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Name ______________________________________

Science Period _________

Health #1 TEST Review

Date __________

This test consists of multiple choice, completion, and essay questions.

1. The six nutrients needed by the body are _________________________________________________________
2. The nutrients that are originally absorbed from soil by plants are _______________________________________
3. The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one Celsius degree is called a
4. About how much water does the human body normally need in a day? _________________________________
5. Each food label lists the total number of Calories and also the number of Calories that come from ____________
6. To maintain a healthy diet, the Food Guide Pyramid indicates that you should have 3-5 servings of __________
7. A calorie is a unit used to measure ____________________________
8. The energy your body needs comes from ______________________________
9. What carbohydrate helps your digestive system function even though your body cannot digest it?
10. Which nutrients are made up of amino acids? _____________________________________________________
11. About how much of a human’s body weight is made up of water? _____________________________________
12. Which nutrient is needed in order for all body processes to take place? _________________________________
13. According to the Food Guide Pyramid, which group should make up the largest part of a person’s diet? _______
14. One role of fats is to form part of the ___________________________ membrane.
15. Potatoes and rice are sources of complex ____________________ , which are made of sugar molecules linked in
a chain.
16. People need to drink extra water on hot days to replace the water they lose from their skin in the form of
17. Proteins from animal sources are called ____________________ proteins because they contain all the essential
amino acids.
18. The number of ____________________ that you need during the day depends on your size, age, and level of
19. ____________________ are nutrients not made by living things.
20. Explain why people who eat only plants must eat a variety of plants in order to obtain all the nutrients they need.
21. Why is water an important nutrient? How can people get the water needed by the body each day?

I have studied _____________minutes. _____________________________________________

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