Groth and Bond 2007

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Effects of Cultivars and Fungicides on Rice Sheath Blight, Yield, and Quality

D. E. Groth, Professor, and J. A. Bond, Former Assistant Professor, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural
Experiment Station, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Rayne 70578

benefits realized from a fungicide applica-

ABSTRACT tion are lower with less susceptible culti-
Groth, D. E., and Bond, J. A. 2007. Effects of cultivars and fungicides on rice sheath blight, vars (12,13). A fungicide application for
yield, and quality. Plant Dis. 91:1647-1650. sheath blight control is not justified until
initial infections reach certain levels
The development of sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani)-resistant rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars will (treatment thresholds), which increase as
allow producers to use less fungicide and to avoid significant reductions in grain and milling cultivar susceptibility decreases (1,12).
yields. Among cultivars currently in cultivation in the southern United States rice-producing The objectives of this study were to deter-
region, sheath blight resistance levels range from very susceptible to moderately susceptible. A
mine the impact of sheath blight on rice
study was conducted to determine the response of cultivars with different levels of susceptibility
to sheath blight inoculations and fungicide applications and to determine the impact of sheath grain and milling yields of very susceptible
blight disease development on rice yield and quality. Sheath blight epidemics in field plots were to moderately susceptible cultivars and to
initiated by inoculation at the panicle differentiation growth stage from 2003 through 2005. Azox- characterize the effects of fungicide appli-
ystrobin at 0.17 kg a.i. ha–1 and flutolanil at 0.56 kg a.i. ha–1 were applied in sequential applications cations on cultivars with varying suscepti-
at midboot and 50 to 70% heading. Inoculation significantly increased sheath blight severity and bility levels to maximize sheath blight
incidence and caused yield losses of 4% in moderately susceptible cv. Francis to 21% in very control and grain and milling yields.
susceptible cv. Cocodrie. Milling yield was affected to a lesser extent. Fungicide treatments
reduced sheath blight incidence and severity regardless of cultivar. Azoxystrobin was more effec- MATERIALS AND METHODS
tive than flutolanil in minimizing yield loss due to sheath blight in all cultivars except Francis. Experiments were conducted at the Lou-
isiana State University Agricultural Cen-
Additional keywords: grain quality ter’s Rice Research Station in Crowley,
LA. Long-grain cultivars included the very
susceptible cvs. Cocodrie (PI 606331) (17)
and Cypress (PI 561734) (18), the suscep-
Sheath blight, caused by Rhizoctonia so- grain yield and grain quality and increased tible cv. Cheniere (PI 634719) (20), and
lani J.G. Kühn AG1-1A (teleomorph: lodging in the first (main) crop. Reduc- the moderately susceptible cv. Francis (PI
Thanatephorus cucumeris (A.B. Frank) tions in plant population in the second 632447) (23). A moderately susceptible
Donk.) (4,24), is the most important rice (ratoon) crop cause additional yield reduc- medium-grain cultivar, Bengal (PI 561735)
(Oryza sativa L.) disease in the southern tions (10,21). (19), also was included. All cultivars were
United States (8,16,25). Under conditions A major goal of all rice-breeding pro- drill-seeded on 3 April 2003 and 23 and 29
favorable for disease development, rice grams in the southern United States is to March 2004 and 2005, respectively, at the
grain yield losses, ranging from 4 to 50%, improve disease resistance, especially to rate of 136 kg ha–1. Plots were 1.2 by 4.9
have been attributed to sheath blight sheath blight. Development of rice culti- m and consisted of seven rows spaced 18
(11,16,21,22). Disease severity is depend- vars with adequate levels of disease resis- cm apart. Soil type was a Crowley silt
ent on inoculum amount, crop growth tance potentially could reduce or eliminate loam (pH 6.0, clay 12%, silt 71%, sand
stage at infection, environmental condi- losses due to disease without the use of 17%, cation exchange capacity [CEC] 9.4
tions, varietal resistance, and cultural man- fungicides. Other benefits of disease- kg–1). Fertilizer (N-P-K) was incorporated
agement (4,10,25,26). High sheath blight resistant cultivars include reduced disease 1 day before planting at the rate of 24-67-
intensity in the United States Gulf Coast development and subsequent inoculum 67 kg ha–1. Agronomic, weed, and insect
region is attributed to cultural practices of production and increased grain and milling management practices followed current
modern rice production, including use of yields, a key component in grain quality standard recommendations (1). Nitrogen
semidwarf cultivars, intensive nitrogen and price (5). was applied prior to flooding rice in the
fertilization, high plant populations com- Azoxystrobin and flutolanil are labeled three- to four-leaf stage at 133 kg ha–1 as
mon in direct-seeded rice culture, and on rice in the United States for sheath urea and after flooding at 51 kg ha–1 as
rotation with soybean, an alternative host blight control (5). These fungicides are urea at the beginning of stem internode
for the pathogen (8,11). Losses due to more effective than propiconazole and elongation.
sheath blight result from reductions in other fungicides, including benomyl and Inoculation. Plots were inoculated at
iprodione, that are no longer labeled for the panicle differentiation (panicle 0.2 cm
sheath blight control in the United States. in length) (1) growth stage with a virulent
Corresponding author: D. E. Groth
E-mail: However, azoxystrobin and flutolanil are isolate of R. solani (LR172) collected from
expensive and can be ineffective if applied a naturally infected rice plant (cv. Lebon-
Current address of J. A. Bond: Assistant research at the wrong time or not economical if net) in Louisiana in 1972 by Dr. M. C.
professor, Delta Research and Extension Center, applied under conditions of low disease Rush. Inoculum was produced on a moist,
Mississippi State University, Stoneville 38776. pressure (6,7,9,14,15). autoclaved rice grain/rice hull mixture
Approved for publication by the Director of the Historically, fungicide studies were (1:2, vol/vol) incubated for 12 to 14 days
Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station as conducted on very susceptible or suscepti- at 30°C. The grain-hull inoculum was
manuscript number 07-61-0136. ble cultivars. Therefore, information is broken into small (3- to 7-mm-diameter)
limited on the effects of fungicide applica- particles consisting of several rice grains
Accepted for publication 18 July 2007. tions on sheath blight incidence and sever- held together by fungal mycelia. Approxi-
ity and rice yield of cultivars with varying mately 100 cm3 (17 cm3 m–2) was distrib-
doi:10.1094 / PDIS-91-12-1647 levels of disease susceptibility. Preliminary uted evenly over each plot by hand, except
© 2007 The American Phytopathological Society studies suggested that yield losses and the for noninoculated controls. Inoculation

Plant Disease / December 2007 1647

dates were 25, 10, and 8 June 2003, 2004, were calculated as [(weight/125) × 100]. stems within 7 to 10 days of inoculation,
and 2005, respectively. Whole rice grain milling yield was consid- and these infection levels were within
Fungicide treatments. Azoxystrobin ered commercially acceptable if it met the sheath blight treatment thresholds for the
(Quadris 2.08 SC; Syngenta, Raleigh, NC) standard industry values for rice of 55% cultivars in the study (1,11). Light infesta-
and flutolanil (Moncut 70 DF; Gowan, whole rice grain and 70% total rice. tions of sheath blight developed in the
Yuma, AZ) were applied at the most com- Data analysis. Treatments were repli- noninoculated plots but did not reach
monly recommended rates of 0.17 and cated four times in a randomized complete treatment threshold during the growing
0.56 kg a.i. ha–1, respectively, in sequential block design with a factorial arrangement season. At the final rating date, noninocu-
applications at the boot (5- to 10-cm pani- of five rice cultivars and four sheath blight lated plots exhibited 20 to 44% infected
cle in the boot) and heading (50 to 70% of inoculation and fungicide treatment com- stems with 3.1 to 5.4 severity ratings. Se-
panicles emerging from the boot) growth binations. Sheath blight inoculation and vere sheath blight developed uniformly
stages (1). Treatments were applied at a fungicide treatment combinations included each year in the inoculated/nonsprayed
delivery rate of 140 liters ha–1 with a CO2- the following: noninoculated and non- treatments, averaging 50 to 90% stems
pressurized backpack sprayer. Boot appli- sprayed, inoculated and nonsprayed, in- infected and 5.6 to 8.0 severity ratings. No
cations were made on 18, 11, and 20 June oculated and azoxystrobin-treated, and other major yield-reducing diseases were
in 2003, 2004, and 2005, respectively; and inoculated and flutolanil-treated. detected at significant levels in any year,
heading applications were made on 30 and Data were analyzed using the Mixed although some minor diseases developed.
28 June in 2003 and 2004, respectively, Procedure (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Year The main effects of cultivar and sheath
and 15 July 2005. Nonsprayed inoculated was used as a random effect parameter blight inoculation–fungicide treatment
and noninoculated checks were included. testing all possible interactions of cultivar combination were significant for sheath
Disease assessments and yield deter- and sheath blight inoculation–fungicide blight incidence and severity and whole
mination. Plots were evaluated for sheath treatment combinations. Years, replications rice grain yield (Table 1). An interaction
blight development approximately 1 week (nested within years), and all possible between cultivar and sheath blight inocula-
before maturity and assigned severity rat- interactions containing these effects were tion–fungicide treatment combination was
ings using a semilinear scale (6,10,28) on considered random effects. Cultivar and detected for rice grain yield. The main
29, 20, and 27 July 2003, 2004, and 2005, sheath blight inoculation–fungicide treat- effects and interaction of cultivar and
respectively. At the same times, disease ment combinations were considered fixed sheath blight inoculation–fungicide treat-
incidence was determined by examining effects. Considering year as an environ- ment combination were not significant for
100 stems per plot (25 stems at four loca- mental or random effect permits inferences total milling yield. However, total milling
tions in the center four rows of each plot) about treatments to be made over a range yield was slightly below commercially
and calculating percentage of symptomatic of environments (3). A similar statistical acceptable levels (at least 70%) and ranged
stems. approach has been used successfully by from 66 to 69% across all treatments (data
On 8 August, 28 July, and, 11 August in other researchers and in other studies not presented).
2003, 2004, and 2005, respectively, the (2,7,29). Type III statistics were used to Pooled across sheath blight inoculation–
center four rows of each plot were har- test all possible fixed effects or interactions fungicide treatment combinations, the very
vested with a small-plot combine. Grain between the fixed effects, and a least sig- susceptible Cocodrie and Cypress and the
yield and moisture were determined and nificant difference test at P ≤ 0.05 was susceptible Cheniere exhibited similar
rice yields were adjusted to 120 g kg–1 used to determine significant differences values for disease incidence, which were
moisture content. A 125-g grain subsample among least square means. greater than the disease incidence for the
was collected from each harvest sample for moderately susceptible cvs. Francis and
determining milling percentages of whole RESULTS Bengal (Table 2). Although Cheniere had a
(unbroken grains) and total rice (broken In plots inoculated with R. solani, initial disease incidence similar to those of Co-
and whole grains). The subsample was symptoms developed on 10 to 20% of the codrie and Cypress, sheath blight severity
hulled with a McGill Sheller (RAPSCO,
Brookshire, TX), setting 19 for long-grain Table 2. Effect of cultivar on sheath blight incidence and severity and whole rice grain yield at Crow-
cultivars and setting 23 for the medium- ley, LA, from 2003 to 2005w
grain cultivar, to remove the lemma and
palea. The resulting brown rice then was Sheath blight Incidencey Severity Whole rice grain
Cultivar susceptibilityx (%) (0 to 9)z yield (%)
processed in a McGill Miller (RAPSCO)
for 30 s to remove the bran layers and part Cocodrie VS 51 a 5.5 a 59.5 a
of the embryo. The milled sample was Cypress VS 47 a 5.2 a 61.6 a
weighed to determine total milled yield Cheniere S 43 a 4.5 b 59.3 a
Francis MS 30 b 4.1 c 55.9 b
percentages, then placed on a Grainman Bengal MS 33 b 3.8 c 60.7 a
grain separator (Grain Machinery Manu-
w Data pooled over years and sheath blight inoculation–fungicide treatment combinations. Means
facturing Corporation, Miami) with no. 10
and 11 plates for long-grain cultivars and followed by same letter for each parameter are not significantly different at P = 0.05.
x Sheath blight susceptibility levels included very susceptible (VS), susceptible (S), and moderately
no. 135 and 10 plates for the medium-grain susceptible (MS).
cultivar to remove broken kernels. Whole y Percentage of stems infected with sheath blight at approximately 1 week before harvest.
kernels were weighed to determine whole z Sheath blight rated 1 week before harvest on a 0-to-9 scale where 0 = no disease and 9 = plants dead
rice grain yield. Milling yield percentages and collapsed.

Table 1. Significance (P value) of the main effects of cultivar and sheath blight inoculation–fungicide treatment combination (treatment) and interactions
among the main effects pooled across years
P value
Effect (df) Incidence Severity Grain yield Whole rice grain yield Total milling yield
Cultivar (4) 0.0016 <0.0001 0.0117 0.0045 0.0830
Treatment (3) 0.0217 0.0004 0.0002 <0.0001 0.3065
Cultivar × treatment (12) 0.0996 0.1690 0.0067 0.7237 0.9254

1648 Plant Disease / Vol. 91 No. 12

was less for Cheniere compared with the less than for the other cultivars. Com- When fungicides were used, grain yield
severities on these cultivars (Table 2). pared with the inoculated/nonsprayed increased as much as 31% compared with
Sheath blight susceptibility did not ap- check, treatment with flutolanil increased the inoculated/nonsprayed treatments.
pear to influence whole rice grain yield. yield for all cultivars except Bengal. Some losses (in the noninoculated/
Cocodrie, Cypress, Cheniere, and Bengal These differences appear to be responsi- nonsprayed treatment) were due to inocu-
produced similar whole rice grain yields, ble for the significant cultivar–inoculation lum movement from inoculated plots or
which were greater than that for Francis and treatment interaction (Table 1) for natural sheath blight, and some increases
(Table 2). Whole rice grain milling yield this variable. (in fungicide-treated plots) were attributed
was commercially acceptable (at least to control of minor diseases. Yield losses
55%) for all cultivars pooled across sheath DISCUSSION observed in the inoculated/nonsprayed
blight inoculation–fungicide treatment Incidence and severity of sheath blight treatments are typical for heavily infested
combinations. from natural inoculum were low in all commercial rice fields and very important
Sheath blight incidence and severity rat- years. The infestations that did develop in to the economic return a rice producer
ings were greater for inoculated/non- the noninoculated/nonsprayed plots were would receive for his crop. Under current
sprayed treatments compared with non- from inoculum movement from inoculated economic conditions, this loss is $272 ha–1
inoculated/nonsprayed treatments pooled plots that occurred late in the season or comparing the azoxystrobin treatment to
across cultivar (Table 3). Pooled across some natural inoculum in the field and the inoculated nonsprayed treatment for
cultivar, flutolanil and azoxystrobin re- were confined to the lower third of the Cocodrie.
duced sheath blight incidence and severity plant, causing light damage. With inocula- These disease levels and yield reduc-
to the level of the noninoculated/ tion, sheath blight developed and caused tions are comparable with previous studies
nonsprayed treatment. Sheath blight inci- significant grain yield reductions for very conducted in small plots and commercial
dence was reduced, with at least 42% susceptible and susceptible rice cultivars fields on modern cultivars (6,7,10,14).
fewer infected stems following fungicide but not for the moderately susceptible Studies on older, very susceptible cultivars
application. Sheath blight severity was cultivars. The difference between the demonstrated yield losses from 40 to 50%,
reduced 2.8 and 3.2 points following fluto- lightly diseased, noninoculated/nonsprayed with reductions of up to 13 percentage
lanil and azoxystrobin, respectively, com- and the inoculated/nonsprayed controls points (23%) in whole rice grain yields
pared with the inoculated/nonsprayed indicated that sheath blight can cause a 14 (16,21,22). Apparently, current cultivars, if
treatment. Whole rice grain yields in fun- to 17% grain yield loss in very susceptible not less susceptible, are more tolerant than
gicide-treated plots were equivalent to and susceptible cultivars and a 4 to 6% older cultivars, possibly due to their ability
whole rice grain yields in the noninocu- grain yield loss in moderately susceptible to resist lodging when heavily diseased,
lated/nonsprayed plots and greater than in cultivars with an additional 2 percentage which is associated with the fungus’ inabil-
the inoculated/nonsprayed plots. points reduction (3%) loss in whole rice ity to penetrate the culm (D. E. Groth,
For rice grain yield, the cultivars re- grain yield across all cultivars (Tables 3 personal observations).
sponded differently to the inoculation– and 4). The noninoculated/unsprayed Sheath blight was controlled effectively
fungicide treatment combinations (Table treatments represent light to moderate with azoxystrobin and flutolanil applied at
4). Although treatment with azoxystrobin disease conditions often found in commer- boot and heading growth stages on the
produced the highest yield for each culti- cial fields where fungicides usually are not very susceptible and susceptible cultivars.
var, the yield response for Cypress was recommended (12). Fungicide treatments on moderately sus-
ceptible cultivars appeared to be less effec-
tive in increasing yields than fungicide
Table 3. Effect of sheath blight inoculation–fungicide treatment combinations on sheath blight inci-
dence, severity, and whole grain yield at Crowley, LA, from 2003 to 2005w
treatments applied to susceptible and very
susceptible cultivars. Fungicide applica-
Fungicide Incidence Whole rice grain tions are recommended only if disease
Inoculation treatmentx (%)y Severityz yield (%) develops to a level that can cause signifi-
Noninoculated Nonsprayed 34 b 4.3 b 59.7 a cant loss because azoxystrobin and fluto-
Inoculated Nonsprayed 73 a 6.7 a 58.1 b lanil cost approximately $118 and $102
Inoculated Flutolanil 31 b 3.9 b 59.6 a ha–1, respectively. In addition, sheath
Inoculated Azoxystrobin 26 b 3.5 b 60.3 a blight does not develop to treatable levels
w Data pooled over years and cultivar. Means followed by same letter for each parameter are not sig- every year (10). Fungicide treatment is
nificantly different at P = 0.05. based on scouting rice fields and applying
x Azoxystrobin (Quadris 2.08 SC, Syngenta, Raleigh, NC) at 0.17 kg a.i. ha–1 and flutolanil (Moncut
fungicides only when treatment thresholds
70 DF, Gowan, Yuma, AZ) at 0.56 kg a.i. ha–1 applied in sequential applications to rice in the boot (5- are exceeded (1,12).
to 10-cm panicle in the boot) and heading (50 to 70% of panicles emerging from the boot) growth Fungicide applications commonly have
y Percentage of stems infected with sheath blight at approximately 1 week before harvest. been used in the southern United States
z Sheath blight rated 1 week before harvest on a 0-to-9 scale where 0 = no disease and 9 = plants dead rice production (6,10). Historically, two
and collapsed. fungicide applications often were required

Table 4. Effect of cultivar and sheath blight inoculation–fungicide treatment combination on rice grain yield at Crowley, LA, from 2003 to 2005
Yield (kg ha–1)x
Cultivar Susceptibilityy Noninoculated/nonsprayed Inoculated/nonsprayed Inoculated/azoxystrobin-treatedz Inoculated/flutolanil-treatedz
Cocodrie VS 9,266 d–g 7,685 i 10,055 abc 9,245 d–g
Cypress VS 8,788 gh 7,710 i 9,402 def 8,795 gh
Cheniere S 9,522 cde 8,252 hi 10,326 a 9,692 bcd
Francis MS 9,395 d–g 8,875 fg 10,132 ab 9,687 bcd
Bengal MS 9,338 d–g 8,992 efg 10,223 ab 9,298 d–g
x Means followed by same letter are not significantly different at P = 0.05.
y Sheath blight susceptibility levels included very susceptible (VS), susceptible (S), and moderately susceptible (MS).
z Azoxystrobin (Quadris 2.08 SC, Syngenta, Raleigh, NC) at 0.17 kg a.i. ha–1 and flutolanil (Moncut 70 DF, Gowan, Yuma, AZ) at 0.56 kg a.i. ha–1 applied in
sequential applications to rice in the boot (5- to 10-cm panicle in the boot) and heading (50 to 70% of heads emerging from the boot) growth stages.

Plant Disease / December 2007 1649

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1650 Plant Disease / Vol. 91 No. 12

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