Critical Review by Sintujas

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'The positive attitudes and motivation are very much related to success in second language



The above statement portrays the essence of language and how attitudes towards learning it
contributes to effectiveness of language learning. It is so unique that a language could make
you understand even without the correct grammar. It’s a undeniable truth that language
plays such an important role in every day’s life. Without language words would have never
born. It even would be difficult for me to write this review too. Theorist defines a significant
differences between language learning and language acquisition.

For the first and foremost, how learning differs from acquisition ? According to
Krashen(1987), there are two independent systems of second language ;the
acquired system and the learned system. The acquisition is the process that takes
places in a subconscious manner very similar to the process children undergo when
they acquire their first language (L1).He stated that language acquisition requires
meaningful interaction in the target language in which the focus is not in the form
of their utterances, but in the communicative performance.( Krashen,1979)On the
other hand , he also stated that learning is the product of formal instruction and
conscious process which results in knowledge about the language, for example
knowledge of grammar rules. Like wise, a linguist defined aqisition as picking up a
second language through exposure whereas learning is defined a conscious study
of second language ( Ellis, 1985)

There are manifold of factors contributing to second language acquisition ( SLA)

such as age, attitude, aptitude, motivation factor and also teaching strategies.
(Eliis,1985). Many SLA researches describes and explain the way second language is
learned in terms of both linguistic and communicative competence. Our focus will be on the
role of motivational factor in second language learning. First of all, what is a motivation?
Gardner and Lambert (1972), defines motivation as the learner's overall goal or orientation. There is
another definition conveyed by a linguist ‘motivation is the persistence shown by the learner in
striving for a goal’ (Ellis 1985:117). They distinguish two types of motivation; instrumental and
integrative motivation. Gardner classified motivation into two basic types: integrative and
instrumental. Integrative motivation is defined as the learner's positive attitudes towards learning
and the internal desire to learn a language. On the contrast, instrumental motivation underlies some
specific goal to gain some social or economic reward through L2 achievement. Hall (2011) suggests
that motivation is a key factor in order to accomplish a particular activity. He states, “It is difficult to
imagine anyone learning a language without some degree of motivation.”

In a qualitative research conducted by María Luisa Carrió-Pastor and Eva M. Mestre Mestre
on 2013 focuses on Motivation in Second Language Acquisition. Integrative and instrumental
motivation are examined well to find out the impacts on second language acquisition. Two
groups of students of different course specialization were used as research participants. Group A
was composed of twenty students enrolled in a specific English class offered as an optional subject in
an engineering degree at Technical English, taught in the Degree of Electrical Engineering in the first
academic year. The group B was composed of twenty university students enrolled in an English
course aimed to improve general concepts of English where the subject was taught in the Degree of
Geometrics and Topography as an optional subject. The teaching strategies are also varied for these
two groups; In Group A repetitive and drilling method were incorporated whereas hands on
materials were used for group B. For this research they used two different set of questionnaires to
find out the correlation of the targeted factors influencing the second language acquisition.

The findings showed that, students enrolled in Group B answered positively to the questions
related to integrative motivation and felt confident and motivated in a classroom. Group A did not
feel motivated with the activities and they are being unable to adapt the teaching activities to their
needs. In the instrumental findings, group A gave a positive feedback to instrumental motivation
questionnaire. The students who enrolled in this English course wanted to improve in their future
profession hence their motivation was instrumental.

In a similar study conducted by Noels, et al. (1999), the process of how students’ extrinsic and
intrinsic motivational orientations are related to their teachers’ communicative style. The results
determined that stronger intrinsic motivation were related to positive language learning outcomes,
including greater motivation. While both integrative motivation and instrumental motivation are
essential elements of success, it is integrative motivation which has been found to sustain long-term
success when learning a second language (Taylor, Meynard and Rheault, 1977; Ellis, 1994; Crookes &
Schimdt, 1991).The results extracted helped me to link the impact of different types of motivation;
instrumental and integrative in second language learning. According to Gardner (1985), 'the
positive attitudes and motivation are very much related to success in second language learning'.
However, on the overall view, the article helped me to gain understanding in depth on second
language acquisition and the contributing factors. It also helped me to link the type of motivation to
the type of language learning environment in determining whether a different learning strategies
varied students’ motivation towards learning. At the same time , analysing if the integrative
motivation and instrumental motivation has changed depending on the material and the teacher’s
attitude. I believe different studies have tried to put forward their justification in a various
point of views. In my perception, I firmly believe that learner can be influenced by both types of
motivation and sometimes one can be more influential or effective than the other. It is the role of
the educators to mould and channel it accordingly. Gardner (1985) suggested that if the language
learners don't like the other language community, they can never really learn their language.
That is where the duty of an educator works. As an educator we have to create an environment
that is favourable to the language learners in order to facilitate the language acquisition process
as it has impact on alternating their motivation.


Brown, H.D. 1994. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice

Ellis, R. 1994. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ellis, R 1985. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Gardner, H. 1983. Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books.
Gardner, R.C. and W. R. Lambert. 1972. Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning.
Rowley, Mass: Newbury House.

Stern, H.H. 1983. Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Hall, G. (2011) Exploring English Language Teaching Language in Action. London: Routledge.

Noels, K. A., Clement, R. and Pelletier, l. G. (1999) Perceptions of Teachers’ Communicative Style and
Students’ Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation. The Modern Language Journal, 83, i, (1999) 0026-

Ahmed M, ….

Noels, K. A., Clement, R. and Pelletier, l. G. (1999) Perceptions of Teachers’ Communicative Style and
Students’ Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation. The Modern L

Essays, UK. (November 2013). Factors Which Affect Second Language Learning Education Essay.
Retrieved from

UK Essays. November 2013. Factors Which Affect Second Language Learning Education Essay.
[online]. Available from:
language-learning-education-essay.php?cref=1 [Accessed 4 October 2017].

 Krashen, Stephen D. Principles and Practice in Second Language

Acquisition.Prentice-Hall International, 1987.
 Krashen, Stephen D. Second Language Acquisition and Second
Language Learning. Prentice-Hall International, 1988.
Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. New
York: Plenum

type of motivation to the type of language learning environment in determining whether a different
learning strategies varied students’ motivation towards learning and to check if the integrative
motivation and instrumental motivation has changed depending on the material and the teacher’s
attitude. It is very clear that learner can be influenced by both types of motivation

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