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Limestone FGD Lime spray drying (LSD) Sea water Ammonia

-predominantly -used at the majority of - wet slurry waste or - wet slurry waste or
selected over the plants employing byproduct is produced, byproduct is
other FGD dry FGD technologies and the flue gas leaving produced, and the
technologies -capable of ~90% SO2 the absorber is saturated flue gas leaving the
-capable of removal. with water absorber is saturated
~90% SO2 - plants up to ~250 MWe -Seawater may be with water
removal. in size and firing low- to available in large amounts -high SO2 removal
- wet slurry medium-sulfur coals at the power plant as a efficiency, reliable and
waste or (i.e., coals with a sulfur cooling medium in the low utility
byproduct is content of 2% or lower) condensers. It then can be consumption
produced, and may use LSD used as a sorbent - does not generate
the flue gas -dry waste material or downstream of the any liquid waste
leaving the byproduct is produced, condensers for the streams or
absorber is and the flue gas leaving purpose of FGD. This undesirable solid
saturated with the absorber is not shows that the technology byproducts that
water saturated helps to reduce cost for require disposal;
-high SO2 -dry waste is produced, sorbent rather, the closed-
removal which is generally easier -the absorbed SO2 in loop process produces
efficiency, to dispose of than waste scrubber effluent is a salable ammonium
reliable and low produced from wet FGD oxidized into sulfate sulfate fertilizer
utility processes. before discharge. Sulfate byproduct which can
consumption -complete saturation completely dissolve in reduce more than 50
-Easy availability can impair operation of seawater and besides, percent of the
-Low cost a spray dryer because of sulfate is a natural operating cost.
-Ease of wet solids adhering to ingredient in seawater -provide higher
handling vessel walls, to gas flow hence only a slight SO2 removal
-Versatile passages from the increase is found in the efficiencies (>99%),
process vessel, and in the discharge. Less harm waste which gives coal-fired
-SO2 emission particulate collector. -high SO2 removal power plants more
norm is reliably Therefore, the water efficiency, reliable and low flexibility to blend
met content of the slurry fed utility consumption cheaper, higher sulfur
-Flexibility to into the spray dryer is -Sea Water Treatment coals.
use cheaper carefully controlled to Plant is a key for good -produces no CO2.
high sulfur coal avoid complete discharge quality - Because lime and
-Sellable by- saturation of the flue -Specifically for low to limestone are less
product, no gas. medium range sulphur reactive compared to
solid disposal content, ammonia for
requirements SO2 removal, higher
Apprehensions process water
consumption and
pumping energy is
Investment ( 5-6 required to achieve
Million high circulation rates.
INR/MW) This results in higher
-Power operating costs for
Consumption LSFO systems.
(1.5-2% of )
-Make up Water

parameter limestone Spray dry seawater ammonia

So2 removal 98+% so2 removal 95% so2 removal 95% so2 removal >93%
byproduct Gypsum Calcium sulphite none Ammonium
(marketable) and sulfate sulfate (sellable)
(marketable ke
Inlet so2 range 200-6500 ppmv
Wastewater required none
Reagent cost $5-25 /ton $60-120/ton No reagent
Utility low

Operating ammonia
Gas flow to 1, 107, 933
FGD (Nm3/h)
So2 10, 567
Flue gas
temperature ©

Because lime and limestone are less reactive compared to ammonia for SO2 removal, higher process
water consumption and pumping energy is required to achieve high circulation rates. This results in
higher operating costs for LSFO systems.

-rotary atomizer in SDAs can be successfully retrofitted with an air atomizing spray injection system.
This change not only made the SDAs more reliable but also safe to operate with minimal unplanned

- replace the rotary atomizers with an air atomized system.

reference dlm hp (unbias, review)

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