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ISSUE NO. 4 N O V E M B E R – D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7


BISHOP’S DESK The first passage of Scrip- made the vegetation and manity (man and woman) in
tures read at the Carols fruit producing trees of His own image and likeness,
DIOCESAN of Nine Lessons during different kinds, He saw he saw that it was good. To
the Advent season in or- that it was good. humanity He gave them so
NEWS der to prepare us for the much to live on and enjoy
When he created the
great event of the birth of life.
stars of the heavens to
DEANERY the Lord is from Gen 3:8- divide day from night His first gift to humanity
15,17-19. was that he blessed us. On
This passage speaks of one hand, God blessed us
the fall of our first par- and enjoined us to be fruit-
ents, Adam and Eve. It is ful, multiply, fill the earth
undoubtedly placed at and subdue it and on the
UPCOMING the head of the celebra- other hand to be masters of
EVENTS tion of the Carols to re- all He had created (Gen
mind us of our existential 1:28).
situation and to make
sense of the interventions
of the Prophets and God made us in His own im-
IN THIS God’s own plan to re- age and likeness (Gen
ISSUE deem humanity. 1:27).This makes man a mys-
tery hard to fathom. This
However, before this pas- extraordinary grace helps us
sage, Gen 1 tells us that Most Rev. John Bonaventure
in our everyday choices, de-
God created everything Kwofie, CSSp cision making, judgment,
good. and relating with God, our
SOD Pg When he created the
CUTTING The writer of Genesis fellow beings and other cre-
.2 stars of the heavens to
sings the goodness of ated things.
divide day from night
creation as a refrain at
and to indicate seasons
ORDINATIONS Pg every instance of God’s
and festivals, He saw that When this truth escapes us,
creation. When God cre-
.2 it was good. When He we become destroyers of
ated light to separate day
created the different spe- God’s creation instead of
from night, He saw that
cies of fish of the waters exercising our role as co-
BISHOP VISITS Pg it was good.
and birds of the air, He creators advancing God’s
EGYAM 4. When He gathered the saw that it was good. creation instead of irrespon-
waters on the face of the When He created ani- sibly exploiting it. God
earth into a single mass mals of all kinds, He saw handed over the world to
APOWA Pg and allowed the dry earth that it was good. man in a “very good” state.
DEANARY .4 to appear, He saw that it (Gn 1:31).
When He created hu-
HOLDS REVIVAL was good. When He
Continue on Pg. 4
On Thursday, 30th the current Bishop’s Monsignor Francis
November 2017, Most House) Yaw Tawiah, Very Rev.
Rev. John Bonaven- Fr. James Margret
In attendance at the
ture Kwofie led a sod Mesu, Very Rev. Fr.
ceremony were the
cutting ceremony for Peter Ekow Kaitoo
Vicar General of the
the construction of a and some other
Dioceses Monsignor
new Bishop House. Priests from the Dean-
Abuah-Quansah, Very
The new edifice which eries of Sekondi, Ta-
Rev Fr. Appiah Himin
will serve as residence koradi and Apowa and
Asante, Very Rev. Fr.
of the Bishop will be other lay faithful.
Raphael Mensah,
located at Fijai (near


Most Rev. John Bonaven- of the Holy Spirit. They dained priests were Rev.
ture Kwofie, CSSp on are called to serve the James Robinson Jnr
“IF YOU ARE WHAT YOU Wednesday 20th December Christ faithful. Thus, (Takoradi) and Rev. Seth
2017 ordained 12 young they are to execute their Kwame Korankye (Manso
SHOULD BE, YOU WILL men to the deaconate and tasks with humility and -Amenfi).
SET THE WHOLE WORLD 2 deacons to the Ministe- charity. To the faithful
The Candidates ordained
rial Priesthood. In His present, the Bishop
ABLAZE…” deacons were Benjamin
homily the Bishop duly ac- beckoned them to put
Doughan (Apowa), Philip
-St. CATHERINE OF SIENNA knowledged the immense their God-given gifts at
Yaw Nsobiabah (Apowa-
and indispensable contri- the service of the
Funkoe), Martin Abu-
butions of the faithful in Church. He stressed that
Arthur (Agona-Amenfi),
the formation of the Semi- the proliferation of
Nicholas Ukuwuomah
narians. He also expressed churches these days
( Manso-Amenfi), Albin
worry about the decline in poses great challenge to
Kissi Ernim (Manso-
the membership of the the Catholic Church.
Amenfi), Edward Cudjoe
Catholic population Therefore, all Christ
(Samreboi), John Kofi Al-
in the Diocese. He faithful must work hard
lou (Half -Assini), Francis
emphatically chal- for the Church to save
Isaac Armo (Takoradi),
lenged the Priests souls.
Augustine Lobianco
and the two-would
After the Ordination Barnor (Ketan), Nicholas
be priests to work
Rites, the newly or- Kweku Nketsiah
zealously to win
dained priests gave their (Inchaban), Damien Wil-
souls for Christ, to
first solemn blessing to liam Nketsiah (Inchaban)
the would be dea-
the Bishop, then the par- and Marino Nana Kontoh
cons, he exhorted
ents and subsequently (Effiakuma).
them to execute their
the priests and all the
tasks in the spirit of
faithful gathered.
wisdom and be im-
bued with the power The two deacons or-



Most Rev. John Bonaventure ing. He also introduced some He formally presented the gifts
Kwofie, CSSp together with some who were tertiary students which he said were the contribu-
members of the laity from Se- and some were trained with tions of various different par-
kondi, Takoradi and Apowa Dean- professions while others were ishes of the three Deaneries and
eries visited the Egyam Children’s undergoing trainings. the Knights of the Altar of Se-
home on Tuesday, December 26, kondi Deanery for the orphan-
He used the occasion to thank
2017 to present them with some age.
the benefactors of the home
for their continual support Also in attendance were, Very
The Vicar-General Monsignor and further requested for fi- Rev Fr. Appiah Himin Asante,
Abuah-Quansah made known to nancial assistance to support Very Rev. Fr. Raphael Mensah,
the faithful present that charitable the education of the children. Monsignor Francis Yaw Tawiah,
visit by the Bishop is an annual Very Rev. Fr. James Margret
The Bishop reminded the
event which was started 3 years Mesu, Very Rev. Fr. Peter Ekow
gathering that the home still
ago and this year happens to be at Kaitoo, Very Rev. Fr. Anthony
remains dear to the Diocese
the Children’s home. Mr. Daniel Eshun and some other Priests
and soon the Diocese will take
Payne, the Director of the home from the three Deaneries with
full responsibility of it man-
informed the gathering that the various parish heads and asso-
agement with help from the
home has a total of 47 children, ciations .
Daughters of the Most Blessed
namely the basics and seniors and
Holy Trinity Congregation
how they go about their school-
(FST) – Kumasi.




The Apowa Deanery organized Ezekiel Takyi and Anthony Ackerson

the maiden edition of a Deanery were the guest speakers.
revival under the theme "MY
The mass celebrated to climax the
revival was presided over by the
YOU." The revival was hosted by Vicar General Msgr. Abuah-Quansah
the St. Anthony's Parish, Kwe- with over 1700 faithful coming from
siminstim from Wednesday, all the Parishes in the Deanery. The
29th November 2017 to Friday, next edition is scheduled to take
1st December, 2017. The 3 day place at the St. Francis of Assisi's
event was attended by all the Parish at Agona Nkwanta from 2nd
priests in the deanery. Rev. Frs. May, 2018 to 4th May, 2018..
Continue from Pg.1 has turned the table upside Is 7:14). The Evangelist John,
down. God created by the reflecting on this in the pro-
power of His word. We have logue to his Gospel, writes that
Gen 2 continues the narrative of the
become disobedient to God’s Jesus is the Word of God who
goodness of God’s creation by tell-
word and have sought to took flesh and dwelt with us.
ing us that God planted a beautiful
create God in our image and He is the Word with God in the
and rich garden in the East, Eden,
likeness. This is our fall. beginning and who was God
where he gave habitation to our first
himself and whose glory we saw
parents. In this garden were all the
when he lived amongst us. This
fruit-trees you could think of and The birth of Jesus Christ is
is the mystery we celebrate at
the source of the 4 great rivers of God’s way of restoring crea-
the world known at that time: Pis- tion to its original goodness
hon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates. and humanity to its original
Each Christmas directs our at-
In this garden could be found all the dignity. The mystery of the
tention to God’s way of restor-
mineral resources. In Ghana, we birth of the Son of God, of
ing our dignity as His children.
could talk of gold, bauxite, manga- God taking human flesh and
During this joyous celebration
nese, and in recent times oil. This dwelling among us, makes
of the birth of our Lord which
garden provided a lovely and well- Christianity different from
restores us to our original dig-
watered oasis for the relaxation of other faith. It brings God
nity, harmony and goodness, I
man. It was indeed a paradise, a closer to us. God is not
would like to address a few
place with everything to serve the locked up in the heavens but
words of encouragement to our
needs of humanity. There was abun- lives with us. The Gospel
political leaders: The govern-
dant water to assure that the earth according to Matthew calls
ment has mentioned various
was fertile and productive. But God the child to be born
plans of creating jobs. Please,
gave this garden to man “to culti- “Emmanuel” which means
hasten to implement your re-
vate and take care of it” (2:15). God-is-with-us (Mt 1:23; cf.
solve to create job opportuni-
ties for our young people. Has-

Creation continues to be good. ten also to strengthen training

What then went wrong? What dis- centres where our youth will

turbed the goodness of God’s crea- grow their entrepreneurial skills

tion? What broke the harmony of and the ability to create their

God’s creation? This is what Genesis own jobs and promote their

3 seeks to answer. Our disobedience businesses.

Unfortunately, we are not yet For instance, a major drive hearts in their recent meet-
a country whose citizens are behind the migration of our ing in Abuja. Please, deploy
trained to create our own jobs. people to countries with your security forces and in-
In our current social status, stronger economies is the telligence agencies to follow
most of our youth, with or search for a greener pasture up this disturbing news and
without formal education, de- where they can work and save arrest human agents or
pend largely on the State to some money from their “connection men and
create and provide work op- monthly income in order to women” both at home and
portunities. A government in- support family member sat abroad who facilitate this in-
terested in the well-being of home. human business.
its citizens will create condi-
tions and make policies that
In the process of migrating to May the celebration of
favour, direct and promote
Europe, some of our youths Christmas renew our resolve
prospects for employment of
have made long journeys on to create more jobs so that
its citizens especially its
foot through the desert to the unemployed youth will find
youthful population. Work is a
Maghreb countries, notably jobs for decent living. Let us
right that belongs to every
Libya and Algeria, to wait for treat this matter as an urgent
opportunities to cross the vast socio-political agenda. I wish
ocean by boat of all sorts. you all a merry Christmas
When one is fully and gain- and prosperous 2018.
fully employed, his/her dignity
Some have lost their lives in
as a person is greatly en-
the process, others too have
hanced. When a country’s citi-
ended up stranded on some
zens are without work, the Most Rev. John Bonaventure
islands in the Mediterranean
risk of becoming “victims of Kwofie
and are seeking asylum.
social exclusion” is massive. Bishop of the Catholic
The Catholic Church through Diocese of Sekondi-Takoradi
its social teachings has always Those who managed to reach
taught that work enables us to a European country have dis-
build and grow families, pro- covered to their disappoint-
vide for our basic needs, ac- ment and frustration that con-
quire property to serve our ditions there are not as easy as
needs and positions us to con- they thought or were made to
tribute to the good of all. Un- believe.
employment, therefore, is a
“real social disaster” (LE 18). Some have also ended up as
slaves in Libya and have ex-
perienced abhorrent inhuman
Engaging in a meaningful
treatment. Thanks to the me-
work is a right that belongs to
dia, we have heard of this
every citizen of the world. God
wicked phenomenon. I add
himself worked (cf. Gen 1) and
my voice to the West African
wants us to work. Without
leaders who condemned this
meaningful jobs, our youth
barbaric happening meted out
dream of doing unimaginable
by people with inhuman
• Rev. Fr. George E. the laity of the dio- • St. Mark Catholic
Ansah has been cese. Church, Abesewa
appointed as Gyaman (Wassa Ak-
• Most Rev. John
Headmaster for ropong Parish) cele-
the St. Mary’s brated her centenary
Kwofie, CSSp on
Boys’ Senior High with the Bishop pre-
1st November, 2017
School, Apowa., siding over the
celebrated Mass
effective from 9th thanksgiving mass
for the commemo-
October, 2017. on Sunday, 3rd No-
ration of the de-
vember, 2017.
• On 30th October parted clergy of
2017, Most Rev. the diocese at the • 67 Candidates from
John Bonaventure Priests’ cemetery the Funkoe and New
Kwofie paid a pas- at Apowa. A total Amanful communi-
toral visit to the of 30 priests, 1 dea- ties were on 10th
“Nothing and nobody Refugee camp at con and 3 Bishops December, 2017 con-
Ampain and pre- have been called to firmed during the
can block the light that sented to them eternity since the Bishop’s pastoral
Christ puts in our hearts some gifts from diocese was visit to Funkoe.
and on the face of His

friends.” UPCOMING EVENTS...

• 9th January, 2018—C0-workers Appreciation Day at Myohaung Barracks,
- Pope Francis Apremdo at 10am.

• 10th January, 2018—Priests’ Assembly at St. Kizito Pastoral Centre at Apowa.

• 11th January, 2018—Diocesan Priests’ Association Meeting at St. Kizito Pastoral

Centre at Apowa.

• Funeral arrangements for the late Mr. Anthony Frans, former Diocesan Lands
Officer are as follows;

13th January, 2018—Burial mass at 7:30am . 14th January , 2018—Thanksgiving

Venue: Christ The King Catholic Church, Effiakuma.

• 13th—14th January, 2018: Centenary Celebration, Sacred Heart Parish, Afran-


• 15th January, 2018: Handing Over, Egyam Children Home.

• 20th—21st January, 2018: Pastoral Visit, St. Paul’s Parish, Bonyere.


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