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 Atomic structure: All substances are made from

atoms. Each atom is made of a nucleus -

containing protons and neutrons - surrounded
by electrons.

 Atomic Number : The atomic number is the

number of protons in an atom. The elements
are arranged in the periodic table in
ascending order of atomic number.

 Mass Number :The mass number of an atom is

the total of protons plus neutrons. Atoms of the
same element with different numbers of
neutrons (and hence different mass numbers)
are called isotopes of that element.
 Particle Charge Mass : Electron is negative
charged and mass 1.022c10-9c .
91.109c10-31kg . Proton is positive charge
and mass 1.022x10-9c / 9.109x10.31kg. And
Neutron have no any charge and mass
 Atomic structure : K Valence shell
contain two electrons. L =8 , M= 18 , N = 32
 Molecules : These are formed by
combination of two or more atoms e.g.
water molecules of H2o is the combination
of two hydrogen and one oxygen.
 Binding Energy :The minimum amount of energy
necessary to free an electron from an atom and no
longer associated with that atom as known as the
binding energy. Its unit as an electron volt (eV).

 Ionization : The removal of electron from valence

shell is known as ionization.
 Excitation : when the electron absorbs amount of
energy that are sufficient to move it into higher un
occupied shell, known as excitation and the atom as
excited atom.

 Force of fields : General term related to interaction of

various components of matter at present for kinds of
forces are :
 Forces of fields are :
✓ Gravitational forces
✓ Weak forces
✓ Electromagnetic forces are produced by
charge particles.
✓ Strong gravitational forces
 Characteristic X-rays and auger electrons :
Characteristic x rays are produced by the
transition of electron from outer orbit to
inner orbits of atom. Auger are those
electron that move from higher to lower
shell this is known as auger electron .
 Interchangeability of mass and energy : Mass
and energy are interchangeable and are
related through einsteins equation. E = Mc2.

Artificial and Natural Radioactivity: Radioactivity

is a natural physical phenomenon. It appears
when certain “unstable” atoms (such as
natural uranium) transform spontaneously. Their
nucleus naturally corrects their instability by
“disintegrating,” i.e., by emitting excess energy
or particles in the form of “ionizing” radiation.
✓ Radioactivity occurs naturally, coming
mainly from five sources :
✓ Cosmic rays from the sun
✓ Telluric radioactivity from the earth’s crust
✓ Radioactivity in water (coming from the
geological formations it crosses)
✓ Radioactivity in the air (the presence of
radon gas coming from soil containing high
concentrations of uranium 238 )
✓ Radioactivity in the human body (e.g.,
potassium 40 and carbon 14)
 Thank You

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