Interview Ques. and Ans.

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RMK Engineering College

EEE Department
Interview Questions and Answers
(2005-09) batch

1) What is protection? Why do we use gears?

Protection in case of a power system minimizes the damage to the
equipment and interruption to the service when electrical failure occurs.
Gears are nothing but switching circuits mainly used to switch on or off the
system in order to remove the faulty portions (isolate them) incase of any

2) What is recursion?
A function calling itself is called recursion.

3) State kirchoff’s current law and voltage law.

KCL: the algebraic sum of currents meeting at a junction (node) is equal to
KVL: the algebraic sum of electromotive forces plus the algebraic sum of
voltages across the impedances in any closed circuit is equal to zero.

4) State the thermodynamic laws.

Zeroth law of thermodynamics:
When a body A is in thermal equilibrium with a body B and also
separately with a body C, then B and C will be in thermal equilibrium with
each other.

First law of thermodynamics:

Closed ∫ dw = J closed ∫ dQ
(for closed system undergoing a cycle)

For systems undergoing a change of state,

Q=ΔE+W ,
Where, ΔE: increase in energy system

Kelvin-Planck statement of second law:

It is impossible for a heat engine to produce net work in a
complete cycle if it exchanges heat only with bodies at a single fixed
Clausius statement of second law :
It is impossible to construct a device which operating in a cycle will
produce no effect other than the transfer of heat from a cooler to a hotter

5) Why do we have capacitors in fans?

In fans, single phase induction motors are used. For the fan to operate,
interaction of fluxes of two different phases has to happen in turn leading to
production of torque. Hence a capacitor in the induction motor will split the
phase into two as the current in it is always leading. Thus fluxes in each
phase can interact and makes the fan operate.

6) Why are HV lines used in transmission?

In case of HV lines, current in them will be less.
Hence (I^2)R losses will also be less. As (I^2)R∝I, so due to reduction in
losses efficiency will be increased.

7) Market yourself.
1) To start with by mentioning our name.
2) Then a line or two about your schooling,
3) Next to mention about important achievements.
4) Then about specific ambition or short term goal.
5) Finally our various interests (extra-curricular activities, hobbies…)

8) What is a linked list?

Linked list is one of the fundamental data structures which consists of
sequence of nodes containing two fields,
*info field-holds the element in the list.
*address field-holds address of next node in the list.

9) What is VSI ?
VSI(voltage source inverter) : voltage is the source and it is a constant.

10) What is control system?

It is a device to manage command or regulate the behavior of other device or
system. A number of components are connected to perform a specific
11) State Fleming’s left hand rule.
If the first finger of left hand represents direction of the field and second
finger represents direction of current, then thumb is the direction of resultant

12) State Fleming’s right hand rule.

If the thumb of right hand represents the direction of motion of conductor,
first finger represents the direction of field, then second finger is the
direction of induced or generated current.

13) State faraday’s law.

The induced electromotive force or EMF in any closed circuit is equal to the
time of rate of change of magnetic flux through the circuit.

14) Inheritance program in c++.

class base1
int var1;
void disp_base1()
cout<<”var1 is”<<var1<<endl;
class base2
int var2;
void disp_base2()
cout<<”var2 is”<<var2<<endl;
class deri:public base1,public base2
int var3;
deri(int a,int b,int c)
void main()
deri d(10,20,30);

15) Concepts of c.
Arrays, pointers, functions, structures, file handling, linked list.

16) Difference between motor and generator.

Motor: it converts electrical energy to mechanical energy
Generator: it converts mechanical energy to electrical energy.

17) What is power system analysis?

It is the analysis of power system generation, transmission and distribution.

18) Draw a shunt motor.

230 V M

19) Features of c++.

Class, encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance, overloading, data binding.
20) Basics of Linux.
Linux is an operating system. It is a derivative of UNIX. It is a multi-user
operating system.

21)Difference between structure, union and pointers.

Collection of elements of dissimilar data types is known as structures. The
major difference between the structure and the union is the memory space
they occupy. The memory space occupied by the structure is the sum of
memory space occupied by each element in it but in union it is the memory
of the element which occupies more space. Unlike the structure and union
can handle only one data at a time, pointers are variables which points the
address (or holds the address) of another element (or variable).

22) Explain data structure

Data structure deals with the efficient usage of memory space of handling
data. They are categorized into linear and non-linear data structure. A data
structure is said to be linear if its elements form a sequence. Elements in a
non-linear data structure do not form a sequence.

23) What are the components in cpu?

The CPU (central processing unit) consists of a microprocessor to provide
clock signal and memory space for digital data storage. The memory is of
two types – primary and secondary memory. The primary memory is RAM
(Random Access Memory) and the secondary memory is the hard disk
(internal or external hard disks such as pen drives, cd drives, floppy drives,

24) What is an array?

An array is a variable containing collection of similar data types, e.g. a[size].

25) What is an operating system?

An operating system is an interface which brings about effective
communication between the user and the hardware (computer).

26) What is oops?

Object oriented programming deals with objects as an entirely where every
object works independently holding data in it. Object oriented programming
also deals with object to object communication, e.g. c++, java.
27) Difference between structured and non-structured programming.
Structured programming Non-structured programming
the program is written as a whole The program is made into modules
compilation and execution are Here it is non-sequential
it is hard to develop when It is easier to develop
compared with non-structured

28) Difference between c and c++.

C C++
No class concept in c Presence of class concept
Top down approach Bottom up approach
Structure oriented Object oriented

29) Swapping between two numbers in c

 #include<stdio.h>
void main()
int a,b,temp;
printf(“enter the two nos:”);
scanf(“%d %d”,&a,&b);
printf(“the swapped nos are: %d %d”a,b);

30. What is step up and step down transformer?

A step up transformer is used to step up the voltage by reducing the current
and step down transformer is used to step down the voltage by increasing the

31. What is switch gear?

Switch gear is a set of protective devices which are used in the efferent
transmission of the power supply.
32. If I get 130v from US and want to use India, what transformer should be
Inverter is used to convert DC to AC and then a step up transformer to step
up 130v to 230v to use in India.

33. A program to display salary including tax and extras in ‘c’ language.
void main ()
float gross, basic, incometax, houserent;
printf(“Enter your basic salary:\n”);
printf(“Your net salary is:%f”,net);

34. What is switch gear?

Switchgear is a electronic apparatus whose function is to open and close
circuit. it also includes devices which provide protection for apparatus
connected to an electrical supply.
Eg.circuit breakers, fuses.

35. Why is choke used in tube light?

Choke is used to prevent electrical signals and energy from being
transmitted along undesired path (or) into appropriate parts of an electric
It also prevents ac components, inherent to power supply from entering the
electronic equipment.
36.Explain power electronics, diodes, and rectifiers.
Power electronics is a technology associated with efficient conversation,
control and conditioning of electric power by static means from its available
input form into the desired electrical output. Diode is an electronic device
which makes an electric current flow in only one direction.

37. What is a rectifier?

It is an electronic device which converts alternating current into direct

38. What is isolator?

It is nothing but a switch which is used for disconnecting a circuit from
supply under no-load condition.

39. What is the voltage supply for house?

230v (single phase)

40. Why you have chosen this field?

As I was interested in learning about the basic concepts in bulb, fan, motors
and so many electrical apparatus and also about the generation of power, so I
have chosen this field (E.E.E).

41. Difference between microprocessors and microcontroller.

Microprocessors microcontrollers
It is the integration of no. of useful It includes microprocessor, memory
function into a single IC package. Input/output signal lines.
It has the ability to execute a stored It integrates number of components
set of instructions to carry out user of a microprocessor on single chip.
defined tasks. It has fewer opcodes.
It has more opcodes. It has more bit handling instructions.
It has few bit handling instructions.

42. What is function and union?

Function is a independent segment of a program which performs a particular
task for a program.
Union is collection of data types of different types. It is derived data type in
which data is stored in consecutive memory location.
43. What is voltage stabilizer?
To stabilize voltage applied to the load i.e. output voltage remains constant
even though input is varied up to certain extent.

44. What are the losses in transmission line?

Line copper loss, corona discharge losses.

45. What are electrical machines and its working?

If the machine is motor, field flux lines interact with armature flux lines to
produce net torque.
If the machine is generator armature conductor cut the field flux lines to
produce emf in the conductors.

46.. Tell me about the working of windmill.

Wind mill blades rotate the turbine which will rotate the shaft of induction
generator which is connected to main line. The main line will provide
reactive power required for operation.

47. Which is first microprocessor?

Intel 4004

48. Difference between call by value and call by reference.

In call by value data stored in actual argument is copied into formal
argument. Any changes made in formal argument will not be reflected in
actual argument whereas in call by reference the address of actual argument
is passed to formal argument is pointer. Any change made in formal
argument is reflected in an argument.

49. What are the electrical components inside computer?


50. What are rectifier and inverter?

Rectifier will convert alternating current into direct current whereas inverter
will convert direct current into alternating current.

51. Can we step-up DC?

Yes by using step-up chopper.
52. What are identifiers?
Identifier is the name given to any variable.

53. How do you rank yourself at c language?

I rate myself 7 out of 10 in c.

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