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O. (1 mark) (2 marks) (3 marks) (4 marks) (5 marks)

1 REPRODUCTION 1(2) 2(1) 3(2) 4(1) 14

2 GENETICS AND 1(1) 3(4) 5(1) 18
3 BIOLOGY AND HUMAN 1(1) 2(2) 3(3) 14
4 BIOTECHNOLOGY AND ITS 2(1) 3(1) 5(1) 10
5 ECOLOGY AND 1(1) 2(1) 3(2) 5(1) 14
Total 5(5) 10(5) 36(12) 4(1) 15(3) 70(26)
 The number in the bracket indicates the number of question.

Time allowed: 3hrs Max. Marks: 70

General Instructions:
(i) There are 26 questions and five sections in the questions paper. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Section A contains question number 1 to 5, Very Short Answer type questions of one mark each.
(iii) Section B contains question number 6 to 10, Short Answer type I questions of two mark each.
(iv) Section C contains question number 11 to 22, Short Answer type II questions of three marks each.
(v) Section D contains question number 23, Value Based question of four marks.
(vi) Section E contains question number 24 to 26, Long Answer type questions of five marks each.
(vii) There is no overall choice in the question paper, however, an internal choice is provided in one question of two
marks, one question of three marks, all three questions of five marks. An examinee is to attempt any one of the
questions out of the two given in the question paper with the same question number.


1. What is lactational amenorrhea?

2. From one spermatid how many spermatozoa can be produced?
3. How many base pair a typical DNA helix is having in a nucleosome?
4. Write the name of two chemical releases which causes allergy?
5. Under unfavourable conditions many zooplankton species in water bodies enter into a stage of
suspended development. What is that stage called?
6. Write the composition exine and intine is a pollengrain. How the composition of exine enables the
pollen grain to be preserved as fossil
Draw the diagram of a fertilised embryo sac with 3 most important labelling as a product of fertilisation.
7. What is anamnestic response? How is it different from primary response?
8. Write 4 side effects of the use of anabolic steroids in female.
9. Expand GEAC. What is its role?
10. Name 4 special adaptations, the parasites evolved.


11. What do you mean by cleistogamous flower? Write one advantage and one disadvantage of it.
12. Draw a neat sectional view of the human female reproductive system with three most important
13. T.H Morgan through his experiment in Drosophila described the concept of linkage. How linkages
effect the inheritance pattern of genes? It is also an exception to one of the Mendel’s law, mention that
14. Describe the interactions of the following with their host:
a) An epiphyte with example
b) A parasite with example.
c) A mycorrhizae fungus
15. Increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in atmosphere is beneficial to plants for performing
photosynthesis, then why environmentalists consider it alarming to the ecosystem viability?
16. Define tissue culture and micropropagation. Mention their significance for enhance of food production.
What are active and passive immunity? How does a vaccine act on our body to activate our immune
17. State in what ways Stanley Miller simulated the condition of
a) Primitive atmosphere
b) Energy source at the time of origin of life
c) Formation of organic molecules of life to prove the theory of chemical evolution
18. Describe male heterogamy and female homogamy with respect to sex determination through to suitable
19. Explain the three types of natural selection along with their prescribed graph.
20. Write the source and effect of following:
a) Smack
b) Cocaine
21. Draw the diagram of a typical biogas plant. Explain in one sentence how biogas is produced.
22. cryIAb is introduced in a plant to control infestation by Corn Borer.
a) Name the resultant plant after successful insertion of the gene desired.
b) Summarise the action of the gene introduced.

23. Even after seven years of their marriage a couple is childless. And the mother of the male partner
always blames the female partner for infertility.
a. Mention any two values that you as a biology student can promote to change this social evil.
b. State any two reasons responsible for the cause of infertility.
c. Suggest a technique that can help the couple to have a child when the problem is with male

24. What is a plasmid? Describe the sites to be present in a plasmid to become a vector for rDNA
technology. What does the Rop codes for in pSR322 vector?
Explain five common ways by which production of transgenic animal is beneficial for mankind.
25. A cross was carried out between a pea plant heterozygous for round and yellow seeds with a pea plant
having wrinkled and green seeds.
a) Show the cross in punnet square.
b) Write the phenotypic ratio of the progeny of this cross.
c) What is the cross known as? State the purpose of conducting such a cross.
A) Name the types of RNA synthesised by different types of RNA polymerases in eukaryote.
B) Diagrammatically represent transcription in eukaryote.
26. A) Colonisation of a rocky terrain is a natural process. Mention the group of organism which invade
this area.
B) Over the years, it has been observed that some of the lakes are disappearing due to urbanisation. In
absence of human interference, depict by making a flow chart, how do the successional series progress
from hydric to mesic condition.
C) Identify the climax community of hydrarch and xerarch succession.
“Analysis of age pyramid for human population can provide important inputs for long term planning
stratergies”. Explain. Draw the diagrams of age pyramids for human population

Marking scheme
Sl. Topic Marks
1. A natural method of contraception in which the menstrual cycle does not take place during 1
the period of intense lactation.
2. One 1
3. 200bp 1
4. Histamine and serotonin ½+½
5. Diapauses 1
6. Exine –sporopollenin,resistant to high temperatue,acid and alkali hence gives protection ½ +1/2
to pollen grain.
Intine –cellulose and pectin,
Sporopollenin is resistant to high temperatue,acid and alkali and cannot be digested by
any enzyme. 1
Or ,
Diagram with labelling zygote,PEC,PEN 2

7. Diagram Female reproductive system with 3 labelling 1½

8. Any 4 of the following ½ for
Masculisation,increased aggressiveness,mood swings ,depression, ,abnormal menstrual each
cycle,, excessive hair growth in body and face, enlargement of clitoris,deepening of voice.
9. GEAC-Genetic Engineering Approval Committee 1+1
Makes decision regarding the validity of GM research and the safety of introducing GM
organism for public service
10. Loss of unnecessary sense organ, loss of digestive system, presence of adhesive organ, ½ for
high reproductive capacity each
11. The flower which never opens. 1+1+1
Advantage –assured seed set/production of pure lines/more chance of fertilisation
Disadvantages – no cross pollination hence no variation and no role in evolution
12. Neat labelled diagram 1½
+1 ½
13. When in a dihybrid cross genes are located close to each other on the chromosome then 1½
parental combinations are much higher than the new combinations.genes located far apart +1 ½
leads to parental combination less higher than new combination
Law of independent assortment. Write the law
14. a) Epiphyte on mango branch-commensalism 1+1+1
b) Fungi with roots of some big trees-mutualism
c) Any example showing parasitism
15. Explain: 1+1+1
Carbon dioxide as a green house gas
Global warming
Ill effects of global warming
16. Tissue culture:producing plants in culture media from plant part/tissue. 1+1+1
Micropropagation –method of producing large number of plants which are similar
genetically by tissue culture
Significance :production of disease free plants and production of somaclones
17. a) Primitive atmosphere:closed flask with CH4, H2, NH3,Water vapour at 800 degree 1+1+1
b) Energy source at the time of origin of life:electric discharge in the flask
c) Formation of organic molecules of life to prove the theory of chemical evolution:
condensation of output from the closed flask
18. Sex determination in Human and Drosophilla :explanation with cross between the male 1½
and female +1 ½
19. Explanation of stabilising, directional and disruptive natural selection with graph 1+1+1
20. a) Smack: latex of poppy plant, depressant and slows down body function 1½
b) Cocaine: Erythroxylem coca affects central nervous system producing sense of +1 ½
euphoria and increased energy
21. Diagram and working in one sentence 2+1
22. a) Bt corn 1
b) cryIAb/Bt toxin gene codes for crystal protein; the Bt toxin protein exists as an
inactive protein, but once an insect ingests it, it gets converted into an active form 2
due to the alkaline pH of the gut which solubilises the crystal. The activated toxin
binds to the surface of mid gut and creates pores that cause swelling, lysis and
eventually death of the insect.
23. a) Any two relevant value 2
b) Any two reasons, both in male and female for infertility 1
c) Artificial insemination 1
24. Plasmid is autonomously replicating circular extra chromosomal DNA. 1
Explanation of following 3 sites.
1. Origin of replication.
2. Selectable marker.
3. Cloning site. 3
Rop codes for the proteins involved in the replication of the plasmid. 1
Description of the following 5 with example.
1. Normal physiology and development. 1
2. Study of disease 1
3. Biological products 1
4. Vaccine safety 1
5. Chemical safety testing 1
25. a. Cross between RrYy & rryy and punnet square 3½
b. 1:1:1:1. ½
c. Test cross. To know the genotype of an individual. 1
A) RNA polymerase I – rRNA
RNA polymerase II – precursor of mRNA. 1½
RNA polymerase III - tRNA, 5srRNA & snRNA.
B) Fig. 6.1, page no. 110 of NCERT. 3½
26. a) Crustose lichen 1
b) The flow chart showing phytoplankton, submerged plant stage, submerged free
floating plant stage, reed swamp stage, Marsh meadow stage, Scrub stage, forest of 3½
hydrarch succession.
c) Forest ½
Diagram of 3 age pyramids and description with relation to population density & its 2½
implications for long term planning strategies. 2½

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