The
thought warrior lasts until the end of the encounter. You
Daily + Charm, Implement, Psionic, Psychic
can give the warrior the following special commands.
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares Standard Action: Before the attack, the warrior shifts 1
Target Each enemy in burst square; melee 1; targets one creature; Intelligence + 2
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will vs. AC; 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, the
Hit: 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn, and the
target takes 10 psychic damage whenever it hits with an warrior marks the target until the end of your next turn.
attack (save ends). Immediate Interrupt: Triggered when a target marked by
Miss: Half damage, and the target takes 5 psychic damage
the warrior moves or shifts; melee 1; targets the triggering
whenever it hits with an attack (save ends).
creature; Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 1 dl 0 + Intelligence
modifier psychic damage, and the warrior shifts 1 square.
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier
psychic damage.
Augment 1
Effect As above, and the warrior also has a +2 power
bonus to opportunity attack rolls.
Standard Action: As above, and the warrior marks the
target (save ends).

Thought of Unmaking Psion Attack 15 LEVEL. 17 AT-WIU. DisciPLiNEs
You reach deep into an enemy’s mind and past to undo its
existence. Cerulean Cage Psion Attack 17
Daily + Implement, Psionic Ghostly shards ofglowing blue surround yourfoe, threatening it
Standard Action Ranged 10 ~f it attempts to move.
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will At-Will + Augmentable, Force, Implement, Psionic
Hit Ongoing 25 damage (save ends). If the target is Standard Action Ranged 10
bloodied or becomes bloodied while taking this ongoing Target: One creature
damage, the ongoing damage increases by 10. Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Aftereffect The target is dazed until the end of your next Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage. If the target
turn. leaves its space before the end of your next turn, it takes
Miss: Ongoing 1 5 damage (save ends). force damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Augment 1
Target: One or two creatures adjacent to one of your allies
LEVEL. 16 UT1uTV DisclPuNEs in range
Augment 4 (Zone)
Dream Traveler Psion Utility 16 Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target Each creature in burst
By taking on theform of a creature of dreams, you bypass the
Hit 3d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage.
barriers of the material world.
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of
Daily + Polymorph, Psionic your next turn. Any creature that leav~s the zone takes
Minor Action Personal force damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Effect: You assume the form of the dream traveler until the
end of the encounter or until you resume your normal
form as a minor action. While you are in this form, you
Manifested Horror Psion Attack 17
are insubstantial and phasing, you gain a +5 power bonus Your enemy looks on you and sees its own worst nightmare,
to Stealth checks, and you are weakened. compelling it toflee or be crippled byfrar.
At-Will + Augmentable, Fear, Implement, Psionic, Psychic
Kinetic Grasp Psion Util ty 16 Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
You quickly create a psychic connection to another creature that
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
allows it to holdfast where it stands.
Hit 1d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. If the
Encounter + Psionic target ends its next turn within 3 squares of you, it takes
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 10 psychic damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Trigger: A creature within 10 squares of you is pulled, Augment 1
pushed, slid, or knocked prone Hit: As above, and choose one ally. The target takes the
Target: The triggering creature psychic damage if it ends its next turn within 3 squares
Effect The target is unaffected by the forced movement or of you or that ally.
is not knocked prone. Augment 4
Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Mind Blank Psion Utility 16 Target Each enemy in burst
Swirling psychic energy surrounds you and your allies, wiping Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. If the
your presencefrom your enemies’ minds. target ends its next turn within 3 squares of you, it
takes psychic damage equal to 5 + your Intelligence
Daily + Illusion, Psionic, Zone modifier and you slide the target 3 squares.
Standard Action Close burst 3
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end
of your next turn. The zone moves with you, remaining Telekinetic Haze Psion Attack 17
centered on you. While within the zone, you and your A haze ofpsionic energy shroudsyoufrom your enemies’ sight.
allies are invisible to enemies within the zone. At-Will + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic
Sustain Minor: The zone persists. Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each enemy in burst
Subjective Reality Psi.n Utility 1 b Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
You reshape the reality around you as you movefreely through it. Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier damage.
Effect: You have concealment until the start of your next
Encounter 4 Psionic turn.
Minor Action Personal Augment 1
Effect: You ignore the effects of difficult terrain, challeng Hit As above, and you slide the target 1 square.
ing terrain, hindering terrain, obscured terrain, and cover Augment 4
until the end of your next turn. Hit: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you are
invisible to the target until the end of your next turn.

Thought Guardian Psion Attack 17 o ce Cube Psion Attack 19
Yt~scou’rdur enemies thoughts to hinder their tactics and You tra’pyourfo~within six impenetrable walls then hurl this
.ci~ co~ju ~ju~didian ui their midst to threaten them. [~~cubè ~jssthe battlefield as a weapon.
At-Will + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic Daily + Conjuration, Force, Implement, Psionic 0
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: Each creature in burst Primary Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
~ - -
t-~InteIligence modifier psychic damage, and the Hit 2d1 0~~telligence modifier force damage z
.targ~ttak,~sJá ~4’penälty to attack rolls against you until Effect: You conjure a cube of force that surrounds and
the end ~ next turn constrains the primary target in its space until the end of
Augment 1 your next turn. The primary target and any other creature
Hit: As above, and whenever the target attacks you before in its space cannot leave that space by any means, including
the end of your next turn, it takes psychic damage equal teleportation or phasing. Other creatures cannot enter the
to your Charisma modifier. primary target’s space. The cube blocks line of effect.
• ~
Augmen$~4~(E~opjurataon) The cube can be attacked, and attacks against it hit
Eff~t:~t~oriji~re a thought guardian in an unoccupied automatically. The cube has 50 hit points. If the cube
squa~4i~ith~.I,~rst. The guardian lasts until the end of drops to 0 hit points, it explodes and is destroyed, dealing
yoné~&~Lirn. You can make the following secondary 1 5 force damage to any creature inside or adjacent to
-: attackUSI~gthegUardIan. the cube. Once before the cube ends, you can make the
Opportunity Action Melee 3 following secondary attack using the cube.
Trigger: Any creature within 3 squares of the guardian S~d~’r~Action Ranged 5
attacks you or willingly moves away from the guardian Requirement~ The cube must be within 10 squares of
Secondary Target: The triggering creature ~
Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Effect~ Y~u:sIidet~e cube and all creatures trapped in
Hit: S + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the the cuL~l5 squares. Any creature in the cube takes 5
target is dazed until the end of your next turn. damage ~talls prone. The cube takes 10 damage.
• S&ond~~T~rget:.Each creature adjacent to the cube at
:the end of~the slide
LEVEL 19 DAnY DisciPuNEs ~.Seco~dar~A~ck:JnteIligence vs. Reflex
~Hit: 2d1 0c1- l.ñ,telligence modifier force damage, and
Cerebral Phantasm Psion Attack 19 the target falls prone.
‘A hornd~páii~çnfllls your enemys mind letting youfol
low up on~ur ajjies~ attacks against thatfoe with a psychic
3~currage. - - ~ EViLS MOST ANCiENT
Daily + Implement, Psionic, Psychic recounted liii the oldest legends the ~ Realm first
Standard Action Ranged 10 breached the cosmos in the dark days of the Dawn War.
Target: One creature Pelor,Ioun, and agod whose .naméi~ now lost .w~e
Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
responsible for fIrst finding then sundering the Living
f Hit. 4d6 ~t~I~g~nce modifier psychic damage
Effect: The target is affected by your cerebral phantasm Gate that once barred the Far Realm from the Astral
(save ends). While the target is affected by the phantasm, .4- - ~‘. ~i~•
.‘~. •J~•
Sea Sihce,tIiattim~X~he influence the Far Realm h~s
you can make the following secondary attack against the steadily iincreased rising an~l,falling inlong cycles that
target. ha~e begu9 to peak5a~ain dur~ing~,th~e’current~gei
lmmediate1R~ction Ranged 10 The ñ ör~th~tis~kno~.L.,nof.the’ Far ,Real~’~.rêlation
1 Tri~er Ti~arget takes damage from an ally s attack ship to~the w~rld, the ~
whiI~within 110 squares of you
Second)’Atta~k: I~itéIligence vs. Will
becomes., Adventurers who~,i~ave~.dclyed,4eçp~ into..~e
.••••s• Underdark and ex~loied the shores ‘of its bla&and sun-
Hit .1 0 + intelligence modifier psychic damage, and each
• ènèr i~j adfa~1i?~öthê target takes 5 psychic damage. less seas claim to have found .évidênce that the aboleths
~ number of squares equal to were established in that realm since long before ~he
~ ~yourWIEd4~jj~iodIfier Dawn War’s end. A small number of radical sages main
tain that these horrors might actually have dwelled within
Flowing Terrain Psion Attack 19 the world from the moment of creation.
The surfa~e beneath yourfeetflows at your command crashing Such scholars question the widely held view that the
rintoyourfoe~s uk ~61lethal wave. world was shaped from raw nothingness, speculating
Daily + Implement, Psionic that something must already have fexisted within the
Standard Action Close blast 5 unformed stuff that was pushed aside to make room
Target: Each enemy in blast for the creations of the gods and primordials. For these
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex scholars, the Far Realm’s pressure on the mortal world
Hit 2d~ + Ii~IIig~Ee modifier damage and you knock
might not be a case of an alien madness seeking to invade
th’e target prone~jhe target is then restrained (save
and destroy a new realm. Rather, the creatures of the Far
~: ends). ~4
Realm might be seeking to take their old world back.
Miss: Half damage, and you push the target to the nearest
unoccupied square outside the blast.

Summon Mind Weirds Psion Attack 19 Summon Fleeting Thoughts Psion Utility 22
YucalirjJhcha4o~cy creatures that attack yourfoes with their Your qulc tl~d~itig summons birdlike guardians that let you
‘~6wn worst.fed~rs~. and your a’Il~,~sgar across the battlefield
Daily + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic, Daily + Augmentable, Psionic, Summoning
Summoning Minor Action Close burst 1
Minor Action Ranged 10 Effect.You sumi~non three Tiny fleeting thoughts in unoc
~Effé~t You summon three Medium mind weirds in unoccu Eupied~qu~e&in the burst Each thought has speed 2
~: pied squ~es~within range. Choose one enemy adjacent to and fly~8~(bos~ei~ !Jntil alithe thoughts summoned by
each wej~Jito become the weird s prey until the end of the this power1are~reduced to 0 hit points you do not lose
~ encó~unte~ Each weird must have a different creature as its the I~iin~urfrlost when a creature you summon
~ speed 8 arid phasing, and is insubstantial drops,to 0 hit points When you use a minor action to
to creatuf~qther than its prey. Until all the weirds sum issue a command to a thought all thoughts can take
.:mon~d~4t~s:power are reduced toO hit points, you do ~ give a thought the following special
not l~se~e healing surge lost when a creature you sum ‘i ‘commands.
mon drops ~& 0 hit points When a weird s prey drops to 0 Move Action: Melee 1; targets you or one ally; the thought
hit pOirit~the~weird disappears. When you use a standard and the target both fly 4 squares to adjacent squares.
acti~n~ora~riiinor~action to issue a command to a weird, Immediate Interrupt: Triggered when an ally adjacent to
-~ all summói~ed ~eirds can takethat action. You can give a the fleeting thought is hit by a melee or a ranged attack;
w~irdtiiè fdli~iing special commands. the attack hits the Electing thought instead.
Standard Action: Melee 1; targets the weird’s prey; Augmeñt.1’ .
Intelligence vs. Will; 3d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic Effect~ Whed:afléeting thought drops to 0 hit points, one
damage, and the target takes a 2 penalty to attack rolls ally withini2 ~quarès of the thought can fly 4 squares as
(save ends). ~
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence vs. Will; 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic
damage, and the weird pushes the target 1 square. If the THE FEY PERS1’BCTlVE
target is the weird’s prey, it takes 2d6 extra damage and
is not pushed.
Among the fey that dwell in th~ mortal world psi9nics
AugmenTThfteleportation) is~n~ö~st often treated as just another form of spelk~ist
Effect: .s~b~ye,.añd you can teleport any two weirds, ii~g The degree to which psionic power overlaps v~ith
swappin~their~pósitions, as a minor action. In addition, ‘traditional fey:abilitiessuch ascharrns and illusions’is
you can t’~Iep,ort yourself and one weird as a move ac seen as sim~le h~ppenstance Elves el~drin and othe~
tion~swappgpositions. worldly creatures~that have co’nnections to1the Feywild
are no more or less likely to takeup the psi6ni~ arts than
LEVEL 22 UTIUm’ DlsclPuNEs creaturesofanyotheri~ace... _‘?
Creatur~s that dwell deep in the Feywild ho~vever
Forceful Repositioning Psion Utility 22 often vi~w psionics with a combination of resentment
Shimtherii~jbhnd~’offorce surround you and your allies, mov and suspicion Although they have no objection to
ing yOu i1~zto ~ette~r.po~itions on the battlefield. mortals gaining mastery of fey magic by way of warlock
Encounter + Psionic pacts andsimilar traditions. many.fey see the growth of
Move Action Close burst 5 psionicsin the w rid as anattempt bythe nonfey races
Target: You and each ally in burst to steal their power.
EffectY~Iffslide the target anumber of squares equal to Some mortal scholars view the overlap from the other
~juni Wisdom modifier.
direction; Psionic energy is said by some to have existed
in potential in the mortal realm since the beginning
Interdicting Thoughts Psion Utility 22
of time, even though it did not fully manifest until the
The pow~r ofyour mindforms a shield protecting you and your threat of the Far Realm provided the necessary catalyst.
a lies om attack, even as it slows yourfoes.
Such sages believe that planar echoes of that potential
Encounter + Psionic, Zone were what first granted the creatures of the Feywild their
Minor Action Close burst 3
abilities. Since all elements of the natural world are exag
Effect: The’burstf’creat~s a zone that lasts until the end
of your next~iurii~Thezone moves with you, remaining gerated in the Feywild, the fey were able to tap into this
centered on yd~ While within the zone, allies gain a +3 potential power earlier and more innately than were the
power bonus tofá!ldefenses. The zone is difficult terrain mortal races.
for your enerni~*.-j~.. Some fey take severe umbrage at the notion that their
innate inabilities were somehow handed down from the
mortal world. Such creatures have been known to attack
scholars and psionic characters who espouse this belief
too vocally.

LEVEL 23 AT-WILL DIsciPLiNEs Prismatic Swarms Psion Attack 23
You leave yourfoe surrounded by swirling motes of psionic en uJ
Mind Trap Psion Attack 23 ergy that hinder its attacks.
You ensnare yourfoe’s mind and instincts, hindering its ability At-Will + Augmentable, Force, Implement, Psionic C
to react in combat. Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
At-Will + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Standard Action Ranged 10 z
Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the
Target: One creature
target takes a 2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
your next turn.
Hit: 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. If
Augment 2
the target makes an opportunity attack or takes an
Area burst 1 within 10 squares
immediate action before the end of your next turn, it
Target Each creature in burst
takes psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
Hit As above, and you also slide the target 1 square.
Augment 2
Augment 6
Target: One or two creatures
Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Hit: As above, and until the end of your next turn, the
Target Each creature in burst
target takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls whenever it
Hit 3d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and you
makes an attack not on its turn.
slide the target 3 squares or knock it prone. The target
Augment 6
takes a —2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your
Area burst 2 within 10 squares
next turn.
Target: Each enemy in burst
Hit: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Until
the end of the targets next turn, it cannot shift, make LEVEL 25 DAILY DiscIPLINEs
opportunity attacks, or take immediate actions.
Far Realm’s Embrace Psion Attack 25
Mindfire Explosion Psion Attack 23 You tear aside the veil to the Far Realm, callingforth phan
An explosion ofpsionicfire scours your enemies and shrouds tasmal tentacles that attack and ensnare all creatures in their
their sight. reach.
At-Will + Augmentable, Fire, Implement, Psionic Daily + Implement, Psionic, Psychic, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Standard Action Area burst 3 within 10 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst Primary Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and creatures Hit 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the primary
more than 5 squares away from the target are invisible to target is restrained and takes ongoing 10 psychic damage
it until the end of your next turn. (save ends both).
Augment 2 Miss: Half damage, and the primary target is slowed and
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and creatures takes ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends both).
more than 3 squares away from the target are invisible to Effect The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of
it until the end of your next turn. your next turn. Until the zone ends, you can make the fol
Augment 6 lowing secondary attack using the zone.
Area burst 2 within 10 squares Opportunity Action Melee 1
Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and the Trigger: A creature starts its turn in a square adjacent to or
target is blinded until the end of your next turn. within the zone
Secondary Target: The triggering creature
Phantom Burden Psion Attack 23 Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 10 + Intelligence modifier damage, the zone pulls the
You crush your enemies under the weight of their own uncer
secondary target 1 square toward the zone’s origin, and
tainty, hindering their movement.
the secondary target is immobilized (save ends).
At-Will + Augmentable, Force, Implement, Psionic Sustain Minor: You take 5 psychic damage and the zone
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares persists.
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the
target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Augment 2 (Zone)
Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end
of your next turn. The zone is difficult terrain for your
Augment 6
Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Hit 4d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage. If the tar
get moves more than 1 square on its next turn, it falls
prone at the end of the move and takes 5 damage.

Recall Agony Psion Attack 25 LEVEL 27 AT-Wlu. DiscIPLINEs
An enemy’s suffering allows you to twist its mind to an even
greater state of agony. Decerebrate Psion Attack 27
Daily + Implement, Psionic, Psychic Your attack burns out your enemy’s mind and can leave it reel
Immediate Reaction Ranged 10 ing in pain.
Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of you takes damage
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic
from an attack
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: The triggering enemy
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit 6d6 + Intelligencemodifier psychic damage. If this
Hit 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage.
attack deals less damage than the triggering attack,
Special: You can use this power unaugmented as a ranged
the target takes ongoing psychic damage equal to the
basic attack.
difference (save ends).
Augment 2
Miss: Half damage.
Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target One creature in burst
Summon Emerald Terror Psion Attack 25 Hit 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and
Yourfoes’ greatestfears come to life as a hulking emerald terror, the target cannot take move actions on its next turn.
its glistening skin reflecting the nightmares of its victims. Augment 6
Daily + Augmentable, Fear, Implement, Psionic, Target One, two, or three creatures
Summoning Hit 3d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the
Minor Action Ranged 10 target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Effect You summon a L.arge emerald terror in unoccupied
squares within range. The terror has speed 8. It has a +4 Hail of Crystals Psion Attack 27
bonus to AC and Fortitude. Enemies take a -2 penalty to Your psionic power manifests as a cloud of crystal shards, oh
attack rolls while adjacent to the terror. You can give the scuring the senses and slashing at creatures that move within it.
terror the following special commands.
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Zone
Standard Action: Melee 2; targets one creature;
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 1 0 squares
Intelligence vs. Reflex; 2d8 + Intelligence modifier
Target: Each creature in burst
damage, and the terror slides the target 4 squares to a
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
square adjacent to the terror.
Hit 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier damage.
Standard Action: Close burst 2; targets each enemy in
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of
burst; Intelligence vs. Reflex; 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier
your next turn. The zone is lightly obscured. Any creature
damage, and the terror pushes the target 3 squares and
that enters or moves within the zone on its turn without
knocks it prone.
shifting takes damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
When the zone ends, each creature within the zone takes
Intelligence vs. AC; 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage,
5 damage.
and the terror slides the target 4 squares to a square
Augment 2
adjacent to the terror.
Effect As above, and you can move the zone a number
Augment 2
of squares equal to your Charisma modifier as a move
Effect: As above, and the terror also has a +2 power
bonus to damage rolls. In addition, any creature the
Augment 6
terror hits with a melee attack takes a -2 penalty to its
Effect: As above, and you can move the zone a number of
next saving throw made before the end of its next turn.
squares equal to your Intelligence modifier as a move
action. When the zone ends, each creature within the
Thought Hammer Psion Attack 25 zone takes 15 damage.
Your thoughts become a wave offorce that hammersfoes to the
ground. Kinetic Detonation Psion Attack 27
Daily + Force, Implement, Psionic A pulse offorce explodes in the midst of combat, scattering vic
Standard Action Ranged 20 tims in all directions.
Target: One, two, or three creatures
At-Will 4 Augmentable, Force, Implement, Psionic
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 1 0 squares
Hit 4d1 2 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and you
Target Each creature in burst
knock the target prone.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Miss: Half damage.
Hit: Intelligence modifier force damage, and you push the
target 2 squares from the center of the burst.
Augment 2
Hit 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and you
push the target 2 squares from the center of the burst.
Augment 6
Area burst 3 within 10 squares
Hit 2d1 2 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and you
push the target a number of squares from the center of
the burst equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Reality Meltdown Psion Attack 27 Hurl into Heaven Psion Attack 29
A shimmering orb of molten psionic essence searsfoes that un You cast your enemies into the air, then drop them with lethal LU
ger too close. results.
At-Will + Augmentable, Conjuration, Fire, Implement, Daily + Implement, Psionic 0
Psionic Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: Each enemy in burst
Effect You conjure a molten orb in an unoccupied square Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude LU
within range. The orb lasts until the end of your next Hit You lift the target 5 to 50 feet into the air, where it is z
turn. Any creature that enters the orb’s space or starts its restrained until the start of your next turn. At the start
turn there takes fire damage equal to your Intelligence of your next turn, the target drops to the ground in the
modifier. In addition, you can make the following attack space it last occupied, taking 3d1 0 + Intelligence modi
using the orb. fier damage and dealing 20 damage to any creature on
Opportunity Action Melee 3 the ground beneath it.
Trigger: An enemy starts its turn within 3 squares of the Miss: You lift the target 5 feet into the air, where it is
molten orb restrained until the start of your next turn. At the start of
Target The triggering enemy your next turn, the target drops to the ground, taking 1 dl 0
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude + Intelligence modifier damage and dealing 10 damage to
Hit Intelligence modifier fire damage, and you move the any creature on the ground beneath it.
orb 3 squares to a square adjacent to the target.
Augment 2 Ravenous Singularity Psion Attack 29
Hit: 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and you
move the orb 3 squares to a square adjacent to the A dark vortex appears on the battlefield at your command, hin
target. If the target doesn’t end its next turn at least dering movement as it draws all creatures toward it.
3 squares away from the orb, the target takes 5 fire Daily + Conjuration, Implement, Psionic
damage. Standard Action Area burst 5 within 10 squares
Augment 6 Target: Each creature in burst
Trigger: An enemy starts its turn within 5 squares of the Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
molten orb Hit The target is immobilized (save ends).
Hit 2d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and you Miss: The target is slowed (save ends).
move the orb 5 squares to a square adjacent to the Effect: You conjure a ravenous singularity in the burst’s ori
target. gin square. The singularity lasts until the end of your next
turn. Any creature that ends its turn within 5 squares of
the singularity is pulled 2 squares toward the singularity.
LEVEI. 29 DAn.v DisciPuNEs Until the singularity ends, when a creature fails a sav
ing throw against the immobilized or slowed condition
Consuming Psychosis Psion Attack 29 imposed by this power, that creature is pulled into the
A burst ofpsychic energy inflicts a pain so potent that yourfoes singularity, takes 20 damage, and is removed from play
lash out blindly in their madness. (save ends). When the target saves, it reappears in any
unoccupied space of its choice within 3 squares of the
Daily + Implement, Psionic, Psychic
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Sustain Minor: The singularity persists, and it pulls you 1
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and on
going 10 psychic damage (save ends). Summon Thought Champion Psion Attack 29
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save You callforth an ideal championfrom your allies’ minds, grant
ends). ing it access to their powers.
Effect: When the target takes ongoing psychic damage Daily 4 Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Summoning
from this attack, it makes a melee basic attack against Minor Action Ranged 10
a random creature as a free action. If it cannot make a Effect You summon a Iarge thought champion in
melee attack against any creature, it targets itself with a unoccupied squares within range. The champion has
melee basic attack. speed 8. It has a +4 bonus to AC and Fortitude. You can
give the champion the following special commands.
Standard Action: The thought champion uses an at-will
attack power of one conscious ally you can see. It uses
the ally’s ability modifiers for the attack.
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence + 2 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + Intelligence modifier
Augment 2
Effect As above, and the champion also has a +3 power
bonus to damage rolls. Its standard action special com
mand can use at-will attack powers from any conscious
or unconscious ally within 20 squares of the champion.

+2 bonus to all defenses and deal 5 extra psychic
NEW PARAGON PATHS damage with their attacks. They grant combat advan
tage to enemies that are immune to fear.


“The power the Far Realm offrrs is worth any risk to my
sanity.” Far ~ealm’s Gift Alienist Attack 11
You bestow the horror ofthe Far Realm onyourfoe, transform
Prerequisite: Psion ing it into a creature of nightmare.
Encounter + Augmentable, Implement, Polymorph,
Some describe you as reckless. Others call you cor Psionic, Psychic
rupted, claiming that your work puts all the world at Standard Action Ranged 10
risk. The Far Realm is a dangerous place, to be sure, Target One creature
filled with horrors beyond imagining. But the power Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
to be found there is too tempting to ignore. Hit: 1 dl 2 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and
the target assumes the form of a Far Realm horror until
the end of your next turn. While in this form, the target
ALiENisT PATH fEATURES is slowed, takes a —2 penalty to attack rolls, and cannot
Alien Perspective (11th level): You gain a +1 make opportunity attacks. Any enemy that enters a square
bonus to Will, and you gain psychic resistance equal adjacent to the horror or ends its turn there takes 5
to one-half your level. psychic damage.
Insane Action (11th level): At the end of any of Augment 2
Area burst 1 within 10 squares
your turns in which you spend an action point, roll a Target Each creature in burst
d4 to invoke one of the effects below.
Mad Certainty Alienist Utility 12
d4 Insane Action Effect
Your vision of the Far Realmfuels your psionic power, at a price.
1 You are dazed until the end ot your next turn.
Daily + Psionic
2 The last creature you attacked can teleport 5
Minor Action Personal
squares as a free action.
Effect You regain 2 power points. Until the end of the
3 If you are conscious, you teleport 5 squares. When encounter, you take a -2 penalty to all defenses.
you do, you gain a +4 bonus to all defenses until
the end of your next turn. Summon Far Realm Alienist Attack 20
4 You gain 20 temporary hit points.
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2 Your power tears thefabric of reality, summoning a tentacled
horrorfrom the Far Realm that lays waste to yourfoes.
additional power points.
Alien Summoning (16th level): Creatures you Daily 4 Fear, Implement, Psionic, Psychic, Summoning
Minor Action Ranged 10
summon are tainted by the Far Realm and gain a Effect: You summon a Large Far Realm abomination in
unoccupied squares within range. The abomination has
speed 5. Any enemy not immune to fear that starts its
turn within 3 squares of the abomination takes a 2
penalty to attack rolls until the start of the enemy’s next
C turn. You can give the abomination the following special
/ Standard Action: Melee 2; targets one creature;
Intelligence vs. Reflex; 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier
damage, and the abomination grabs the target. The
abomination can grab up to two creatures at once.
Standard Action: Melee 2; targets a creature grabbed
by the abomination; Intelligence vs. Fortitude; 5d6 +
Intelligence modifier damage, and the target is knocked
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the abomination
any commands by the end of your turn, it makes the
following attack: Close burst 3; targets each creature in
burst; Intelligence vs. Will; 1 dl 2 + Intelligence modifier
psychic damage, and the target is dazed until the end of
your next turn.


“Why create when destruction is so
much more entertaining?”
Prerequisite: Psion C

Others ofyour kind shape reality

as a potter works clay, but creating
and reforming your environment
has little appeal to you. Instead,
your knowledge of the underlying z
patterns in the structure of the
objects and creatures that make
up the world around you that
allows you to test and sunder that
The raw stuff of life and matter
are yours to toy with. Your power
comes at a price, however. With Abhorrent Devotee (16th level): While you have
no power points remaining, your unaugmented psion
each bond you break, the structure of reality is
weakened to some small degree. Your work is minor at-will attack powers gain an additional effect when
compared to the ravages of time and the power of they hit an enemy. If the attack roll is an odd number,
gods, immortals, and the Far Realm. But all things the enemy takes extra necrotic damage equal to
are connected, and your power might be the catalyst your Charisma modifier. If the attack roll is an even
that unleashes destruction on the world. number, you pull the enemy 1 square.

ANATHEMA PATH FEATURES Magical Disruption Anathema Utility 12

Entropic Recovery (11th level): Whenever you Your will to destroy means that even magic. crumbles away to
spend a healing surge and regain hit points, each nothing at your command.
enemy adjacent to you takes psychic and necrotic Daily + Implement, Psionic
damage equal to your Charisma modifier. Minor Action Ranged 10
Target One conjuration or zone
Eroding Action (11th level): When you spend Attack: Intelligence + 4 vs. the Will of the target’s creator
an action point to make an attack, any target hit by Hit The target is destroyed. All its effects end, including
that attack gains vulnerable necrotic and vulnerable those that a save can end. Until the end of your next turn,
psychic equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier (save whenever the target’s creator attacks, it can use only
ends both). basic attacks.
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2
additional power points. Oblivion_Sphere Anathema Attack 20
A shimmering sphere of energy encloses yourfoe, whose ongo
ANATHEMA DIsciPLINEs ing agony isfrlt by creaturesnearby.
Daily + Implement, Necrotic, Psionic
Scattered Discorporation Anathema Attack 11
Standard Action Ranged 20
Target: One creature
Yourfoe’sform is rendered incoherent and unstable, dealing Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
pain to other creatures as youforce it across the battlefield. Hit You lift the target 15 feet into the air, where it is re
Encounter + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic strained and takes ongoing 1 5 necrotic damage (save
Standard Action Ranged 10 ends both). If the target is bloodied or becomes bloodied
Target: One creature while under this effect, the ongoing damage increases
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude to 30. When the target takes ongoing damage from this
Hit: 2d1 2 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target power, each creature or unattended object within 3
is insubstantial until the start of your next turn. In addi squares of the target takes the same amount of damage.
tion, you slide the target 4 squares. If you slide the target When this effect ends, the target falls to the ground.
into another creature’s space, that creature takes psychic Miss: Ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save ends). If the target
damage equal to your Intelligence modifier. A creature is bloodied or becomes bloodied while under this effect,
can take this damage only once per round. the ongoing damage increases to 20. When the target
Augment 2 takes ongoing damage from this power, each enemy within
Hit: As above, but the attack deals 3d1 2 + Intelligence 3 squares of the target takes the same amount of damage.
modifier damage and you slide the target 8 squares.

FIRESTARTER Fiery Lash Frestarter Feature
A whip offire lashes afoe and surrounds it with a burning halo.
“By the power of my mind, you will burn...
At-Will + Fire, Implement, Psionic
Standard Action Melee 2
Prerequisite: Psion
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
The elemental flame and arcane fire can be devastat Hit 1 dl 2 + Intelligence modIfier fire damage, and each
ing on the battlefield, but the power of the psionic fire enemy adjacent to the target takes fire damage equal to
you wield is more deadly by far. You can scorch your your Intelligence modifier.
enemies or scour them from the inside out. You cloak LeveI2l: 2d12 + Intelligence modifier fire damage.
yourself in flames to protect yourself from foes as you
lash them with your fiery touch. FIRESTARTER DlsclPuNEs

FIRESTARTER PATH FEATURES Hungry Flames resta ter Attack 11

Wildfire Action (11th level): Whenever you Motes of living flame manifest in the midst ofyourfoes.
spend an action point to take an extra action, each Encounter + Augmentable, Fire, Implement, Psionic
enemy adjacent to you takes fire damage equal to Standard Action Ranged 10
your Wisdom modifier. Ifyou spend this action point Effect: You conjure two hungry flames in unoccupied
to use a psion attack power, choose one target you hit squares within range. The hungry flames last until the
end of your next turn. You can make the following attack
with that attack. Each creature adjacent to that target
using the flames.
takes fire damage equal to your Intelligence modifier. Opportunity Action Melee 1
Fear No Fire (11th level): You gain fire resis Trigger: An enemy starts its turn in a square adjacent to a
tance equal to one-half your level. hungry flame
Force and Flame (11th level): Whenever you use Target The triggering enemy
a psionic force attack power, you can choose to have Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
the power deal fire damage instead of force damage. Hit: 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and you
move the flame 2 squares.
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2
Augment 2
additional power points. Effect As above, except you conjure four hungry flames
Fiery Nimbus (16th level): When you score a in unoccupied squares within range.
critical hit using a psionic attack power, each enemy
within 2 squares ofyou takes fire damage equal Fire \N~Ik Firestarter Ut~Iity 12
to your Wisdom modifier, and you acquire a fiery Firefollows inyourfootsteps, creating an inferno as you pass.
nimbus until the end of the encounter. While the
Encounter + Fire, Psionic, Zone
nimbus lasts, you gain the fiery lash power, and any Move Action Personal
creature that starts its turn adjacent to you takes fire Effect: You move your speed ÷4. Each square you leave
damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. during that movement becomes a zone that lasts until
the start of your next turn. Any creature that enters the
zone takes 5 fire damage.

Spontaneous Combustion Firestarter Attack 20

Your psychic spark burns afoefrom the inside, then detonates.
Daily + Fire, Implement, Psionic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Effect: You place a psychic spark inside the target. The spark
lasts until the end of the encounter or until expended.
Until the spark ends, the target has vulnerable 10 fire
and you can make the following attack. If you drop to 0
hit points or fewer before the spark ends, you make this
attack as an immediate interrupt.
Minor Action Ranged 10
Target: The creature with your psychic spark
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4d1 0 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, the
spark is expended, and the target takes ongoing 5 fire
damage (save ends).
Each Failed Saving Throw: The ongoing fire damage
increases by 5, and each enemy adjacent to the target
takes fire damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Miss: The target takes fire damage equal to your
Intelligence modifier.
“The power ofmy servants is limited only by my
imagination.” Sustaining Harvest Master Summoner Attack 11
Your attack hinders nearbyfoes as it let.s you steal an enemy’s z
Prerequisite: Psion l~feforcefor your own needs. C
Encounter + Augmentable, Implement, Necrotic, Psionic (Z1
Without form and order, all life reverts to its natural Standard Action Ranged 10
Target One creature
state of chaos. Without thought, there can be no life,
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
and you prove this maxim by creating life from the Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modIfier necrotic damage, and
power of thought. You are the master of summoning, each enemy adjacent to the target takes a —2 penalty to L.LJ
shaping the raw possibility ofyour psionic power into all defenses until the end of your next turn. In addition, z
whatever form you desire. The servants you fashion you or one summoned creature you control gains tempo
are granted a semblance of life, which they sacrifice rary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier.
willingly to fight on your behalf. Your creations are Augment 2
Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and
many and varied. Your focus allows you to bestow a
each enemy adjacent to the target takes a —2 penalty to
consistent range of traits that mark them all as your all defenses until the end of your next turn. In addition,
children, and that grant unequalled usefulness on the you or one summoned creature you control gains
battlefield. temporary hit points equal to twice your Intelligence
Warded Summons Master Summoner Utility 12
Your connection to a creature you’ve summoned allows it to
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2
turn back even the deadliestattack.
additional power points.
Daily + Psionic
Resilient Creation (11th level): When you
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 10
summon a creature using a psion power, the sum Trigger: A summoned creature you control within 10
moned creature gains temporary hit points equal to squares of you takes damage from an attack
your Charisma modifier. Target: The triggering creature
In addition, whenever you spend a healing surge, Effect: The target takes no damage from the triggering
one summoned creature you control regains hit attack.
points equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Driven Action (11th level): When you spend an Ideal Champion Master Summoner Attack 20

action point to give a special command that allows You summon the ideal champion tofight at your side.
a summoned creature to make an attack, that attack Daily + Implement, Psionic, Summoning
gains a power bonus to the attack roll equal to your Standard Action Ranged 10
Charisma modifier, and each enemy hit by the attack Effect: You summon a Huge ideal champion in unoccupied
takes 5 extra damage. squares within range. The champion has speed 5 and
threatening reach. It has a +2 bonus to all defenses and
Evolved Form (16th level): When you summon a
gains one extra trait from your Evolved Form feature. You
creature using a psion power, you can grant the sum can give the champion the following special commands.
moned creature one of the following traits. Standard Action: Melee 3; targets one creature;
Agile Loper: The summoned creature gains a +4 Intelligence vs. AC; 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage,
power bonus to speed. and the champion pushes the target 5 squares.
Alabaster Wings: The summoned creature gains fly Standard Action (1/encounter): Close burst 3; targets each
6 (hover). enemy in burst; Intelligence vs. AC; 2d8 + Intelligence
modifier damage, and the champion pushes the target 5
Aquatic Menace: The summoned creature gains the
squares and knocks it prone.
aquatic keyword and swim 8. Opportunity Attack: Melee 3; targets one creature;
Hooked Stinger: The summoned creature’s opportu Intelligence vs. AC; 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage.
nity attacks deal 2d6 extra poison damage.
Unstable Corpus: When the summoned creature
drops to 0 hit points, it explodes, dealing 15 damage
to each creature in a burst 3.

“Have you met my companion? I prize himfor his obedi
ence and absolute loyalty.”

Prerequisite: Psion

With the power of your mind, you compel service

from another creature, subverting the subject’s will
in favor of your own. Whether a beast from the wild
or a sentient creature beholden to you by some dark
bargain or threat, your thrall lives its life as your
most devoted servant—a powerful puppet of flesh and
Obedient Thrall (11th level): You gain the ser
vice of a thrall—a Medium natural beast or humanoid
that is incapable of independent action and under
your complete control. The thrall is an ally to you and
your allies.


The thrall’s statistics are based on your level and your
Speed: 5 squares
Defenses: AC 14 + level, Fortitude 13 + level, Reflex
12 + level, Will 11 + level
Hit Points: 14 + 4 per level
Initiative: The thrall acts during each of your turns.
Attacks: If the thrall makes an attack, you make the
attack through the thrall. If the thrall wields a melee
weapon, it uses the weapon’s proficiency bonus
and damage for its attack. If it does not wield a
weapon, its natural attack uses either a +3 profi
ciency bonus and a dl 0 weapon damage die, or a
+2 proficiency bonus and a d12 weapon damage
die. You choose one option or the other when you
take a short rest. The thrall’s attack can benefit
from the magical effect of either an implement you
wield or a weapon the thrall wields, but not both.
Checks: If the thrall can make a skill check or an ability The thrall has no actions of its own; you spend
check, you make the check. actions to command it mentally. You can command
Temporary Modifiers: Attacks and checks you the thrall only ifyou have line of effect to it. When
make through the thrall do not include temporary you command the thrall, the two of you share knowl
bonuses or penalties to your statistics. edge but not senses.
Magic Items: The thrall can employ a single magic As a minor action, you can command the thrall
item. If the item has any powers, you use those to take one of the following actions, if it is physically
powers using your own actions. capable of taking that action: crawl, escape, fly, open
or close a door or a container, pick up or drop an
When you use your second wind, your thrall regains item, run, stand up, shift, squeeze, or walk.
hit points equal to your healing surge value. Your Whenever you take a move action, your thrall can
thrall regains all its hit points when you take a short crawl, escape, fly, run, stand up, shift, squeeze, or
rest. walk as a free action.
Ifyour thrall dies, you can restore it to life by using In addition, you can issue the following special
the Raise Dead ritual. The component cost is 500 gp, commands to your thrall. z
or 5,000 gp at epic tier. z

Standard Action: Melee weapon; targets one crea Devoted Servant (16th level): While you are
ture; Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 1[W] + Intelligence adjacent to your thrall, you gain a +2 bonus to all I
modifier damage. defenses.
Opportunity Attack: Melee weapon; targets one
creature; Intelligence vs. AC; 1[W] + Intelligence z
modifier damage. If the target enters a square adja
cent to you in the course of provoking the opportunity Serve Me Well Thr~IIherd Attack 11
attack, the thrall gains a +4 bonus to the attack roll. You~dnv~eyoui~ thrall into battle to unleash a vicious attack
Compelling Action (11th level): Whenever you
Encounter + Augmentable, Fear, Implement, Psionic
spend an action point to take an extra action, your Standard Action Melee 1
thrall can make its standard action attack as a free Requirement: Your thrall must be within 10 squares of you.
action. Effect: The thrall moves its speed, then you make an attack
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2 through the thrall.
additional power points. Target: One creature adjacent to the thrall
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
~ modifier damage, and the target
tak~s ~-2 pènálty to attack rolls against the thrall until
the~ start ofyour next turn.
‘.A PUPPET 1’IASTER Augment 2
The thraliherd paragon path builds on the conceptof a
~son who charms and conij~els his or her foes controlling
Target: Each enemy adjacent to the thrall 4
their every action As a thrallherd you truly earn the title’ Restore Thrall Thr~IIherd Utility 12
~mastermind because you are the master of1everyone Your psionic power alleviates your thrall’s injuries, readying it
eke’s mind.’ ~ .: tofight again.
When choosing powers for your chara’cter along Encounter + Healing, Psionic
with powers that allow you to dominate your fogs also Minor Action Ranged S
consider ppwers that caus~ your enemies to attack~ one Target: Your obedient thrall in range
another Heroic tier powers such as betrayal and crisis of Eff~Yo~r thrall regains hit points equal to your healing
identity (both found in Players Handbook 3) allow you
to control the actions of your enemies ~ven if only for
Loosen the Chain Thrallherd Attack 20
a single attack. wh~Eh I~rther deñiónstrates your ability
o’uil~~nypufhold on your thrall, letting it fight indepen
tô.treat all creatures as yourpujipets You can roleplay
ly~il~ide you.
powers that grant your alliesattacks,such asforced oppor
Daily + Psionic
tunity, in such a way that suggests that you are controlli~ig
Standard Action Ranged 10
your ally for that attack. Target: Your obedient thrall in range
Your thrall is a manifestation of your ability to domi Eff~2t.~Uhtil’the end of the encounter, your thrall gains a
nate other beings. Since you are mentally controlling ~tand~rd’aaioii and a move action during each of your
your thrall’s actions, the thrall’s attack rolls and damage • ‘tL1~n~. You, caiyuse your standard action to give the thrall
rolls are based on your statistics. Other statistics, such ~t~’extra~action over and above its own standard action
as defenses and hit points, are based on your level and
do not rely on the game statistics of the base creature.
Therefore, the thrall can be any creature that fits your
character and campaign. Is your thrall a former enemy?
A tamed beast? A random stranger you met at the last
tavern? The story of where your thrall comes from helps
add more detail to your character’s place in the campaign
As a thrallherd, you compel others to fight for you, and
you avoid being directly involved in violence. You can
play this up by encouraging your companions to attack
at your behest. After all, even though the other charac
ters are acting of their own volition, there’s no reason to
let them think they are. You can present your thraliherd
character as controlling, domineering, and perhaps even
a bit maniacal. Don’t overdo it with your fellow players,
but help them understand that it’s only a matter of time
before all the world is under your control.



THIS CHAPTER presents psionic characters

with a wealth of new techniques and tools to expand
their understanding of the psionic power source and
to improve its use on and off the battlefield. It also
explores the place of psionic power in the worlds of
the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game, and introduces dif
ferent philosophies and orders that can help you shape
your character’s outlook and personality. You might
choose a background from this chapter to explain
aspects ofyour character’s past, or set your sights on
an epic destiny that will shape his or her future.

+ Psionic Power in the World: This section looks

at the history of psionic power in the world of
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, and explores the place of
and DARK SUN campaign settings.
+ Philosophies and Orders: The mind set of
psionic characters can be shaped by the attitudes
and organizations with which they are associated.
+ The Origin of Psionics: The most commonly
held theories on the origin of psionic power, and
how those theories relate to the psionic classes.
+ Psionic Backgrounds: Character backgrounds,
first introduced in Player’s Handbook 2, can
enhance the connection between a character and
his or her psionic energy.
+ Psionic Bloodlines: Characters of any race can
select one of two bloodlines—the elan and the
foulborn—that offer a host of feat-based options for
accessing psionic power.
+ New Feats: Organized by tier, more than 100 new
feats provide useful options for every psionic class.
+ Epic Destinies: Six new epic destinies set the
final stage of a psionic character’s adventuring
+ Equipment and Magic Items: New superior
ki focuses, magic ki focuses, and augmentable
items supplement the psionics equipment intro
duced in Player’s Handbook 3.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

— — S
As discussed in Player’s Handbook 3, psionics users potential. These young talents are schooled in rigorous
first appeared among the mortal races in the latter academies; indoctrination in loyalty and service to the
years of the Dawn War. According to legend, when state are the price oftheir education.
a god cracked open the Living Gate, defiling energy
and monstrous Far Realm terrors entered the Astral THE PsioNics ECOLOGY
Sea and spread into the natural world. Psionic talent in the world of the crimson sun is not
bun and Pelor are credited with sealing shut that limited to humankind and other sentient races. A
fell gateway to the Far Realm, but not before reality robust psionics ecology has developed in the deserts,
had been corrupted. Psionic power is thought to be wastes, and barrens ofAthas. Many animal species
a response to this corruption. Vague histories speak (and even some plants) have evolved innate psionic
of monks dedicated to bun tapping this new power abilities, ranging from the innocuous to the lethal. A
even before fully understanding its meaning. The first few are psionivores, subsisting on the mental energy
ardents and battleminds likely had even less sense of their prey.
of the changes that psionic power wrought in them, Travelers and adventurers who spend time in the
inspiring them to greatness through emotion and the Athasian wilderness quickly learn how creatures
fury of combat. use psionics to survive. Small herbivores—Athas’s
equivalents of hares, mice, or gophers—can react to
PsioNic POWER IN ATHAS premonitions by briefly turning invisible, phasing, or
teleporting away from danger. Larger prey animals
In the DARK SUN campaign setting, psionic energy is
might repel attacks with blasts of fear or confusion,
an ingrained and integral part of life. For folk in the
world ofAthas, speculating on the origins of psionics or raise telekinetic storms of gravel and dust to cover
their escape. Predators have developed various coun
is as senseless an exercise as asking why people have
ters to these defenses. Carnivores such as the id fiend
fingers or where sand comes from. Fingers, sand, and
and the gaj use psionic attacks in place of physical
psionics simply are.
Many individuals have access to minor psionic ones to make their kills.
ability—flashes of abnormal insight, physical
enhancements, and minor talents. Every community PsioNic ENCHANTMENTS
boasts a few psionics users. Ardents, battleminds, and As far as templar scholars and noble savants can
those who have useful wild abilities are welcomed determine, people have studied the power of the
wherever they go. Merchant houses employ psionics mind for thousands ofyears. Still, only a handful
users as guards, advisors, spies, and assassins. Among of individuals have ever mastered the art of psionic
the desert tribes, capable psions are highly respected enchantment—a fusion of arcane skill and psionic
and revered, often serving as chiefs or advisors to knowledge that unlocks the potential for rituals and
chiefs. Given the risks associated with arcane magic spells of almost godlike power. Each of the sorcerer-
and the sorcerer-kings’ distrust of primal spirits and kings ofAthas is both an arcanist of fearsome power
evocations, psionics is by far the most prevalent and and a psionics user of tremendous strength. Some
accepted form of supernatural power in Athas. sages claim that the secret of the sorcerer-kings’
Although minor talents are common, only a few immortality can be found in the combination of these
individuals have the means and the opportunity to powers. Believing that each sorcerer-king long ago
become powerful psionics users. Nobles pay exorbi embarked on a slow process of magical apotheosis
tant fees to have their children tutored or enrolled in to master psionic enchantments, they whisper that
psionics schools. As a result, many members of the these great rulers are no longer human.
Athasian upper class are capable of protecting them The greatest psionics user and defiler in Athas
selves and directing their guards and servants with the Dragon—does not bother to hide its inhuman
mental powers. nature. No being has ever engaged the Dragon in
Those not born to wealth receive their training mental or magical combat and lived to tell the tale.
informally. In cultures such as the desert tribes, older, Stories—most likely untrue—tell of doomed desert
experienced psionics users tutor apprentices who show tribes or cities marked for death who have fought
talent. Some city-states (Nibenay being the most prom back against their destroyer. Scores of powerful
inent) have monastic traditions that accept psionically psions acting in concert were unable to best the
inclined novices for the sake of furthering the art and scourge of Athas or check its advance. This example
spreading their teachings. In more martial city-states serves as a grim testament to the Dragon’s command
such as Draj or Urik, the sorcerer-kings direct their of psionic enchantment and the limitless potential of
templars to find children who show notable psionic these combined powers.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

PsioNic POWER Some Gatekeeper druids, who guard against new -J
incursions from Xoriat, are investigating the possible
iN EBERRON use of psionics to augment their traditional primal C
In a world as rich in magic as Eberron, psionic energy powers—a “fight fire with fire” mind set frowned
is no more remarkable than any other supernatural upon by many within their order. Previously mun
phenomenon. The people of Khorvaire recognize that dane monastic traditions from Breland to the Talenta I
psionics is practiced differently than the far more Plains have begun incorporating psionics teachings. z
common divine, arcane, or primal magic, but these The Universities ofWynarn and Morgrave hire
differences are purely a matter of curiosity. psionic explorers and professors. The intelligence
In Sarlona, the birthplace of humanity and home arms ofAundair and Breland are starting to make
of the Path of Inspiration and Path of Light faiths, use of psionic spies, perhaps inspired by the realiza 0
psionic power is ubiquitous. Both the sprawling tion that the gnomes of Zilargo and several of the
settlements of Riedra and the mountain strongholds Feyspires already do so. U
ofAdar boast advanced psionics practitioners. The The governments ofAundair, Breland, Karrnath, z
oldest monastic traditions and psionics colleges and and Thrane—the four surviving nations of the Last 0
cabals are located in that distant land. War—are keenly aware of the growing practice of
The extent and use of psionic power in other areas psionics. Since the war’s end, these nations have
of Eberron is unknown. No doubt, Aerenal, Xen’drik, developed a precarious balance of power, each domi
Argonnessen, and less populated areas have their nating in one area beyond the capacity of the others.
share of psionics users and psionic creatures. As with Aundair has the greatest arcane forces; Karrnath the
so many other features of those locales, however, largest traditional military; Thrane the most access
definitive knowledge is elusive. to divine magic; and Breland the greatest quantity of
natural resources. If any nation manages to gain an
Eberron’s myths and history are too extensive and
edge in the advancement of psionics—or appears to
be doing so—the threat could reignite hostilities and
conflicting for definitive statements to be made once again plunge the continent into war.
regarding the origin of psionics. Still, certain infer
ences can be draw. The few records of the world’s PsioNic POWER iN TORIL
first mortal civilization, that of the giants ofXen’drik, The world of the FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign set
mention nothing that resembles psionics until after ting is both knowledgeable about and rich in magic.
the arrival of the quori. Hailing from Dal Quor, Eber Across the world ofToni, wizards, warlocks, sorcerers,
ron’s Plane of Dreams, the quori possessed powerful clerics, and other spelicasters are steeped in the deep
mental abilities. Even after the giants succeeded est secrets of arcane and divine magic. Characters
at separating Dal Quor from Eberron, psionics who wield magic benefit from widespread acceptance
remained. Among humanoids, the earliest evidence throughout Faerfln. Against this backdrop, psionic
of psionics practice appears in Sarlona. power does not possess the pedigree, prevalence, or
Thousands ofyears later, psionics first arose in Khor general awareness that arcane and divine magic do.
vaire among orcs and goblins during the invasion ofthe
daelkyr. These flesh-warpers are the lords ofXoriat, the
Far Realm ofEberron’s cosmology~ Although psionics
Psionic power has existed throughout Toril’s history,
practice did not become as widespread on Khorvaire
but psionics users rarely appear in numbers capable
as it did on Sarlona, psionics remains an established
of forming schools or cabals. Only once did psionic
source of power, practiced by reputable organiza
power manage to make a substantial mark on the
tions and monasteries. Still, a number of scholars are
world—in the empire ofJhaamdath.
troubled by the notion that both Dal Quor’s and Xoriat’s
Ancient Jhaamdath, the Twelve Cities of Swords,
influence inspired the rise ofmental powers—and they
was ruled by a psiocracy thousands ofyears ago.
wonder what an increasing prevalence ofpsionic char
Jhaamdath’s people were renowned for both their
acters in the world might portend.
mental magic and martial skills. Much of their psion
ics craft was lost when the expansionistic empire fell
ACROSS KHORVAIRE before a tsunami created by elven high magic origi
Almost a lost art among its native races, psionics was nating in Chondalwood. Today, the partly drowned
reinvigorated in Khorvaire when the first humans Vilhon Wilds is littered with the rubble ofJhaamda
crossed the seas from Sarlona. It was reinforced by th’s twelve cities. Psionic energy leaks from dozens of
more powerful and more formal traditions when the items and artifacts that now lie beneath stones, sand,
kalashtar followed later. Slowly but steadily, the prac and the accumulated detritus of more than one disas
tice of psionics is spreading in the Five Nations and ter. So diffuse are these psionic traces, however, that
beyond. few of the relics have been located. More prominent
CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options
are the bits and pieces of psionics lore that have been to the practice of psionics than TonI was before its
passed down through the ages. twin world returned.
Jhaamdath-era fragments have lead to the devel Within the many libraries and hermit towers of
opment of the oldest psionics traditions on Toril. Faerñn, a few savants posit that the growing inci
Other sects have arisen gradually as a result of psion dence of psionic ability among the population is the
ics breakthroughs or insightful practitioners. Even world’s collective, unconscious response to the imp
so, psionics remains rare. Among TonI’s numerous ingment of the Far Realm. Evidence supporting this
monastic traditions devoted to spiritual enlighten theory is difficult to gather, however, and the view is
ment and unarmed combat, only a few bring psionic mostly unknown among the general population.
energy into their practices. Given their recent emergence and the unusual
nature oftheir powers, groups and gatherings of
THE SPELIPLAGUE psionics users tend toward secrecy. Members prefer
meeting in hidden halls and revealing their existence
to other proven psionics practitioners only. They do
When the goddess Mystra was murdered and
not want to draw undue attention to their unfamil
the Spellplague ravaged Toril, the fabric of reality
iar abilities, fearing distrust and persecution. Many
was torn asunder. During this period, a portion of
members of these cabals believe that such secrecy
vanished Abeir returned, creating new lands and
is unwarranted and unnecessary, pointing out that
regions—and often violently occluding older lands in
psionics will never be embraced by the larger world
the process. The Spellplague also wrought substantial
if its practitioners appear to have something to hide.
changes in the practice and manifestations of magic.
Still, traditions and reservations are hard to overcome.
Portions of the world, called plaguelands, remain
Other psionics sects have good reason to remain
dangerous and unpredictable. In them, magic func
hidden. Certain psionics cabals cannot escape the
tions poorly and the laws of nature are erratic at best.
psychic presence of the floating city of aboleths,
Few people realize how quickly the number of
Xxiphu, however far they might be from the Sea of
psionics users has increased in the nine decades that
Fallen Stars. Whether consciously or instinctively,
have passed since the Spellplague. Psions, ardents,
these practitioners understand that they could be
and battleminds appear throughout the population in
used in some future cosmic conflict. Psionics users
ever-growing numbers. That growth has lead to the
hide their presence from potential enemies as mind
establishment of a number of small psionics cabals
flayers spread their tendrils throughout the Under
and traditions.
dark, aboleth cities rise from sunken tombs, and stars
Some sages attribute the expansion of psionic
flicker with ominous portent.
ability to the Spellplague, believing that the twisting
The seeds of psionic power continue to germinate
of magical energy has somehow permitted psionic
in the minds of Toril’s people, counterbalancing the
power to flourish. Other scholars believe that the
threat that the Far Realm might one day present. This
influx of psionic energy originates with Abeir’s
menace, once unveiled, could make the Spellplague
return. This claim is hotly debated, however, because
seem like a minor disaster—or perhaps merely a pre
Abeir—a land dominated by the pnimordials and their
cursor to the true end of days.
elemental magic—does not seem any more conducive


Because a psionics mind set shapes attitudes, Instinctive psionics users such as ardents and battle-
beliefs, and perceptions, most psionics users see the minds are attracted to this less-structured exploration
world through a prism of sorts. They often embrace of psionic power.
organizations and belief systems that stray from A psionics order, on the other hand, is a much
mainstream thinking. more formal system of belief. Like a philosophy, it
A psionics philosophy is a set of beliefs regarding embraces particular views regarding the origin and
the origin, nature, and purpose of psionic energy. nature of psionics. An order also focuses on meth
Philosophies are not taught in formal schools or ods of instruction, specific practices, and, in some
practiced in large groups. Rather, these beliefs are instances, formal interactions with society and reli
passed from individual to individual or from a single gious ideologies. Some psionics orders are set up like
believer to a small cabal. Although certain beliefs schools or religious institutions, and others marry
sometimes take root in a particular region, a philoso their philosophies to local cultural traditions. Disci
phy is seldom espoused from a central headquarters, plined psionic power users such as psions and monks
nor do its followers have formal titles or hierarchies. are drawn to such groups.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

CERULEAN ADEPTS gain in power and experience, agents of the Cerulean ‘1,
Adepts carefully approach them to explain the danger Lu
Claiming descent from the earliest warriors who the Far Realm presents, and the order’s belief that
fought against the Far Realm beneath the symbol all psionic characters are instrumental in the world’s
of the Cerulean Sign, the Cerulean Adepts seeks to C
defense. Any such individual who reaches high epic
understand the energy that the plane produces. The levels is given special attention, and told of the adepts’ C
order prepares for the day when the pressure of the belief that he or she might be their foretold champion.
Far Realm results in the birth of a long-prophesied Once a psionics user is aware of the Cerulean
psionic champion. Adepts and has joined the order’s cause, the order Lu
Primary Class: Psion makes its resources available. The organization has I
Primary Alignment: Unaligned, though the vast libraries, and many of its members are scholars.
order accepts members of all alignments 0
Although willing to share their knowledge, members
do not assist subjects in battle. It is believed that the 0
BELiEFS AND TRADITIONS promised champion must evolve without assistance I
The Cerulean Adepts believes that the influence of the in order to prove his or her worth.
Far Realm drives the rise ofpsionic power, and that When not focused on a potential champion, the
psionics is the only hope the world has against the Out Cerulean Adepts defends innocents from aberrant
side’s aberrant influence. creatures and other threats. The order hopes to stem
Over many centuries, dozens of psionics groups, the tide of the Far Realm until the champion arises.
from full-fledged orders to tiny cabals, have been
dedicated to standing against the spread of the Far ORGANIZATION
Realm. One of the first and most notorious of these The Cerulean Adepts is a relatively small order. Its
was the Keepers of the Cerulean Sign, which is cred numbers are more substantial in regions where the
ited with having thwarted a Far Realm invasion force
centuries ago (see Player’s Handbook 3, page 94). Over
Far Realm’s touch is heavy, but it is largely unknown
elsewhere. The order is anxious to recruit more
time, nearly all these groups have been destroyed or members so it can cover more ground. The Cerulean
corrupted from within. Mortal minds, no matter how Adepts is partial to psions, but it accepts individuals
formidable, have proven too weak to withstand the of any class.
Far Realm’s power and madness. Leader: Taul Kim, a human once thought to be a
The Cerulean Adepts believes its tradition potential champion until an illithid elder brain tem
descends from all those organizations, but primar porarily enslaved him, is the group’s master adept.
ily from the keepers. The order’s founders are psions Psychic scans show he has shaken the illithid’s influ
who once hailed from disparate orders and traditions. ence, and the group trusts him completely, but Kim
All supposedly received a psychic vision of a psionic is unwilling to stand as champion in case some dor
champion who will one day lead a powerful faction of mant effect remains. Kim is a monk, though most of
psionics users against the most potent entities of the the adepts he leads are psions.
Far Realm. That battle will decide the world’s fate. Headquarters: The Cerulean Adepts enjoys the
Either the Far Realm will be permanently isolated, or cooperation of the primary temple in the ancient
madness will shred reality. city of Pravarum. There, amid shrines to Erathis,
The adepts believe it is their responsibility to cul bun, Bahamut, and Pelor, the order has its own
tivate that champion and his or her mental warriors. meeting hail.
Thus, they send psionic individuals into danger to for Hierarchy: Members who have any degree of
tify them for the coming conflict, and they watch and seniority and experience are known as adepts, and
wait for signs of greatness. those below them are novices. Other than the master
The Cerulean Adepts believes the Far Realm adept, no formal positions exist. The master adept
is responsible for the existence of psionic energy, decides, usually based on seniority, who holds author
though its members debate the merits of the various ity over specific areas of the order’s operations.
theories attempting to define the scope of the Far
Realm’s influence.
You have received your training with an eye toward
GOALS AND OBJECTiVES understanding the importance of the foretold
Adepts are masters of subtlety, laboring to quietly plant champion. You vigilantly listen for rumors of the
spies and cultivate informants in every community champion’s appearance and watch for Far Realm
they can reach. The Cerulean Adepts works to discover incursions.
up-and-coming psionics users. Such characters are Associated Skills: Arcana, Streetwise
encouraged (or skillfully maneuvered) into participat Associated Language: Deep Speech
ing in adventures and explorations—preferably where
the influence ofthe Far Realm is strong. As subjects
CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options
FISTS OF ZUOKEN uphold the order’s image even as it provides another
step on the path toward enlightenment.
A human follower of the Breath of the Sun and Moon
monastic tradition, Zuoken was supposedly the first
mortal to reach enlightenment—the perfect harmony ORGANiZATION
of mind, body, and soul. As a reward for his efforts, Although a famous order, the Fists of Zuoken is no
bun made him one of her greatest exarchs. Now larger than most other monastic traditions. It is not
among the most revered of the monastic tradition, secretive, but it is relatively isolated. Locating and
the Fists of Zuoken follows his example. The order’s reaching the order is considered the first test of an
disciples are paragons of enlightenment, working aspirant’s persistence and ability.
constantly toward personal perfection. Leader: The peer-selected disciple considered
Primary Class: Monk nearest to enlightenment and who most embodies
Primary Alignment: Good, though lawful the qualities of Zuoken leads the order. This is usu
good and unaligned disciples make up a significant ally the Fists of Zuoken’s eldest member. This leader
minority is called the scion of Zuoken. Ammineth, an elf so
venerable that her face is a map of wrinkles and her
hair resembles cobwebs, is the current scion.
BELiEFS AND TRADiTioNs Headquarters: The Fists ofZuoken operates several
All living beings have an innate link to psionic small monasteries, but the order is based in a large
energy. Only creatures who have the potential for monastery the size of a modest village. It is located atop
enlightenment can access this energy, and only those a frigid plateau near the mountains that house the leg
who obtain a measure of enlightenment can master endary city ofArgent, created by the gods themselves.
it. It is a disciple’s responsibility to nurture his or her Hierarchy: Eight elder monks assist the scion
psionic ability, because psionics users are the only of Zuoken in managing the order and developing
ones capable of attaining true enlightenment and its curriculum. The four masters of the wind are
reaching a greater existence after death. responsible for focusing on the monks’ physical stud
Even though ardents and battleminds have an ies; the four masters of the seasons are responsible
instinctive connection to psionic energy, their natural for teaching mental exercises and scholastic studies.
talent isn’t enough. They need strict monastic training The master of winter or the master of the north wind
to achieve enlightenment. Thus, members of the Fists typically becomes the next scion of Zuoken. Monks
of Zuoken are charged with encouraging ardents and qualified to teach are known as masters. Students are
battleminds in their psionic pursuits while also coax granted no title.
ing them toward a more disciplined path of study.
Although most disciples are good aligned, the
Fists of Zuoken believes that psionics is inherently a BACKGROUND BENEFIT
seWcentered power. Mastering it requires the psion Fists ofZuoken disciples either raised you or trained
ics user to master body, mind, and soul. The order you. From an early age, you’ve worked to balance the
believes that helping others can aid a psionics user needs of mind and body. You have also studied the
on this journey toward self-awareness and enlighten enemies of gods and mortals against whom Zuoken
ment, but taking that path must be a personal choice. battled, and possibly battles still as bun’s exarch.
Most members of the Fists of Zuoken embrace Associated Skills: Acrobatics, Religion
the “gift of the gods” or “more than human” psionics Associated Lan~ua,ge: Primordial
origin theories.
The Fists of Zuoken work to locate and guide poten Born of two disparate traditions, the Keepers of the
tial psionics users. Each disciple of the Fists of Zuoken Internal Sun is an order devoted to the acquisition
seeks personal perfection, or enlightenment, through and safekeeping of knowledge. Its original members
the unity of mind, body, and soul. The order’s exer gathered information in the hope of saving threat
cises, practices, and rituals are designed to strengthen ened cultures from destruction. Lately, however,
each aspect of self until the boundaries between the those lofty ambitions have been set aside in favor of
three melt away, revealing the unified self. purely academic goals.
Even though the order does not require it, many Primary Class: Psion
members choose the adventuring lifestyle as a means Primary Alignment: Unaligned
of pursuing enlightenment. Adventuring disciples
typically believe that no amount of study or exercise
can hone their abilities as keenly as true combat, BEUEFS AND TRADiTIONS
exploration, investigation, and survival. Traveling also The original members of the Keepers of the Internal
allows practitioners to aid those in need, helping to Sun were psions who believed themselves to be the

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

world’s greatest and most disciplined minds. They ORGANizATiON
saw it as their solemn duty to gather the humanoid In spite of—or possibly because of—its dearth of goals, UJ
races’ most important knowledge. The order would the Keepers of the Internal Sun is one of the largest
serve as a living repository of information and accu contemporary psionics orders. It possesses a labyrin 0
mulated wisdom, ensuring that the world’s wealth of thine system of internal ranks and positions.
knowledge would survive the rise and fall of empires. Leader: The dwarf Kala Firstdawn is the order’s z
If necessary, keepers would be able to provide dcv current leader, or grand sage. She is a devout believer
astated races with the information needed to rebuild in the keepers’ initial mission of storing knowledge
civilization. They believed that knowledge stored to ensure that civilization can be rebuilt after a dark
within living minds is the only beacon against the I
age, and she personally commissions adventurous
darkness—a so-called Internal Sun. members of the order to seek out lost lore. 0
At roughly the same time, another school of Headquarters: The Library of the Internal Sun
thought took root among many psions. The philosophy 0
is located in the town of Fallcrest, near the Wiz -J
known only as the Body taught that psionics users ard’s Gate. The folk of that settlement think of it as I
are the conscious embodiment of living creatures’ a private library and social club, where members
thoughts. Such characters thus had a responsibility to occasionally gather to debate academic matters. Only
become a group mind for the universal unconscious. members know that cathedral-sized vaults housing
The Body believed that if psionics users collected and tens of thousands of tomes gathered over the decades
collated all knowledge, the collective unconscious have been dug into the rock below the compound.
would awaken and sentient beings would evolve. Hierarchy: The keepers maintain a rigid hierar
When the Body’s scholars learned of the Keepers chy. The grand sage leads the order. The master sages,
of the Internal Sun, they set out to join the organiza all elder members or experts in given fields, are next
tion and assist in gathering lore. These new keepers in line. Below them are erudite sages, master keepers,
introduced the order to the notion of the group mind,
which soon became a part of its philosophy.
keepers, and novice keepers. Some individuals boast
titles as well as rank, including chief archivist, master
Today, both beliefs still exist among the keepers, librarian, head researcher, and dozens of others.
but neither truly drives the order. Instead, most of its
members engage in the study and accumulation of
lore for its own sake. They take pride in scholarship,
Nothing is more important than the acquisition and
but don’t believe that the order has a grand purpose.
safekeeping of knowledge. If we don’t understand
To them, the Keepers of the Internal Sun is no differ
what has come before, how can society possibly
ent from any other guild of psions or wizards.
move forward?
Keepers who follow either of the order’s original
Associated Skills: History, Perception
philosophies are drawn to the “collective sentience”
Associated LanBuaBe: Draconic
and “defenders of reality” psionics origin theories.
The beliefs of members who treat the order as a guild
or a scholarly resource run the gamut. SCHOOL OF UNMATCHED
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The School of Unmatched Excellence was origi
A new keeper’s reasons for joining the order range nally an order devoted to using its power to guide
from the esoteric to the everyday, but all members the mortal races toward a better future. Today, the
share a common desire to gather as much infor organization is focused largely on espousing the
mation as possible. Some keepers mine recently superiority of psionics users—a position its members
discovered secrets for personal gain; others are con believe grants them the right to rule over lesser folk.
tent to ensure that the order has continuous access Primary Class: Psion and monk in roughly equal
to new information. From conventional knowledge measure
to recently unearthed lore, keepers’ discoveries are Primary Alignment: Evil, though the order has
meticulously recorded and stored in the order’s a significant minority of unaligned individuals (and
numerous vaultlike libraries. even a few good ones) who still work to benevolently
A number of the order’s younger members turn to guide the folk around them
adventuring or espionage as a way to sniff out lost or
hidden information. Presenting the Keepers of the
Internal Sun with new knowledge is one of only two
The unmatched, as members of the school are
advancement methods; the other is through years of
known, believe that the advent of psionics is the first
painstaking research, cataloging, and cross-referenc
of many groundbreaking changes in store for the
ing. Access to the most esoteric and powerful portions
mortal realm. The world is changing under the influ
of the order’s archives is reserved for its own sages.
ence of other planes and the power of a multitude of

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

sentient minds. Those gifted with the mental strength races. Most of the order’s good and unaligned mem
to master psionic power can guide that transforma bers join these colleges.
tion, literally shaping the world of tomorrow. Despite spending so much time in pursuit of
The unmatched believe that psionics users—and power, the unmatched still fight aberrant creatures.
the members of their own order in particular—are the Such horrors spread the Far Realm’s influence, which
only ones capable of ensuring that the mortal races runs counter to the school’s objectives. In the face of
enter a better age. The order works to place psionic dire threats, the unmatched sometimes work along
characters in positions of authority. Psionics users, it side groups that would normally oppose them.
believes, must dominate the world before the end of
the current age or that world will be doomed to mad ORGANIZATION
ness and chaos. The School of Unmatched Excellence is one of the
Psionics users of the School of Unmatched Excel largest psionics orders. Its campuses are spread
lence are attracted to the “defenders of reality,” across wide swaths of the world, resulting in pockets
“collective sentience,” and “more than human” psion of influence networked across dozens of communi
ics origin theories. ties and a few major cities. Psionics users in the field
maintain mystical contact with their headmasters.
GOA1~S AND OBJECTiVES Leader: Each of the school’s colleges and monas
The unmatched seek to gather as many psionics users teries has its own leader, or headmaster. The leader of
as possible under their aegis. The school portrays the entire order wins the position through a psionic
itself as a psionics users group that promises to aid power contest. The current leader is Headmaster
its members in obtaining the power and training Typhirriss, a male tiefling psion.
they need to gain society’s respect. Once involved Headquarters: The initial headquarters of the
with the school, members are taught the group’s phi School of Unmatched Excellence, then only a single
losophies and are expected to help the order work psionics college, was founded in the trade city of Four
toward worldwide psionics rule. The school’s leader Winds. Today, the current leader’s school, college, or
ship remains cautious of the less-structured power monastery is considered the order’s main campus.
of ardents and battleminds, and actively encourages Headmaster Typhirriss’s college is located in the large
such characters to instead choose the psion or monk town of Gryphon’s Roost, three days southeast of the
path. The headmasters make clear that only the most Nentir Vale.
disciplined psionics users can fully control, under Hierarchy: Headmasters assume control of a col
stand, and shape their abilities to claim the power lege or a monastery through force of will and psionic
that is their birthright. power. The hierarchy of each campus under the
Currently content to spread their influence headmaster is determined in the same way. Duels to
through smaller communities and a few larger cities, the death to determine rank are frowned upon but do
the unmatched never lose sight of the school’s end occasionally occur.
goal—a psionically ruled empire. The order’s original
members believed that guiding the cultural growth BACKGROUND BENEFIT
and thoughts of the populace would ensure a positive As a psionics user, it is your right and responsibility
transformation of the world. Today’s members, secure to govern mortals who lack psionic abilities—even if
in their superiority and flaunting their power, pay they do not want it.
only lip service to the order’s founding philosophy. A Associated Skills: Diplomacy, Intimidate
select few campuses still honor the school’s original Associated Lan,qua~e: The language of the mind
purpose, teaching that psionics users are responsible (see below)
for guiding and shaping the future of the mortal


Some psions believe that there exists a language of the choose the language of the mind as one oftheir characters’
mind—an array ofthoughts, visualizations, and sensations starting languages; leaning it requires the Linguist feat or
that are common to all thinking creatures across the the proper background. Only psionic characters and crea
cosmos. Those who study it believe that this universal tures who have innate telepathy can learn to read and
mental language is the foundation on which all forms of write this language, since part of its meaning is conveyed
telepathy are built. directly into the observer’s mind, It can be translated with
Optional Rule: With the Dungeon Master’s permission, magic (such as the Comprehend Languages ritual), but is
psionic characters can learn this language, which does not otherwise a form of communication that only telepathic
exist in spoken form, but only as a script. Players cannot creatures can share.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

The hunger for knowledge and the gnawing hollow of
unanswered questions propels followers of the Eter
nal Seeker philosophy along their paths of study. For 0
them, the struggle to understand the nature of their
psionic power is a lifelong task. z
Primary Class: Ardent, though battleminds are
only slightly less common
Primary Alignment: Unaligned, though every I
alignment is represented cL
It can be said that eternal seekers have existed since I
the first ardents wondered about the origins of their
power. The Eternal Seekers is a network of strangers,
connected by their conviction in the rightness of their
shared philosophy. Their web of common purpose
trumps their radically different races, backgrounds,
cultures, and agendas. Specifically, every seeker
believes the following tenets.
Psionic power has a great purpose. It is not just a
form of magic, but a unique power that exists for
an as-yet unknown reason.
+ Every wielder of psionics was specifically chosen
as a conduit for that power.
+ When made aware of the psionic power source,
psionics users instinctively recognize it.
+ None of the current theories regarding the origin
or purpose of psionic power is accurate. particular region feel an emotional tug to gather and
share their knowledge. The mechanism by which these
The notion that all the commonly argued theories irregular meetings are called is another mystery for the
explaining psionics are ultimately false is the core seekers to pick at as they debate new findings.
value of the Eternal Seeker philosophy. A burning Seekers who take up a nomadic lifestyle are a com
need to unravel the mystery of psionic power drives munication network for the philosophy’s adherents.
the Eternal Seekers, all of whom share each newly They pass along information and messages of interest
discovered clue with their fellow seekers. to fellow psionics users, even when those reports do not
Debating the partial truths of existing theories is a directly relate to the great secrets for which they quest.
common pastime when seekers gather. But all seekers The desire to communicate and share information
know that if any theory was to prove correct, every encourages even the most reticent and aloof seekers to
seeker would intuitively recognize its truth. When remain in contact with a few oftheir comrades.
they understand the origin of psionics and why they
were chosen to manifest psionic abilities, seekers will ORGANiZATION
finally learn their purpose in the world. The Eternal Seekers does not have permanent covens
Seekers do not subscribe to any of the various or cabals to support its philosophy. Although seekers
psionics origin theories, though they seek to draw come together with like-minded characters or with
slivers of the truth from all of them. adventurers of other stripes, each seeker hunts for the
truth in his or her own way.
Seekers are wholly focused on discovering the true BACKGROUND BENEFIT
nature and purpose of psionic power. Many become You’ve been seeking something your entire life, even
adventurers, hoping to uncover ancient tomes or to if you didn’t initially realize what. Now that you know
speak with elder beings that can reveal forgotten about your psionic abilities, you are ready to explore
knowledge. Others become students, poring over musty every trail that could lead to discovering the ultimate
z scrolls. A few become academics, conducting experi secret—the one that will reveal why you exist.
ments on psionic creatures. On occasion, seekers in a Associated Skills: Arcana, Insight
CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options
One of the most altruistic of psionics philosophies Followers of the Guiding Hand who dwell in the
and orders, the Guiding Hand philosophy attracts same or neighboring regions regularly encounter one
individuals dedicated to the well-being of less power another. Some manner of empathic link or inexplica
ful creatures. ble urge draws them to a common threat—sometimes
Primary Class: Ardent and battlemind a dozen or more to the same location. Although the
Primary Alignment: Good and lawful good Guiding Hand is not a formal order, its followers
pursue their shared objectives together.
BEUEFS AND TRADITIONS Eyes of Witchcross: The communities of Elsir
Vale are still recovering from the recent depredations
Psionics groups devoted to good works—battling aber
of humanoid hordes and the agents ofTiamat. The
rant creatures or demons, protecting civilization from
area is also the site of a scattered collection of planar
the monsters of the wild, hunting criminals in civi
portals. Drawn together by recent events, a small
lized territories—have existed since psionics was first
cabal of psionics users has chosen to guard Elsir Vale.
recognized for what it is. Many of the earliest psion
Its members battle everything from bandits taking
ics users were warriors who fought to save the world
advantage of the recent chaos to horrors creeping
from the threat of the primordials or the Far Realm.
through those portals that are still open. Based in the
No concrete ties trace those early factions to followers
small town of Witchcross, these guiding hands are
of today’s Guiding Hand philosophy, but hand prac
only too happy to accept aid from other adventurers.
titioners consider those early psionic warriors to be
Reaching Hand: Many hands believe that evil
their spiritual forebears.
psionics users pose the greatest threat to the natu
The Guiding Hand sees psionics as a gift. After all,
ral world. For them, each use of psionic power for
no other types of power bloom without effort on the
immoral ends feels like a personal betrayal. Based in
user’s part. Whether psionic power comes from the
the trade city of Four Winds, the group known as the
gods, from other planes, or from the collective minds
Reaching Hand consists of a dozen psionics users and
of the mortal realm is meaningless. All that matters
twice as many nonpsionic allies. The Reaching Hand
is the power’s purpose. Psionics users must recognize
targets any psionic threats, including aberrant crea
that their power exists to protect the mortal races.
tures and evil-aligned psionics users, making every
Being gifted with this unique power doesn’t speak to
effort to destroy them permanently.
the stature of the psionic classes. Rather, it shouts of
their obligation and duty.
When they give it any thought, followers of the BACKGROUND BENEFIT
Guiding Hand respect the “defenders of reality” and Innocents and the natural world must be protected.
“gift of the gods” psionics origin theories. As a recipient of the great gift of psionic power, you
are obligated to shield the weak and strike down
evil. A sense of duty has always called to you. Once
you followed your instincts, your place in the world
At its broadest, the Guiding Hand’s goal is simple:
became clear to you.
Protect innocents, individual communities, civiliza
Associated Skills: Diplomacy, Perception
tion, and the world from enslavement, domination,
and destruction. It’s a pretty tall order, but most
hands don’t plan their daily activities with the phi THE PATH OF
losophy’s goal in mind. Rather, they feel compelled to THIRTY-SEVEN OBSTACLES
give aid when they can.
Even though psionic power is a sign of superior
A hand might stand at the forefront of a local
potential, the onus of reaching that potential falls to
militia to defend a town against raiders, or he or she
the individual. The Path ofThirty-Seven Obstacles
might help adventurers track down a vampire lord or
emphasizes the development of personal skill and
a mind flayer. Followers don’t offer aid out of a com
power, which can be achieved and demonstrated only
pulsion to save the world; they help because it feels
like the right action to take. They can’t stomach the by defeating a series of increasingly dangerous foes.
idea of squandering their gifts when they can do what Primary Class: Battlemind
Primary Alignment: Unaligned
so many cannot.
As natural protectors, hands reserve their greatest
enmity for evil psionics users. These villains harm BEUEFS AND TRADITIONS
when they should protect, and they defile what was Given their relative scarcity and lack of formal tradi
meant to be a gift to the mortal races. Hands are most tions, battleminds typically encounter each other
zealous and bloodthirsty when they take on psionic only infrequently while at large in the world. When
foes. Some practitioners deliberately hunt their dark battleminds do meet, their innate confidence (and
kin. the arrogance that sometimes goes hand in hand

CHAPTER 5 j Psionic Options

with that confidence) inspires challenges and ritual 4 The path teaches that its practitioners have the
combat designed to prove individual superiority. right to any prizes their victories might earn. As a
The Path of Thirty-Seven Obstacles extends from result, villains and monsters that possess wealth or
this informal tradition. First noted only a few cen treasure are better targets than those that do not.
turies ago, this philosophy was formalized when a
group of thirty-eight battleminds gathered to compete ORGANiZATION z
against one another, other champions, and mon Unsurprisingly, many followers of the Path ofThirty-
sters found in the region. According to their rules of Seven Obstacles choose the adventuring lifestyle. But
engagement, a single battlemind would emerge as not every group limits its members to monster slaying.
champion after doing final battle with the conclave’s I
Hero Slayers: A handful of followers of the path 0.
other thirty-seven combatants. understand that the most dangerous, most famous, and 0
As a philosophy, the Path of Thirty-Seven Obsta cM
typically richest of all possible adversaries aren’t mon
cles has no formal teachings, but the story of the first 0
sters or villains—they are other successful adventurers. -J
conclave is well known among battleminds. Charac The loose guild known as the Hero Slayers has existed I
ters emotionally and physically drawn to the path feel for several decades now, and its members are precisely 0~
an innate connection to those original thirty-eight what their name implies. These psionics users make a
warriors—a connection that sometimes borders on habit oftracking down and challenging adventurers—
hero worship. the more popular, the better. Iftheir chosen opponents
Through the centuries, the path’s philosophy has are reluctant to fight them, hero slayers aren’t above
remained consistent. Every follower is bound to a life threatening innocents to force the issue.
of harsh self-improvement, endeavoring to reach the
entirety of his or her potential. Anything less is a waste
of a battlemind’s talents, psionic or otherwise. Of equal
Trained to think only of improving your own skills
importance is the demonstration of potential. Fol
and standing victorious against foes, you have
lowers ofthe path are expected to seek out powerful
learned to withstand all manner of duress and to
monsters and famous foes to demonstrate their skills
swiftly judge the abilities of your opponents.
and hone their abilities. The fame, fortune, and author
Associated Skills: Endurance, Insight
ity that come with such a life are the battlemind’s by
right—as long as he or she can hold onto them.
Many followers ofthe path subscribe to the “more TwILiGHT DREAMERS
than human” psionics origin theory, but nearly every Drawn to the darkness and revolted by the thoughts
theory is represented among the philosophy’s adherents. and emotions of others, the ardents who follow the
path of the Twilight Dreamers dedicate their lives to
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES evil. Convinced of their superiority over those they
Followers of the path strive to bolster their abili control, the dreamers believe themselves to be the
ties through training and practice in hunting and eyes and hands of an otherworldly malice.
defeating increasingly powerful opponents. The most Primary Class: Ardent
celebrated followers of this tradition maintain their Primary Alignment: Evil and chaotic evil
harsh training regimen until the day they die.
Though they might eventually face off in combat, OUT OF THE DARKNESS
path psionics users typically treat each other as com Followers of the philosophy of the Twilight Dreamers are
rades, sharing instruction and training. Watching primarily evil, having indentured themselves to powerful
another follower of the path succeed can be satisfy devils, demons, and inhuman Far Realm horrors. It is pos
ing, particularly when you know that he or she has sible, however, for rare dreamers to maintain a measure
been training with you. of morality as unaligned or good characters.
When searching for opponents, followers ofthe Path Just because an ardent believes that his or her powers
ofThirty-Seven Obstacles consider multiple factors. are the result of dark forces that expect obedience does
4 A foe must be powerful enough to pose a chal not mean that this obedience must be given up without
lenge; anything less won’t help build or prove a a fight. As an unaligned or a good dreamer, you might
psionics user’s abilities. believe that Asmodeus or Ilsensine is the source of your
4 Notoriety is equally important. Followers of the psionic power. By your actions, you show your contempt
path want the tales of their success to spread. A for this master and rail against your fate. You might hold
monster that haunts the wilds on the outskirts of out hope that performing good deeds can cleanse the
town is thus a far better target than one dwelling darkness lodged in your soul, preventing it from consum
in an unoccupied forest. Similarly, orcs raiding a ing you. You must strive to keep your true nature a secret
city’s farmlands make better targets than those from other dreamers, however, since they will attempt to
dwelling in distant caves. destroy you if they discover who you are.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

BELIEFS AND TRADITiONS are held to discuss tactics and short-term objectives.
When psionics first entered the world, distrust of its These gatherings typically end in bloodshed, as
users was widespread. This alien power could affect thralls of different masters reject the idea of advanc
the mind and emotions, doing so in many cases with ing another lord’s plan.
no obvious signs of spelicasting. In areas already Recently, cabals in service to one or another fiend
prone to superstition, panicked commoners assumed have gained strength in a few regions. Their members
that evil was corrupting psionics users to befoul the still find cooperation elusive, though. Some want to
natural world. That fear inspired horrid deeds on the use brute force to conquer local lands, and others
part of otherwise moral folk, as they sought to rid advocate the subtle mental subversion of civic and
their lands of this assumed evil. religious leaders. Still others want to seek out ritu
Generations later, the dark aftermath ofthese purges als potent enough to obliterate the barriers between
lives on in the philosophy ofthe Twilight Dreamers. the natural world and their lord’s realm. On occa
Ardents who dwell in areas where superstition about sion, dreamer cabals battle for control of a region or
psionic power still holds sway are often consumed by engage in bloody conflicts over whose master is the
the harsh emotions of those who fear them. true source of psionic energy in the world.
These dreamers have accepted that their otherness
isolates them from their people, and for good reason. ORGANiZATiON
Their sensitivity to emotion convinces them that they The Twilight Dreamers’ ideology functions as an
are corrupt, born to shelter the wicked and serve umbrella philosophy under which numerous Far
dark and bloodthirsty masters. Dreamers typically Realm sects and diabolic cults operate. Despite the
believe that demons, devils, or Far Realm horrors are expansive range of beliefs of these cults’ followers,
the source of their psionic power. These dark psionics their psionic abilities and fell goals ultimately link
users work tirelessly toward the day their overlords them together.
can dominate, corrupt, or destroy the natural world. Cabals of dreamers have given their allegiance to
Followers of the Twilight Dreamers follow either Tharizdun, the dukes and princes of the Nine Hells,
the “less than human” or “gift of the gods” theories a handful of demon lords, most of the more powerful
of psionics origin, although the “gods” they credit are entities of the Far Realm, and even a few primordials.
only rarely divine entities.
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES You focus your studies on whatever demonic, dia
Followers ofthe Twilight Dreamers want to see the bolical, or aberrant creature you believe imbued you
world thrown open to their dark masters. Each intends with psionic power. When the natural world falls,
to sit at the right hand of his or her lord as the world’s you plan to ride the tide of blood alongside your
mortals are enslaved, consumed, and driven mad. master.
The sinister emotional energy that fills all dream Associated Skills: Arcana, Dungeoneering, Religion
ers draws them to one another. Occasional conclaves


The origin of psionic power is likely the most rigor forms an essence that psionics users can manipulate.
ously debated aspect of psionics theory. The question Followers of this belief eagerly work toward taming
of what—or who—links psionics users to their power the wilderness and encouraging the spread of civi
source can become an obsession, and many psionics lization, because a denser population means a more
users feel the answer is integral to their selfidentity. potent power source.
Divergent theories and heated disagreements have
splintered numerous orders, and become the founda DEFENDERS OF REALITY
tions for new philosophies or societies. Still the most widely embraced belief among psion
The most widely accepted psionics origin theories ics users, this theory asserts that psionics developed
are summarized here. as a reaction to the Far Realm’s incursions. As that
alien reality infected the mortal world, the world itself
COLLECTiVE SENTIENCE generated a defense against it. Psionics users who
A new and increasingly popular belief, the theory of espouse this belief see themselves as the world’s pri
collective sentience suggests that psionics users tap mary defenders against the Far Realm and the earliest
into the mental energy that the world’s sentient popu embodiments of a stronger future. They believe that
lation projects. The presence of so many thoughts in the same way plague survivors develop stronger

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options



/1 F-

immune systems, so too will the mortal races advance MORE THAN HUMAN
when they finally turn back the Far Realm’s corruption. Followers of this belief assert that psionics users are
the next stage in the mortal races’ evolution. The mind
GIFT OF THE GODS and soul have long been ready to tap psionic power,
The first appearance ofpsionic power at the height of but the physiology of the earliest sentient races was
the Dawn War created this oldest of origin theories, not up to the task. Over time, however, the threats of
which suggests that psionics is a gift from the gods. fiends, dragons, the Far Realm, and the endless rise
Although few people continue to believe that psionics is and fall of civilization has forced the world’s inhabit
simply a specialized form of divine power, adherents of ants to grow stronger. As mortals evolve, even the
this belief maintain that it is the gods who grant psionic gods will eventually prove unnecessary. Indeed, some
power to the world’s sentient creatures. Followers of scholars say the gods were once mortals who reached
this origin theory are divided along theological lines as this potential early, and that they deliberately made
they argue over which god controls psionic power. Most their creations weak to avoid having their authority
believers credit bun as the creator ofpsionics. challenged.
A few sects maintain that psionic power originated
with the gods, but that it was not a deliberate gift. THE PHREN1C P1.ANES
These groups claim that the Chained God’s madness Whether they embrace the third plane theory (see
birthed psionics as his insanity warped the fabric “The Phrenic Planes,” page 91) or believe only in the
of reality. Other groups maintain that the internal Plane of Dreams and the Far Realm, adherents of this
energy that empowers psionics is the spiritual essence philosophy assert that psionic energy comes from the
of the uncounted deities who have died. phrenic planes. As evidence, theorists point out that
divine magic originates from the Astral Sea, just as
LESS THAN HUMAN shadow magic originates with the Shadowfell. In the
Rather than a defense against the Far Realm, psion same way, psionics bleeds into the world where the
ics is claimed by some groups to be a symptom of its mortal world touches the phrenic planes. Believers
corruption of the world. Even though psionics users in this origin share common ground with those who
retain their humanoid appearance and sanity in this subscribe to the “defenders of reality” theory. They
early stage of the Outside’s invasion of the mortal maintain that psionic energy is not specifically a
realm, believers warn that this slow corruption will defense against outside corruption, but the natural
eventually spawn mortal creatures as hideous, power result of contact between planar realms.
ful, and mad as the Far Realm’s aberrants.
CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options
This section builds on the system presented in relationship like? Did you form any lasting friend
Player’s Handbook 2 and focuses on how the various ships? Did you make any enemies? How long has it
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS races might interact with been since you were at the monastery? Would you be
the psionic power source. In addition, these pages welcomed back ifyou returned?
expand on three other background categories— Associated Skills: Athletics, Religion
society, birth, and occupation. “Philosophies and Ostracized: Many characters born with psionic
Orders” (page 110) offers additional background talent find the guidance, comfort, and understand
opportunities for psionic characters. ing that allows them to recognize their nature and
embrace it. You were not so lucky. Left to your own
SociETY devices, you used trial and error to navigate the
murky waters ofyour mind as your life devolved into
Psionic talent surfaces in individuals of all stations,
a series of accidents. Your anger might have burned
from a starving peasant to an emperor’s heir. The
out a friend’s mind. Your despair could have driven
following background elements illustrate the compli
another to suicide. Your wild thoughts could have
cations psionic characters might experience as they
sent doors slamming, crockery flying, or been the
struggle to master their emerging abilities.
cause of any number of bizarre occurrences. Even
Isolated: You were raised in a secret society that
though the strange events dogging your heels were
sniffs out psionic talent, then guides its development
just as perplexing to you, your kinfolk came to fear
in those who have it. This controlled environment
you. They suspected you were possessed, cursed, or
allowed you to grow into your ability, and you never
trafficking with dark powers. Friendships ended,
experienced the uncertainty and confusion that
relationships died, and isolation closed in around you.
many other psionics users face. You exceeded your
How did you cope with the alienation? Did anyone
tutors’ expectations, quickly mastering the funda
reach out to you? If so, did he or she escape the expe
mentals and harnessing the fullness ofyour power at
rience unharmed? Did you remain in the community
an early age. Your gifted psionic status came at the
but apart from it, or did you leave? How did you
cost of isolation, however. You studied history and
finally come to terms with what you could do? Now
culture, but you had no actual experiences with the
that you have achieved a modicum of control, how do
natural world, its wonders, or its terrors.
you feel about the people who rejected you?
How do you see your childhood? Did you live in
Associated Skills: Intimidate, Stealth
an ivory tower where you could indulge in whatever
intellectual pursuits you wanted, free from fear, pain,
and want? Or was the order’s compound a prison to BIRTH
you? How and why did you eventually leave? Were Even ifyour psionic talent remained latent for
you free to go when your training was complete? Did decades, the circumstances ofyour birth might have
you run away before your lessons had ended? How played a part in the path you would one day follow.
does your inexperience with the world shape your Awakened: Your birth was unremarkable. You
personality, views, and behavior? were healthy and seemingly normal. Your parents or
Associated Skills: Arcana, History caretakers quickly noticed, however, that something
Monastic: You lived for years in a monastery, was amiss. Your newborn eyes gleamed with aware
studying, training, and learning life lessons from ness, the first sign that you possessed the intellect of a
your masters. You might have joined the institution to full-grown adult. You learned to speak within hours,
become enlightened, before unexpectedly discover and you started walking as soon as your muscles
ing your untapped potential. You might have been could support your weight. You proved to be a prod
abandoned on the monks’ doorstep, your arrival igy in nearly every discipline.
seen as a sign of fortune and destiny. For you, the Your awakened mind gave you advantages over
monastery might have been a place of too-oppressive your peers, but your incredible intelligence proved
discipline that eventually forced you to leave. Alter disconcerting to youngsters and adults alike. Did
natively, you might have been free to come and go you try to fit in, or did you abandon your peers’ petty
as you pleased and welcomed in the surrounding concerns and embrace your destiny? How have your
community. childhood experiences influenced your interactions
Your education could have focused on scholar with others? What advantages did you gain from your
ship or martial development. Were you a willing early development? What events from that time still
student, or did fate place you inside the monastery’s haunt you?
walls? How did you fare in that environment? Did Associated Skills: Bluff, Intimidate
you have a personal instructor? If so, what was your

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

Calamity: Your birth was a momentous event. and misdirection. You could hear people’s thoughts.
The ground groaned. The dark sky split open, lash Faced with the knowledge ofyour burgeoning psionic ~
ing the landscape with violet lightning and horrid abilities, did you change course? Did you see yourself D
storms. Water turned to blood. Animals sickened and as having an unfair advantage or violating others 0
died. The world trembled in fear of what your birth with your power? Or did you embrace your abilities
promised. Under such inauspicious circumstances, and use them to their fullest?
the folk around you were scared ofyou from the start. Associated Skills: Bluff, Insight U
Even if these signs signaled some other dire event, Seer: Strange dreams have regularly troubled your
your birth in such a time surely marked you as a rest, some more peculiar than others. These dreams u
herald of impending doom. were clear but chaotic, revealing places and sights you ~
You grew up swathed in the calamitous day’s had never seen before. In time, you began to witness
shadow. How did you come to terms with the dark your dreams unfolding in reality—predictive visions
destiny that lay ahead? Did you consult soothsayers for that you have come to know as true dreams. As you
clues? If so, what did they say? Did you reject supersti grew older, you began to experience the true dreams
tion, vowing to live your own life regardless of omens? at will, allowing you to scout the future.
When you discovered your psionic potential, did you Now, your talent provides you with insights into
see it as a confirmation ofwhat people thought? Or the situations that await you, your companions, and
was it an opportunity to prove everyone wrong? the folk that come to you seeking aid and advice. But
Associated Skills: Arcana, Insight what you see does not always come to pass, for the
Created: You look like a typical member ofyour future is mutable. How much do you depend on your
race, indistinguishable from others ofyour kind. But visions? Do you see the prophesied future as a desti
you are not truly what you appear to be. You are a nation toward which you must walk, or as a warning
creation—a child born not of body but of mind. You of a destiny that you can consciously avoid?
might have been formed to serve a greater purpose,
or you could have been an experiment. Regardless of
Associated Skills: Bluff, Insight
Wanderer: As you walk the road ahead, you leave
why you were made, the unnatural circumstances of your past behind you where it belongs. When you
your birth instilled you with unusual power. came of age, you pulled up stakes and left everyone
When did you learn that you were different? How and everything you knew. Is fate drawing you toward
have you come to terms with your existence? Do you a particular location or individual, or is the uncon
count yourself as a genuine member of your people? scious pull you feel compelling you to fulfill some
Have you told anyone what you believe? Have you inscrutable purpose? Are you traveling to escape
uncovered incontrovertible truth that connects you to something, perhaps to overcome a loss, a conflict, or
your presumed maker? And if not, how do you truly a humiliation? Whatever your reason, you do not or
know what you are? cannot put down roots. Before you run the risk of set
Associated Skills: Arcana, Nature tling into any particular place, you pick up and move
on again.
OccuPATioN Associated Skills: Nature, Perception
Psionic characters are attracted to occupations that
allow them to take full advantage of their talent. RACIAL BACKGROUNDS
Astronomer: Occultists claim that the stars in the As the use of psionic power has spread over many
night sky are windows into the Outside, and that to centuries, a multitude of races have adopted a range
look upon them is to invite madness and physical cor of beliefs about the power source and its users. As a
ruption. Indeed, tales tell of mad warlocks who traffic member of a psionic class, your character might be
with alien entities, securing power from the stars heavily influenced by his or her race’s experiences or
themselves. As your mind has opened to new possi prejudices.
bilities, you search the heavens for answers regarding Given the expansive nature of human culture,
your internal wellspring of psionic energy. You exam human characters typically focus on geographical
ine celestial movements for clues about the world’s and professional backgrounds. Half-elves and muls
fate, and to perhaps catch a glimpse of the terrors that (half-dwarves) can use those same backgrounds, or
lurk between the twinkling lights.
Associated Skills: Arcana, History
Con Artist: Your talent for reading people proved
invaluable to your criminal career. You have always OTHER SOURCES
been able to assess others’ emotions, anticipating You can find drow and genasi in the FORGOTTEN REALMS
their actions and compelling them to do your bidding Player’s Guide; changelings, kalashtar, and warforged in
with subtle manipulation. But as your skill grew, you the EBERRON Player’s Guide; and thri-kreen and muls in the
realized you were engaging in more than guesswork DARK SUN Campaign Setting.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

they can select a racial background from their non enemies? Did you consistently misdirect and elude
human parent race. Githzerai and shardminds, with those who would do you harm? Or were you forced to
their strong racial ties to psionic power, should select flee your home one step ahead of the blades that you
backgrounds from among the orders and philoso know are seeking for you still?
phies presented earlier in this chapter. Associated Skills: Bluff, Perception

Mirror Mind: A changeling who grows up in Iron Mind: As you learned to control your unbid
another race’s community might lack a strong sense den power and sought out teachings beyond the
of identity, trying on appearance after appearance interest of most ofyour kinfolk, you remained stead
until finding one that fits. As a budding psionics user fast in your psionics studies. With the resolve and
(even ifyou didn’t recognize it at the time), you felt discipline ofyour people, you set out to master your
this lack of self more than most. This is particularly power as thoroughly as other dwarves master warfare
true ifyou were an ardent, forced to experience the or the crafts of stone and steel. But how did that mark
emotions of others while uncertain ofyour own. you in the end? Do your comrades question your
What kinds of torment did your struggle with identity choices? Or do they embrace the demonstration of
cause you? Did it teach you how to pass yourself off as commitment and skill that you have undertaken over
someone you were not? Or have you lived the life of a lifetime?
an outsider, never able to fit in? Associated Skills: Insight, Intimidate
Associated Skills: Bluff, Insight
DEVA Fey Inheritor: Many fey resent psionics users, feel
Voice of a Dozen Generations: Accustomed ing that they debase magic and encourage other races
to thinking in terms of souls and past lives, many to usurp powers that rightfully belong to the folk of
devas subscribe to the “collective sentience” theory of the Feywild. You, however, take the more benign view
psionics origin. Some devas additionally theorize that that you do not betray your fey heritage by embracing
psionics draws not only on the minds of living beings, your psionic abilities—you grow closer to it. By study
but on the thoughts of all sentient creatures that ing the psionic power source, do you hope to gain the
have ever lived. You believe that your psionic abili wisdom and abilities that come naturally only to the
ties are derived, in part, from the thoughts, dreams, archfey? And ifyou do so, will there be a price to pay
and ambitions ofyour prior incarnations and angelic for seeing the world as those powerful elders do?
ancestors. But do you feel obligated to honor your Associated Skills: Arcana, Diplomacy
forebears’ convictions? Or is their constant presence
in your mind an endless burden that prevents you
from making your own way in the world?
Associated Skills: Diplomacy, History

Hereditary Psionics User: Several ofArkhosia’s
noble households boasted psionic talent and stood at
the forefront of the empire’s war effort against Bael
Turath. You are a descendant of one of those families,
which were scattered after Arkhosia fell. But do you —

feel the pride, confidence, and obligation that come

with your legendary bloodline? Or are you secretly
ashamed ofyour past—knowing that your forebears
were among Arkhosia’s best warriors, and that their
skill failed the empire in the end?
Associated Skills: History, Intimidate

Paranoid Manipulator: In a society built on
betrayal, secrets, deception, and murder, the ability to
tap into thought and emotion is both a blessing and a
curse. Ifyour power were to be discovered, you would
not long survive the vengeance ofyour kin. How
successfully did you learn to discern friends from C
CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options
Substance of Thought: A small number of genasi Psychic Hunter: You come froma clan of shifters z
philosophers do not subscribe to well-known psion that dwells far from civilized regions. Your people D
ics origin theories. Instead, they speculate that the have refused to let the increasing danger of the 0
essence of thought might have originated in the Ele wilds scare them off. Unlike the many shifter com
mental Chaos, manifesting in the material world like munities that see psionic powers as inherently evil,
all other elemental power. By subscribing to this view, your clan views them as a survival tool—no better U
do you perceive psionics as a means of establishing or worse than any other. That cultural acceptance
closer ties to the surging chaos reflected by the natu must still compete with your kind’s baser instincts. U
ral world? Or do you embrace it as a kind of primal When your psionic abilities first manifested, did z
energy—endless and all-encompassing as it threads you welcome them or were you forced to fight your 0
through every living thing? own fears? Once you did accept who you were, did ‘I,

Associated Skills: Arcana, Nature you do so because your psionics allows you to defend
your people? Or is it more important that your power
GOUATH, HAI.F-ORC, OR MINOTAUR grants you a measure of superiority over your peers?
Victim of Superstition: Not all goliaths, half Associated Skills: Nature, Perception
orcs, and minotaurs are intolerant of psionics users,
but nearly all their primitive communities are. For THRI-KREEN
months or years after developing your abilities, you Cosmopolitan Perspective: Your burgeoning
struggled to hide them. Were you discovered and psionic abilities caused you to unwittingly tap into the
driven from your people like a common brigand? Or collected minds of other psionics users. After that ini
did your instinct and intuition inspire you to leave tial exposure, you found yourself feeling increasingly
before your secret could be revealed? disconnected from the traditional thri-kreen views of
Associated Skills: Bluff, Stealth community. Do you still find it hard to trust others,
instinctively viewing those you meet as either predator
HALFLING or prey? Or have such instincts fallen by the wayside
The Wide-Open Mind: Like many psionics for you? Are you openly accepted by the folk of other
users, especially battleminds and ardents, you have races? Or does your monstrous appearance continue to
long questioned your place in the world. As so many inspire a mistrust that you must struggle to overcome?
haiflings do, you took to exploring the world in order Associated Skills: Diplomacy, Streetwise
to find the answers to your questions, embracing new
cultures in an effort to define yourself by the stan T1EFUNG
dards of your people. Where did your psionics come Heir to Power: From the first time your psionic
from? What does your power say about you and your power manifested, you have been consumed by
obligations to your people? Even after those ques the feeling that you are beholden to someone—or
tions are answered, will you be able to return to your something—for that power. Do you trace your family
homeland? Or will the embrace of the wider world line back to the psionics users of Bael Turath? Or do
prove too hard to shake off? you believe that the diabolic power rumored to still
Associated Skills: Nature, Streetwise watch over tieflings has granted you this gift? Do you
embrace your power regardless? Or do you search
KALASHTAR endlessly for insights into the origin of psionic power,
Enlightened Prodigy: As a child of a psychic hoping to understand the nature of that power to pre
race, it is unsurprising that you developed psionic vent it from consuming you?
power and chose to immerse yourself in its study. Associated Skills: Arcana, Religion
Your nature, culture, and faith encouraged you in
this pursuit. But your fascination eclipsed the inter WARFORGED
ests even ofyour fellow psionic kalashtar. How does Psionic Artifice: For reasons unknown, you
your enlightened drive manifest now? Do you strive emerged from the creation forge with powers that
to perfect your abilities so you can fulfill your sacred marked you as a psionics user, and with the knowledge
duty to guide others toward a path of light and under that prepared you for that path. Your uniqueness has
standing? Or do you see yourself as superior to those been a constant burden to you, separating you from
you once studied with, forced to make your own way your own kind and the mortal races alike. Do you fully
when they refuse to accept the superiority ofyour embrace your psionic nature, confident that you will
understanding? never meet your equal? Or do you curse your power,
Associated Skills: Heal, Religion constantly yearning for the emotional and intellectual
solitude in which other warforged dwell?
Associated Skills: Insight, Streetwise
CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options
In addition to their new and improved forms, all
PS1ON1C BLOODLiNES elans share a characteristic that sets them apart from
other members of their original races: Elans do not
Psionic power manifests in the world in any number have pupils or irises. Their eyes are pure white and
of ways. Sometimes it stirs from dormancy in an glow with a soft light when an elan uses psionic power.
unsuspecting individual, slipping free to wreak havoc Elans retain the predilections of their original
until its host can restore control. Other times, the cultures in fashion. The vainest elans favor reveal
power comes forth grudgingly, revealing its presence ing clothing that displays their perfect forms, though
only after extensive and painstaking training. For a such behavior is frowned upon by most of their kind.
rare few, psionic power is more than energy to wield Many elans also accentuate their attire with white,
and shape as needed. For these individuals, it is the lavender, or blue crystals.
lifeblood flowing through their veins. An elan’s transformation is more than aesthetic,
Elans and foulborn are not true races such as those however, creating a physical form that serves as
presented in the Player’s Handbook and other supple a better vessel for the psionic mind. Each body is
ments. Rather, they are examples of ancient psionic formed from substance shaped and molded through
bloodlines that recur from time to time among the psionics so that it can withstand the Far Realm’s cor
humanoid races. rupting influence. Elans feel disturbingly cool to the
This section describes the elan and foulborn touch. Their skin is smooth and hairless except for
bloodlines, and introduces a new racial paragon path the head. An elan’s hair is thick and heavy, and only
for each bloodline. Bloodline feats are presented the strongest wind can stir it.
starting on page 142. As immortal creatures, elans do not age and suffer
none of time’s infirmities. Elans can, however, die
through violence, accident, or illness, their bodies col
ELAN lapsing into puddles of psychic ectoplasm. This fluid
Enlightened souls in bodiesforgedfrom psionic energy, reconstitutes if an elan is restored to life by the Raise
driven to protect the worldfrom the Far Realm’s corruption Dead ritual or similar effects.

Elans are not born—they are created. Singled out and

raised up from among a multitude of candidates, a
It takes a rare individual to undergo the transforma
character of the elan bloodline is freed from the body
tion required to become an elan. The process is not
he or she has worn since birth and given a new form
easy, sometimes requiring years of testing. Mysteri
imbued with psionics. The first elans appeared in
ous elan psions known as the Cullers form a council
ages past to combat the growing threat posed by the
that controls the rite of Awakening is. They give no
Far Realm and its creations. Faced with an inability
second chances to aspirants who reveal any negative
to withstand the Outside’s corrupting influence, the
personality traits or weakness. Those selected for
greatest psionic champions forged new bodies to pro
Awakening do not always survive the process, which
tect their minds from madness and their souls from
taxes the mind as the body is stripped away. In the
corruption. From those first champions, all new elans
end, only the soul and spirit are left behind. The Cull
have descended—each generation chosen from the
ers then reconstruct the flesh with the aspirant’s help
best and brightest to carry on the struggle to save the
until a new vessel is completed.
mortal realm.
Merging the consciousness with this new flesh is
an even more difficult process. The mind sometimes
Play an elan ifyou want...
rejects the transfer, attempting to break free from
4 to free yourself from mortal expectations and the psychic bonds that would hold it fast. Many elans
become a being of pure psionic energy. must undertake the transformation more than once
4 to be a member of an ancient society committed to before it finally holds, and a large number of disem
fighting the aberrant menace. bodied minds have been lost in the process.
4 to be a member of a race that favors psionic Elan candidates are chosen for their adaptability
classes. and versatility, as well as for their unwavering com
mitment to the cause of fighting the Far Realm.
The Cullers also look for candidates who have few
PHYSiCAL. QUALiTIES cultural or social ties, since the longevity the trans
Ancient magic known as the rite ofAwakening is the
formation brings means that elans will likely outlive
process by which an individual strips away imperfec
family, friends, and children. Morality is rarely a
tions to become an elan. An elan’s new form is an
factor in a candidate’s selection, since both evil and
idealized version of his or her original form. Elans are
good profit from a world safeguarded from the aber
exquisite specimens who have attractive features and
rant menace. Elans are, however, rarely created from
possess none of the flaws they might once have had.

CHAPTER 5 Ps~onic OpUons

those displaying philosophical extremes, excessive
piety, madness, or deviant behavior.
As an enlightened people, elans open their minds
and hearts to all folk untouched by the Far Realm.
They interact with anyone, from goblins in the remote
wilds to eladrin in their shining spires. But members 9
of the mortal races can sense the lingering strange-
ness inherent in the elans, which sometimes makes U
common folk uncomfortable around them. Elans are Z
also known for manipulating other creatures and 0
using them to advance the elans’ agenda, giving elans
a bad reputation in many cultures.
Elans have little use for deities. Having already
subverted life and identity by transcending the limi
tations of a mortal existence, each elan believes that
morality and destiny are to be freely chosen. In place
of faith, elans ritualize the ongoing effort to master
their immortal forms and the power within them.

Elan Characteristics: Arrogant, brooding, callous,

cold, disciplined, flexible, inventive, reflective, relent
less, versatile

Elan Names: Elans retain their names from before

their transformation. Among themselves, elans recently
emerged from the Awakening are titled Newmade.
Those who have lived a few decades are called Made,
and who have lived centuries are called Eternal.

In addition to the character backgrounds presented in
this book and other supplements, an elan character has
access to the following backgrounds.
Aberrant Slayer: Madness grows in the shadows,
spawning new horrors to assail the world and corrupt
it, twist it, and remake it into unspeakable forms. You
are wholly consumed with destroying the menace
of the Far Realm, though only you know what path
brought you to the Awakening. Did you lose your
people or loved ones to the aberrant menace? Or
is your obsession merely intellectual, built on the
knowledge that you must sacrifice yourself to stop
this growing doom?
Associated Skills: Dungeoneering, Perception
Disgraced Pragmatist: Once, you thought it
possible to fight the Far Realm and its horrors. Yet
for every aberrant put to the torch, for every planar
breach closed, the Outside’s insidious power only
seems to grow. Thus it was that you made the secret
petition to the Cullers and claimed your new form.
Now, how will you carry out the mission that you
already know will destroy you in the end? Will you
take the fight directly to the aberrant menace, con
fident that your new strength will carry the day? Or
do you abandon that cause and instead hunt down
those who betray their world by seeking to control the
~ power of the Far Realm?
Associated Skills: Dungeoneering, Intimidate
CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options
Psychic Resilience (11th level): You gain psy
PsioNic iNCARNATE chic resistance equal to 5 + one-half your level.
“My Awakening was a passage through enlightenment’s Repletion (11th level): Psionic energy sustains
door. What is now possible is beyond anything I could have you. You no longer need to breathe, eat, or drink. You
imagined.” never make Endurance checks to resist the effects of
starvation, thirst, or suffocation.
Prerequisite: Elan Heritage feat In addition, you do not sleep. You instead enter a
period of dormancy during which time you replen
The Awakening opened your mind to new possibili ish the psionic energy needed to sustain your form.
ties, aiding you in the acquisition and use of psionics. You need to spend four hours in this state to gain the
To achieve your present power, you sacrificed the same benefit other races gain from taking a six-hour
body to which you were born. But even though the extended rest. While dormant, you are fully aware of
replacement contains none of the flaws of that first your surroundings and notice approaching enemies
vessel, this new form is no longer suitable to hold the and other events as normal.
perfection that is your mind. The power you have Resurging Action (11th level): You can spend
gained over the course ofyour adventures is working an action point to regain 2 power points instead of
to reshape you once again. taking an extra action.
The body that is the temple ofyour psionic power Perfect Resilience (16th level): The first time
grows ever more resilient. You respond to the worst you become bloodied in an encounter, you gain resist
injuries by steeling yourself in preparation for more. 5 to all damage until the end ofyour next turn.
Hunger and thirst become dim memories as your
need for such crude nourishment passes. You find
sleep unnecessary, outgrowing this last lingering con
nection to your mortal life. The physical perfection of
Discorporate Retaliation Psionic lncarn~tc Attack 11
your new form serves your mind at the highest level.
Your body responds to attack by slipping the bonds of the mate
You are the living incarnation of psionic power, and
rial world, then unleashing a vicious psychic counterstrike.
your body now reflects your mastery of that power.
Encounter + Augmentable, Psionic, Psychic
Immediate Interrupt Close blast 3
PsioNic iNCARNATE PATH FEATURES Trigger: You are hit by an attack
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2 Effect: You are insubstantial until the end of the triggering
additional power points. attacker’s turn.
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma + 6 vs. Will
Level 21: Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma + 9 vs. Will
I ~‘•.‘
Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma psychic

1’ Augment 2
Close blast 5
Special: When you gain this power, choose Intelligence,
Wisdom, ciii’ Charisma as the ability you use when mak
ing attack rolls and damage rolls with this power.

Elan Recovery Psionic Incarnate Utility 12

Youfocus mind and body to better shake off the afflictions im
posed by your enemies.
Encounter + Psionic
Minor Action Personal -

Effect: You gain a +5 power bonus to saving throws until

the end of your next turn.

Hidden Reserves Psionic Incarnate Attack 20

You draw psionic energyfrom your body to power a single dev

astating attack.
Daily + Psionic, Psychic I
Standard Action Personal
Effect: Make an attack using an augmentable at-will power.
You can use any of the power’s augmentations without
spending power points, and the power deals 5 extra z
psychic damage and deals half damage on a miss.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

host’s progeny. Generations later, it manifests with no
FOULBORN warning, transforming an otherwise healthy child

Touched by madness, a people burdened by the Far Realm’s into a foulborn. -

blessing Foulborn are found only among the natural races; ~

the corruption that spawns them does not manifest in ~
For most people, the natural world is the only world
that is. The gloomy Shadowfell, the verdant Feywild,
warforged or other living constructs. Most foulborn 9
do not exhibit signs of their heritage until adolescence ~
and the domains of the demons and devils are only or later, remaining more or less physically indistin- U
legend. Few deny that the gods exist, but the starry guishable from others of their kind. Yet even with no Z
heavens of the Astral Sea are seldom thought of as outward sign, others can sense a subtle wrongness in ~
a place to which mortals might travel. Any planes a foulborn, perceiving a hidden menace in the eyes,
beyond those mythical realms are considered by most the smile, or the shadow he or she casts.
folk to be matters for theologians and philosophers. When a foulborn’s true nature finally reveals
But there exists living proof of something more. itself, his or her life is never the same. The effect of
Aberrant creatures owe their existence to the the Far Realm’s touch manifests uniquely in each
union of the natural world and the Far Realm. Where individual; the most obvious signs of physical cor
the Outside surges against the natural boundaries of ruption can range from the merely cosmetic to the
creation, contaminating energy warps and remakes truly bizarre. Skin, eyes, and hair of odd colors or pat
anything it touches. This fell energy acts as a gateway terns are common, as are unusually broad grins, eyes
through which the aberrant entities of the Far Realm slightly out of place, extra digits, and so on. The worst
tear free of that plane to thrash their way into the changes bring about terrible suffering, and some foul-
natural world. At other times, the energy of the Out born manifest vestigial limbs, misplaced body parts,
side carries aberrant parasites that lodge themselves slavering maws in their palms, eyestalks, slimy skin,
in living flesh to foment a transformation. and any other feature suitable to their dark heritage.
For generations, the Far Realm’s hunger has thus Foulborn have the same physical characteristics as
transformed the mortal realm. Some changes are their original race, and can live as long.
profound and immediate; others lie dormant, wait
ing with dim cunning for the best moment to reveal
themselves. The most insidious of these lingering
The transformation into a foulborn comes at a terrible
transformations spawns the foulborn.
psychological price. Only the most disturbed crea
Found among every race and culture, the foulborn
tures can delight in the violation of body that comes
are a grim demonstration of how widespread the Far
with this bloodline. The corruption doesn’t always
Realm’s stain extends, and how insidious its corrup
inspire a mental or spiritual transformation, but
tion can be. A people cursed, the foulborn shoulder a
coming to terms with the flesh’s betrayal is the first
difficult burden, harboring within them the gravest
challenge every foulborn must face if he or she has
threat the world will ever face.
any hope at leading a normal life. Even disciplined
minds suffer as a result of this pressure, and foulborn
Play a foulborn ifyou want...
can struggle with their sense of self for the rest of
+ to struggle against the corruption of the Far Realm their days.
inside you. The nature of psionics remains shrouded in mys
+ to have an intimate connection to the conflict tery, but most sages connect its rise in the mortal
between the world and the Outside. realm to the threat of the Far Realm. Foulborn are
to be a member of a race that favors psionic classes. uniquely positioned to take advantage of psionic
power, because they are creatures of both realms.
But few foulborn are welcome in psionics colleges or
PwvslcAL. QuALiTIEs
orders. As a result, they must learn to control their
Most creatures that feel the Far Realm’s touch do not
gifts on their own.
escape the experience unchanged. When affected by
Life is hard for foulborn. Those possessing the least
the Outside’s seething energy, a creature’s flesh might
unsettling transformations can blend in with other
bubble, warp, or sprout tentacles. As its mind melts,
races. The more profound a foulborn’s visible corrup
its mouth is locked into a grin of madness. On occa
tion, the more hostility and suspicion he or she faces.
sion, however, the presence of the Outside does not
The lucky ones are driven out of their communities
effect an immediate transformation, but rather lays a
with angry mobs at their heels. The unlucky face
seed of corruption that can linger unseen for years.
inquisitors, zealots, and others who seek to destroy
In some cases, such corruption manifests abruptly,
them to prevent their curse from spreading.
transforming the humanoid host into a creature of
Though most foulborn flee from their people
madness. Other times, this taint does not appear in
eventually, they are too few and too scattered to form
its unwitting host and instead passes unseen into its

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

societies of their own. Many turn to wandering in
the untamed wilderness, seeking the shelter and
comforts there that were denied them in civilization.
Foulborn are suspicious and secretive by nature, and
slow to trust others. When they form friendships,
foulborn are loyal to the end—going to any length to
preserve this rare treasure.

Foulborn Characteristics: Angry, bizarre,

detached, deviant, hideous, insane, reserved, rigid,
secretive, tortured, unnerving, violent, wild

Foulborn Names: Foulborn retain the names they

were given at birth and reflect the variety of cultures
in which foulborn appear.

Foulborn characters can make use of many of the
backgrounds presented earlier in this chapter
(particularly the ostracized, calamity, and cre
ated backgrounds). Because of their unique nature,
foulborn can also select an additional background
from those presented below. These backgrounds are
focused specifically on the physical manifestation of
the foulborn’s innate connection to the Far Realm.
Other options might be available at the Dungeon
Master’s discretion.
Bestial: You exhibit animalistic features or char
acteristics. You could have a tail, gleaming eyes, or
goat legs. Your bestial trait might be merely cosmetic,
or it might give you an advantage such as excellent
balance or increased mobility.
Associated Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics
Chameleon: Your skin alters its coloring to blend
in with your surroundings. Although clothing dimin
ishes this effect somewhat, you still have a knack for
escaping notice.
Associated Skills: Stealth
Exotic Appearance: You possess an unusual
appearance, typically involving hair, eye, or skin
coloration. Your skin might be unusually colored for
your race, or it might be oddly patterned with checks,
diamonds, or whorls. Alternatively, your eyes might
be solid black, pure white, or multicolored. Such an
appearance might be frightening to those around you,
or oddly alluring.
Associated Skills: Diplomacy, Intimidate
Hulking: You are exceptionally large for your
race. Your size doesn’t change, but you might be tall,
broad-bodied, or corpulent. Your size might give you
greater endurance or make you more intimidating.
Associated Skills: Endurance, Intimidate
Keen Senses: You have keen senses thanks to
extra eyes, eyestalks, spare ears, antennae, or particu
larly sensitive skin.
Associated Skills: Perception

CHAPTER 5 I Psionic Options
iMPURE SCION mark any enemy adjacent to you until the end of
your next turn.
“This power is my burden to carry, so it is mine to use as I z
Unnatural Perception (11th level): You gain a
seefit. -J
+2 bonus to Insight checks, Perception checks, and
initiative checks. You also have blindsight 5 while you 0
Prerequisite: Foulborn Heritage
are blinded. 0
Warped Mind (16th level): You gain a 1 bonus
A foulborn’s life is a difficult one, and no one knows
to Will. Whenever an enemy hits you with an attack L)
this better than you. You have carried the Far Realm’s
that targets your Will, you gain a cumulative +1 z
burden within you for more years than you can count.
bonus to attack rolls until the end ofyour next turn. 0
You long ago came to terms with your corruption,
adapting to the unsightly transformation you were
forced to endure. In doing so, you discovered ways iMPURE SCION PATH DISCIPUNES
to make the curse work for you. Many years spent
testing your capabilities revealed unexpected advan Otherworldly Pulse Impure Scion Attack 11
tages that help you exceed your normal limitations, You channel the corruption of the Far Realm to attack the
enabling you not only to survive but to thrive. minds ofnearby creatures and leave them reeling.
Reflection and understanding do not come without Encounter 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Psychic
a price, however. The more you draw on your cor Standard Action Close burst 2
rupted power, the greater its effect on you and the more Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Constitution, Intelligence, or Charisma + 6 vs. Will
unhinged your mind becomes. This state ofbeing lends
Level2l: Constitution, Intelligence, or Charisma + 9 vs. Will
itself to strange delusions and compulsions, but the Hit: 4d6 + Constitution, Intelligence, or Charisma modifier
power you gain is worth it. When you fully come into psychic damage, and the target grants combat advantage
your legacy, you learn to share your gift with others, until the end of your next turn. If the target is aberrant, it
causing them to undergo transformations that wrack takes 2d6 extra psychic damage.
the body and mind. Level2l: 6d6 + Constitution, Intelligence, or Charisma
modifier psychic damage.
Augment 2
Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2 Target: Each enemy in burst
additional power points. Special: When you gain this power, choose Constitution,
Terrifying Action (11th level): When you Intelligence, or Charisma as the ability you use when
spend an action point to take an extra action, you making attack rolls and damage rolls with this power.

Strange Anatomy Impure Scion Utility 12

The corruption ofyour body absorbs the worst of an attack.
Encounter 4 Psionic
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You take damage from an attack
Effect You take half damage from the triggering attack. If the
triggering attack is a critical hit, it turns into a normal hit.

Appalling Transformation Impure Scion Attack 20

You callforth the contamination of the Far Realm, transform
ing an enemy into a creature too awful to behold.
Daily 4 Polymorph, Psionic, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution, Intelligence, or Charisma 9 vs.
Fortitude. If the target is aberrant, you have combat
advantage for this attack.
Hit 2d6 + Constitution, Intelligence, or Charisma modifier
Effect: The target assumes the form of the appalling
transformation (save ends). While in this form, the target
is dazed, slowed, and takes ongoing 1 5 psychic damage.
Creatures not immune to fear take a —2 penalty to attack
rolls for attacks that include the target.
Aftereffect: The target takes 10 damage.
Special: When you gain this power, choose Constitution,
Intelligence, or Charisma as the ability you use when
making attack rolls and damage rolls with this power.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

under the same circumstances, you can spend power
NEW FEATS points for only one of those feats each time those cir
cumstances arise.
The new feats presented in this section are geared
toward psionic characters, and add to the psionic HEROIC TIER FEATS
feats introduced in Player’s Handbook 3. Feats in this section are available to characters of any
level who meet the prerequisites.
Psionic energy flows from within and from without, AUTOHYPNOSIS
and those who have the talent to wield its power can Prerequisite: Any psionic class, trained in Arcana
push beyond their physical limits and shape the world Benefit: You gain one healing surge.
around them. Some psionic characters use their power While you are not bloodied, when you would
unconsciously, allowing the magic to well up internally make an Endurance check, you can make an Arcana
before releasing it in combat. But most psionic power check instead.
users gather and store psionic energy in a kind of spiri
tual reservoir, then tap it as needed. Disciplines are the BEFUDDLING THOUGHTS
most obvious outlet for calling on such stored energy, Prerequisite: Changeling, changeling trick racial
but psionic characters can develop other methods for power, psion, send thoughts power, Telepathy Focus
making use of it. Augment feats are one such method. class feature
Only psionic characters who have the Psionic Aug Benefit: You can expend your send thoughts as a free
mentation class feature can take augment feats. The action to use your changeling trick as a ranged 20 power.
word “Augment” in brackets after a feat’s name indi
cates that the feat is an augment feat. Augment feats BEGUILiNG TORMENT [AUGMENT]
allow you to spend power points to enhance actions Prerequisite: Psionic Augmentation class feature
or die rolls. Each feat describes how you can spend Benefit: Whenever you daze or stun an enemy
power points to gain the improved effect. using a psionic power, you can spend 1 power point
Unless the feat specifies otherwise, you spend the to slide that enemy 1 square.
indicated power points to use the augmentation at
any time as a free action. Ifyou have two or more
augment feats that allow you to spend power points BLOODiED CONCENTRATiON
Prerequisite: Psion
Benefit: While you are bloodied, you gain a +1
bonus to attack rolls using augmented at-will psion
attack powers.

Prerequisite: Ardent, Mantle of Impulsiveness
• class feature
Benefit: The first time you are bloodied during an
encounter, your melee attacks deal 1d6 extra damage
until the end ofyour next turn.

Prerequisite: Battlemind, blurred step power
Benefit: When you use your blurred step, you shift
2 squares instead of 1 square.

7 -~
Prerequisite: Battlemind, mind spike power
Benefit: When you use your mind spike, you gain
temporary hit points equal to your Constitution

d Prerequisite: Half-orc,furious assault racial
power, battlemind

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

Benefit: When you use yourfurious assault and have
at least 1 power point, each enemy marked by you takes
psychic damage equal to your Strength modifier.
Prerequisite: Battlemind, blurred step power, per
sistent harrier power U
Benefit: When you use your blurred step, you
CRACK THE MOUNTAIN can teleport to any square adjacent to the triggering U
Prerequisite: Monk, Stone Fist class feature enemy instead of shifting. z
Benefit: When you hit an enemy with a daily
attack power, the enemy is also slowed (save ends).
If the attack already slows the enemy, you instead
slide the enemy 2 squares.
Prerequisite: Drow, cloud ofdarkness racial power,
Benefit: While you are inside your own cloud
DEFT ERUPTION ofdarkness, your unaiigmented psion at-will attack
Prerequisite: Ardent, ardent eruption power powers deal 3 extra psychic damage.
Benefit: The bonus to damage rolls for your ardent
eruption increases by 2.
Prerequisite: Gnome, ghost sound power, Psionic
DOUBLE SCRUTINY Augmentation class feature
Prerequisite: Psion, shaped consciousness power Benefit: While you have at least 1 power point,
Benefit: While the fragment conjured by your you can use your ghost sound as an at-will power.
shaped consciousness is within 5 squares ofyou, you gain When you use your ghost sound, you can spend 1
a +3 bonus to Insight checks and Perception checks. power point to gain combat advantage with your next
attack made before the end ofyour turn against one
Prerequisite: Elf, battlemind, speed ofthought power
Benefit: When you use your speed ofthought, use
enemy adjacent to the target object or square.
your Dexterity modifier in place ofyour Charisma Prerequisite: Githzerai, monk
modifier to determine how far you move. Benefit: When you use your second wind, you
gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to your Wisdom
FEYW1LD ADVANCE modifier until the end ofyour next turn.
Prerequisite: Eladrin, battlemind, blurred step
Benefit: When you use your blurred step and have Prerequisite: Halfling, psion, send thoughts power
at least 1 power point, you can teleport a number of Benefit: Whenever an ally you can see within 20
squares equal to your Intelligence modifier (mini squares ofyou fails a saving throw, you can expend
mum 1 square) instead of shifting. your send thoughts as a free action to allow the ally to
reroll the saving throw.
Prerequisite: Monk HUMAN iNGENUITY
Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to speed. This Prerequisite: Human, Psionic Augmentation
bonus increases to +2 at 11th level. class feature
Benefit: When you spend an action point to make
GESTALT ANCHOR an extra attack, you regain 1 power point.
Prerequisite: Kalashtar, ardent, Ardent Mantle
Benefit: You and allies within the radius ofyour Prerequisite: Battlemind, battle resilience power
Ardent Mantle gain a +2 bonus to initiative checks. Benefit: When you use your battle resilience, you
The first time you drop to 0 power points during can ignore forced movement until the end ofyour
an encounter, allies within the radius ofyour Ardent next turn.
Mantle gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end
ofyour next turn.
Prerequisite: Dragonborn, dragon breath racial
GROUP IN MOTION power, any psionic class
Prerequisite: Half-elf, battlemind, speed ofthought Benefit: Any target hit by your dragon breath attack
power gains vulnerable 5 psychic until the end ofyour turn.
Benefit: When you use your speed ofthought, each
ally adjacent to you can shift 1 square as a free action.

CHAPTER 5 Psiontc Options

Any Class Prerequisites Benefit
rAutohypnosls Any psi~ic class, trained in Arcana Gain 1 healing surge; substitute Arcana for Endurance
B~guiIing Torment Psionic Augmentation When you daze or stun, augment to slide enemy
Haunting Sounds Gnome, ghost.sound, Use ghost sound as at-will; augment to gain combat
Psionic Augmentation advantage
Human Ingenuity Human, Psionic Augmentation Spend action point to attack, regain 1 power point
b’s Roar Dragonborn, dragon breath, Dragon breath confers vulnerable 5 psychic
any psionic class
Psionic Celerity Psionic Augmentation +1 to speed when charging or running; augment to
increase to +2
Psionic Fortune5 Psionic Augmentation +1 to saving throws; augment to increase to +3
Psionic Initiative5 Psionic Augmentation +3 to initiative check; augment to increase to +6
Psionic Reflexes5 Psionic Augmentation +1 to oppo~itunity attacks~ augment to increase to +2
Psionic Skill5 Psionic Augmentation +2 to checks with chosen skill; augment to increase to +3
Psionlc Toughness Psionic Augmentation +3 hit points; augment to regain additional hit points with
second wind
Shard Link Shardmind, Telepathy, Share combat advantage with ally
any psionic class
Ubiquitous Step Eladrin,fey step, Regain fey step at 0 power points
Psionic Augmentation
Zerth Instincts Githzerai, iron mind, any psionic class Shift with iron mind, or expend iron mind to cancel surprise
5Augment feat


Prerequisite: Monk, Iron Soul class feature Prerequisite: Psion, send thoughts power
Benefit: When you are wielding a weapon (other Benefit: When you use your send thoughts, your
than your monk unarmed strike), wearing cloth psion attacks against the target ignore concealment
armor or no armor, and not using a shield, you gain a and cover until the end of the encounter, or until you
+1 bonus to AC. or the target drops to 0 hit points or fewer.


Prerequisite: Githzerai, iron mind racial power, Prerequisite: Wilden, Nature’s Aspect racial trait,
battlemind battlemind, battlemind’s demand power, blurred step
Benefit: When an attack misses you because of power, mind spike power
the bonus to all defenses granted by your iron mind, Benefit: Some ofyour powers gain an additional
you mark the triggering attacker and gain combat benefit depending on your current Nature’s Aspect.
advantage against it until the end of your next turn. Aspect ofthe Ancients: When you use your blurred
step, you shift 1 extra square.
Aspect ofthe Destroyer: When you use your mind
Prerequisite: Shardmind, psion spike, the target takes extra damage equal to your
Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls Wisdom modifier.
with force powers. This bonus increases to +3 at 11th Aspect ofthe Hunter: When you use your battle
level and +4 at 21st level. mind’s demand, you can target one additional creature
in the burst.
Prerequisite: Ardent, Ardent Mantle class feature OUTRAGED VENGEANCE
Benefit: When you make a save, allies within Prerequisite: Ardent, ardent outrage power
the radius of your Ardent Mantle gain a +2 bonus to Benefit: Allies gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls
saving throws until the start ofyour next turn. against any target granting combat advantage from
your ardent outrage power.
Prerequisite: Ardent, ardent surge power PATH TO CLARiTY
Benefit: When you use your ardent surge while Prerequisite: Githzerai, ardent, ardent surge power
bloodied, the hit points regained by the target Benefit: When you use your ardent surge, the
increase by 1d6. target can also make a saving throw against any one
effect that dazes, dominates, or stuns him or her.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

Ardent Other Prerequisites Benefit I
Bloodied Enmity Mantle of Impulsiveness When first bloodied, melee attacks deal 1d6 extra damage
Deft Eruption Ardent eruption +2 damage for ardent eruption
Gestalt Anchor Kalashtar, Ardent Mantle You and allies gain +2 to initiative checks; allies gain +2 to all
defenses when you drop to 0 power points z
Mantle of Understanding Ardent Mantle Allies gain +2 to saving throws when you save
Martyr’s Surge Ardent surge While you are bloodied, ardent surge hit points regained by target
increase by 1 d6
Outraged Vengeance Ardent outrage Allies gain +2 damage against ardent outrage target
Path to Clarity Githzerai, ardent surge Ardent surge allows saving throw to end some effects
Refracting Mantle Shardmind, shard swarm, Allies in Ardent Mantle gain combat advantage with shard swarm
Ardent Mantle
Surg~g Mantle Ardent Mantle Increase Ardent Mantle radius by 2 while you have 0 power points
Wind ofSyrnp~~y Ardent Mantle Use your second wind and ally in Ardent Mantle can use second wind

Battlernind Other Prerequisites Benefit

Blurred Speed Blurred step Shift 2 with blurred step
Bolstering Spike Mind spike Gain temp~~y hit points with mind spike
Brimming Wrath Half-orc, furious assault Marked enemies take damage when you use furious assault
Feral Advance Elf, speed ofthought Dex modifier determines speed ofthought distance
Feywild Advance Eladrin, blurred step Teleport Int modifier with blurred step instead of shifting
Group in Motion Half-elf, speed of thought Allies adjacent to you shift with speed of thought
Harrying Step Blurred step, persistent harrier
Immovable Resilience
II~Im Trap
Battle resilience
Githzerai, iron mind
Teleport instead of shift with blurred step
Ignore forced movement after using battle resilience
Gain combat advantage when enemy misses because of iron mind
Nature’s Sentinel Wilden, Nature’s Aspect, Battlemind powers gain benefit corresponding to your Nature’s
battlemind’s demand, Aspect
blurred step, mind spike
Quick Reactions Speed of thought Cha for Dex on initiative check, +2 to speed with speed ofthought
Resilient Demand Battle resilience, Gain +2 to all defenses with augmented battlemind’s demand
battlemind’s demand
Thought Warning Kalashtar, Telepathy You and allies shift when you drop to power points


Prerequisite: Psion Prerequisite: Psionic Augmentation class feature
Benefit: When you hit an enemy with a daily Benefit: You gain a +3 feat bonus to initiative
psion attack power, your next attack against that checks.
enemy made before the end ofyour next turn using When you roll initiative, you can spend 1 power
an unaugmented psion attack power deals 1d6 extra point to increase the bonus to +6.
force or psychic damage.
PsI0NIC CELERITY [AUGMENT] Prerequisite: Psionic Augmentation class feature
Prerequisite: Psionic Augmentation class feature Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to opportunity
Benefit: Whenever you run or charge, you gain a attack rolls.
+1 bonus to speed. When you make an opportunity attack, you can
During a move action or a charge, you can spend 1 spend 1 power point to gain a +2 power bonus to the
power point to gain a +2 bonus to speed until the end attack roll.
ofyour turn.
PsI0NIC FORTUNE [AUGMENT] Prerequisite: Psionic Augmentation class feature
Prerequisite: Psionic Augmentation class feature Benefit: Choose any skill. You gain a +2 feat
Benefit: While you have at least 1 power point, bonus to checks with that skill.
you gain a +1 feat bonus to saving throws. When you make a check with that skill, you can
When you make a saving throw, you can spend 1 spend 1 power point to gain a +3 power bonus to the
power point to increase the feat bonus to +3 until the skill check.
end ofyour turn. Special: You can take this feat more than once.
Each time you take this feat, choose a different skill.
CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options
Monk Other Prerequisites Benefit
Crack the Mountain Stone Fist Enemy is slowed when hit by daily power
Fluid Motion +1 to speed
Healing Fist Githzerai Gain damage bonus with second wind
Iron Parry Iron Soul +1 to AC with weapon, no armor, no shield
ShLfting Stone Dwarf Shift with save to avoid bein knocked prone
Skipping Stone Flurry Flurry of Blows Target one enemy within 10 squares with Flurry of Blows and sling
Skittering Mouse Style Small size Shift through enemies’ spaces with movement technique
Violent Awakening Half-orc, furious assault, Flurry of Blows deals extra damage with furious assault
Flurry of Blows
Water Splitting Stone — Unarmed strike critical hit causes target to lose resistances

Psion Other Prerequisites Benefit

Befuddling Th~~hts C.h~~~Iing, changeling trick, Changeling trick becomes ranged 20 with send thoughts
send thoughts Telepathy Focus
Bloodied Concentration +1 to attacks with augmented at-will powers while bloodied
Double Scrutiny Shaped consciousness +3 to Insight and Perception while within 5 squares of conjured
Haunted Darkness Drow, cloud ofdarkness Deal extra psychic damage when inside cloud of darkness
Helpful Hint Halfling, send thoughts Expend send thoughts to let ally reroll saving throw
Jagged Force Shard mind +2 to damage with force powers
Mindlink Send thoughts t!Z~ send thoughts to ignore cover and concealment
Power Cascade Extra force or psychic damage after hitting with daily attack
Unseen Dread Gnome Slide target you are hidden from after hitting with attack
Vicious Intrusion Distract Extra damage to target of distract


Prerequisite: Psionic Augmentation class feature Prerequisite: Shardmind, Telepathy racial trait,
Benefit: When you take this feat, you gain addi any psionic class
tional hit points. You gain 3 additional hit points at Benefit: Once during each of your turns, when
each tier of play (at 1st, 11th, and 21st level). you attack an enemy that you have combat advantage
In addition, when you use your second wind, you against, choose one ally within range ofyour telepa
can spend 1 power point to regain 5 additional hit thy. The ally gains combat advantage on his or her
points. The additional hit points regained increase to next attack against that enemy made before the start
10 at 11th level and 15 at 21st level. ofyour next turn.


Prerequisite: Battlemind, speed of thought power Prerequisite: Dwarf, monk
Benefit: When you roll initiative, you can use your Benefit: When you make a save to avoid being
Charisma modifier in place ofyour Dexterity modi knocked prone, you can also shift a number of squares
fier. In addition, when you use your speed ofthought, equal to your Wisdom modifier as a free action.
you gain a +2 bonus to speed until the end ofyour
next turn (after any surprise round, if applicable). SKIPPiNG STONE FLURRY
Prerequisite: Monk, Flurry of Blows class feature
REFRACTING MANThE Benefit: When you use your Flurry of Blows
Prerequisite: Shardmind, shard swarm racial power and you have a sling in hand, you can replace
power, ardent, Ardent Mantle class feature one normal target of that power with one creature
Benefit: When you use your shard swarm, the target within 10 squares ofyou. This does not provoke
also grants combat advantage to allies within the radius opportunity attacks.
ofyour Ardent Mantle until the end ofyour next turn.
RES1UENT DEMAND Prerequisite: Small size, monk
Prerequisite: Battlemind, battle resilience power, Benefit: When you use a movement technique
battlemind’s demand power to shift 3 or more squares, you can shift through
Benefit: When you augment your battlemind’s enemies’ spaces.
demand, you gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses
until the start of your next turn.
CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options
SURGING MANTLE Benefit: When you use your iron mind, you can
Prerequisite: Ardent, Ardent Mantle class feature also shift 1 square as a free action.
Benefit: While you have no power points remain In addition, when you are surprised, you can
ing, the radius ofyour Ardent Mantle increases by 2 expend your iron mind to not be surprised.
THOUGHT WARNING Feats in this section are available to characters of 11th
Prerequisite: Kalashtar, Telepathy racial trait, level or higher who meet the feats’ other prerequisites.
Benefit: The first time you drop to 0 power points ANCHORiNG PUSH
during an encounter, you and each ally within range Prerequisite: 11th level, psion,forceful push power
ofyour telepathy can shift 1 square as a free action. Benefit: When you use yourforceful push, you also
slow the target until the end ofyour next turn.
Prerequisite: Eladrin,fey step racial power, BATTLE Ps JON
Psionic Augmentation class feature Prerequisite: 11th level, psion
Benefit: The first time you drop to 0 power points Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls
during an encounter, you regain the use ofyourfey step. with at-will psion force or psychic powers. While you
have no power points remaining, this bonus increases
UNSEEN DREAD to +3. The bonus increases to +3 or +4 at 21st level.
Prerequisite: Gnome, psion
Benefit: When you hit an enemy you are hidden BODY AND MIND
from using a psion attack power, you slide that enemy
2 squares.
Prerequisite: 11th level, psion, shaped conscious
ness power
Benefit: While the fragment conjured by your
VIcIOUs iNTRUSION shaped consciousness is within 5 squares ofyou, you
Prerequisite: Psion, distract power gain a +1 bonus to all defenses.
Benefit: When you use your distract, your next
attack against the target with a psion attack power BLURRING SPEED
made before the end ofyour next turn gains a +3 Prerequisite: 11th level, battlemind, speed of
power bonus to the damage roll. thought power
Benefit: When you use your speed ofthought, you
VIOLENT AWAKENING also have concealment until the start of your next
Prerequisite: Half-orc,furious assault racial turn (after any surprise round, if applicable).
power, monk, Flurry of Blows class feature
Benefit: When yourfurious assault and your BOLSTERiNG WIND
Flurry of Blows power are triggered by the same hit, Prerequisite: 11th level, ardent, Ardent Mantle
one target ofyour Flurry of Blows power takes extra class feature
damage equal to your Strength modifier. Benefit: When you use your second wind, each
bloodied ally within the radius ofyour Ardent Mantle
WATER SPLITTiNG STONE regains hit points equal to 5 your Wisdom modi
Prerequisite: Monk fier. The hit points regained increase to 10 your
Benefit: When you score a critical hit using your Wisdom modifier at 21st level.
monk unarmed strike, the target loses any resistance
until the end ofyour next turn. CENTERED iNTUITION
Prerequisite: 11th level, monk, Centered Breath
WIND OF SYMPATHY class feature
Prerequisite: Ardent, Ardent Mantle class feature Benefit: When you roll initiative, you can roll twice
Benefit: When you use your second wind, one ally and use either result. Ifyou roll the same number both
within the radius ofyour Ardent Mantle can use his times, you gain a +5 bonus to your initiative check.
or her second wind as a free action.
ZERTH iNSTINCTS Prerequisite: 11th level, monk
Prerequisite: Githzerai, iron mind racial power, Benefit: You can swap places with an ally adjacent
any psionic class to you as a move action. This movement does not pro
voke opportunity attacks.
CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options
Any Class Prerequisites Benefit
Empty Vessel Drop to 0 power points and gain +1 to attacks and detenses
Prescient Dodge Psionic Augmentation Gain ÷2 to all defenses until first turn; augment to gain +2 to all
defenses after hitting enemy
Psionic Rush* Psionic Augmentation When you use action point, reduce augment cost by 1
Psychic Wail Any psionic class Reduce enemy to 0 hit points with psychic attack and another
enemy grants combat advantage
Threefold Fortitude Psionic Augmentation +1 to Fortitude; augment to increase to +3
Threefold Reflex* Psionic Augmentation +1 to Reflex; augment to increase to +3
Threefold Will Psionic Augmentation +1 to Will; augment to increase to +3
*Augment feat

Ardent Other Prerequisites Benefit

Bolstering Wind Ardent Mantle Use second wind and allies in Ardent Mantle regain hit points
Implacable Wrath Ardent outrage Push ardent outrage target 1 square
Instinctive Advance Ardent eruption, Ardent Mantle Ardent eruption target can shift 1 square
Lingering Swiftness Ardent alacrity Ardent alacrity target moves faster
Mantle of Caution Ardent Mantle While you are bloodied, allies in Ardent Mantle gain +2 to
Fortitude Reflex, and Will
Rising Hopes Ardent surge, Mantle of Clarity Dying target of ardent surge can stand up and shift
Suppressive Surge Ardent surge Ardent surge prevents enemies in Ardent Mantle from regaining
hit points
Violent Joy Ardent surge, Mantle of Elation Ardent surge target scores critical hits on 19-20

Battlemind Other Prerequisites Benefit

Blurring Speed S~Fdpfthought Gain concealment with speed ofthought
Ferocious Resilience Battle resilience +2 to melee damage with battle resilience
Harried Recovery Persistent harrier Regain persistent harrier when you drop to 0 power points
Harrier’s Control Persistent harrier Persistent harrier marks and slides target
Iron Propulsion Ignore armor’s speed penalty while you have 1 power point
Staggering Spike Mind spike Mind spike target grants combat advantage to attacked ally
Unstoppable Speed When first bloodied, move 3 + Cha modifier

‘%:~ ‘; ~
Prerequisite: 11th level, psion, distract power -‘

Benefit: When you use your distract, the target • -

~b. ~
also cannot take opportunity actions until the end of
your next turn.

Prerequisite: 11th level, psion
Benefit: Whenever a creature fails a saving throw
against an effect caused by one ofyour psion attack
powers, it gains vulnerable 3 psychic until the end of
your next turn. This vulnerability increases to 6 psy
chic at 21st level.

Prerequisite: 11th level, monk, Stone Fist class
Benefit: When you hit an enemy with a daily
attack power, you also daze the enemy (save ends). If
the attack already dazes the enemy, it instead deals 5
extra damage.

Prerequisite: 11th level, monk z

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

Monk Other Prerequisites Benefit
Centered Intuition Centered Breath Roll Initiative twice, with bonus if you roll the same number
Confounding Technique Swap places with an ally adjacent to you
Dazing Fist Stone Fist Target of daily power is also dazed
Driving Rain Ki focus bonus to bull rush, and bull rush farther
Master’s Instruction Grant ally bonus to attack when you miss with encounter attack
Serenity in Simplicity +1 to attacks with at-will powers when daily powers are expended
Still Water +2 to AC with at-will attack when encounter powers are expended
Waking Senses No penalty to Perception checks when blinded, deafened, or sleeping
Whirling Iron Defense Iron soulfiurry of blows +1 to all defenses against iron soulflurry of blows target

Psion Other Prerequisites Benefit

Anchoring Push Forceful push Forceful push target is also slowed
Battle Psion +2 to damage with force or psychic at-will attacks
Body and Mind Shaped consciousness +1 to all defenses while within 5 squares of conjured fragment
confusing Distraction Distract Deny opportunity actions to target affected by distract
Corrosive Thoughts Vulnerable 3 psychic to creature that fails saving throw against
your powers
Power Surge Expend daily power to regain power points
Psionic Staff Focus Ranged attack using staff doesn’t provoke opp~tunity attacks
Puppeteer Slide enemy that fails saving throw against effect of your power

Benefit: You gain a feat bonus to bull rush attack Benefit: When you use your persistent harrier, you
rolls equal to your ki focus’s enhancement bonus. also slide the target 1 square before or after the attack,
When you hit with a bull rush, you push the target and you mark the target until the end ofyour next turn.
a number of squares equal to your speed, then shift
into any unoccupied square adjacent to the target at iMPLACABLE WRATH
the end of the push. Prerequisite: 11th level, ardent, ardent outrage
EMPTY VESSEL Benefit: When you use your ardent outrage, you
Prerequisite: 11th level also push the target 1 square.
Benefit: The first time you drop to 0 power points
during an encounter, you gain a +2 bonus to attack iNSTiNCTIVE ADVANCE
rolls and a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of Prerequisite: 11th level, ardent, ardent eruption
your next turn. power, Ardent Mantle class feature
Benefit: When you use your ardent eruption, the
FEROCIOUS RES1UENCE target can also shift 1 square as a free action.
Prerequisite: 11th level, battlemind, battle resil
Benefit: When you use your battle resilience, you Prerequisite: 11th level, battlemind
gain a +2 power bonus to melee damage rolls until Benefit: While you have at least 1 power point,
the end ofyour next turn. This bonus increases to +4 you ignore the speed penalty normally incurred by
at 21st level. your armor.


Prerequisite: 11th level, battlemind, persistent Prerequisite: 11th level, ardent, ardent alacrity
harrier power power
Benefit: The first time you drop to 0 power points Benefit: When you use your ardent alacrity, the
during an encounter, you gain a use of your persistent target can shift 2 squares or move at full speed.
harrier that you can use the next time an enemy hits
or misses you with an attack during the encounter.
Prerequisite: 11th level, ardent, Ardent Mantle
HARRiER’S CONTROL class feature
Prerequisite: 11th level, battlemind, persistent Benefit: While you are bloodied, allies within the
harrier power radius of your Ardent Mantle gain a +2 bonus to For
titude, Reflex, and Will.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

Prerequisite: 11th level, monk Prerequisite: 11th level, ardent, ardent surge
Benefit: When you use a monk encounter attack power, Mantle of Clarity class feature
power and miss at least one target, one ally you can Benefit: When you target a dying ally with your
see gains a +2 bonus to his or her next attack roll ardent surge, the target can stand up and shift as a free
against one target you missed with the attack power action.
before the end ofyour next turn.
POWER SURGE Prerequisite: 11th level, monk
Prerequisite: 11th level, psion Benefit: While all your daily attack powers are
Benefit: You can expend the use of an unused expended, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls for
daily psion attack power to regain 2 power points. If monk at-will attack powers.
the daily power is 15th level or higher, you instead
regain 4 power points. If the daily power is 25th level STAGGERING SPiKE
or higher, you instead regain 6 power points. Prerequisite: 11th level, battlemind, mind spike
PRESCIENT DODGE [AUGMENT] Benefit: When you use your mind spike, the trig
Prerequisite: 11th level, Psionic Augmentation gering enemy grants combat advantage to one ally
class feature targeted by the triggering attack until the end of the
Benefit: During each encounter, you gain a +2 enemy’s next turn.
bonus to all defenses until the start ofyour first turn.
Whenever you hit an enemy with an unaugmented STILL WATER
attack power, you can spend 1 power point to gain a Prerequisite: 11th level, monk
+2 power bonus to all defenses until the start ofyour Benefit: Ifyou hit an enemy using a monk at-will
next turn. attack power while all your encounter powers are
expended, you gain a +2 bonus to AC until the start of
PsIoNic RUSH [AUGMENT] your next turn.
Prerequisite: 11th level, Psionic Augmentation
Benefit: When you spend an action point to take Prerequisite: 11th level, ardent, ardent surge
an extra action, you can reduce the cost to augment power
any augmentable power you use during that action by Benefit: When you use your ardent surge, enemies
1 power point. within the radius ofyour Ardent Mantle cannot
regain hit points until the start ofyour next turn.
Prerequisite: 11th level, psion THREEFOLD FORT1TUDE [AUGMENT]
Benefit: When you use a ranged psion attack Prerequisite: 11th level, Psionic Augmentation
power using a staff against a target adjacent to you, class feature
the attack does not provoke opportunity attacks. Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to Fortitude.
During your turn, you can spend 1 power point to
PSYCHIC WAIl.. increase the bonus to +3 until the end of your next
Prerequisite: 11th level, any psionic class turn.
Benefit: When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit
points with a psychic attack, one enemy you can see THREEFOLD REFLEX [AUGMENT]
within 5 squares of the first enemy grants combat Prerequisite: 11th level, Psionic Augmentation
advantage to you until the end ofyour next turn. class feature
Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to Reflex.
PUPPETEER During your turn, you can spend 1 power point to
Prerequisite: 11th level, psion increase the bonus to +3 until the end ofyour next
Benefit: Whenever an enemy fails a saving throw turn.
against an effect caused by one of your psion attack
powers, you can slide that enemy 1 square as a free THREEFOLD WiLL [AUGMENT]
action. Prerequisite: 11th level, Psionic Augmentation
class feature
Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to Will.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

During your turn, you can spend 1 power point to
increase the bonus to +3 until the end ofyour next

Prerequisite: 11th level, battlemind z
Benefit: The first time you are bloodied during an
encounter, you can move a number of squares equal
to 3 + your Charisma modifier as a free action.

Prerequisite: 11th level, ardent, ardent surge
power, Mantle of Elation class feature
Benefit: When you target a bloodied ally with
your ardent surge and that ally regains enough hit
points to no longer be bloodied, he or she can score
critical hits with melee attacks on a roll of 19-20
until the end ofyour next turn.

Prerequisite: 11th level, monk
Benefit: You never take a penalty to Perception
checks when you are blinded, deafened, or sleeping.
Prerequisite: 11th level, monk, iron soulfiurry of
blows power
Benefit: When you use your iron soulflurry of
blows, you gain a +1 bonus to all defenses against each
Prerequisite: 21st level, ardent, Mantle of Impul
target’s attacks until the start ofyour next turn.
siveness class feature
Benefit: Each ally within the radius of your
Eric TIER FEATS Ardent Mantle at the start of an encounter can shift 1
Feats in this section are available to characters square as a free action.
of 21st level or higher who meet the feats’ other
prerequisites. CRmcAL UNDERSTANDiNG
Prerequisite: 21st level, ardent, ardent surge
AGGRESSiVE CONSTRUCTION power, Mantle of Clarity class feature
Prerequisite: 21st level, psion Benefit: When you use your ardent surge, a blood
Benefit: When you use a psionic power to ied target gains a +3 bonus to all defenses instead of a
summon a creature, each enemy adjacent to the crea +1 bonus.
ture when it appears takes psychic damage equal to
your Intelligence modifier. DRAGON’S GRASP
Prerequisite: 21st level, monk
13ATTLEM1ND MENACE Benefit: When you use the grab action, you gain
Prerequisite: 21st level, battlemind, blurred step a feat bonus to the attack roll equal to your ki focus’s
power enhancement bonus. In addition, when an enemy
Benefit: When you use your blurred step, you gain provokes an opportunity attack from you and you are
a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the start of wielding no weapons, you can make a grab attack in
your next turn. place of a melee basic attack.


Prerequisite: 21st level Prerequisite: 21st level, battlemind, mind spike
Benefit: The first time you score a critical hit power
during an encounter, you regain 2 power points. Benefit: When you use your mind spike, you also
z mark each enemy adjacent to the target until the end
ofyour next turn.
CHAPTER S Psionic Options
Any Class Prerequisites Benefit
Boundless Enthusiasm Regain 2 power points with first critical nit auring encounter
Hostile Mind Gain combat advantage when attack against your Will hits
pure ~ Gain resist 10 psychic, +2 Will

Ardent Other Prerequisites Benefit

Close the Gap Mantle of Impulsiveness Allies Dii Ardent Mangle at the start of each encounter shift
Critical Understanding Ardent surge, Mantle of Clarity Bloodied target of ardent surge gains +3 to all defenses
Infectious Euphoria Ardent surge, Mantle of Elation Allies adjacent to ardent surge target gain temporary hit points
Instinctive Surge Ardent surge, Use ardent surge as immediate reaction when ally within
Mantle of Impulsiveness Ardent Mantle becomes bloodied
Victorious Soul Ardent Mantle Score critical hit and allies within Ardent Mantle gain bonus to
damage rolls

Battlemind Other Prerequisites Benefit

Battlemind Menace Blurred step +2 to all defEnses with blurred step
Fearsome Spike Mind spike Mark enemies adjacent to mind spike target
Inexorable Speed Speed of thought Move through enemies’ spaces with speed ofthought
lnvig~~g Demand Battlemind’s demand Gain temporary hit points with augmented battlemind’s demand

Monk Other Prerequisites Benefit

Dragon’s Grasp Ki focus bonus to grab attacks, grab on oppot~tunity attacks
Form Mastery Regain encounter power when you spend an action point
Keep Your Feet Stand up as an Immediate reaction when knocked prone
True Freedom Escape as immediate reaction when grabbed

Psion Other Prerequisites Benefit

Aggressive Construction Deal psychic damage to creatures adjacent to summoned creature
Lingering Force Telekinesis Focus +2 to all defenses with Telekinesis Focus power
Psion Implement Expertise tnt 21, Wis 15, Cha 15 Score critical hit on 19-20 with psionic Implement
Stalk the Senseless You are invisible to creatures dazed or stunned by your attack

Benefit: When you use your ardent surge, each

ally adjacent to the target gains temporary hit points
Prerequisite: 21st level, monk
equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier.
Benefit: When you spend an action point to take
an extra action, you also regain the use of a monk
encounter attack power. You can use this encounter iNSTINCTIVE SURGE
power as your extra action. Prerequisite: 21st level, ardent, ardent surge
power, Mantle of Impulsiveness class feature
Benefit: When an ally within the radius ofyour
Ardent Mantle becomes bloodied, you can use your
Prerequisite: 21st level
ardent surge on that ally as an immediate reaction.
Benefit: When an enemy attack hits your Will,
the enemy grants combat advantage to you for the
first attack you make against it before the end ofyour iNVIGORATiNG DEMAND
next turn. Prerequisite: 21st level, battlemind, battlemind’s
demand power
Benefit: When you augment your battlemind’s
demand, you gain temporary hit points equal to your
Prerequisite: 21st level, battlemind, speed of
Constitution modifier.
thought power
Benefit: When you use your speed ofthought, you
can move through enemies’ spaces and your move KEEP YOUR FEET
ment does not provoke opportunity attacks. Prerequisite: 21st level, monk
Benefit: When you are knocked prone, you can
stand up as an immediate reaction.
Prerequisite: 21st level, ardent, ardent surge
power, Mantle of Elation class feature

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

LiNGERING FORCE Benefit: You gain the Psionic Augmentation class
Prerequisite: 21st level, psion, Telekinesis Focus feature and 1 power point. You can spend this power
class feature point to augment powers, feats, or magic items that
Benefit: When you use a Telekinesis Focus power, are augmentable. Once you spend this power point,
you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of you do not regain the power point until you take an
your next turn. extended rest. You also qualify for feats that require
the Psionic Augmentation class feature. You gain 1
additional power point at 21st level.
Prerequisite: 21st level, Tnt 21, Wis 15, Cha 15,
Benefit: When you use a psionic power through [MULT1CLASS ARDENT]
an implement, you can score a critical hit on a roll of Prerequisite: Fervent Talent feat
19-20. Benefit: Choose a power granted by an Ardent
Mantle class feature. You can use that power once per
Prerequisite: 21st level
Benefit: You gain resist 10 psychic and a +2 feat FOCUSED TALENT
bonus to Will. [MULTICLASS PS1ON]
Prerequisite: Any multiclass psion feat
STALK THE SENSELESS Benefit: Choose a psion Discipline Focus. You can
Prerequisite: 21st level, psion use each power granted by the Discipline Focus once
Benefit: While a creature is dazed or stunned by per day.
one ofyour psion attack powers, you are invisible to
that creature. MONASTIC ADEPT
TRUE FREEDOM Prerequisite: Any multiclass monk feat
Prerequisite: 21st level, monk Benefit: You gain training in one skill from the
Benefit: When you are grabbed, you can make an monk’s class list.
escape attempt as an immediate reaction. Choose a 1st-level monk at-will attack power. You
can use that power once per encounter.
Prerequisite: 21st level, ardent, Ardent Mantle WILD ADVANCE
class feature
Benefit: When you score a critical hit using an
Prerequisite: Demanding Talent feat
ardent attack, allies within the radius ofyour Ardent
Benefit: You gain the battlemind’s blurred step
Mantle deal extra damage equal to your Charisma
power and can use it once per encounter.
modifier on melee attacks until the start ofyour next
Prerequisite: Any multiclass battlemind feat,
The following feats provide new psionics multiclass
paragon multiclassing as a battlemind
ing options.
Benefit: Choose a power granted by a battlemind
Psionic Study. You can use that power once per day.
Prerequisite: Tnt 15, trained in Arcana

Name Prerequisites Benefit
Awakened Potential lnt 15, trained in Arcana Gain Psionic Augmentation and 1 power point
Blood’s Passion Fervent Talent Ardent: Ardent Mantle power 1/day
Focused Talent Any multiclass psion feat Psion: Discipline Focus powers 1/day
Monastic Adept Any multiclass monk feat Monk: Training in one monk skill, monk at-will 1/encounter
Wild Advance Demanding Talent Battlemind: Blurred step 1/encounter
Wild Savant Any multiclass battlemind feat, Battlemind: Psionic Study power 1/day
paragon multiclassing as a battlemind

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

Unbalanced Mind Feat P.wer
BLOODLiNE FEATS Your connection to the Far Realm unleashes psychic pain in
response to attack.
Elans and foulborn are not true races such as those Encounter + Psionic, Psychic
presented in the Player’s Handbook. Bloodline feats, Immediate Reaction Personal
introduced in Dragon Magazine Annual 2009, allow Trigger: You take damage from an attack
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, any creature that
player characters of one race to expand their racial
enters a square adjacent to you or ends its turn there
identity to include one of these bloodlines. Elan Heri takes 5 psychic damage.
tage, Foulborn Heritage, and the other bloodline feats
in this section are noted as such in the feat’s name.
You can have bloodline feats of only one type; thus, if
you choose the Elan Heritage feat, you can have only
Elan Bloodline feats.
If you want to play a character who has one of [ELAN BLOODLINE]
these bloodlines, choose a race as normal and then Prerequisite: Elan Heritage
select the Elan Heritage feat or Foulborn Heritage Benefit: When you use elan resilience, you gain
feat to gain that bloodline’s abilities. Under most cir resistance to all damage equal to your Intelligence
cumstances, a character must be 1st level to select a modifier until the end ofyour next turn.
bloodline feat. The Dungeon Master might allow a
character to take a bloodline feat later to reflect a dor DivERsE Focus [ELAN BLoODLiNE]
mant bloodline or a development in the campaign. Prerequisite: Elan Heritage, psion, Discipline
The Dungeon Master can also rule that you cannot Focus class feature
retrain bloodline feats without an explanation of how Benefit: Choose and gain a Discipline Focus other
your character loses that heritage. than one you already possess. You can use any powers
associated with that Discipline Focus as daily powers.
Prerequisite: Humanoid ELAN PROTECTION
Benefit: You are an elan. Your origin changes to [ELAN BLoODLiNE]
immortal, and you are considered an immortal crea Prerequisite: Elan Heritage, ardent, Ardent
ture for the purpose of effects that relate to creature Mantle class feature
origin. You gain telepathy 5. Benefit: When you use elan resilience, each ally
You have the elan resilience power. within the radius ofyour Ardent Mantle gains a +2
bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn.
Elan Resilience Feat Power
Psionic energyflares around you, limiting the effect of an
Encounter + Psionic [ELAN BLOODLINE]
Immediate Interrupt Personal Prerequisite: Elan Heritage, battlemind
Trigger: You take damage from an attack Benefit: When you use elan resilience, each enemy
Effect: Reduce the triggering attack’s damage by your marked by you takes psychic damage equal to your
Intelligence modifier. Constitution modifier.
Level II: 3 + Intelligence modifier.
Level 21: 6 + Intelligence modifier.
Prerequisite: Foulborn Heritage, monk, Flurry of
[FOULBORN BLOODLINE] Blows class feature
Prerequisite: Natural humanoid
Benefit: When you use your Flurry of Blows
Benefit: You are a foulborn. Your origin changes
power, you can forego the normal effect to have the
to aberrant, and you are considered an aberrant crea
target take a —2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of
ture for the purpose of effects that relate to creature
your next turn.
You have the unbalanced mind power.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

Na me Prerequisites Benefit
Boon of the Made Elan Heritage Gain resistance to all damage when you use elan resilience
Diverse Focus Elan Heritage, psion, Gain second Discipline Focus, use its powers as daily powers
Discipline Focus
Elan Heritage Humanoid Origin changes to immortal, gain elan resilience, telepathy 5
Elan Protection Elan Heritage, ardent, Allies within Ardent Mantle gain +2 to all defenses with elan resilience
Ardent Mantle
Elan Retribution Elan Heritage battlemind Deal psychic damage to marked targets when you use elan resilience
Fearsome Flurry Foulborn Heritage, monk, Flurry of Blows can impose —2 to attacks
Flurry of Blows
Foulborn Heritage Natural humanoid Origin becomes aberrant, gain unbalanced mind
Mantle of Unease Foulborn Heritage, ardent, Enemy scores critical hit and gains —2 penalty to attacks
Ardent Mantle
Spike of Madness Foulborn Heritage, Mind spike target slides 1 square and grants combat advantage
battlemind, mind spike
Untraceable Flurry Elan Heritage, monk, Flurry of Blows deals psychic damage and ignores insubstantial
Flurry of Blows
Vision of Madness Foulborn Heritage, psion Daze with critical hit using augmented psion at-will attack


Prerequisite: Foulborn Heritage, ardent, Ardent Prerequisite: Foulborn Heritage, psion
Mantle class feature
Benefit: When an enemy not immune to fear
Benefit: When you score a critical hit against an
enemy using an augmented psion at-will power, that 5
scores a critical hit within the radius ofyour Ardent enemy is also dazed until the end ofyour next turn. If
Mantle, it takes a —2 penalty to attack rolls until the the enemy is already dazed or is dazed by the power,
end of its next turn. Ifyou are bloodied, you also push it instead takes 5 extra psychic damage.
the enemy 1 square.
Prerequisite: Foulborn Heritage, battlemind, [FOULBORN BLOODLINE]
mind spike power Prerequisite: 11th level, Foulborn Heritage
Benefit: When you use your mind spike power, you Benefit: You gain darkvision.
also slide the target 1 square, and the target grants
combat advantage until the end ofyour next turn. ACCURSED REVELATION
UNTRACEABLE FLURRY Prerequisite: 11th level, Foulborn Heritage,
[ELAN BLOODLINE] ardent, Ardent Mantle class feature
Prerequisite: Elan Heritage, monk, Flurry of Benefit: When you first drop to 0 power points
Blows class feature during an encounter, each enemy within the radius
Benefit: You can deal psychic damage with your ofyour Ardent Mantle grants combat advantage until
Flurry of Blows power. When you do, the power deals the end ofyour next turn.
full damage to insubstantial creatures.


Name Prerequisites Benefit
Aberrant Sight Foulborn Heritage Gain darkvision
Accursed Revelation Foulborn Heritage, Enemies in Ardent Mantle grant combat advantage when you drop to
ardent, Ardent Mantle o power points
Body Fuel Elan Heritage, Regain 1 power point with second wind
Psionic Augmentation
Elan Mental Onslaught Elan Heritage Target Will on next attack after Flurry of Blows
Returning Resilience Elan Heritage Regain elan resilience with second wind
Terrible Aspect Foulborn Heritage, Mark each enemy within 3 squares of you when you first drop to
battlemind 0 power points

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

Na me Prerequisites Benefit
BI~Ii~I Horror Foulborn Heritage While Hl~Ii~I, +1 bonus to attacks using fear powers, bloodied
enemies take —2 to attacks
Far Realm’s Blessing Foulborn Heritage Regain 1 power point when first bloodied
Gift of the Eternal Elan Heritage, Regain 1 power point at the start of your first turn in each encounter
Psionic Augmentation
Psionic Discorporation Elan Heritage Insubstantial when at 0 hit points or fewer, +2 attacks when you are
no longer dying


Prerequisite: 11th level, Elan Heritage, Psionic
Augmentation class feature BLooD lED HORROR
Benefit: Once per encounter when you use your [FOULB0RN BLOODUNE]
second wind, you also regain 1 power point. Prerequisite: 21st level, Foulborn Heritage
Benefit: While you are bloodied, you gain a +1
ELAN MENTAL ONSLAUGHT bonus to attack rolls when using fear powers. In addi
[ELAN BLOODLINE] tion, bloodied enemies that are adjacent to you take a
Prerequisite: 11th level, Elan Heritage —2 penalty to attack rolls.
Benefit: When you damage an enemy using your
Flurry of Blows power, your next attack against that FAR REALM’S BLESSING
enemy made before the end of your next turn can [FOUL.BORN BLOODUNE]
target Will instead of the defense normally targeted. Prerequisite: 21st level, Foulborn Heritage,
Psionic Augmentation class feature
RETURNiNG RESIUENCE Benefit: The first time you become bloodied in an
[ELAN BLooDLiNE] encounter, you regain 1 power point.
Prerequisite: 11th level, Elan Heritage
Benefit: When you use your second wind, you GiFT OF THE ETERNAL
regain the use ofyour elan resilience power. [ELAN BL00DUNFI
Prerequisite: 21st level, Elan Heritage, Psionic
TERRIBLE ASPECT Augmentation class feature
[FOULBORN BLOODLiNE] Benefit: At the end of your first turn in each
Prerequisite: 11th level, Foulborn Heritage, encounter, you regain 1 power point.
Benefit: When you first drop toO power points P510N1C D1SC0RP0RATI0N
during an encounter, you mark any enemy within 3 [ELAN BLOoDLiNE]
squares of you until the end ofyour next turn. Prerequisite: 21st level, Elan Heritage
Benefit: While you are at 0 hit points or fewer,
you are insubstantial. When you regain hit points so
that you are no longer dying, you gain a +2 bonus to
attack rolls for psionic powers until the end ofyour
next turn.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

Your epic destiny demonstrates a greater aware Lf)
ness of yourself, your purpose, and your place in the
cosmos. Pursuing a psionic epic destiny sets you on a
path that will ultimately free you from the constraints
of reality—transcending mere immortality as you
become one with the power within you.

Your thoughts are windows to distant worlds, strange reali
ties, and endless possibilities.
S.’ /
Prerequisite: 21st level, any psionic class

The cosmos has long fascinated you with its strange

tales of far-flung realms populated by creatures
beyond imagination. For much ofyour adventuring -~

career, the lure of such places has pulled you onward,

and each discovery only intensifies your appetite for
more knowledge. Over time, however, you become
frustrated with the material barriers that slow or
prevent your explorations. You yearn to become the
Cosmic Soul, peering across impossible distances
with the power of the mind alone. You are limited
only by your imagination, and there are no realms
Cosmic Experience (24th level): You have seen
you cannot conquer.
so much that whatever happens to you seems already
familiar. You gain a +5 bonus to initiative checks,
iMMORTALiTY knowledge checks, and monster knowledge checks.
The door to your mind opens wide, filling you with In addition, you can speak all languages.
an awareness of the cosmos around you. Cosmic Connection (30th level): All your
Infinite Awareness: All material barriers to your ranged powers and area powers have a range of
curiosity fall away as you unlock the final door to your “sight.”
potential. Like a flower opening its petals to drink
in the sun, your consciousness expands to touch all
places, all peoples, all worlds in a flooding rush. Your
thoughts flick from one world to another, your inner
Merge with the Cosmos Cosmic Soul Utility 26
eye falling on the gods’ dominions or bearing witness
Your body temporarilyfades, replenishing you and granting you
to the atrocities of the Nine Hells and the Abyss. Your
the advantage over yourfoes.
vision extends even beyond the veil that shrouds the
Daily + Healing, Psionic, Zone
Far Realm, allowing you to perceive the full horror
No Action Personal
that lurks on the fringes of reality. With your mind Trigger: You drop to 0 hit points or fewer
freed, you have no need for the body and its limita Effect You are removed from play, creating a zone in a
tions. The needs and cravings ofyour physical form burst 10 centered on the space you last occupied and
fall away as you enter infinite awareness, ready to that lasts until you reappear. At the start of your next
explore without limitation until the end of time. turn, you regain hit points equal to your level, and one
ally within the zone can take a standard action as a free
action. At the end of your next turn, you reappear in any
COSMIC SOUL FEATURES unoccupied space within the zone. Each enemy within
Cosmic Awareness (21st level): You can master the zone when you reappear grants combat advantage to
and perform scrying rituals. Any scrying ritual you you until the end of the encounter.
perform does not need a focus, and you gain a +5 Sustain No Action: You can choose to not reappear at the
bonus to any skill checks made to perform the ritual. end of your turn, sustaining the effect.
Once per day, you can use any scrying ritual you
know without expending components.
In addition, you gain truesight 5.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

Godhood is too limitingfor a hero such as you. You reach
higher than any deity’s throne,for in your dreams are the
seeds of a new world.

Prerequisite: 21st level, any psionic class

To the mortals who worship them, the gods are

the highest form of life. Possessed of incalculable
strength and wisdom, the deities hold the power to
create new races and raze whole continents at their
whim. Yet for all their magnificence, the gods are
flawed beings, possessed of the same failures ofjudg
ment and character that plague the mortals living
‘1’ I’
beneath their gaze.
You are not the first to look beyond godhood, bear
ing witness to an infinite perfection that supersedes
even the deities’ power. At the height of creation lies a
cause or a purpose whose intent remains inscrutable
even to the gods. Some might seek to pay homage to
this being beyond beings—this idea and first cause,
the Demiurge responsible for the sum of all things.
You, however, have no intention ofjoining with or
serving this force. Rather, you hope to secure its
power for yourself. You will shape reality as you see
fit, rebuilding the cosmos in your own image and
from your own imagination.

Becoming the One (21st level): Your Charisma
So arrogant is your objective, so profound your goals,
score and one other ability score ofyour choice both
that you find enemies to all sides ofyou. The most
increase by 2.
powerful beings in the cosmos set aside their darkest
Perfection in Action (24th level): When you
disputes to fight against your burgeoning power.
reach a milestone, you gain 2 action points instead of
Monadic Transcendence: Enemies without
1 action point. When you reach a second milestone,
number darken your path, even as the gods them
you can spend up to 2 action points in the same
selves attempt to deny you from your goal. But none
can dispute the worthiness ofyour work, the perfec
Deification of the Self (30th level): You gain
tion your efforts create, or the power you hold within
a +5 bonus to saving throws and you are immune
you. Each victory on your quest places you closer to
to the attacks of any creature of level 20 or lower.
the pinnacle of creation, until at the completion of
In addition, the first time you are bloodied in each
your great work, your mind and that of the first cause
encounter, you teleport to any unoccupied space you
can see, you can spend a healing surge, and you are
The contact you have long sought results in your
insubstantial until the end ofyour next turn.
utter annihilation, with not even dust left to mark
your passing. Those who knew you come to forget
you, the memory ofyour hubris fading as ifyou had DEM1URGE POWER
never been. But away from this world, beyond the
bounds of reality where a vast emptiness stretches to Demiurge Resistance Demiurge Utility 26
infinity, your nothingness gives birth to a new cre Your connection to destiny allows you to shrug off the most po
ation. Your essence becomes the catalyst that spawns tent effects imposed on you.
new worlds, new monsters, new gods. You set in Encounter + Psionic
motion time’s eternal flow, with a future guided and Free Action Personal
shaped wholly by your own immortal imagination. Requirement: You must not be bloodied.
Trigger: You are subjected to an effect that a save can end
Effect You make a saving throw against the effect.
Special: If you roll a 15 or higher on the saving throw, you U

regain the use of this power.


CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options
EIGHTH SEAL 4 Each enemy within 3 squares of the aberrant crea
ture takes 10 psychic and radiant damage and is
You are a living seal against the FaT Realm’s intrusion,
dazed until the end ofyour next turn. z
sheltering the worldfrom its most virulent threat. I
Prerequisite: 21st level, any psionic class EIGHTH SEAL POWER
You are one with the Keepers of the Cerulean Sign— Call Forth the Seven Keys Eighth Seal Utility 26
perhaps through your exposure to their writings or Seven watch ul guardians drenched in blue light lend aid to you Lu

other works, perhaps by serving their ancient cause and your allies.
through your deeds. In your ceaseless fight against Daily 4 Conjuration, Psionic
the aberrant menace, you have focused on closing the Standard Action Close burst 10
Effect: You conjure seven keybearers in unoccupied squares
breaches to the Far Realm where ancient safeguards within range. Each keybearer lasts until the end of the
have begun to fail. But your need to keep the world encounter or until expended. A keybearer occupies its
safe will exact a terrible price in the end. square, and you and your allies can move through it. A
keybearer can be attacked. It has resist 20 to all damage
IMMORTAUTY and 1 hit point. When reduced to 0 hit points, it is de
stroyed. You can expend a keybearer as a free action dur
Using your soul’s power and your psionic abilities, you
ing your turn to gain one of the following benefits. You can
sacrifice yourselfto strengthen the boundaries between gain each benefit only once for each use of this power.
the mortal realm and the madness ofthe Far Realm. 4 You and each ally within 3 squares of the keybearer can
Living Seal: To complete your task, you must spend a healing surge.
recover the ancient Cerulean Seals, believed to have 4 You gain resist 15 to all damage until the end of your
been lost or destroyed since the keepers of old faded next turn.
4 You gain a +5 power bonus to all defenses until the end
from this world. Your searching reveals that these are
not devices, but rather the souls of the greatest cham
of your next turn.
4 You and each ally within 3 squares of the keybearer
pions who gave their lives to secure reality against the gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of
Far Realm’s corrupting influence. By working with your next turn.
these guardians, you merge your spiritual energy 4 You and each ally within 5 squares of the keybearer
with their own and restore the wards they built. gain a +5 power bonus to damage rolls until the end of
your next turn.
4 You teleport 5 squares. Each ally within 5 squares of
EiGHTH SEAL FEATURES the keybearer can teleport 5 squares as a free action.
Keeper of the Cerulean Seals (21st level): As 4 You and each ally who can see you or the keybearer are
you embrace your destiny, the Seven Seals grant you no longer dazed, dominated, or stunned.
the following benefit.
+ You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses.
+ When you hit an aberrant creature with an attack,
the attack deals 2d12 extra psychic and radiant
+ You are immune to fear effects.

,r ~
+ You are considered an immortal creature for the
purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

The Mind’s Shining Corridors (24th level):

When an enemy misses you with an attack against
Will, it takes 2d12 psychic and radiant damage and
is dazed until the end ofyour next turn. If the enemy
is already dazed, it is stunned instead.
In addition, when you are subjected to an effect that 1
dazes, dominates, or stuns you that a save can end, you I
can make a saving throw against that effect a the start
ofyour next turn. Ifyou save, the effect ends on you.
Nature Restored (3 0th level): When you reduce
an aberrant creature to 0 hit points, choose one of the
following effects.
4 You regain hit points as ifyou had spent a healing

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

GRANDMASTER OF FLOWERS from your wisdom. When you are ready, you step free
from this world to merge with those souls who have
You have lived yourfinal Ilfrtime and achieved the enlight already attained the perfect peace for which you have
ened perfection you have long sought. long strived.
Prerequisite: 21st level, monk
It is said that not even the gods themselves know what FEATURES
lies in store for souls loosed from their bodies. You Enlightenment’s Blessing (21st level): Your
believe that beyond death is rebirth. Each lifetime Dexterity increases by 2.
is spent improving on the lifetime before, shedding Balanced Mind (21st level): Whenever you
imperfections in the hope of attaining the perfect make a saving throw to end a charm, fear, or psychic
state of enlightenment. effect, you can take the better of 10 or your die roll.
Your soul is like a great garden, and its beauty In addition, when an enemy misses you with an
and perfection depend on how you tend it during attack against Will, that enemy takes 10 psychic
all seasons. When the winter of death approaches, damage.
the garden becomes dormant for a time. Then, as Ubiquity (24th level): Whenever you hit with a
the warm winds chase away snow and ice, new life melee attack, you can teleport 3 squares to an unoc
begins. With the spring comes the chance to clear cupied square adjacent to the target as a free action.
away the detritus and weeds of each life that has Luminous Consciousness (30th level): You
passed before. Only when you achieve perfection in transcend mortal limitations. Your movement never
your soul will you find the enlightenment that is your provokes opportunity attacks, and when an effect
ultimate reward. allows you to shift, you can instead move your speed.
You ignore difficult terrain. You can move across and
1MMORTAUTY end your movement on any vertical or liquid surface.
You have lived many lives, each improving on the Finally, whenever you walk, run, or charge, you can
one before. In this last life, you have come closer than spend any or all of that movement flying. Ifyou are
ever to achieving perfect harmony. If you can succeed still flying when you end this movement, you land
in purging yourself of the last traces of imperfection, safely in the nearest unoccupied space.
you will know enlightenment.
Perfect Peace: The state you seek removes all GRANDMASTER OF FLOWERS
grief, all craving, all fear to bring mind, body, and POWER
soul into harmonious balance. In attaining this state,
you are no longer troubled by the world’s demands, A Scattering Granimaster of Flowers Utility 26
and you spend your final days in quiet contempla of Petals
tion. During those days, many who seek the path to You brush aside a ranged attack with practiced ease, redirecting
enlightenment will come to you in hopes of learning its energy toward other targets.
Encounter + Psionic
Free Action Personal
Trigger: A ranged attack hits you
Effect: You take half damage from the triggering attack,
and the attack also hits one or two creatures you choose
- .4%,~ within 10 squares of you.


CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

All times, all places, all moments are yours to explore. z

Prerequisite: 21st level, any psionic class

Time is not a river but an ocean, extending in all U

directions to infinity. You are a sailor traveling wher
ever time’s currents carry you, venturing into the
uncharted future as you leave the inscrutable past
behind. An awakened mind is your compass; your /
instincts are your only map. You are the Master of
Moments, calling forth the psionic power that propels
you into the future or lets you set course for forgotten

You have never rested easy in the present. Now, it is
your fate to free yourself from time’s currents as you
seek out new futures and altered pasts.
Alter the Past: You look back at your accomplish
ments, successes, and failures to analyze the ways in
which you might have made your decisions differ
ently. Have you long yearned to undo a choice that
cost the lives of others dear to you? Do you look back 5
on one moment when choosing the wrong path led In addition, you can master and perform any travel
to disaster? The more you reflect on your past, the ritual regardless of level.
more it colors your accomplishments, until you are Boundless Presence (30th level): You gain tele
determined to correct your errors in order to achieve port 5 as a movement mode.
an even greater end. You leave behind the present In addition, once per day when you become blood
to venture into the past. But what changes will you ied or drop to 0 hit points or fewer, you can remove
make there? Will there be repercussions from your yourself from play. You gain the benefit of a short rest.
meddling? What new troubles might arise through At the start of your next turn, you reappear in the
your well-intentioned efforts? space you last occupied or in the nearest unoccupied
See the Future: Having met your objectives in space.
the present, you wonder what consequences they
might bring. Rather than watch them unfold, you step
ahead in time, traveling through the years to witness
the seeds ofyour success take root and grow into a Freeze Time Master of Moments Utility 26
better future. But what ifyour efforts bring about not
Your attackfreezes afoe in a timeless void.
a better world but a darker one? Will you interfere
and change history’s course? Or will you direct new Daily + Psionic
Free Action Personal
heroes to take up your mantle and continue the strug Trigger: You hit an enemy
gle on your behalf? Target: The enemy you hit
Effect You freeze the target in time until the end of your
MASTER OF MOMENTS FEATURES next turn. While frozen in time, the target cannot take
Consummate Traveler (21st level): You can actions, does not have a start or an end of turn, is not
aware of its surroundings, and is immune to all damage
master and perform travel rituals. You gain a +5 and effects.
bonus to any skill checks made to perform a travel
ritual. Once per day, you can use a travel ritual you
know without expending components.
Maximized Time (21st level): You can spend an
action point to gain a standard action, a move action,
and a minor action instead of only one extra action.
Bountiful Seconds (24th level): You can take an
extra minor action during each ofyour turns. During
~ your turn, you can give up two minor actions to gain
an extra move action.
CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options
TOPAZ CRUSADER Into the Breach: Aberrant blood stains your
weapons and armor. The horrors you have seen assail
The only curefor madness is to excise its corruption and your memory, but you remain strong. Now is the time
destroy it. to carry the torch of purity against the hordes of cor
ruption, finally driving back the tide that threatens all
Prerequisite: 21st level, any psionic class, Psionic existence. Girding yourself in the protective energy
Augmentation class feature contained in the psionic gemstone at your brow, you
step out from this world, sounding one last battle cry
Constant pressure causes the Far Realm’s corrupting as you carve a path of death and destruction into the
influence to leak through even the smallest breaches heart of madness. You will end the Far Realm’s threat
into the natural world, spawning horrors that tear even at the cost ofyour own life. In the centuries that
at the fabric of existence. These breaches represent follow, as the incursions of the unwholesome fade into
some of the greatest dangers to the mortal realm, and myth, your spirit will find its reward.
generations of heroes have dedicated themselves to
maintaining the integrity of the Far Realm’s boundar
ies. Over a lifetime’s adventuring, however, you have TOPAZ CRUSADER FEATURES
grown weary of this ultimately doomed effort. Bound to Greatness (21st level): Your Constitu
For each fissure that is closed, two more open else tion or Charisma score increases by 2.
where. Worse, how many of the fault lines riddling Topaz Focus (2 1st level): You protect yourself
creation remain undetected? The Far Realm relent from aberrant influence with a meditative focus. You
lessly seeks to corrupt the mortal realm, but whereas gain a +1 bonus to AC. You cannot be dazed or domi
most heroes seek only to defend against the Outside’s nated. You gain a +2 bonus to Will against aberrant
malign influence, you have a better idea. You will creatures, and you know the location of all aberrant
turn the tide on the Far Realm by assaulting its bor creatures within 5 squares ofyou at all times. You
ders, its creatures—its very nature. And ifyou cannot don’t grant combat advantage to those creatures, and
reshape the Far Realm with the benign influence of if they have cover or concealment when you attack
the natural world, you will destroy it utterly to elimi them, you don’t take the -2 penalty to attack rolls
nate the threat it represents. against them.
When you will it, this focus manifests as a topaz
gemstone in the center ofyour brow.
iMMORTALITY Topaz Meditation (24th level): Your focus grants
As your mortal life winds to its end, you push ever you increased power. You gain 2 additional power
closer to your goal of eliminating the Far Realm’s points and a +2 bonus to all defenses, you cannot be
threat. immobilized or restrained, and you can ignore poly
morph effects.
Topaz Flare (3 0th level): While you have no
power points remaining, your unaugmented at-will
powers grant you a benefit when they hit. If your
attack roll is an even number, you regain 2 power
points. Ifyour attack roll is an odd number, the target
you hit takes 5 extra psychic damage.


Topaz Corona Topaz Crusader Utility 26

You surround yourself and your allies with a shroud of swirling
blue light, replenishing your strength andfueling your attacks
against the creatures of the Far Realm. -

Daily 4 Healing, Psionic, Psychic, Zone

Minor Action Close burst 5
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of
the encounter. The zone moves with you, remaining cen
tered on you. While within the zone, you and your allies
gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses and regeneration
equal to 10 + your highest ability modifier. In addition,
whenever you or an ally within the zone makes an attack
against an aberrant creature, the attack deals 10 extra
psychic damage. If the attack roll is 18-20, the target is S
also stunned until the end of your next turn. U


CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

A ki focus is an item used by a monk to control and 1(1 FOCUSES C
hone his or her psionic power. Unlike other imple Implement Price (gp) Weight Properties U

ments, such as the orbs and staffs used by psions, the Accurate 10 Focus 25 — Accurate
power of a monk’s ki focus is only partially contained Fluid Ki Focus 30 — Mobile, shielding
in the physical object. The focus serves as a means Inexorable Ki Focus 35 — Energized (force), C
to gather and shape the ki energy already pres unstoppable
ent within a character. Like all other implements, Iron Ki Focus 30 — Deadly, forceful
ki focuses come in mundane or magic varieties. A Mighty Ki Focus 25 — Empowered crit, D
magic ki focus allows a monk to use its enhance unerring
ment bonuses and powers with his or her implement Mountain Ki Focus 30 — Forceful, shielding I
powers. Serene Ki Focus 35 Energized (psychic),

A ki focus is often tied to a particular training or undeniable
fighting style. A monk that uses a wooden practice Transcendent Ki Focus 30 — Blinking, reaching
sword as a ki focus draws no additional prowess from D
the harmless weapon. Rather, it is the memory of SUPERIOR KI FocUs UJ
years of training with that weapon that allows the
monk to effectively channel ki into his or her attacks. PROPERT I ES
As a result, additional training or advanced knowl Accurate: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls
edge can be tied to a ki focus a monk already uses. using an accurate implement.
By learning more advanced fighting styles and Blinking: When you hit with a teleportation
techniques, your monk character gains power func
tionally similar to that gained by wielding a superior
attack power, you have concealment until the start of
your next turn.
implement, as described in Player’s Handbook 3 (page Deadly: You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with
195). But instead of purchasing a superior ki focus, a deadly implement. This bonus increases to +2 at
you undertake a special training regimen to unlock 11th level and +3 at 21st level.
new ways to channel your power, whether you wield Empowered Crit: When you score a critical hit
a magic ki focus or a mundane one. The listed price using an empowered crit implement, the attack deals
reflects the cost of the training by which you master ldlO extra damage. This extra damage is in addition
the effect of the improved ki focus, and can be to any critical damage dealt by a magic implement.
thought of as covering expenses such as food, lodging, The extra damage increases to 2d10 at 11th level and
and other supplies for the duration ofyour study. 3d10 at 21st level.
Like other implement users, you can only access a Energized: You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls
superior ki focus ifyou take the Superior Implement with attack powers that have a keyword matching
Training feat (Player’s Handbook 3, page 183). When an energized implement’s damage type. This bonus
you take the feat, you choose one superior ki focus. increases to +3 at 11th level and +4 at 21st level.
You can take the feat multiple times to channel addi Forceful: When you pull, push, or slide a target
tional superior properties through a single ki focus. with an attack power using a forceful implement,
You cannot use multiple properties at the same time, the distance of the forced movement increases by 1
and you cannot channel properties from more than square.
one superior ki focus during the same attack. Before Mobile: When you hit with an attack using a
you make an attack, you decide which superior ki mobile implement, you can shift as a minor action
focus property you will use for the attack. before the end ofyour turn.
An implement entry on the Ki Focuses table con Reaching: You gain +1 reach with melee attacks
tains the following information. using a reaching implement.
Implement: The superior ki focus’s name. Shielding: Whenever you hit at least one target
Price: The superior ki focus’s training cost in gold with an attack power using a shielding implement,
pieces. This cost is included in the cost of a magic you gain a +1 shield bonus to AC and Reflex until the
superior ki focus. start ofyour next turn.
Weight: Because a superior ki focus adds to an Undeniable: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls
existing physical focus, it has no weight. against Will with an undeniable implement.
Properties: The superior ki focus’s special proper Unerring: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls
ties, as detailed below. against Reflex with an unerring implement.
Unstoppable: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls
against Fortitude with an unstoppable implement.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

MAGiC iTEMS Lvi Name Price (gp)
2 Hunting Panther Ki Focus +1 520
Characters of any class can use many of the new 3 Cascading Strikes Ki Focus +1 680
items in this section. The nature of their magic makes 3 Four Winds Ki Focus +1 680
these items particularly useful for psionic characters. 4 Hurricane Strike Ki Focus +1 840
4 Thunderfist Ki Focus +1 840

Ki FocusEs 7
Hunting Panther Ki Focus +2
Cascading Strikes Ki Focus +2
This section builds on the magic ki focuses presented 8 Crashing Tide Strike Ki Focus +2 3,400
in Player’s Handbook 3. A ki focus is not an object 8 Four Winds Ki Focus +2 3,400
whose power resides wholly within it, as with other 9 Forked Lightning Ki Focus +2 4,200
magic items. Rather, it is a tool that the members of 9 Hurricane Strike KI Focus +2 4,200
certain psionic classes use to focus their own psionic 9 Mountainfall Ki Focus +2 4,200
energy. 9 Thunderfist Ki Focus +2 4,200
Ifyou can use a ki focus as an implement, you can 12 Hunting Panther Ki Focus +3 13,000
add its enhancement bonus to the attack rolls and 13 Cascading Strikes Ki Focus +3 17,000
damage rolls of implement powers you use through 13 Crashing Tide Strike Ki Focus +3 17,000
the ki focus. You can also use the ki focus’s properties 13 Four Winds Kif~ix~3+3 17,000
and powers. Being able to use a ki focus as an imple 14 Forked Lig~jng Ki Focus +3 21,000
ment means you can also use it with your weapon 14 Hurricane Strike Ki Focus +3 21,000
attacks. You can add its enhancement bonus to the 14 Mountainfall Ki Focus +3 21,000
attack rolls and the damage rolls of weapon attacks 14 Thunderfist Ki Focus +3 21,000
you make using a weapon with which you have pro 17 Haunting Presence Ki Focus +4 65,000
ficiency. You must choose to use the enhancement 17 Hunting Panther Ki Focus +4 65,000
bonus, properties, and powers of the ki focus, rather 18 Cascading Strikes Ki Focus +4 85,000
than the weapon you’re wielding, or vice versa. You 18 Crashing Tide Strike Ki Focus +4 85,000
can’t use both when you use a power. 18 Four Winds Ki Focus +4 85,000
Ifyou possess two ki focuses, you can benefit 19 Forked Lightning Ki Focus +4 105,000
only from the ki focus to which you’ve most recently 19 Hurricane Strike Ki Focus +4 105,000
attuned yourself (see Player’s Handbook 3, page 203). 19 Mountainfall Ki Focus +4 105,000
19 Thunderfist Ki Focus +4 105,000
Cascading Strikes Ki Focus 1.evel 3+ 22 Haunting Presence Ki Focus +5 325,000
Your wide strike triggers your stout stone idol to release its 22 Hunting Panther Ki Focus +5 325,000
power, helping you land a blow that would otherwise go astray. 23 Cascading Strikes Ki Focus +5 425,000
Lv13 1 680gp Lvll8 +4 85,000gp 23 Crashing Tide Strike Ki Focus +5 425,000
Lvi 8 2 3,400 gp Lvi 23 +5 425,000 gp 23 Four Winds Ki Focus +5 425,000
Lv113 3 17,000gp Lvl28 +6 2,l25,000gp 24 Forked Lightning Ki Focus +5 525,000
Implement (Ki Focus)
24 Hurricane Strike Ki Focus +5 525,000
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus 24 Mountainfall Ki Focus +5 525,000
Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger You miss with an attack 24 Thu nderfist Ki Focus +5 525,000
using this ki focus. Effect~ Reroll the attack roll. 27 Haunting Presence Ki Focus +6 1,625,000
27 Hunting Panther~ Focus +6 1,625,000
Crashing Tide Strike Ki Focus Level 8+ 28 Cascading Strikes Ki Focus +6 2,125,000
Youfocus the ocean~s wrath to strike your enemies with tidal 28 Crashing Tide Strike Ki Focus +6 2,125,000
force. 28 Four Winds Ki Focus +6 2,125,000
Lvl8 2 3,400gp Lv123 5 425,000gp 29 Forked Lightning Ki Focus +6 2,625,000
Lv113 3 17,000gp Lv128 6 2,125,000gp 29 Hurricane Strike Ki Focus +6 2,625,000
Lv118 4 85,000gp 29 Mountainfall Ki Focus +6 2,625,000
Implement (Ki Focus) 29 Thunderfist Ki Focus +6 2,625,000
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with
a melee attack using this ki focus. Effect: You push the
target 1 square per point of the ki focus’s enhancement
bonus, then knock it prone. You then shift the same
number of squares.

CHAPTER S Psionic Options

Forked Lightning Ki Focus Level 9+ Hurricane Strike Ki Focus Level 4+ ~M
Crackling lightning illuminates you as itforks toward your As power swirls within this slender glass cylinder, yourfast
enemy. strikes knock your enemies back. I.
Lvi 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvi 24 +5 525,000 gp Lv14 +1 84Ogp Lvil9 +4 iOS,000gp U
Lvii4 +3 2i,000gp Lvi29 +6 2,625,000gp Lvi9 +2 4,200gp Lvi 24 +5 525,000 gp
Lv119 +4 1OS,000gp Lvii4 +3 2l,000gp Lvl29 +6 2,625,000 gp
Implement (Ki Focus) Implement (Ki Focus)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage roiis Enhancement: Attack roils and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 lightning damage per plus Critical: +1d8 force damage per pius
Power (At-Will + Lightning): Free Action. Trigger: You Power (Daily): Free action. Trigger: You use your Flurry of
make a melee attack using this ki focus. Effect The attack Blows power. Effect Your flurry of Blows power deals
deals lightning damage instead of any other damage type. extra damage equal to this ki focus’s enhancement
Power (Daily + Lightning, Teleportation): Free Action. bonus, and you push each target a number of squares
Trigger: You make a melee attack that deals lightning equal to this ki focus’s enhancement bonus.
damage using this ki focus. Effect Choose one enemy
within 5 squares of the target of the triggering attack. You MountainfaN Ki Focus Level 9+
teleport to an unoccupied square adjacent to that enemy
and make a melee basic attack against it. The attack deals A leather pouchfilled with pebble shards lends you thefull
lightning damage instead of any other damage type. weight of the mountain to strike against vulnerable enemies.
Lvi 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvi 24 +5 525,000 gp
Four Winds Ki Focus Level 3+ Lvli4 +3 2l,000gp Lv129 +6 2,625,000gp
Lvii9 +4 lO5,000gp
Channeling the power of air and sky, you command thefour Implement (Ki Focus)
winds to speed your strikes and whisk you to safety. Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Lvi 3 +1 680 gp Lvii 8 +4 85,000 gp Critical: +1 d6 damage per pius, and you knock the target
Lvi 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvi 23 +5 425,000 gp prone
Lvii3 +3 l7,000gp
Implement (Ki Focus)
Lvi28 +6 2,i25,000gp Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to damage rolls
when using this ki focus for attacks against prone and
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls immobilized targets.
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus, and you slide the target 1 Level i4or 19: +4 item bonus.
square per plus Level 24 or 29: +6 item bonus.
Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with Power (Daily): Free action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with
a melee attack using this ki focus. Effect You fly a number a melee attack using this ki focus. Effect The enemy is
of squares equal to the ki focus?s enhancement bonus. immobilized (save ends).
Your movement from this power does not provoke op
portunity attacks. You must land at the end of this move Thunderfist Ki Focus Level 4+
ment or you fail.
Roiling thunder booms with each strike you make, the metal of
thisfocus vibrating as you assail your enemies with a cacopho
Haunting Presence Ki Focus Level 17+ nous din.
By calling on the magic inyourgossamerfocus,you become Lv14 +1 84Ogp Lvll9 +4 105,000 gp
ghostlike—ephemeral and impossible to pin down. Lvi 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvi 24 +5 525,000 gp
Lv117 +4 65,000gp Lv127 +6 i,625,000gp Lvii4 +3 21,000gp Lvi 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
Lv122 +5 325,000gp Implement (Ki Focus)
Implement (Ki Focus) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d8 thunder damage per plus
Critical: +1 d6 psychic damage per plus Power (At-Will + Thunder): Free Action. Trigger: You
Power (Daily + Illusion): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an make a melee attack using this ki focus. Effect: The attack
enemy with an attack using this ki focus. Effect You have deals thunder damage instead of any other damage type.
concealment and are insubstantial until you are hit by an Power (Daily + Thunder): Free Action. Trigger: You make
attack or until the end of your next turn. a melee attack using this ki focus. Effect Each enemy
adjacent to the target takes thunder damage equal to your
Hunting Panther Ki Focus Level 2+ highest ability score modifier and is deafened (save ends).
These mummWed eyeballs tucked inside a worn wooden box see
through allyour enemy’s deceptions.
Lvi2 +1 520gp Lvl17 +4 65,000gp
Lvi 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvi22 +5 32S,000gp
Lv112 +3 l3,000gp Lvi27 +6 l,625,000gp
Implement (Ki Focus)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 damage per plus
Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with
an attack using this ki focus. Effect The target cannot
benefit from concealment or cover until it hits you with
an attack.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

AUGMENTABI.E iTEMS Blink Shirt Level 8+
The smooth material of this comfortable shirt is stronger than it
Introduced in Player’s Handbook 3, augmentable
appears, and allows you to blink awayfrom danger.
magic items provide new channels for utilizing
Lv18 +2 3,400 gp Lvi23 +5 425,000gp
psionic power. Although some of these items can
Lv113 +3 i7,000gp Lv128 +6 2,l25,000gp
be used by any character, only characters with the Lv118 +4 85,000 gp
Psionic Augmentation class feature gain the power Armor: Cloth
points needed to increase the potency of an aug Enhancement: AC
mentable item’s powers or properties. Likewise, some Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to AC against
of these items have properties that function only opportunity attacks.
while the wielder has at least 1 power point. Power (Daily + Augmentable, Teleportation): Immediate
Reaction. Trigger An enemy misses you with an attack.
All these items use the same rules as the magic
Effect: You teleport a number of squares equal to 2 + the
items found in the Player’s Handbook and the Adven armor’s enhancement bonus.
turer’s Vault” supplements. Augment 1: You regain the use of this power but cannot
augment it again during this encounter.
Augmentable armor gives defensive-minded psionic Guardian’s Armor Level 15

characters an edge in combat, enhancing a wearer’s This heavy armor protects1you well enough, but it achieves its
mental or physical strength. In some cases, that full potential only when used in the defrnse of another.
enhancement allows the wearer to better protect his Lvl 15 +3 25,000 gp Lvi 25 +5 625,000 gp
or her allies. Lv120 +4 i25,000gp Lv130 +6 3,125,000gp
Armor: Scale, plate
Enhancement: AC
Anchoring Armor Level 17+
Property: While you have at least 1 power point, each ally
Those who try to move close to you without warning are caught adjacent to you gains resistance to all damage equal to the
by the magic ofthis heavy armor. armor’s enhancement bonus.
Lvii 7 +4 65,000 gp Lvi 27 +6 1,625,000 gp Power (Daily + AugmentabIe~ Immediate Interrupt.
Lv122 +5 325,000gp Trigger: An ally adjacent to you is hit by an attack. Effect:
Armor: Plate The ally gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of
Enhancement: AC your turn.
Power (Daily + Augmentable): Immediate Reaction. Augment 1: The bonus increases to 2 + the armor’s en
TrigBer A creature teleports to a square adjacent to you. hancement bonus.
Effect: The triggering creature is immobilized and cannot
teleport until the end of its next turn. Mind Hunter’s Armor Level 2+
Augment 1: The creature is immobilized and cannot
This suit ofpitted mail carries the scars of thefight against the
teleport (save ends).
Far Realm, and protects a8ainst effects that tear at the mind.
Lv12 +1 520gp Lv117 4 65,000gp
Armor of Adaptable Resistance Level 4+
Lvl7 +2 2,600gp Lv122 5 325,000gp
This armor adapts to the attacks made against you, refocusing Lv112 +3 i3,000gp Lv127 +6 i,625,000gp
its protective power to keep you alive. Armor: Scale, plate
Lv14 +1 840gp Lvii 9 +4 105,000 gp Enhancement: AC
Lv19 +2 4,200 gp Lvl24 +5 525,000gp Property: While you have at least 1 power point, you gain
Lvll4 +3 21,000 gp Lvi 29 +6 2,625,000 gp a +2 item bonus to saving throws against effects that
Armor: Hide, chain daze, dominate, or stun.
Enhancement: AC
Property: You gain resist 5 to one of the following damage Phrenic Armor Level 4+
types: acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, or
When your mindis targeted, this armor lashes yourfoes with a
thunder. The damage type is chosen when the armor is
pulse ofpsychic energy.
Level 14 or 19: Resist 10 Lvl4 +1 84Ogp Lv119 +4 105,000gp
Level 24 or 29: Resist 15 Lvl9 +2 4,200gp Lvi 24 +5 525,000 gp
Power (Daily + Augmentable): Immediate Reaction. Lv114 +3 2l,000gp Lvi 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
Trigger You take damage from an attack of a type that Armor: Chain, scale
this armor does not provide resistance to. Effect: Choose Enhancement: AC
one of the damage types dealt by the attack. The armor’s Property: You gain resist 5 psychic.
resistance changes to match that damage type until the Power (Daily + Augmentable, Psychic): Immediate
end of the encounter. Reaction. Trigger: An enemy attack hits your Will. Effect:
Augment 1: The armor’s resistance increases by 5 until Each enemy in a close burst 1 centered on you takes
the end of your next turn. psychic damage equal to 3 + the armor’s enhancement
bonus and a —2 penalty to attack rolls for attacks that
include you as the target until the end of your next turn.
Augment 1: The size of the burst increases to 2.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

Lvl Name Price (gp) Categ.ries
Augmentable magic weapons flare with light when
2 Mind Hunter’s Armor +1 520 Scale plate I—
you infuse them with psionic power. Such weapons
3 Shaper’s Armor +1 680 Cloth,leather are often set with crystals or jewels, within which U
4 Armor of Adaptable 840 Hide, chain their psionic energy is stored.
Resistance +1
4 Phrenic Armor +1 840 Chain, scale MAGIC WEAPONS
7 Mind Hunter’s Armor +2 2,600 Scale, plate Lvi Name Price (gp) Categories
8 Blink Shirt +2 3,400 Cloth 3 Eager Weapon +1 680 L1i~ht bl5~le, sp_~~
8 Shaper’s Armor +2 3 400 Cloth, leather 8 Aggressive Weapon +2 3,400 Flail, hammer,
9 Armor of Adaptable 4,200 Hide, chain mace
Resistance +2 8 Eager Weapon +2 3,400 Light blade, spear
9 Phrenic Armor +2 4,200 Chain scale 8 Severing Weapon +2 3,400 Axe, heavy blade
12 Mind Hunter’s Armor +3 13,000 Scale, plate 13 Aggressive Weapon +3 17,000 Flail, hammer,
13 Blink Shirt +3 17,000 Cloth mace
13 Shaper’s Armor +3 17,000 Cloth, leather 13 Bolstering Weapon +3 17,000 Heavy blade,
14 Armor of Adaptable 21,000 Hide, chain spear
Resistance +3 13 Eager Weapon +3 17,000 Light blade spear
14 Phrenic Armor +3 21,000 Chain, scale 13 Severing Weapon +3 17,000 Axe, heavy blade
15 Guardian’s Armor +3 25,000 Scale, plate 18 Aggressive Weapon +4 85,000 Flail, hammer,
17 Anchoring1~ii~’+4 65,000 Plate mace
17 Mind Hunter’s Armor +4 65,000 Scale, plate 18 Bolstering Weapon +4 85,000 Heavy blade,
18 BlinkShirt+4 85,000 Cloth spear
Shaper’s Armor +4
Armor of Adaptable
Cloth, leather
Hide, chain
18 Eager Weapon +4
18 Severing Weapon +4
Light blade, spear
Axe, heavy blade
Resistance +4 23 Aggressive Weapon +5 425,000 Flail, hammer,
19 Phrenic Armor +4 105,000 Chain, scale mace
20 Guardian’s Armor +4 125,000 Scale, plate 23 Bolstering Weapon +5 425,000 Heavy blade,
22 Anchoring Armor +5 325,000 Plate spear
22 Mind Hunter’s Armor +5 325,000 Scale, plate 23 Eager Weapon +5 425 000 Light blade, spear
23 Blink Shirt +5 425,000 Cloth 23 Severing Weapon +5 425,000 Axe, heavy blade
23 Shaper’s Armor +5 425,000 Cloth, leather 28 Aggressive 2,125,000 Flail, hammer,
24 Armor of Adaptable 525,000 Hide, chain Weapon +6 mace
Resistance +5 28 Bolstering 2,125,000 Heavy blade,
24 Phrenic Armor +5 525,000 Chain, scale Weapon +6 spear
25 Guardian’s Armor +5 625,000 Scale, plate 28 EagerWeapon+6 2,125,000 Light blade, spear
27 Anchoring Armor +6 1,625,000 Plate 28 Severing Weapon +6 2,1’25,000 Axe, heavy blade
27 Mind Hunter’s Armor +6 1,625,000 Scale, plate
28 Blink Shirt +6 2,125,000 Cloth Aggressive Weapon Level 8+
28 Shaper’s Armor +6 2 125,000 Cloth, leather
Your latent psionic energyflows through this weapon, meting
29 Armor of Adaptable 2,625,000 Hide, chain out increased damage toyourfoes.
Resistance +6
Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lv123 +5 42S,000gp
29 Phrenic Armor +6 2,625,000 Chain, scale Lvll3 +3 l7,000gp Lvl 28 +6 2,1 25,000 gp
30 Guardian’s Armor +6 3,125,000 Scale, Plate Lvll8 +4 85,000gp
Weapon: Flail, hammer, mace
Shaper’s Armor Level 3+ Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d8 damage per plus
Yourfeatures seem toflow with each movement when you wear
Property: While you have at least 1 power point, your
this nondescript armor.
attacks using this weapon gain a +1 item bonus to damage
Lv13 +1 680gp Lv118 +4 85,000gp rolls.
Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvi 23 +5 425,000 gp Level 13 or 18: +2 item bonus
Lv113 +3 17,000gp Lv128 +6 2,l25,000gp Level 23 or 28: +3 item bonus
Armor: Cloth, leather
Enhancement: AC
Power (Daily + Augmentable, Illusion): Minor Action.
You gain a +2 bonus to AC until the end of the encoun
ter. Each time an enemy attacks you, reduce the bonus by
1. When the bonus drops to 0, the effect ends.
Augment 1: The bonus increases to +4.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

Bolstering Weapon Level 13+ Orb of Ghostbane Triumph Level 9+
This weapon shines brightly to inspire hope in nearby allies. Psionic energy clouds this darkened sphere, unfurling when you
Lvi13 +3 l7,000gp Lv123 +5 425,000gp lash out at spectralfoes.
Lvi 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvi 28 +6 2,1 25,000 gp Lvi9 +2 4,200gp L.vl24 +5 525,000gp
Weapon: Heavy blade, spear Lv114 +3 2l,000gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Lvli9 +4 105,000gp
Critical: +1 d8 psychic and radiant damage per plus Implement (Orb)
Power (Daily + Augmentable): Free Action. Trigger You Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
hit an enemy with an attack using this weapon. Effect: You Critical: +1 di 0 force damage per plus
and each ally in a close burst 1 centered on you gain a +2 Property: While you have at least 1 power point, your
bonus to saving throws until the end of your next turn. attacks with this orb ignore the insubstantial quality.
Augment 1 (Healing): The size of the burst increases to Power (Daily + Augmentable~ Free Action. Trigger: You
2. Any bloodied ally in the burst can also spend a heal hit an insubstantial enemy with an attack using this orb.
ing surge. Effect The target loses the insubstantial quality until the
start of its next turn.
Eager Weapon Level 3+ Augment 1: The target loses the insubstantial quality
(save ends).
Your psionic power primes this weapon to surgeinto action
when an enemy tries to slip past your guard.
Orb of Stored Energy Level 5+
Lvl3 +1 68Ogp Lvii8 +4 85,000gp
Lv18 +2 3,400gp Lvi23 +5 425,000gp This glittering sphere stores psionic energy that you can unleash
Lvli3 +3 17,000gp Lvi 28 +6 2,1 25,000 gp when your own power has waned.
Weapon: Light blade, spear Lv15 +1 1,000 gp Lvl2O +4 125,000gp
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls LvllO +2 5,000 gp Lvl25 5 625,000gp
Critical: +1 d8 damage per plus, or +1 dl 2 damage per plus Lv115 +3 25,000 gp Lvl3O 6 3,i25,000gp
on opportunity attacks Implement (Orb)
Property: While you have at least 1 power point, you gain a Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
+2 item bonus to opportunity attack rolls made using this Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
weapon. Power (Daily): Free Action. Expend 1 or 2 power points
and place them in the orb. They remain there until you
Severing Weapon Level 8+ use them or until you take an extended rest.
Power (Daily): Free Action. Requirement: You must have
While you hold psionic energy in reserve, your weapon cuts deep.
at least 1 power point stored inside the orb. Trigger: You
Lvi 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp make an attack using an unaugmented attack power.
Lvii 3 +3 17,000 gp Lvi 28 +6 2,1 25,000 gp Effect: You can augment the triggering power by spending
Lv118 +4 85,000gp 1 power point from the orb, instead of using your own
Weapon: Axe, heavy blade power points to augment the power.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Level 25 or 30: You can augment the triggering attack by
Critical: +1 d8 damage per plus, or +1 dl 2 damage per plus spending 1 or 2 power points from the orb.
while you have at least 1 power point
Power (Daily + Augmentable): Free Action. Trigger: You
hit an enemy with an attack using this weapon. Effect: STAFFS
Your attack deals 1 d6 extra damage. Like the staffs employed by other classes, most psionic
Augment 1: Your attack deals 2d6 extia damage. energy staffs provide defensive benefits. A psionics
user infuses his or her staff with power, storing energy
ORBS in its embedded crystals and conductive metals.
Psionic orbs can become attuned to a particular
user’s mood, shifting through the color spectrum Staff of Aggressive Thoughts Level 4
according to the wielder’s emotions. Psionic energyflows through this iron staff to scatter the en
emies confronting you.
ORBS Lv14 +1 840gp Lvii 9 +4 105,000 gp
Lvi Name Price (gp) Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl24 +5 525,000gp
5 Orb of Stored Energy +1 1,000 Lvi 14 +3 21,000gp Lvi 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
Implement (Staff)
9 Orb of Ghostbane Triumph +2 4,200
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
10 Orb of Stored Energy +2 5,000
Critical: +1 d8 force damage per plus
14 Orb of Ghostbane Triumph +3 21,000 Power (Daily + Augmentable): Free Action. Trigger You
15 Orb of Stored Energy +3 25,000 hit an enemy within 3 squares of you with a force attack
19 Orb of Ghostbane Triumph +4 105,000 using this staff. Effect: You push each enemy adjacent to
20 Orb of Stored Energy +4 125,000 you a number of squares equal to the staff’s enhance
24 Orb of Ghostbane Triumph +5 525,000 ment bonus.
Augment 1: You gain resistance to all damage equal to
25 Orb of Stored Energy +5 625,000
3 + your Wisdom modifier until the end of your next
29 Orb of Ghostbane Triumph +6 2,625,000
30 Orb of Stored Energy +6 3,125,000

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

STAFFS Staff of Scourging Revelation Level 5+ ~
Lvi Name Price (gp) The ancient glyphs carved into the woddof this staffweaken ~
3 Staff of Punishing Th’~~hts +1 680 your enemies’ ability to withstand the attacks of the mind.
4J Staff of Aggressive Thoughts +1 840 Lvi 5 +1 1,000 gp Lvi 20 +4 1 25,000 gp u
5 Staff of Scourging Revelation +1 1 000 Lvi 10 +2 5,000gp Lvi 25 +5 625,000gp —

7 Staff of Bitter Dismissal ~Wj 2,600 Lvi 15 +3 25,000 gp Lvi 30 +6 3,1 25,000 gp ~
8 Staff of Punishing Thoughts +2 3 400 Implement (Staff)
.~ Staff of Aggressive Thoughts +2 4,200 Enhancement Attack rolls and damage rolls
10 Staff of Scourging Revelation +2 5 000 Critical:
equal toThe target
twice thegains
enhancement to psychic damage
bonus (save ends)
12 Staff of Bitter Dismissal +3 . 13,000 Power (Daily + Augmentable, Psychic): Free Action.
13 Staff of Punishing Thoughts +3 17,000 Trigger: You hit an enemy with a psychic or a radiant
14 Staff of Aggressive Thoughts +~. 21,000 attack using this staff. Effect: Eachenemy in a close burst
15 Staff of Scourging Revelation +3 25 000 1 centered ciiii you gains vulnerable 5 psychic (save ends).
17 Staff of Bitter Dismissal +4 65,000 Level 15 or 20: Vulnerable 1,0 psychic.
18 Staff of Punishing Thoughts +4 85 000 Level 25 or 30: Vulnerable, 15 psychic.
1.9 Staff of Aggressive Thoughts +4 105,000 Augment 1: The size of the burst increases to 2.
~l Staff of Scourging Revelation +4 125,000
22 StaffofBitterE~Thiij1iiIJ+5 325,000 ARMS SI.OT iTEMS
23 Staff of Punishing Thoughts +5 425,000 From delicate bracelets to heavy shields, these arms
24 Staff of Aggressive Thoughts +5 525,000 slot items help psionic characters boost attacks or
25 Staff of Scourging Revelation +5 625,000 build defenses.
27 Staff of Bitter Dismissal +6 . 1,625,000
28 Staff of Punishingj~~ghts +6 2 125,000 ARMS SLOT ITEMS
Staff of Aggressive Thoughts +6
Staff of Scourging Revelation +6
3,125 000
Bracelets of Subtle Defense
Price (gp)
Staff of Bitter Dismissal Level 7+ 13 Focused Shield 17,000
20 Bolstering Shield 125,000
When you batter an enemy withra!forc~ful attack, this gnarled
staff’s potent psionic~ energy shunts thefoe awayfrom you. 30 Bolstering Shield 3,125,000
Lv17 +2 2,600gp Lv122 +5 325,000gp Bolstering Shield Level 10+
Lvi 12 +3 1 3,000 gp Lvi 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Lvi 17 +4 65,000 gp This ornate shield captures aithient-psionic energy, using it to
Implement (Staff) strengthen you in the midst’ofcombat.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Lvi 10 5,000 gp Lvi 30 3,1 25,000 gp
Critical: +1 d8 psychic damage per plus Lvi 20 1 25,000 gp
Power (Daily + AugmentaLle, Tel~port): Free Action. Item Slot: Arms
Trigger You hit an enemy within 3 squares of you with a Shield: Any
force attack using this staff. Effect: You teleport the target Power (Daily + Augmenta~le)~F~e Action. Trigger You
a number of squares equal to the;staff’s enhancement take damage from an attack. EffectY~i’gain 5 temporary
bonus. “ • hit points~iix~shift’li square.
Augment 1: Before you teieport~the~arget, you slide Level 18: 10 temporary hit points.
each enemy within 3 squares ~fitF~etarget 1 square Level 28: 15 temporary hit points.
toward it. . Augment 1: You gain double the number of temporary
hit points. ‘•

Staff of Punishing Thoughts Level 3+

The crystal that caps this bronzewôod staff blazes with light, Bracelets of Subtle Defense Level 3
assailing the minds ofyour enen,ries and leaving them at your When imbued with psionic energy, these bracelets help you es
mercy. • cape attention ~ and off the battlefield.
Lvi 3 +1 680 gp Lvi 18 +4 85,000 gp item Slot: Arms 680 gp
Lvi 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvi 23 +5 425,000 gp Property: While you have at least 1 power point, you gain a
Lvi 13 +3 1 7,000 gp Lvi 28 +6 2,1 25,000 gp +2 item bonus to Stealth checks.
Implement (Staff) Power (Daily 4 AugmentaBle): M[nor Action. You have
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls concealment from dii enemiesuñtiithe start of your next
Critical: +1 d8 psychic damage per pius turn.
Power (Daily 4 AugmentaBle): Fi~ée Action. Trigger: You Augment 1: You have concealment from all enemies
hit an enemy within 3 squaresof:you with a psychic until you make an attack: •.
attack using this staff. Effect Each:enemy adjacent to you
grants combat advantage to you (save ends).
Augment 1: Each enemy within,3 squares of you grants
combat advantage to you (save ends).

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

Focused Shield Levell3 Skating Boots Level 18
When afoe misses you at range, the complex engravings on These steel-toed boots let you slide pastfoes in the heat of
this shield’s surface hinder the accuracy ofthatfoe’s subsequent combat.
attacks. Item Slot: Feet 85,000 gp
Item Slot: Arms 17,000 gp Power (Daily + Augmentable): 1~1ove Action. You shift a
Shield: Any number of squares equal to your speed.
Property: You gain resist 5 to all damage from ranged Augment 1: This movement ignores difficult terrain.
Power (Daily + Augmentable): Immediate Reaction.
Trigger A ranged attack misses you. Effect. The triggering HEAD SLOT iTEMS
enemy takes a —2 penalty to attack rolls for attacks that These items of magic headwear further unlock a
include you as a target until the end of your next turn. psionic character’s already formidable mind, height
Augment 1: The triggering enemy takes a —2 penalty to ening awareness or boosting psychic attack abilities.
attack rolls (save ends).
FEET SLOT iTEMS Lvl Name Price (gp)
Magic footwear helps to enhance an adventurer’s 11 Eyes of the Deep Dwarf 9,000
movement options. 13 Diadem of Exquisite Communication 17,000
14 Helm of the Mental Juggernaut 21,000
FEET SLOT ITEMS 15 Circlet of the Resolute Mind 25,000
Name Price (gp)
7 D~Z~r’s Slippers 2,600 Circlet of the Resolute Mind Level 15
12 Nimble Shoes 13,000 As it responds to your psionic power, thisfine silver circlet
15 Boots of Resolute Reflexes 25,000 strengthens~your mind against mental attacks.
18 Skating Boots 85,000 Item Slot: Head 25,000 gp
Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Will. You can spend
Boots of Resolute Reflexes Level 15 1 power point as a free action during your turn to increase
the bonus to +3 until the end of your next turn.
These thin leather boots respond toyour thoughts, heightening
your ability to avoid attack.
Diadem of Exquisite Communication Level 13
Item Slot Feet 25,000 gp
Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Reflex. You can This diadem makes you a conduitfor unspoken thoughts
spend 1 power point as a free action during your turn to and lets you take the advantage when an enemy attacks your
increase the bonus to +3 until the end of your next turn. strength of mind.
Item Slot: Head 17,000 gp
Dancer’s Slippers Level 7 Property: While you have at least 1 power point, you have
telepathy 5.
Yourfeet glide across the ground, letting you reposition yourself
Power (Daily + Augmentable): Free Action. Trigger An
when an enemy’s attack goes wide.
enemy attack targets your Will. Effect. The triggering
Item Slot: Feet 2,600 gp enemy grants you combat advantage until the end of
Power (Daily + AugmentaI~le): Free Action. Trigger: An your next turn.
enemy misses you with an attack. Effect: You shift 1 Augment 1 (Psychic): The enemy also takes psychic
square. damage equal to your Constitution, Intelligence, or
Augment 1: You regain the use of this power but cannot €harisma modifier (whichever is highest).
augment it again during this encounter.
Eyes of the Deep Dwarf Level 11
Nimble Shoes Level 12
These heavy goggles gleamfaintly with psionic energy, helping
With these supple shoes onyourfret,you leap and climb with you see what lurks in the darkness.
Item Slot: Head 9,000 gp -

Item Slot: Feet 13,000 gp Property: While you have at least 1 power point, you gain
Property: When you would make an Athletics check, you darkvision. - -

can make an Acrobatics check instead.

Power (Daily + Augmentable): Immediate Reaction.
Trigger: An attack knocks you prone. Effect: You stand up.
Augment 1: You cannot be knocked prone and you can
ignore forced movement until the end of your next

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

Helm of the Mental Juggernaut Level 14 Psyweave Cloak Level 3+
‘~A~demoñ m~l~j~ohts~.this heavy helmet, its grinning visage This supple doakfJels ~ool to the touch, and can turn back at
~prot~cting~u~when enemies attempt to hinder you in combat. tacks with t~~rength of the strongest armor. I
Item Slot: Head 21,000 gp Lv13 +1 680gp Lvll8 +4 85,000 gp U
Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to saving throws against Lv18 +2 3,400gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
effects that daze or stun. Lvll3 +3 l7,000gp Lv128 +6 2,1 25,000 gp
Po~ier (D I~+~ Augmentable): No Action. Trigger: You Item Slot: Neck
tart yourtu rn; Effect You make a saving throw against Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
oneeffectthãt a save can end. ô~ér(D~I~+’Augrnentable): Minor Action. You gain
Aug ñ~nt1 :;Y~ó.gain a +2 power bonus to the saving ~rèsist5Vko all damage until the start of your next turn.
,~ ~ * Level 1~3or 1& Resist 10 to all damage.
Level 23~r~28:Resist 15 to all damage.
Augment~,Increase the resistance by 5.
Ranging from protective cloaks to delicate necklaces,
neck slot items help safeguard a psionic adventurer. WAIST SLOT ITEMS
Psionic power users can gird themselves with power
NECK SLOT ITEMS ful magic to ward off pain and hardship.
Lvl Name Price (gp)
3 Psyweave Cloak +1 680 WAIST SLOT ITEMS
~ ~ 1-2 3,400 Name Price (gp)
13 Psyweave €Ioak +3 17,000 15 Girdle of the Resolute Body 25,000
Amulet of~~pt Movements +3 25,000 .18 V Cord of Elusive Thoughts 85,000
~ Psyweave Cloak +4 85,000
20 - A~uie(dfiA~ep~ Movements +4 125,000 Cord of Elusive Thoughts Level 18
23 Psyweave Cloak +5 425,000 I~hi~jin c0r4’óf ~1’s skin lets youfocus the power ofyour mind
24 Medallion C nfounding Ideas +5 525,000 toescapef~ompli5’sical restraints.
25 Amulet of Adept Movements +5 625,000 Item Slot: Waist 85,000 gp
28~ P~y~ieiye~Cloak +6 2,125,000 Property: When you make an escape check, you can make an
29 Medallion of Confounding Ideas +6 2,625,000 Arcana check instead of an Acrobatics or Athletics check.
- Power (DaJIy+Psiônic): Minor.action. Effect You spend
30 Amulet oLAdept Movements +6
V 3,125,000
1 power point and gain a +5 bonus to your next escape
.at~emptniade b~efóre the end of your next turn. If the at
Amulet of Adept Movements Level 15+ ~. ~tempt~succeeds,you can shift 2 squares as a free action.

This pláih~ imgr~ints you the quickness to slip past your en

emies in~th~lieat~5fçombat. Girdle of the Resolute B dy Level 15
Lv115 +3 2S,000gp Lv125 +5 625,000gp his w~l1e~ather~ b~lt augments your stamina and natural
Lv120 +4 l2S,000gp Lvl3O +6 3,l25,000gp resilience.
Item Slot: Neck
Item Slot: Waist 25,000 gp
Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Fortitude. You can
Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to all defenses against
spend 1 power point as a free action during your turn to
opportunity attacks.
increase the bonus to +3 until the end of your next turn.
Power (b Mno,Action~ You spend 1 power point and
g~ina t’2 po~er.bönis to all defenses until the end of
.~yoiir next turn~’
R~BERTJ SCHWALB isa freelance writer with ç~ver one
Medallion of Confounding Ideas Level 24
hu~dred game desig~ and d~velopment credits ~to his
This capper ñ~iifetempowersyou to lend strength to the minds
name. IIis pre~vious &sign work indudes~th~é~l3ARK~SiJN®
~f~you~ allies confounding enemy attacks V ~ ~ -

Campaign Setting the Player’s Handbook® 3 core rulebook

Lvi 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvi 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
and the Monster Manual 3 core rulebook as well as
Item Slot: Neck
Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will numerous articles for.Dragon and Dungeon magazines.
Power (d~ijy + Aujmentable, Zone) Minor Action You He lives in Tennessee.
~create ázoi~e ih.a~close burst 3 that lasts until the end of
• ~your next turn~The zone moves with you, remaining cen AR! MARMELL is a freelance writer with numerous design
:‘ t~red~ â~.Allies~gain a +2 item bonus to Will while
credits, including the 4th Edition Tomb ofHorrors~ super-
::-- within the z~oñe.’ adventure and The Plane Below: Secrets of the Elemental
Augment1 :~lliesaJso gain resistance to psychic damage ChaosTM game supplement. He is also a novelist whose
equal to 3 ~i!’the~tem s enhancement bonus while
~ ~wi~h~in the zone. published works include Agents ofArt!fice, a novel based
on the Magic: The Gathering Trading Card Game. He
lives in Texas.

CHAPTER 5 Psionic Options

~ TM & 02010 Wizards of tire Coast LLC.

a )
£- C

~. \~ /


You are all that stands between the world and the
madness of the Far Realm. Training in ancient disciplines
of body and mind, you harness the power of your will
to work the magic of thoughts and dreams, of psychic
projection and mental domination. Uniting your mind
and body into a single weapon against alien forces of
madness, you are a psionic champion, a tower of iron will.

This DUNGEONS & DRAGONS supplement presents

never-before-seen options for psionic characters created
using Player’s Handbook 3, including new powers, feats,
paragon paths, and epic destinies designed for the ardent,
4 battlemind, monk, and psion classes. Psionic Power~”
also provides background information about the world’s
psionic traditions, rules for wild talents, and two new
races, as well as builds and class features that allow you to
:1’ play new versions ofyour favorite psionic classes.

or use with these 4th Edition DUNGEONS & DRAGONS products:

Player’s Handbook core rulebooks

Dungeon Master’s Guide core rulebooks
Monster Manual core rulebooks
D&D Miniatures D&D~ Dungeon Tiles


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ISBN: 978-0-7869-5560-2

NI~ N I ~ lIUI~ I~IH I~ fl i~ ~

9 780786 955602
Sug. Retail: U.S. $29.95
Printed in the U.S.A.
CAN $35.00

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