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PRESSURE VESSEL HANDBOOK Twelfth Edition with foreword by Paul Buthod Professor of Chemical Engineering University of Tulsa Tulsa, Oklahoma Eugene F. Megyesy PRESSURE VESSEL PUBLISHING, INC. P.O. Box 35365 + Tulsa, Oklahoma 74153 Copyright © by Eugene F. Megyesy Copyright 1972, 1973 by Pressure Vessel Handbook Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No part ofthis book may be reproduced in any form or by any means including information storage and retrieval systems —- without permission of the publisher, Library of Congress Control ‘Number: 2001 130059 TSBN0-914458-21-3 copyRiGHT®: 1974, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1986, 1989, necessary by the revision of Codes, Standards, Specifications, ete FOREWORD Engineers who design equipment for the chemical process industry ‘are sooner or later confronted with the design of pressure vessels and mounting requirements for them. This is very often a frustrating jee for anyone who has not kept up field of code requirements and design equations. First he must familiarize himself with the latest version of the applicable code, Then he must search the literature for techniques, used in design to meet these codes. Finally he must select material ties and dimensional data from various handbooks and company catalogs for use in the design equations. Mr. Megyesy has recognized this ‘problem, For several years he has been accumulating data on code requirements and cale methods, He has been presenting this information of his “Calculation Form Sheets” and now has put cone place in the Pressure Vestel Handbook. 1 believe that this fills a real need in the pressure vessel industry and that readers will find it extremely useful. Paul Buthod PREFACE This reference book is prepared for the purpose of making formulas, ign and construction methods readily available forthe men and ters dealing with penis vee above material under one cover and present it in @ convenient form. ‘The design procedures and formulas of the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Section VIII Division T have been utilized as well as those generally accepted sources which are not covered by this Code. From among the alternative construction methods described by the Code the author has selected those which are most frequently used in practice In order to provide the greatest serviceability wit rarely occurring loadings, special construction methods been excluded from its scope. Due to the same reas xdbook deals only with vessels constructed from ferrous material by welding, since the vast majority of the pressure vessels are in this category. ‘Allarge part of this book was taken from the works of others, with some of the material placed in different arrangement, and some unchanged. ‘The author wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Professor ‘Séndor Kalinszky, Sénos Bodor, Lészl6 Félegyhézy and J6zsef Gyérfi for their material and valuable suggestions, to the American Society of ‘Mechanical Engineers and to the publishers, who generously permitted the author to include material from their publications. ‘The author wishes also to thank all those who helped to improve this new edition by their suggestions and corrections. sand criticism conceming some errors which may remain in spite ofall precautions shall be greatly appreciated. They contribute 0 the further improvement of this Handbook. Eugene F. Megyesy ASME CODE vs. THIS HANDBOOK ‘The ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE -2001, Sect. VIN, Div. 1 neers set purpose of pressure vessels that wll perform ina safe andreliablemanner. ‘The Code comprises these rules. 2 made by welding, forging, bracing, nd 5. applying awide variety of consiruction methods and dtl It includes vessels where the question PRESSURE VESSEL HANDBOOK - 2001, Twelfth Edition ‘The Handbook covers design and con- struction methods of pressure vessels: 1 made of earbon steel, 2. madeby we 3 applying construc ich are the tid pecteal whic arc accordance ith the Code rules, and thus gener- iy followed by the industry. rity of the pressure vessels The v For construction rules and deta are excluded from the scope of the Hand- bbook, references are made tothe applicable angular tanks. word of the Code, ‘The aim of this Handboo handled and consulted, Tab! nate the necessity of calc etry, layout of vessel storage tanks, standard appurtenances, painting of sel surfaces, weights, mes: table boiler and pressure vessel laws, ial resistance of metals, volumes, and surfaces of vessels, provide good service- ably. ie updated and revised Code is published vals Addenda, which except for bolesand pres ‘ure vessels contracted for prior tothe end of the 6 month period. (Code Foreword) ‘The Handbook is updated and revised in three years intervals, reflecting the changes ‘of Code rules, new developments in the de- sign and construction method, and in- CONTENTS | THE ASME CODE [ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 An internationally recognized Code published by ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. PRESSURE VESSEL, -is containment of sold liquid or gaseous material under : , intemal or external pressure, capable of withstanding also varius ether load. | PARTI Designand Construction of Pressure Vessels. ings, BOILER - is a part of @ steam generator in which water is converte under pressure, RULES OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION - Boiler explosions around the turn 0 steam of the century made apparent the need for rules governing the design and con- struction of vessels. The first ASME Code was published in 1914 ISSUE TIME - The updated and revised Code is published in three years intervals PARTIL Geometry and Layout of Pressure Vessels... eo (2001 and so on). Addenda, which also include revisions to the Code, are pub- lished annually. Revisions and additions become mandatory 6 months after the date of issuance, except for boilers and pressure vessels contracted for prior to the end ofthe 6 month period. (Code Foreword) SCOPE OF THE CODE - The rules of this Division have been formulated on the basis of design principles and construction practices applicable to vessels de- signed for pressures not exceeding 3000 psi. Code U-1(4) Vessels, which are ni 321 with the Code U Symbol sion, Code U-2(g) ‘THE DESIGN METHOD - The Code rules concerning design of pressure parts are based on the maximum stress theory, i.e. elastic failure in a ductile metal vessel occurs when the maximum tensile stress becomes equal tothe yield strength of the material. OTHER COUNTRIES’ Codes deviate from each other considerably, ; cause of differences in the basic allowable design stresses. The ASME Code's PARTIV Design of Steel Structures .. regulations may be considered to be at midway between conservative and unconservative design, luded in the scope of this Division, may be stamped | PART TIT Measures and Weights ... ‘they meet allthe applicable requirements of this Divi- 447 COMPUTER PROGRAMS - Designers and engineers using computer programs for design or analysis are cautioned that they are responsible for all tech assumptions inherent in the programs they use and they are solely responsible for the application of these programs to their design. (Code, Foreword) DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION NOT COVERED - This Division of the Code . does not contain rules to cover all details of design and construction, Where PART V — Miscellaneous complete details are not given, itis intended that the Manufacturer shall provide details which will be as safe as those provided by the rules ofthis Division, ° Code U-2(e) .. 465 PART L DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF PRESSURE VESSEL “Temperature Ratings of American Standard Carbon Steel Pipe Flanges 2. Vessels Under External Pressure Definitions, Formulas, Minimum Required Thickness of Cylindrical She for Determining Thickness of ‘Cylindrical and Spherical Vessels under External Pressure when Constructed of Carbon Stee BecentricLoad, of Stresses, Design of Skirt Support, Design of Anchor Bolts (approximate method), Design of Base Ring (ap- ‘proximatemethod), Design of Anchor BoltandBaseRing, 4, Vessel Supports sense ‘in Large Horizontal Vessels Supported by Two esses in Vessels on Leg Support, Stresses in ‘Vessels Due to Lug Support, Lifting Attachments, Safe Loads for Ropes and Chains. 5. Openings Inspection Openi Opening with Reinforcing Pe Reinforcement of Openings, Strength of Attachments, Joining Openings to Vessels, Length of Couplings and Pipes for Openings. 6, NozzleLoads 7. Reinforcement a the Junction of Cone to Cylinder 8 Welding of Pressure Vessels .. ‘Welded Joints, Butt Welded J f Unequal ‘Thicknesses, Application of Welding Symbols 8; Specifications... , Code Rules nesses of Vessel, Tanks 15 31 181 Materials of Foreign Countries ‘Welded Tanks... Piping Codes 1, Rectangular Tanks. 14. Corrosion Mi ellaneous Fabricating Cay < Bolts, Pressure Vescell Detal- ing, Prefered Locations, Common Erors, Transprtae n of Vessels, spore 16. Painting of Steel Surfaces... IN REFERENCES THROUGHOUT THIS BOOK "CODE" STANDS FOR ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE SECTION VI AMERICANSTANDARD. 2001 EDITION 213 27 STRESSES IN PRESSURE VESSELS Pressure vessels are subject to various loadings, which exert stresses of different intensities in the vessel components. The category and intensity of stresses are the function of the nature of loadings, the geometry and con- struction of the vessel components, LOADINGS (Code UG-22) a. Internal or external pressure Weight of the vessel and contents ¢. Static reactions from attached equipment, piping, ln 4. The attachment of internals, vessel supports, fugs, saddles, skirts, legs e. ind dynamic reactions due to pressure or thermal variations £ Wind pressure and seismic forces 8 h. i Impact reactions due to fluid shock ‘Temperature gradients and differential Abnormal pressures caused by deflagration. STRESSES (Code UG-23) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STRESS, | a. Tensile stress Code Table UCS-23; for hi S, = Maximum allowable stress in tension for carbon and low steel Code Table UHA-23., properties of materials pagi b. Lingitudinal The smaller of S, or the value of compressive stress factor B determined by the procedure described in Code UG 23 (b) (2) = General primary membrane stress induced by any combination of oadings. Primary membrane stress 155, plus primary bending stress induced 5. = (6ee above) by combination of loadings, except * as provided ind. below. General primary membrane stress 1.2 times the stress permitted in a. b., induced by combination of earth- or c. This rule applicable to stresses quake or wind pressure with other exerted by internal or extemal pressure Toadings. Seismic force and wind or axial compressive load on a cylinder. pressure neod considered to act simulta neously. 4 STRESSES IN CYLINDRICAL SHELL Uniform intemal or external pressure indvces i the longitudinal sara two times larger unit ‘stress than in tho eaeumferetial seam because of the geometry of the cylinder sel under external pressure, when other forces (wind, earthquake, etc.) are not ling only. The Code jrement, When other joadings are and nes stress due to external pressure and tensile stress due to internal pressure shall be determined by the formulas: FORMULAS | ‘CIRCUMFERENTIAL LONGITUDINAL, JOINT | JOINT j 5-2 5B eee NOTATION Mean diameter of vessel, (hoop) stress, psi ‘corrosion allowance excluded, inches rye EXAMPLE Given D = 96inches PD P= isea se? = OpBinches 15 x 96 Teas * 140 psi 15 x96 Se PD w VE 2 2880 psi 2 2x 025 For towers under internal pressure and wind load the critical height above which compres- sive stress governs can be approximated by the formula: no where H = Critical gin of toner, Shere H = Coton ight « INTERNAL PRESSURE |. OPERATING PRESSURE ‘The pressure which is required forthe process, served by the vessel, at which the vessel is normally operated. 2. DESIGNPRESSURE ‘The pressure used in the design of a vessel. It is recommended to design a vessel and its parts for a higher pressure than the operating pressure, A operating pressure with 30 psior 10 percent, satisfy this requi ‘The pressure of the taken into consideration. See tables on page 3, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WORKINGPRESSURE The internal pressure at which the weakest element of the vessel is loaded to the ultimate permissible point, when the vessel is assumed to be: cc (¢) in normal operating position (Gy under the effect of other loading static pressure, etc.) which are When calculations are not miade, the design pressure may be used as the maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) code 3-2. Acommon practice followed by many users and menufacturers of pressure le working pressure by the head or 8 flanges, openings, ete. See tables on page 28 for massimum allowable pressure for flanges. See tables on page 142 for maximum allowable pressure for pipes. isused very ofte of the vessel is loaded to (@) isnot corroded (new) () the temperature doos not affect is strength (room temperature) (cold) and the other conditions (c and d above) also need not to be taken into co 4, HYDROSTATIC TEST PRESSURE At least 1.3 times the maximum allowable working pressure ar the design pressure fo be marked on the vessel when calculations are not made to ne the maximum allowable working pressure. value of the vessel material atthe design temperature is less than ‘be increased Hydrostatic test shall In this case, the test pressure shall be: Suess Value § At Test Temperature Max Allow. W. ros 15 X MS Data ee)” % Stee Val At Donan Temperate wximum allowable working pressure limited by the ata pressure shown in the table: Primary Service saute Rating | 15010] 3001] 4001] 6001] 90016] 1500 | 250015 yao 42s_| 1100 [1450 [2175 | 3250 | s400_ [9000 Hydrostatic test of multi-chamber vessels: Code UG-99 (e) ‘A Pneumatic test may be used in lieu of a hydrostatic test per Code UG-100 Proof tests to establish maximum allowable working pressure when the strength of any part of the vessel cannot be computed with satisfactory assurance of safety, prescribed in Code UG-101. 5. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STRESS VALUES ‘The maximum allowable tensile stress values permitted for different materials are given in table on page 189. The maximum allowable comps to be used in the design of cylindrical shells subjected t 6, JOINT EFFICIENCY The efficiency of different types of welded joints are given 172. The efficiency of seamless heads is tabulated on page 176+ ‘The following pages contain formulas used to compute the required wall thickness and the maximum allowable working pressure for the most frequently used types of shell and head. The formulas of cylindrical shell are sven for the longitudinal seam, since usually this governs, ‘The stress in the girth seam will govern only when the circumferential joint efficiency is less than one-half the longitudinal joint efficiency, or when ternal pressure additional losdings (wind load, reaction of saddles) are causing longitudinal bending or tension. The reason for it is that the stress arising in the girth seam pound per square inch is one-half of longitudinal seam. for the girth seam accordingly: = 288 R-0n = PR ‘TSE + 04P See notation on page 22. NoTES INTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS IN TERMS OF INSIDE DIMENSIONS NOTATION, © Design pressure or max. allowable working pressure pl Sm Stress valve of materiel psi. page we EW 2:1 ELLIPSOIDAL HEAD PP '"33E-02P a » EXAMPLES DESIGNDATA: = [0 jointticeney of eames P = 100 psi design pressure eas 'S = 20,000 psi stress value of R= 4Binches inside radius* SA 515-70 plate @ 50°F D = 96 inches inside diameter* E = 085, efficiency of spot-cxamined Joint of shell and Nomis head o Qn greater with the corrosion allowance, ‘SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE Determine tne required thickness, 100% 48.125 397600 X0.85 -0.6XI00 0284. a 0.125in, CA 2 Use 0.500 in. plate ‘SEEDESIGNDATA ABOVE ‘he head farished without sraight lange. Determine the required thickness, ‘ofa hemispherical head, 10X48125 papi 'Txapoxoss-OTR TOF Sas +04 Use 0.3125iin, plate ‘SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE Determine the maximum allowable ‘working pressure P for 0.500 in, thick shell when the vessel is in new condition, 20,900 085X0500 a 48+0.6%0500 —~ 795i ‘SEE DESIGNDATA ABOVE, 220,000 X 0.85 %03125 991 pj G 48+02X03125 221 ps SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE Determine the required thickness of a seamless ellipsoidal head, 9635 “TyCHI OOK 1.002100 Ot t 9.125in oe 0.366 in. {Use 0.375 in, mit thk, head ‘SEEDESIGNDATA ABOVE, Determine the maximum allowable condition, = 2X 20,000 X 1.0% 0.250 u 96.25 +0.2 X0.250 108 psi 20 INTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS IN TERMS OF INSIDE DIMENSIONS NOTATION D = Inside diameter, ‘a = One half of the CONE anv CONICAL SECTION PD “Tera sE-0eP)| P= 2SEt cos a D+i2cos a 1. The half apex angle, @ not greater than 30° When “ir = 16%. "ASME FLANGED AND DISHED HEAD (TORISPHERICAL HEAD) 0.885PL '“SE-01P P= SEL OaaSL FOL When Wr ess than 167 PLM it EXAMPLES DESIGNDATA T= 96 inches inside P= 100 psidesign pressure D= 96 inches: ‘S = 20,000 psi stress value of = required SA515-70plate@ S00 a= 30°onehalf ofthe apex angle CA. = 0.125 inches corrosion allowance * incorroded condition greater with the corrosion allowance jeney of spot-examined ‘SEE DESIGNDATA ABOVE 0s 30°= 0,866 | Determine the required thickness, of acone 100 96.25 ‘FRUBG ,000 X08S-TXTD) 978 in. SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE Determine the maximum allowable working pressure, P sca ODS (453i i Use0 500 plate {EE DESIGNDATA ABOVE the required thickness, of a ‘ASME Hanged and dished (0885100396125 9 s95in 199.000. 1.0=0.1 x 105 po 20,000 1005625 =132psi . P for a 0.5625 in. ‘when the vessel is e the required thickness ‘ofa ‘ASME flanged and dished 10096.125% 175 =oariin. | in corroded condition. KTH 00-02 X 100 220,000 x 1.005625, P96 125 x1.75+02 «04373 1 PS 6. CA, Use 0.5625in, min. thick head FNOTE: When the ratio of I> is greater than I63, fnon-Code construction) the values oF ca re INTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS IN TERMS OF OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS NOTATION x in elieny, page 12 P= Design pressure or max. allowable R= Outside radius working pressure psi $= Stress value of material psi, page CYLINDRICAL SHELL (LONG SEAM)! SE DESIGNDATA: P= 100 psi design pressure ‘5 = 20,000 psi stress value of iciency of spot-examined ell and hemis. head to EXAMPLES CA. = 0.125 inches corrosion allowance | SEEDESIGN DATA ABOVE | Derrmine the required thickness, jofed 10048 2:1 ELLIPSOIDAL HEAD For ellipsoidal heads, where the ratio ofthe maior and ‘minor tri the than 2, See Code Append 1). ‘SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE Determine the maximum allowable 5 in, thick | | Determine the required thickness rof.a seamless ellipsoidal head. } a —__ 10096 at '-D3eaq000x D+ Tsxi00 09 404 os, 0364in. ‘Use 0.375 in. min, thick head PR . working pressure, P for 0 t “SEL 0P Po RI Oh mmo %085-0a 5G O78 | shell When the vessels in new condi: . 0.125: SCA, Da0Bin, |p PDPOXOSS XIE 55 psi 1+ at the ste ine oust ove. et Toners 2. Whenthe wall thickness exceeds on al ofthe inside SEE DESIGNDATA ABOVE ‘SEE DESIGNDATA ABOVE 5 SPHERE and HEMISPHERICAL HEAD Head furnished without straight flange. she required thickness, cof | Determine the maximum allowable - oft, pa ythy “cox SE + O8P R-0e | sscaaped toes oa Olin i 7 Haag, tte fc 404. o2sin | p.2X20000X085%03125 59 4: i! Pate ees 0266 48-08 X03125 rs Use:03125n. min hick head ores 0.256 Rox Pexeeds sven Inthe Code Append c ‘SEEDESIGNDATA ABOVE SEEDESIGNDATA ABOVE Determine the maximum allowable working pressure, P for 0. head, when i isin new coi 2X 20,000% 1.9%9.375 a 96-18 X0.375 =157 psi roy ae INTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS IN TERMS OF OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS NOTATION CONE ano CONICAL SECTION ‘Teese (SEFOAP) PD pa 2SEtcos a =D —O.8r cose t "ASME FLANGED AND DISHED HEAD (TORISPHERICAL HEAD) Wheat ie= 16/3 _.0.885PL '“SE+08P pa SEE = TR8SE 0.8 When "Less Than 16% EXAMPLES ed | DESIGNDATA Tents = 100 pi dsign pressure Be 5 = 2000 sister valueot : SA "313 70plate 500°F iy = i onchalf ofthe apex ange 7 Bo oe meee ofsporsamined = Required wall thickness, inches E= 1.00, jointefficiency of seamless CA. = 0.125 inches corrosion allowance SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE 05 10°= 0.866 Determine the required thickness, ¢ ofa cone 100% 96, ROGEXENIOOXOSHOAKIO 7%. SEE DESIGNDATA ABOVE, Determine the maximum allowable for 0,500 in thick cone in new condition, p-2X 20000208529 500 0866.55 96 (085 0.500% 0.866) 15° 4CA—— 0.125in, 045 in. ‘Use: 0,500 in thick plate SEE DESIGNDATA ABOVE r= 165 termine the req seamless ASMI head, thickness, rofa langed and dished 0.885% 100X96_ *29,000x1.0+0:8x 100-9. 4CA,—0138in, 0548in. (Use: 0.5625 in. min. thick head ‘SEEDESIGNDATA ABOVE, Determine the maximum allowable 1=0,5625-0.125=04375 p=20000X 1004375 165 5 0885 96-08 X0.4375 E When the min of mat '“SEFP(M—0a)) PLM 2SEt P= ME M02) ‘VALUES OF FACTOR M. so] psa] :E DESIGN DATA ABOVE, Knuckle radius r= 6 in, L/r= M=1.15 from table, Determine the required thickness fof seamless ASME flanged and dished ead, 6 Ba 16 1OX96XI7S op. 4igin TKaHHIOX 1.0 Loo. 75-0) 1? $CA 125i OSatin: Use 0.5625 in, min. thickhead SEEDESGNDATA ABOVE Knuckleratias?= 6in. Ur= % = 16 Mer7S tomb Determine the maximum allowable ‘working pressure, P for a 0.5625 in thick seamless head when the vessel is in corroded condition. 220,000 1.0 X0.4375 P18 X86-0: 92) es GE, (mon-Code construction) the values oF M=4G3 4dr) INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL PRESSURE EXAMPLES NOTATION ‘Minimum required thickness of head, excl 4, = Actual thickness of shell, exclusive of corrosion allowance, in, alue of material, psi Emjoint efficiency stress value of SA-515-60 plate seamless shell for pressure. = 0.3125 in. actual thickness of shell )ETERMINE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED THICKNESS, ¢ required thickness CIRCULAR FLAT HEADS ted 0.13 PSE t= aVOSE C= 033,/1, C min. = 0.20 ot be greater than | ‘Non-circular, bolted flat heads, covers, lind flanges Code UG-34; other types of closures Code UG-35 r= d O13 PSE = 24 Use 1.25 in, head (0:13 x 30077,100x 1 = 1.146in Checking the limitation of ~*~ 125 . d pry = 0.052 The ratio of head thickness to the diameter ofthe shel is satisfactory SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE Use 1.625 in. plate Using thicker plate for shell, lesser thickness will be satisfactory for the head, 1, = 0.375 in, 0.243 0375 = 0214 (nd [CE = 4 Use 1.635 in. plate thickness shall be maintained along a distance 2 «/di, from the inside face of the head 0.214 x 300/17,100x 1 = 1.471 in. 2 (20575 = 6 in. 28 _ » PRESSURE - TEMPERATURE RATINGS FOR STEEL PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS PRESSURE OF FLUID American National Standard ANSI B16 5-1996/1998 ADDI sit STATIC HEAD ciass__[/15016.[ 300] 4001.| 6001] 900 16] 1,500 162,500 1 Hydrostatic test. | 450 | 1,125] 1,500] 2,225) 3,350] 5.575 | 9,275 in the vessel exerts pressure on the vessel wi : pressure wie th ‘all directions on thes brosrure, pig bf the Vessel and is due to the height of the fuid above the po ‘Temperature, F| MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NON-SHOCK PRESSURE PSIG! =20t0 100 | 285 | 740 | 990 3,705 | 6,170 200 260 | 675 | 900 31375 | 5,625 300 230 | 635 | 875 31280 | 5.470 || The tables below when epplicuble shall be added to the design pressure of the 400 200 | 635 | 84s 5280 |p| water aad To find the pressure fr any oer ids than wate, the given nthe tables shal ‘multiplied with te specific gravity ofthe fluid in consideration. 500 170 | 600 2,995 | 4,990 |B | bP See an auneneama 600 140 | 550 2735 | 4560 Pressure in Pounds per Square Inch for Different Heads of Water roo | to | 35 ness fears RE og 1 a ses 7 | eae 0 ta os? 130 17) 216 26305346 350 0 4% 520 563 649 693 736 779 823 750 95 | sos 1,010 2,520 a 38 556 we ize ile oh se 800 so | 41 0 » Ba 1429 S15 1559 1602 sso | os | 20 3 10 2 Has 181 1862 1905 I9ae to92 mss 20m 2120 i 0 208 295 Sl 225 2468 211 2555 a oor iae - 860 o 2641 2128 2814 2858 2901 2944 2988 a 3074 3161 3247 91 3334 337 3421 0 3507 3534 3680 3724 3767 3810 3854 ion om leez sotto treet ascii cael rcane eee 3940 4027 4113_4137_ 2002434287 Ratings apply to NPS % trough NPS 24 and to materials: A105 (1) A350 Gr. LF2 (1) A350 Gr. LF6 Cl. 1 (4) A216 Gr. WCB (1) A515 Gr. 70 (1) A516 Gr. 70 (1) (2) A537 Cl. 1 (3) NOTES: (1) Permissible, but not recommended for prolonged use above 800 °F. Q) Not to be used over 850 °F. (3) Not to be used over 700 °F. (4) Not to be used over 500 °F, Flanges of ANSI B16.5 shall not be used for higher ratings except where it is justified by the design methods of the Code Ratings are maximum allowable non-shock working pressures expressed as gage pressure, at the tabulated temperatures and may be interpolated between temperatures shown. ‘Temperatures are those on the inside of the pressure-containing shell of the flange. In general, it is the same as that of the contained material. Flanged fittings shall be hydrostatically tested, | NOTE: One foot of water at 62° Fahrenheit equals 433 pound pressure per square per square inch for any feet head not given inthe table mes 433. Heads of Water in Feet Corresponding to Certain Pressure in Pounds per Square Inch 1894 225 und of presque per square inch of water equals 2.309 feet of water . Therefor, to Find the feet head of water for aay pressure not Je above, multipy the pressure pounds per square inch by 2.309. TABLES. For quick comparison of required plate thickness and weight for various materials and at a different degree of radiographic examination. -A Stress values at temperature ~20° to 500 °F. SAS3B SA285C SA 515-60 SA 516-60 BIE, 13,345, 14,535 100% J. E, 15,700 17,100 B Ratios of Stress Values 15,343 [ 14,535 was [ 9 14,535 0.92 = 15,700 [0.85 0.92 17,000 | 0.79. 0.86 17,100 | 0.78 0.85, 20,000 | “0.67 0.73 Table A shows the stress value of the most frequently used shell and head materials, ‘Table B shows the ratios of these stress values. EXAMPLE: thickness 0.4426 inches and the weight of the vessel 12600 Ibs. 2. What plate thickenss will be required, and what will the weight of the vessel be using SA 285-C plate and full radiographic examination: In case 1. The stress value of the material 17,000 In case 2. The stress value of the material 15,700 ‘The ratio of the two stress values from Table B=1.08 In this proportion the required plate thickness and the weight of the vessel will be increased, 0.4426 x 1.08 = 0.4780 in. 12600 = 1.08 = 13608 Ib. 1. For a wessel using SA 515-70 plate, when spot radiographed, the required EXTERNAL PRESSURE DESIGN PRESSURE ‘When Code Symbol is to be applied, the vessel shall be designed and Its ing the ‘maximum allowable external pressure to allow for pressure variation in service. Code UG-28(f). ‘Vessels intended for service under external working pressure of 15 psi and less may be stamped with the Code Symbol denoting comy 1 rules for externa ivision are also satisfied. Code UG-28(1). This shall not be applied if the vessel is operated at a temperature be- low minus 20°F, and the design pressure is determined by the Code UCS-66(6)(2) or Code UHA-51(b) to avoid the necessity of impact test. ‘Vessels with lap joints: Code UG-28(g) Non-cylindrical vessel, jacket: Code UG-281 TEST PRESSURE Single-wall vessels designed for vacuum or partial vacuum only, shall ‘be subjected to an internal hydrostatic test or when a hydrostatic test is not practicable, to a pneumatic test. Code UG-99 Either type of test shall be made at a pressure not less than 1 the difference between normal atmospheric pressure and the minimum design internal absolute pressure. Code UG-99(f). Pneumatic test: Code UG-100. The design method on the following pages conform to ASME Code for Pressure Vessels Section VIII, Div. 1. The charts on pages 42-47 are excerpted from this Code. 32 3B EXTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS EXAMPLES CYLINDRICAL SHELL. Seamless or with Longitudinal Butt Joints ‘When D,/tequal to or greater than 10 ‘the maximum allowable pressure: Pant 3D. The value of B shall be determined by the fol Towing sete sue a Vale for 1; (Se pages 49-5 Determine £/B, and, 9S) Fe VESSEL lues of A falling to the le the value of Py ula: When the value of Do formulas given in. the Cod be anplied, than 10, the @) ‘shall VESSEL WITH STIFFENING RING DESIGN DATA E = Modulus of elasticity of material, 27,000,000 psi. @ $00 °F (see chart ‘on page 43) Determine the required shell thickness. [Assume a shell thickness: 1 = 0.50 in. (see page 49) Length £= $92 in, length of shell $76 in, and one third of the depth of heads 16 in.) L/D, = 592/96 = 6.17 D,/t= 96/0.5= 192 (page 42)determined by the procedure described on age. ing to the left ofthe applicable temperatures = 2x 0,00007 x 27,000,000/3 x 192 = 6.56 psi. ‘maximum allowable pressure P, is smaller than the design pressure ning rings shall be provided, Using 2 ings equally spaced between the tangent lines of the heads, Length of one vessel section, L= 200 in.(length of shel 192 in. plus one third of depth of head 8 in.) L/D,= 200/96 = 2.08 Do/t= 960.5 = 192 ‘A =0,00022 from chart (page 42) {B= 3000 from chart (page 43) ‘determined by the procedure described on facing page. See page 40 for design of stiffening rings. Py = 4B/3(D./1) = 4 x 3000/3 x 192* 20.8 psi. py =CIN 35 EXTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS. EXAMPLES NOTATION P= External design pressure psig Pye im allowable working pressure psig. De = diameter of the head, in R= of sphere or hemisphereical head, 0.9D, for e ‘SPHERE and HEMISPHERICAL HEAD ‘The maximum z allowable pressure: ?+ ~ TR, ‘The value of B shall be determined by the cedure the design procedure repeated. 2:1 ELLIPSOIDAL HEAD ‘The required thickness shall be the greater of the following thicknesses. computed by the forrmulas pressure using a design pres the external pressure and joint ickness proofed by formula P= B/R,/t whereR.-0.9 D, and B to be determined as for sphere. "ASME FLANGED AND DISHED HEAD (TORISPHERICAL HEAD) ‘The required thickness and maximum allowable pres- sure shall be computed by the procedures given for ellipsoidal heads. (See above)R,maximum=D,, DESIGN DATA: P = 1S psig exte D,= 96 inches Matetial of the head SA-285C plate 00°F design temperature Determine the required head thickness. SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE ‘Assume a head thickness: (= 0,25 in, R, = 48.00 i. 4 =0.125/¢48.0010.25)0,00065 Fig. CS-2 (page 43) B= 8500 determined by the procedure described on the facing page. P,, = 8500(48.0010.25) = 44.27 ps Since the maximum allowable working pressure Pg is exceedingly greater than the design pressure P, a lesser thickness would be satisfactory. For a second trial, assume a head thickness: t= 0.1875 in, R, = 48.00 in, A = 0.125/(48.0000.1875) = 0.0005 B = 6700, from chat (page 43), P, = BAR,/) = 67000256 = 26.2 psi. ‘Phe assumed thickness: t = 0.1875 in, is satisfactory. SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE. Procedure (2.) “Assume a head thickness: 1=0.3125in., R,= 0.9 x 96 86.4 in, A= 0.125/(86.4/0.3125) = 0.00045 B= 6100 from chart (page 6100276 = 22.1 psi, Since the maximum allowat P the assumed thickness is sa eater than the design pressure SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE. Procedure (2) Assume a head thickness: = 0.3125 in., R,*D, = 96 in, A = 0.125)(96/0.3125) = 0.0004 B = 5200 from chart (page 43), P, Since the maximum allowable pressure P, is greater than the design pressure P the assumed thickness is satisfactory. BY/(R,/1) = 5200307 = 16.93 psi. oro EXTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS EXAMPLES NOTATION A’ = factor determined from (apex) ange, degrees Dy = culside dameter atthe in(L/2y(1 + sa P, = Maximom allowable fg. = effective thickness, in, = 1 cos @ CONE Ano CONICAL SECTION Seamless or with Butt Joints 5. Compute the maximum allowable working pressure, P,. If P, is smaller than the design pressure, the ing rings. ‘For values of A falling to the left ofthe appi- see Code UG-33 (9(0) WHENGIS GREATER THAN 60° Provide adequate reinforcing of the cone-to- covlnder juncture. See page 159 WHEN aS EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN 60° and Dy/t, > 10 ‘The maximums alowable pressure: desigh, the design procedure must be repeated | ing the thickness or decreasing L by EXAMPLES FOR CONICAL HEAD, WHEN @ IS GREATER THAN 60° ‘ARE GIVEN AT FLAT HEADS 38 NOTES EXTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS Use L in caleuation as shown when the strength of joints of cone to cylin- ress forthe joining cylindrical shel. Use L in calculation as shown when joints of cone 10 cyin- requirements described (on pages 163-169 pare 4 40 EXTERNAL PRESSURE EXAMPLES DESIGN OF STIFFENING RINGS aE DESIGN DATA: 4+ Fat dtmined om the hr (pg 42) rhe materia sed in the P = 1Spsi, extemal design pressure, ‘D,= 96 in. outside diameter ofthe shell. Length of the vessel from tangent line to tangent line: 47 ft. 8 in. =572in, Heads 2:1 ellipsoidal Material ofthe stiffening ring SA-36 ‘Temperature SOOT 1, = Required moment of E = Modulus of elasticity of material, 27,000,000 psi, @ SOO°F (see chart on to the axis ofthe sh page 43) 1 = 0.500 in, thickness of shell T= Required moment o section which is taken as contri the shell section 1,10 L, = The sum of one-half ofthe distances on both sides of the stiffening ring from the centerline ofthe ring to the P. = Extemal design pressure, f= Minimum required ly between jacketed section, cone-to-shell junction, or head line at % of its depth and ‘determine dimension, L, DyL, (rrA/LpA Pel Alla ‘The value of A shall be determined by the following procedure: 1. Calculate factor B using the formula: ae ee an urve of design temperature. Wh be calculated by the formula: A = 25/8. From he intersection pointmove vertically othe bottom ofthe chartandreadthe value of 4, Calculate the required moment of inertia using the formulas above. Ifthe moment of inertia ofthe ring or the ring combined withthe shell section s greater than the required moment of inertia the stiffening ofthe fening ring with larger moment of inertia must be s bbe increased, of B and move value of Bis less than or the number of rings ing ring for jacketed vessel: Code UG-29 (f) aa 1, Anangle of 6 x 4 %he selected. &e A, =3.03 5q. in. Il, Using 2 stiffening rings equally spaced between one-third the lepths of heads (see figure), 1,=196in, 158" | i + 164 UL The moment of intertia of the selected angle: 1. The B 164 =2095 | 2. Since the value of B is less | ‘than 2500,, A= 2B/E= — '2.x2095/27,000,000= 0.00015 IV. The required moment of inertia: See pages 95-97 for stiffening ring calculations. ‘PANSSHAd IVNUALXA WAGNA STASSIA HOI SYINAOA NI Gas V YOLOVE JO SANIVA TL 20000 14.000 12.000 000 2.000 FACTOR B 000 5779408 20m e245 108 3.s00 f-2084 08 000 intersection with the horizontal protection of the right of the end of the temperature line, upper end of the temperature line. ea Sores 23 466789 Py ese 708 2a sere 0001 001 on o FACTOR A THE VALUES OF FACTOR B USED IN FORMULAS FOR VESSELS UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE, ‘The values of the chart are applicable when the vessel is constructed of carbon steel and the specified yield strenth 30,000 psi. and over. To this category belong the following most frequently used materials: SA-283C SA~515\ gy SA-33-B Type 405 stainless Steel SAL2NSC__SAa516 }ANGrades SAsi06-B _ Typedto }Stnless Stel u EXT, PRESS. |g NT PRESS. Ee) 2.080 1.000 16.090 2.000 ‘000 £2 2704108 000 E245 4108. 000 7 yas er EST) a eee? poy a sere HO 20001 ‘001 ot 1 FACTOR A THE VALUES OF FACTOR B USED IN FORMULAS FOR VESSELS UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE, ‘+The values of the chart are applicable when the vessel is constructed of austenitic steel (18Cr-BNi, Type 304) (Table 1 on page 190) FACTOR B In cases where the value of A falls to the a & S z i : 3 a 5 zg Z i 5 e € 280x108 case We es ne. eo naa 2209 5 10% 7 3 4 S67 8D 2 2 «S67 coca 2001 01 7 4s e7e8 ye es 6789 FACTOR A. THE VALUES OF FACTOR B USED IN FORMULAS FOR VESSELS UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE. ‘The values of the chart are applicable when the vessel is constructed of austenitic steel (18CR-8Ni-Mo, Type 316) (Table 3 on page 190) FACTOR B NOTE: In cases where the value of A falls to the right of the end of the temperature line, assume an intersection with the horizontal protection of the upper end of the temperature line. | carbon, Type 3041) (Table 2 on page 199) 12.000 an 0 60x 000 = 2206 1 00 E2250 4 10 3.000 2 205 0 18 EL nat a toe een 2.00 ye es eres 7 4s 6780 7S 8 6788 7 eas eres 0001 001 01 o 1 FACTOR A THE VALUES OF FACTOR B USED IN FORMULAS FOR VESSELS UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE * The values of the chart are applicable when the vessel is constructed of custenitic steel (18CR-8NI-0, 03 max. FACTOR B NOTE: In cases where the value of A falls to the right of the end of the temperature line, assume an intersection with the horizontal protection of the upper end of the temperature line, eoneecitseeneeesoretsoneennen acetates FIG.HA4 ‘7 Tes eres eer) ye 8 ere ELT 0001 ooo: ‘20 FACTOR A THE VALUES OF FACTOR B USED IN FORMULAS FOR VESSELS UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE imax. carbon, Types 3161 and 317L) (Table 4 on page 190) 12.00 ca 00 2500 200 *The values of the chart are applicable when the vessel is constructed of austenitic steel (18CR-8Ni-Mo-0.03 FACTOR B NOTE: In cases where the value of A falls to the right of the end of the temperature line, assume an intersection with the horizontal protection of the a fe EXTERNAL PRESSURE CONSTRUCTION OF STIFFENING RINGS LOCATION Stiffening rings may be placed on the inside or outside of a vessel SHAPE OF RINGS ‘The rings may, be of rectangular or any othe: CONSTRUCTION It is preferable to use plates in constructing a composite-section fener ring, t only in shapes, but also because of the nec 1 to the curvature of the shell. For Jarge diameter vessels le out of roundness can result in @ | ~ 2 inch gap between ‘and the ring. This can be eliminated if the vertical member of the ring is plate in sections. The sections can be flame cut, instead of rolled and then butt-welded together in place, be provided, the stiffening ring shall be attached Seal weld. ASME. Code (UG.30.) EXAMPLE: RINGS OUTSIDE RINGS INSIDE, ‘The filet weld leg-size shall be not les than the smalest of the following: 1/4 in, ~ 49 th CHARTS FOR DETERMINING THE WALL THICKNESS FOR FORMED HEADS SUBJECTED TO FULL VACUUM Using the charts, trials with different assumed thicknesses can be avoided. ‘The charts has been developed in accordance with the design method of ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1 20 i as TE REQUIRED HEAD THICKNESS. 1, [R= INSIDE RADIUS OF HEAD. IN ®'j0 20 30 40 0 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 190 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 SPHERICAL, ELLIPSOIDAL, FLANGED AND DISHED HEADS Gpecified yield strength 30,000 0 38,000 Determine R, 2. Enter the chart atthe value incfusive) heads, the inside radius, in, heads 0.9xDo langed and dished heads, the inside crown radius, in. Rmax=Do ‘Gutside diameter of the head, in, 50 SI CHARTS FOR DETERMINING THE WALL THICKNESS FOR VESSELS SUBJECTED TO FULL VACUUM CHARTS FOR DETERMINING THE WALL THICKNESS FOR VESSELS SUBJECTED TO FULL VACUUM BARR PERN NERD DBE CYLINDRICAL SHELL (See facing pge for explanation) T rt 7 = 7 i BS = 7 300 °F ‘500 = ae - L 700 °F } i -~ = [800 °F] T 7 7 7 900 OF as — - SS =@ 3= 7 7 = Rot L= LENGTH OF SHELL OR SECTION, IN {= REQUIRED SHELL THICKNESS, IN. CYLINDRICAL SHELL (Specified yield strength 30,000 to 38,000 psi, inclusive) ‘To find the required shell thickness: Enter lower chart (facing page) at the value of L Move horizontally to etves representing Dy Move vertically to temperature line Move horizontally and read Dojt Enter chart above at the value of Do/t Move horizontally to curve D Move vertically down and read the value of t NOTATION 3, The distance from te center of the fist Hine plus one thd of the head depth “pased on New ASME Code Addenda ... Chart Finds Vessel Thickness," ING, 85 No. 6, May 1976 p. 9 Pressure Veutel Head Desi No. 11, November )YDROCAR- pa DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS WIND LOAD ‘The computation of wind load is based on Standard ANSUASCE 7-95, approved 1996, "The basic wind speed shall be taken from the map on the following pages. ‘The basic wind speed is 105 mph. in Hawaii and 125 mph. in Puerto Rico. II not be less than When records and experience indicates that the wind spec those reflected in the map, the higher values of wind speed s ‘The wind pressure on the projected area of a cylindrical tower shall be calculated by the following formula. F = q,G Cry Table6-1 ANSVASCE 7-95 STANDARD (Numbers of tables and paragraphs are references to this Standard) (Dx) Projected area of tower, sf. L__ height of tower considered, outside diameter of tower, ft ‘Shape factor = 0.8 for cylindrical tower (Table 6-7) Gust response factor = (Gp de G,)* (Para, 6.6) ‘When the tower is located: in urban, suburban areas, Exposure B 0.8; ‘open ‘terrain with scattered obstruction, Exposure C 0.85; jobstructed areas, Exposure D 0.85, The minimum design wind pressure s ‘Velocity pressure at height z above ground, Ib/sq. in, 0.00256) KK V2 T (Table 6-1) Design Wiad Force, Ib. L_ tmportance factor= 1.0 forstructures that on projected area o present low hazard to human life in event tower. (Para. 6.2) of failure (Para. 6.2). Wind speed, mph. (Map ‘Topographic factor = 1.0 when wind speed-up ‘over hills and escarpment is not present. (Para. 6.5.5) Velocity Press Exposure Coefficient* Exposures 8, C & D (Table 6-3) * See tables below for values of g and for combined values, of Gj, Ge, and K, in Exposures B, C, and D. VELOCITY PRESSURE, Basie wind speed, mph, 7 DT] # [iw [no [a0 [30 Velocity Pressure psf0.0025672g | B{ 7] aps | | 7] # DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS WIND LOAD (Continued) COEFFICIENT G (Gust response: teres wit Exposure Coefficient) HecHr [ Above Ground, &. | EXPOSURE _| 06 7 08. “09. 1.0 Ld x 2 23 2 ‘The area of caged ladder may be approximated as I sq.ft. per lineal f. Projecte'area of platform 8 54. f. Users of vessels usually specify wind pressure for manufacturers without reference to the height zones or map areas, For example: 30 Ib. per sq.ft. This specified pres- sure shall be considered to be uniform on the whole vessel. ‘The total pressure on a tower is the product of the unit pressure and the projected area of the tower. With good arrangement of the equipment, the exposed area of the wind can be reduced considerably. For example, by locating the ladder 90 degrees from the vapor line, EXAMPLE: Determine the wind load, F DESIGN DATA: the wind speed, ¥ = 00mph diameter of tower, D = 68. height of tower, H = 808 the tower located in flat, __ unobstructed area, exposure: D ‘The wind load, F=q_xG x Cy 4 q from table = 26 pst G from table - Shape factor - Area, Ay= DH =6 x 80= 480 sq. ft. F=26 x18 x08 x480=1 MAP OF WIND SPEED, V (miles per hour) Alaska Note: For Srose and lelande, (G80 nearest contour ANSU/ARSCE STANDARD 7-9 Courtesy of American Society of Cll Enginoere wind regions MAP OF WIND SPEED, V (niles per hour) KY) speci wind reson * Population Center ‘for unusual wind conditions, ey DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS WIND LOAD Computation of wind load as alternate method based on standard ASA. AS8.1-1955. This standard is obsolete but still used in some codes and foreign countries. ‘The wind pressure at-30 ft. level above ground for the United States is shown on the ‘map on the facing page. The table below gives the wind pressures for various heights above ground for the areas indicated by the map. ‘WIND PRESSURE Py, WHEN THE HORIZONTAL |CROSS SECTION SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR®™ HEIGHT MAP AREAS ZONE ft. [30 25 | 30 [35 | 40] 4 | 50 hexagonal or octagonal liess than 30[ 15 | 20 | 25 | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40. 10.60 when the horizo Fo1049 ToT os Pao Tat a0 Pas Tso. ose section is circular or el- 50t039 _|25 | 30 | 40_[ 45] 50 | 35 | 60 700 0499 |30 | 40 | 45 [55 | 60 | 70 | 75 “Multiply values of Py with 0.80 ‘when the horizontal ‘cross sec~ EXAMPLE: Fi ‘The vessel is intended to operate in Oklahoma, which is in the wind pressure map area marked 3 ‘map area the wind pressures for various height zones are: In the height zone less than 30 ft. 25 Ib. per sq. ft In the height zone from 30-49 ft, 30 Ib. persq. ft the wind pressure Py from map. It many pieces of equipment are Shape factor aceording to Browne Users of vessels usally specify the wind pressure for manufacturers without refer zones or ap areas. For example: 30 Tb per sq This specified pessure Shall be considered tobe tniform on the whole vessel 1 between wind pressure and wind vel is circular, is given by the formula: Pay =0.0025% Hy? where Py = wind press Vi, = wind veloci ;, when the horizontal cross section Ib, per sq. ft mph EXAMPLE: Wind of 100 mph velocity exerts a pressure: Py =0.0025 x Vy ?= 25 Ibs. per sq.ft. pressure on the projected area of a cylindr vessel at a height of 30 feet above ground al wind pressure on a tower is the product of the unit pressure and the projected ith a good arrangement of equipment the exposed area of the wind iderably. For example, by locating the ladder 90 degrees from the 37 MAP OF WIND PRESSURE, ‘The map based on the records of the United States Weather Bureau and developed by the National Bureau of Standards, DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS. ‘cote WEIGHT OF THE VESSEL FORMULAS TITTD| wept of the vn! rests comproite aes only when eset ots ot saan mower [erase [ices crt nod the ihe ans of the vase, Ural the EnoaeR ‘compression due and is ot = P.Distisl e_ospp | aM “The weight shall ous conditions of the tower as follows: _ _" |A. Erection weight, which includes the weight of the: EXAMPLE: Givens Dy = $0" Dy = 30 Hy = S60" Hy = 44-0" p= 8 BL do pst hy Hyd 28" hy = Hy + (2) = 180" POD He RI = BO 4 x 56 = 6700 x 28 = 188,100 Sion 30x 3 x = 3.960 « 78 = 308.80 Teal V= Tow A 497,000 8, omen baton ta Me pee OED 497,040 ~ 4 (10,680 0 x 4 x4) = 455,280 EXAMPLE Gives: Dy = 38.6 in, H = 1008. 01m, hy = 4 fe On, Pa = pt Desermine the wind momen hyo 2 = SOK Oia FRx B88 unaal Bs ‘Moment at the bottom tangent line My = M~ hy(V~ OSP,D, hy) = (692,100 ~ 4 (13,680 ~ 0.5 x 30 x 3.5 x 4) = 638,220, i SEE EXAMPLES FOR COMBINED LOADS ON PAGE: 69 1 Equipments: 2 3 4 5 1 8 8 10, 1B. Operating weigh 2. test water ‘The compressive stress due to the weight given by: s= where 5 = unit tess, pst f WE weight of vessel above the section under consideration, 1b. circumference of shell or skirt on the mean diameter, in. thickness ofthe shell or skirt, in. clements are given in tables beginning on page 374 ‘The weight of different 61 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS VIBRATION of wind, tall towers develop vibration. The period of the vi te, since lage natural periods of vibration can lead to fatigue lowable period has been computed from the maximum permissible trays as usually applied and their supports prevent the arising of this problem. DESIGNOF TALL TOWERS SEISMIC LOAD (EARTHQUAKE) forces is similar to that of a ad increases uniformly toward the free end. ‘The design method below is based on Uniform Building Code, 1997 (UBC) FORMULAS Period of Vibration: sec. T= o.000026s (f° FORMULAS. SHEAR MOMENT M= [FE XH+ (VF, XQHA) M=[F XX] fork sM/, MIE, XH+(U-F,) XH) EL T-0.80V Ye forx>%/, Base Shear NOTATION The base shear isthe ot D = Outside diameter of vessel, f. the base ofa tower, The tran Re s de a the top ofthe tover. The re ve Aistibted throughout the length ofthe tower, inlad- ee ing the top. Overturning Moment 7 ‘The rt ke the algebraic oe \¢overtuming moment at any level isthe algebraic Given: Determine the actual and maximum allowable sum of the moments ofa the frees above tha level period of vibration D = 31258.0in, 2 = 100f0in NOTATION g = 32.2 fulsec? one = 2355 ary T= o.000026s QS = 1.05 sec. (need notexceed2.75) 7? W = 36,000%b. in operating condition 7. «9 go «[S6O00XT00 _ 5 os. cocfficient= 0.035 w = 360 bi iaaoxaaz ~74 ameter of vessel, does not exceed Reference: Freese, C. E.: Vibration of Vertical Pressure Vessel ASME Paper 1959, E-= Efficiency of welded joints Fe jorizontal se 3p of the vessel, Ib. determined from the following formula F,=0.07 TV (F,need not exceed 0.25) =0,forT <07 Length of vessel including skirt, i Shear Diagram Base Shear 6 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS SEISMIC LOAD (EARTHQUAKE) SEISMIC LOAD (EARTHQUAKE) (Continuation) EXAMPLE, Given: NOTATION 1 = Occupancy importance coefficient (use 1.0 for eee oa vessels) De 37Sin.=3.125% X=96,.0n ‘M = Maximum moment (atthe base), f-1b, = 100f,0in, W=38,400 1b. ‘M, = Moment at distance X, f-1b | coefficient (use 2.9 for vessels) S_ = Site coefficient for soil characteristics A soil profile with either: 4) A rock-like material characterized by a shear-wave ‘elocity greater than 2,500 feet per second or by other suitable means of classification. S= 1.0 b)Stiff oF dense soil condition where the depth is less than 200 ft. S= 1. A soll profile with dense or stiff soil conditions, where the soil depth exceeds 200 feet, S= 1.2. A sol profile of 40 feet or more in depth and con- taining more than 20 feet of soft to medium st yy, But not more than 40 feet of soft clay. ere a Dee era M_ op Me HSE aR v = Tot shear at base, Ib W = Total weight of tower, Ib X= Distance from top tangent line to the level un- der consideration, f. = Seismic zone factor, (075 for zone | 0.15 forzone 2A 0.2 for zone 2B 03 for zone 3 0.4 for zone 4 (see map on the following pages for zoning). Determine: The overturning moment due to earthquake at the base and at a distance X from top tangent line. shall e calculated, Fist, fundamental period of vil ToC, H% = 0,038 x 100%= 1.1 see and I=1, S=15, Ry=29, ZIC 4, ya 0211.96 ee 176 35,400 = 4,296. Fy= 0.07 TV = 0.07 ¥ 1.1 x 4,296=330 Ib, M=[FpH + (V-F,) QHB)]= [330 x 100 + (4,296 -330)(2 x 100/3) ]=294,756 8 - Ib, H x >A thus My (Fy X+ WF) (OC- HB) I= [330 x 96 + (4,296 -330) (100-33) ]= 281,138 Ib r g iS 7 Sa 8 A) é no 5 PF y & uke z 5 % eg : g WN & — s eax Cl i - % 5 Va AGS “FES 67 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS ECCENTRIC LOAD Design of Tall Towers ELASTIC STABILITY ipes and openings may be neglected, bi stresses exerted by heavy equipment are additional to the bending stresses resulting {rom wind or seismic load, FORMULAS | MOMENT sees | REQUIRED] Me We = Bee ee wotsTI0n = eam rs ee er tr ceed : = Beep fe > Hier es ta + ries vee EXAMPLE Determine moment, M, and sess, S. Moment, M= We'= 1000 x 4 ~ 4000 f. 1b 12 We _ 12x 1000 x 4 s- te. vm Rey” 316 x 15? x 0.5, = 22 psi When there is more than one eccentric load, the moments shall be summarized, taking the resultant of all eccentric Loads. ‘A tower under axial compression may fal in two ways because of significant factor in the resulting instability. The formulas fc tability are given in this Handbook, developed by Elements of the vessel which are downcomer ba spaced. Lon ute FORMULAS “AELOWABLE STRESS (5) Withoat Suffener wi ay = ce yietd point) | s = 1:500,000. 5=1,500,000 6 yield point) | 5 = 1500s 4 ‘NOTATIONS! tance between losin) seers, I ance betnce ctcumfertal sens, in ‘Az The equivalent thickness ofthe shell when longingly +% Bente a sp ee Ae Te eqn ste fe sl wien mses ane airs EXAMPLE Given: R= 1B in, Determine the allovable compressive ses (S) 0 Fastin om . = SOD 1 _ 1,50.000 0.25 _ ap a9 Given: 4, Lin R 8 eee Determine the allowable compressive stress (S) using Longitudinal, stiffener stiffener rings iste sed, then: BSD po = 0 = 0.25 in, Re 1 Dee 150.00 VESTS = 22.458 Ft = 0.25 + 0.08 = 0.29 a ‘Reference: Wilson, W. M., and Newm Shells as Columns, Eng. Exp. Sta. U NM: The Strengih of Thin Cylindrical | bull. 255, 1933. DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS DEFLECTION ‘Towers should be designed to deflect no more than 6 inches per 100 feet of height. The Weflectiom due to the wind load may be calculated by using the formula for uniformly loaded cantilever beam. au FORMULA Aya PDH (2HY EL iy 7 \ AM ‘ [NOTATIONS ‘Kh yy = Maximum deflection a the ) Dy = Wid of the over | 2) = Mods of else = Length of vessel 12 mt moment of inert for thin cynical shel A | s Py EXAMPLE Give: Detemine the maximam detection: by D, = 2h. 6in, B'S 500000 4g _ PADyH (at H = 48,0 we = GET 1 SR 0.31% wink 4 1.69 om nea be ™ 730,000,000 x 12x 3.14 x oats ~ | ‘The maximum allowable deflection 6 inches per 100 ft. of height: x6 100 for 48-0" = = 2.88 in Since te actual deflection does not exceed this limit, the designed thickness ofthe skirt is satisfactory he thickness of the tower fe nal "Tower Detleet DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS COMBINATION OF STRESSES + Stress due = Stress due to weight ‘Combination of wind load (or earthquake load), external pressure and weight of the vessel: Stress Condition leeward side — Stress due to wind — Stress due to ext. press = Stress due to weight At windward side + Stress due to wind ~ Stress due to ext. press — Stress due to weight ‘The positive signs denote tension and the negative signs denote compression. The of the stresses indicate whether tension or compression is governing. ‘The stresses shall be calculated at the following locations: At the bottom of the tower Under these different conditions, the weight of the vessel and consequently, the ions are also different. Besides, during erection or dismantling the ‘not under internal or external pressure, For analyzing the strength of tall towers under various loadings by this Handbook, the maximum stress theory has been applied 1 ‘the:tower for which a cer 05 [06 [or Jos Jos 0.48} 0.46] 0.44/ 0.42 0.411039] 0.37 0.35] 033/032 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS EXAMPLE - A Required thickness of cylindrical shell under internal pressure and wind load, xX =Hxm fy 7288 tt = O64 in. 1 = 0.6440233 = 2.7 3 rom Table m = 0.43 and X = mH = 0.43 x 100 = 43 f Figure B shows the momest diagram of a tower under wind. ae pressure. The diagram can also be used to seleet the appropriate plate thickness at various heights o2f gloa: 2] los 5 ‘atthe bottom ‘required 8) oe i Yat =0.750 in Ei at height 0.71; Bl an. L 05 x 0.750 = 0375 in | thickness for internal o pressure 1/2 = 0.125 in + [Seite at 0.7147 = 0.500, = IY Giorososarosovosay to Fig B ate thickness requi the bottom (J2- «) to thickness required at the consid- fed helt. DESIGN CONDITIONS So pt wind pressure fh ius of vessel v [No allowance for corrosion ‘Minimum reuied inc ornare coving he sei ef te long eam Pe 20 x 12 5.0 = ap loge * Tatoo ans = 08 aa)” T3195" 0228 in Mini ee ike for inemal pss consi he Seng te git seas ee 290 «12 "30 os 1 = FSE + O4P — 215,100 x 0.85 + OA x 250 ~ 26,790 Required thickness for longitudinal bending due to wind pressure, Moment tthe base () Py X DX H= Vy = 38 x 2.5 x 48 = 3,600'x 24 = 86,400 ft Ib. Moment atthe bottom seam (Mz) My = M.~ hy (V ~ 05 P, Dy hy) = 86,400 ~ 4 (3,600 ~ 0.5 x 30 x 25 x 4) = 86,400 13,800 = 72,600 f. Ib. = 72,600 X'12 = 871,200'n. Ib 871,200 871,200 * [R & B4 x 15,700 x 085 ~ 6.037.135 = 0.145 in, Fr wind pressure For int. pressufe TOTAL For simple vessels where the moment due to Wind is sm loadings may need 2 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS EXAMPLE B Reed thickness of ysl shell under combined lodings of ineral press, wind and Weight of tower EXAMPLE B (CONT.) 5 A pe n= oe poets re (Gonesion allowance not required) Minimum eid thickness fr ieral presare considering the stength ofthe longitudinal PR 150 x 18 a BE = 06 ~ THOT 98S OS ITO ~ O20. Use 0.25 in, plate Minimur required thickness for intemal pressure considering the stength of the circumferen- tial seam of shel PR 150 18 ° BSE + 04 ~ Fx 15700 x 085 + 04 x 1m ~ O1OT Minimum required thickness for head PD. 150 x 36, = = 0208 in 25E = 02P ~ 2x 15700 x 085 — 02% 150 Wind Load =P, xD, XH = Vessel 30x35x 10 = Platform in ft. = Ladder 30x 98 lin, f= Total shear V= 13,680 Mf = 92,1008. Ib, moment at base Moment tthe bottom head seam (Mp) eV = 05 PD jhe) (692,100 ~ 4 (13680 ~ 0.5 x 30 X 3,5 x 4) = 638,220 1b. nM, 12 x 638,220 7,658,640 '° gen SE~ 1B x 3.18 x 15700 O85 ~ T3.583.556 ~ 0564 For it. pressure 0.101 ‘Try 0.750 in, plate forthe lower courses use different plate thicknesses at various h tower. A, Page 70 X= 043 x He 43 ft an be found the required thickness and length of the intermediate shell sections. Using 8 ft. wide plates, the vessel shall be constructed from: —— a ee eee eae ans sta : Opening 300 __ Si 19759 ponteiog wa Say 21,000 a = TOTAL ERECTION WEIGHT: 33,000 Ib 600 2400 + Exgetod We ‘TOTAL OPERATING WEIGHT: ‘Test water 42,0008, + Erection Wt TOTAL TEST WEIGHT; 75,000 1b. ‘For weight of water content, ee Page 416 m EXAMPLE B (CONT,) EXAMPLE B (CONT.) (Checking the stresses withthe preliminary ealclated plate thicknesses ‘Stress in the shell at the bottom head to shell joint: ‘Stress in the shell at 40 ft. down from the top of the tower. Plate thickness 0.25 in Pe teksess 0.75. 7D 150°x 36.5 Ses def real resare $= 22 = MSD SETS» ags7 ps 2x Stress due to wind = Bie 1 80 = 9630 psi Bewr ~ WesT x 3.14 x O75 ee we! 31,00 iWereion ond $= Gar Tiss x 073 ~ S55 P, XD, XK = VX 54.0 incperating condition S$ = em = HO 59) 0 x 3.5 x 40 ing con cy 7 imsx on” meee IATION OF STRESSES ater” 30 x 3 WINDWARD SIDI T TEEWARD SIDE ‘Total Moment M, TN EMPTY (ERECTION) CONDITION se ML Stress due to wind + 9,640 | stress due to wind — 9,640 Rowe 18.125? X 3.14 x 0.25 Sites duc to weight — "358 | Stem due to weight "958 Stes duet internal presse +9280 pst Soe (As ealeited previ) (No int. pressure during erection) Z ‘Total TX OPERATING CONDITION { ‘Stress due fo int. press. + 1,837 | Stress due to wind Stress due to weight The 0,25 in. thick plate for shell at 40 ft. satisfactory.No further calculation is required o ance from top of the tower is same reaton mentioned above Stress due to int. press, ‘Stress due to wind rep xn=vakon, fa Sete ee se aah Ret ~ i825? x 3.14 x 050 ‘Stress due to internal pressure (As caleulated previously) 16 n DESIGN OF SKIRT SUPPORT A skirt is the most frequently used and the most satisfactory support for vertical ‘attached hy continuous welding to the head and usually the required lation ofthe required weld size, the values of jo 2) may be us efficiency given by the Code DESIGN OF ANCHOR BOLT FORMULA 2M, W '" RE aSE* DaSE NOTATIONS, D = Outside diameter of skirt, E = Efficiency of skirt to head j (0.6 for butt weld, Fig. A, Me e skirt to head jo R’= Outside radius of sir, in. [By 'S. = Siress value ofthe head or skirt material whichever issmallr, psi 1 = Required thickness of skirt, in NOTE: Using extiemely hi base may govern. To calculate the required thickness of 1 above formula can be used, ‘moment and weight at the base; £ EXAMPLE, Given the same vessel considered in Example B, D=375in, S = 15,700stress value E = 0,60 forbutt joint of S4—285—Cplate M,= 638.2208. Ib. W = 31,0001. R'= 18.75in, Determine the required skit thickness, 12 My 12 638,220 Forwind: 1 RSE * 1878X3.14x15,700%K06 — ~0736in Forweight) repo SSE xo.ca8in “DXB.GXSE 3.75 X3.14 X 15700 X06 the concrete foundation, ‘and the base (bearing) ‘The number of anchor bolts. The anchor bolts must be in multiple of four and for tall towers itis prefer developed in con. than about mum sp le may be necessary by using con iameter of anchor bolts. Computing the required size of bolts the area within the root of the threads only can be taken into consideration. ‘The root areas of bolts are shown below in Table A. For corrosion allowance one eighth of an inch should be added to the calculated diameter of anchor bolts. For anchor bolts and base design on the following pages are described: 1, An approximate method which may be satisfactory in a number of cases. 2. A method which offers closer investigation when the loading conditions and ‘other circumstances make it necessary. TABLE B NUMBER OF ANCHOR BOLTS TABLE A Diameter of finimum | Maximum Bolt circle in. |! = 4 4 8 8 2 2 2 16 16 20 20 24 TABLE © {MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STRESSES FOR BOLTS USED AS ANCHOR BOLT [Specification] Diameter in, [M2%-allow. ‘Number | Diameter i SA307 SAIS3B 7 $A193 B16 |2/sand under SA193B 7 |Over2% 104 SA193 B16. | Over 24 to 4 in * For bolts with standard threads,

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