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All rights reserved to the author:

(Tabulated based from the data given by Josephus as our aid to unlock the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel)
(Proof for 5BCE or 4BCE death year of Herod; 12BCE birth year of Jesus and 19CE start of his ministry)
Note 1: The data taken from Josephus are arranged to achieve accurate Herodian Chronology Table . Because it makes all his data consistent, It indicates that this is the most likely scheme he used in dating
the chronology of Herod the Great. By carefully devising this Table to serve as a code, there is a posibility that Josephus knew the correct computation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9: 24-27) predicting
the year Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) will come on eath.
Note 2: In this Table, Jospehus had used cardinal numbers (1,2,3, etc.) in counting the "Total Years" of Herod's reign using non-accession year method (NAYM). But he used ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd,
etc.) in counting "Regnal Year" of Herod using accession year method (AYM) . Hence, Herod's "Total years" reign is 1 value higher compared to his official "Reignal year" due to the fact that NAYM count 1 year
advance than AYM. Despite of that, the location or chronological sequence of the year count of the two schemes is just the same. For example 1 year reign in NAYM is called accession year in AYM.
Consequently 2 years total reign (NAYM) = first regnal year (AYM) of Herod; 3 years total reign(NAYM) = 2nd regnal year (AYM) of Herod, so and so forth. [ FN#1 ]
Note 3: First regnal year = Year 1 in Herodian coin, 2nd regnal year = Year 2 in a Herodian coin, 3rd regnal year = Year 3, etc. It means 3rd regnal year of Herod ( (Ant.14:16:2) is equivalent to Year 3 in his
issued coin. But "Year 3" or "3rd year reign" of Herod is not equal to "3 years reign" of Herod; rather, it is equal to 4 years reign of Herod so on and so forth.

Entry Nisan Adar Total years reign (1,2,3 etc) using NAYM / Regnal Year (1st,
Year Year Events in History
No. Mar/Apr Feb/Mar 2nd, 3rd, etc) using AYM
(a) The Romans through Pompey conqured Jerusalem on Tishri (Sept/Oct) 64BCE
during the solemnity of the fast which is the fast of the day of Atonement. 64BCE
was Rome's (Pompey) 1 year (NAYM) or Rome's accession year (AYM) as
conqueror of Jerusalem and the Jews. This year is the basis of Jospehus' 179th
Olympiad (Ant 14:4:3.) that started on July 64BCE (179.1). On the basis of
Jospehus' overall consistent Herodian chronology as shown in this Table if and
only if we will use 64BCE as the fall of Jerusalem, I hereby conclude that the
capture of Jerusalem by Pompey had occurred on 64BCE not on 63BCE. That is my
primary proof to favor 64BCE date and just regarded 63BCE as Pompey's or
Rome's first regnal year as new master of the Jews both as per Roman reckoning
(Jan 1, 63BCE) or Jewish reckoning (Nisan 63BCE) [ FN#2 ]. My second proof is
Jospehus' consistent practice at least for his Herodian Chronology of basing his
(a) 1 year /
1 Mar/Apr 64 BCE Feb/Mar 63 BCE consular date on the first regnal year of a ruler using accession year method which
accession year
is 63BCE (see next entry below) and his unique Olympiad date based on the 1 year
reign of a ruler using NAYM which is 64BCE. For further analysis of evidences
making 64BCE as valid choice, see Duncan Cameron's article [ FN#3 ]. In their own
research, Daniel Gregg [ FN#4 ] and History Professor James Jones [ FN#5 ] also
picked 64BCE as the fall of Jerusalem to Rome.

The 3rd month mentioned by Josephus is obviously the 3rd month of the 179.1
Olympiad year which is September coinciding with the month of Tishri - the month
for the fast of the Day of Atonement .

(a) Nisan (Mar/Apr) 63BCE (Jewish reckoning) was the start of Rome's ( or
Pompey's) 2 years reign (NAYM). It is also Rome's 1st regnal year (AYM) over
Jerusalem and the Jews. Jospehus said "...the city was taken on the third month,
on the day of the fast, upon the hundred and seventy-ninth olympiad, when Caius
Antonius and Marcus Tullius Cicero were consuls..." (Ant 14:4:3.). The Olympiad
date refers to 64BCE and the consular date refers to 63BCE.

We need to take note that in Herodian chronology, the 1st regnal year (AYM) is
the basis of Jospehus' consular year. To which reckoning (Roman or Jewish) he
2 years / (a) followed we cannot tell or sure. Here the 1st regnal year could be reckoned either
2 Mar/Apr 63 BCE Feb/Mar 62 BCE from Jan 63BCE (Roman, see above) or Mar/Apr 63BCE (Jewish);
1st year

It is very obvious that Jospehus had included the fall of Jerusalem by Pompey as
part of his Herodian chronology as he computed the 27 years span from this event
of the fall of Jerusalem to Pompey (Ant.14:16:4; see entry #27 below ) down to the
fall of Jerusalem by Herod. These 27 years can be counted in either way: 64BCE to
38BCE, or from 63BCE to 37BCE or from 64/63BCE down to 38/37BCE.

3 years / 2nd
3 Mar/Apr 62 BCE Feb/Mar 61 BCE
4 years / 3rd
4 Mar/Apr 61 BCE Feb/Mar 60 BCE
5 years / 4th
5 Mar/Apr 60 BCE Feb/Mar 59 BCE
6 years / 5th
6 Mar/Apr 59 BCE Feb/Mar 58 BCE
7 years / 6th
7 Mar/Apr 58 BCE Feb/Mar 57 BCE
8 years / 7th
8 Mar/Apr 57 BCE Feb/Mar 56 BCE
9 years / 8th
9 Mar/Apr 56 BCE Feb/Mar 55 BCE
10 years / 9th
10 Mar/Apr 55 BCE Feb/Mar 54 BCE
11 years /
11 Mar/Apr 54 BCE Feb/Mar 53 BCE
10th year
12 years /
12 Mar/Apr 53 BCE Feb/Mar 52 BCE
11th year
13 years /
13 Mar/Apr 52 BCE Feb/Mar 51 BCE
12th year
14 years /
14 Mar/Apr 51 BCE Feb/Mar 50 BCE
13th year

Public Information
All rights reserved to the author:
(Tabulated based from the data given by Josephus as our aid to unlock the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel)
(Proof for 5BCE or 4BCE death year of Herod; 12BCE birth year of Jesus and 19CE start of his ministry)
Note 1: The data taken from Josephus are arranged to achieve accurate Herodian Chronology Table . Because it makes all his data consistent, It indicates that this is the most likely scheme he used in dating
the chronology of Herod the Great. By carefully devising this Table to serve as a code, there is a posibility that Josephus knew the correct computation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9: 24-27) predicting
the year Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) will come on eath.
Note 2: In this Table, Jospehus had used cardinal numbers (1,2,3, etc.) in counting the "Total Years" of Herod's reign using non-accession year method (NAYM). But he used ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd,
etc.) in counting "Regnal Year" of Herod using accession year method (AYM) . Hence, Herod's "Total years" reign is 1 value higher compared to his official "Reignal year" due to the fact that NAYM count 1 year
advance than AYM. Despite of that, the location or chronological sequence of the year count of the two schemes is just the same. For example 1 year reign in NAYM is called accession year in AYM.
Consequently 2 years total reign (NAYM) = first regnal year (AYM) of Herod; 3 years total reign(NAYM) = 2nd regnal year (AYM) of Herod, so and so forth. [ FN#1 ]
Note 3: First regnal year = Year 1 in Herodian coin, 2nd regnal year = Year 2 in a Herodian coin, 3rd regnal year = Year 3, etc. It means 3rd regnal year of Herod ( (Ant.14:16:2) is equivalent to Year 3 in his
issued coin. But "Year 3" or "3rd year reign" of Herod is not equal to "3 years reign" of Herod; rather, it is equal to 4 years reign of Herod so on and so forth.

Entry Nisan Adar Total years reign (1,2,3 etc) using NAYM / Regnal Year (1st,
Year Year Events in History
No. Mar/Apr Feb/Mar 2nd, 3rd, etc) using AYM
15 years /
15 Mar/Apr 50 BCE Feb/Mar 49 BCE
14th year
16 years /
16 Mar/Apr 49 BCE Feb/Mar 48 BCE
15th year
17 years /
17 Mar/Apr 48 BCE Feb/Mar 47 BCE
16th year
18 years /
18 Mar/Apr 47 BCE Feb/Mar 46 BCE
17th year
19 years /
19 Mar/Apr 46 BCE Feb/Mar 45 BCE
18th year
20 years /
20 Mar/Apr 45 BCE Feb/Mar 44 BCE
19th year
21 years /
21 Mar/Apr 44 BCE Feb/Mar 43 BCE
20th year
22 years / 21st
22 Mar/Apr 43 BCE Feb/Mar 42 BCE
23 years /
23 Mar/Apr 42 BCE Feb/Mar 41 BCE
22nd year
(a) Antigonus was appointed king of the Jews by the Parthians (Ant. 14:13:9-10;
14:14:3) most likely on July or Aug 41BCE base on the report of Jospehus that he
conquered Jerusalem shortly after the Pentecost (Ant. 14:13:4) which is observed
on the month of Siven(May/June) based on luni-solar calendar of the Jews. We
can say he was coronated on the month of July because of its consistency on his
surrender on October 38BCE after reigning 3 years and 3 months (Ant. 20:10:1).
On the other hand, Herod was appointed king by the Romans on Dec 41BCE,
hence this year (41BCE) was Herod's 1 year reign based on NAYM which is also his
accession year based on AYM. In the following year on Mar/Apr 40BCE is Herod's
2 years reign using NAYM or Herod's offcial first regnal year or his Year 1 in coin
mark. Jospehus based his consular date for Herodian Chronology on the first
regnal year of Herod. In this case his list of consuls on 40BCE simply means it was
the first year of Herod as king of the Jews since his coronation on December

24 years / (a) 1 year / (b) (b) Herod was coronated as king of the Jews at Rome on December 27 or 28,
24 Mar/Apr 41 BCE Feb/Mar 40 BCE
23rd year accession year 41BCE as Jospehus had it happened at the end of the Roman calendar year as
evident in the celebration for Herod done on the first day of Herod's first regnal
year which is January 1, 40BCE as per Roman reckoning (Ant 14:14:5) [ FN#6 ]. So
41BCE was Herod's accession year and the basis of Josephus' 184th Olympiad
year. On the other hand, Jospehus is consistent to date the first regnal year of
Herod using consular date. And thus did this man receive the kingdom, having
obtained it on the hundred and eighty-fourth olympiad, when Caius Domitius
Calvinus was consul the second time, and Caius Asinius Pollio [the first time].”
Antiquities 14:14:4-5. The last year (184.4) of the 184th Olympiad is from July
41BCE - June 40BCE. As per this Olympiad date of Josephus, Herod was proclaimed
king on Dec. 41BCE (not one year later on Dec. 40BCE which is already belonged to
the 185th Olympiad).

(a) Antigonus' 2 years reign started on Aug 40BCE (actual count). See Jospehus'
Hasmonean Chronology Table.

(b) Nisan (Mar/Apr) 40BCE was Herod's 1st regnal year and the basis of Josephus'
25 years / (a) 2 years /
25 Mar/Apr 40 BCE Feb/Mar 39 BCE consular year. The consuls he picked were Caius Domitius Calvinus (second time),
24th year (b) 1st year
and Caius Asinius Pollio [the first time] (Ant. 14:14:4-5) that were on office during
1st regnal year of Herod.

(a) Herod's 3 years reign (NAYM) or his 2nd regnal year (AYM) started on Mar/Apr
39BCE. But Antigonus' 3 years reign started on Aug 39 and ended on July 38BCE
(actual count - see Josephus' Hasmonean Chronology Table) . We need to
compute in actual Antigonus' reign because Josephus gave us specific number in
years and months for his reign. He gave us 3 years and 3 months hence we will
compute it in actual basis (not base on AYM nor NAYM). So we need to know the
26 years / (a) 3 years /
26 Mar/Apr 39 BCE Feb/Mar 38 BCE month Antigonus became king (i.e. July or August 41BCE) and the month he
25th year 2nd year
surrendered to Herod (i.e. October 38BCE see next entry below) totaling in actual
count to 3 years and 3 months as reported by Jospehus.

Public Information
All rights reserved to the author:
(Tabulated based from the data given by Josephus as our aid to unlock the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel)
(Proof for 5BCE or 4BCE death year of Herod; 12BCE birth year of Jesus and 19CE start of his ministry)
Note 1: The data taken from Josephus are arranged to achieve accurate Herodian Chronology Table . Because it makes all his data consistent, It indicates that this is the most likely scheme he used in dating
the chronology of Herod the Great. By carefully devising this Table to serve as a code, there is a posibility that Josephus knew the correct computation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9: 24-27) predicting
the year Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) will come on eath.
Note 2: In this Table, Jospehus had used cardinal numbers (1,2,3, etc.) in counting the "Total Years" of Herod's reign using non-accession year method (NAYM). But he used ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd,
etc.) in counting "Regnal Year" of Herod using accession year method (AYM) . Hence, Herod's "Total years" reign is 1 value higher compared to his official "Reignal year" due to the fact that NAYM count 1 year
advance than AYM. Despite of that, the location or chronological sequence of the year count of the two schemes is just the same. For example 1 year reign in NAYM is called accession year in AYM.
Consequently 2 years total reign (NAYM) = first regnal year (AYM) of Herod; 3 years total reign(NAYM) = 2nd regnal year (AYM) of Herod, so and so forth. [ FN#1 ]
Note 3: First regnal year = Year 1 in Herodian coin, 2nd regnal year = Year 2 in a Herodian coin, 3rd regnal year = Year 3, etc. It means 3rd regnal year of Herod ( (Ant.14:16:2) is equivalent to Year 3 in his
issued coin. But "Year 3" or "3rd year reign" of Herod is not equal to "3 years reign" of Herod; rather, it is equal to 4 years reign of Herod so on and so forth.

Entry Nisan Adar Total years reign (1,2,3 etc) using NAYM / Regnal Year (1st,
Year Year Events in History
No. Mar/Apr Feb/Mar 2nd, 3rd, etc) using AYM
(a) Jerusalem Temple fell to Herod during the sabbatic year as Jospehus said "...for
this happened to be a Sabbatic year..." (Ant.14:16:2). The sabbatic year had
started on Tishri 1 (Sept/Oct) 38BCE. The wall was breached on Tishri 10 during
the solemn fast on the Day of Atonement [ FN#7 ]. Famine had already started
even before the Sabbatic Year had started because the siege had started 5 months
earlier. In the 5th month or during the late phase of the siege in the month of
Tishri(Sept/Oct), the Sabbatic Year had started. Hence, on the onset of the
Sabbatic Year famine had already devastated the defenders [ FN#8 ].

(b) 38BCE fall of Jerusalem to Herod was 27 years interval since the fall of
Jerusalem to Pompey (Ant.14:16:4 ). Take note of the cardinal number 27 (not the
ordinal 27th) used by Josephus. We can notice in this Table of Josephus that these
27 years can be computed in either way: 64/63BCE to 38/37BCE; 64BCE (accession
year of Rome or Pompey) to 38BCE (accession year of Herod) or 63BCE (1st regnal
year of Rome) to 37BCE ( 1st regnal year of Herod).

(c ) Though the Temple was already breached on September, Antigonus and his
army continued fighting until he surrendered on end of Oct 38BCE. He was
brought to Antioch as prisoner and killed by Antony on Nov/Dec. 38BCE. He reign
a total of 3 years and 3 months (Ant 20:10:1) that fell in the 4 years reign (= 3rd
year reign = Year 3 in a coin) of Herod since he was coronated king at Rome.
Josephus gave us actual total reign of Antigonus with specific total years and total
months so we need to compute these data in actual. His reign started on July
41BCE (i.e. after Pentecost) and ended on October 38BCE when he surrendered to
Herod. Antigonus' actual reign is the following:
1 year = July 41BCE - July 40BCE (or 41/40 BCE)
2 years = July 40 BCE - July 39BCE (or 40/39 BCE)
3 years = July 39BCE - July 38BCE (or 39/38 BCE)
3 months = August, September, October 38BCE

(d ) This 38BCE was also the 4 years reign (NAYM) or the 3rd regnal year/Year 3 in
coin (AYM) of Herod counted from his coronation at Rome (Ant 14:15:14) on Dec
28, 41BCE. Jospehus said: “When the rigor of winter was over, Herod removed his
army, and came near to Jerusalem, and pitched his camp hard by the city. Now
(c ) 4 years / ( e) 1 year / this was the third year since he had been made king at Rome; ...he pitched that
(b) 27 years /
27 (a) Mar/Apr 38 BCE Feb/Mar 37 BCE (d ) 3rd regnal (f) accession camp before the temple, intending to make his attacks in the same manner as did
26th year
year year Pompey.” (Ant 14:15:14). The words "When the rigor of winter was over" -means
the siege had started after winter time most likely in the month of April/May
38BCE during spring after his marriage to Mariame.

(e) This 38BCE was also Herod's 1 year reign using NAYM. His 1 year reign or
accession year had started on Nov/Dec 38BCE when Antigonus was killed. It
ended on Feb/Mar 37BCE using Jewish Nisan calendar reckoning but ended on Dec
31, 41BCE using Roman calendar). It means 38BCE is the start of Herod's 34 years
total reign. After 5 months of siege (War 1:18:2), Herod and the Romans had
successfully broke the wall and entered in the Temple during the solemn fast of
the Day of Atonemet on Tishri 10 (Sept) 38BCE that coincided also of the start of
the Sabbatic year. After the breach of the wall, the fighting continued for almost 1
month until the whole city was captured and Antigonus had surrendered on end of
October. So the total months of the war from the start of the siege up to the
capture of Antigonus was 6 months as indicated in Ant. 20:10:1. It means
Antigonus was captured at the end of Oct. 38BCE. He was brought to Antony at
Antioch and was killed most likely on Nov/Dec 38BCE. Antigonus' total reign was 3
years and 3 months (Ant. 20:10:1) from July/August 41BCE to Oct. 38BCE (see
Josephus' Hasmonean Chronology Table).

( f ) Oct. 38BCE was also Herod's accession year (correspond to 1 year reign using
NAYM) and the basis of Jospehus' 185th Olympiad year dating(Ant. 14:16:4) in
contrast to Herod's first regnal year which is the basis of Josephus' consular dating
for Herod's chronology. Cassius Dio is correct in assigning this event in 38BCE
which was Herod's accession year [ FN#9 ] consistent with Jospehus' 37BCE first
regnal year of Herod. It means Dio did not contradict Jospehus or vise versa
because each of them was correct in their date. What Dio was in his mind is the
true year Jerusalem fell to Herod and Antigonus was killed while what Jospehus
had in his mind are the following: the first year reign of Herod as it was the last
year of Antigonus in the previous year, the first year the Temple was under the
dominion of Herod as it was under Antigonus in the previous year, the first year of
Antigonus' death as he was alive in the previous year and the first year of the
demised of the Hasmonean Dynasty as it was alive in the previous year, etc.

Public Information
All rights reserved to the author:
(Tabulated based from the data given by Josephus as our aid to unlock the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel)
(Proof for 5BCE or 4BCE death year of Herod; 12BCE birth year of Jesus and 19CE start of his ministry)
Note 1: The data taken from Josephus are arranged to achieve accurate Herodian Chronology Table . Because it makes all his data consistent, It indicates that this is the most likely scheme he used in dating
the chronology of Herod the Great. By carefully devising this Table to serve as a code, there is a posibility that Josephus knew the correct computation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9: 24-27) predicting
the year Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) will come on eath.
Note 2: In this Table, Jospehus had used cardinal numbers (1,2,3, etc.) in counting the "Total Years" of Herod's reign using non-accession year method (NAYM). But he used ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd,
etc.) in counting "Regnal Year" of Herod using accession year method (AYM) . Hence, Herod's "Total years" reign is 1 value higher compared to his official "Reignal year" due to the fact that NAYM count 1 year
advance than AYM. Despite of that, the location or chronological sequence of the year count of the two schemes is just the same. For example 1 year reign in NAYM is called accession year in AYM.
Consequently 2 years total reign (NAYM) = first regnal year (AYM) of Herod; 3 years total reign(NAYM) = 2nd regnal year (AYM) of Herod, so and so forth. [ FN#1 ]
Note 3: First regnal year = Year 1 in Herodian coin, 2nd regnal year = Year 2 in a Herodian coin, 3rd regnal year = Year 3, etc. It means 3rd regnal year of Herod ( (Ant.14:16:2) is equivalent to Year 3 in his
issued coin. But "Year 3" or "3rd year reign" of Herod is not equal to "3 years reign" of Herod; rather, it is equal to 4 years reign of Herod so on and so forth.

Entry Nisan Adar Total years reign (1,2,3 etc) using NAYM / Regnal Year (1st,
Year Year Events in History
No. Mar/Apr Feb/Mar 2nd, 3rd, etc) using AYM
(a) Nisan (Mar/Apr) 1, 37BCE was the start of Herod's 1st regnal year and the
basis of Jospehus' consular year (Ant.14:16:4).

We need to take note that in Josephus' Herodian chronology, the 1st regnal year
5 years / 4th 2 years / (a) (AYM) is the basis of Jospehus' consular year. To which reckoning (Roman or
28 Mar/Apr 37 BCE Feb/Mar 36 BCE
year 1st year Jewish) he followed we cannot tell or sure. Here the 1st regnal year could be
reckoned either from Jan 37BCE (Roman calendar, see above) or Mar/Apr 37BCE
(Jewish Nisan calendar). Either of the 2 method is acceptable as a basis for
Josephus' consular year.
6 years / 5th 3 years / 2nd
29 Mar/Apr 36 BCE Feb/Mar 35 BCE
year year
7 years / 6th 4 years / 3rd
30 Mar/Apr 35 BCE Feb/Mar 34 BCE
year year
8 years / (a) 5 years / 4th
31 Mar/Apr 34 BCE Feb/Mar 33 BCE
7th year year
9 years / 8th 6 years / 5th
32 Mar/Apr 33 BCE Feb/Mar 32 BCE
year year
10 years / 9th 7 years / 6th
33 Mar/Apr 32 BCE Feb/Mar 31 BCE
year year
(a) This time the Battle of Actium happened on Sept. 2, 31BCE
( This would be
Octavius' 1 year reign (NAYM) or his accession year (AYM) if this victory over
Antony will be used as parameter to start start his reign. As expected his 37th
year victory since this remarkable victory will be on 7CE as per Roman reckoning.

(b) This battle exactly occured during the 7th year reign of Herod (take note of the
(a) 1 year / regnal count designated in ordinal number hence AYM) . Jospehus said “At this
11 years / 8 years / (b)
34 Mar/Apr 31 BCE Feb/Mar 30 BCE accession time it was that the fight happened at Actium, between Octavius Caesar and
10th year 7th year
year Antony, in the seventh year of the reign of Herod…” (Ant. 15:5:2). It is clear
Jospehus count this 7th regnal year of Herod from his first regnal year on 37BCE. If
37BCE was Herod's first regnal year there is no doubt Herod's accession year was
on 38BCE - hence Jerusalem fell to Herod and Antigonus got killed on 38BCE.

12 years / 2 years / (a) 9 years / 8th

35 Mar/Apr 30 BCE Feb/Mar 29 BCE
11th year 1st year year
13 years / 3 years / 2nd 10 years /
36 Mar/Apr 29 BCE Feb/Mar 28 BCE
12th year year 9th year
14 years / 4 years / 3rd 11 years /
37 Mar/Apr 28 BCE Feb/Mar 27 BCE
13th year year 10th year
(a) Most likely on autumn on Sept/October 27BCE, the rebuilding of the Jerusalem
Temple had started. It begin first on the preparations of all the materials needed
for the rebuilding. The description of the construction for 8 years is described by
Josephus in Ant. 15:11:1-7. The rebuilding of the the most Holy portion assigned
by Herod to the priests took one and a half (1.5) years (Ant. 15:11:6) to finish. It is
not clear if this 1.5 years is part of the 8 years or in addition to it. But analysing
John 2:20 that indicates at the time of Jesus it was been already 46 years of
renovating the Temple will tell us that this 1.5 years is part of the 8 years total
(Ant. 15:11:5). The computation will be 27BCE - 46 years = 19CE the year Jesus
started his ministry.
Option 2:
(b) The start of the preparations both skilled manpowers and materials for
15 years / 5 years / 4th 12 years / (c ) rebuilding of the Temple. Herod made it clear that he will not bring down the old
38 Mar/Apr (a) 27 BCE Feb/Mar 26 BCE /Renovation of
14th year year 11th year structures unless all the workers and materials were in place. The most likely
the Temple reason why Herod had decided to start his building projects on the Holy Temple
had started itself is hopefully to let the Jews happy and will hopefully accept his other building
projects that maybe considred by the Jews as an innovation such his plan of
(b) 1 year building a theater in Jerusalem, an ampitheater and new cities all patterned in a
pagan way of life.

(c ) 11th year reign of Herod begun on Nisan (Mar/April) 27BCE (see Thomas
Lewin, Fasti Christi, p.79).

Public Information
All rights reserved to the author:
(Tabulated based from the data given by Josephus as our aid to unlock the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel)
(Proof for 5BCE or 4BCE death year of Herod; 12BCE birth year of Jesus and 19CE start of his ministry)
Note 1: The data taken from Josephus are arranged to achieve accurate Herodian Chronology Table . Because it makes all his data consistent, It indicates that this is the most likely scheme he used in dating
the chronology of Herod the Great. By carefully devising this Table to serve as a code, there is a posibility that Josephus knew the correct computation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9: 24-27) predicting
the year Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) will come on eath.
Note 2: In this Table, Jospehus had used cardinal numbers (1,2,3, etc.) in counting the "Total Years" of Herod's reign using non-accession year method (NAYM). But he used ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd,
etc.) in counting "Regnal Year" of Herod using accession year method (AYM) . Hence, Herod's "Total years" reign is 1 value higher compared to his official "Reignal year" due to the fact that NAYM count 1 year
advance than AYM. Despite of that, the location or chronological sequence of the year count of the two schemes is just the same. For example 1 year reign in NAYM is called accession year in AYM.
Consequently 2 years total reign (NAYM) = first regnal year (AYM) of Herod; 3 years total reign(NAYM) = 2nd regnal year (AYM) of Herod, so and so forth. [ FN#1 ]
Note 3: First regnal year = Year 1 in Herodian coin, 2nd regnal year = Year 2 in a Herodian coin, 3rd regnal year = Year 3, etc. It means 3rd regnal year of Herod ( (Ant.14:16:2) is equivalent to Year 3 in his
issued coin. But "Year 3" or "3rd year reign" of Herod is not equal to "3 years reign" of Herod; rather, it is equal to 4 years reign of Herod so on and so forth.

Entry Nisan Adar Total years reign (1,2,3 etc) using NAYM / Regnal Year (1st,
Year Year Events in History
No. Mar/Apr Feb/Mar 2nd, 3rd, etc) using AYM
(a) Herod's building of a theater in Jerusalem and introducing a pagan Olympiad
games in honor of Augustus. (Ant. 15:8:1-2; see Thomas Lewin, Fasti Christi, p.81).

(b) 2 years of rebuilding the Temple continued in the background while Jospehus
narrated other events for this year.
16 years / 6 years / 5th 13 years /
39 Mar/Apr (a) 26 BCE Feb/Mar 25 BCE (b) 2 years The on going renovation/rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple by Herod does not
15th year year 12th year
prevent some Jews to get angry of his building of pagan inspired theater in
Jerusalem and an ampitheater as well as the pagan olympian games he
introduced. They want to kill him to stop his innovations (Ant. 15:8:3-4).

(a) 3 years of Rebuilding the Temple continued in the background while Jospehus
narrated other events for this year.

(b) Mar/Apr 25BCE is the start of Herod's 13th year reign (Ant 15:9:1). Only small
harvest has been made on this year (Sept/Oct 25BCE) and the seeds that were
sown on March/April 24BCE did not bear good fruits, hence not enough harvest on
Aug/Sept 24BCE. So wih no enough stock of grains, there was famine during the
sabbatical year Sept/Oct 24 –Aug/Sept 23BCE. Also, the plants that grown from
itself during the sabbatical year (Sept/Oct 24 –Aug/Sept 23BCE) did not bear fruit
on the second year as well (i.e. Tishri new year on Sept/Oct 23BCE).

Jospehus’ mentioned Aelius Gallus’ expedition in Egpyt (Ant. 15:9:3) that

17 years / 7 years / 6th 14 years / (b) happened on either 25BCE or 24BCE during the consulship of Augustus and Gaius
40 Mar/Apr 25 BCE Feb/Mar 24 BCE (a) 3 years
16th year year 13th year Norbanus (Dio 53:28:1 & 53:29:3). Gallus’ expedition is called by Jospehus to
happen “at the same time” the bad harvest and famine that had happened on
years 25BCE, 24BCE and 23BCE (see Emil Schurer, pp.406-407 and his footnote #9).
Herod was relieved of the famine after the Sabbaticcal year on Sept/Oct 23BCE
with the help of Gaius Petronius the successor of Gallus as Gov. of Egypt who
provided him corn and other provision.

18 years / 8 years / (a) 15 years / Sabbatic Year started from Sept/Oct 24BCE
41 Mar/Apr 24 BCE Feb/Mar 23 BCE 4 years
17th year 7th year 14th year
Sabbatic Year ended on Aug/Sept 23BCE.

(a) During the 15th regnal year of Herod, perhaps after the Sabbatical year, the
construction of the bigger enclosure of the Temple had started (War 1:12:1).
5 years of Obviously this is part of the on going reconstruction of the Temple in the
19 years / 9 years / 8th 16 years / (a) background that had started on 27BCE and now in its 5th year. This statement of
42 Mar/Apr 23 BCE Feb/Mar 22 BCE Temple
18th year year 15th year Josephus about the construction of the Temple in his 15th regnal year is one of the
proofs that the reconstruction of the Temple had begun earlier than 20BCE and
definitely was not started on 20BCE but rather ended or finished in that year as
the title of Book 15 clearly elucidated.

(a) 6 years of Rebuilding the Temple continued in the background while Jospehus
20 years / 10 years / 17 years / narrated other events for this year.
43 Mar/Apr 22 BCE Feb/Mar 21 BCE (a) 6 years
19th year 9th year 16th year

Public Information
All rights reserved to the author:
(Tabulated based from the data given by Josephus as our aid to unlock the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel)
(Proof for 5BCE or 4BCE death year of Herod; 12BCE birth year of Jesus and 19CE start of his ministry)
Note 1: The data taken from Josephus are arranged to achieve accurate Herodian Chronology Table . Because it makes all his data consistent, It indicates that this is the most likely scheme he used in dating
the chronology of Herod the Great. By carefully devising this Table to serve as a code, there is a posibility that Josephus knew the correct computation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9: 24-27) predicting
the year Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) will come on eath.
Note 2: In this Table, Jospehus had used cardinal numbers (1,2,3, etc.) in counting the "Total Years" of Herod's reign using non-accession year method (NAYM). But he used ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd,
etc.) in counting "Regnal Year" of Herod using accession year method (AYM) . Hence, Herod's "Total years" reign is 1 value higher compared to his official "Reignal year" due to the fact that NAYM count 1 year
advance than AYM. Despite of that, the location or chronological sequence of the year count of the two schemes is just the same. For example 1 year reign in NAYM is called accession year in AYM.
Consequently 2 years total reign (NAYM) = first regnal year (AYM) of Herod; 3 years total reign(NAYM) = 2nd regnal year (AYM) of Herod, so and so forth. [ FN#1 ]
Note 3: First regnal year = Year 1 in Herodian coin, 2nd regnal year = Year 2 in a Herodian coin, 3rd regnal year = Year 3, etc. It means 3rd regnal year of Herod ( (Ant.14:16:2) is equivalent to Year 3 in his
issued coin. But "Year 3" or "3rd year reign" of Herod is not equal to "3 years reign" of Herod; rather, it is equal to 4 years reign of Herod so on and so forth.

Entry Nisan Adar Total years reign (1,2,3 etc) using NAYM / Regnal Year (1st,
Year Year Events in History
No. Mar/Apr Feb/Mar 2nd, 3rd, etc) using AYM
(a) It is in this year (i.e. in his "18 years/ 17th year" or a year after Herod's 17 years
reign = Herod's 16th year) Caesar Augustus left Rome via Sicily with the aim of
going to Syria [Dio 54:6:1; Ant 15:10:3). Caesar' going out from Italy for Syria via
Sicily and Asia Minor happened on 21BCE during the consulship of M. Lollius and
F. Lepidus (Dio 54: 6: 2-3 & 54:7:1). Jospehus correctly described this 21BCE reign
of Herod (i.e. his 18 years reign / 17th year reign) as "a year after Herod's 17 years
reign". Josephus reported: "Now when Herod had already reigned seventeen
years, Caesar came into Syria"(Ant 15:10:3). As per the correct Table of Jospehus'
Herodian Chronology, Herod's 17 years reign (NAYM) = 16th year reign (AYM) that
had started on Mar/Apr 22BCE and ended on Feb/Mar 21BCE (see entry # 43
above). After these 17 years reign was Herod's 18 years reign that started on
21 years / 11 years / 18 years / Mar/April 21BCE. It means Herod's 18 years reign = 17th year reign = 21/20BCE is
44 Mar/Apr (a) 21 BCE Feb/Mar 20 BCE (b) 7 years
20th year 10th year 17th year a year "after Herod's 17 years reign" = 16th regnal year = 22/21BCE.

(b) Most probably the construction of the holy portion of the Temple by the
priestly workers had started in the 7th year. They do their portion along with
other works being done by non-prietsts. All together they finished the whole
project in a period of 8 years in which part of it is the 1.5 years job done by the
priests to rennovate the holy portions of the building such as the holy of hollies or
inner sanctuary as reported by Josephus (Ant. 15:11:6).

(a) Augustus arrived at Syria on 20BCE when Marcus Apuleius and Publius Silius
were consuls [Dio 54:7:4; see E. Schurer, p.409; Thomas Lewin."Fasti Sacri", p.89).
It was during the 18th year reign of Herod. Take note that Jospehus described
20/19BCE as Herod's 18th regnal year (Ant. 15:11:1) that followed from his 17th
year called also by Josephus as a year "after Herod reigned 17 years" as discussed

(b) It is evident also in Ant. 15:11:1 that Jospehus had described the 8 years
renovation/rebuilding of the Temple in a one time narratives all he placed in
chalpter 11. The theme of chapter 11 is that Herod had started and eventually
after 8 years had inaguarated the Temple. It had started on year 28 or 27BCE and
is about to be finished in year 20BCE. It is therefore wrong to say that the
reconstruction of the Temple had just started in 20BCE but rather the project is
about to be finished on that year. Jospehus is very clear - the inauguration or
(b) 8 years of opening ceremony of the new Temple (Ant 15:11:6) happened on 20BCE during
Temple the 18th year reign of Herod. That is evident in the chronology of Josephus' "Ant.
construction Book 15" that says "Containing The Interval Of Eighteen Years From The Death Of
and its 22 years / 21st 12 years / 19 years / (c) Antigonus To The Finishing Of The Temple By Herod". Take note that Antigonus
45 Mar/Apr (a) 20 BCE Feb/Mar 19 BCE
inauguration year 11th year 18th year died on 38BCE as per correct chronology and the finishing of the rebuilding of the
or opening Temple was on 20BCE having a total interval 18 years. The Temple itself has been
ceremony for built for total of 8 years (Ant. 15:11:5). The portion of the Temple which are holy
public use. were such as the sanctuary being assigned to the priests and was done for one
and a half years (Ant. 15:11:6). This 1.5 years is obviously part of the total 8 years.
The celebration and dedication of the Temple happened on Oct/Nov 20BCE
coinciding with the inagauration of Herod's accession to the throne (Ant 15:11:6)
that happened 18 years earlier on Oct/Nov 38BCE when Herod defeated his rival
Antigonus on October and have him killed on November/December 38BCE.

(c) Augustus arrived at Syria on 20BCE (Dio 54:7:4-). Jospehus dated this arrival of
Caesar Augustus in Syria to had occurred during Herod’s 18th regnal year (Ant.
15:11:1) or 20BCE consistent with the date of Dio.

23 years / 13 years / 20 years /

46 Mar/Apr 19 BCE Feb/Mar 18 BCE
22nd year 12th year 19th year
24 years / 14 years / 21 years /
47 Mar/Apr 18 BCE Feb/Mar 17 BCE
23rd year 13th year 20th year
25 years / 15 years / 22 years /
48 Mar/Apr 17 BCE Feb/Mar 16 BCE
24th year 14th year 21st year
26 years / 16 years / 23 years /
49 Mar/Apr 16 BCE Feb/Mar 15 BCE
25th year 15th year 22nd year
27 years / 17 years / 24 years /
50 Mar/Apr 15 BCE Feb/Mar 14 BCE
26th year 16th year 23rd year
28 years / 18 years / 25 years /
51 Mar/Apr 14 BCE Feb/Mar 13 BCE
27th year 17th year 24th year

Public Information
All rights reserved to the author:
(Tabulated based from the data given by Josephus as our aid to unlock the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel)
(Proof for 5BCE or 4BCE death year of Herod; 12BCE birth year of Jesus and 19CE start of his ministry)
Note 1: The data taken from Josephus are arranged to achieve accurate Herodian Chronology Table . Because it makes all his data consistent, It indicates that this is the most likely scheme he used in dating
the chronology of Herod the Great. By carefully devising this Table to serve as a code, there is a posibility that Josephus knew the correct computation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9: 24-27) predicting
the year Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) will come on eath.
Note 2: In this Table, Jospehus had used cardinal numbers (1,2,3, etc.) in counting the "Total Years" of Herod's reign using non-accession year method (NAYM). But he used ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd,
etc.) in counting "Regnal Year" of Herod using accession year method (AYM) . Hence, Herod's "Total years" reign is 1 value higher compared to his official "Reignal year" due to the fact that NAYM count 1 year
advance than AYM. Despite of that, the location or chronological sequence of the year count of the two schemes is just the same. For example 1 year reign in NAYM is called accession year in AYM.
Consequently 2 years total reign (NAYM) = first regnal year (AYM) of Herod; 3 years total reign(NAYM) = 2nd regnal year (AYM) of Herod, so and so forth. [ FN#1 ]
Note 3: First regnal year = Year 1 in Herodian coin, 2nd regnal year = Year 2 in a Herodian coin, 3rd regnal year = Year 3, etc. It means 3rd regnal year of Herod ( (Ant.14:16:2) is equivalent to Year 3 in his
issued coin. But "Year 3" or "3rd year reign" of Herod is not equal to "3 years reign" of Herod; rather, it is equal to 4 years reign of Herod so on and so forth.

Entry Nisan Adar Total years reign (1,2,3 etc) using NAYM / Regnal Year (1st,
Year Year Events in History
No. Mar/Apr Feb/Mar 2nd, 3rd, etc) using AYM
29 years / 19 years / 26 years /
52 Mar/Apr 13 BCE Feb/Mar 12 BCE
28th year 18th year 25th year
( a ) 12BCE - The year Jesus was born. Jesus was born on 12BCE [ FN#10 ] most
likely on autumn (Sept/Oct). The correct interpretation of the 70 Weeks prophecy
will confirm 12BCE as the true nativity year of Jesus. It is year -11 in Astronomers'
Chronology. In 19CE when he was about 30 years old, Jesus had started his

(a) 30 years / 20 years / 27 years / Gospel reports described sheepherds remain staying at night in the field which
53 Mar/Apr BCE Feb/Mar 11 BCE
12 29th year 19th year 26th year means Jesus was not born during winter time. The Roman census usually started
on summer such as on July in Syria. So the census in Judea would have started on
August or September as it follows always after Syria had started it. The holy family
went to Bethlehem on September where Jesus was born. During that time, the
very big and bright comet (now called comet P-Halley) had appeared in the sky.
That comet is known to us as the Star of Bethlehem.

31 years / 21 years / 28 years /

54 Mar/Apr 11 BCE Feb/Mar 10 BCE
30th year 20th year 27th year
(a) Ant. 16:5:1 "1. About this time it was that Cesarea Sebaste, which he had built,
was finished. The entire building being accomplished: in the tenth year, the
solemnity of it fell into the twenty-eighth year of Herod's reign, and into the
hundred and ninety-second olympiad."
32 years / 31st 22 years / 29 years / (a
55 Mar/Apr 10 BCE Feb/Mar 9 BCE
year 21st year )28th year The 4 years of the 192nd Olympiad are: (192.1) = July 12BC-June 11BCE; (192.2)=
Jul 11BCE-Jun 10BCE; (192.3) = Jul 10BCE - Jun 9BCE and (192.4) = Jul 9BCE- Jun
8BCE. Here Josephus' 28th year reign of Herod is meant to be the 192.3 Olympiad.

33 years / 23 years / 30 years /

56 Mar/Apr 9 BCE Feb/Mar 8 BCE
32nd year 22nd year 29th year
34 years / 24 years / 31 years /
57 Mar/Apr 8 BCE Feb/Mar 7 BCE
33rd year 23rd year 30th year
35 years / 25 years / 32 years /
58 Mar/Apr 7 BCE Feb/Mar 6 BCE
34th year 24th year 31st year
26 years / 33 years /
59 Mar/Apr 6 BCE Feb/Mar 5 BCE 36 / 35th
25th year 32nd year
(a) Herod died on December 5BCE which is after the lunar eclipse on Sept 15,
5BCE and before the Passover on March/April 4BCE consistent with the
description of Josephus that he died after the lunar eclipse (Ant 17:6:4) and before
the passover (Ant. 17:9:3). This 5/4BCE was the "1 year reign" (NAYM) and/or the
accession year (AYM) of his 3 successors - Archeleus (his first), Antipas, and Philip.
Their standard Jewish reckoning 1st regnal year will be on 1st day of Nissan
4/3BCE (AYM).

Gospel writers [ FN#11 ] were correct in saying that Jesus was about 7 years old
when Herod died on December 5BCE [ FN#12 ].This Table agree with the research
of T. D. Barnes and Nikos Kokkinos that Herod died on year 5BCE. I agree with
Barnes that 4BCE death year of Herod is just a second and last choice.

b) Herod reigned a total of 37 years since he was designated as king of the Jews at
the Roman senate on Dec. 28, 41BCE (Ant. 17:8:1). He died on 5BCE during the
36th year of his reign.
(b) 37 years /
(d) 1 year / 36th year 27 years / ( c )34 years / ( c) But he reigned as king of the Jews 34 years only since he deated and procured
60 Mar/Apr (a) 5 BCE Feb/Mar 4 BCE
accession year 26th year 33rd year Antigonus to be killed on Nov. 38BCE (Ant. 17:8:1). He died on 5BCE during the
****** 33rd year of his reign.

There are many attempts to make sense all the data of Jospehus related to
Herod's 34 years and 37 years reign. The latest attempt is done by James Bejon [
FN#13 ] in which I have same arrangement in terms of Herod's regnal year using
ordinal number sequence using AYM. But Bejon did not differentiate Jospehus'
used of cardinal number sequence for Herod's total reign compared to his used of
ordinal number sequence for Herod's reignal year. The two method has 1 year
interval but their chronological sequence is just the same - see my FN#1 wherein
it is shown that Herod's 17 years reign = Herod's 16th year reign and Herod's 18th
year reign = 19 years reign.

(d) 1 year reign or accession year of Herod's successors

Public Information
All rights reserved to the author:
(Tabulated based from the data given by Josephus as our aid to unlock the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel)
(Proof for 5BCE or 4BCE death year of Herod; 12BCE birth year of Jesus and 19CE start of his ministry)
Note 1: The data taken from Josephus are arranged to achieve accurate Herodian Chronology Table . Because it makes all his data consistent, It indicates that this is the most likely scheme he used in dating
the chronology of Herod the Great. By carefully devising this Table to serve as a code, there is a posibility that Josephus knew the correct computation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9: 24-27) predicting
the year Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) will come on eath.
Note 2: In this Table, Jospehus had used cardinal numbers (1,2,3, etc.) in counting the "Total Years" of Herod's reign using non-accession year method (NAYM). But he used ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd,
etc.) in counting "Regnal Year" of Herod using accession year method (AYM) . Hence, Herod's "Total years" reign is 1 value higher compared to his official "Reignal year" due to the fact that NAYM count 1 year
advance than AYM. Despite of that, the location or chronological sequence of the year count of the two schemes is just the same. For example 1 year reign in NAYM is called accession year in AYM.
Consequently 2 years total reign (NAYM) = first regnal year (AYM) of Herod; 3 years total reign(NAYM) = 2nd regnal year (AYM) of Herod, so and so forth. [ FN#1 ]
Note 3: First regnal year = Year 1 in Herodian coin, 2nd regnal year = Year 2 in a Herodian coin, 3rd regnal year = Year 3, etc. It means 3rd regnal year of Herod ( (Ant.14:16:2) is equivalent to Year 3 in his
issued coin. But "Year 3" or "3rd year reign" of Herod is not equal to "3 years reign" of Herod; rather, it is equal to 4 years reign of Herod so on and so forth.

Entry Nisan Adar Total years reign (1,2,3 etc) using NAYM / Regnal Year (1st,
Year Year Events in History
No. Mar/Apr Feb/Mar 2nd, 3rd, etc) using AYM
(a) Nisan (March/April) 4BCE was the start of the 2 years reign (NAYM) or the 1st
regnal year (AYM) of Archeleus, Antipas, and Philip.

******** (b) After the Pentecost (May/June 4BCE), Archeleus went to Rome to get the
(a) 2 years / 28 years / approval of Augustus as king of the Jews true successor of Herod. This will be his
61 (a) Mar/Apr 4 BCE Feb/Mar 3 BCE
1st year (b) 1 year / 27th year second accession year due to his personal decision that he will not considered
accession year himself king unless his appoinment by his father is confirmed by Augustus (see
War 2:1:1). After the burial of his father and shortly after the Pentecost he went
to Rome and got the confirmation (see War 2:1:3 & 2:2:1).

3 years / 2nd 2 years / 1st 29 years /

62 Mar/Apr 3 BCE Feb/Mar 2 BCE
year year 28th year
4 years / 3rd 3 years / 2nd 30 years /
63 Mar/Apr 2 BCE Feb/Mar 1 BCE
year year 29th year
5 years / 4th 4 years / 3rd 31 years /
64 Mar/Apr 1 BCE Feb/Mar 1 CE
year year 30th year
6 years / 5th 5 years / 4th 32 years /
65 Mar/Apr 1 CE Feb/Mar 2 CE
year year 31st year
7 years / 6th 6 years / 5th 33 years /
66 Mar/Apr 2 CE Feb/Mar 3 CE
year year 32nd year
8 years / 7th 7 years / 6th 34 years /
67 Mar/Apr 3 CE Feb/Mar 4 CE
year year 33rd year
9 years / 8th 8 years / 7th 35 years /
68 Mar/Apr 4 CE Feb/Mar 5 CE
year year 34th year
10 years / 9th 9 years / 8th 36 years /
69 Mar/Apr 5 CE Feb/Mar 6 CE
year year 35th year
(a) Archelues was banish to Gaul during the 10th year (take note of the ordinal
number being used) of his reign (Ant.17:13:2). That it occurred in year 6CE is
confirmed by Dio Cassius (see Roman History 55:25:1 & 55.27.6). The census
usually conducted on the month of July. Quirinius may had conducated first the
census on Syria and then proceed to Judea on Sept 6CE. So most likely Archeleus
was banish on Sept 6CE. Judas revolt during this taxation may had delayed
11 years / (a) Quirnius in finishing the census that ended on the 7CE.
10 years / (b) 37 years /
70 Mar/Apr 6 CE Feb/Mar 7 CE 10th year of
9th year 36th year
Archeleus (b) In War War 2:7:3, Jospphus regarded 6CE as Archeleus 9th year but in his
latest work he considred 6CE as Archeleus 10th year. Both are correct actually -not
a contradiction. If counted from Herod's appointment on 5BCE this 6CE is
Archeleus 10th year reign but if counted from Augustus confirmation at Rome on
4BCE, this 6CE was Archeleus 9th year reign.

(a) Quirinius ended/finished his taxation of both Syria and Judea on the spring
Nisan (Mar/Apr) 7CE. Coponius who was his assistant and procurator of Judea may
have rule Judea as procurator in a very short time (6-7CE) . He return to Rome a
little after the Passover celebration (Ant. 18:2:2).
12 years / 38 years / (b)
71 (a) Mar/Apr 7 CE Feb/Mar 8 CE
11th year 37th year
(b) The year 7CE is the 37th year of Caesar's victory over Antony at Actium (Ant.
18:2:1) but the actual 37th anniversary of the battle will be on Sept 2, 7CE. That
will be the 11th year of Archeleus if he was not deposed.

13 years /
72 Mar/Apr 8 CE Feb/Mar 9 CE
12th year
14 years /
73 Mar/Apr 9 CE Feb/Mar 10 CE
13th year
15 years /
74 Mar/Apr 10 CE Feb/Mar 11 CE
14th year
16 years /
75 Mar/Apr 11 CE Feb/Mar 12 CE
15th year
17 years /
76 Mar/Apr 12 CE Feb/Mar 13 CE
16th year
18 years /
77 Mar/Apr 13 CE Feb/Mar 14 CE
17th year
19 years /
78 Mar/Apr 14 CE Feb/Mar 15 CE
18th year
20 years /
79 Mar/Apr 15 CE Feb/Mar 16 CE
19th year

Public Information
All rights reserved to the author:
(Tabulated based from the data given by Josephus as our aid to unlock the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel)
(Proof for 5BCE or 4BCE death year of Herod; 12BCE birth year of Jesus and 19CE start of his ministry)
Note 1: The data taken from Josephus are arranged to achieve accurate Herodian Chronology Table . Because it makes all his data consistent, It indicates that this is the most likely scheme he used in dating
the chronology of Herod the Great. By carefully devising this Table to serve as a code, there is a posibility that Josephus knew the correct computation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9: 24-27) predicting
the year Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) will come on eath.
Note 2: In this Table, Jospehus had used cardinal numbers (1,2,3, etc.) in counting the "Total Years" of Herod's reign using non-accession year method (NAYM). But he used ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd,
etc.) in counting "Regnal Year" of Herod using accession year method (AYM) . Hence, Herod's "Total years" reign is 1 value higher compared to his official "Reignal year" due to the fact that NAYM count 1 year
advance than AYM. Despite of that, the location or chronological sequence of the year count of the two schemes is just the same. For example 1 year reign in NAYM is called accession year in AYM.
Consequently 2 years total reign (NAYM) = first regnal year (AYM) of Herod; 3 years total reign(NAYM) = 2nd regnal year (AYM) of Herod, so and so forth. [ FN#1 ]
Note 3: First regnal year = Year 1 in Herodian coin, 2nd regnal year = Year 2 in a Herodian coin, 3rd regnal year = Year 3, etc. It means 3rd regnal year of Herod ( (Ant.14:16:2) is equivalent to Year 3 in his
issued coin. But "Year 3" or "3rd year reign" of Herod is not equal to "3 years reign" of Herod; rather, it is equal to 4 years reign of Herod so on and so forth.

Entry Nisan Adar Total years reign (1,2,3 etc) using NAYM / Regnal Year (1st,
Year Year Events in History
No. Mar/Apr Feb/Mar 2nd, 3rd, etc) using AYM
21 years /
80 Mar/Apr 16 CE Feb/Mar 17 CE
20th year
22 years / 21st
81 Mar/Apr 17 CE Feb/Mar 18 CE
23 years /
82 Mar/Apr 18 CE Feb/Mar 19 CE
22nd year
(a) Jesus started his ministry on autumn (Sept/Oct) of 19CE when he was about 30
years old (Luke 3:23; Barnabas 10). This 19CE ministry of Jesus is the only correct
chronology for Jesus and is confirmed by Josephus who placed the ministry of
Jesus in 19CE narrative timeframe in his history (Antiquities 18:3:3). Among the
19CE events narrated by Josephus are the following:
1. The death of Germanicus (Ant.18:2:5) that happened during the consulship of
Marcus Silanus and Lucius Norbanus as confirmed by Tacitus (Annals — Book II
Chapters 59-83) and Dio (History -Book 57:18:3). [FN#14 ]
2. Pontius Pilate started his water project in Jerusalem (Ant.18:3:2. [FN#15 ]
3. The ministry of Jesus (Ant.18:3:3) as confirmed by the 70 Weeks Prophecy
computation as presented in my book. FN#16 ]
(b) 24 years / 4.Mundus seduced Paulina; Tiberius overthrew Isis cult at Rome (Ant.18:3:4). [
83 Mar/Apr (a) 19 CE Feb/Mar 20 CE
23rd year FN#17].
5. Tiberius expelled Jews from Rome (Ant.18:3:5) as confirmed by Dio (History -
Book 57:18:5a). [FN#18].

(b) As per Jospehus' Herodian Chronology Table, Jesus had started his ministry
during the 24 years reign of Herod Antipas counted from his accession year on
5BCE the year his father Herod died. 5BCE was his 1 year using NAYM. It is his 23rd
regnal year counted from his 4BCE first regnal year using AYM.

25 years /
84 Mar/Apr 20 CE Feb/Mar 21 CE
24th year
26 years /
85 Mar/Apr 21 CE Feb/Mar 22 CE
25th year
27 years /
86 Mar/Apr 22 CE Feb/Mar 23 CE
26th year
28 years /
87 Mar/Apr 23 CE Feb/Mar 24 CE
27th year
29 years /
88 Mar/Apr 24 CE Feb/Mar 25 CE
28th year
30 years /
89 Mar/Apr 25 CE Feb/Mar 26 CE
29th year
31 years /
90 Mar/Apr 26 CE Feb/Mar 27 CE
30th year
32 years / 31st
91 Mar/Apr 27 CE Feb/Mar 28 CE
33 years /
92 Mar/Apr 28 CE Feb/Mar 29 CE
32nd year
34 years /
93 Mar/Apr 29 CE Feb/Mar 30 CE
33rd year
35 years /
94 Mar/Apr 30 CE Feb/Mar 31 CE
34th year
36 years /
95 Mar/Apr 31 CE Feb/Mar 32 CE
35th year
96 Mar/Apr 32 CE Feb/Mar 33 CE 37 / 36th
97 Mar/Apr 33 CE Feb/Mar 34 CE 38 / 37th
98 Mar/Apr 34 CE Feb/Mar 35 CE 39 / 38th
40 years /
99 Mar/Apr 35 CE Feb/Mar 36 CE
39th year

41 years /
100 Mar/Apr 36 CE Feb/ (a) Mar 37 CE
40th year

Public Information
All rights reserved to the author:
(Tabulated based from the data given by Josephus as our aid to unlock the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel)
(Proof for 5BCE or 4BCE death year of Herod; 12BCE birth year of Jesus and 19CE start of his ministry)
Note 1: The data taken from Josephus are arranged to achieve accurate Herodian Chronology Table . Because it makes all his data consistent, It indicates that this is the most likely scheme he used in dating
the chronology of Herod the Great. By carefully devising this Table to serve as a code, there is a posibility that Josephus knew the correct computation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9: 24-27) predicting
the year Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) will come on eath.
Note 2: In this Table, Jospehus had used cardinal numbers (1,2,3, etc.) in counting the "Total Years" of Herod's reign using non-accession year method (NAYM). But he used ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd,
etc.) in counting "Regnal Year" of Herod using accession year method (AYM) . Hence, Herod's "Total years" reign is 1 value higher compared to his official "Reignal year" due to the fact that NAYM count 1 year
advance than AYM. Despite of that, the location or chronological sequence of the year count of the two schemes is just the same. For example 1 year reign in NAYM is called accession year in AYM.
Consequently 2 years total reign (NAYM) = first regnal year (AYM) of Herod; 3 years total reign(NAYM) = 2nd regnal year (AYM) of Herod, so and so forth. [ FN#1 ]
Note 3: First regnal year = Year 1 in Herodian coin, 2nd regnal year = Year 2 in a Herodian coin, 3rd regnal year = Year 3, etc. It means 3rd regnal year of Herod ( (Ant.14:16:2) is equivalent to Year 3 in his
issued coin. But "Year 3" or "3rd year reign" of Herod is not equal to "3 years reign" of Herod; rather, it is equal to 4 years reign of Herod so on and so forth.

Entry Nisan Adar Total years reign (1,2,3 etc) using NAYM / Regnal Year (1st,
Year Year Events in History
No. Mar/Apr Feb/Mar 2nd, 3rd, etc) using AYM
a) According to Tacitus (Annals 6:50), Roman emperor Tiberius died on March 16,
37CE. But Dio (History 43:28) he died on March 26, 37CE. Both date will put the
death of Tiberius at the beginning of a Nisan Jewish year. According to Josephus
he reigned 22 years, 5 months and 3 days (Ant 18:6:10). If we compute his reign
from Aug. 19, 14CE to March 16, 37CE, he has a total reign of 22 years, 6 months
and 25 days (see T. Lewin, "Fasti Christi", entry #1500, p.249). See my "Josephus'
Roman Emperors Chronology Table".

(b) Start of b) Josephus had used Actual Count Method (ACM) to count the reign of Roman
actual count (c ) 1 emperors by providing the years, months and days of their reign. Caligula's "one
42 years / 41st (ACM) for the Year/Accessi year reign = "1st year reign" will start from March 17 or 27, 37CE or one day after
101 (a) Mar/Apr 37 CE Feb/Mar 38 CE
year 1 year reign of on year of the death of Tiberius. We can dropped the days of their reigns and tabulate
Caligula on Agrippa instead only years and months. In this case, Caligula started his reign on Mar/April
April 37CE or Apr 37CE. We may encounter a range of errors in days even months due to
difference of calendars being used in ancient times compared to modern times.
But this will not a problem as along as the year is correct because computing the
70 Weeks Prophecy is based on years regardless of extra months and days. See my
separate "Josephus' Roman Emperors Chronology Table" for more information.

1 year / 1st (a) One year reign of Caius (also called Caligula) using ACM ended on NIsan
regnal year (March 16) 38CE. His 2nd year reign started on March 17, 38CE. In ACM, the 1 year
ended on reign of a ruler is equal to his 1st year reign. - see Josephus' Roman Emperors
March 16, Chronology Table.
(b) 2 years reign (NAYM) or 1st regnal year (AYM) of Agrippa was on Mar/Apr
2 Years/1st
43 years / and 38BCE - Feb/Mar 39CE as per Jewish reckoning as per Jospehus' Herodian
102 (a) Mar/Apr 38 CE (b) Feb/Mar 39 CE regnal year
42nd year Chronology reckoning.
of Agrippa
2 years / ( c)
2nd regnal (c ) The return of Agrippa to Judea happened during the 2nd year reign of
year started Caius/Caligula (Ant 18:6:11 and 18: 7:2) perhaps on June 38CE (see T. Lewin, Fasti
on March 17, Cristi", entry #1535,p.257) and arrived Judea perhaps on August 38CE.

(a) 2 years reign= 2nd regnal year (actual count) of Caligula as per Josephus'
Roman Emperors chronology reckoning ended on March 16, 39CE. His 3 years =
2 years /(c ) 3rd regnal year (ACM) started on March 17, 39CE
2nd regnal
year of (b) Herod Antipas last reign based on numismatic evidence was on his 43rd regnal
Caligula ended year = "Year 43" in his coin that falls on Mar/Apr 39CE to Feb/Mar 40CE or during
on March 16, Year 39/40BCE Nisan Calendar. [ FN#19 ].
44 years / (b) 39CE
3 Years / 2nd (c ) Antipas and Herodias went to Rome to visit Caligula perhaps on spring or early
43rd regnal
103 (a) Mar/Apr 39 CE Feb/Mar 40 CE regnal year summer time. The banishment of Antipas to Gaul may had happened on summer
year = Year 43 and
of Agrippa (perhaps July/Aug of 39CE) during the 3rd year reign of Caligula. [ FN#20 ]. This
of Antipas
3 years / 3rd was also the time Agrippa travelled back to Rome to prove his allegation against
regnal year Antipas' connivance with the planned revolt of Sejanus. In his arrival upon
started on knowing Caligula is heeding to Gaul, he went directly to catch up Caligula there.
March 17, Most likely there was a second trial in Gaul against Antipas with Agrippa as
39CE witness that led Caligula to confirm Antipas' banishment. This second trial at Gaul
may had happened at the end of 39CE or early 40CE.

3 years /(c ) (a ) 3 years and 4 years reign or 3rd and 4th regnal year of Caius (also named
3rd regnal Caligula) as per Jospehus' Herodian Chronology reckoning (Mar/Apr 40CE -
year of Feb/Mar 41CE).
Caligula ended
4 Years / 3rd
45 years / on March 16, There is a report of a coin of Antipas that bear Year 44 which is equivalent to
104 (a) Mar/Apr 40 CE Feb/Mar 41 CE regnal year
44th year 40CE Antipas' 44th year reign. That would likely being struck at Judea without knowing
of Agrippa
that Antipas was already stripped of his authority during the 43rd of his reign.
[FN#21 ]

4 years / 4th

Public Information
All rights reserved to the author:
(Tabulated based from the data given by Josephus as our aid to unlock the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel)
(Proof for 5BCE or 4BCE death year of Herod; 12BCE birth year of Jesus and 19CE start of his ministry)
Note 1: The data taken from Josephus are arranged to achieve accurate Herodian Chronology Table . Because it makes all his data consistent, It indicates that this is the most likely scheme he used in dating
the chronology of Herod the Great. By carefully devising this Table to serve as a code, there is a posibility that Josephus knew the correct computation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9: 24-27) predicting
the year Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) will come on eath.
Note 2: In this Table, Jospehus had used cardinal numbers (1,2,3, etc.) in counting the "Total Years" of Herod's reign using non-accession year method (NAYM). But he used ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd,
etc.) in counting "Regnal Year" of Herod using accession year method (AYM) . Hence, Herod's "Total years" reign is 1 value higher compared to his official "Reignal year" due to the fact that NAYM count 1 year
advance than AYM. Despite of that, the location or chronological sequence of the year count of the two schemes is just the same. For example 1 year reign in NAYM is called accession year in AYM.
Consequently 2 years total reign (NAYM) = first regnal year (AYM) of Herod; 3 years total reign(NAYM) = 2nd regnal year (AYM) of Herod, so and so forth. [ FN#1 ]
Note 3: First regnal year = Year 1 in Herodian coin, 2nd regnal year = Year 2 in a Herodian coin, 3rd regnal year = Year 3, etc. It means 3rd regnal year of Herod ( (Ant.14:16:2) is equivalent to Year 3 in his
issued coin. But "Year 3" or "3rd year reign" of Herod is not equal to "3 years reign" of Herod; rather, it is equal to 4 years reign of Herod so on and so forth.

Entry Nisan Adar Total years reign (1,2,3 etc) using NAYM / Regnal Year (1st,
Year Year Events in History
No. Mar/Apr Feb/Mar 2nd, 3rd, etc) using AYM
In my upcoming book "Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophesy: How The Bible Foretold The Year Jesus and Muhammad Will Come On Earth", I proved beyond reasonable doubt using the evidences in the Bible and
history as recorded by ancient writers that Jesus in a 69th Week of the countdown should have born on 12BCE, started his ministry on 19CE and finished his mission on 22CE. Following the advent of Jesus
(PBUH) was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who will arrive in the 70th Week. He should have born based on the correct computation of the 70th Week countdown on 570CE, start his ministry on 610CE and
finish his mission on 622CE.

According to Prophet Daniel, the countdown will start from the time the decree or command to rebuild Jerusalem and restore the implementation of the Torah will be declared or released (Daniel 9:25).
Thefore the start of the countdown for the advent of Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) using 3 calendars should have started from year 458BCE [ FN#22 ] which is equal to year -457 in Astronomy
because this was the year the command to rebuild Jerusalem and restore the rule of the Torah was declared prompting Ezra (PBUH) and later on Nehemiah (PBUH) to rebuild Jerusalem and restore the
implementation of the Torah or Law of God among the believing Jews of Judea.

Below is an example how we will compute the first 69 Weeks for us to know the year Jesus (PBUH) should have started his ministry as Prophet from God and forerunner of Muhammad (PBUH). Take note that
we want to know what year Jesus will start his Prophethood so we will then use the Ideal calendar having 360 days a year to compute the first 69 Weeks out of the total 70 Weeks Prophecy. It means these 69
Weeks of years or 69 x 7 = 483 years will be treated as Ideal years. If we will compute the birth year of Jesus we will treat these 483 years as Lunar years hence also need conversion to Solar years. If we will
compute the year he will accomplish his mission we will treat these 483 years as Solar years (no conversion anymore). Since we want to know what year Jesus will start his ministry, we need to convert first
these 483 Ideal years to Solar Years as we are using 458BCE ( a solar year) as starting point and we want to know what Solar year Jesus will start his ministry. Below is the solution:

A) Computing based on "Year accuracy basis" (i.e. disregarding any extra months or decimal point):

458BCE + 483 Ideal years x [ 360 days/ 365.25 days ] = 458BCE + 476 Solar years = -457 + 476 = +19 = 19CE (a Solar year)

Hence Jesus ministry had started on year 19CE and is confirmed by Josephus who put the ministry of Jesus around 19CE timeframe (see entry #83 in the Table above). Many scholars had assumed that
Josephus was wrong in narrating the ministry of Jesus in 19CE timeframe. But as per the correct computation of the 69 Weeks countdown, we need to expect Jesus will start his ministry on 19CE. Counting 46
years from Jesus' ministry in 19CE (John 2:22) will give us 27BCE as the possible year Herod started the renovation of the Temple (see discussion in entry # 38).

[ FN#1 ] This unique chronological scheme of Jospehus for the Chronology of Herod (i.e. using NAYM and counting using cardinal number = regnal years using AYM counting using ordinal number) will easily
explain why Jospehus had described year 21BCE (the year Augustus left Italy/Sicily for Syria as a year after Herod's 17 years reign (take note of the cardinal number "17" he used as stated in Ant 15:10:3). The
words "when Herod had already reigned 17 years" means a year after 17 years which is 18 years. Yet after this "18 years" reign of Herod (which is 19 years), Jospehus called this 19 years reign of Herod as his
18th regnal year (take note of the ordinal number "18th year" that correspond to Herod's 19 years reign as mentioned in Ant. 15:11:1. For more discussion see entry #44 in the Table above.

[ FN#2 ] Bishop Ussher in his Annals Of The World (entries #4513 to # 4530) also considred both 64BCE and 63BCE as both valid date for the fall of Jerusalem ); same also by the author(s) of this Wikipedia
article ( ) retrieved Oct. 10, 2017 ).

What is clear in this table is that Jospehus' consular year can be considered as corresponding to the first regnal year either both on Roman calendar reckoning (Jan 1, 63BCE) or Jewish reckoning (Nisan or
March/April 63BCE). Obviously Jospehus meant both of those reckonings as valid basis for his first regnal year consular date. In this Table,if we will follow Roman calendar, the accession year 64BCE has same
chronological location as the 1st regnal year Jan 1, 63BCE. But it has 1 step difference in chronological sequence if we will use Jewish Nisan Calendar in reckoning regnal years of Jewish kings. Both are valid
methods but if Jospehus had just relied from pagan or Roman history sources then most likely his consular years in the Herodian chronology and even possibly in other chronologies were derived from January
or Roman calendar reckoning. On the other hand, in selecting set of consuls, is obvious that Jewish year that started in Nisan (Mar/Apr) will ways encounter 2 sets of consuls. For example in year 64/63BCE -
Josephus need to select the consuls of 64BCE or the consuls of 63BCE. Finally he selected the the set of consuls that were in office during the 1st regnal year of a certain ruler either Rome in general or
Pompey or Herod in particular.

[ FN#3 ] To read Duncan Cameron's article for 64BCE capture of Jerusalem by Pompey you may visit: ).

[ FN#4 ] Daniel Gregg, “The Scroll of Biblical Chronology and Prophecy, pages 59-60, 178. He has his own method to prove 64BCE as the year Pompey conquered Jerusalem from the Hasmonean Aristobulos.

[ FN#5 ] Jim Jones, "Roman History Timeline", West Chester University of Pennsylvania (c.2013) -see retrieved Oct 10, 2017

[ FN#6 ] 41BCE coronation of Herod at Rome has never been considred by scholars due to Jospehus' 40BCE consular year. But now we know based from Josephus' Herodian Chronology as tabulated above
that Herod's consular year is based on the 1st regnal year of a ruler using accession year method (AYM). But for accession year (AYM) and 1 year reign of Herod (NAYM) Jospephus used Olympiad year. This
will explain why Josephus gave us 184th Olympiad as a date for the coronation of Herod that covers untill June 40BCE only closing any posibility for Sept-Dec 40BCE coronation of Herod. As per the narratives
of Josephus, Herod was coronated at the end of the Roman year which is December as evident of the fact that Antony celebrated the first day of Herod's first regnal year (i.e. January 1, 40BCE as per Roman
reckoning) in Rome (see Ant 14:14:5). Herod after staying 7 days in Rome sailed back to Judea on January 2, 40BCE. This will give us December 27 or 28, 41BCE as Herod's coronation and not December 40BCE.
The Table above will confirm this as correct. The commonly accepted range from October - December 40BCE as a possible date for the coronation of Herod is not possible because those dates no longer part
of the 184th Olympiad. Moreover, on the basis of Jospehus' overall consistent Herodian Chronology as shown in this Table that can be achieved only if and only if we will use 41BCE as Herod's coronation year,
we can conclude with confidence that Herod was coronated as king of the Jews at Rome on 41BCE in the 184th Olympiad as Jospehus correctly dated. The same argument I had advanced for the 64BCE fall of
Jerusalem by Pompey can also be used as argument for 41BCE coronation of Herod at Rome and 38BCE conquest of Jerusalem. Both dates are also taken from the Olympiad date of Jospehus based from the
ruler's accession or 1 year reign over the Jews using non-accession year method (NAYM) of counting regnal years designated by Jospehus with cardinal numbers (1 year, 3 years, 17 years, 34 years, etc.). It is
called accession year if we use AYM. On the other hand, both 63BCE (first regnal year of Pompey/Rome), 40BCE and 37BCE (first regnal years of Herod) dated by Jospehus using consular years computed using
accession year method ( AYM ). He called or counted those years using ordinal numbers (1st year reign, 2nd year reign, 3rd reign, etc.). First regnal years will start on the first day of January every year on
Roman calendar but it is on the first day of Nisan in Jospehus or Jewish calendar.

[ FN#7 ] I agree with those scholars who concluded that the great and solemn fast mentioned by Josephus which is at the same time also a great sabbath being observed by the Jews during the capture of
Jerusalem on 64BCE and 38BCE was no other than the fast of the Day of Atonement observed by the Jews every year on the 10th of Tishri (Sept/Oct). For example, see Thomas Lewin ("Fasti Cristi", entry # 78,
p. 9 and entry #523, pp. 59-60) and Andrew Steinman ("When Did Herod The Great Reign?", p.9 ); Emil Schurer, Levi Herzfeld and Samson Helfgott (see Louis Feldman, "Jospehus and Modern Scholarship
(1937-1980)", 1984 Edition, pp. 268-271.

Public Information
All rights reserved to the author:
(Tabulated based from the data given by Josephus as our aid to unlock the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel)
(Proof for 5BCE or 4BCE death year of Herod; 12BCE birth year of Jesus and 19CE start of his ministry)
Note 1: The data taken from Josephus are arranged to achieve accurate Herodian Chronology Table . Because it makes all his data consistent, It indicates that this is the most likely scheme he used in dating
the chronology of Herod the Great. By carefully devising this Table to serve as a code, there is a posibility that Josephus knew the correct computation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9: 24-27) predicting
the year Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) will come on eath.
Note 2: In this Table, Jospehus had used cardinal numbers (1,2,3, etc.) in counting the "Total Years" of Herod's reign using non-accession year method (NAYM). But he used ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd,
etc.) in counting "Regnal Year" of Herod using accession year method (AYM) . Hence, Herod's "Total years" reign is 1 value higher compared to his official "Reignal year" due to the fact that NAYM count 1 year
advance than AYM. Despite of that, the location or chronological sequence of the year count of the two schemes is just the same. For example 1 year reign in NAYM is called accession year in AYM.
Consequently 2 years total reign (NAYM) = first regnal year (AYM) of Herod; 3 years total reign(NAYM) = 2nd regnal year (AYM) of Herod, so and so forth. [ FN#1 ]
Note 3: First regnal year = Year 1 in Herodian coin, 2nd regnal year = Year 2 in a Herodian coin, 3rd regnal year = Year 3, etc. It means 3rd regnal year of Herod ( (Ant.14:16:2) is equivalent to Year 3 in his
issued coin. But "Year 3" or "3rd year reign" of Herod is not equal to "3 years reign" of Herod; rather, it is equal to 4 years reign of Herod so on and so forth.

Entry Nisan Adar Total years reign (1,2,3 etc) using NAYM / Regnal Year (1st,
Year Year Events in History
No. Mar/Apr Feb/Mar 2nd, 3rd, etc) using AYM
[ FN#8 ] The Sabbatical Year in this Herodian Chronological Table is based on Zuckerman-Schurer consensus (see R. Clover, "The Sabbath and Jubilee Cycle", p.9). This solemn fast observed by the Jews on that
very day Jerusalem was captured by Herod happened or coincided during the Sababtic Year that started from Sept/Oct 38BCE and ended on (Aug/Sept) 37BCE. It means Jerusalem Temple was captured by
Herod at the onset of the Sabbatic year. The famine may not be due to the Sabbatic year but due to the long siege that had begun on April/May 38BCE and ended on October/November 38BCE. The 5 to 6
months siege will surely reduced the defenders of the Temple to famine or food shortage.

[ FN#9 ] see Emil Schurer, "A History of the Jewish People In The Time of Christ", p.342 in his entry for C. Sosius); also Thomas Lewin, "Fasti Cristi", entry #526, p 61. Scholars like Henry Fynes Clinton (see “Fasti
Hellenici”, VoI. I, (Oxford University Press) p. 220 & p.254 ), had accepted the 38BCE fall of Jerusalem as correct. But majority of scholars had dismissed the 38BCE consular date of Dio for the capture of
Jerusalem as probably wrong because it seems to conflict with the 37BCE consular date of Jospehus and the two winters that had passed since the coronation of Herod at Rome. They assigned these 2 winters
on the winter of 39/38BCE and 38/37BCE respectively. But in my own study of the chronology of Josephus lead me to confirmed this 38BCE as also a correct date (see my Josephus' Chronology for the 42BCE -
37BCE Events) by regarding it as Antigonus last year and Herod's accession year while 37BCE was his first regnal year that started on Jan 37BCE (Roman reckoning) or Mar/Apr 37BCE (Jewish Nisan reckoning).
Hence, these 2 winters mentioned by Jospehus should be assigned on the winter of 40/39BCE and 39/38BCE respectively considering December 41BCE as the date of the coronation of Herod at Rome based
from Jospehus' 184th Olympiad date which is a winter time itself giving us 3 winters actually. Surely, the 184th Olympiad date of Jospehus can only accomodate Dec 41BCE as Herod's coronation year (i.e. his
accession year) and impossible for Dec. 40BCE. So we have no choice but to consider 40BCE as just his first regnal year and the basis of Josephus' consular date. It simply means 37BCE was the first year when
the Temple was under the government of Herod as the previous year it was under Antigonus. Of course the first year the Temple is under Herod coincides with the first regnal year of Herod using accession
year method (AYM). The last year when the Temple was under the Hasmoneans was 38BCE and is also the accession year of Herod and was considred as Herod's 1 year reign as per NAYM. For Jospehus, the
last year reign of Antigonus was also Herod's 1 year reign (= his accession year). The consistent Table of all the date of Jospehus about Herod will reveal the correct placement of 38BCE and 37BCE that will
make Dio and Josephus as supplementing each other and surely not contradicting each other.

Mauricio BenZipporah (“History of the Original Jesus Movement - A Compendium of Ancient Historical References”, page 6) and Lawrence H. Schiffman (“At the Crossroads: The Jewish-Christian Schism”,
Jewish Cristian Relations - ICCJ, p.1) dated the reign of Herod from 38BCE - 4BCE. But the correct range will be 38BCE to 5BCE. My proof is the overall consistency of the Table as shown above. For other
method of computation proving the 38BCE of Dio as correct see Daniel Gregg, “The Scroll of Biblical Chronology and Prophecy, pages 59-60, 178.

[ FN#10 ] The consistent and most correct computation of the 70 Weeks prophecy using all three calendars (Lunar, Ideal and Solar) will readily confim that Jesus was indeed born on 12BCE. (For the correct
computation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy see my book "Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy - How The Bible Foretold In Advance The Year Jesus and Muhammad Will Come on Earth").

For discussion and other evidences that Jesus was born on 12BCE see the scholarly articles of Jerry Vardaman and Nikos Kokkinos in "Kronos, Kairos, Christos - Nativity and Chronological Studies Presented to
Jack Finegan", edited by J. Vardaman & E. Yamauchi, Eisenbrauns (1989), pp 55-82 and 133-162; Alexander Reznikov, “On Possible Historical Origins of the Nativity Legends”, Horatius. Sermonum. I, 1, 106.

Scholars are now considering 12BCE as one of the 3 best options for the birth year of Jesus (see Jack Finegan, "The Archeology Of The New Testament", Revised Edition, p.xxiii ; Jack Scarola in his article 'A
Chronology of the Nativity Era', "Chronos, Kairos, Christos II", edited by J. Vardaman (1998), pp.61-62).

[ FN#11 ] see Gospel of Barnabas Chapter 10; The Infancy Gospel of Thomas, III:1 (alternative version) as translated by M.R. James; The Gospel Of The Twelve V:14; as well as quotation from St. Bonaventure's
Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated from the Original Latin. P. J. KENEDY & SONS. NEW YORK. 1881 - cited by Alexander Reznikov, “On Possible Historical Origins of the Nativity Legends”,
Horatius. Sermonum. I, 1, 106.

[ FN#12 ]For the 5BCE death year of Herod see Timothy D. Barnes, "The Date Of Herod’s Death”, The Journal of Theological Studies, Volume XIX, Issue 1, 1 April 1968, Pages 204–209; Nikos Kokkinos , "The
Herodian Dynasty: Origins, Role in Society and Eclipse", Sheffield Academic Press (1998), page 372-373; Richard Carrier, "The Date of the Nativity in Luke", (6th edition - 2011).

[ FN#13 ] James Bejon, "A Chronology of Herod’s Reign" - retrieved Oct 18, 2017.

Bejon's Table will give 1BCE as the year Herod died confirming the 1BCE proposed by Filmer and Martin in contrast to my Table that will give 5BCE as the year Herod died confirming the 5BCE date proposed
by T.D. Barnes and N. Kokkinos. Only this Table of Herodian Chronology will provide consistent tabulation of chronological data from Jospehus leading us to 5BCE as the year Herod died after reigning 34 years
and 37 years computated using NAYM from his accession year on 41BCE and 38BCE respectively. This 41BCE accession year of Herod is confirmed by the 184th Olympiad date of Jospehus and this 38BCE is
confirmed by the consular date of Dio. Both these accession years of Herod are also confirmed by Jospehus in his 40BCE and 37BCE consular years for the first regnal years of Herod. Any attempt to change
the sequence of the chronological data provided by Jospehus as presented in this Table, the result will be messy and generates more inconsistensies. For example if we put the accession year (i.e. the year he
captured and defeated Antigonus) of Herod on 37BCE, it will make 36BCE as his first regnal year. The problem with this arangement is that counting Herod's 7th regnal year ( Ant. 15:5:2) from 36BCE will give
us 30BCE as the battle of Actium contradicting the well established date of 31BCE as the year of the battle. More inconsistencies will be generated if we will revise the chronological arrangement presented in
this Table specially on Jospehus' calling the 19 years reign of Herod as Herod's 18th year at the same time confirming what is being tabulated in entry #44 and also discussed in FN#1 .

[ FN#14 ] Germanicus died on 19CE - see Emil Schurer, "The History of The Jewish People In The Time of Jesus Christ”, p. 359; William E. Dunstan, "Ancient Rome", Rowman and Liitlefield (2011), p.281.

Because Josephus had placed the chronology of both Pilate and Jesus in the 18-22CE time frame together with Germanicus' death in 19CE, the founding of Tiberias in 19CE and the expulsion of the Jews from
Rome in 19CE, many scholars had concluded that he was wrong in his placement of those events around that time . - see Shaye J. D. Cohen, "Jospehus In Galilee and Rome: His Vita and Development as
Historian", Brill (2002), pp.65-66.

But the truth of the matter is that Jospehus is correct in his chronology for the early office of Pilate and ministry of Jesus to have happened aroubd 16CE to 22CE timeframe as proven by the correct
computation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy fulfillment in Jesus and Muhammad.

Public Information
All rights reserved to the author:
(Tabulated based from the data given by Josephus as our aid to unlock the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel)
(Proof for 5BCE or 4BCE death year of Herod; 12BCE birth year of Jesus and 19CE start of his ministry)
Note 1: The data taken from Josephus are arranged to achieve accurate Herodian Chronology Table . Because it makes all his data consistent, It indicates that this is the most likely scheme he used in dating
the chronology of Herod the Great. By carefully devising this Table to serve as a code, there is a posibility that Josephus knew the correct computation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9: 24-27) predicting
the year Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) will come on eath.
Note 2: In this Table, Jospehus had used cardinal numbers (1,2,3, etc.) in counting the "Total Years" of Herod's reign using non-accession year method (NAYM). But he used ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd,
etc.) in counting "Regnal Year" of Herod using accession year method (AYM) . Hence, Herod's "Total years" reign is 1 value higher compared to his official "Reignal year" due to the fact that NAYM count 1 year
advance than AYM. Despite of that, the location or chronological sequence of the year count of the two schemes is just the same. For example 1 year reign in NAYM is called accession year in AYM.
Consequently 2 years total reign (NAYM) = first regnal year (AYM) of Herod; 3 years total reign(NAYM) = 2nd regnal year (AYM) of Herod, so and so forth. [ FN#1 ]
Note 3: First regnal year = Year 1 in Herodian coin, 2nd regnal year = Year 2 in a Herodian coin, 3rd regnal year = Year 3, etc. It means 3rd regnal year of Herod ( (Ant.14:16:2) is equivalent to Year 3 in his
issued coin. But "Year 3" or "3rd year reign" of Herod is not equal to "3 years reign" of Herod; rather, it is equal to 4 years reign of Herod so on and so forth.

Entry Nisan Adar Total years reign (1,2,3 etc) using NAYM / Regnal Year (1st,
Year Year Events in History
No. Mar/Apr Feb/Mar 2nd, 3rd, etc) using AYM
[ FN#15 ] Pilate' 10 years as prefect/procurator of Judea was most likely occured from 16/17CE-26/27CE after which he was deposed sent back to Rome waiting for trials. After that, Tiberius did not appoint
replacement of Pilate so most likely Judea that time was governed by Pilate's deputy till the death of Tiberius. For other procurators/prefects see my "Jospehus' Roman Procurator Chronology").

For scholars who favor early office of Pilate at Judea having him contemporary with Jesus starting as early as 17CE to 19CE see D.R. Schwartz. “Pontius Pilate's Appointment to Office and the Chronology of
Josephus' ‘Jewish Antiquities’, Books XVIII—XX”, Zion (1983), Vol. 48, pp. 325–345 -; K. Lonnqvist, "The Chronology and Tenure of Pontius Pilate, New Evidence for Re-dating
the Period of Office", pp. 1-7; Jerry Vardaman, "Chronology and Early Church History in the New Testament (1998 Lectures), Lecture 2, pp. 14-16; Gregory C. Jenks, "We three kings’: Glimpses of the Herodian
succession in the coins of Archelaus,
Antipas, and Philip", p. 10

[ FN#16 ] For more proofs of Jesus' ministry had started on 19CE see my upcoming book entitled "Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy - How the Bible Foretold The Years Jesus and Muhammad Will Come On Earth".
There I proved beyond reasonable doubt that 19CE start of Jesus ministry is the only correct chronology for Jesus and the main key to unlock the correct computation of the 70th Week (i.e. the Last Week) of
the 70 Weeks Prophecy for us to know what year Prophet Muhammad will come on earth as the last and universal Prophet sent for the guidance and salvation of all nations and tribes.

[ FN#17 ] Jerry Vardaman, "Chronology and Early Church History in the New Testament (1998 Lectures), Lecture 2, p. 13; "Kronos, Kairos, Christos - Nativity and Chronological Studies Presented to Jack
Finegan", edited by J. Vardaman & E. Yamauchi, Eisenbrauns (1989), pp 55-82; Helmut Koester, "History, Culture, and Religion of the Hellenistic Age", Second Edition (1995), p.349.

[ FN#18 ] Louis H. Feldman, "Jew and Gentile in the Ancient World", Princeton University Press (1993), p. 94; Jerry Vardaman, "Chronology and Early Church History in the New Testament (1998 Lectures),
Lecture 2, p. 13; "Kronos, Kairos, Christos - Nativity and Chronological Studies Presented to Jack Finegan", edited by J. Vardaman & E. Yamauchi, Eisenbrauns (1989), pp 55-82

[ FN#19 ] For the last year of Antipas on 39/40CE or during the 43rd year of his reign (Year 43 in coin) see Gregory C. Jenks, "We three kings’: Glimpses of the Herodian succession in the coins of Archelaus,
Antipas, and Philip", p. 10 ; James Bejon, "A Chronology of Herod’s Reign", p.12; Harold Hoehner, "Herod Antipas - A Contemporary of Jesus", Cambridge University Press, pp.261-262.

[ FN#20 ] For Antipas banished on the summer of 39BCE, see Harold Hoehner, ibid, p 262;. retrieved on Oct. 19, 2017; retrieved on Oct. 19, 2017;

[ FN#21 ] The offical last year of Antipas was on 39/40CE Jewish year or Year 43 of his coin. This was the year he was removed from power by Caligula. The reported Year 44 (40/41BCE) of his coin is an
exception as it was most likely struck by his ministers at the time Antipas was not in Judea and without knowing their master's downfall. According to Thomas Lewin, the official report of Antipas' downfall may
had reached Judea only on the autumn of 40CE when Agrippa and Caligula had returned to Rome from Gaul. This was the time Agrippa started communicating the news to the Jews in Judea. In other words,
the news about Antipas' downfall reach Judea only during the 4th year reign of Agrippa which is equivalent to the 44th year reign of Antipas if he was not stripped of authority by emperor Caligula .

For the discussion of this Year 44 of Antipas - see Thomas Lewin, "Fasti Christi", entry #1561, pp. 260-261, entry# 1569 p. 262 and entry #1592 pp.265-266.

[ FN#22 ] 458/457BCE as the correct starting year is well proven and explained by many scholars. For example see these book or articles:

1. James Bejon (2017), "Commentary On Daniel Chapter 9: Not Seventy Times, But Seventy Times Seven", pp.51-54 & 107-112 - accessed on Oct 27, 2017.
2. Stepehen R. Miller (1994), "Daniel - The New Amrican Commentary", Vol. 18, pp 265-266. Also in his article "Interpreting Daniel's Seventy Weeks: Dismal Swamp or Blessed Hope? " -
3. J. Barton Payne (1962), ""Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy (New York: Harper and Row, 1973), 387 and The Imminent Appearing of Christ (Grand Rapids, MI:
Eerdmans, pp. 148–149. also J. Barton Payne, "The Theology of the Older Testament", (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1962), 276-78, 520-22.
4. Robert J.M. Gurney, “The Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9:24-27,” Evangelical Quarterly 53.1 (January /
March 1981): 29-36.
5. Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., "WHEN DO DANIEL’S WEEKS BEGIN?",
6. Benjamin Victor Waters , "The Two Eschatological Perspectives
of the Book of Daniel", Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament ((2016), Vol. 30: Issue 1, pp. 100 - 102 -
7. Shea, William H. (1991). "When did the Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9:24 Begin?". Journal of the Adventist Theological Society. 2 (1): 115–38. -
8. Rodriguez, Angel Manuel (1994). "The 70 Weeks and 457 B.C.". Biblical Research Institute -
9.Gleason Archer, New International Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1982, p. 288-290.
10. John P. Pratt (2004), ""Daniel's Prophecy Foretells Date of Crucifixion", Reprinted from Meridian Magazine (15 Sep 2004) -
11. Derek Walker, "Daniel's 70 Weeks", Chapter 3 - ; ;
12.Mart de Haan, "The Daniel Paper - daniel's Prophecy of 70 Weeks", pp. 14-18 -

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