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16-50. At the instant shown the boomerang has an angular velocity @ = 4 rad/s, and its mass center G has a velocity ug = 6 in,/s. Determine the velocity of point B at this instant. Ye = 6+ (AL Siinds) = 8.4852) SON NT Be sings (Op, = 6.00930" + 0 = 5.196 i0./5 (Divady = 6aint0" + A482 = 1.485 tle vy = AES SF = 12.6 1's Ans nats ae NMS spe ‘5196 Ac: (adel + (a) J = (Beos30% + 6n30%H + (44) > (1.570455 (ade = ~ 600830" = ~5.196 ints (on), = 6 sin30° + 84853 = 11.485 iis VEO + TIA = 126 ns Ans 16:53, ‘The pinion gear rolls on the gear racks. If B is moving to the right at 8 ft/s and C is moving to the left at ft/s, determine the angular velocity of the pinion gear ‘and the velocity of its center A. ve = ve tc Gy cee nosey sooweiy Thee Go m= 8- 2902 Aft ovat we 2tls > Ans of Yn 0 oT, ah = Bi + (ok) (0.6) 428-060 = 200ai/s Ans val = ab + 20kx (0.3) wa dfs> Ans 16-62. At the instant shown, the truck is traveling to the right at 8 m/s. If the spool does not slip at B, determine its angular velocity so that its mass center G appears to an observer on the ground to remain stationary. vom vat van x 0=8 +150 aah 1s me 5.33 madi Ans Also: 01 81+ (wk) x 1.5)) Om8- 150 533 ads Ans 16-88. At the instant shown, the disk is rotating at a vee Determine the velocities of points A, B, and C. . “The instantaneous center is located at point. Hence, v4 =0 Ans Fone = VOAS O15! = 0.2121 manic = 03m 2 mis Ans vp = @ Ipc = 40-3) = ve = @ Fone = 40-2121) = 0.849 mis Sr 4* Ans 16-90. If link CD has an angular velocity of wen = 6 rad/s, determine the velocity of point E on link BC and the angular velocity of link AB at the instant shown. We = Wk otr eo) # (610.6) = 3.60 m/s me __3.60 are, = 10,39 rad/s Fone O6tan30* me vas tmeroe 0020255) =7200/ Ie —| 0,6 tne 30% ne 26 tne 30 N v= ayerene = 10.39/06 and0F +03 =4.76 m/s Ans c Om 03 Te undo? 409° Ans 1693. As the car travels forward at 80 ft/s on a wet road, due to slipping, the rear wheels have an angular velocity w = 100 rad/s. Determine the speeds of points A. B, and C caused by the motion, 16100) = 008s» Ane ve = 2.20100) = 22080 Ane va = 1612(100) = 161 Av OS Ans ate ve Say ast 16-105. At a given instant the bottom A of the ladder has an acceleration a4 = 4 ft/s? and velocity v4 = 6 ft/s, both acting to the left. Determine the acceleration of the top of the ladder, B, and the ladder’s angular acceleration at this same instant. f= 073 mae “Lae Te = 4 + laude + Gd 4 = 4+ 0757019 + a9 Loe owz wh 24 Con, mie ©) 0 = 4+ (075)*6)c0830" — o(16)42030° osm OD a = 0+ (075%(16)x030 + a(16)c0830° Solving, = ards Ane m9 Ane Also: Td = A+ (ee) Con I6an 0p — (025) 600304 + 1x06) = -4~sa~ 7704 ~% = 138560 ~ 45 a= 147d? Ans 90 L Ans acta! Ata given instant the whee! is rotating with the angular motions shown. Determine the acceler: the collar at A at this instant ee a sea Pub. 18-2, ‘ aetna 5m Si syee/s a serene (oon 0 oapacrneste nt 2k 496 +107 + 105) + Le Se oF Ne© (2) 4 = 240880" + 9.660830" ~ BS condOr ~ (0.5060 (1) 0 = 2Aningor ~ 9.6xi30" — B.oSeinsO* + af 0.5) cons” a= 408 rate?) asm Ane Bae eK tae tae ah = (8015) (c04205} ~ (8)°C0.15)11030%) + (10(0.15) in30°4 + (1600.15) 608304 “+ ole) (0-Se0r80"l + OSin60") ~ (410)*(0-5con0Ort + OSHINGTD, a = 8314 + 1.200 — 04336 ~ 4326 0 = 4800 + 20785 + ose ~ 7.4935 a= 408 mane?) tase Ame 46-114, ‘The disk is moving to the left such that it has an angular acceleration a = 8rad/s” and angular velocity fo = 3 rad/s at the instant shown. If it does not slip at A. determine the acceleration of point D. EOS) oma > 2c =0.5(8) = 4 m/s* 300.5) to ntc tae w=[4]-] Fos fh) 805) Ae ll oh (3) oiea4- asin tants «1001 mt (+1) (ao), = 0-4, Scouts + Asnds® = -0,3536 mis? ap = YROOIP + O.355F = 100m 7 Ane Jaolmge Aso, sp mactaxtne= Oto ay F8SKmg, {ap )e1-+ (ap), J = ~4+ (Ble) x (0. Scos45°i +0. Ssin45°f) ~ (3)? (0. Seond5°t + 0. Ssin4S*}) (2) Go), «4-800 srintsr) (10 So048") = -10.01 ms? (+1) (ap), = +8(0.S00s45*) ~ (3) (0, SsindS®) = ~0,3536 m/s? as cae Fs ap = (CIO FCO SSIOF =10.0m/s? Ans 16131. Block A, which is attached to a cord, moves along the slot of a horizontal forked rod. At the instant ‘shown, the cord is pulled down through the hole at O with ‘an acceleration of 4m/s* and its velocity is 2 m/s. Determine the acceleration of the block at this instant. The rod rotates about O with a constant angular velocity w= 4rad/s, Moon of moving referees. 4 won8 wae Loy a= es ot a-0 Medion of A with respec to moving reference. fo = O10 Yao = -21 mo Thos, ag = 8g #1 Ryo +X (AX Ayo) +20 *CroDape + Caiodere +0 + (AR) x (ae x O11) + 2¢4R (219) — 4b ag = C5601 = 16ppmis? Ane 16-134. Block B moves along the slot in the platform with a constant speed of 2 ft/s, measured relative to the platform in the direction shown. Ifthe platform is rotating at a constant rate of # = 5 rad/s, determine the velocity and acceleration of the block at the instant 6 = 60°. ay = (2891-7009) 1? iy = {1201 + 577)) Re +3) = (150+ A Va = Yo + RX tn0 + (nicdage Ya = 04 Sk x CLASS + 2p ~ Bh = 89 +X tayo + X(OX Fo) + 2 XCVarage + (1 sy = 0+ 0- 28874 ~ 50) - 205 Ans Ans By = 04 04 Sk XI(SK) x (LISS + AD] + 215K) (29 +0 ie oer 16-139. Rod AB rotates counterclockwise with a constant angular velocity w 3 rad/s. Determine the velocity and acceleration of point C located on the double collar when 0 = 45°, The collar consists of two pin- connected along the circular path and the rod AB. der blocks which are constrained to move i Fem = {04001 + 0.400)) ve = ~¥eh Ye = M4 + 2X Fem + Wemare + (Bk) x (04004 + 0.4005) + (vex 2084541 + ven sins), vel 1.201 + 1.20) + 0707Vey44 + 07074) nve = 120+ 0701¥e4 ° 120 + 070% ves 240 m/s Ans You = —1.697 mis Be = + DX Fey + (A X Foy) +20 Xen aye + ewe (240 teens - SO = 0+ 0+ 3k x [3k % (OAI + O49) + 2098) x10.707%(-1.097)1 + OTON-LEN HI + 0.70Tac4 1 + 0.707) (Ge) d= 14.40) = 0 + 0 ~3.601 ~ 3.60) + 7.205 ~ 7.20) + 0.707¢a44 + 0:707ar4} ~ (6); = 360 + 720 + 0.707 aa, 1440 = =3.60 - 7.20 + 0.70706 ae = (144s) mis Ans

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