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'lh_-..,·v-A.-_r 4-JI'!'....~"'""«P- ~-cr-•~~~-r-e ~-.--_,Jtf'\_h J

-AII-I ~,,_A. X"Jf
lliiE~ U -. _, -
!-t :;._:
y,.-,.....,,-11 -1-o•••r--:,-- v-••c: I'L-..,-
~nll4:~-..,- r~~~~
ts•h Year N o . 58
A..I:>C>IS .A.B.A.BA 22..... A u g u s t,. 2 0 1 2

Proc:la ... a t i o n No.760.120I2

Vo•~:::S t.~--=l- ~--···q Ac;' 1... -11.-,__&-c-l!' -~-~-a•cf::_P h~J!i!!!:- •• Registration. of" "Vital Even.'ts an.d . National Identity
••••••• '"'JW ali.fl.r2S Card Proclama~ion . . . . . _ . . Page 6497

A-P~ 4a~c '%.~:!!!:"/.i'LII PR.<>CL.A~.ATI<>N No. 760/2.0I2

.,.1\_,~~ h-~+ ~-.,-,q A~ 1"11\-fi~~-J: .,..;!:.,4:,t!" A PROCL.A~.ATitiN C>N T...-E R.Ec;IS"T.H..A"TION O F
r.v~r~ ~-.-..~
"W..:E.R.E.A.S, es~ablishing a syst:em of
r.?-"'-~=·•~-: •'7~~•~-C''~~ h-J·~- ..,~_r«e ~-?~-,.
registration o f vi"t:al even.t:s plays a key role in plan~-.ing
i\-'7-1-Y:~ r-.-i\_rr- ··?~11&-.,~«e h..J-•q-•'?....r~
poli~ical,. social and economic developments,. in.
~-.~-11\.-.r--;:y .. -,. IL~-.:f'· -y-~-~---,- ,..-,~-":')--~- A"7~L:.-I >..c;; providing ~iff"eren~ social and economic serv ices to
tl-.:+.."h hl"a-1-~Jit:.C +A''I~-~ a~-1n.,;J·-? h•s-&-c.:
>.. ..,..._«rc
tt~.r~- •
ra•4'\~ ,._~_,.._ ~-.•·•q -I:A..-: .....,_~
citizens and in making the jus~ice administra-t ion
expedien~ and efFective;

.o~ ~ II-'> -Y- ~-- -, -:r-- fl h -~ C"l fl- c;- fl a• :,---1.: WI-IER.E.AS, it has become necessary to
A-,~..rn~.,-,, ... .., . . . , __ ~n-:.:r--A.
I L.,
-1-.#i!'..&--n: , , .. ~ .. -,. h•l,...-: A~ crea.'te accessible,. comprehensive an.d compulsory
regis~ra~ion system on the basis o f which ci~i.zens can
>-~-».lfilt.~ ra.r~ r~-.•·•q ~.Jia ... c:#,_:,.- ~-~·~••c: -~+ >..~~.. J\?. t..r~
e-ffect proper and timely registrati on o f vital even.t:s;

r-fa,.,._&- ...,~ ,_,,-,.., .::;--, W.-.ER.E.A.S 9 the issuance of na.ti<>nal

11~-,-~~+~ tl-11\· 11c.:-a:
",,_ ~ -::r-.. _. ..
ident:icy cards
citizens has become important for the
o£ national securi~y ... and for providing
~-·~-~A.--F-"":::T--,_ -~-~~•"14- A·'~Y--~-~ --;J-~~~
n•._.,--;;y---~~..-.~ An4-"-"'-1. ,, ............. .,--:,. • e-fficient: services to citizens by the pub I ic and privat:e

-?~;- --~0-h
~.-,.-1'-d (~)
~--r--.•~•• .A.rt:icle S~~~~rt:Tc~E~EF<>R..E ,. in accordance with
...,..,.AI~.:t- ,. ..-,_,,_.-~o•- .:...l·a.--_~! .. A : : ALii (~) the Federal .D . {-) and {6) o f the Constitution of""
emocratJc Republ i c o£ Ethio · · -
h ereby p~oclaimed as follows: .PJa,. Jt JS
~6~..-: h-..~
"'- ~i\ .,_Y..- ~.:>~SID~ CHAPTER. <>NE
li . h....-c C61'a
_J:"-t.l ~.,. ~ ....... " ...... ~ J ,_ ~ -')-- ?·· -,1-11"1
•- S h o r t Title
A~ r-tl~h-&-'1?
~~-o•+...r hY• ~ -1=~•·~: 'Z-~~-/fl'i"'i.. P.., ·1--11~- 1\....n-.+ti
,; h i s _ Pro_clamation may be cited as the
~~-.. .,_As: R.eg~stra~1on o f Vital Events and N"at:ional
ldent1ty Card Proclamation "No_ 760/20 12"'-

I .r->.J&I;-
Untt· Pr~
~ .=..-
Federal N e •arit
<:ia.zeta No. 58 2 2 ond .A..u ~rust 2012 . . .... ... . ... a e 649ft

If_ 2. I>efini1:ions
~~~- -"··q-() ~C ..I-9~ I~ this Proclamati on. un.less the co:n.tex:.t
flri--1-_,C fiii.I.J OJ- i"l'f' : - ot:herwise requires:

&&~ ..... ~ fl-~•""f-n 11'7" ..-,- A.~·-,- : ..?•()~: ~~:r= ~s:-_.9._ 1/ ''vit:al event:' ' means birth, marriage, divorce
~~ _..,._ ...._ t..r -~
.,... .... _..,._.,_..,_ ..,.
-,_ ..-.;._ &-- ~
11..--:c _ct>_~
o .. --,-
~ ~.,
_..,._ -~ ~..,., c~:. II~
y ... .-.....-. .. 9~&-A.. 1
"'c;- or death, and includes adopt:ion., and
acl<n.owleclgeme:nt and judicial cleclaratio:n.
o f paternity;
If/ ul'h ...nc .,...,.., -~I ~ ... f), ~'? 1\ ..-,- fiii.IJ h~~~ ~ 2/ "regist:er o f civ i l st:at:us" means a regist:er
VOJ..._~ 1 ·- ., _..,_ ,r_,., £': 3'f $-~Ji> --;,-.. ~-~~~'?_£'.,II ... ,.._, ......,_ wherein p~iculars o f vital ev-ents are recorded
in. accorda.~ce wi1:h t h i s Pr<:>cla.ma.1:i<:>r1;
u~h.,.fJC £.1.,-,I..,•(J i"f•?.,._. n ~'7~--.-- , •••_., h~~ 3/ "officer o f civil status,., mear~.s ar1. officer
~~~--.- 0.., .... ~ t-.-~---,-·~ ~ . ~~-4f710,,-, . ,. v-r-~~~• assigned t:o regist:er vit:al event:s
accorcla:nce with this Proclamat:io:n.;
~i\ce .. ~~- 'i

u h ~ ~-, 1 _...J o_, 61 '7" ..-.-- f)JI.IJ n~~~ ~ £lVII~~ ..- . - 4/ '
declarant'" means a person who has t:he
t•-.,-"1- ..,. ~~-,hr.,._, -II ' I •fl ~ J\ ~ .. '7 ..-,- _e L'\ ,._..,_ .-.~- responsibility t:o declare a
regist:rat:ion in accordance
v-ital event for
vvit:h t:his

.. r..,.,. ~ 11;:;: r.~., ~.- ~ _e n.:=J _, ,,., 1\ ,...,_ II~~ ..-,.._ ~1.. •fl ... h..C 5/ "principal residence" means t:he place where
rh-1 1-.h--'"~R- j!:i }{ -~i_-;-: nnh h -,'4»tf> A~-:IA an individual resides that satisfies t:he
{""' ...,_ ~., "'J "J co--~ ~~,-~-~- -,1\ ......tl CTID~~f provisions o f Article I 83 t:o Art:icle 191 o f
..-. ~ - .,~- ~ the Civ-il Code;
.... ;-, ...-.; q ... ,l Y~aJ- ~~-~.... &-~ ;.-,s-,~·· "''?~-..,._ va-.._...~ 6/ uappropriate federal organ.""' means an organ
ft ... -, ......,_ ~11"JCI ""f),f"b~Cf! ~.;:J-OJ~f
£,.., tl"''£t-.-r -,
..1/i!!.-~-fl ~-,._**~•,

. . s-,~ •,o~- s
tt~'?_ -,_n_..,_~-;-,-. ?-J-;,c= n.-..,_ established by t:he Council o f 1Vlinist:ers
regulation vvit:h respect: t:o t:he registrat:ion o f
v-ital e"V"er1.1:s o r 1:he issuar1.ce o f national
ident:ity card;
uh-,q ..() YL'\a•- l ... tiA..A.. h ~'lA." ~7 i\ ....,.. fill .. I, h 4tf11 ]P!5- 7/ "a.ppropriat:e regional organ" means a
h-,+~­ ?; ~_,., ~~ £': -")-- l_._,._** . .,.., OJ~~ ~-r--.-.v~ regional organ established o r designat:ed
v.-~~~ h••A. •,c.-~- ; pu.rsuant 1:<> .A.rt:icle 5 o f this Proclarriat:ion;
--~ hn-.-- .PJa ..fi!!"..C x-~"-,"' .&- --r- n .. --,_ ... --,~ ..-, .. ~LI. ....... ~ ·--~--.-
8/ 'aclministrativ-e o-ff'ice"'" mear~.s ~ office o f a

sr:-"'11"111 ~''Y.. IIC... a•-, 11··1 .. ~hA.A ..,.~ .. , ... ~aJ- region's lowest: level of administ:rat:ive
v~r.-•·P.S!!...c: Act-. .._,. x-1"-,,~ .. --, .. 0.--, .. ~~- ~ hierarchy where t:he regist:ra.t:ion o f vit:a.l
ever1.ts carried ou1:;
h._ ..-,... v- A:·_._.. 9!
jj/ u•f),l-b, &- <J!
h A-1\.- -:,-.. -," ..... ,.. -:,-..ci:='PC:,.
~ ,._,.~ ~ ~
"'?,1'\--, ..
_.., ..
;.-, .._,. -~- ..,
~ .,.,__. , , " ...,A. cf: ' r c
9/ 44
0at:ional ident i ficat:ion number'" means a
number used t:o ident:ifY an Et:hiopian from
other individ1....1.als;
X/ ••"h~'-•"
~~--.- A-~-~~
~·~.-.-. . _,. e~•~~~rt"
#G#',,~-~--1- ...... ._,.. .._,.
Vhh&- 1"'19.:.·, ..-, ...
a.ttainment: o f ma.jorit:y" means attainment:
~~ ~~~CIJ-IIJ--,--, y,Gf:l.9°~.-A.:
<>f 1:he age <>f eighteen years, a.:nd inclu.des
--h~~.. -'7~--r- fl~,---•-v-~--«~ ~-~&-""\<~! .-;.c.r:-J-t&-.-..._~q! 1 1/ ''region"'" m e a n s a n y st:at:e referred t:<> in A.rt:icle
6.....---0i\._)-t ; , , .. , c:~... -,. ••1,.,.,. .... ,_-,_ h->·f»R• ~'Z.(~)
~---·-~·~~ht-t-•·~~- .-~~~ ""-._,.. ...,. t-»h...-..:_~ htJq ,...~
4 7 ( 1) of t:he: Constit:ut:ion of t:he Federal
.I:>emocrat:ic .R.epubl ic o f E.t:hiopia a n d includes
V ~~~ CJ• IJ-1-"? P. ;.-,ra-t- F-e.-::::-,-.-, ... ..-.Q .
..-:~ ?·~&-A ; t:he Addis Ababa and Dire Davva cit:y
adm in i st:rat:i <> n s ;
~.:» . fJ--,....
,~ .. ,...~ ~..... ~
"~-~-.-. ...... «".~-
C\~•- a•~Y- ,..;,..-, 12/ uperson"' means any na.t:ural or juridical
~... ··~ ~~-. person;
Zc/ ~ ~> :r;:' a-.-?- II a• ..., ..~":­ P:-' ..
~,.._-..?-&-~: = 13/ any expression in t:he masculine gender
i~cludes 1:he feminine_
Federal Ne ri~
Ga.zeta No. 58 22nd .A.u. ust 2012 ---------·--- a e 6499
3_ Scope o f .A.pplica"t:io.-.
h.,. :JI!::- • - This Proclama-tion shall apply:
l'i/ ~a~~~ ta.. -:r-'l- 1/ t:o any Et:hiopian wit:h respect: 1:0 t:he
h- _..,_ v- A:-_... Cf! ~ registra:tion o£ vit:al event:s; a .n d
•/ ..,1_,_&-«1! ~,.,.;J-a-,•1=..~-~ ~•-•· -.,...,.... ~1-.--r· ~h••~ ~~~-> 2/ to any Ethiopian who has attai.n.ed ma.j orit:y
,I.Jil!.~~ 61.,-~~a•-?- h.._--.-v-A--~·1! • with respect: t<> t:he issuance o f n.at:io-nal
iden.t:ity card .
.,...,, -1-4--~ ..... 7 .. ,,.rca-A.:
~I-I.A.P"T'E.Ft.. "T'"W<>
,-6.&--~ o-~+
nA.:u.--=-s ..-..~~ ~-...-..-.
h ~A. h.,. Jl!::
<>~~.A:N'S F<>R. ~EGIST.R....ATI<>N <>F V"IT.A.I..... EV"ENTS
r«P~=s h-~.:t- ~-.-._;:7o_ h--..-.~
4- F e d e r a l <>rgan.
fl_ r4L-JP..~~ A..-.~
~..,..--~ ~---~-...- y - -•• -...... ...-.. -,~16----.--~ ~lh7C: h4»~-= ~~JI(' A..n a.ppr<>priat:e federal organ shall be est:a.blished
_.. ..,?..~-~.. ~ .... ?..~h-1-~"1-•Jc:«r; 1""'"'•'?....31!!.-1.._: A->...-.=...,.~ b y reg-....lat::ion o f the Council o f ~in.ist:ers t:o
V ~ -.1 7 Q ..-....,.~ ~JII" P..., ~-- -~ ' I ....,? 6 I• ~ ~-«"'!.. &- je!!. -Y- V' .......71!. ~ -•• direct:, coordinate and support: the regis-tra.tior:~. o f
h?f"J-fl Yi\c»· ~.(..-~... & .. A .~",IIA 11 ....'?.~.-.-'l-c-~-- ~J-IC: vital events at: national level and 1:<> centrally
n ....,_ ,S!!!_ - , .., . Y-~*....,?A. == organize and keep records o f vital event:s.
s_ R..egi<>nal <>-r g a n
rh.A...A.. h~~

~ ... ...._~ lt--:r--.- ?--,,~.... ·t·-ICJ&---,._-, llt"IA.A ..-:.~jlf A.n. - appropriate regional organ. shall be
r ......7.. ~ t&- -s
r .., ?__ffl i"'-,__ .-. ..,1 c: c;-
~.. ~JII"S'_.,~---~ h-1~1-fl
~ .....?_ ,S!!!_ - , r.:
A ..,
~ e~tablished o r designated by each region t:o
direct, coordi:na.t:e and support: the registration o f
~"".. ?...Ytf'a-t-4'\~-.: h-1~-11 -~"a•· ~·~A.A. h•tA. vital eve.nts at regional level a..r1cl to tra..nsfer
,.~_.,-,.-""->~- t"6AA. ,.~ ..... '?.**?.. a•Y-?- .........Y.. ~~?­ records o f vital events to t:he appropriate federal
Y-IlTc;;A. ~ ~

rh.ac ~-..-..a iF-~

6 ...
A/ hA.A-":)-.. h>-_...-,Pa-,~- ~~,i"'-#•.J';.Ifl!...C R·~.. .L--,.... 0...-'"l-
Regions shall cause t:he assignment: o f an
<>fi'icer o f ci-vi I -status for eac.h . adm.inistra.tive
f# 1-• -fl C ~_....,..,-.I~ -1 I ~-- 9_. A-~...-:;:_.,-....,._"- -f"l ---, -~ ~ -1 office.
AL\.q=f;.a--- = :
2/ ..A.n officer o f civil status assigned pursuant
•/ tlll.t.l h-~-,,.x.- -~o-i"t ;-... -~+~- ~....,tl!:.-)- <l"i>
~·•·~~n t:o sub-article ( 1) o f this .A...rt:icle shall, in.
rl"~·••c= .,....,..~-••-~·•• il·-?·· 1111.•, h~·~ .Y:-~-'7-1~?~-:r---~
accordance with t:he provisions o f t:his
CI-·.....,~ . -,.
IIO:J£~ F. ..,,,~·-«i- Clll•e~.-.~ ..PsP~--
Proclama.t:ion. and regulations a-nd directives
iss-....ed here-....ncler:
U) a:».--=-s- 11-~-r·~---.,. y_,...,... ,,-ICJA. = a) regist:er vit:aJ even.t:s;
~) Vo:.•'\~ It--:,.-,. 9'•-.1-.q .:,.jl£p:»-::y- ..~ b) send copies o r records o r vital event:s
"''Y- e~••" II _-..I- :1: a»- ~' • 11\ --1- _.... _.....I·~~ 4 .. ~ .: t:o t:he releva..nt: organs;
.-.~- ~,,.~"
y-;-a..-.c c) issue a certificate o f registration of
vit:a.l event: t:o t:he co.ncemed person;
~a•ollt'\~ It-~--, .. v--,,_,q .. --, d)
y ... n-.·IJ ..."!J:»~ z
~.··~~ .... ~~lll'~~-
...... ?...rt~&--e~.;J-~~10--~?--
properly preserve records of vital
eve:nt:s ar:~.d secure "their co:nfide.n.tia.Jit:y;
e) creat:e awareness among t::he
commu.r~ ity on t:he regist:ra:tion o f vital
~) CJ~c1:»- ~J-IA~· ~,t-IA ..........7 .. ..-am--.,::r---.,. carry out: ot:her functions assigned t::o
.. ,....~~CJ&-~ -•-~ttc.-o•-~A. =: him b y t:he appropriate regional organ .
Federal Ne arit. www.abyssinialaw.com
Ga=eta. No. 5 8 2 2 'MI A..u "USt. 2012 ---- - ------ -- a e 6500
7.. Ethiopian Embassies and Consula•es

t» ~- --..- v- A- _e ~-9',. •l ~ .9, -=.,-- 7--. c;- ~ -~ n""" ~- ,.-,, ~ _-,_ 1/ The Ethiopian embassies and consulates shall
O. -Y- -:,-- fI £O- ~1 •.-- ,_, "'l c:
4f\ ,...,.,_ c;• ~- h.. ..-,- V-A.--~~- _e -~ serve as admini s t:ra.ti"Ve orfice for Et:hiopia..-.s
h -~~ ~.... ra-t-Pa Y-c~ ~-,-, .. ~---.- n.--.- ...r-.,~-
residing in foreign coun~ries; and t:he head oT
t:he consulat:e or an embassy st:a'ff assigned by
...e ~ 1'\ ...,
i\ ~- : : , .... ~ ... , i'l ""\ ~- ;,... ~- _-,_ n .. ·l:: ~ .-'\ ~- a~ y_. ~
fJ~,v~q .... ~c;- ~... , ...,_£_,.,~-•1 ~~v... ~- CJ..-..
t:he ambassado ,- s hall ac~ as an o-fficer o f civil
~ -~~ ••·fJC": .r.,.,-,,-1 - f l ~--,.,... • .........,.,._y-,. y,•~&--~ s :

~h--rv-A.- . .e ;..,9 ... "1,..__ a..,y,?- ~-,ni\ K-~~·r CL-r 2/ R...egistrat:ion. o f "Vit:al e"Vent:s wit:h respect: t:o
Et:hiopians resid i ng in a coun:try where t:here
fl~l'\fl--.-- U"''c: ,........
?_ «';·~- h--rv-A.- . .
is n.o Et:hiopian. e m b a s s y o r consulate shall
~, ...... -;,_....-........, L"\ lt-1-= LJ ... .-. ~~ it- •, -Y- -=.,-- 9..,. -,, ~q ~... .., q -•• _e 4f\Q'"Jj- b e carried out: i n accordance wit:h clirect:i"Ve
~~-~-&--~ h~'l~ 1•~··- ...·•-·· ·1-Pa~ ..... .,_':r_rt·~c= -~C
t:o b e issued by t:he appropriat:e federal organ
fJ.r..~., .....-..~.,·~II c= II,...,.,_-~ a.., 11-, c••-
.....-..~., 6 ...e . . ..,..,
........,.., ~ ~ -r in consultat:ion wit:h t:he 1\.llin.is~ry o f Foreign
~ ... .,_4-~?'-- y .... ..r~~::
Oh-+V"-kY ~ch'""fi ""\~ n~~hf'\T co.-.:.S h-~T 8. "Vi•al Even•s o n B o a r d E t h i o p i a n S h i p s
?:!/ fl h._.::,-- V-A- .t:, .r_,,, c: II ·f I ~ ..~, .1\ 1 '?.11 ,-. .::,-- ~F..:,- 1/ An Ethiopian ship shall serve as
a~Y--9'.. ~ + ~~·.-c:ttfl· ~·~Sf!!- "'"'·J-Pa Sf!!- C. administrative office for the registration o f
~ .. ;.-.. J.._ .:t- o . .:,-- I.J» ~:- -~.# ... ., ~ --~ i \ ~ = = v ~ .... c: t-. fl- birth o r death that: occurs <>:rt. board; ar~.d t:he
•• - . ; -I; ...,_?-.... ""·~F... t I -1 I c: ~..,.,,-~I '"'I -fl 1}-.. ?-.... fl c-7~.r ...,_ captain o f the ship shall ac~ as an o m c e r o f
civil st:atus_

~/ ~~~~--.- v- A.-_e .r_,•,c:l• ... •• ·~·•:-~;-,. lt.....-..,.,chfl· 2/ The capt:ain o f an Et:hiopian ship may assign
z-'L~ ..& - - ,__ ~~ ~-- ........,..,~"II 1 ~ 11 ,_,-I· I• ~.,.. ~ ..~'; -7- ~ •~ -..-1 c=
an assista..-..t o:fficer o r ci"il stat"Us f<>r each
Ll'l,,, . ., ..... ~ -9~ . ~,..,..,_~-··· _f:.#, ":')--1\~::
"Voyage from among t:he crew oT t:he ship_

()«?~~ i\~ .,Pi\- ~~h~h,s- ~&-~+ hct4'\+ 9. IVIembers of" I>ef"ense Forces on Ac•ive I>utv
~~,--. c: ~.-Jfti\fl.~.# ... ?_~.. r.-~:c= 11~1~1P'::- ~Y-- CJ~- 1/ The 1'\..llin..istry o f "1'-la.t:ional I:>efense shall
1".. ~II:» I I J\ I 1 _.,.. • .._, &-- <1: -r ~' CJ 1\ :,-- ~ Y-- ~~'?..F.. C i"'' ~ .::,-- serve as administ:rat:ive off'ice for
~-.I'"'ICJ - ,_ fi-t-£-'•, t'\ It-t· F.. A-,_ hi'l ....t-P. F-C registrat:ion o f death
defense forces on act:ive dut:y.
o f m e m b e r s o f t:he
K .. ;,._ ~- .:'f- { l .. .:'1- .rc;• ..«... "I .1\ ••.11\ A. : :
2/ The IVIinist:ry o f ~a.t:iona.l :Defense shall
.....-~ -..-,-II ~-- y.., assign an officer ~hat shall act: as officer o f
civil st:at:us .

h~~ . ,... ~~ S E <::''T' I<> .N" T W <>

~~h-oc ~-u-.-o R..EG-IS'T'ER. <>F <:::I'VIL S T A. T U S

vh-nc ~-u-.-n ~g,~-r-~ "T"ypes c.C ~eg:is1:er c.C <::::'i-vil Sta.-.:us

A _.,., ...,_ .P8 -~ ~- ,., a..,~~ II· -, -"l-- Each type o£ -vital e"Vent: shall have a. separate
~-.1'"'1-fl y_,c,... ~~.. A. = = regist:er o f ci-vil status.
vh-oc: ~-...-..-.~ hH-..J:I'~~ P r e p a r a ' t i « > ..... c.C ::R..egister c.C <:::i""''Vil S'ta't._.s

li/ ~-,.~ o~-?~ ~J-1·11 c.: . . .,.,-., .., ..,, 1/ .A.n.y register o f civil sta.tu.s shall be prepared
~ ......,_.,~~ y _.. t_rc;-A.:: in. the form o f a. b o u n d book..
2/ A regist:er o£ civil status shall be prepared i:rt.
~~-~·f)C .....-..,..._,•JJ"J-() 1)*11?.. •, .....,__ L\_ '"? .. ~ .. ~
a. m a n n e r that en.sures its durability a.n..d it:s
tl 1 ' ?__ei"'~-~c;- L'\}', _.._, _.._,-,, ••~.. .,_ ...e4t7.. ~-- tJ-~.:J-
con.ven.ience fo r handling .
3/ T h e c o v e r page o f a register o f civil status
~I-~ -fl C
~ ... y_.....-~h•-.-.--~--~
.......,., ~I~ ·I J
,. . ....
•if~ ...,_
.-.-;;.~ •• _., __,_ .. ~ h •fl C
y y--..-.q
shall con..t:a.in a. label indicating ~he pa:rt:ic-ula.r
-.:ype of vital e-ve-nt: a.n.d t:he place of
p ;J- ~- - , ~ 1 -'?..... e.....-..,.., h J- I - I= .....-_,-,, ••14'\ -•·:1. SJI> ~-- ..._,. ~..e-.•
h~ll·-.-- : :
Federal Ne "t
Ga.z.cta No. 58 22_. .A.u t 201.2 ..... . . . .... .
w flh-oc ~,.,., ..n v~'?_.-.~~ ~~311'~-.:t- 4/ The information in. a register o f civil s~tu.s
n-?..~~h--t-a>- hA..~ ~~&- ~-,*~ ll~..,c~ shall be recorded in. the official language o f
r~ .,.,__ Y-~~ ~ == tl"J.e co-n.cemed regi<>-n. a.r1d i-n. .A..ffih.a.ric _

-?~~~~ t»h-oc ~IJ"'f·f•J.-.fl ~~ h~Je:- ~~c;;- 1/ Each registration form shall be acc~~n.ied
~~lEI' ~-.:y..~
v,. ,_,_
v·~ .:=t-
~y...~~ v~~
c,. :JP:~1-- y.,c;-._,_;:J--~ = =
b y t.hree de-t.a.cha.ble c<>pies bea.rii1g iden."'tica.l
particulars attached 't:o a. c<>u.n.'t:erfoil.
Copies o f t:he record shall be detached from
~h-oc ~ -.-...-, -o :,- K'" :f.~ ~::Y- h ~~OJ- .:,.. X'
"t.he main form a.:n.d sent: t:o the con.cemed
...-~y......-~ ~~~.,~1-I.;J--=F~ h~i\.:r- V-?..i\~
~trc;-1\- =s
3/ Each form, together wit:h the copies, shall
J:l ~~~~~~ ~x- h.,~~~~ serve only for the registration. o f one V I t a l
.... ., ~ ~-.-.-., q _..-. :F V c:-L _P ...-, 1\ ~ ~ e-ven."'t .
.. h - f l C ~-... "'1-0 ¥r-'~V~&r.J.~ i"f "'1~-::t'· Clh•CIC ~-.1'"'11"1- 4/ The last page or a. register o f civil sta.t:us
a.-~...- 1-.-.,
~-.- c:-~- u ..-.o- --. .. ..,. -r- -..y.. '"' ~~ u .:J ... ...-. ~ ,_,__ shall con.~in. a.:n. index showin.g t:he events
...-J-h--1-A. ~-"7..-~~/'\t-1 ..-,_ -?a>-~ .e.~•ll'\- a a regist:ered accor ding to their sequence_
>,.. ~ -~ P8-, Jlo;.- V h -fl C c.,~ -.1 ""J ~~ 0 U .:,- ~ .:,- CP~ .:,- 5/ Each regist:er o f ci-vil sta.t:us shall be given. an.
.. ~~ v~~ ~ny ~~ >-.~~~~~ ex.cl-u.si-ve code durin.g publica:~ion...
~F-~~~= =
:rr. vh-oc: ~-...-...-.-::;- -.-.~~~~ ~c-v-~ I.3- Prepa.ra:~ioi1l a. . . d Dis-.:ribu-.:io:o o:C R..egis't:ers
~.- C::i.~l S't:a:t . . s

61 AhA.A. ~«'7..~"'JL\~It'\- ~h.rflC ~-...,,-.::r- h-,q....-. 1/ Regist:ers o f civil stat:us t:<> be -.. .Jsed by a
~L\OJ- ~cC._~&-~ hi"-IA. -~c n~--t-qnc region shall b e prepared by the appropriate
h~q.....-. q~a>- Vh~i\-- regio-n.a.l <>rgan. in. c<> ll ah<>ra.'t:i<>-n. "\.Vit:h t:he
h~~ ----··_;:J~----0>- appropriate federal organ and be dispa.t:ched
Vh/')·1--P.F-.C ~UL.:t- 0.-F-':.'f'-
~...-.&-~i'l-- == 't:<> all a.dmin.istra.'t:i-ve office s .
~>.-~P-A-_e .>-9---CI..-.._~~--~ ~~~~ 2/ Re~ist:~rs <>f civil st:atus t:o b e used by the
I"L-F-~• ~h....:=t-~A-y ~chP-=-7'- A~ Et:h.I<>pi.a..rJ. emba....ssies a.I"J.d cor:a.s ula.'t:es
~hilh~ c:-z.~ra-~c ~~--~-~-.A-,i\;- Ethiopian. sh i ps an..d t:he ~ in. is"try o f "Na.'t:i<> n a i
«710-.J-.P"::f"- h-ICJ·I-1 CJnOJ- ~4...~&-~ 'Defense s h all be prepared a.r1cl d is nr-ibut:e d b y
-1-J-1~~-.-a>- ~.-.&-~·~t'\ .. = = t:he a.ppropri at:e federal o r gan.
XII. · rh-nc ~.,-,p~-, hP.;::.!:T«»-

ll~~Ah-#-~ CJ"-~A 1 '1-, ~''IA.·I--~+~ 11~-~+C A register o f c i vi l sta.tu.s may n..ot be rem<>ved
t"'h....-JC ~-.1--,-0-, 1'1-t-«1-~~ni"J--,_ ~hrt-.-~'-C fr<>m 't:he aclmin.is"trat:i"V"e <>ff"ice where it: is kept:
x-a.L+ f'L+ ~F- ~1\ n.:-J-- -?JJ«p«»c 1"'-1:-hL\.hL\. unless authorized by the concemed oft"icia.l.
-;ra:»- a a

IS_ Sa.:Ceg . . a.rdi~K: R..egis•ers o:C CiV"il S•a-.. . s

~h-nc ~-,,--,pT-> ~r.~~c._P-11 ~i\~~T ~~OT
The organ. en.t:ru.st:ed t:<> keep registers o f civi l
~h-nc ~-.-,--,p~ F-._,.~~:,- hmCJCJ~ sta.tu.s shall b e responsible for their sa.fegua.rdin..g.
~trc;-~ =:
Federal Ne a.rit
Gazeta No. 58 22..... Au ust 2012 ............. a. e ~502
16- Loss, I>es1:ruc1:ion and : D a m a g e o-r R..egis'f:er oC
Civil s•a•us
6/ ~h..-JC ~...,, .. ,~1 ~""14-: ~a»F...£~D a>~~ 1/ Where a register o f civil status is lost,
~ --r-
f"l ""7i ,.__....,..F..tr~ ~~1..-f)C; CTIEJ ...... I_, ~l ~- 011.0 n-.. destroyed or damaged, the officer o f civil
h~~ h...,..~~ ~.e; €J'L» ~ ~ .:j- i\. C7?.,. ~ i\.1"1-,_ 0>- status shall recompile the register by u.sing
hi-t A ~--1-i\i\ ~ -.z ~~PJ::y 11~10~~ .. -,. copies o f the registration. forms transferred
~A ("Ia II? F._&-~+ hi\()-"}--: : to the relevant: organ in accordance with
Article 45 o f this Proclamation.
n~-~1\h---t-a>- ~,~.A 1,.,_~ ~-t-+£~~D.rn ~~..,.,-,q 2/ Wh.ere a. copy o f registration form deposited
~~· ~~ ~m4-: f"a:.~~ a»~~ ~--t-01\i'i
with the relevant: organ. is lost:, destroyed or
damaged, it shall be replaced by another
~'">F-tr~ hh-11C CT«»"'JI•J{l- h:.i\ ~~ fl£~~DOJ-t"l~
copy taken from the register o f civil status.
~---r-~:r- hi\O:r-: :

h~A ~i'l+ S E C T I O N TI-IR.EE

.,.~i'l h~A h.,.~ COIVI:IVI:<>N PR.<>VISIONS
r a-lA ¥:-,..? ~ sP-::;..
:1.7 _ Principle
1/ Any vital event shall be registered with
ii/ or-;-,.:;;= a>-~ a~..._~ t .. •, _..,_ /\;,.. - ? ~: / \ ~ i"a ·I-~ ,S!!.~ «<! c;- necessary detail information that can be used
1\1\,:-. J- ..rn.,-ttJh ~i\ 11 '? ?J:.-j'- hhd-i\~ ~tr-,. 'JIC-.IC for legal~ administrative and statistical
~c..~~-:t--,. tJ..e•• CT-At-1- ~,~..,,-, ... o ""'n ..,_ s • purposes.
2/ No vital event: may be registered more than
~7~aJ-~ a~..r'\~ 1'1-~:t- once.
~~"'ti*J.,l ~i\()-"l--9~: :

t:/ ~-,.~07'-~
())-J .. ()C
CTIEJ-,,~ .... 1 iT-~
t .. .,T....,..
3/ A declarant shall appear in person before an
officer o f ci -vii status to hav-e a. vital event
f"Jh•-.~ ~~~-11 ~,L\II:t- = t
4/ The officer o f civil status, after ent:ering the
vt-.-oc ~-.,~ . .,1 ?)~-~- i'lL\.aJ~~ a--.. ~ ....I~Cfi vital event and related information in the
__ ,.... ... ~ ]1!5- ~~;;q- ?J-..-,-- l l h ...llC CIL»"JI-J"'() ~~· 4'\..,e.. register o f civil st:at:us, shall cause the
~..-.L~ 0~"'\ i'li\.·f-e~~DII .."llla>- ~~):1' declarant: t:o confirm the information as it:
:t-ht-11\~~.::,.- hi'le~•,-,,_-~(l.a~- A',.~f~.;:J-~'1' appears in the register.
~~~~ h.i\1):,....:

~I hA~T
_e , ., ...,
11 1"1 .....1- ~ c: 61
? ...,. ~ a•- sro a• .-"'t ~ tt- ~ -"l-- 1/ Any vital event, ot:her than birth, shall be
i\_ ~ v~.-z__er.::-t·-A. 11~ ~h·,._e~ hA-L\ regist:ered within 30 days following the date
nl"a...-J-+c (]~ .w:/•~.::t- ~-1"'1'1' ~~-. ...., ...,. o f its occurrence unless t:here is sufficient:
hL\ fl.:}-= : cause for delay.
2/ Any birth shall be registered within 90 days
Jll ~-,.~CD·~ A.~.::,. i\. .,(J I I "'I ,K, ~~L ~ i"'::Y· A (J cf!
following the date o f its occurrence unless
9"h....,...Y.::t- t~~~ IJI"J .. ..-~,c n~ ~~+ OJ-i"l'l'
1:here is su:ff'icient: cause for delay_
~~_,,..,.,1 hi\.11~-: :
c/ ~aJ~ ~ h-~ r 9u "'l"lCJ II II. tJ h ... ,.+,_.. o·,.o-ra 3/ Where the regist:ration o f a vital event is not
effected within. the period specified under
h"'Jrcl-?.• (~) OJ_.(J-9"-, (ft) 11-f-~~·J·J~- ~~IL
sub-article { 1) or {2) o f this .Article the
...,F..--11 co-r.,-. ..~~A ..,,....~o~ A '>F-IT~ declarant: shall produce evidence to justifY
hr.~-.• _,,Leo- {Jt , , .. ,~tl :,- ...,. ~h-,. _e:,- 11«171"'1~):(' the delay_
~r.F...-,~ hi\IJ.:t-: :
Ne www.abyssinialaw.com
t Gazeta No. 58 22.... Au ust 2012 - -·-····- ····
Loss, I>est:ruct:ion a n d Damage o£ Regist:er o£
a e 6502

Civil St:at:us

~/ f'h41C ~7-1?•11 ~fl'l4-: (I OJ~~ oJ.,e.sro 1/ Where a register o f civil status is lost:,
~-t-Oi\7i "-,.F-tr~ ~h~lC £7~-.I·J-fl 7i-~- OILt.J destroyed or damaged, t:he officer of civil
h~jt!!E- ~ ~ .:'f- /\~~/\h--1-cv- stat:us shall recompile t:he register by using
"~~~· "2~; €'10
copies o f t:he registration forms transferred
h~A. ~--1-i\i'\ 4 ... ~ ~ sP ':1"'--, o~m+~
~ , , "J()-..,. ~A ('a Ll? ~&-)! ,'}-- h i \ Il-l-. : t:o t:he relevant organ in accordance with
Article 45 oft:his Proclamation.
fl./ O~.. ~L\h--1-a,_ ~,tiA. II"'J..~ ~-t-+C~~~>m ~~"'JI'JCJ 2/ Where a copy o f registration form deposited
~~- ~'Ji!E- ~m~: flaJF...£nD aJ~~ fl-,...04'\ii -with the relevant: organ is lost, destroyed or
A~F.tra:, hh~lC r~o'JI ..lll- ~"\ ~~ (lr~D~.-.Y; damaged, it shall be replaced by another
~ __,._ ~ .::,--- ~ L\ () .::,- : : copy taken from the register o f civil status.

h~A ~l'l.:r-
r~.-a:S h-~+ vc-"tf"'Q ~c~+

I 7. Principle
1/ Any vital event shall be registered with
~-, ~cu-sr- a».-.~ 1 .. ~--l- ~ih-?«e: ~~i"a-1-~~&-~«;"
necessary detail information t:hat: can be used
1\. i"l.:J• .,-,.., i't -t h i't ~II\ 61'? ?, ':.}·· h i't ~ 4'\ 7.. V t r -,.. "''I C "''I C for legal, administrative and statistical
~ ~]&f sP ";"(· -,_ II f I I ~_,All- €,#'.,
~ '"'Jl'J ...() h L\ IJ ..-,._ ~ ~ purposes_
2/ No vital event may be registered more than
Jll ~..,. :r;: OJ·~ a>~~ 1'1·., .:t- once.
riO 0'0 , ., ,., ~ v 1\ (l ~ ?~ : :
3/ A declarant: shall appear in person before an
f:l ~-,.~~~ h/'le~«J"'ff ..."'_J("l.. d J .... ~ t .. ~+-,. officer o f civil st:atu.s t:o have a vit:al event:
1\ ~ i"a L I D -r-1 "J•() (J t1 •() C CI"IO , , .., •() 'lf.. ~ 4• :,-.. registered-
llhi'-JA CIP~~~· h/\ll--1-: : 4/ The omcer o f civil status, after entering t:he
~tl-flC ~-.J"l ... fl il~.. ~· i l l \ O-J .... ~ t .. -,...--l~c;'" vital event and related information in the
.. ,_ •• 0? ~ £rD~)f ?_,-:,-- ()h ...() c.: €'10 "''I 'J ~l ~ .K"" i\ .r- regist:er o f civil status~ shall cause t:he
ill\ ....,.. r i O I I ..,,.. CD- CIP ~Jr
declarant to confirm the information as it
1-Jt"t~~ o~.-. appears in the register.
.:;-.htJ/\ ~~ T h.il~•,'ll .,-:J(\.OJ· A -~~f~_7GII'J'

~'7Y:~~ h/\O.:'f- =

:;:a;- - l'l A ~'H"''Q -z. H. 1/ Any vital event:, other than bi~h, shall be
~~ hA~~ llil-t-~P~: 61 ?')'~0"J·~ O:J4l:.S .... ~_..,. registered within 30 days following the date
6'\_ _e 1I 'J ,e, ~ ~~2.. _e i'J -:,-.A (I 4: ~ t-1-,. f .:'f- fJ 1'\.- /\ o f its occurrence unless there is sufficient
() i'l---J-4'- C ()ell c/» c;- ~ OJ- i'l ' r ~ ~ -.1 •J •() cause for delay.
hi\()_..,.: s Any birth shall be registered within 90 days
~-,. ~ ~-sr- ~F-.:,-- ~~ -~.., 11·1 Y~ fi~LY ~::f-A Cl4! following t:he date o f its occurrence unless
~h"'" f~ flt"bl\ (JrJ-J-c,c_: 1"1~ 4-~T OJ-i"J'P t:here is su£ficient cause for delay.
O'DO'D,,,.,"'",) h. 1\ () :t·: : 3/ Where t:he registration o f a vital event is not:
~0-J.-. =5 h-~ :,- 9 ... , , .. ,£1 tJ ,,_., h -,_«~»K"" n-,.o-il effected vvit:hin t:he period specified under
sub-article ( 1) or (2) of" this Article t:he
h~+~· (~) o.:~_e,9~ (M) (J..-r-~-:r·J•Ja,_ ~"'1_.11.
-.~....--. OJ-r."r ..c.~A-1-~-o~ A -,,_rr~ declarant shall produce evidence to justifY'
~~=--:!;;~~:::~~:~-,P£1~-:s- ~h-~.P.::f- ~~~rJ~jl{' the delay.
XII- r~~x-SJD~ ~~H_-:7-..0
:1. 9..
Ne rit;
E - • e r i. . g
Gaz.et.a No . 58 22..-
Pa..-tic ... Ja.rs ·
Au st; 2012 ..... _...... . 03

6/ _,.,-,.~~~ a:»4'\~ 1"1-~T ~c-"7..~11-.11~ f"IILU 1/ A.ny vital event shall be registered in.. t:h.e
hP~ nh-,+.K· .~C ~~~~ --1-11_,~-F- register of" civil status prepared and
n--r-.-..&-a;a. ~h·flC.: ~~., ... , ..,..,-. - i\~~ ~tr~A a a distributed in accordance with A~icle 1 3 o f
this Proclamation._
fl./ llh11C ~"'1-t-,..,l ~~~-.-.~~- ~~.--~ 2/ Particulars o f a vital event: shall be en.t:ered in
~~Jrl' SJD-:f'· n..-,_,, _-..J:P:OJ· ~~~-.-•_,,--._~ t:he blank spaces provided in a
form o f t:he register o f civil st:a'tus.
h~+ P;:J- i\~ .r,... ~~~"'JI ..J·fl hj'\C)~~: :
~ a• 4'\ =-s- 11-- ~ + ~~~ ~JCI' ? , -::r---, ~ ~~ _..,-, ...-cJ 3/ The words used t:o enter p~icu.la..rs o f vital
n....-.:t-~ i\...e, ~or"?.. a:.·;\· ~~+ ..I A 6 ~tr~~ event:s shall be written clearly and without
~-~~ LJ.~~~ ? .... ,,"l~-~A: ~C"'11"1 Y.:-~71 abbreviation, erasure, words written over
LV...e.?- •J-6Q..,.a76 :J:-~ _e~-1-F-,~·JCI=F~ ~tr..., others o r any ot:her additional word_
hL\.CI~~= =
20.. Prohibition.
No words other than t:he particulars specifically
.-•••_., h-PJPE- OJY-?'~ f"lh«r)ll: ~·---~+ f"IOJ~"Q prc:>v-iclecl £c:>r i-n. this Pre>clamation e>r di.rec~iv-e
~~6~ ·t-~_e.---t-a.».. tJ-f-CT~~h·l~~ ~~JII"~T issued hereunder may b e entered on the forms o f
lli"'a-t-4-C ~1\ «'7-,.~a•- .._,.9.....
_P~ Oh•IIC ~"'Jt..,-fl~ a register o f civil s-t:at:u.s.
aY~ f"l.:'f-~=Ji 1\'- ~~G': V·l--h~tl~ ~OJ-: :

~.xT-, nn...,...-.~-.. 2::1. 'V"<»icl.in.g: F<»rms

~~--·-.q ~~- .-.~.,----~ ...__..._..,.&-f"l+~~--·•"-"- If, as a. resu.lt e>f a. mistake,. a form has bee-n. left
A-,F-.tr~ a»~~ IJI"'c:-.1 a•~sr- flDT?-,~co-~ l'bl\ un.utilized o r if, on account: o(' erasure o r for any
?-h-,~T A--_,.~ 9~-.1·1C1 "'-,,_..,~ ~h~LD~ other cause,. a recording has t:o be redone, the
,~f"l.:t- h.r~ .:,-~- ~.,~cl_..~~ ~.r~- .,__~~ form shaLll b~ ca.:r1c~lled. by d.::r~vvi:r:l..g tvv<>
~~~~-:,- ·J-F...C•Ja»·fl~ y_,C\~•1~:: fl.JE!:CQcD- diago::n.a1 li::n.es fo:rmi::n.g
cross; and t:he a
4'\~,- ··....-~----~&-f"IT .:"~-~·'"' V~~ 0~~ phrase ••Form not: Utilized•• shall be written o n it:s
~.x~.-J.:J--~ z = backside_
S'Jf. V-t-471DH"'I..,_ GI'ID~JII"~T-, n~-?~_,"'1-r«ii t"aA-?x-'-..-.. -22... Coiafirma.-tioia a . . d .A.ppro-v-al ot"' R . e c o r d s
v _-J-(·~=~
--.-hh~~:~ ..-,_
.r,... ,,.,,t-

1/ A. declarant o-f bi~, marriage, divorce or
deat::ti shall confirm, by signing 1:he validity
o f part:icu.lars entered in. the regisl:.e .c e>f civ-il
~Af"l--,... z : stat:u.s.
~]1!5-~+7 fi&-~F-~-,+ V-J-4'-114"\ ~7~a>-~ 2/ Any person who has ack:nowledged his
f'\OJ- Oh ...lC ~,.,,, ..,11- ~~C\L~a-.- ~~jE(' paternity shall confirm, by signing, -the validity
Thh~~-,T 114--c:-r~?a•- -r~y~-7-'l'r h~llT == e>f' particulars entered in a. register o f ci"il
-~--~4-~ h ..~&--1. l ..... tr~ ~?-,~co-~ ~~ 11h ..I1C 3/ Any person who adopted a. child shall confirm,
CTD/1 - , , . , 11- ra h.-.~ ~ ...- CTD/1 ~311" :t-hhh~., .....,_ by signing, t:he validit:y o f particulars entered
614--C:--:1'~ --,~~ . . ~~ ~~~·--.- == in t:he register o f ci"il status.

rh-1'1C ~...,, .., ..,. if-670• ~"''I'JctcD- ~ ....,_~~ 4/ The officer o f civil s"t:a.t:us shall finally approve,
fll by signing, the registration e>f a vital ev-ent:
~u--:, .. -, ll£rlD~ .. ~..-. ,._~~-?~· n~L~~ upon ascertaining t:he completeness o f the
~ 0114'\ ::.S t1-- ~ + ? ..... "'11 .. , q a-»- ..,. .a7 ~· "'- .:t» h 4"\ f1 + == records-
nn..c..c--, '2.3_ s•g..-..a:t~re

Clll.t, h~Cf»~ h ...,.~R· n-~ 17~....,~+ Oh--flC C~JD~f'J•O If a person required to confirm t:hC:C·---p~icula.rs
vc"'a~-;- ~~;:r~;~u-;y.. -, ft~ .. c~?a>- -?~.--:J-,,.... y~n+ entered i-n a. register o f ci"il status in accordance
C"l~ ~4--~~ ~~~_...-:..-,--~ t~IT-, I14.C.C~a>- 4-7;J- with Article 2.2. e>f this Pre>cla.ma.tior.. cannot: sign, he
~~•'1-'l- h"li"&-OJ- ...,. f"l?'.rJI"'JC) ~~ J\~ ~,Si!!:~~ shall affix on t:he regist:ra"t:ion form his finger prin-t:
instead o f signa.t:u.re_
-,.~n h~~ .,.~:,­
Federal Ne arit
Ga.z:eta No. 58 22-
~u ust 201.2 - ----------- -

n~~F-+ ~-.. ... ca 'R..EG.ISTR.A."T'I<>N <>F BIR.."T'FI

r~F-T ~-u'lct ~H.:t- 24. Par-t:ic..alars o-c ~ecords o-c Dir~h

~A. F. T 9.,-, I ""l q ~ cr-7_ t I - J-- t'\ • .:,.... ..., The records o f birth shall contain 'the following
hhf"l~=- p~ic'-l.la..rs:

ru_,~-, ~-t'\· · i"l9u: P ;:J~: V-1-cv~F-CIT-, +'J.: 1/ the child's full name, sex, date o f birth,
v.:t-cu-AY: f"'I::J-: ~AF.-"1~-, ...,.~~.::,- (~n-l-111\ place o f birth, type o f bi~ (whether single
a>~~ h~-,Y: lli\...,e,) A~ OA.F-.:,- ~IL or more) and aid rendered dmihg birth;
.... _,_F..~ .., "' c
Pa .;:J-- z
...... ,.,-:,_-~ cvi\;;r:E.::Y- ~-t'\- i'l~~ .... :t-~A.Y: c~--,~ 2/ t:he child's parent:s fu.ll name, da.t:e ·and place.
P ::J--: ~ ~ fl ~ te~•~ c;- £;. _(.., P .:-J-'-: V _-:.J .... l :F l,. ~ ,::J--:; o f birth, principal residence, marital status,
1·1, -~-, ~: ., ..e- ~ .:.., :,-- : -f I~*'- c ~~ a»~ ;t:! =,: cit:izenship, religion, et:hnic origin and, i f
Ot.J~OJ-=l- ~"-.1'\- ~.c-:~·"'l=t~cu--~;. t:hey are alive, t:heir signatures;
,.._{')~""J·I.;:J(l._~ VtJ-.,·1- c:oi\~ ~Atr-, ~-,.se,.tr-, 3/ where t:he declarant is other "than - the parent
V hra~-.-. ~fl._ en- C"la:.- ~- i\- i"'aSJ'»s hu«1•1- .::JC o f the child t:he declarant:' s full name
_e ~ ~--,. -,, ~ ~ cr; P .:J- =
.:,..-~-A. .J!::: = ....
+ -,...- n .:::~- = rela~ion wi~h ~he child, sex, da.1:e and plac;
e~V~F-ll~ ~c.~~-~ n..:J-c;- ~c~; o f birth, pr•nc1.pal residence and signa:t:ure;
Q/ vh ...flc Cl~-.·1-l·f) ~-~ n:.
i"ISJ'»~ 4/ name and signat:u.re o f the officer o f civil
, ... h i"l - t- ~F.. C ~ · ,-,, &.- .::,-... 11.-"1~-,.
st:at:u.s, seal o f t:he ad~inis-t:rat:ive office and
~ ~ -. l"'lCJaJ--,.
~ -~;: A c;- dat:e o f regist:rat:ion; and
h -~CI -11 CJL'\cn- ~~..e..&-A hf-JA. 5/ o1:her ?ecessary information as may be
A. ~- -:-r-
h. i"' ~ i\ "2. €1·~~31[ 9,':).---,: : det:erm1.ned by t:he appropriate federal -organ.

25_ Par-ticulars o-c R..ecords oC Dir-t:h o-c A b a n d o n e d


The records o f birth o f an abandoned child shall


A/ u9•1- V-1-t"'limaJ---,. i"l9~: P?--: .,e... .r~~A. --1---flh- 1/ t:he name given t:o t:he child, sex and
.... ~-~~~ ~.--CIJ--> ~~~~ t»-,-.:.-,·FlJT7 +->._- P;.I- est:imat:ed age o f t:he child and t:he dat:e and
V ~L.. .e ~ ~ h .,.1: -,I €~-, I c-.:
e.r~ ~J:r ?:» -.:t--,. i. A c;- place where t:he child was found; a n d
2/ a. phrase "abandoned childn on t:he backside
~/ Cl~71"7CJ .:,-~ ~ cq i\.,.t:~ u-1--r~- .... ~,_"7-~-..,
o f t:he registration form.
f" ~L.A. ~-II\ 6tiJ. ~

~_,....-. >-~n:,- ==
AI-+., V-'71"1~-.t'J-fl ~~,:!-- 26_ Obliga~ion t:o Declare Di~h

6/ VtJ«<·1- hCJ~ a:._f..~9..... "c;-T: a• i\ J:!! =fi V ~ 1\• 1/ The birth o f a child shall be declared by the
"'-,F..r~ rtJ«<-1- h ..'\P.& a·~~ h .... ~& h~~ fat:her or mot:her o f t:he child, in t:heir
tJY·1-~ (1L7~~h6ltl-fl 1\~ ,P~~- ... a>- A..F...-"1.:'"> default:, by t:he guardian o f t:he child or,. in
~ ~ i'l ~ -.-1 ' I '"'fl .:.1 ~ .:J-- h i \ ll T =: defa'-l.lt: o f g'-l.ard ian, by t:he person who h a s
taken care of' the child.
.. ,.,.,_ -1--'s-1'\.~ f-»·1--"'l·~- a»~sr- cn~;t:!=a 2/ Where t:he child is abandoned or his parents
~~ ~7-a»«k ~IF~ "-~,_tr~ ~u-~-~ o-~~ are unknown, any person who knows such
v~.r~~ ~-,.~a:»-9'~» t"'llcn- llh~&-(._,S"cn- con.dit:ion shall have t:he dut:y t:o report same to
i'\~...,~ ~n_{') O:J~~ h-lq-(1 1\i'\.a>- ~~i\ t:he nearest: police or ot:her relevant:
~~-~~~~~:,-- h2-JA. 6~CT ~~~-~ h~~IT:: go'Vemment organ.
e/ 1111.. •, h.,_cl·~- 11-~~'1-h h-,_c_l~~· (H) ~~...-~ ..-,_
Ne --arit
Ga.zeta No _ 58 22...,. Au ,..ust 2012 --------·····
police officer or any other government
~~c=--..- V.fi?....~..-.~ _;F-h.h .. - a:.~--~ -7-,.c;:~.,.-~ h..-'\ organ which has received a report 'ln
yc.~.--,.-10·-r- h'tlA. ••v·n·'"l- ~-, a:~~-n-r accordance w i t h s~b-article ( 2 ) o f ~his Article
II~:,.~IL.~o,. ti~'Y-"'1 ..~-a,- JI~~"I-JIJJi!£.- x-r~.~,-,.. shall have 'the duty "to declare 'the birth to "the
(L ...l- ~ti•(IC e~.-.....,,..., .. ,1 n·-~ II'"-~ ~CCI A"-.-1: ..,_ omcer o£ civil status of the nearest
-?rt~.,..,-,I"J•CJ ~~11--, .. : : adminisl:ra:~ive o f f i c e wil:hin t h r e e days from
t:he da~e o£ receip~ of~he report.
27- N"ame oC a Child

6/ ~J-~·fJC ~.,•• _..,.,.,.,,J 71"- ~- A.S!!.--,.... ...,_ h~.,.. ~, "11"111- 1/ The officer o f civil status, prior to t:he
CI~--..,._ 1.1-1-;- , ...... , ... .-. ... ,.~,- -,. a-,y.,~ i\....-.n-.~- regist:ration o f birt:h, shall enquire "the name
~~~lle~_.,.-,_ rt?--- ~,r,~..,.. -•• __.._,,._~-~ ~~~~~ given o r int::en.ded t::o be given. t:o t:he child
hi\tJ ...l-: z from t:he declarant:.

~IJY~- f»-1"-~ma:t- C"''?~ ~J-1-t1c.: ~-,, ..., ...,. 71""- ~­ 2/ Where t:he name o£ the child is n.ot: disclosed
y~-,_.,...,~cv· "->F-.r·, O.:ll~~ t»-t-('ln"'a>- vc.l~ o r t h e r1ame give-n is cor1trary t o t h e \a"" o r
1"1~ ~' _I ...J. OJ Y-?'• A~~-,-~ .., ~~'?.. :J» ~ ..., " ...,. Y-t.r-, custom, the officer o f civil status shall
~h..,IC:: ~-,, ...-, ... fl i')-.. ~- ~IJY~-- -, ~-~~ r»~ himsel£ choose a name for the child_
~o ..- ~·-, .::t- h 1\ n :r- = =
tT'ah~..Jii!:...~ g--.-.-.q 0~

~~..tii!:.+ ~-,, ..-,q 1-.:..J· tl1.17~· a•il;iC!"';)-- e~AD~(J~ 1/ The place o f registration o f birth of a child
6:T.,c;-6y .-.;J.. h--..&-•• .. -~.. ~ ....,?......,~ ~"~,n-.--~F-c shall be t::he nearest: administ:rat:ive o£fice t:o
~- ~-- 4--'}-- 0...-'}-- ~- ._, c;- ~ : the principal residence o f t::he pare.nt:s_
fl/ __,.._ __,, ~-- ~ .. J-- ..,-,-
a • ..c:~., ?... a• i\ 3'1: -~~A .;J- aJ «/, 2/ T h e place o f regist:rat:ion o£ birth o f an
~AF-.::r- ?'•"'Jf•JCJ P.;.J- t.IY~· 0·1-7_)'_():,... abandoned child o r child whose pa.ren:ts are
h+&-IL-~ ~...-...-?...-1~ ~~,rt-1"-~"-.C: ~-a-.4-T unknown. shall be t:he nearest: aclminist:ra.tive
~...rc;-~:: office to t:he place where the child was
29. Hir~h in a Healt:h Inst:it:ut:ion
A.F...-1.: ~-1-JI..,.-1-o:.- ti~TL#Cii -1-*~ a:.-C"a'P ~t.r~
Where birt:h t:akes place in a health i nst::it:ut:ion, the
h'>~rr-, ~...--.-~17T»- ~~~- tt••·•-' >.q•»: tt>.·,~~.. ~P­ head o f the inst:it:u.tion shall fort::hvr...r it::h p r e p a r e a
-,.o-i'l h -,.~,_- <~> 'Ji... (!f) c.-
~·J-e~.,A tl·l:..'l-·~ Jr.. -~q ... n certifica.t:e containing "the relevant: particulars
Yl\~~aJ--~ ~J1~3lt'9,-:.-,-.. l~-~~,, ~r.•~c a .. ~~.:,- specified under · sub-a.rt::icle ( I ) and ( 2 ) o ·r A.rticle ·
u:.~YaJ-.,_ hii-~~-Y- llll.tJ h~,~ h-~c~,y.- W" 2 4 o f t::his Proclamation and give sucJ-1 certificate
~~LI-J/I~:,-- ~..tii!:.-1~-~ ~LI'?I"l~..,.~-,, .., ..,. -IY-.::-J· 1\i\tl.::t---- ... a::t- to t:he person having t:he dut:y t:o declare t:he birth
~i'lmT ht\tl+:: in accordance wit:h Article 26 or t:his
~o-r. h~~ ___V'rt~
i"'~_7-fl~ ~-.-., ...
r.~~-o~ ~-.-..,q .e-n~
Pa.-~iculars oC R e c o r d s oC l'll"arriage
~ _ 7 -··~ ~-. ..... ...-. , ............ 'l_ ' ' -1·6'\· ..-, .. -~
h~fJ ..-,_:- The records of marriage shall cont:ain the
following part:iculars:
~/ ~-.--_-:Jf.l._p,-:;---~ ~- £\. r.y··~ ..... _..,._ CIJ- ~ Y-'- 4• .., te;i
n:-J-~ ~F...tl~ ~.,... .-.- ~-«~ 1 -.~ .. = I I. -=-1-, .:)--- : -I I'"- C c;-
1/ t~e C<>UJ:>Ie~:. fu.ll name, da,t:e · and place o f
? ~ ~ .-. .:)--- ~ b1.~~, princtp~J residence, citizenship,. et:hn.ic
or1g1n and reh gi on;
M/ _-:J•IJ.iJ~o:.- P-1-ll~a,'7ll~-,--~ •1,"~:
2/ the dat:e, place and :Torm o£ t:he marriage;
j_;/ ~-~--~I.L?.. :,~7 ~ .. c .: uy =
3/ t:he couples:. sigx:.a:ture;
Federal Ne arit
Gaz.eta No. 58 22ncl A.u ust 201 ·2 · · · ······- - -- a c 6506
~ -,. F-tJ- )', ;J- £0• .. -.J ... I:_,: c•~- ra ~ CIID 4- K ~- 4/ the e-vide-nce o r the-----na.'rn.es a n d principal
"''7 i'l ~~ a• y, 9'-. ~('\a •- 9 ..... i'l t-1 c:" ":}-- i'l9.... c;- residences o f witnesses o f t:he marriage, as
c,-~c•~-e P;J-: the case m a y be;
~)-> .. ()C.; c,-~-~~·~·fl 71· .. ~-·> i"'9'11&:.~ 51 name and signature o f the officer o f ci-vil
~ hi'l·r-~ F-e.: ~· ;,, & .. :,-- n •.,r.:·~ status, seal o f t:he admi-nistrativ-e office and
date ofregist:rat:ion; and
v~-.·-~q~--~ ~1 7 -~ = ""-c;-
6/ other necessary information as may be
'?;/ "... ~~&-~ determi-ned by the appropriate federal organ._
~,., L. ;:r ?J> -:,-- =:
3I_ ~bligat:ion t:o D e c l a r e IV'I.arriage

7'i- ~ ~ _..,._ 1/ Where marriage is celebrated be-t-ore an

j!i/ ~-f"l;J:...-... ~-~-A.-O<~C~ncn- lll"~-("lC= ~-.1-.•(1
officer o f ci.....,-il stat'-I-s, the officer o f ci.....,-il
't1tr·, ~t-•·•1c: ~, .... -,,~·•1 n·-~- ,:J•(l~~,.
a» ~- Y a>-.,_ c..r., c,., -~ 1""1 ·( 1 _,, h 11·..,_ s :
status w h o observed the marriage ceremony
shall immediately register the marriage_

_--.;, ·tl ~ n>- 11•1 Y~ ~7 ~;- ;.J • «f! a»~-- 9._ fl q -· ~ «J! ~.., c q. --r- 2/ VJbere marriage is ce\ebrat.ed by religious OI'
f" .. l-cC-0~ ~ ..,.~u-·, ...... _~(\ .. ~=Ji ••••_,, h.~,~ customary ceremony, the couples shall
h -~ cJ· ~-
<~C~. . . -, ......,..
(""'- ~- c1•• h 1-.-,....
~ . . .:,L=(Jcn,- .
a»--,. --,
h ~jl:f h h -n c
present t:o
an officer o f ci-vil status, for
the e"""idence o f the marriage
~..... "'-C) ~~ 0:»- s :
referred to i-n ..A..rt:icle 33 of 1:his

~2..-£., ~___2'"*71-,Q P;J-= .3.2- Place oC Regi.sf:raf:ion oC JVI"arriage

1.v .. ":.J·II!~~ Y .. ""'I'"'JCJ P.:J· -J-- ..-..JCl .. ?_.-:,-- ~~'?.. a•i"l-1-T T h e place o f registrat:ion. o f marriage shall be the
n .:J·· :
a» ~-9....
It -- 1- ..7 ll. .. p:. ~
h ... t- _-:J(l_ p--» ~
h -, ..~-
l ... }'",-_,.~~a-.-
y ... c.: 1'1 T c.-
~ ~ 1'1 ~a:.-
~ y,~
place where the couples hav-e join.tly decided, t:he
place where eit:her o f the couples had used to
~~£:•11 llc,-~p_~-- ~~~y_c;-~-ll~ e~•:.~CI~ ~:~«:.~~-e P;J- reside o r the principal residence o f t:he parents o r
close relative <>f either o f the ce>-uples_

n Y .e...,.,.:;- :P ~ ~ _2, g- 33_ Evidence oC Religious o r Cust:omary ~arriage

_:7 -CI ~ -.., ~ ~311"
Where t:he marriage is celebra1:ed b y a religious
_-.J•(J;J~cn- ~-t-~Oc..r.,cn- tJ•' y."?c;- ,:::J··-1! cerem<>ny or customary pract:ice, t:he religious
/-,c~~..-,-7- c.~• .. •~G--.- l"ti.T-1:- ir-.s-t:it~-t:i<>r-. <>r -the elders wh<> h.a:"'~ <>bs~~ecl t:he
marriage shall immediately provide t:he couples wit:h
evidence o f t:he marriage cont:a.i:n.in.g t:he following:
ei/ ~-..- .. -~(l_.?,:r~·,. i"a?••: ~-~~L~ 1/ the names, ages a n d principal residences o f
p ; J-.. : the cou.p les;

_::.» _, 1 EJ: ~- ~- •- ~- ~ 4C.I·~ t 1-"l-- ..,. ""'.. .,,. ~ n ;J- ; >- ~ 2/ the date and place o f the marriage; and
~ ? . , i"a J-1 c: -:,-.. -,. r. ?.... '*' c;- c..r«> F.. l l ~ ~:~«:. ~ ~ _e p ;J-- i 3/ t:he n.ames
and principal residences o f the

~ _e 11 , ..... _.._, .. , 1 ;_,-: 6 ' ? I"» .c:. ;:r _.._, ·f);Fa»--,. CJI"»Lo~cu­
--~·I I;:.-: a»- ..,_

..n ~-, ~"L ?_,
4(\ ,. • •-,._ : :
_-_J' •- ? , =r: a».-;_ _e a»-~- c..,.,,...m_..,._
Federal www.abyssinialaw.com
Ne ~rarit Ga.zeta No . 58 22 ..d Au ust 201 2 . . . ... .. ... .. a e 6:'507

.,0.1'1 h~A h&-.:t- SUB-SECTION FOUR

l"lj'\~=€ ~-...-.q

34. Part:iculars of" Records of" Divorce

The records of divorce shall contain the
~~~ ~-,,-.,q
following particulars:
1/ the fU.ll name., date and place o f birth.,
!il ~--t-4-~:P:r:-,. ~ :,-- o>- A Y.: + "")' c;" principal . residence, citizenship, ethnic origin
n;-: ~~~~~ rt.~I~T: . . ,J,.fbCc;" and religion o f each divorcing partner;
., X.~,;;- T ~

..-:J .. ()~OJ-
~·t-~0~-'u()-"}-- ..,. ~1:.-,.c;" n;:J- 'Ac;" ~:~o>­ 2/ the date and place o f conclusion of the
~·t-~0~() :,--,. ~,, .. ,.:
marriage and the dat:e o f divorce;

C) L\ OJ- ~ c_: Y: 3/ a reference to the decision o f the competent

i"'IL\G;.~a>- r..r~~-09 ....
court: on the divorce;
.n"' en- -,. ~ .:,.,_ ..e L\ h T
{L-'}-- ~- t- ,-.
~~,1\- '1.;
4/ the name and signature o f the officer o f civil
~/ ~tJ·ft£: e~..,-,, .., .. fl 7'i- ~.-..- ...,_ i'l~c;;" ~.CtU?:
status~ the seal o f the administrative office
~ hi"J·t-~ Y-C x- c-,, ~- .::,.. 0 .. -1.:-,. ''?tJ·t-?..,~
and date o f registration; aQd
l ... ~ 1 I "J CJ a>--,. ~~ -,. = ,..... c;-
51 other necessary information as may be
"'~~ ll·f) Ill\ 0>-
~~.,-:,-- hrt ~-i\ -~ .. determined by the appropriate federal organ .

~ ;e-, v ~ {l~~U...,.,., ~ ~ ~,;::J=

35. <>bliga~ion to Declare Divorce

-t--~~?,:.Y- 11 _:_,&- a•_e_?._.. f•·t-4-~?,:r3 h...,.~­ The divorcing partners or one o f them shall
_/A-'~,.• .,->
C'li'\.~- l"i=c-=-~ n .. ~r ~-•-a•,...~ f"'~~ a-,-€"t~-> present: the decision o f the competent court on the
~-.1"'1·11 ~--9._.. 11~?~£:·11 divorce to an officer o f civil status ror registration
II h -,..~~ x- , ;.:: ,, ..,..._J-rt (?i) tJ-t-
o>-l'l 'P "i: :~a>·-,. --? l'l e~u ., 1 -, -t I h ~ q ~ o>- = :
lllLtJ h«p ]E!5-
}', . ,. ""', x-
,.,.,a>- '7.rL ¥..., . o f the divorce within the period specified under
sub-article ( 1) o f Article 1 8 o f t:his Proclamation.

,--..,-,q 36. Place of" R.egis1:ra1:ion of" Divorce


9~.,, . ,q ~

(l;J- r,::1:cu-
(J·t-&.?a~(Jr hc:l»&-fL~
0 .. ~ ,e,..rc;-A: :
The place o r registration o r divorce shall be the
nearest: adminis'tra'tive office to the . place where
the divorce t:ook place.

~~:e ~i"'~:K 37. Evidence oC Divorce

{.-....-::€ en-.-.~ (I,....,..... 11 " / .., . ~co-~ flj: c Y:: n,. + Any court which has rendered decision on divorce
~OJ·~~o>- ..,. ~~ t'\ "'t- 4-.. :1: .?, :1~ O'J ~_.... en- '"1- e~v. il m r shall forthwith provide copies o f the decision t:o
;,.. i'\ n .::,--- = = the divorcing partners_

-,o-1"1 h~~- h.~l'l~ SUB-SECTION FIVE

~h ~ .:,-- ~-,..,, q
REGIS'T'R.A. TJ<>N <>F I> EA. T.l-1:

t» qw:- .,.'}- ~-,.,.,., q ~" + 38. P a r t i c u l a r s of" Records oC .Deat:h

~LI-r ? ,.. _,, .., q , ... _._,'l_ J' ... - £\- _..,__ ..,.
The records o r deat:h shall contain the rollowing
h. t'\ (J .:-,-- : - particulars:
?il ~~.....,--"'~ il? ... ·: _.,Y>-.~ ~~: P ;J·: 1/ the full nam e, title, sex, age, occupation,
,......., &-: Cl~ F.() ~ £ J U ~:· 6 _,... : IL ~~.., .:-,-- : principal residence, citizenship, et:h.n.ic origin
'Y y_, «'? c;- r : and religion o f t:he deceased;
Federal Ne arit
Gaz.eta No . 58 22nd Au ust: 2012 . ... . ... ..... a e 650R
f:./ v~ -•=-~ ·~»-~:. .... .:_, -:. ?··· . - ,-,. _~~--.- c;- •-.~ ? - «~-,~=-~ 2/ da.t:e, place a.r~.d ca.u.se o f t:he dea.t:h a.r~.d a
~'-~--~~-'7-~~~~--,. •6?/"l~,;:r ~··-,_-~c~•~L'\.t-J--.- ~-~1\.--~; reference t:o evidence o f t:he deat:h., i f any;
!?/ t»h·flc ~-. ... , ... ,, n-- ~- ..,. ra~c;- tte.c~ 61 7: 3/ t:he name and signat:ure o f t:he officer o f civil
t=- hi"t-t- ~ ~c
t=- ? ... -.1 --, q a:.- ..,_
.?.· ~ ~- --=t-
c.f» ..,. z ~ c;-
n.-•-=-,. --,,, . . t-~c;- st:a.t:us, t:he seal o f t:he administrative
and dat:e o f regist:rat:ion; and

9-/ h-ICJ,(I CJI\cv- ~-~~~&-A hi-JA 4/ ot:her necessary information as may be

i'\:..h--:.-- hr.~.-.-~.. .rJ•-»£:.):1' p:.-::-,---, = = determined by t:he appropriat:e federal organ.
cr- .:r--, r~ n ~..,., -n -? ~.?- 39. <>bliga•ion t:o Declare I>eat:h
~/ 1-.~ -:,-- ..-:Jc: h·llc- y,..c;•c: t'•1tl~
1/ Any person who used to live with the deceased
~"/., ~ -1:: ..., 61 7 £l ~, ..,,., .. ,I ~' 1'\ fl-..,_ a •
shall declare t:he death for registration.
fl./ h~~--
".. i"' ..
~ ...7·f1~
.-.a:.- t'"'~"
II~P- "::}--~
2/ In t:he absence of' persons used t:o live wit:h
the deceased., his rela.1:ives by consa.n.g-u.inicy
"#-ll.tJ ~~~- "'"'".E:..tr•, ~~C·O ~~0.-"l- a~y... ~ o r affinit:y, close neighbors o r any person
£) "~ =Ji £.1., q.o ....,... "... ••y_ -~ ~·"J- ~ -., ..,~OJ-~ c'\ a-»- ~ -:,·- who k.n..ows his deat:h shall declare t:he death
«f-- I= ..,. .,.., r l c.,_,-. I '"'"I-( 1 ~'a'\. fl--r- ~ a for registra.t:ion..
j~/ flh.F-~ O::t.Y~~ ClA..;J-o::tc:f~ 9~.-,-,.y..'}'- c:r--F- 3/ Any police which has received a report on
617",..., .
7 - "-.l'l
,~ i'ti\A;J-·a:.c:f"" hi'tt-1~ .._,. c;~c~ t» .. t-c:f-flt'\
& 7 - c.: -1-= I• F..£":...-. a:.- <IL., -, n ~ 41'\ ct i\. .. :,-
t:he deat:h
of a person by accidental
cause a.r~.d whose ident:ity is not:

v·h. ;,_-.. c:f~c;- ;,_-.. a:.t·l'l't' ~ .. ,-=-, -?l'l~-.1-J-fl k.:n own shall declare ~he d.ea.t:h for regist:rat:ion.
"" {) :,- : :
wit:hin. t:hree days
receipt: o f t:he report:.
following t:he dat:e of

40. I>eat:h oC ~ern.ber oC I>ef"'e.-ase F o r c e o.-. ..A..c't:ive


t»~lli\11-~ •JJ&-<Cf!+ hClA fJ-~~~ i\~... ' h . f l \ The dea.t:h o f a. member o f defense force on
vt- -.<lfi~ ~ ~ h•a~r llh-J£: .r.~.... f-..-.tJ.~ ....,.. ~~-1:c act:ive dut:y shall be declared., for regist:rat:ion, by
t-1 •( 1 C e~•:l* - , , - , •( I 7f.. ?'• h ..,. ~ 1.~-.~> &- i'\- I-~_,..... ~ II a~- the commanding officer o f his unit: t:o t:he officer
assigned by t:he rvfinist:ry o f Na.t:ional Defense t:o
.c.:r-·1-=-, li~~O:t~ ~'?rt.fC'"J"•,-,1 ..1-11 ~,i'\tiT ~ ~
act: as an officer o f civil st:at:us.
ll_?.&- ~~~, ~~.&-· 11~~~, n.+ OJ&?- llnL~ 4.1__ Deat:h <>ccurring in C o m m o n 0-yvelling Place,
-.-'f:"~ ~t'\.-.-h..-a-t- ~+ Pris<J>.-a e>r I--Ieal""th I.-as"ti"tw..atie>.-..

q.o-1~ ~-1-IJ,...-1-n»· IJ~,P.~ -,..9-t,C:·..,_ 0-·..,_

.. a:.y.~ I/ I f a person dies in a. boarding school or in any
ot:her common dwelling place, the person who
ll~i\ P -~~ ~'~•,tr;• ~ ...e i'l~:&- ~IT~ A -~,_tr~
is in charge o f such instit:ut:ion shall decl~re t:he
v .. ,_*~- ~i\~ tl~-....?-ra-..,.._ c~·-, ~n~ ~-•~--,
deat:h. for regist:ra.t:ion wit:hin five days.
~n~--,,...., . .o h~••--.- ==
fl/ cr-.,1-= ~-1-IJC"l-1-a~- t1 6''?~ 61 '?• ..C:~ O • .."l- a»-i"'"r ... tr~ 2/ If a person dies in prison o r i f a dea.t:h
A-,.~~~ a-.Y--~ ~-~c:,.o .."}-- ~~·-,.::,.- ~-:cY: ~·t-~-~~ sent:ence is execut:ed, the head o f t:he prison
"- "">F-tr":r ~-?~ ...,.,__c:.... o .... l-= ~1'\~.. tlh~ra:,- c~,-, shall clecla.re: t:he: clea.t:h for re:gistrat:i<>n
co- i"a ' I ' q,...., 1-=-,. 61 ? /") ~~~:.-~I •J •I I h /\. { I + : : wit:hin five days.
.,-n., •~ .... ,_ J • .-. .. t-a:.· tl1n.c;- ·t-*~ aJ·i"l"r lttr~ 3/ Where a death occurs in a. health institution or
a•Y~9-- hi'lt-1~-,. 1\ , .... £:e.~•,&- a:»F... lrJ.«;'" -r-~ ~ .. a. corpse is brought: t:o it for examination, t:he
~-~-•·*~- ~.-.~.. ~~-:y--, /'"a~: head o f the inst:i~t:ion shall £orthwit:h prepare a
.,~~·, " ..,. ~I.Y""I
..._,. ·~: ~-~c:,.-. ·t-Il .:t- .., ~-, ~ P.;J·«;'" cert:ificat:e o f deat:h cont:a.ining t:he: name,. sex
P;J-«;'" ... ~a"J·A-~
~.-, .., _,.. + ~ c;- ~~~~~,.-.,-./\. ~~JtPJ~--7 ~.PII
and date o f birth o f the deceased, t:he da.t:e,.
place and cause o f deat:h and ot:her relat:ed
~q~.:)- ~i""'t-JC a~£":..._,,.+ a~~-~~ a:.- ""1- f') ~I I_?~:,- informa.t:ion and gi'Ve t:he cert:ificat:e t:o t:he
()ll.t.J h <Cf, ~ }', ..,.«l•x· qJil •
.r.~...- .6-J~T ~-•-=-, person having the responsibility o f declaring
t» --, i"» €1.,--, I '"'I -II ..~~-.:..J· i\1'\tl.::t- ~a~· ~:.i"»m.:t- the death for registration pursuant: t:o Article
hl\tl+: : 39 o f this Proclamation.
Federal Ne arit
Ga.zeta No . 58 22nd Au ust 2012 -- -- - - -- ----- a e 6509
~•. n~-'-_:7 -p-h~r~ nAcr-~ --nu- ~~-::r- 42. I>ea~h e>C Se""'Veral Perse>~ns by C::::als:.mi~y

11 ~ ,$!!_ _::J ? - h ..,_ __,_-,_ -flll- c"'a 9 , --:,_-- II h ..,_-~- J\ Y- ("'L ~ -1~ Where several persons die simul-taneously due -to a.
h ' - . ..-.Ja-- h'-.~~.-.~~a•- ,...?,-:,-- ........,...,.Ill~ 1-.h~---~~ 11~4'\ ca.la.mit:y, the death o f a. person who disappeared
A.oFJ~ ..PA~4r'\ f'\a»- ()1\~,.F..-~a-- ~~~~.,-,_c;- .-.m~«»- thereafter shaJI be registered upon presentation or
.-.~- flhJii!:._-_.a:JI- a»:,. ..-,._ lt-t-~JICP,~ .:JC h-fl~ fl'-,0~ evidence issued b y -the organ that hav-e investigated
nl\....-...,...,tr•,_ ct 1 •J~~- h·~~ .-.-t-c'\m -?n~J:r t""L~c-o the occurre.n.ce o f the calamit-y a.n.d the prese.n.ce o f
~cr--·•~ r--~••....,q~ =z 1:hat person among "t:he v-ictims during the calamity_
43. Place of" "Registration of" Death
~cr-+ 9 ... -,, .., q n.:J- tl~~- ~~F-oe;= 1/ T h e place o f registration o f death shall b e t:he
c-.::J- h~&-ILf ,_.. --~z -~ ::.s-
Y hr.-,_~"- c :nearest:: admin.ist:ra:t:i-ve o£E.ce t o the principal
residence o f 'the deceased_
o.+ Y-IT~A. ==
2/ Where t::he identi ty o r principal residence o f
~-,-,.~-1.:: a.~Y... 9'.. £~"•-»F-.1"1~ ~~&~ P.;J·a•-
the deceased is unknown, the place of
.-._~-, ,S:'!-.;J- -u~~ ~ -=--.-- ~c:1~-"l-- ?--,,~q P.;J- hi"'lh&-. •1-
registration o f death shall be the nearest:
f"l-1--- -, -~- n .:,-.. n ~- ~' ~ &-- '-.__ _.,... ~ •'?_ .. , ::.,; r h r.-1--- ~ ~ c administrative office t::o t::he place where his
~-~4--+ o.+ Y,trL8~ = z

n ,,_ ,, h ~· JE!E- ~' -, . ,, ~­ ~A(A)

corpse was found.
T h e place o f regist::rat::ion o f death referred t::o

n~:t- ~..r~ ~

h~&-fl_ ..(~
o ;.J--
f"l ,.._ ~ -~J ,.._~-

x-mL.:'f- the neares-t

in .A.rt:icle 4 1 1 :> o f this .Proclama.t::ion. shall be
inst:itut:ion declaring t:he deat:h_
oftlce to the

44. A . b s e .... c e

-?~~a•-~ .-.a.. - l".. lllft--..4-- ..,. .-.~- fl·~-~hi"IT 1/ Any person who has,. upon lodging an
h«7CJ-fl CJJ\:t~a•- .,.._:-"l--.,-1-. ....-J.,.~c--= .:.-.-1 a.pplicat:ion to t:he compet:ent court in
~-~.~~p,-:,-- ~ID·__._,~.:'f--- ~A. 1•J-~ i\1\a.- ~CY: accordance with the relevant:: provisions o f
0-~ ~~. . ~•·-r- r.~~-·--.-..-s---·~ ~--?-- tra~~-..-~·~ .... the Civil Code, obtained a. judicial
~-~~ ~.-.m "-"F-IT-, ra~.-..,_OJ -IA.'"l--v- __, declaration o n "t:he absence o r dea-th o f a
person shall present t:he copy of the
/J~'LIJ· fi~,J~..I.l .. L ii 0J• L'ID.Ii!!n~ L"~D~ ~..P
ft9" h'rb-JJ~~•~ n··z 7-'7-~ rr.n.-r-,¥-c
judgme:n:t,. £or
omcer o-r
civil s~a~us
o £ death,.
o1: ~he
to the

--?£'1'-T.::l#"'JJ ..,.... h"'
:z :z
~il»co ndrnini~triitiY~
residence o£ t:he person
QCti~<: (Q ~lu::; la~t
whose absence or

death has been declared_

~ ~--,._.,.7.:"' -"Jr'-'-~ ~ ~~ ~~
V·I-~~DII•Jfl q-o.:,--·,. p~~-~Ah+ r~....--s--:,-
21 ~n.e. ~e.~~~Q.-s. ~~ - ~e~~-n. e""-~e~e~ a~~~-,::~an.~~'---n.
with sub-article (1) o f t:his Article shall be
~llA -, ~c-7W'- ?)·c _,_AI~ "'1-,_ 6"11\aJ- ..--:c--..-:- l l . T
I'Ll\ ~-..-.~
........ +
. ,, n·-~-
~..,, , q
cancellec::l where "the <>fi7cer o f civil st:a.t:us
receives anot::her judgment:: rendered by a
~<>mpete.-.t court re-voking t:he previous
~C"t~"'ll hl'\0~ a a J-udgment: declaring absence_

h~A h&.~
FLD6\~ h-~+ ~-u-,q .:f-li:~T A..- r~nhc: 6D~++ C O P I E S AND CER.TIFICA T E O F
r g- -u.., q .:t-lll: sP '::'£--, 1"1" ..,.., ~ -.-~ ~ ~ R.E~ISTR.ATI<>N O F VITAL EVENT

f:J#a~.-. ::.S
t ... ~T ?--,, . , q tl-1-~n~~·~-» o-n 45. T r a n s f e r oC C o p i e s o-r :R..ece>rds
t»t-J-fiC ......,......,, .., ..,. 7i- ~- f-»?-'"'11-,q 1/ Where "the regist:rat:ion o f a vi"t:al e-vent is
y•l"a :,-.. ~Ji:Cp.--::-,-- ~' ••1ct -11 4'\f'\a~ t--hA.~ .. complet:ed~ t:he officer o f civil st:a.t:us shall
hf'\CIT:: s e n d t::hree copies o f t::he registra.ti<>n. form to
the appropria.t:e regional organ wit::hi-n. 30 days
following t:he dat:e o f regist:ra"t:ion_
~e arit
G:azeta No . 58 2 2"d Au ust 2012 -- - -- ------ -- a e 6510
2/ The appropriat:e regional organ shall send
t:wo o f the copies o f t:he regist:rat:ion form it:
has received in accordance wit:h sub-art:icle
( 1) o f t:h_is _Articl e t:o t:he appropriate federal
orga_n wtt:htn 30 days following t:he date o f
f.# h._.::,-~- A-_,.... }'., 9~ £1 o_ a, _e, 9~ $-,.raJ\ ~-;, .. ~_:,-... 3/ An Ethiopian embassy or- cvnsulat:e shall
ll ... T Pa_,.--. ~ 1'1- i .:'/· ?~_,, . , ..... CJ £1"' c;- .c:/J> cp (J cB send t:hree copies o f 'the regist:ra'tion form t:o
«IJI> c;'"--}--. 'P a•- {') l .... ?""'-~I ·111 ~ ~- ..., y• {') .::,-- ~ ):C y> -.:r- 'the :M:inist:ry o f Foreign ·Affairs wit:hin 30
I\ CJ.J• 6 J.b "I- ..V. _K., ~~·~. •1.. {) -f: c: CIO 1\ t J h/\O.:J-: : days following t:he dat:e of"" complet:ion o f t:he
regist:rat:ion o f a vit:al event:.
~I ~a"J· 6
1..... .,... ..... y.., ~~'l•• ,_()·I: c: flll.tJ h">~K- .,0-i'l 4/ The IV'linist:ry o f Foreign Affairs shall send
h. ..,.«IJ> R"'

- -
i\ 1\o-.·
~~~~.-. .}--

(.... ~~~~A.
py-...,, ..,11
..,,c;- :, ...
a-.-() ' f '
t:wo of"" t:he copies it: has received

t:o t:he appropriate recteral organ within 10

da.ys followin~ the
accordance wit:h sub-article (3) o f t:his Article

UUt~ Of f~~~ilJt,
~;I rh.-IC crufl'llt ..tf..Ao ...~-,.. it". 0 -l:i" c~ ~~--~~~~ - -~ ~"" -r~-~ ~~-~~ ,_~ ~~ '\--.3..,..*~~ ......... ..--' ~~L'c:-- -~ .,.L.,..\\ ~~...,1
£1--J~~ f"" £J'I..IIII f ~&-P-r h •I&'\. ~w~ c;~p;c;,=s c.;,r d]le; ~-c;:;s~.:s-t..-;ea.t:!c::>... t'<>rm <>C ~b~
"-"~ .. erl ,_,,

q-.."}-- ? .. _,, .., q •7"'x- l.l•i'\ :,-... ~~~-:;---~ hc.o~q-(J deat:h o f a member o f defense force on active
'\I'\ CD- p~~&-A ;--,1-JA L71~i\h ~i\(Jr == ducy t:o "t:he appropria~e federal orgar~..
-.-- nc= ~c:a.p'-c:a..i..-:a ~C ~~• ~LI•.i:'-"._,.-~,._ ~~-.::> .,~c..ll -=- ~ ~--L
?;I CIUC:f•·fl
y--. I "J q f I· t-- .-l"'l c;- .. ,, ""I" f I cjJ c:f• c;- -"}-- en- i'l'l' ~ 9'D ""II .., 11
t:wo copies of the registration form to the
appropriate federal organ within 30 days
~?.--)' t)· ~ -=l- ~~ 9,-:-,-. ,.., """ICl·fl 41'\/\a>- ~~~6-A following the date of completion o f t:he
h ~"lA crol\tl n~ fl·l-: :
registration of" a vital event_
?;./ "~·~.-.
... ,, -"""I\ o-.-
, .... .&..,~~A

-l- ,. . ?._.,, .
"'"lA ,11
3', .,..c.,:»,....
7/ The appropriate federal
o f t:he copies o f a registra~ion form it: has
~rga:n shall serad <>n.e:

h.-,~_ . .,. fl~~.-.o~- {}~) c;- .:=r--

c ,,..
a-.-i'l'l"" /\ ..,., 6 ll 41'\ Cf! received in accordance with this Article to
the Central Statistics Agency within 30 days
i'l.:-J - .:=r-- i'l "''= 't' i'l ~.,~:·""· £104'\J-1 ,.., /\fl.:,- : :
"following the date of receip~.
--J<f. rr<:p«r«Cj'QU C7C ~.,-r*l~"~~-,..,.
~ir;,f .LE'Ye~:~r.s

~O.J.tl ~ II·~_.-,.. 9°'11"111 9nrJJ7C O.J~+_.-,.. fiii.I.J

3'-.-.~~ 3'-.~.lq-{J _,.~1\:l~a,- -~-:--
, .... tl
-,-7 T
&. ~..
-b ?~ -:t'·
. .r::;,- ·~ ~ : , -
CIID~}'f" ?I':}~
1/ A
certificate o r regist:rat:ion
c~ntair:~. t::he: part::icul.a.rs
o r vit:aJ
in. t::he
(l J-1"ilC "'1/"'1"'{1 " ..(~ regis£er sta.tu.s pur::suan-t
civil t;o t;hc
c' .:r- = =

cr•.~ ..c. . -.,' n i'\ relevant: provisions o£t:his Proclama-tion.

~ 0.~ .... =-s- l )• '"I:,- yu •1 I "I C) o.»~<IJI>.:t­ 2/ Certificate of reg i stration of vit:al events shall
()''?_EJID/\ ,., .. ,...a-.- t1A A {"" _.,..~'-~~ _fJh~?c~ be prepared in t: h e official la:nguage: or t::he:
~_.,,.,_,, _"7~ ,..e_..rc;- ~ = = concerned region a nd in Amharic.

47. Issuing Certificate of'" Registration of'" Vital Events

~A .JI2': ,-,._ 9-..-. -,1 .. , q 9._.. () t1 C; o~ ~ c:l, -r {)II. I .I Jr... Cf, ~ 1/ A certificate o r registration o r birth shall be
£Joi~_,Gr AJI?...·I~-jr ~1')£-'oll"'lllo•- £'to-,- ~£'tr 1 1A =: given t:o the person who has declared t:he
birth in accordance vvith this Proclamation.
t ... -~"'fi!F y., _ ,, ., ,~.
,. . y-r. 1'1£": a-,~4» ..-,... (lf.l•i'\ ..-,... 2/ A certificate o£ regist:ration or marriage shall be
~~?J:.-,-. - t-·11 ..-_, ~ -Y· i'\ -I· - -_J { l . .?~ -..-,-_ i'\ 7-.. _e ""J. ~ ..> ~ ~: a.J- prepared in t:wo copies and be given to each
Y-~#'·l~: spouse.
!:I f'Cj": ::e ~-.. •J("} (~ ~~ l"l) 1 c: a~~ -=I'"' .....,_ tltJ-i'\-r ~~?---:,-­ 3/ A ce~ifica~e o f registration o f divorce shall
-I-ll __.J ~-v-
~_ . . . . . ..,~ z z
i'\.- I- 4- :1"? p:. -:,·- ~ ~ -~-,.~ . ,~~.-=c-o- be prepared in t:wo copies and be given to
each divorcing partner.
..,,__ Federal Ne arit
Ga:zeta No. 58 22nct Au ust 2012 · ·--· · - -· ---- a e 651 1
g/ Vc:r"-"t- v--.1-•ct ?'•r.t1£: a•~cf».:'!f- 1111.. 1, h~· ~ 4/ A certifica:t:e of-"" registration o f deat:h shall be
~~~.::,-- ~-1.:-,. i\ra...-..,.~ll""ltla~ f""a~- ~f""'~"•J~ == given t:o t:he pers<>n wh<> has declared. t:he
death in accordance with this Proclamation.
1"1--, .:J-- 9u-, I .. , CJ ~ i"l h C a• ~ cf:- :,- 51 A certificate o f registrat:ion. o f vital event
V ~,.,_,.... "~ cn- ( ) I I .. I J }', q• ~ ~"T._ •J.~ ~ .;'f- Cl a»,.., ~-, ...fl shall be issued upon payment o f service fee
,Je!-.,. «:;;" ~ : :
~n-,~~~"' ... .:-,- ••~f n&.-~~ prescribed by regulation issued hereunder.

~/ .. a .. .-.:.S 11--,.:r ? .....,, .., q ~i'lhc a»~4»~ 61 Any person whose certificate o f registration
~~~11.:,- a•Y--9... ,~-J·fl~7'i'fiT --,--,~a--~ f""'~ o f vital event: is lost or damaged shall have
h-ICJ-fl fi\a-.--, ,.6;--, . ,A.-1~~.::,- h~Y l"ltr~~&.-~~ t:he right: t:<> get: a. repla.cemen.t: cert:ifica.t::e -u.p<>n..
payment oft:he prescribed service fee.
~ .!)- h ~ v- r. t 1 c-: a»~ ..,, -"t- ~ «'?-, -~- -"t- Cl"a', ...-,1 -'l--
~~L:.:PA.. ==
48. Proba•ive Value
.-~n~lll'~+ h-oi!-+
The certificate of registration issued in
1"111.1, h.,,~ h--,+K· ~~ .,.....,....~~--,_ 11·1-~m ~~-.I'"'JCJ accordance with Article 47 o f this Proclamation
~ L"'a
c:: ~~ 1'1••-••c=
,.,, ... ~
...-.~ h tl"\ .&..- --- _..,._
shall have equal probative value as the records of
~he regis~er <>f civil sta..t::us.
~«;-~ ~- :z

h~~ h?-n.:r- S E C T I O N FIVE

-oc ~-u-....-. ~~311&~~~ I"'A-?~~ C<>R..R.ECTI<>N" <>F .R..EC:<>~I>.S <>F ~E<;I.STE~ <>F
C:::I"'V"IL.. .ST A. T U S
49. C l e r i c a l IVI"ist:ak.es
~h...,lc ~~-. ..., .. ,. ..,_ ~ ~ IJ ..,.'- ~ j \ f 1- 1-cu- 1/ The o m c e r o f civil status shall,. at: t::he request
~DIJ- ~Y«#: .,.....,..,.~~:,- VI-1-IIC ~-.1-1-11 o f an interested pa.rt:y., make corrections
~ ~111" ~ ":.7- -, ~--~?_..-..,.._.~,_,:,- ~hYY«i~ .:-.tJ-t-+--, involving clerical mist:akes in t:he particulars
YC"?A:: o f a register o f civil status.
2/ W h e r e ~he c<>rrect:i<>~ iT'l."'V'<>l"'V'es ca.:rt.cella.t::i<>T'l. o f
h.~~-~ ~-~~ a•Y--9- ~~c ~~~...,,-,. word or number, the ca.n.cellati<>n shall be
v~~rth~~ "--..r·, ~-~,_.,_~ ~~- a•Y--?- carried <>u"t: in a. manner t:ha.~ ~he word o r
~'P.;- t1-1-~~ll?u 11~1\ O~~O .... JIJ~ I.J-~;.J-- number remain legible_
Ac~-1-: .,.. y-·-, , .., q .;,_ ~- ~ jPE- p:» ~· ..., ?-- Where t:he C<>rrect::i<>n afrect::s all c<>pies <>f t::he
v~~/\t•+ nt.r-,. ,..., ..,.c ~-..-...... ~- ~­ . registration form, t:he o'f"'ficer o f civil st:a.t:us
shall give not:ice o f same t:o all bodies which
rt/\AC~-1.: c:/:.S!!.,..?.... QA :,.]P:SJD~ /\~~!)_:t~LD• have already received such copies.
h~J\~ U-i\- e~?.r""''a~ ..-,_. hi\tl+: z
!l. A. A- ':.'Fa A c..., -r- ':.7- SO. <>•her Correc-tions

fi~C¥.: :,.... a:t·~~ i\Y, .. ,_~~c..Y. I-1Atr~ Corrections in particulars ent:ered in a register o r
IJI"'t-1-cf»C lh-1-lli: rAtJ-1--r a»-~1-- VI.F':r· l"lh-fiC civil st:at:us, o'ther t:han t::hose inv<>lving clerical
mistakes,. may n<>t:: be c<>rrect:ed except: b y virtue
OJ-£1..-p ~~ ~- ~- ~.,·,~JI" p:.-.:y--,. .. ~'-~~/\ h-1.: o£ a judgment: given by a court .
i\.. n- -:y. A .y--:,-.. -,. #I?-~-~--~ ...,._,_,.1\tl/\ ~a>- z :
Applica1:ion Cor Correct:ion

........... c An a.pplicat::ion for t::he correc'tion o r particulars

("" .... ~~ III~~Jlf' A -,~.:J-~~ IIO~fl_ en.t:erecl i_, a. register <>£ ci"'V'il st:at:us may be made t::<>
a..-1"1 ,. ~.~~~.,, .. , .. ,I il·· ?... OJ'---,- -~-~~ a court by t:he public prosecutor, officer o f civil
fl-7.. ~1\h­ 61?"'~~~c•~-?-- ~en- ~-.:c~ 11.. -'l-- st:at::us o r any int::erest::ed pers<>n.
--,~~A..I•;I= A..+c:-tl ?-~--"'\A.=
V'~C.F: lLT a>-..-_~
"Ne arit
J u d g m e . . t: oC <:o._. rt:
"N<> . 5 8 22...._. .A.:u. ust 2 0 1 2 - --- ------- - - 6512

A/ ~~ c -'-~ n.· 1.= Ill'- I J ~' Cf» ~ , , .,. cl:. ~.- :1. A I"J~ ·~ ~ + 1/ The court may, upon examining t:he
it in a c c o r d a n c e
t» <tiLl• £":. fl ~ ~· .. , «~y c,., ~I 1 !J: ~"~"•' c: ? .... c:::' ~ <tiLl• _fs!:: q...-. a.-- application submitted to
? ....., , .., q "'- .. , ..~_:J•c'::,.J'o ..
~•» «~.9•• h~~ v-'IJ•JC)
wit:h A.rticle 51. o f t:his P r o c l a m a t i o n , d e c i d e
on the correction of the previous record or
~ -,~~~~a•-,. ~a•i'"l ..,. ..e.,-:,--""\~= : t h e d r a w i n g u p o f a n e w record_

Ji. / fill. I .I , , ..,. <tiLl•?. • '"',. ~~- i"l }', ..,. cf•?.,.• { ~) £",._. •~ ~ -r 2/ A judgment: rendered pursuant to sub-article
( 1) o f t:his A.~icle shall h a v e e q u a l proba.t:ive
t»-1"-f'\..-n ~ra:c: ~-- .. n .. --.- .ru-.r"'t~ •••• _., "'~-~ ;.-, ..,. ...,:.~·
Y~ a"» y, 9~ ;.-, ..,. cf~ X.. ~~ ~-'~ • ..._. ~ .,-,_ ~£:.,.I.,-,_ v a l u e a s t h e r e g i s t e r o f civil s t a t u s until t h e
~~IJ«"... ? .. ~£":-1 a».r... ?·· ~, ..-;_ra 9 ... -,,--,q ~nl-. ...... ?.tJ«au»-,. r e c o r d is c o r r e c t e d o r a n e w r e c o r d is d r a w n
u p in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h A r t i c l e 53 o r Article
-'-~~n a»-oll')~a•· ltl'l .. fJc: ~".,.., .. ,,.,,... ,:Jc: ~t .. A.
••-••~ ..-,... ..el"\.a•- •'? i'"l~;:f ~c;- ..e-..1"\. -,..._~: : 5 4 o f this Proclamat:ion.

~'h.C-?-1'- h~H..77~ 53. ~an .. e r or Ent:ering Correct:ions

A/ ll e.~•,-. I '"'Ill- a"»- i"l'l' h .., -~ ;J • ~ ~- ~~:cY.:- n.+ 1/ The particulars the correction of'" which is
o•-.--~ ~-.-.-...--."'Cl:l~n•- .,...,..,£:;:r $11-'-:;"- IJ-1-.-.~11-~ d e c i d e d b y t h e court: s h a l l b e c a n c e l l e d in t h e
ll~i\ >,.."", ...-L.,tlfl- •r•,a•- y • ..-.~•11'\.- = = r e g i s t e r o f c i v i l stat:us'9 p r o v i d e d t:hat: t h e y
shall remain legible.
fl./ fl·f-("t£':11--..,_ 9~ ..-,... ,., ,~ .... ? .... 111- a•~~ ·fe~ T.ll .. 40 7~
.. 2/ The particulars which replace them or which
t.r"'a•- ~ ..... ?_ "'Jfl- ,.,..,~;:r 9,~-.. ~«i:c: ...V: ll.·l="'> ....... .,.~ a r e a d d e d in t:he regist:er s h a l l b e e n t e r e d o n
f) .r,.., .rp c.f• i"' f I? ... -, I '"'l ..-1 .:,.. ,..~- • JP': c: CJ ~ ...,. ~- _... ~.; .. t:he b a c k o f t:he regist:rat:ion form, wit:h a
Y,F-~_-.JA. : : r e f e r e n c e t:o t h e judgment: o f t h e court_

f» ... ·f I c: .tr"-'IU -.I "J ·f I '7i- ~~ .. --- ,~ .. : c: _v_:- 0..-1=-,. en-.-.~

3/ T h e officer o f civil st:at:us shall, wit:h reference
fJ.r,--. ' r ~"' i"' '""' 9 ... -,I_,., IC} ~ ?.- :,. JiC Sl'"' ~-­ .._~ , _ ~ (""L ~ t o the j u d g m e n t o f the court, give notice o f t:he
corrections t:o all organs which have already
~ Je!.~!')- ~!:co- h •• '\ ...-,- 1'1· t'\- " c: ...7 ·•~ .,~ A -~ ..CS.. -~ «»- -1:: _-,._
e~7 -"-':' ~ -1 h 1\ I I.-,- : : received copies o f t:he regist:rat:ion form.

h~~ v--..-,q rt~-?h41l1ico'> 54. I>ra......ving u p a Ne~ Record

A/ ~ lv-- -• 1 .,. CJ ~»- 1\ _..~_ ~ ~~ ?_ S!!.. £":. ...., c••- ~c:··-,--.-
-r 4. ... 1/ Where t:he correct:ion of a record ent:ails
·-1 i'l., l- ~"1 II ..~ PJ -.:-,-- ...,_ , ......,.,_ ..~ i"'l1 A .r~.- ..... .., ~ c,-: c: -~ subst:ant:ial changes, t:he c o u r t may o r d e r t:he
ll.-1= , ....,, .., q ... ,.. -1·,.-.c: •• 11~,...&;_,-.
h.. _e-,,?--:,-.. ..._A. = =
"-,.~_ ,.--,,,q .. , ..... annulment: o f t h e r e c o r d a n d t h e d r a w i n g -up
o f a n e w r e c o r d in it:s place.
l)II.I.J >, ., «:,. . ~- .., .,_ r.
~ ;.-, .., c.f»?.- (:A) 2/ W h e r e a c o r r e c t i o n is m a d e p1...1.rsua.nt: t:o s u b -
h..&:..rt ? .... -,, .. , Cl il.IIC."" a» .., : - article ( 1) o f this Article:
V) Y«l•-~-c,.-.a-.- '".... ?..,._JI"'JCJ :r,x- -1"-.-.ct• f"I:P:CCJ~ a) the previous registration form shall be
1\..f'_. l-"~:c; -~- 1"1--1='""-" c••-.-.~~ h~-~-,. ~-~~~.-. cancelled and a reference t:o t:he judgment:
~ ..~I I 011- .. _,.. .:}~X- ( .... .-.~-,_ ..e .r,-.., 41'\ )-6 ...-,... --~~•1 .cf:. ?f o f t:he court: and t:he new record shall be
..~... .-.~:&-A: made on its back side;
I'\.) ~..-;:-~ .....,.. ?..,. .. , , .. , . . 11 ..e11aJJ- .:r-x- .:P:c:-CJ il...e. b) a reference to the j u d g m e n t o f t:he court
,~._:c: -~­ l l .. ·l=""~ c., ..... ,._~ ,... «1•-~-..,-a- .. -, v--,,,q and t:he previous record shall be made on
~~ ..f i l l a•- .._,. ~X.. ~~ ..,.,_ _fl ~.~... .t'\ t~ ..-,_ «~7 ,.,,_,, ?'i the back side or~he n e w regist:ra~ion form.
y_.,....r,:~-A: :
3/ Where a new record is drawn up pursu~"t: te>
t h i s A..rt:icle:
U) , ... ? ___ ,,...,.... .:'~-?..- ~-"C.?---:,-- •••••• , h~-~
'!5~ ,.,., .,... £':. .-,.. i \ ,.,.,_ c,., 41'\ lt;.J-:I;a•- a) c o p i e s o f t h e r e g i s t r a t i o n f o r m shall b e
,._,..,_,_1\ ~ 'i': ;-, 4"\. •l =•~ c•-.- : sent: 1:<> t:he relevant: o r g a n s in ac::c::ord.anc:e
wit:h .A_rt:icle 4 5 o f t h i s Proclama.t:ion.;
~) ••••·•'~ ;.-,~,·~ .1', -,..,,.x- ~;-z .tr"-'IU 11..._,. ~ _.,._ .., _ ~ '..~!. b) a replacement: certificate o f regis"t:rat:ion.
1\ ••?_.,...,.., 1\ IJ·I·o:.- ,.-. •u- ?~ .-,- t1 ~?~-,,-,q ?-l'lt~c; shall be issued t:o t:he int:erest:ed person in
a•£:cf•-r ~-.-.~•lA. = = accordance with A..rticle 47 of t:his
Proclamation .
~6~~ y-i'):f-
Federal Ne www.abyssinialaw.com
·t Ga..:z:ct:a No. 58
22- Au s~ 201 2 .. . ..... . .. . .


nn-n~&--e ~.:J-:OJ~F .-.~ h._~ 55.. Na~ional Ident:it:y C a r d Issuing O r g a n

-o.-..... ~ -e ~ .:::J- aJ ~ _~~ l ... ~., r. 4lf"n __...,._ ~A.~,.,-, c;- _,_«? CJ c An appropria.t:e federal organ having t:he powers
~-y_ c;- ~~ h.-, C) •{l ,..e L\_ CD- ~ ~ Y-6- A. h.~ A. () «~?_ ~ h ,.-,_ C: ":!f- and dut:ies t:o issue nat:ional ident:ity car.d shall be
est:ablished by regulat:ion o f ilie Cot.i"ncil of
~hC: f'L-"'1- ~l«~?_c.o 1 '1 ~ ..., . . . . ~**-?~a a 1\11 inist:ers _

...-.,.._~-.: ~,._ OJ~,.r r - ? ~,., ~ _, ?...::J-: 56 .. Oblig:a.t:ions t:o Obt:a.in Na.t:iona.l Ident:it:y C a r d

6/ ~~~~~ i\h.-,i\ e~..,m~ Fl*-~..-- h...:t-~k_e9! 1/ Any Ethiopian who has attained majority
--f"J~~~ ~:.J-'-a»cl!_.-.... 61
?~~q~ h~n.:r- == shall have the obligation to ob"ta.in national
iden.t:i"ty card_
fl/ -?7=;='~~ t'\hf-Jt'\ ~a-.-~ ~A"-.~~
A..::t-~A;-y~ UJ"'l~ u~~~ h~~& .etJ7~ A~ 2/ Any parent or guardian o f an Ethiopian
tl&-~- FfL-1-.... -fl ~n'Jf•J...-J 4'\~ -?i"''~"''l-,-11 minor shall cause 'the regis'tra'tion. o f such
htf\.O.:t- a: child on his family register_

A -fl d-.~ «e C71D:J=aJ cf; .,r r.l\ ~ ~ -.,-, -fi 57 .. R.egis-trat:ion Cor Nat:ional Identit:y C a r d
6/ Oll... tJ h. ~ £1~ ~,«I"" ?a· :lZ(~) ~~~.::,-- -11,-h.&-~ 1/ Any_ E~hiopia:n. who has -'the obligation 'to
~?-aJ~f ~~cv-~'1-r .,~~;J-- _ei\o:,- -?~~~~ ob~m national iden.'ti'ty card in accordance
h..:t-~k-'~ h~ILl·fl ..c..-~~ ~.C..~&-A hi-JA vvith Article 56( I) o£ t:his Proclamation shall
o~r.;.J-OJ~~ fl~'z-lAocv- CJ?-~ ~~~ ~~-.,-.,--o get: registered at: the place and within t:he
h/\OT:: period notified by t:he appropriate federal

,.. ..,,..,q ..,.O·i'l

fl./ Ott.t.J h~+,.- h-,.+~ (A) ~~.c!"- ..-,...
~ ~ ,_~-, ~ «#~ , . . - ,__ " . _ . , _ - - , . ~ -#-C~G~ ..,, .,?{L OJ--,. 2/ The regist:rat:ion made in accordan.ce wit:h sub-
110 tL'!'.~sP-:;.. ~~D.Y'JI hi\(J ..l-:- article (I) o f this Article shall contain the
following information ofthe person regis'tered:
0) 17f/J•h- ~~ ha;~,__e.:r-:;
a.) fu.ll name including grandfa'ther;
/\) A~ ~Ah-l- t-1h ...e..tJ',.~- ~AhT i b) special ide:n.tifica~io:n., i f any;
.-h) ~aJ4\~=t=-,. ~-t'\· r.~~ ... _,~:,.~ c) parents' full name and cit:i.zen.ship;
~> ~+OJ:- ¥: ~-~~ n~-- 1 d) date and place o f birth;
·~) p~ ... _:7-fl~ I.J-~,;:J--1 e) sex and ma.rit:al st:at:u.s;
~) ~,_n~ ~~~..e n;:J--~ ~L;- i f) principal residence and occupation.;
c'"a) -fl~C~ ?J!!-~7~;-:,-.. i g) et:h.nic origin and religion;
i1') £::..r--,L;-~~ ~~·l.:t- h4'fL;-i "~
h) phot:ograph and finger prin~; and
.,.> ~1\.---.::r- ;..,-,q-fJ CJI'\a.,- v~~&-~ h~A
i) ot:her necessary information as may be
~~OJ_..~ h L~·-1.. ~~JCI'sP'::f-:: determined by t:he appropriat:e federal
1:/ OH.U h-,.+x- -,. /"a h7~K- (ff)(if) i'a/\~'1+ 31 Notvvit:hstanding sub-article (2)(h) o f this
h?f&- ~__,_,_~.,.,~ ,._c.-c~ (Jhi-JA. .,_~+
Article, a disabled person who ca:n.n..ot: give
~h~.r.:t- ~~"'l.:t- hq&-aJ_ ...,. ~~m.:t- ~-?~~-~ his finger prin't shall be registered in t:he
c'"a~ h-,q-o 1"11'\aJ- ~i\4. cC • .:r-- +CP f'\:.4'\ presence o f t:he appropriat:e officer by ot:her
~«'?~•16~ 11~ n~m~?~ y.,e~._,,,.,qA == means o f verification_
f!/ h~Q·O Y~~- ~~F-&-A. hi-)~ t»-fl.-.....6--e 4/ The appropriat:e federal organ shall carefully
~;J-~cf:,. ~~-~·y:,- ~~Y.,~~PIJ-JO~-,. f"'t~ ensure the ident:ity o f a person regist:erin.g for
..-,-,.~T OIJ'-,.~cf: 111
7.c!"-:J-Jif' h~ll--r- a a n.at:ion.al ide:nt:ity card_
~/ A-,q.o ..P~~ ~~~~~ h~~ r-.-«71P-.•.:7"-a:»-..,
"Ne arit www.abyssinialaw.com
Ga.z:eta No . :58 22..... A.u
T h e a.ppr<>pria:te federal <>rga.n. shall have the
st 2012 -------------

~ _.,.-; +
1\ ~ ~ :.J "''I'
hill L-'\ '1..
..,--' ck sP o;y....,.
povver to make inquiries and to demand the
production o f relevant evidences t o vericy the
A->.JIL~4-c-n ~~-~~_, ~~_...,.., ~q-~-..~ • • ide:r~.t.it:y <>f t.h.e pers<>:r~. t<> b e registered-

• .-~-..I.;7CL~- fliLt, .,.o-~ h.,+~ (ll) 6/ The registered person shall conru-m. the
...-.- h h L\. ~ veracity of' the information provided in
~~~.:,- v--r-c"'ama:»· ~ l.Y ..,_...,.
accordance with sub-article ( 2 ) oft:h.is Article .
..,~..7'1-r hL\.11:,- • •
58- Issua.-.ce o-r Na"t.io.-.al Ide.-."t.i"t.y < : a r d
..o~4.-ce ~;--~ct:Y n~~n.~+
1/ The appropriate federal organ shall issue a.
Iii ·h~Clorfl , . L\ OJ- ~ t4-. F..&- A h 1"-J A llii.. IJ h c:p ~ national identity card to an Ethiopian citizen
~-,+x­ .2~(K) ~--t-1·1~11~+-, ~~"KSJD-::r- who has ft.J.mished the fUll information
~C"I"'7__rc:,c~-tl~ n ••. ._, ~-..~ ~~~~
Cla:.~"QOJ­ ,_-, --o ~ ,__OJ,...,
__ o>- .,. v,.....,., ~-, ~-.::,... h ~ ..P
57(2) of this
payment of' the
~.c-~~ ~+v-A-.Y<f! --fl.-h.&-~ ~,;J-~ci:Y service fee prescribed by regulation issued
~c""a--·-.~ $ = hereun.der.

fl./ 01-t.U e~~~~.:t-

h-,.4-K· V«-W?• .-a'r .....-1.-h-~~ 2/ A. national
wi.U. -.:hi.:s
to be
~;:J-'-o>4::.r flll.t.J h~·]2E- h-,_4-K"' !Ill .n--.-~.nh-.-OJ-
quality o£ lasting for the period of its validity
K..,.... L\~-~~cJ:,- ..LIL ~~-lli\7'i A..,....__,-,1\-IA. referred t o in ..A.rt:icle 5 9 o f this Proclamati<>n,
.r~ ~-#-l·l_7)l!!~ ~'Y.. i'"I'P&-9! ~.n~ ~L'\OJ- IF~
ha:ve sec-u.ri"ty features and con.t:a.in. the
t»~h--1-i\-T .., e~•.. ~Jlfp.. -:.y- ~-e~l h~l"l~ =-
following particulars:
O) ..
~..-..-..~;.J a-.~_ea·--~ ~-i\- ~~ h~ h..e--.--s a) "the "fi.111 name including gra.n.dfather, sex,
date and place of birth, principal
P.;J--~ ~-..,_~-~-~- c.f:.-,_~ ,-a,;J-: ~'-fl=;=' ~«:-&~
P.:-J--"~ ~-r--,&--.:: f',,,_..,_ h~&-~ ~c.,_, • residence, photograph, finger print and
signa.t:ure o f t:he holder;
6'\) ~-tJ,-h.-&-~ ~~-~.. ~~,.c~ v~.;:J·a~~f .-.c.Y: b) national identificat:ion number and
«h'rC ~ Ac;; ident:icy c a r d number; and
c) issuar:tce a:r~.cl e~piry elate .
.-h) r'-1-...-.~f'l--..,._ ..,.~ ~'"''A?~--~~ ~~y__ef)_4-fl-"''- +'>a a
3/ The appropriat:e federal organ, before issuing
h?ll'll _P~a-.- 1"""4--~-&-A hi'"JA ..IJ,~&-P­ na.t:i<>n.al ident:ity card, shall ensure t:ha..t t.he
CI'JD ;J- LD~ ~ I• ~ i"l_--., -1::: f)~-_-,_ -t-~ -.1 _:-J(l._ a.- -~ h c'\ ..f l regis-tered ir~.cli-vicl-....a..l h.a..s II<>t. a..lrea..d:y recei-ved
h~~-~cr:- -fJ,-1~&-«1! ~.-. _..;J-u.-.~f hA~~~.-;, .. -,. a n..ati<>nal iclen..1:ity ca.rcl_
~~_7 .... ~ hhfl--..-: :
h-?"1•11 .~i\~- ~~~&-A h•IA r~c'll~n~- 4/ The appropriate federal organ, before
a.ssignh'1g a na..ti<>:r~.a..l iclent:ifi.ca1:i<>n n-....mber,
~1---~&-~ ...-~~y ~l!:'"r'C hrt-#-~«r- ~l"b~ IL~
y ~ __,._...,.1"0 ~"~~.r~--~ ~.,£":_7-.--r h~c•:,-= = shall eras-..re 1:ha."t "the n-....mber is r-.c.:>"t already
a.ssigiied "t~ a..n~ther citi.:z:e..-..
h-~CJ"'I -~A~· ~~~ .. &-~ h••~ ne7WL.fr.~-..OJ-P~ 5/ ..A..n. Ethiopian vvho has not: <>b1:a.ined a
~~II. -,~ .. II a~·r»'l' 11~~""11.,.,--IJ •(J,h.&-9! n.a"t:i<>n.a...l ident:icy card by getting registered
~::J·o-.~_e _e~a~~y_ h_.:}--V-A- ..e~ hh~~ n~_r­ vvit:hin. the period not:ified by "the appropriate
OI.T~ ~,_.,-,y:,-- ,.,.,IT~-'"' ~£1~~ T ••A.~i\ federal organ. shall, unless he proves t:he
II-~~ ---Y- 1"1£~"•;11 €'"•~-, I '1•11 ~, .;.J-- a.,~ P .. a»--, ~ ~a»-~ X'- exist:ence or force majeure, be required to
1"111_1.1 >.P ~ ~.,LJU>~ ~ ~lo,~"'"l ~ -,_,) fJI--1-0JI"t.-,OJ- .., make paymen-t o£ additional service £ee
--.--~~& P h ..,~-~h-_,_ h .. ;~ A-~~~~?­ prescribed by regula.t:io.n issued hereunder,
~F-~,:..JA. == for issuance <>f t:he id~n..t:ity card up<>n la"te
regist:ra.t:i on_
-aJ-..~9.: ~?=LV~_, R -,-r- r~41.&n+ 7.."-. . 59- V"alidity Perj~d a ..d .R.e. . e...,al ~,. .N"a~i«» . . a • .Ide. . ~jt-y
A~ll-1-- <:::ard
~/ -IJ,-1..&-9? 1 7 ,.. _;..~-o,*.c""" ~,~_,._ .-..~L.4-r~- h .. #-~~.-an~ 1/ .A national identity card shall be valid £or t:en.
.,.7 ~~£:" ~h~-'£.: ~~£..,~-7- ,..e,~.r~~;; years from the date o f its 1ssua.nce_

~-;.:~-o.,4:_c-~ 2./ .A ,ationa.l identi~ card shall be re.ne'-Ved

y,,:.J-~C"'~: :t
u.p<>n. the expiry o r its validit-y peri<>cl-
Ne arit Ga.zeta No. 58 22nd Au
Obligat:ions of"' t:he Holder of"' Nat:ional
ust 2012 ...... . ... . . .


lil ~.(1~&-«e ~:.J--a»4!_e ..e~r:- 1/ The holder o f a national identity card shall :

U) ~_;.J--.cocf!.rcv-7 (1'1 .. -,. ..Pcf: ~_,,_,c;- tJ·A "'1.11:- a) keep the identity card with care and
always carry it wit:h him;
• ~~ €TD-,..c#-C\4-i'l ;_
b) show the identity card when requested
/\) ll~~~i\t)-t-o:.- ,._,,"lA i'l.mV.:J- ~;J-a•~_eo:.-·,
by the concerned body;
.,., ~ v :,- ·;
c) inform the appropriate federal organ
~?-a•cf: ...ea:.- tJ ..e•· •~~o:.- ~~JI' sP':T- i \ y.. within 15 days of any change in the
i\~IJ' .~ ..~ ~"~"'c;,•, A ...,. ~tr-; i\CD·a.· -,. h -111 ~~ particulars of the identity card;
41'\i\a>- V.C...~&-A h~!A OI~ ~~T co-i"l'r
-?~~Cf» I
d) present: t:he ident:it:y card t:o t:he
~) £~D~OJ4! ..(_..o•- ~ ...,....y.. appropriate federal organ for renewal
A ...,~()~ hC2~1l-fl 1\Aco- upon the expiry of it:s va.lidit:y period .
h:,-cca ~41'\~..-. ~

"i\ n.:t- = = h._~ v- A- ,r <f! 2/ Any Ethiopian who has changed h is

fl. I 0? ..,.~~~
y ... ,_,-.n~~'"> ·••~~~q!
IL-1•, .. 1~·~
a-..~ __e en-.,_ n.at:ionality shall forthwit:h return his nat:ional
identity card to the appropriate federal organ -
h"'?CJ ..fl J\1\0J- ~~~~&-A hi-JA £10~1\1"1

hi\n-1--= =
3/ The person whose national identity card is
cl ~1~~&-~ ~,::J-a.,4! ..(~cu- OII.U J;.cp~ Oh..,.+,.- cancelled in accordance with Article 61 of
'!El! ~._..~~ 1'·1-.-. ~llfl.:t- ,-.~»- ~;:J--a.,cf:..ecu--,. this Proclamation shall return the identity
h~ll ...fl ~i\a>- ,~~~&-A hi-JA ~~,1\i"' card to the appropriate federal organ.
hl\(1...'}--:: Cancella-tion of"' Na-tional Iden-ti-ty C a r d
l'a A -f1 .h.&--,: ~ .;!'- «Pcf: y ~ (\ ~ -rt Where it is proved that a national identity
..., 1 ,.h.&-«<! ~.;J~a.-,.cf:_e ~-1--t'\~ncn- ll~"'JJ'JCJ~»- card is issued on the basis o f fraudulent: or
aJ~.:t- n,_..-.~ ,. . . . ,._
6 , .... ,-J~n~ a>~~ ~ ...t-c'\c'\rt- · false information provided during
tii7D~Jr ~~ ·-J-CJni"I.C.-Y- ~tr.,_ h....-f-~-?'Jm registration, the identity card sha~l _ be
qi\~;-.v~~o.,- llcv-,.~A ~m~~ cancelled without: prejudice t:o crt.mJ.n.al
~ -,.¥-..
l-10 -#' IT~ ,..,.~.;..J-a»4: ..eco- .,e,.-.~•IA: = liability o f the holder.
2/ Any Ethiopian whose identity card is
o.,_._, >.-,.4-g- -,.~,-ra h-,_4,~- (6) ~L#J~+ cancelled pursuant: t:o sub-article ( 1) o f this
~;J-~Y~ .--t-t"''~IICI.:f- h_Tt-:A.·.,r~ ,.__,~_.,~ Article shall obtain a national ident:it:y card
....-.-~.... -fl~&-~1! LI~.:J·•a.»~~ ~0>-~-'l­ upon. getting regist:ered anew-
};.i\ ~z z
!&"•• r-o~&-ce ~2'-~ct:..r ~~4-+ ~,2,~ ~n41ti"f+ 62. Loss o r Damage oC Nat:ional Ident:icy C a r d
li/ .0~&-~~ L~~;J-o»~f ~104-0..::t- OJ~~ II Any person whose na-tional identity card is lost
r-1-£1--ll'f£1-7- -y-~:;;:o .. ~ 1"'1~:- or damaged shall apply to the appropriate
federal organ for issuance of a replacement
upon attaching with his application:
C~D;J·OJcl!...e~- ~"~~4-·1~ 1\pr-i\.~ ~~c.,.'l­ a) in case o f loss, an evidence o f a report
--,Y;:~-,_ ..,. ~~~.,_-,A~· ..-,n~· ~~~ made to the police; or
V+()l\;1'o:.-'.J. L~n;J•a.:.~,.P i b) ir1 ca..se e>£ da.ma.ge,. "t:h.e da.ma.ged icler'll"t:i"t:y
~:t-h -·•--~c:-~1! ~;J-~4f:-' "--,.~..-.~0>­
~ ~~~&-A .J'.I-IA ~~AhT hi\£1T: •
J:/ h~~~~ ,...,_.._u ~,«~·~ ~~~+ OOJ,....~ F-7.,... 2/ The applicant shall be issued with a
~--1-«D,...~OJ--,. h~ ..~~ QcL6~ ~+h -fl#h.&--e replacement national identity card upon
~.:J--«Dc:f::Y ~.-.m~·A. == payment o f the fee prescribed by regulation
issued hereunder.
c/ h?Q~J fl'\a>- ~~Y..&-A. h ... ~ ou.u h74-x- 3/ The appropriat:e federal organ shall, upon
~o-ra h-,.~,.- <~><«-~> ~--.-~~h--r-~ ~~]I(' receiving the information referre~ in sub-
A7F-F-~,...~ ~m4-~ ...-Jih-6-~ ~~aJcf!Y article (l)(a) o f this Article, register the loss
1\U"l«D'I' h"JA~h---T 'A7~~aJ-~ O~bh~~ o f t:h.e national identit:y card in. t:h.e central
~ ~)l:f T *
C..T~ 1 ' ~ -f:: -> ~CT~-..-....-. h~n.:r-- s = data b a s e to p r o h i b i t its illegal 'USe.

-fldb&--<e ~;·cv4"! ..(~ ~Y.:~ ,..,-., ~-,.~«D-?­ 4/ Any person who finds a lost n.at:ion.al ide:n:tit:y
9./ card shall immediately ha.n.dover it to t:he
..-.~ ~:J-aJcf:!faJ·-, LD~.Y~.,_ h?CJ-fl 4\i\~
appropriate federal organ or to t:h.e nearest
V~~&-~ h~A. a•~~ flh~&-fL..rOJ- ~~"J~ police station.
~h..rt ,-,.,,.._s ~ra~I-.~J hi\n+ z =
~b&-~ h~+ CHAPTER FOUR
~~~~ _._,_~7i~.!l-

r~~JII" A«D-«D-~

~OJ..-.~ tt-~T ~-,,_,q-,.~ V.flJ-a-&-~ 1/ Information collected in relation t:o

~ .:J-- a»~ y-,. hi"'' Cl~ A.,_, -Y- Jl" -t--~ n .-. o- ~ ~JII" ~-;.y-­
registra.t:i<>II o f vital events a.n.d
identity card shall properly be stored in. a.
h-,.~ "i\.1\ CD- ?u t=-e77._ ..P "'l"-? A. ~..,....,. central data base kept b y the appropriate
~-,.~::Y·A h~Cl~l
o «"? b h-" «e
~y-.-• hl'\q~OJ-::
v ~ ~ J:t * CJI'\~
:,- n" ~~4-.~&-A.
n- -r-'-
tl!:.- ~ -t-«D-
federal organ so t:hat the
collected for one purpose may also be used
.Cor t l i e o1:her.

J:./ 01-LU h-P~ h-,c:I•Y.· 9- 'A~ h-,.+,.- !l~ 2/ The appropriate federal organs established in
~«J.~~..'}- ~~**CI'D- h ..ICJ-fl YI\~OJ- t»~Y..&-A.. accordance with Article 4 and Article 55 o f
ht--.1\+ ~ Clt-Lt.J ~, ..,. ..,~~· -,o-1"1 h-,.~,.- (A) t:h.is Proclamation. shall exchange in.forma.tion
~Vt.J~.:t- V--1-YI-t-~ .. ,_. ~~):(5P'::f· ~~q»a-.-p kep~ in accorda.n.ce -wi~h. sub-a.rt.icle (.1..) o f ~i.s
hi\CJ~aJ-: :
Conditions or Disclosure or Inror.nation to
i \ A- A--;;-. h ... ~.:,- ~ ~):{' $P-:£- hi\~~ a..lJ ..:r-- .,.. ~,:.!-- 64.
<>ther c::>rg.a . . s

~aJ .... ~ h--,T 9'-."'JI.,ICJ""> OJ~~ ~.flch.&-9! 1/ Information collect:ed in relation to

~;:;~--co~ .e..., ~ ra Ll·~ ~ h -Y- t=- .,.,._,.... o,... o- ~ ~~ $P-::;- regist::ra.t:ion of vital events or n.a:tiona.l
~ ..,2 '""' __,._A- .:,... q. ~ ~~, P_, -;-y.. n .-,A. ~ i b L'\-- ::r-
h 1-1 .-.-?- identity card may be disclosed to
orgaiis Cor the following purposes:
_,._. ""l A. ~co- ;\. ,... £n- _e. -;:y-1\ ~- =-
V) ~ -fl d-b&-- «J: ~·· £: J&r~ .!Ji!!--, ~ ")oo T h - , ~ -,n- _,_ j a) for national intelligence an.d security
~co">~A. LT~h"I-.A.~ ~c~&­ b) f o r crime prevention a..n.d investigation.;
L\ ~"'CIC hi'"ICJ£"1 ...11 ~ c) £or tax collection;
d) for administrative and social services;
~) ~4--_e,«;;7il -I-*~:,--,_ Ph~~ £e>r impleme~~"tie>~ e>T r:lsk: m~;;:tgeme~t

II~.PJ::Y.. £1~&-- 4_e. ~~p~ I ~~ systems o f fl.rJ~c.Ma..l .i,st.itut.ie>IJ.s; ~d

~) n~~~ ~I..IU~T ,._,_J_~-4- £or oilier purposes a.ut:horized by law.
.._,. ""'117 ~ ::y.. : :
fliL.I~ J1ra ?4',K- 7~:1-h h 74~..n- (~) ~~£:~ 2/

~~~~~-,. _e,, .. ,_-aJ-

~I-lA ~~JIT.,PI;p? ~I'L4
n'IA h4AC:: ~~~h~n~ a~.R-~ A4t'L4 ~~~
~fll~~ P/lflT?•~::
Federal Ne Yarit www.abyssinialaw.com
Gazeta No . 58 22nc:l Au ust 2012 . . . .. . . . . . . .. a ..e 65 1 7

e/ r••-•, h-,.~7..- -,.~•-n h-,.C-~7.- (A) Y:-~--_J-1-s-... -::,-- 3/ Wil:hout preju.dice t:o t:he provisions o r sub-
~ ...,.~-1-~04~ t.r~:· ~ ..,.,_-c~.,~lt-1--a-.- -ll"\.1'\•fl article ( 1) of t:his Article!> information
..-.A.~-~F- a•Y.-?~ ~~~~tr·~-~ CJ~a-.- G'!.C;-~ n.--1'- specific "t.o an individual may not be
~~•1"'11 ~"IA.IY-, fli'I·J-~=--C ~~~~f'\-fl ~·:.~"Jl:i ? ... :..-,-... disclosed to any ot:her person unless upon
obtaining "the consent o f the concerne d
1\ib~ "o~ -J--~A4-o:.- h Y... ,-.n-.-9~: =
individual or an order or"the competent: court.
9J fl.-'?. c.~•:. I\ It- J--a•- ••, ~ ('\ -f I ~~~ a• ,., ~ ~.., ~ tr•-, -,. 4/ .A person ent:itled to obtain information
C"l/\a>- ca~c Y: o.:,- -~_,., ..... , ~~~~:,- ~-.11\C\~fl specific to an individual by virtue o f the
~~Jqf A -~...&;_f"''.rl""-«"u-· l ........ Y.. m¥-.:'f:. .--o•-
1111.. 1, h«f•JP!! consent o f "the individual or an order o f the
competent court shall be provided with the
~~~~-...,._ (I''?..«Jt 1 •l F- -~-fl V-1-a•,-.~o~··.J'
Vh-'1~ -~~-:,- t64tl: .~~ -c~•,~-0,.. h~tl:t-: : information upon payment o f t:he service Tee
prescribed by regulation issued hereunder.
~/ .. -?1\,...-fi-.J' ~~·:.~~- 1\ibi\ ..-.~.. ~.,i'l~n+ 51 Where disclosure OT inTormation specific to
r ~ -.1-fl-, ~""f':,?u h."")......,. ~C.II'W,_ -.:y.. A. rrc:-- c'"l.. .. ,~ an individual is likely to prejudice public
~~JII"'o•- A·~..-;_,....,,.. ~ .......,_~~fi-1-D"lll- -~~...-.-11 interest:, such information may not: be
~~Y.;-9ro ~·,~P.·~IJ• i\ ll?',c;:'~y.- L\..~ ~OJ· disclosed to any ot:her person irrespective of"
-----....~II"' _..,._ f.# 1\ I' I .::'1- ?•• = =
t:he consent: ort:h e individual.

sr»~&-~ h_~n.:r- c:'H".APTER F I V E

~~ ~~ Y:~~~~~ ~ISC:'ELL..A.NE~US PR.C>VISI~NS

.-,..~ A.l:"r-n~ ,_,~~.-.- 65. Handling and SaCeguarding oC InCormat:ion

l'i/ r =-s ~--~~ !,1u.-,, ... ,q-~ ..,,. . ~ -(1.-h-&-Cf! 1/ Inrormation. collected in relation to
~~-.nc~: ~-,. .. ,, .... ~,··At-•-r- v-t-c-\flc"\tl· cr•:.~)t p,-:(.. registration of vital events or national
6\ ~ ..
__,._.-=._&-~-1-a• ..
,.?'.. "~~··=•=
:t:a>-: :
fl., ..... c~ .-.,. .:,-- identity card shal l be kept properly to make
them easily accessible Tor use .

II/ .,.-.,..~
+ ~-
V-1·1\ _,... ~~ V ~.,.A.h+c-~1"1
II ~~Y.. F. c: ~- ' I ' ..4» -Y- -::t'·-,
cr~-,. .
IJ 1"1 c: ~ r
JP- -:y.. -,. 2/ The inform at: ion shal I be protected from
electronically designed at:t:acks !> theft or from
h~~~ .-.....,.~A 't·4--r-':l-- ~~ntl~ hi\q:J.:o,- = = other similar criminal abuses.

f:/ ~-~ ~ -~··- .-a-;p.. -:;- lt·J--£)..,e.. ~ lt7,.4f"'\:,-; 3/ I:>ocuments containing the inrormat:ion. sh a.TI--
.:r-c;- -~- ~~ ..-,.. h. ..«.. F-c.:~.--.ro•- It''?.. ::Y-i\- be pro"tec"ted against: insect:s,. fire,. moist:ure
-~~--?--":)·- ~"'•:.11--.flc-, h~IJ~:LP•: : and other causes o£ damage.

n/ n>~~ ~-~h-6-::_..;~::J:,_,_,_ ~ -;,~~-lefl7.11.1- s- A-A-~~ 4/ The documents shall be kept: in a place where
-~-- -4 _,._ ~ ,_-,..P.~S!!£..-?J-£1:1:~•- ~~~ ~1£:-'Y-_,~ A~£-- chcrc rs .su-/77c/e-~r .a./r- .a/7CJI' ./;g.br r~ p.r~r~c-r
qAn~ ;J· ~...,.1_.,_,,.... ,., .. ~ .. I\ q:,=~ == wr6tte_, data fi-~m t h e r i s k o £ fading a n d other
t:ypes or damages.
~q..:J- 66. Penalty
'/ ~·~:t;:a•-~ ~OJ-=- I/ Whosoever:
) 1111.11 h«r:te: .'-.._--,._-~-,.... ?,__..-. ~~~-.,_ o•~~ a) rails to declare vital event:s or t:o obtain
,._.~_..,_ ..,. v~·?h.,..., ....,,., .. ,. a-.F.... -ct .. •~~q: national ident:ity card in accordance wit:h
~,..•:.J·a•~_...., (~"?cu- 1 •1--,... -, ,..e-"1"111~ t:he provisions o f "t:h is Proclamation or
o•r-?- l•a••-. =-~ 1'1--;--r- -.q ... , ... ,~ ra.i Is t:o observe any ot:her requirement:

J-t ...(l...-1-..&-«f! ...-,n:..J·a•c.J-:.e
~-1-..e .,.e11 ..,.
provided ~or in relat:ion "to
registration oT vit:al events or nat:ional

identity card shall be guilt:y of" an offence

._.'7Y... IIA'I' •l•i\A ~~~----,- ~ hv-~--,._ and be punishable vvit:h simple
.--.-.-r..- •IIC: ~c-all ~.. ?-r..--.- 'li". ~.se.c:rt.
cJ... ,...... y ........ ,.,A. : imprisonment not: exceeding six mont:hs
or with a fine from Birr five hundred to

1\) fill. tJ }', •f• ~":. I'IUIJI.•~--.~ ()) .... ~ II·~-~·,.

Federal www.abyssinialaw.com
Ne •arit
Gazeta No . 58 2 2 nd
falsifies or conceals a f"act in declaring a
Au ust 20 12 . . . . . . .. . . ... a e

(L.ei'a~"-'••11··1·U u•J:',9 00
1\·U,h.~-.,! a-o.;J·a•cJ:.e vital event or registering f"or a national
{LI'IDff.,., ..() LJ('\·f·~= ~"-'••~Ji{ t' ... tn dJY·?- identity card in accordance with this
AOJ·•I·I·~(IJ• ..} o·•·~Jf ~_.~11 ..1• A·t~tr~ Proclamation shall be guilty of" an
fla•·t~A T4. .,.;.;: tr•;· hJ', ..,. -~· •J~"-'••·l'- Ahh offence and be punishable with simple
h?!Ul'l,-,~ ~,_,,._.:,. fl••?.. ~c;l'l •I•J\A 'Ai'a&--~ imprisonment from one to five years;
,.l?.. •J•nlA ~
c) makes use of" f"orged or falsified
..-h) 0 IJll·l.. O·I·JI...:J:"': co,.e.. 9.... CD..(J'.. Ull·l· O·~~rom
certificate of" registration of" vital event or
~CDc'\~ h·•r)· 9 .. '11"1'1 9'"'ilhC cot:~·).. CDJ!.. ?'"'
national ident ity card shall be guilty of"
~,lb&-«e ~;J - OJ•I!.~ Y·~o-.~~ ~-)Y.tr-,
an of"f"ence and be punishable with
fla•·t:P:A 'f"~··l·~= tr•;· hh?-h·l'- '-hh rigorous imprisonment from five to ten
,.,.,_.,(; •JI'IU•)• flu?.~C:h ~-.,. ,._,..6-,l'-
y,cf•aJA, z
~"-'••) Ya•41'\~ 1•··, ...,. ,..,..,.,Cl 9. . i'lhC co~~,...-,.. CDJ!.r
d) forges or falsifies a certificate
registration of" vital event or a national
.flrh.. &-~ ~ .;.J ·cu·l:.(' }'-.{lcro{l~- t'.--&-- CD ,I?.. ~ identity card shall be guilty of" an offence
ro.9'.. IJll·l· Vc'\cncn h·J.v.. tr•, fla•·)J!A '1'4..·1-~ and be punishable with rigorous
tr•;• h"'fl•}• ~,{lh )-,~&- )-,9,.../l•)• q.CTD·)~ imprisonment from seven to fifteen years;
O~•.V.. Cll ,_...,.. ~,ll&-·'"1· y .•,_..rq~! IT~"?'"' '1""~ .. -J: provided, however, that the rigorous
~-1- .& .. Y-CTDCD· Y? ....ll.l'l 9"'/lhC CD"-.~·)- CDJ!.r . imprisonment may extend up to twenty
·O ...Ib&--ce CTD ;J -w·l:Y t'\CTDiltn·l.. ~~nrt five years where the offence is committed
O·l- ,...m£D- ~-'"1· ,_.CTD.,..?
u•&-·~~ CDJ!..?'"' ~1\~. by a civil servant or an official entrusted
yar-, n·,.-~.. tr•, y~-·,.. nll&-·l· :,-,..1-~ nllh ., ' with the power t:o issue cc:rtificat:e of"
h9.-.il·l· LJ.cro·l· 1\.Y.. Cil J?,:t·'\A i registration or national identity card;

u•) \'cot)~ ? .....

~ ;J- CD •J: y ..,. ;-, il c.ro A h....
h··,·l· ,.,,r,. .. , ... "'n"'
CTU ~ )'{ SD:Y· ..)
e) falsifies data collected in relation to
registration of" vital events or national
identity card by altering, modifYing or
J!.tt·l· OCTDI\£1)£}' : n.o-Ji"ii"iA: ncro"'~.., CDJ?.r
O~c::.;:r-CD·?··• "'~'\ ti.Y.. CD..V.. IJ(l•)• ~t'\CDtll
deleting its content. or by any other
_means shall be guilty of" an of"f"ence and be
n·).e.. tr-, h}',~MC ?,(lh a/ Y i'tril·}.. ~ou·}·
punishable with rigorous imprisonment
n.o~..V.Cil ,_...,. ~,il&-·}· J!.. •l•rllA! f"rom ten to twenty five years;
~) ~CDI'l~ h··r)· ? ... 'll'l'r1 CJJ,.e.. SJn -fl...fb&-«e f) damages, destroys, suppresses or
CTD;J·CD·I:S_. ..,. }',{l~Ah·t·· 0·1-t.O"'O· CTD~~SU~l.. unlawfully accesses the data collected in
i\J!. 'I·~·}· ~, ..,...-.;;. .V.. Ch .r~ t:.·1: Yl'n~- I 'l':J-~ .. relation to registration vital events or of
1\,.e.. :h'J~..e.cu-~- Y~.. c!-·1 £DJ?.. ~ n,n .., OJ'P national identity card shall be guilty of"
CTD·) ·J .~· ~CDI"a.V. ~,-)_V_tr•l tlaJ',.~A T~--1'~ an of"f"ence and .be punishable with
tr~;· hJ-,~C ~,ilh "I .t'" ~,S'... il·l· q,oo·l· rigorous imprisonment from ten . to
fl~.Y.Cil x·•,. "),fl&··"'· J!... •l•nJA:: twenty five years.
ll/ .,,., ..,. ~ ~n-?•• t"''€tJ· ~~II. II") ~' ..,. ~ -~ .,. .,:17,?~:-r-· 2/ Whosoever commit:s other offences in
fl~"-'•.. -1-~t'\~:
A ..,.~.r~
-~ "'} .-J-L ?,·:;.
}', . ~1\-~:f.
l ' l n IJI.• / .

·l· ..(-',c.f»CIJ A : :
~a•")~ A
,, ..,
Proclamation shall be punishable in
accordance with the relevant provisions of"
the provisions of this

the Criminal Code.

~ ~i1.714-f_ Y:..,..? "'l. ~ ~~ 67. Transitory Provisions
~~ y ... ,, ..,. ..,. }',q~ ~ 1\ "?i'l~-?.9'.. l"..,?..**oo- h'li\T 1/ Exi~ting_ organs providing services relating to
h.-,»jll;: h~...-n -l· .., ....,. . :e=?-.£~ JuJ·I\.-l- .,_,fl!'ln.:f· regast::rat:aon o£ -vit:a.l e:-ve:nt:s and issuance of
(l•'? .J".. (lt:\"'1' "'l .. ll.. cn·ll"'l' ·1-~&-~·t-a-a· resident:ial
"func~ioning un~i\ ~he o£g4:1n~
iden~ity cards s ha. l l
\.o be es'-abUsnea
c<:>...-..-.:i...-.. ..... e.

" ~ ·ba:l-:.c:n··,. hl"l\•··-,.~:~r·'"'c;.. ~~~-l'l o-.&'\~ \\··,.:t-·t

.. - - ---
_..___. ....... -- - ~-
..-, . ~~u;J • aJ4!J" '•c: ..~·,. n-t-e~•.»l\fl·l-
for the implementation of" this Proclamation
becomes operati onal within a. p e r i o d not:
_ _ _________ ...,. __ _ __ _ -- - --- ------ ~ - -- - - ..,_..~._ __ --- ~--- :~~- :~,- ..J~'I...:::I/I>
Fc:dc:ra.l "l'lc: a.rit www.abyssinialaw.com
Ga.zcta. "l'lo. 58 22nct Au st 2012 ........ ..... a. e 6519
tr/ o,..,&- J\Y- tl~tl~- ;,..~~- ~Y-~ ~~~.,~ce 2/ Vit:al ev-e~ts registered a.r1d certificates iss-ued
h ·~&-c::--:t'- ~·.. ·----~~- ~-.-1"•~~.,_ ~a•."\~ t•-~+ or.. the basis of the e~istin.g laws or
~....,,-,qp>-:y• ..- ~-,.·,....m- ~n~JII"~-::r- K-,.--.-aJ- ca..Istoma..ry prac1:ices shall remain -valid_
~~~-~1'\-: :
0~6- 4f\Y. fl-,flc;- ~.~)~· a•Y--~ A.~~-1! 3/ A residen.~ial iden~ity card issued on ~he basis
h~6-c:-:,- .. . cr., • ..._.~T Y·t-.-am~ ,_-,.y.. Y.,.I_4-K.n~ of ~he existing laws or customary- practices,
-:'L•I-o~- _PI'li'\~- , ... ~...-~~~ ~.:J-a•~-P a-,.c~ and 1:he period oi'" -validity o f which has not:
~--·~,.._~~ ~· ,;...--~,~---
A-., A -II\.- .::,... ~•:11
rt _.."" .:;--
y, 4» '~' i\ ~ t :
Y-"-£:i"'' e~pi.red, s h a l l r e m a i n v-alid un.-tiJ r e p l a c e d b y
a. national ident:it:y card_

9J ~&- i\~- 11~11~- ~~::Y- a•Y-~ ~~~~ 4/ A vital event: :n.o1: regist:ered on t:he basis o f
h~&-~"-.:)-- ~_,.:11,~~--?- ~J?-~11?_,1 ~~~ a•l'l~ the e~ist:in.g laws <>r cusromary pra.c~ices
h_IP ~~·
.-._ _.:~~.._.1'\ •I.;;-
_...aJ- .1!:-_?J.
~r.~"Jltp,-::y... -,
h ~Jil!:- ~._.~~~c:::; T
upon applicat:ion
o£ the
b y _ a.
-1-~-,I--'P ~~.. ~_,•...,A 'I:IE ~co~=,; 11-~-1'- ~~-,I?IJ
evidence, be registered in accordance vvith
r~r.hc-: a.,~ «1, :,.- _,....._~"')~ .,~ = = this Proclama~i<>.n and a certificate or
registration of" v i t a l event shall be .issued to
t h e applicant_

68. Repealed La'ftl's

==--2~ ~a•'''a•- ~. . . ._::,-,,.._.J~~c ;;..~ h~-,c:~?a· 1/ The pro-visions o f rhe 1960 Civil Code from
~i"ll1 h -~"'1· ,_.. A;::l!~ •.- .. .:'f- Y:-~ _?-~p:.-:,-... Article 47 t:o Article 153 are hereby repealed_
h~,~ ·t-·nc:.~I"A::

fl./ . , h«J•jt!!! -~·,_-..,-~~"::('- f:JI-?.:J-~-, ~-,.~a..,-~ 2/ "l'l<> law o r customary practice shall,. in so far
a•Y-9- I:J~}',,,.__.&-C A.-'7~ O•I.IJ h~,~ as it: is inconsis1:en"t wi"th this Proclamation,
-~--~ ~--::-,-- -~--~-7--z_ ~_,... h~~~o..-~ t t
be applicable vvit:h respec1: t:o matters
prov-ided for b y this Proclamation_

69. Po"Wer t:o I s s u e R.egulat:ion a n d D i r e c t i v e

9....,1-IC «L.~ 1/ The C~u~c:it ~£ ~i~isters may i s s u e r e g..... tat:i~~
,........,.•,.. n c'. A-, necessary for the implementation oi'" this
Proclamat:ion _
_eho•- ~~-~&-A. h~"- A ~,,-,.-, h«r~~
2/ The appropria"te i'"ederal organ may iss-ue
h-,4L,~.. -, .... n h->LI-x- (6) ~~~~+
direc1:i'Ves r1ecessary for 1:he implemen.tat:ion
o£ this Proclamation and regulation issued in
-···-_,____ .,. .R.. -,. -·· i'\ ~~ ~ 0 ? - ~~-..P~.LA. 7-
~~&..,!fP~-::-r--~ h _ _...... ~~.-. .JP-~-~~ = &
accordance vvit:h sub-article { 1} of this

70. ECCective Date

:ieJ! II~Y..&-A. ~-~&T _71£-rq T h i s .Procla.rr-.a.t:ion shall ent:er int:o :f"orce on t:he dat:e ot:
-,_ ~?---c.~ t . . . oc;- ~ITLiiA. == publicat:ion in t:he Federal "Negarit: Ga.z:et:a._

Done a t Addis A b a b a . this 22"c:t d a y oC August, 20~2.

~...,...~ :z~ +~ lfi'Lfl ~-~

'----C:~ ti:Dit:\..~-z_~c:-z_i"a GIR.~A WOL.DEG-IOR.GIS


~~&-~ce .4..~h~..-ce
I>E~<><::~ "TIC: 'R.EPUBI.....I<:: <>F E."T'III<>PI.A.
h "'r ~ "- Jll,. ..:r-

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