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What is MUSIC?

Music is essential to many of our lives. We listen to it when waking up, while in transit,

at work, and with our friends. For many, music is like a constant companion. It can bring us joy

and motivate us, accompany us through difficult times, and alleviate our worries. But music is

more than just mere entertainment. In technical terms, music is defined as the organisation of

sounds and silence composed of its elements. Looking more deeper to what is music or its

purpose, it can be utilised as a tool in changing one’s outlook in life. As a way of learning, it

encompasses all the domains of development; cognitive, psychomotor, and socio-emotional

domains. Not only does music reach us on intellectual, social, and emotional levels, but many

describe it as spiritual. It transcends to more than just the physical experience and touches on

different aspects of one’s life that only music, as an active tool for change, can offer. Unlike

painting, its works often have multiple instances, none of which can be identified with the work

itself. Music is perhaps the art that presents the most philosophical puzzles.

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