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Reference Data

Allowable K factor
JGC BD Manual 210-120-1-22E "Drums", Section 3.4.3, Table 3.4.3a

Separator type K, m/s

Horizontal (with vertical pad) 0.122 to 0.152
Sperical 0.061 to 0.107
Vert. or Horiz. (with horizontal pad)
at atmospheric pressure 0.110
at 20kg/cm2G (300psig) 0.101
at 40kg/cm2G (600psig) 0.091
at 60kg/cm2G (900psig) 0.082
at 100kg/cm2G (1500psig) 0.064
Wet steam 0.076
Most vapors under vacuum 0.061
Salt & Caustic Evaporators 0.046

Wire mesh basic data

JGC BD Manual 210-120-1-22E "Drums", Section 3.4.3, Table 3.4.3c

Type of wire mesh York 421 York 431 York 326 York 931
Specific surface area a m2/m3 361 279 460 151
Void fraction epsi - 0.977 0.982 0.984 0.99
Density kg/m3 192 144 128 80
Wire diameter mm 0.279 0.279 0.152 0.279

Shell material data

SA515 SA240
Material Specification
Gr.60 Gr.304
Material CS SUS
Allowable tensile stress (<343 deg.CATS kg/mm2 10.5 7.5
Metal density rhoMet kg/m3 7850 7930
Corrosion allowance CA mm 3.2 0

Project: xxx project Vertical Wire Mesh Mist Eliminator Revision:
Job code: Version 0.0 released on February 15, 2004 Date:
Client: Input data Prp'd:
Item No.: D101 Optional data Chk'd:
Service: Flash Drum Trial calculation App'd:

Rev. Subject and description Symbol Unit Calculation field Note Calculation procedure and formula

Operating Condition Reference and technical notes:

Design case: Case A
Operation Design
Temperature To, Td deg.C 55 85
Pressure Po, Pd kg/cm2G 0.88 5

Vapor Liquid Total

Mass flow rate FV, FL kg/h 1295 10000 11295
Density rhoV, rhoL kg/m3 4.28 1000 36.1
Viscosity visV, visL cP 0.012 0.252 0.0765
Volume flow rate QV, QL m3/h 302.6 10.0 312.6

Vessel Dimension Selected Required

Diameter D mm 1000 386 OK >= (Calc'd D1)+100mm
Height H mm 2800 2800 OK >= twm+H1+H2+H3+H4
Head shape - 0 2:1 Ellipsoidal 0=2:1 Ellipsoidal, 1=Spherical, 2=10% Dish
Drum cross sectional area A m2 0.785 = pi()/4 x (D/1000)^2
H/D ratio H/D - 2.80 = H/D

Required Diameter of wire mesh

Type of wire mesh York 421 or equivalent
Thickness twm mm 100 Standard 100mm
Specific surface area a m2/m3 361
Void fraction epsi - 0.977
Design Rating DR % 85 Standard 85%. For other condition, refer to BD Manual.
Allowable K K m/s 0.101 Specify from Table 3.4.3a
Density parameter - 15.253 = sqrt((rhoL-rhoV) / rhoV)
Maximum allow. vapor velocity Va m/s 1.309 = K x DR/100 x (Density parameter)
Wire mesh diameter Calc'd D1 mm 286 = 1000 x sqrt{4/pi() x QV/3600 / Va}
Selected wire mesh diameter D1 mm 500 OK Round up Calc'd D1
Vapor velocity based on D1 Vc m/s #VALUE! = Velocity(D1, FV, rhoV)

Turn down check - Gravity separation without wire mesh

Minimum face velocity at mesh Vm m/s 0.393 = 0.3Ua, minimum 0.15m/s
Superficial velocity in drum Vsm m/s 0.098 = Vm x (D1/D)^2
Drop diameter d micron 150 Standard 150micron from BD Manual
Terminal velocity of drop Vt m/s #VALUE! #VALUE! = Vterm(d, rhoL, rhoV, visV)
Reynolds No. of drop Re - #VALUE! = DropReynolds(Vt, d, rhoV, visV)
Drag coefficient Cdrag - #VALUE! = DragCoeff(Re)

Height of Vapor Space Selected Required

Height from top of mesh to TL H4 mm 150 150 OK = 0.15D, mimimum 150mm
Disengaging ht. above nozzle C H1 mm 600 600 OK = 0.5D, mimimum 600mm
Height from HHLL to nozzle CL H2 mm 350 350 OK = Max(0.3D, Dn/2+150mm, 350mm)

Liquid Residence Time

Level Vol. (m3) delta-Vol RT (min) Req'd RT Note
HHLL from TL H3 mm 1600 1.257
0.196 1.18 1 OK
HLL from TL mm 1350 1.060
0.275 1.65 1.5 OK
NLL from TL mm 1000 0.785
0.275 1.65 1.5 OK
LLL from TL mm 650 0.511
0.196 1.18 1 OK
LLLL from TL mm 400 0.314 #VALUE!
0.314 1.88 0
TL mm 0 0.000

Feed Nozzle
Inlet feed nozzle size Dn mm 97.2
Nozzle velocity Vn m/s #VALUE! = Velocity(Dn, TotalMassFlow, MixDensity)
dP100 in inlet piping kg/cm2/100m #VALUE! = deltaP100(Dn, TotalMassFlow, MixDensity, MixViscosity)
Reynolds No. - #VALUE! = Reynolds(Dn, TotalMassFlow, MixDensity, MixViscosity)
Nozzle expansion deltaP dPn kg/cm2 #VALUE! = 1.0 x (MixDensity x Vn^2 / 2)/9.81/10000
Nozzle rho-V^2 rV2n kg/m/s2 #VALUE! #VALUE! = (MixDensity) x Vn^2

Nozzle baffle width Bw mm 160 = Dn + 60

Nozzle baffle height Bh mm 150 = Dn + 50
Nozzle baffle distance Bd mm 100 = 0.5Dn, minimum 100mm
Baffle flow area Ab m2 0.0460 = (Bw + 2xBh)/1000) x (Bd/1000)
Baffle exit velocity Vb m/s 1.89 = (TotalVolumeFlow)/3600/Ab
Baffle rho-V^2 rV2b kg/m/s2 129 = (MixDensity) x Vb^2
Space betw'n Baffle BTM and HHLL mm 275 = H2 - Bh/2

Outlet Nozzles Vapor Liquid

Nozzle size Do mm 97.2 73.7
Velocity Vo m/s #VALUE! #VALUE! = Velocity(Do, FlowRate, Density)

File=375500128.xls, Sheet=ExampleCalc -2-

dP100 in outlet piping kg/cm2/100m #VALUE! #VALUE! = deltaP100(Do, FlowRate, Density, Viscosity)
Reynolds No. - #VALUE! #VALUE! = Reynolds(Do, FlowRate, Density, Viscosity)
Nozzle contraction deltaP dPo kg/cm2 #VALUE! #VALUE! = 0.5 x (Density x Vo^2 / 2)/9.81/10000
Nozzle rho-V^2 rV2o kg/m/s2 #VALUE! #VALUE! = Density x Vo^2

Pressure Drop of Wire Mesh

Dry pressure drop dPdry mm-H2O #VALUE! = dPdry_WireMesh(FV, rhoV, visV, D1, twm, a, epsi)
Wet pressure drop dPwet mm-H2O #VALUE! = dPwet_WireMesh(FV, rhoV, rhoL, D1) at L=160 lb/h.ft2
Wire mesh pressure drop dPwire mm-H2O #VALUE! = dPdry + dPwet
kg/cm2 #VALUE! = dPwire/10000
Total pressure drop incl. Nozzles dPt kg/cm2 #VALUE! = dPn+dPo(vapor)+dPwire

Supplemental Data
Head depth / Shell diameter k - 0.25 = 0.25 for 2:1 Ellip, 0.5 for Spherical, 0.189 for 10% Dish
Head volume/head Ch m3 0.131 = pi()/6 x k x (D/1000)^3
Liquid vol. BTM TL - HHLL CL m3 1.257 = Volume of HHLL
Total liquid inventory CLt m3 1.388 = Ch + CL
Vapor vol. HHLL - TOP TL CV m3 0.942 = A x (H - H3)/1000
Total vapor inventory CVt m3 1.073 = Ch + CV
Total vessel volume Ct m3 2.461 = CLt + CVt
Toatl liquid weight WLt kg 1388 = CLt x rhoL
Total vepor weight WVt kg 5 = CVt x rhoV
Total fluid operating weight Wt kg 1392 = WLt + WVt

<Surface area>
Head shape factor s - 0.344 = {1 + 8 x k^2 x (1-k)}/4
Head surface area/head Ah m2 1.080 = s x pi() x (D/1000)^2
Shell surface area As m2 8.796 = pi() x (D/1000) x (H/1000)
Total surface area At m2 10.956 = As + 2xAh
Wet area below HHLL Aw m2 6.106 = pi() x (D/1000) x (H3/1000) + Ah

<Weight of drum - assuming 2:1 ellipsoidal head>

Material - SA515 Gr.60
Allowable tensile stress ATS kg/mm2 10.5
Metal density rhoMet kg/m3 7850
Weld efficiency of joint WE - 0.7 If t1>40mm, use WE=0.85.
Corrosion allowance CA mm 3.2
ANSI Flange rating Rating Lb. 150
Approx. shell thickness t1 mm #VALUE! = ShellThick(D, Pd, ATS, WE, CA)
Approx. head thickness (WE=1.0t2 mm #VALUE! = HeadThick(D, Pd, ATS, 1.0, CA)
Approx. vessel weight W1 kg #VALUE! = (As x t1 + 2 x Ah x t2)/1000 x rhoMet
Nozzle - Feed W2 kg #VALUE! = NozzleWt(Dn/25.4, Rating, 0)
Nozzle - Vapor W3 kg #VALUE! = NozzleWt(DoV/25.4, Rating, 0)
Nozzle - Liquid W4 kg #VALUE! = NozzleWt(DoL/25.4, Rating, 0)
Nozzle - 24" MH W5 kg #VALUE! = NozzleWt(24", Rating, 1)
Approx. empty weight kg #VALUE! = W1+W2+W3+W4+W5

<Minimum distance of LG nozzle from TL >

LG Nozzle diameter dn mm 50
Minimum distance from TL mm #VALUE! = For t>=17, 75+dn+4xt1; For t<17, 125+dn+t1
Minimum visible point of LG mm #VALUE! = Minimum distance + 180mm

File=375500128.xls, Sheet=ExampleCalc -3-

Feature of Software

Standard software shall be applied as a product of LCE in order to minimize JGC's acceptance check.
Also, JGC's JOB instruction can be given modifying software.

To discuss about the requirement to our standard software, an example is prepared.

Although almost same functions are provided in the software produced before, the following features in the example should be considered:

(1) Proven VBA Functions are adopted (Common technical base).

(2) All calculation steps are clearly indicated so as to check by hand calculation (Traceability).
(3) Calculation record shall be understandable even after the project (Liable information beyond the time and the location).
(4) Standard reference data is available in the same software.

Furthermore, the following shall be considered.

(1) Reference of the calculation method shall be clear and reliable. Release note shall be prepared separately.
(2) Complete verification shall be done. When the software is released, debug data shall be opened.
(3) Revision history shall be shown on the software.
(4) Instruction on how to use the software shall be stated on the software.
(5) Technical support shall be provided in JGC group.
Comparison of Calculated and EDS data

Matr'l SA515 Gr.60

TS 10.5 kg/mm2
CA 3.2 mm
rhoM 7850 kg/m3

Shell ID Shell Len Design PrJoint eff. Head JE Shell areaHead are Shell th'k Head th'k Calc. wt. f(x) = 7521.0769230769x
ID L DP WE WE-head As Ah t1 t2 W W-graph Error% t1/ID
1000 2500 40 0.7 1 7.85 1.08 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 3700 #VALUE! #VALUE! 10000

1200 5000 40 0.7 1 18.85 1.56 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 7500 #VALUE! #VALUE!
1400 5000 40 0.85 1 21.99 2.12 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 8800 #VALUE! #VALUE!
1600 5000 40 0.85 1 25.13 2.77 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 11200 #VALUE! #VALUE!
1800 5000 40 0.85 1 28.27 3.50 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 13800 #VALUE! #VALUE!
2000 7500 40 0.85 1 47.12 4.32 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 22800 #VALUE! #VALUE! W-graph
2300 10000 40 0.85 0.85 72.26 5.72 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 38000 #VALUE! #VALUE! Linear (W-graph)
2600 10000 40 0.85 0.85 81.68 7.31 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 49000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
2900 10000 40 0.85 0.85 91.11 9.09 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 60000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
3200 10000 40 0.85 0.85 100.53 11.07 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 74000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
3500 12500 40 0.85 0.85 137.44 13.24 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 105000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
3800 12500 40 0.85 0.85 149.23 15.61 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 125000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
1000 10000
ID L DP WE WE-head As Ah t1 t2 W W-graph Error% t1/ID
1000 2500 30 0.7 1 7.85 1.08 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 3150 #VALUE! #VALUE!
1200 5000 30 0.7 1 18.85 1.56 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 6200 #VALUE! #VALUE! f(x) = 13268.0392156863x
1400 5000 30 0.7 1 21.99 2.12 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 8100 #VALUE! #VALUE!
1600 5000 30 0.7 1 25.13 2.77 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 9900 #VALUE! #VALUE!
1800 5000 30 0.85 1 28.27 3.50 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 11200 #VALUE! #VALUE!
2000 7500 30 0.85 1 47.12 4.32 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 18000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
2300 10000 30 0.85 0.85 72.26 5.72 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 30000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
2600 10000 30 0.85 0.85 81.68 7.31 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 38000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
2900 10000 30 0.85 0.85 91.11 9.09 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 47000 #VALUE! #VALUE! W-graph
3200 10000 30 0.85 0.85 100.53 11.07 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 58000 #VALUE! #VALUE! Linear (W-graph)

3500 12500 30 0.85 0.85 137.44 13.24 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 83000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
3800 12500 30 0.85 0.85 149.23 15.61 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 99000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
4100 15000 30 0.85 0.85 193.21 18.17 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 133000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
4500 17500 30 0.85 0.85 247.40 21.88 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 185000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
5000 20000 30 0.85 0.85 314.16 27.02 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 258000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
5500 20000 30 0.85 0.85 345.58 32.69 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 318000 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1000
6000 20000 30 0.85 0.85 376.99 38.91 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 385000 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1000 10000

ID L DP WE WE-head As Ah t1 t2 W W-graph Error% t1/ID f(x) = 9158.543417367x

1000 2500 20 0.7 1 7.85 1.08 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 2200 #VALUE! #VALUE! Chart Title

1200 5000 20 0.7 1 18.85 1.56 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 4350 #VALUE! #VALUE! 10000
1400 5000 20 0.7 1 21.99 2.12 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 5700 #VALUE! #VALUE!
1600 5000 20 0.7 1 25.13 2.77 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 7000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
1800 5000 20 0.7 1 28.27 3.50 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 8600 #VALUE! #VALUE!
2000 7500 20 0.7 1 47.12 4.32 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 14500 #VALUE! #VALUE!
2300 10000 20 0.7 0.85 72.26 5.72 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 23500 #VALUE! #VALUE!
2600 10000 20 0.85 0.85 81.68 7.31 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 26500 #VALUE! #VALUE! W-graph
2900 10000 20 0.85 0.85 91.11 9.09 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 33500 #VALUE! #VALUE! Linear (W-graph)
3200 10000 20 0.85 0.85 100.53 11.07 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 41000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
3500 12500 20 0.85 0.85 137.44 13.24 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 58000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
3800 12500 20 0.85 0.85 149.23 15.61 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 69000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
4100 15000 20 0.85 0.85 193.21 18.17 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 94000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
4500 17500 20 0.85 0.85 247.40 21.88 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 127000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
5000 20000 20 0.85 0.85 314.16 27.02 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 180000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
5500 20000 20 0.85 0.85 345.58 32.69 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 218000 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1000
6000 20000 20 0.85 0.85 376.99 38.91 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 260000 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1000 10000

ID L DP WE WE-head As Ah t1 t2 W W-graph Error% t1/ID f(x) = 5783.6694677871x

1000 2500 10 0.7 1 7.85 1.08 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1550 #VALUE! #VALUE! Title

1200 5000 10 0.7 1 18.85 1.56 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 2850 #VALUE! #VALUE! 10000
1400 5000 10 0.7 1 21.99 2.12 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 3600 #VALUE! #VALUE!
1600 5000 10 0.7 1 25.13 2.77 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 4500 #VALUE! #VALUE!
1800 5000 10 0.7 1 28.27 3.50 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 5500 #VALUE! #VALUE!
2000 7500 10 0.7 1 47.12 4.32 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 8700 #VALUE! #VALUE!
2300 10000 10 0.7 0.85 72.26 5.72 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 14500 #VALUE! #VALUE!
2600 10000 10 0.7 0.85 81.68 7.31 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 18200 #VALUE! #VALUE!
2900 10000 10 0.7 0.85 91.11 9.09 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 22000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Linear (W-graph)
3200 10000 10 0.7 0.85 100.53 11.07 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 27000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
3500 12500 10 0.7 0.85 137.44 13.24 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 38000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
3800 12500 10 0.7 0.85 149.23 15.61 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 45000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
4100 15000 10 0.7 0.85 193.21 18.17 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 61000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
4500 17500 10 0.7 0.85 247.40 21.88 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 84000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
5000 20000 10 0.7 0.85 314.16 27.02 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 120000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
5500 20000 10 0.85 0.85 345.58 32.69 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 130000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
6000 20000 10 0.85 0.85 376.99 38.91 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 158000 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1000
1000 10000

Ref : JPEP-0-1351-G-0313 "Basis of Weight Assumption for Static Equipment"

Nozzle weight Manhole weight Weight ratio with nozzle without cover plate.

Size 150# 300# 600# Size 150# 300# 600# Size 150# 300# 600#
2 6 7 8
4 12 16 27
6 22 30 52 6 40 60 110 6 1.82 2.00 2.12
8 34 47 73 8 60 90 160 8 1.76 1.91 2.19
10 50 65 130 10 90 140 270 10 1.80 2.15 2.08
12 70 100 160 12 130 210 340 12 1.86 2.10 2.13
16 115 165 290 16 210 340 600 16 1.83 2.06 2.07
18 125 210 330 18 260 430 720 18 2.08 2.05 2.18
20 150 260 420 20 330 530 910 20 2.20 2.04 2.17
24 210 360 560 24 460 800 1300 24 2.19 2.22 2.32
26 260 430
28 280 500
30 320 570 Flanged nozzle weight will be 2.2 times of ordinary nozzle.
32 370 630
34 400 720
36 450 780

a= 0.98 1.55 2.41
b= 1.71 1.71 1.71
Estimated nozzle weight
X 150# 300# 600#
2 3.2 5.1 7.9
4 10.5 16.6 25.8

6 21.0 33.2 51.6
8 34.3 54.3 84.4
10 50.3 79.5 123.6
12 68.6 108.6 168.8
16 112.3 177.6 276.1
18 137.3 217.2 337.7
20 164.4 260.1 404.4
24 224.6 355.2 552.3
26 257.5 407.3
28 292.3 462.4
30 328.9 520.2
32 367.3 580.9
34 407.4 644.4
36 449.3 710.6

(True value - Estimated value)/(True value)*100

X 150# 300# 600#
2 46.6 27.6 1.4
4 12.6 -3.7 4.5
6 4.6 -10.6 0.8
8 -0.9 -15.5 -15.6
10 -0.5 -22.3 4.9
12 1.9 -8.6 -5.5
16 2.4 -7.6 4.8
18 -9.9 -3.4 -2.3
20 -9.6 0.0 3.7
24 -6.9 1.3 1.4
26 0.9 5.3
28 -4.4 7.5
30 -2.8 8.7
32 0.7 7.8
34 -1.9 10.5
36 0.2 8.9

Good agreement for big size nozzle.

Wire Mesh Pressure Drop Correlation of Friction Factor
x=a*Re^b + C
a= 8
Wire Mesh Friction Factor
b= -0.67
Metric British c= 0.11 10
V 35250 kg/h 77712 lb/h
L 353 kg/h 778 lb/h Re fc-graph fc-calc error%
rhoV 25.1 kg/m3 1.566993 lb/ft3 10 1.9 1.82037 4.19107
rhoL 691 kg/m3 43.13913 lb/ft3 20 1.15 1.18498 -3.04163
visV 0.012 cP 0.012 cP 50 0.66 0.69181 -4.81947

Friction Factor
visL 0.252 cP 0.252 cP 100 0.48 0.47567 0.90197
200 0.35 0.33983 2.90675 1 fc-graph
Density factor 0.194147746 0.194147746 500 0.24 0.23439 2.33814 fc-calc
1000 0.18 0.18818 -4.54388
D 1300 mm 4.265091864 ft 2500 0.15 0.15231 -1.54176
D1 1200 mm 3.937007874 ft
Twm 100 mm 0.32808399 ft

a 361 m2/m3 110 ft2/ft3 0.1

eps 0.977 0.977 10 100 1000 10000
gc 9.81 32.2 Re
u 0.344929648 m/s 1.131658951 ft/s
K=u*DensityFactor 0.066967314 0.219709035
ReV 1999 1999
fc 0.159159833 0.159148141 Wet Pressure Drop
K L-load ReV ReL dPL dPdryPL+dPdry hlp
Constant 1.004 0.193 0.1 16.5 161 0.0172 0.016 0.0677 0.0837 0.009
dPdry 1.883026641 mm-H2O 0.074079019 in-H2O 0.2 16.5 323 0.0172 0.041 0.206 0.247 0.0096
by function #VALUE! 0.3 16.5 484 0.0172 0.12 0.404 0.524 0.0397
0.4 16.5 646 0.0172 0.31 0.659 0.969 0.0817
0.1 160 161 0.167 0.017 0.0677 0.0847 0.0128
L-load 312.1 kg/h.m2 63.9 lb/h.ft2 0.2 160 323 0.167 0.068 0.206 0.274 0.0424
uL 3.13676E-05 0.000102912 0.3 160 484 0.167 0.28 0.404 0.684 0.1192
ReL 0.238260527 0.238260527 0.37 160 597 0.167 0.8 0.577 1.377 0.2145
dPwet 2.351674092 mm-H2O 0.092585594 inch-H2O 0.1 935 161 0.976 0.019 0.0677 0.0867 0.0204
by function #VALUE! 0.2 935 323 0.976 0.14 0.206 0.346 0.112
0.28 935 452 0.976 0.8 0.36 1.16 0.2843

Curve fit at L-load=160 lb/h.ft2

y=a*ecp[b*x] 0.9
a= 0.004
b= 14.3 0.8

K dPL dPL-calc error% 0.6
0.1 0.017 0.01671 1.67767
0.2 0.068 0.06985 -2.71486 0.5
0.3 0.28 0.29187 -4.23781
0.37 0.8 0.79417 0.72907 0.4 dPL



0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4

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