Naitive Speakerism

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English Central and Native-Speakerism

Native-speakerism becomes one of the essential issues that affects language learners
who’re considered as non-native speakers of English.This wide expansion of this
phenomenon is due to the concept of lingua franca, which is English. In almost each
language learning pedagogical method, or even through the simplest tech tools which
are highly used in enhancing language learning, you can find evidences that support
native-speakerism whether intentionally or not. One of these tools is English Central.

English Central tech tool offers countless number of videos under a variety of
categories, organized ascendingly starting from the easiest, and gradually become more
advanced. If we review the videos offered in English Central, you will notice that all of
them prerecorded or used American-accented English. This feature is useful for English
learners, but it also supports native-speakerism. Furthermore, the content of these
videos reflects only American’s culture, their habits, standards and the way they live.
This proves that the concentration is beyond learning the language, but also its speakers
culture which is also revolve around the same exact idea; native-speakerism.

If the tech tools that language learners use differentiates between American-accent and
British-accent. English Center’s videos are all in American-accented English, pure
America accent. This will definitely reflect on the learner’s loyalty towards American
English. If it was all about learning English, then way you can’t find at least a single video
of British English or even Australian English. It is because cultural preferences, each of
American and British speakers, despite the identification of their English try to mirror
their culture through teaching language.

One of the four objectives of English Central is “Speak your new words in context,
getting instant feedback on your pronunciation and fluency.” The focus now is on
fluency rather than accuracy.” Moreover, one of the expected outcomes of the
advanced level is “Improve and reduce your accent”. On other words, you can’t master
English unless you acquired the accent.for me as a learner this considered native-
speakerism. This has a negative impact on the non-native speakers of English, they
becomeLess confident towards their unaccented English because of the acceptance of
the accented English.

The pronunciation testsof English Central are all based on the quality of your accent,
which constitutes the main standard where your performance will be evaluated
according to. Your score out of 10 will be counted based on if you pronounce the word
“dog” with accent, rather than the correctness of your pronunciation. The question here
is; if I travel to the US to bay a dog, and I asked them for one to bay using my Jordanian
English accent, is it possible to bring me a cat? of course not!

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