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Low-Temperature Stress Corrosion Cracking

of Stainless Steels in the Atmosphere
in the Presence of Chloride Deposits

T. Prosek,‡,* A. Iversen,** C. Taxén,*** and D. Thierry*

ABSTRACT 2205 (UNS S32205), and 2507 (UNS S32750) were resistant
to SCC but corroded selectively with the maximum depth of
Several cases of ceiling collapses and other failed elements 200 µm. Austenitic stainless steels Type 904L (UNS N08904)
have been reported in indoor swimming pool halls in the last and Type S31254 (UNS S31254) showed no tendency to SCC.
two decades. The collapses were caused by stress corrosion
KEY WORDS: atmospheric corrosion, chloride stress corrosion
cracking (SCC) of stainless steel fastening elements covered
cracking, duplex stainless steel, stainless steel
with chloride deposits at temperatures as low as room tem-
perature. The goal of this study was to assess the applica-
tion limits of different austenitic and austenitic-ferritic (duplex) INTRODUCTION
stainless steels subject to tensile stress and contaminated
with chloride deposits in atmospheric non-washing conditions Common austenitic stainless steel grades of 300
as a function of temperature (20°C to 50°C), relative humidity series have been widely applied in the building, chem-
(15% to 70% RH), and deposit composition. Austenitic stainless ical, engineering, and other industries for many
steels Type 304 (UNS S30400) and Type 316L (UNS S31603) decades. The corrosion properties of these materials
were susceptible to SCC in the presence of magnesium and are known and they serve well when properly used,
calcium chlorides at temperatures of 30°C and higher and at since there is an understanding about the reactions
low relative humidity. The tendency to SCC increased with
and processes fundamental for material selection.
increasing temperature and decreasing relative humidity. The
Austenitic stainless steels are also used in swim-
corrosivity of chloride deposits under given exposure condi-
tions decreased in the following order: calcium chloride (CaCl2) ming pools for three main types of applications:
> magnesium chloride (MgCl2) > sodium chloride (NaCl). It was the pool water conditioning plant, the equipment
governed by the equilibrium chloride concentration in the sur- immersed in pool water, and the equipment exposed
face electrolyte formed as a result of interaction of a given salt to swimming pool atmospheres. In general, there is no
with water vapor in the air. Threshold values of the minimum critical corrosion problem connected with the former
chloride concentration and relative humidity intervals leading two categories.1 However, problems occurred with the
to SCC were established for Type 304 and Type 316L. Duplex equipment exposed to swimming pool atmospheres,
stainless steels S32101 (UNS S32101), 2304 (UNS S32304), particularly with safety-relevant accessories subject
to tensile stress. Several cases of ceiling collapses and
Submitted for publication July 2008; in revised form, October
2008. Presented as paper no. 08484 at CORROSION/2008, March other element failures were reported to have occurred
2008, New Orleans, LA. in swimming pool halls.2-9 In all reported cases, failed

Corresponding author. E-mail:
parts, such as fasteners, wires, bars, strapping, bolts,
* Institut de la Corrosion/French Corrosion Institute, 220 rue
Pierre Rivoalon, 29200 Brest, France. hooks, hangers, and other fittings, were made of
** Outokumpu Stainless AB, Avesta Research Center, PO Box 74, 300 series austenitic stainless steels. Acidic chloride
SE-774 22 Avesta, Sweden.
*** Swerea KIMAB AB, Drottning Kristinas väg 48, SE-114 28 Stock-
deposits were found on the surface of damaged stain-
holm, Sweden. less steels, with typical pH values of 3 to 4.6-8 Consid-

ISSN 0010-9312 (print), 1938-159X (online)

CORROSION—Vol. 65, No. 2 09/000019/$5.00+$0.50/0 © 2009, NACE International 105

Stainless Steel U-Bend Specimens
Stainless Steel Grade Microstructure Typical Chemical Composition (wt%) Thickness Total
ASTM EN UNS (PRE) Cr Ni Mo N Other (mm) Strain
304 1.4301 S30400 Austenite (18) 18 8.4 0.1 0.04 2.9 0.15
316L 1.4404 S31603 Austenite (24) 18 11.4 2.1 0.04 2.9 0.15
904L 1.4539 N08904 Austenite (30) 20 24.7 4.5 0.04 1.5% Cu 1.9 0.10
S31254 1.4547 S31254 Austenite (43) 20 18.0 6.1 0.20 Cu 2.0 0.10
S32101(1) 1.4162 S32101 Duplex (26) 22 1.5 0.3 0.23 5% Mn 1.4 0.07
2304 1.4362 S32304 Duplex (26) 22 4.8 0.3 0.09 2.0 0.10
2205 1.4462 S32205 Duplex (35) 22 5.5 3.0 0.12 2.0 0.10
2507 1.4410 S32750 Duplex (43) 25 7.7 4.0 0.29 3.0 0.15
LDX 2101.

ering cations, relatively large quantities of calcium, Thus, non-washing conditions and the accumu-
as well as magnesium, aluminum, and zinc, were lation of highly soluble chloride deposits on the metal
often detected.7-11 The deposits were hygroscopic and surface is necessary for initiation of the passive-type,
formed water solutions even in the air with low rela- low-temperature SCC. It has been postulated that vol-
tive humidity. Metallographic analyses revealed that atile, chlorine-based products of water disinfectants
the collapses were caused by stress corrosion crack- such as chloramines play an important role in the
ing (SCC). The cracks were transgranular and transport of Cl to the metal surface. However, it has
branched. In most cases, SCC was observed in con- been proven by various laboratory experiments that
junction with pitting.9,12 All failed parts were princi- the presence of chloramine or another oxidizer is not
pally in the cold-worked condition and/or were essential for initiation of this type of SCC12,16,21 and it
subject to an additional stress or work hardening on has been observed, e.g., in plants operating in coastal
installation or in service.2,8 areas.22-23 This study focused on the application limits
It should be noted that temperature in the of selected austenitic and austenitic-ferritic (duplex)
respective swimming pool buildings was about 30°C, grades of stainless steel submitted to stress under
which contradicts the general corrosion literature atmospheric non-washing conditions in terms of SCC
on SCC of austenitic stainless steels that considers and pitting. The corrosion resistance of U-bend speci-
this phenomenon to occur at temperatures exceeding mens with deposited droplets of magnesium, calcium,
50°C to 60°C. Recent corrosion studies disclosed that and sodium chloride (NaCl) was evaluated as a func-
there are two specific conditions leading to low-tem- tion of temperature and relative humidity at levels
perature SCC. First, solutions with chloride concen- selected to represent typical and limiting application
trations from 0.5 M to 5 M and pH from –0.5 to 0.5 conditions in indoor environments.
were found to cause SCC of austenitic stainless steels
at temperatures below 60°C.2,6,8,10,13-15 Since stainless EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
steels under these conditions are in the active/pas-
sive potential region,2,6,10,12,15-16 this mode of SCC was Materials
accompanied by considerable general corrosion and Eight austenitic and duplex stainless steel grades
corrosion rates were typically a few mm per year. Sec- were included in the investigation. A list of tested
ond, SCC was observed in environments with high stainless steels with a typical chemical composition
surface chloride concentrations greater than 20 wt%. and pitting resistance equivalent (PRE) values cal-
Such solutions can be formed on a metal surface in culated using the formula PRE = %Cr + 3.3%Mo +
the presence of salts with sufficient solubility, such as 16%N is given in Table 1. U-bend specimens were pre-
calcium or magnesium chlorides exposed to air at the pared according to ASTM G30-94.24 Specimens were
relative humidity (RH) close to the point of deliques- cut from pickled sheets longitudinally to the direction
cence.12,16-20 High chloride concentration is the only of rolling. The metal strip width was 13 mm and the
prerequisite for inducing this type of SCC, and acidic strip thicknesses are listed in Table 1. Total strain on
conditions are generally not necessary. Under these the outside of the bend was calculated according to
conditions, stainless steels are probably in a passive an approximate equation ε = T/2R, where T is thick-
state.7,10,12,16 Results of examinations of failed stain- ness and R is radius of the bend (10 mm). The speci-
less steel segments indicate that the latter mechanism mens were used as-received and no other finish was
of SCC, i.e., the passive type, is more likely associ- applied.
ated with the conditions in swimming pool atmo-
spheres.10,12,16 In addition, the former type of SCC was Experimental Setup
observed only under full immersion conditions and Chloride deposits on stainless steel specimens
has never been simulated in the atmosphere. were formed according to a modified procedure devel-



oped by Shoji and Ohnaka,17 which was used later by

other laboratories.8,18,20 Six droplets of saturated chlo-
ride salt solution were deposited on the top of a U-
bend specimen. The deposits were separated in six
spots to allow evaluation of the probability of crack
formation. Figure 1 shows a photograph of the U-bend
specimen with freshly deposited droplets. The four
droplets at the sides were smaller than the two central
ones because the droplets on angling sides tended to
drop down when their size surpassed a certain limit.
All together, 66±2 µL of the solution was applied on
each specimen. The total covered area was approxi-
mately 90 mm2. Details of the chloride surface con-
centration are given in Table 2.
The specimens with deposited chlorides were FIGURE 1. U-bend specimen with chloride droplets.
exposed in climatic chambers at 20, 30, and 40°C
and 30, 50, and 70% RH for 10 weeks (1,680 h). Two
series of specimens were exposed also for 4 weeks. TABLE 2
Surface Contamination with Droplets
The accuracy of humidity regulation in the cham-
of Saturated Chloride Solutions
bers was ±2%. The experiments started from the most
Chloride Metal Surface
detrimental conditions expected from the results of
previous studies, i.e., at 40°C and 30% RH. When it Concentration Applied Chloride
in Saturated Chloride Concentration
was clear from the acquired results that the follow- Salt Solution (g/L) (mg) (g/m2)
ing exposure conditions would be benign, the testing
MgCl2 350 23 260
matrix was reduced. In addition, U-bend specimens
CaCl2 400 26 290
contaminated with magnesium chloride (MgCl2) and NaCl 190 13 140
calcium chloride (CaCl2) were tested at an elevated
temperature of 50°C over saturated solutions of the
respective salt, keeping the relative humidity in the
test chambers close to the deliquescence point. Rela-
tive humidity was registered and it was 30±5% and
15±3%, respectively. Two sets of specimens were
tested for 22 weeks and one set for 4 weeks.
After the exposure, photographs were taken (Fig-
ure 2) and the specimens were cleaned in water and
examined with an optical microscope at a magnifica-
tion of 16X. Some of them were evaluated with a con-
focal microscope to establish the depth of pits and
etched areas. Selected specimens were cut in the lon-
gitudinal direction, embedded into resin, polished,
and examined with a metallographic microscope FIGURE 2. Deposits of CaCl2 on U-bend specimen of stainless steel
at the cross section. When needed, grain boundar- Type 304 after exposure at 40°C and 30% RH for 10 weeks.
ies were highlighted by etching in 10% oxalic acid
(H2C2O4) at 6 V for 5 s to 60 s.
Stress corrosion cracks were found in specimens
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of stainless steel grade Type 304 (UNS S30400)(1)
exposed with MgCl2 and CaCl2 deposits at 50°C/30%
Corrosion of Austenitic Stainless Steels RH, 40°C/30% RH, 40°C/50% RH, and 30°C/30%
Results of all experiments are summarized in RH. Photographs of the Type 304 specimen prone to
Table 3, and the performance of the austenitic grades SCC before and after cleaning is shown in Figures 2
as a function of exposure conditions is presented in and 4. Similar observations were made for stainless
Figure 3. A detailed description of the degradation is steel grade Type 316L (UNS S31603), but the extent
given elsewhere.25-26 Only principal results and trends of SCC was lower and cracks were finer. In compari-
are presented in the following paragraphs. son to Type 304, SCC did not initiate at 40°C/50% RH
and only calcium chloride was able to cause crack-
ing at 40°C/30% RH and 30°C/30% RH. Morphol-
UNS numbers are listed in Metals and Alloys in the Unified Num-
bering System, published by the Society of Automotive Engineers ogy of SCC was studied with an optical microscope on
(SAE International) and cosponsored by ASTM International. selected cross-cut specimens. Photographs in Figure 5

CORROSION—Vol. 65, No. 2 107


Corrosion Degradation of U-Bend Specimens Exposed with Chloride Deposits to Humid Air
Exposure Conditions Exposure Stainless Steel Grade (UNS)
Salt T (°C) RH (weeks) 304 316L 904L S31254 S32101 2304 2205 2507
CaCl2 50 ~15 4 SCC 3 SCC 2 ET ET PIT ET ET ET
MgCl2 50 ~30 22 SCC 6 SCC 6 PIT PIT PIT ET PIT PIT
MgCl2 40 30 4 SCC 2 PIT NO NO PIT ET ET PIT +
CaCl2 40 30 4 SCC 6 SCC 6 PIT PIT PIT ET ET PIT +
MgCl2 40 30 10 SCC 2 PIT PIT NO ET ET ET NO
CaCl2 40 30 10 SCC 6 SCC 6 PIT PIT ET ET ET PIT +
NaCl 40 30 10 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
MgCl2 40 50 10 SCC 5 PIT PIT PIT ET PIT + PIT ET
CaCl2 40 50 10 SCC 4 PIT PIT PIT ET PIT + PIT ET
NaCl 40 50 10 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
MgCl2 40 70 10 ET NO NO NO ET NO NO NO
CaCl2 40 70 10 ET NO NO NO ET NO NO NO
NaCl 40 70 10 NO NO × NO NO × NO NO
MgCl2 30 30 10 SCC 2 PIT × PIT ET × ET ET
CaCl2 30 30 10 SCC 6 SCC 6 × PIT ET × PIT ET
MgCl2 30 50 10 PIT NO × NO PIT × PIT ET
CaCl2 30 50 10 PIT PIT × ET PIT + × PIT ET
MgCl2 30 70 10 ET NO × NO NO × NO NO
CaCl2 30 70 10 ET NO × NO ET × NO NO
MgCl2 20 30 10 PIT PIT × PIT ET × PIT PIT
CaCl2 20 30 10 PIT PIT × PIT ET × PIT PIT
MgCl2 20 50 10 PIT PIT × NO PIT + × ET ET
CaCl2 20 50 10 PIT PIT × NO PIT + × ET ET
SCC #: stress corrosion cracks found in a given number of six contaminated zones
PIT: pitting
ET: surface etching
NO: no corrosion
×: not tested
+: tiny cracks

(a) (b)
FIGURE 3. Summary of corrosion deterioration of austenitic stainless steels with chloride deposits exposed to air as a
function of temperature, relative humidity, and grade; (䡩) 304, () 316L, (〫) 904L, (▫) S31254; (black) SCC, (gray) pitting
corrosion, (empty symbol with thick border) etching, and (empty symbol with thin border) free of corrosion.

make it well apparent that the cracks were branched for a shorter (4 weeks) and longer (10 or 22 weeks)
and transgranular as typical for SCC of stainless period of time under identical exposure conditions.
steels in chloride environments. Indeed, the depth of the attack increased in time. It
There was practically no difference in the number suggests that SCC initiated rapidly, probably within
of chloride spots with cracks on specimens exposed the first days of exposure. This is supported by visual



observations of specimens exposed at 50°C where the

first cracks were visible already after 7 days.
The systematic study at 20, 30, and 40°C and 30,
50, and 70% RH with deposits of NaCl, MgCl2, and
calcium chloride (CaCl2) clearly showed that the ten-
dency of a given stainless steel grade to develop SCC
depends on temperature. In the presence of MgCl2
deposits, stainless steel grade Type 316L was prone
to SCC at 50°C and no cracks developed at 40°C and
below. It cracked at 50, 40, and 30°C in CaCl2. Lower
alloyed austenitic stainless steel Type 304 was prone
to SCC at 50, 40, and 30°C in both environments and
it was resistant at 20°C. FIGURE 4. U-bend specimen of Type 304 after exposure with CaCl2
The extent of corrosion diminished with increas- at 40°C and at 30% RH for 10 weeks.
ing relative humidity. As seen in Figure 3, stainless
steel Type 304 with CaCl2 and MgCl2 deposits exposed
to air at 40°C was prone to SCC at RH of 30% and SCC of Type 304 in the presence of different chlorides
50%, whereas it was only superficially etched at 70% at RH from 33% to 75%.27
RH. At 30°C, it was the RH of 30% that led to SCC, Cracks were found in all cases in the two center
pits were found at 50% RH, and the specimens were spots, while it was only pits with a typical depth of
only slightly etched when exposed to air at 70% RH. 10 µm to 40 µm that were observed in some of the
A similar trend was observed for Type 316L. In any side spots at less-aggressive conditions. Since the
case, no pitting or SCC was observed at the highest stress varies from zero at the ends to the maximum in
RH of 70%. the center of the U-bend specimen, the side areas rep-
Considering the effect of chloride salts at iden- resent places with lower stress compared to the cen-
tical relative humidity and temperature, it is obvi- tral zone. Thus, a higher stress level was needed for
ous that deposits of CaCl2 were the most aggressive. the SCC initiation under less-aggressive conditions.
The number and size of cracks and the extent of pit- It was also noticed that cracks in both Type 304
ting was lower on surfaces contaminated with MgCl2. and Type 316L often came through pits under less-
Specimens with NaCl spots were free of corrosion at aggressive conditions. Although the pits were shal-
all exposure conditions. The same observation was low, they probably served as stress raisers facilitating
reported by Oshikawa, et al., who studied pitting and the initiation of SCC. This was observed particularly

(a) (b)
FIGURE 5. Morphology of SCC of Type 304 stainless steel exposed with MgCl2 at 50°C and at 30% RH for 4 weeks; width
430 µm (left) and 160 µm (right).

CORROSION—Vol. 65, No. 2 109


(a) (b)
FIGURE 6. SCC on Type 316L exposed with MgCl2 deposits at 50°C and at 30% RH for 22 weeks; left: surface, width
4.3 mm; right: cross section, width 650 µm.

(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 7. Pit morphology on UNS S31254 exposed with MgCl2 at 50°C and at 30% RH for 4 weeks: (a) surface, width
800 µm, (b) 3D depth profile of the same area, and (c) cross section, width 250 µm.

on specimens of the more resistant grade Type 316L. there in time. No significant difference was seen in the
A cross section of the Type 316L specimen exposed at performance of Type 904L and S31254.
50°C and 30% RH showing a shallow pit with a depth The presented results agree well with the avail-
of 40 µm and width of 200 µm with cracks is shown able literature data. The experiments of Shoji and
in Figure 6. It indicates that pits as stress collectors Ohnaka17 carried out at room temperature showed
enabled the initiation of SCC of more alloyed mate- that grades Type 304 and Type 316L were prone to
rials or under less-aggressive conditions, whereas SCC when contaminated with MgCl2 and CaCl2 and
cracks could have been initiated on a free surface exposed to RH of about 33% to 45% and 21% to 45%,
of lower alloyed stainless steel Type 304 exposed to respectively. Except for the results of Type 316L with
higher temperature and lower relative humidity. MgCl2 deposits, it is in agreement with the results of
Superaustenitic stainless steel grades Type 904L this study, provided that the room temperature in
(UNS N08904) and UNS S31254 were fully resis- the experiments of Shoji and Ohnaka was somewhat
tant to SCC. The specimens were usually pitted when higher than 20°C, e.g., 25°C. Arlt, et al.,16 studied the
exposed to lower relative humidity. The extent of cor- SCC above saturated solutions of magnesium chlo-
rosion deterioration increased with time of exposure ride, i.e., at RH of about 30%. The results at 30, 40,
and temperature. Metallographic examination and 3D and 50°C for Types 304, 316 (UNS S31601), and 904L
profiling showed that pits were rather shallow with exposed for a comparable period of time correspond
the depth ranging from 50 µm to 100 µm (Figure 7). to those given in Figure 3. Fairweather, et al.,22 used
Instead of pitting, small etched areas with the depth a different experimental setup, i.e., C-ring specimens
below 20 µm were found under certain exposure con- of stainless steel grade Type 304 contaminated with
ditions (Table 3, Figure 3). Etching was observed also MgCl2 at about 2 µg/cm2 and 10 µg/cm2 of chloride.
along with pits. It is possible that pits would develop The cracking frequency was 12% at 30°C and 45%



RH. In this study, SCC was found at 30°C and 30%

RH but not at 30°C and 50% RH. The data obtained
by Fairweather, et al., at 45°C are difficult to compare
to our results because most experiments in this work
were done at temperatures up to 40°C.

Equilibrium Chloride Concentration as a Function

of Temperature and Relative Humidity of Air
The results revealed that the tendency to SCC
and pitting depends, beside temperature and stain-
less steel grade, on relative humidity and the type of
applied chloride salt. It is assumed that the aggres-
siveness of chloride salt deposits is predominantly
controlled by the activity of chloride ions in the sur-
face solution formed in equilibrium with water vapor
in air. Salt interacting with humid air tends to attract FIGURE 8. Solubility of chloride salts as a function of temperature.
water from the atmosphere and a saturated salt solu-
tion is formed at a certain level of relative humid-
ity, the deliquescence point. Chloride concentration
drops with increasing relative humidity as the solu-
tion attracts more water from air and the volume of
the solution increases. If the relative humidity of air
is lower than the deliquescence point of a particular
salt, the deposit is dry. Since the activity coefficient of
chloride in solutions corresponding to the conditions
of this study was not available, chloride concentra-
tions were calculated and used for the estimation of
corrosion properties of electrolytes on the metal sur-
face instead of the activity.
Solubility of the chloride salts was calculated
based on earlier literature data28 and it is plotted as
a function of temperature in Figure 8. Solubility val-
ues of NaCl and MgCl2 are very close within the whole
FIGURE 9. Osmotic coefficient of water solutions; full curve: literature
temperature interval. However, chloride concentration data, dashed curve: extrapolated data.
in water solution is twice as high in the case of MgCl2
as a result of the presence of two chloride atoms in
the molecule. Steep changes in solubility of CaCl2 cor- water activity has the same significance as the relative
respond to the fact that different phases become sta- humidity.
ble with increasing temperature, i.e., CaCl2·6H2O, Values of osmotic coefficients vary strongly
CaCl2·4H2O (α), and CaCl2·2H2O. Again, it should be between salts. Reliable data were obtained at 25°C.29-30
noted that calcium chloride solution contains twice Data at higher temperatures were found only for NaCl,
as many chloride ions as NaCl at the same salt con- where the temperature dependence of the osmotic
centration. coefficient is negligible. Therefore, the osmotic coeffi-
To calculate the point of deliquescence and cients were considered to be independent of tempera-
dependence of chloride concentration on relative ture for these calculations. Since the osmotic coeffi-
humidity, the osmotic coefficient for each salt must be cients were available only up to the concentrations of
known as well. The osmotic coefficient varies with the about 4.5, 6, and 10 mol/kg water for NaCl, MgCl2,
concentration and temperature. The following equa- and CaCl2, it was necessary to extrapolate the litera-
tion shows the relation between water activity, aW, ture data. Literature and extrapolated values of the
osmotic coefficient, Φ, and concentration, m, in moles osmotic coefficient are plotted in Figure 9 in solid and
of salt per kilogram of water: dashed curves, respectively.
The calculated equilibrium chloride concentra-
ν m Φ MW tions in water solutions of NaCl, MgCl2, and CaCl2 as
ln a w = – (1)
1, 000 a function of the relative humidity of air are given in
Figure 10 and Table 4. The calculated deliquescence
In the equation, ν is the number of ions that the salt points of concerned chloride salts at 20, 30, 40, and
formally dissociates into, i.e., 2 for NaCl and 3 for 50°C and corresponding chloride concentrations are
CaCl2 and MgCl2. MW is molar weight of water. The in Table 5.

CORROSION—Vol. 65, No. 2 111


Lower aggressiveness of CaCl2 in terms of a lower

number of chloride spots with cracks (Table 3) in the
experiments over saturated solutions of correspond-
ing salts at 50°C is somewhat surprising in light of
these facts. Under these conditions, concentration of
the solution formed in the presence of CaCl2 should
be almost double compared to MgCl2 in an equilib-
rium state according to data in Table 5. It is possible
that the actual relative humidity in the chambers dif-
fered from the equilibrium one, probably due to kinet-
ics reasons. These data are not included in Figure 11.
Calculated deliquescence points listed in Table
5 show that the relative humidity of 30% was too low
to dissolve MgCl2 and CaCl2 deposits at 20°C and
MgCl2 deposits at 30°C. Despite that, pitting or even
FIGURE 10. Calculated equilibrium chloride concentration in water SCC developed under these conditions. It was shown
solutions of different salts as a function of the relative humidity of by other authors31 that chloride salts are corrosive
air; horizontal lines indicate solubility limits at 20, 30, 40, and 50°C even at relative humidity slightly below the deliques-
(from top). cence point. It is supposed that there is enough water
absorbed in salts to provide electrochemical condi-
tions close to those in saturated water solution. It
Tendency to Stress Corrosion Cracking in View implies that the effective chloride concentration in a
of the Equilibrium Chloride Concentration deposit exposed to air at the relative humidity only
Since the equilibrium chloride concentration on slightly below the deliquescence point might be com-
the surface of specimens contaminated with MgCl2 parable to that of the appropriate saturated solu-
and CaCl2 was calculated for all relevant climatic con- tion. Therefore, the saturated solution concentrations
ditions, it was possible to connect it to the occurrence were used in charts presented in Figure 11 to describe
of SCC and pitting corrosion. Charts in Figure 11 these experimental conditions as well as in further
summarizing results for materials contaminated with considerations.
MgCl2 and CaCl2 and exposed to 20, 30, and 40°C and NaCl deposits should not dissolve at any of the
to 30, 50, and 70% RH demonstrate that the equilib- tested relative humidity levels. The deliquescence
rium chloride concentration was crucial for the cor- point of NaCl is 75% RH in the whole range of tested
rosiveness of the deposits in contact with air. CaCl2 temperatures. As discussed above, it can be assumed
solutions contained 20, 10, and 8% more chloride that at 70% RH there was enough water absorbed
than MgCl2 solutions at the same relative humidity of in NaCl deposits to make them corrosive. However,
30, 50, and 70%, respectively, and the former depos- stainless steel specimens were free of corrosion. It
its were clearly more corrosive at temperatures from may suggest that even the maximum chloride concen-
20°C to 40°C (Table 3 and Figure 3). tration in NaCl solution of 6.1 mol/kg to 6.2 mol/kg

Calculated Values of the Chloride Equilibrium Concentration in Salt Solutions in Contact with Air at Given Relative Humidity
and at Temperatures from 20°C to 50°C; in mol Cl–/kg H2O
Salt 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
MgCl2 NA NA 12.0+ 10.5 9.1 7.7 6.3 4.8
CaCl2 NA 18.8+ 14.4+ 11.8 10.0 8.4 6.8 5.1
NA: no solution is formed
+: soluble only in a part of the temperature range

Calculated Deliquescence Points (DP) and Corresponding Chloride Concentrations for Salts in Equilibrium with Air
(mCl, in mol Cl–/kg H2O)
20 °C 30 °C 40 °C 50 °C
Salt DP mCl DP mCl DP mCl DP mCl
NaCl 75 6.1 75 6.2 75 6.2 75 6.4
MgCl2 34 11.4 32 11.7 30 12.0 28 12.4
CaCl2 33 13.6 22 17.5 17 20.8 13 23.8



H2O is too low to cause any serious corrosion dete-

rioration to the tested stainless steels in atmospheric
conditions at temperatures up to 40°C.
It is apparent from Figure 11 that the threshold
chloride concentrations defining conditions leading to
SCC, pitting, and no corrosion can be defined for each
material and temperature. For current experimental
conditions, they are listed in Table 6.

Application Limits of Austenitic Stainless Steels

in Atmospheric Conditions
The results allow us to define relative humidity
intervals for each temperature and salt when SCC of
stainless steels Type 304 and Type 316L might be ini-
tiated. These ranges summarized in Table 7 can be
understood as the application limits of stainless steel
grades Type 304 and Type 316L in non-washing con-
ditions where chloride deposits can be formed and
some level of tensile stress is present. It was assumed
that at a relative humidity more than 5% lower than
the deliquescence point, there is no risk of SCC and
the deposits are harmless. When relative humidity FIGURE 11. The effect of the equilibrium chloride concentration in
exceeds a certain limit, chloride concentration in the salt deposits on corrosion of austenitic stainless steels exposed to
air at 20, 30, and 40°C for 10 weeks. Results of experiments with
surface solution will be too low to initiate SCC. At
CaCl2 and MgCl2 at 30, 50, and 70% RH are included: (䡩) Type 304,
20°C, the chloride concentration needed for the initia-
() Type 316L, (▫) Type 904L, (〫) S31254; (black) SCC, (gray)
tion of SCC is higher that the solubility of MgCl2 and pitting corrosion, (empty symbol with thick border) etching, and
CaCl2, and there is no danger of SCC under these (empty symbol with thin border) free of corrosion.
deposits. At 30°C, SCC can develop when the chloride
concentration in water solution is above 10 mol/kg
and 12 mol/kg H2O for Type 304 and Type 316L, 40%. Intervals of the relative humidity causing SCC of
respectively. Thus, stainless steel Type 304 can suffer the austenitic stainless steel grades at 40°C are logi-
from SCC when contaminated with MgCl2 and CaCl2 cally wider.
deposits and exposed to relative humidity below 44% Mayuzumi, et al., showed that suppression of
and 49%. To form similarly corrosive environments for SCC of low-alloyed austenitic stainless steel grades
Type 316L, CaCl2 deposits must be present on the Type 304 and Type 304L (UNS S30403) by reduc-
surface and the relative humidity must drop below ing the residual tensile stress of the structure might

Threshold Values of Chloride Concentration for the Tendency to Stress Corrosion Cracking and Pitting Corrosion
of Austenitic Stainless Steels in Air at 20°C to 40°C (in mol Cl–/kg H2O)
Pitting Corrosion Stress Corrosion Cracking
Stainless Steel 20°C 30°C 40°C 20°C 30°C 40°C
304 <9.1 6.8 to 9.1 6.8 to 9.1 >13.6 10.0 to 11.7 6.8 to 9.1
316L <9.1 9.1 to 10.0 6.8 to 9.1 >13.6 11.7 to 14.4 12.0 to 14.4
904L × × 6.8 to 9.1 >13.6 >14.4 >14.4
S31254 10.0 to 11.4 10.0 to 11.7 6.8 to 9.1 >13.6 >14.4 >14.4
×: Not tested

Approximate Ranges of Relative Humidity and Chloride Concentrations that Can Lead to SCC
of Stainless Steel Grades 304 and 316L in the Presence of Salt Deposits at Temperatures 20, 30, and 40°C
304 316L
Salt Deposits 20°C 30°C 40°C 20°C 30°C 40°C
MgCl2 — 27 to 44 25 to 67 — — —
CaCl2 — 17 to 49 12 to 69 — 17 to 40 12 to 39
Chloride concentration (mol Cl–/kg H2O) >14 >10 >7 >14 >12 >12
–: No danger of SCC

CORROSION—Vol. 65, No. 2 113


(a) (b)
FIGURE 12. Etched surface of duplex stainless steels; left: 2205 exposed with CaCl2 to 50°C and to 15% RH for 4 weeks,
width 1.2 mm; right: 2507 exposed with MgCl2 to 50°C and to 30% RH for 22 weeks, width 4.0 mm.

be very difficult.32 The authors found that the thresh- corrosion potential of stainless steels in solutions of
old stress of SCC for specimens with deposited drop- the chloride salts differs. Although it was shown by
lets of synthetic seawater and exposed to air at 30°C Arlt and coworkers that the effect of the potential on
and 35% RH was as low as one-half of the 0.2% proof the studied mode of SCC is rather low, it cannot be
stress for solution-annealed materials, and smaller fully neglected.12,16,21 Moreover, the salt cation might
than one-fourth of the 0.2% proof stress for sensitized play a direct role in the degradation mechanism.34-35
Type 304. Thus, if the deposit formation and access These concerns will be addressed by further research.
to air with relative humidity within given intervals The conclusions are based on experiments with
are possible, application of such materials must be pure chloride deposits. In real applications, mixed
avoided. deposits are formed. Since there are no data on the
The SCC cannot initiate on austenitic stainless effect of other salts on the tendency to SCC in avail-
steel grades Type 904L and UNS S31254 in the pres- able literature, further experiments are planned to
ence of any tested chloride salt and at temperatures evaluate this aspect. Finally, it should be noted that
up to 50°C within the whole range of relative humid- the data for this discussion were obtained in 10-week
ity. It can be assumed that the threshold value of the (1,680 h) exposures. The possibility that a prolonged
chloride concentration leading to SCC is higher than time of exposure would lead to SCC at lower chloride
the solubility of the salts. There is probably no dan- concentrations and temperature cannot be excluded.
ger in application of these grades even at conditions However, results of exposures for 4, 10, and 22 weeks
where salt deposits can be formed. indicate that the initiation process is rather rapid. No
Indeed, there are other salts than those studied fundamental difference was observed on specimens
in this work with a solubility high enough to cause exposed for shorter and longer periods. Also, data of
SCC, e.g., lithium chloride (LiCl), zinc chloride (ZnCl2), Shoji and Ohnaka17 show relatively small differences
or nickel chloride (NiCl2). Currently, it is also not clear in the presence of cracks on specimens exposed for
if salts affect the tendency to SCC only due to differ- 3 months and 24 months. Therefore, the authors
ent chloride concentrations in the surface electrolyte. believe that a 10-week exposure under very severe
It is possible that pH of the solution is also relevant. conditions in terms of both stress and aggressiveness
Due to hydrolysis, the pH of CaCl2 and MgCl2 solu- of the environment are sufficiently representative for
tions is lower than that of the NaCl water solution. long-term applications of stainless steel members in
However, the effect of pH cannot explain the difference non-washing conditions.
in the aggressiveness of calcium and magnesium
chlorides observed in this study. Calcium chloride Austenitic-Ferritic Stainless Steels
solutions are less acidic than solutions of magnesium Corrosion of all tested specimens is summarized
chloride, and it was the former salt that caused a in Table 3. The surface of duplex stainless steels was
higher degree of SCC in most experimental conditions. typically etched (Figure 12). Etched zones were usu-
For example, the pH of NaCl, MgCl2, and CaCl2 water ally large, covering almost the entire contaminated
solutions at the chloride concentration of 5 mol/kg surface of lower alloyed materials at more aggres-
water are 6.3, 5.4, and 5.6 at 20°C.33 Also, the free sive conditions. The zones were often elongated in the



(a) (b)
FIGURE 13. Morphology of pitting on UNS S32101 exposed with CaCl2 at 50°C and at 15% RH for 4 weeks; left: surface,
width 1.5 mm; right: cross section, width 160 µm.

direction perpendicular to the longer side of the metal

strip, i.e., in the same direction as cracks in austen-
itic stainless steels. Under certain conditions, the
metal deterioration appeared to have been closer to
pitting corrosion (Figure 13). Also, the pits were often
perpendicularly elongated. It is supposed that there
was no principal disparity in the two corrosion fea-
tures and that etching and pitting might differ only in
the depth and/or density of the attack.
Tiny cracks were seen on the surface of some
duplex stainless steel specimens. As shown in Figure
14, these cracks usually passed through small pits.
Observations of the superficial cracks are also sum- FIGURE 14. Tiny crack on the surface of duplex stainless steel 2304
marized in Table 3. It is obvious that the cracks were exposed with MgCl2 at 40°C and at 50% RH for 10 weeks; width
found only on lower-alloyed duplex stainless steels 1.4 mm.
at less-aggressive conditions; on specimens of more
alloyed materials, they were present only at higher
temperature and lower relative humidity. It might In total, 19 duplex stainless steel specimens
indicate that these cracks were, in fact, formed in exposed to different conditions were investigated in
more conditions but they were rapidly “etched off” as cross section. Zones of selective corrosion were found
a result of general corrosion (etching). Consequently, under all surface cracks. An example of a large selec-
no cracks were found on lower-alloyed duplex stain- tively corroded area is given in Figure 15. Selected
less steels after 10 weeks in more aggressive environ- specimens without observable cracks were examined
ments, since elongated etched zones developed on the as well. The corrosion morphology varied between
surface. rather shallow pitting (Figure 13) and selective corro-

FIGURE 15. Selective corrosion of duplex stainless steel UNS S32101 exposed with CaCl2 deposits at 30°C and 50% RH
for 10 weeks; an arrow indicates location of a tiny crack; width 400 µm.

CORROSION—Vol. 65, No. 2 115


(a) (b)
FIGURE 16. Selective corrosion of duplex stainless steel 2304 exposed with MgCl2 at 50°C and at 30% RH for 4 weeks;
width 100 µm (left) and 60 µm (right).

sion (Figure 16). With energy-dispersive x-ray (EDX) ferritic and austenitic structure, PRE of the phases
analysis, it was found in all cases that the corroded can vary significantly.38 Based on this work and the
phase contained more chromium and it was therefore results of the EDX analyses, it can be estimated that
identified as the ferritic phase. The depth of the selec- a PRE ratio of ferritic and austenitic phases was
tively corroded zones depended systematically neither about 0.8, 1.0, 1.1, and 0.9 for grades UNS S32101,
on the exposure conditions nor on the grade. Maxi- 2304, 2205, and 2507, respectively. The ferritic phase
mum depths of the selective attack were 200, 90, 140, of duplex stainless steels with a lower content of
and 190 µm for UNS S32101, 2304, 2205, and 2507, nitrogen and higher content of chromium and molyb-
respectively. No principal difference in the aggres- denum tend to have higher PRE than the austenitic
siveness of magnesium and calcium chloride was phase and vice-versa. Thus, it might be expected that
observed. NaCl deposits did not cause any corrosion. stainless steels UNS S32101 and 2507 would be cor-
Although elongated pits and etched zones and roded preferentially in the ferritic phase and the oth-
tiny cracks were often observed on the surface, the ers in the austenitic phase. However, experiments
metallographic examination did not confirm the pres- showed that the ferritic phase was preferentially cor-
ence of cracks in the structure. It is generally known roded in all duplex materials.
that duplex stainless steels have better SCC resis- Since rather large zones of selective corrosion
tance than the corresponding austenitic stainless of the ferritic phase, reaching depths up to 14%
steels. Newman36 attributes these properties to the of the cross section, developed in duplex stainless
differences in stress intensity factor of ferritic and steels under chloride deposits in atmospheric condi-
austenitic phases. Very likely, one phase assists in tions and no systematic effect of climatic parameters
blocking the crack propagation.36 It is possible that was observed, no application limits can be set based
the microcracks initiated in the austenitic phase that on this work. Further measurements are planned
is more susceptible to SCC and were subsequently to assess the impact of the selective corrosion on
blocked in the ferritic phase. mechanical properties of these materials.
It is often observed that one phase in duplex
stainless steel corrodes preferentially. The more vul- CONCLUSIONS
nerable phase can be either austenite or ferrite,
depending on the exact material composition and ❖ Austenitic stainless steel grades Type 304 and Type
exposure conditions. It was reported by Lothongkum, 316L were susceptible to the atmospheric SCC in the
et al., that the concentration of nitrogen in highly presence of magnesium and calcium chloride deposits
alloyed duplexes was essential for the phase sensi- at temperatures from 30°C and at low relative humid-
tivity to pitting corrosion in aerated NaCl solution.37 ity. Cracks were branched and transgranular.
The corroded structure in the tested stainless steels ❖ The corrosivity of salt deposits decreased in the fol-
without nitrogen alloying was the austenite phase, lowing order: CaCl2 > MgCl2 >> NaCl. It increased with
whereas it was the ferritic phase in materials alloyed temperature and decreased with relative humidity.
with nitrogen. Batista and Kuri showed that due to ❖ The corrosivity of salt deposits was controlled by
different concentrations of alloying elements in the equilibrium chloride concentration in the surface elec-



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G. Steinbeck, Steel Res. (Arch. Eisenhuttenwes.) 64, 10 (1993): p.
SCC and pitting decreased with increasing PRE. 526.
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28. M. Broul, J. Nyvlt, O. Söhnel, “Solubility in Inorganic Two-Com-
ponent Systems,” Physical Sciences Data, vol. 6 (Amsterdam, The
We gratefully acknowledge financial support of
Netherlands: Elsevier, 1981).
Outokumpu Stainless AB. The authors wish to thank 29. R.A. Stokes, R.H. Robinson, Electrolyte Solutions, 2nd ed. (Lon-
E. Johansson of Outokumpu Stainless AB for valu- don, U.K.: Butterworths, 1959).
30. V.M.M. Lobo, “Handbook of Electrolyte Solutions,” in Physical
able discussions on the results. Sciences Data, vol. 41 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier,
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CORROSION—Vol. 65, No. 2 117

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