Preface: Training & Development in Reliance Money

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The global economy of the day has endangered the survival of every organization and in
particular those who want to have a competitive edge over the others. The competitive edge may
be a distant dream in the absence of Superior Quality Products which otherwise is the function of
well-trained employees.

Today resources are scarce and have to be used carefully and trainers of all kinds are required to
justify their position and account for their activities. Training activities, which are ill directed and
inadequately focused, do not serve the purpose of the trainers. The trainees or the organization
hence identification of training needs becomes the top priority of every progressive organization.

Identification of training needs, if done properly, provides the basis on which all other training
activities can be considered and will lead to multi skilling , fitting people to take extra
responsibilities increasing all round competence and preparing people to take on higher level
responsibility in future.

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Training & Development in Reliance Money

Employee training tries to improve skills, or add to the existing level of knowledge so that
employee is better equipped to do his present job, or to prepare him for a higher position with
increased responsibilities. However individual growth is not and ends in itself. Organizational
growth need to be measured along with individual growth.

Training refers to the teaching /learning activities done for the primary purpose of helping
members of an organization to acquire and apply the knowledge skills, abilities, and attitude
needed by that organization to acquire and apply the same. Broadly speaking training is the act
of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job.

In today’s scenario change is the order of the day and the only way to deal with it is to learn and
grow. Employees have become central to success or failure of an organization they are the
cornucopia of ideas. So it high time the organization realize that “train and retain is the mantra of
new millennium.”

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Training & Development in Reliance Money

The broad objective of the study of training policies in Reliance Money is to study the impact of
training on the overall skill development of workers. The specific objectives of the study are:

 To examine the effectiveness of training in overall development of skills of workforce.

 To examine the impact of training on the workers.

 To study the changes in behavioral pattern due to training.

 To measure the differential change in output due to training

 To compare the cost effectiveness in implanting training programmes.

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Training & Development in Reliance Money

Every organization needs to have well trained and experienced people to perform the activities
that have to be done. If current or potential job occupants can meet this requirement, training is
not important. When this not the case, it is necessary to raise the skill levels and increase the
versatility and adaptability of employees.

It is being increasing common for individual to change careers several times during their
working lives. The probability of any young person learning a job to day and having those skills
go basically unchanged during the forty or so years if his career is extremely unlikely, may be
even impossible. In a rapid changing society employee training is not only an activity that is
desirable but also an activity that an organization must commit resources to if it is to maintain a
viable and knowledgeable work force. The entire project talks about the training and
development in theoretical as well as new concepts, which are in trend now.

Here we have discussed what would be the input of training if we ever go for and how can it be
good to any organization in reaping the benefits from the money invested in terms like (ROI) i.e.
return on investment. What are the ways we can identify the training need of any employee and
how to know what kind of training he can go for? Training being covered in different aspect
likes integrating it with organizational culture. The best and latest available trends in training
method, the benefits which we can derive out of it. How the evaluation should be done and how
effective is the training all together.

Some of the companies practicing training in unique manner a lesson for other to follow as to
how to train and retain the best resource in the world to reap the best out of it.

Development is integral part of training if some body is trained properly and efficiently the
developments of that individual and the company for whom he is working. Here we discussed
about development of employee, how to identify the needs, and after developing how to develop
executive skill to sharpen there knowledge. Learning should be the continuous process and one
should not hesitate to learn any stage. Learning and developing is fast and easy at Reliance

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Training & Development in Reliance Money
Introduction to Reliance Money

 Reliance Money provides investors with the facility of anytime-anywhere online

trading in all major asset classes, namely:

 Equities, Equities and Commodity derivatives

 IPOs, Mutual Funds
 Life and General Insurance products
 Foreign exchange derivatives
 Money transfer, Money changing,
 Precious metal retailing
 Credit Cards
 Loans
 Wealth Management products

 Network of kiosks have been set up across the country to facilitate the above
trading activities

 Reliance Money provides entire commodity related services such as broking

distribution and warehouse receipt financing

 Expanded its presence to 20,000 touch points. It has 10,000 outlets across 5,000
towns and cities across India.

 Currently 2200+ employees across 162 locations spread across the country.

 The Corporate Office at Worli, Mumbai has approx 350 people belonging to these

 Acquired 2.5 million customers

 Accounts for daily traded volumes of over Rs 2,000 crore ( US$ 454 million ), or
3-4 % of the average daily volume of transactions logged on the stock exchanges

 Among the Top 3 private sector companies in financial services sector

 Moved into International arena- West Asia, South East Asia, Africa and Europe.

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 Interview
 Preparation of the summary expressed
 Recommendation of fall back site
 Questionnaire design

Descriptive Design

Sample Size:

To understand the training and development scenario at Reliance Mobile and what the trainee
really feels about the training they have undergone and further what kind of training they look
for. Do they really look for any kind of training or not? To study the above aspect we covered
almost about 40 people from almost all the department at of the company Reliance Mobile


Primary data collected through questionnaires and informal interviews.

Secondary data collected through magazines, journals, websites, and other corporate


Communication, asking questions and receiving a response in person, visiting the various
organizations, libraries, internet and also preparation of the questionnaire with the help of the
project guide.

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Training & Development in Reliance Money

1.) Your organization considers training as a part of organizational strategy. Do you agree with
this statement?

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Agree 13 52
Disagree 1 4
Partly Agree 4 16
Can’t Say 7 28
Total 25 100







Senior Staff Junior Staff New Staff Based On Requirement


The above graph indicates that Organization considers training as a part of

organizational strategy.

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Training & Development in Reliance Money
2.) How many training programmes will you attend in a year?

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Less Than 10 14 56
10-20 2 8
20-40 6 24
More Than 40 3 12
Total 25 100







Less Than 10 20-Oct 20-40 More Than 40


The above chart indicates that less training programmes are held in the organization.

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Training & Development in Reliance Money
3.) To whom the training is given more in your organization?

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Senior Staff 3 12
Junior Staff 5 20
New Staff 6 24
Based On Requirement 13 52
Total 25 100







Senior Staff Junior Staff New Staff Based On Requirement


Training is provided on the basis of requirement.

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Training & Development in Reliance Money
4.) What are all the important barriers to training and development in your organization?

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Time 5 20
Money 4 16
Lack of interest by staff 6 24
Non Availability of Skilled 10 40
Total 25 100

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The above graph indicates that the important barriers to Training and development in the
organization is Non-availability of skilled trainers.

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Training & Development in Reliance Money
5.) Enough practice is given for us during training session? Do you agree with this statement?

Respondants No. Of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 14 56
Agree 2 8
Somewhat Agree 6 24
Disagree 3 12
Total 25 100







Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree


This graph indicates that enough practice is given for employees during trainging sessions.

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Training & Development in Reliance Money
6.) The training sessions conducted in your organization is useful. Do you agree with this

Respondants No. Of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 15 60
Agree 5 20
Somewhat Agree 5 20
Disagree 0 0
Total 25 100








Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree


The above graph indicates that the training sessions conducted in the organization is useful.

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Training & Development in Reliance Money
7.) Employees are given appraisal in order to motivate them to attend the training. Do you agree
with this statement?

Respondants No. Of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 14 56
Agree 6 24
Somewhat Agree 3 12
Disagree 2 8
Total 25 100







Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree


The above graph shows that Employees are given appraisal in order to motivate them to attend
the training.

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Training & Development in Reliance Money
8.) Reason for shortage of skilled man power at workplace are :

Respondants No. Of Respondents Percentage

Lack of planning 5 20
Lack of support from senior 10 40
Lack of proper guidance & 8 32
training at workplace
Lack of quality education at 2 8
primary & secondary level
Total 25 100



The above graph indicates that reason for shortage of skilled man power at workplace are lack of
support from senior staff.

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Training & Development in Reliance Money

1.) Your Organization considers training as a part of organizational strategy. Do you agree
with this statement?
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Somewhat agree
o Disagree

2.) How many training programmes will you attend in a year?

o Less than 10
o 10-20
o 20-40
o More than 40

3.) To whom the training is given more in your organization?

o Senior staff
o Junior staff
o New staff
o Based on requirement

4.) What are all the important barriers to Training and Development in your organization?
o Time
o Money
o Lack of interest by the staff
o Non-availability of skilled trainer

5.) Enough practice is given for us during training session? Do you agree with this
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Somewhat agree
o Disagree

6.) The training sessions conducted in your organisation is useful. Do you agree with this
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Somewhat agree
o Disagree

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Training & Development in Reliance Money
7.) Employees are given appraisal in order to motivate them to attend the training. Do u
agree with this statement?
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Somewhat agree
o Disagree

8.) Reason for shortage of skilled man power at workplace are:

o Lack of planning
o Lack of support from senior staff
o Lack of proper guidance and training at workplace
o Lack of quality education at primary and secondary level

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Training & Development in Reliance Money

Under noted few suggestions cum conclusion can be taken as for implementation to reap
furtherest benefits.

 Making training and development process and entirely in house activity to

reduce cost.

 It is found that the average age group of trainees are in their twenties or
early thirties which signifies that the consumer durable industry need more
of young blood as enthusiasm is an integral part of the industry.

 The maximum emphasis is given to job instruction methods where the

trainee are made to understand their job thoroughly and the role they are
going to play in performing their job.

 Lecture as well as the presentation is the major part of imparting the

education and training them.

 The training objective are in keeping with needs and abilities of the trainee
and it is this that proves to be the major reason for success of the training
as whole.

 The trainee fill the feedback form and from time to time test are conducted
to know the gauge the effectiveness of training to employee to check their
memory if they retain anything or not.

 We think that time management is one of the thing on which Reliance Mobile
teammust emphasis so that there employee can be more productive as it was
found during the visit to the corporate office people they lack in managing

 Stress management training is more important for employee as it was

observed that people are all the time in tension like situation as to how to
do what to do when to do, no time and things like that which kept them
tensed all time.

Last but not least behavioural training is more important as while doing the study it
was found that people are less cooperative and outgoing to help out

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 www.naukrihub/training and

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