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TPJHS 8th Grade Objectives 3rd Nine Weeks

Mrs. Holly Graham ELA

Standard Parent activity
Play a game with your child. Describe an object with as
Identify the correct use of adjectives. many adjectives as possible and have them guess the
Go to
Identify the correct use of conjunctions. printable/writing-printables/conjunctions-glue-words and
work through this together.
Read a magazine article together and see if you can pick
Select the correct thesis statement.
out the thesis statement in the first paragraph.
Watch a speech on the internet and discuss how the
Learn effective methods to oral presentations.
presenter is able to convey the information.
Look for ads in a magazine to cut out. Discuss what the
Gather information from a nonprint medium.
advertiser wants you to do.
Read a short story together and draw conclusions together
Draw conclusions on evidence based from text.
from the text.
Be able to identify reliability of sources for a research Teach students that not all sources are reliable. Discuss
paper. together how some websites are not true information.
Ask your child what their topic is for their debate. Discuss
Determine appropriate research sources for a topic.
with them sources they could use for their paper.
From the magazine ads you cut out look for bias and
Identify bias and stereotyping in print and non-print.
Look together at
Identify and analyze examples of literary elements.
and discuss what literary elements are.

Mr. Josh Millsaps Science

Standard Parent activity
Mixtures are easily created in the kitchen. Whip something
Classify substances as elements or compounds based on
up with your child and decide what type of mixture it is,
their symbols or formulas.
homogoneous or heterogeneous. Ask your child how that
Differentiate between a mixture and a compound.
is different from a compound.
Compare the particle arrangement and type of particle
motion associated with different states of matter.
Identify the reactants and products of a chemical Discuss “before” and “afters” in different reactions. Ask
reaction. your child which is the reactant and which is the product.
Use the periodic table to determine the properties of an Take a look at the periodic table with your child. Discuss
element. some elements they are familiar with.
Recognize that in a chemical reaction the mass of the This is the law of conservation of mass. This, again, can
reactants is equal to the mass of the products. be observed in the kitchen. If you have a kitchen scale,
you and your child can take the weight of ingredients
before and after cooking. If the weight changed, discuss
why? Mass can’t be destroyed…so, where did it go?!
Identify the basic properties if acids and bases. Do an internet search of several acids and bases that can
be found in the home. How many can your child find? Use
caution, both acids and bases can be dangerous!
Mr. Jon Harris Math
Standard Parent Activity
Take a trip with your student (for example: going to the
school) and give them information about the trip such as
Solve Problems involving distance, rate, and time (d = rt). how far you will travel (distance) and how fast you will drive
(rate) and let them solve how long it will take you to get to
your destination (time).
Plant a flower and have your student track its growth on a
Determine the difference between a linear and nonlinear chart. Plotting how much it has grown every 2 weeks and
equation state if it its growth is the same each week. If it is the same
then it is linear, if not it is nonlinear.
If you need any lawn care done you can ask students to
figure out what business will be the cheapest for you.
Some businesses mow every week and some every 2
Compare prices and determine a best buy
weeks. For example: one company may charge $35 per
week to mow your yard, and another may charge $60 per
every 2 weeks. Which is a better deal for you?
Challenge your child to write down a new vocabulary word
for each day of the week and put it on your refrigerator.
Determine how to solve for the missing angle of a
There are many different angle vocabulary words that we
will cover over this section and they should not have a
problem doing this.

Ms. Sandra Gandy Social Studies & Writing

Standard Parent Activity
The learner will understand how to research to build and
present knowledge, conduct short research projects, to Allow your child to use technology at home in order to help
answer a question drawing on several sources and find sources for the research paper that your child will be
generating questions that allow for. various avenues of assigned.
Work with your child to look through newspapers and
Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital
magazines in order to find credible sources that fit your
sources, checking credibility of sources.
child's research.

With American History, please go over papers that are

being sent home each week, and encourage your child to
Gather information in order to understand early
use technology to gather information on the early colonies.
Ask questions about what your child is learning in class
each week.

Mrs. Jen Millsaps Library

Standard Parent Activity

I can produce the MLA citation for a book and an online Tips: Practice finding the main idea and theme of a story
source. while reading.
I can identify the main idea, topic sentence, and theme of Gather appropriate information during research to
a story. complete a MLA citation correctly.
I can avoid plagiarism by rephrasing information in their
own works.

I can compare and contrast story elements in two literary


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