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Best Room and Story Contest Rubric Sheet


Category 4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Average Below Average
Best Use of Space Room uses all of the Room is mostly filled Room uses majority of Room have no
space and creative in and makes the most the space, but are half decoration or creativity
the design of the room. use to design their empty. and is majority empty.

Creativity Room represent Room uses most Room represent some Room shows no
student ideas, creative idea to use up creativity, but are creativity, originality,
originality, and the space, but are not missing some aspect and does not represent
uniqueness. as unique. of originality. any uniqueness.

Theme Room is exceptional in Room communicate Room represent some Room does not
representing the somewhat of the aspect of the theme, communicate the
overall theme of theme and represent but does not reflect theme of connectivity
connectivity and reflect community aspect of the mission of the and shows no effort in
the mission of the the residence hall. residence hall representing the
residence hall. mission.
Visual Impact Overall appealing and Room creates a Room is somewhat Room is empty,
neat in the design of community aspect and appealing, but lacking disorganized, and does
the room. is mostly appealing. in the originality of not represent a living
the student room. atmosphere.

Story and Response Best represent the Story represent Story does not Story and responses
mission, theme, and student room, but are connect with the are poorly written and
connect the story to not clearly explained or room, but represent does not represent the
their room connected with each somewhat of the mission or theme.
other. mission.

Total Score: /20


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