Hormonal Adaptations and Modelled Responses in Elite Weightlifters During 6 Weeks of Training

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Eur J Appl Physiol (1992) 64:381-386 European

um.,of Applied
and OccupatLonalPhysiology
© Sprfnger-Verlag1992

Hormonal adaptations and modelled responses in elite weightlifters

during 6 weeks of training
T. Busso 1, K. H~ikkinen 2, A. Pakarinen 3, H. Kauhanen 2, P. V. Komi 2, and J. R. Lacour 4
Laboratoire de Physiologie - GIP Exercice, Facult6 de M6decine Saint-Etienne, F-42023 Saint-Etienne Cedex 2, France
2 Department of Biology of Physical Activity, University of Jyv~iskyla, SF-40100 Jyv~iskyl~i,Finland
3 Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Oulu, SF-90220 Oulu, Finland
4 Laboratoire de Physiologie - GIP Exercice, Facult6 de M6decine Lyon-Sud, F-69921 Oullins Cedex, France

Accepted January 14, 1992

Summary. The concentrations of serum testosterone, Introduction

sex-hormone-binding-globulin (SHBG) and luteinizing
hormone (LH) were examined throughout 1-year of Systems theory is currently applied to describe the effects
training in six elite weightlifters. A systems model, pro- of training on physical performance (Banister and Ham-
viding an estimation of fatigue and fitness, was applied ilton 1985; Busso et al. 1990; Calvert et al. 1976; Morton
to records of training volume and performance levels in et al. 1990). The subject or athlete is characterized by a
clean and jerk. The analysis focused on a 6-week train- system in which the output is the performance reacting to
ing period during which blood samples were taken at 2- a set of stimuli, i.e. from physical training, which com-
week intervals. A 4-week period of intensive training prises the system input. The model parameters are deter-
(period I) could be distinguished from the following 2- mined by fitting the model performance to the recorded
week period of reduced training (period II). During peri- ones. The assumptions on the working of the system lead
od I, decreases in serum testosterone (P<0.05) and in- to an estimate of the profiles of fatigue and fitness during
creases in serum L H concentrations ( P < 0 . 0 1 ) were ob- the period studied from the fitted parameters.
served; a significant correlation (r=0.90, P < 0 . 0 5 ) was A study of the application of a systems model in elite
also observed between the changes in serum L H concen- weightlifters and of the comparison of the modelled re-
tration and in estimated fitness. The magnitude of L H sponses to hormonal variables, external to the model
response was not related to the change in serum andro- computation, have provided a biological validation of
gens. On the other hand, the change in testoste- the model (Busso et al. 1990). The variations of fitness
rone : SHBG ratio during period II was significantly cor- were statistically related to the changes in serum testos-
related (r--0.97, P < 0 . 0 1 ) to the L H variations during terone concentration. There is some experimental data
period I. These finding suggested that the L H response concerning an association of improvement of fitness to
indicated that the decrease in testosterone concentration an enhancement a n d / o r periodical alteration of the ana-
was not primarily due to a dysfunction of the hypothal- bolic-androgenic activity in young boys (Mero et al.
amic-pituitary system control, and that the fatigue/fit- 1990), in initially low-trained subjects during endurance
ness status of an athlete could have influenced the L H training (Remes et al. 1979) or during strength training
response to the decreased testosterone concentration. (Alen et al. 1988; H~ikkinen et al. 1985). In elite weight-
The negative effect of training on hormonal balance lifters, a period as long as 2 years may be needed to ob-
could have been amplified by its influence on the hypo- serve an increase in serum testosterone concentration
thalamic-pituitary axis. A decrease in physiological (H~ikkinen et al. 1988a).
stress would thus have been necessary for the comple- The fatigue level estimated from the systems model
tion of the effect of L H release on androgenic activity. remains to be clarified. In the above mentioned study
(Busso et al. 1990), a positive relationship was observed
Key words: Strength training - Systems model - Fatigue between the variations of estimated fatigue and testoste-
- Fitness - Serum hormones rone concentrations. A negative relationships was ex-
pected: the decrease of serum androgen concentration
has been associated with the physiological stress of
training (H~ikkinen et al. 1988b; Kuoppasalmi et al.
1980). The positive relationship obtained was inter-
preted as resulting from the parallel between fitness and
fatigue profiles in the formulation of the model.
Offprint requests to: T. Busso, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, To provide a better representation of short-term
Pavillon 12, F-42650 Saint Jean Bonnefonds, France adaptations, the interpretation of the systems model was

r e v i s e d . M o r e o v e r , a statistical analysis was a d d e d t o t h e rt--I ~ 0 --n/Tp

/~n=p.+ kr" Z w'.e (n--O/~r+ qp'e (1)
m o d e l c o m p u t a t i o n to test t h e c o n f i d e n c e o f e a c h m o d e l r=i t--I p--1
The system was described by R training components and P in-
T h e p u r p o s e o f this s t u d y was to a p p l y t h e r e v i s e d itial components. The terms corresponding to the training compo-
m o d e l o f t r a i n i n g r e s p o n s e s to studies o f h o r m o n a l nents were obtained by convolving the training loads to the im-
adaptations related to prolonged strength training. The pulse response (kr" e - t/Tr), where kr was a multiplying factor in ar-
analysis was f o c u s e d o n a 6 - w e e k t r a i n i n g p e r i o d p r e p a - bitrary units depending of the units used in the quantification of
r a t o r y to t h e p r i m a r y w e i g h t l i f t i n g c o m p e t i t i o n . training load and performance; and Zr was a decay time constant
expressed in days. The initial components were introduced in the
model formulation by taking into account the events prior to the
beginning of the period of the study, where %0 was the initial lev-
Methods el in arbitrary units and Tp was the decay time constant in days.
Thus the model performance was completely defined with the
following set of parameters:
Experimental methods. The data used in this paper were derived
1. A multiplying factor k and a decay time constant r for each
from the study concerning the relationships between modelled re- training component
sponses and hormonal alterations in elite weightlifters (Busso et
2. An initial level qo and a decay time constant r for each initial
al. 1990). The subjects were included in a larger group involved in component
a study of hormonal changes during 1-year strength training (H/~k-
3. An additive term p* (called basic fitness)
kinen et al. 1987). Only the six subjects who had a complete fol-
The degrees of freedom (df) of the model depended on the to-
low-up of their training parameters were selected for the present
tal number of components. For a given number of training and
study. The experimental methods have been described in detail in
initial components, respectively R and P, the model parameters
reports of those previous studies.
are determined by fitting the model performance to the measured
Briefly, the six subjects were elite weightlifters with a homoge-
one. The researched parameters were obtained by minimizing the
nous background of several years of weightlifting training. The
residual sum of squares (RSS) between modelled and measured
subjects had not been taking exogenous anabolic-androgenic ste- performance.
roids for several months before this study or during it. Their train-
The model was solved for an increasing number of compo-
ing consisted of the normal weight exercises used by elite weight-
nents. Initially the simpler model, with only one training compo-
lifters such as the olympic lifts, powerlifts, pulling exercises and nent (df= 2), was applied to the training data. Then more complex
squat lifts.
models were applied by introducing one by one further compo-
Blood samples used in the present study were taken at the nents (training or initial components). Each additional component
weeks numbered 15, 17, 19 and 21 of the period of that year stud- corresponded to an increase in the model degrees of freedom
ied. Samples were drawn at 8 a.m. from the antecubital vein after
(Adf=2). The confidence limit for each added component was
12-h fasting and a day of reduced training. They were kept at tested by an analysis of variance on the decrease of the residual
- 20 ° C until the serum concentrations of testosterone and lutein-
sum of squares (ARSS). The F test was used to evaluate the level
izing hormone (LH) and sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) of confidence. The components which decreased RSS significantly
were assayed (H/~kkinen et al. 1987). The sensitivity, the coeffi- (with a statistical level of 5%) were the only ones retained in the
cient of intra-assay variation and that of interassay variation were final model formulation. The number of model parameters could
respectively 0.26nmol.l -~, 7.0%, 9.7% for the testosterone as- thus be different according to the subject. Goodness-of-fit indica-
say, 1.0U.I -~, 3.2%, 6.3% for the LH assay and 0.5 n m o l ' l -a, tors were given for the more complex models obtained by this
3.2%, 5.0% for the SHBG assay. analysis.
Throughout the 1-year period, the amounts of training were Then fitness and fatigue profiles were estimated from the set
calculated daily from the number of lifts, averaged by the week, of model parameters. The amount of training completed on day i
weighted by their average intensity referred to one maximal repeti- had an effect on the performance on day n quantified by
tion (1 RM). For example, a session composed of 25 lifts perform-
ed at 80% of 1 RM corresponded to 20 arbitrary training units
E(i/n) = ~ k~. w''e--~n--0/~r (2)
(TU). The average daily training load was 28.5 (SD 6.3) TU during r=l
the entire training period studied. The performance level was esti-
mated from the maximal result in clean and jerk tests performed When E(i/n) was positive, it was considered as a fitness gain.
regularly during the training period (Busso et al. 1990). Conversely, when E(i/n) was negative, it was considered as a fa-
tiguing effect. By recurrence, the profiles of fatigue and fitness
Quantification of fatigue and fitness. The amount of training (sys- were determined for the entire period studied as
tem input) and the performance (system output), defined above, n--I
were used in a systems model of training effects on performance. fn= ~, ]E(i/n)l, when E(i/n)<0 (3)
The data concerning the entire 1-year period were used in the 1=1
model computation for each subject. In previous studies concern- a n =fin + f n (4)
ing modelling of training responses (Banister and Hamilton 1985;
where a n a n d f n were respectively the fitness and fatigue levels on
Morton et al. 1990; Busso et al. 1990), the athlete was considered
as a system in which the behaviour was described by control of the day number n. The performance output was the difference be-
tween fitness and fatigue levels.
two antagonistic systems associated with first order transfer func-
tions. The negative function represented the fatigue response and
the positive one the fitness response. In the present model, the be- The 6-week period before the primary competition (weeks 15 to
haviour of the athlete system has been described by a set of first- 21). The analysis focused on weeks 15 to 21, during which blood
order transfer functions, the number and the type of components samples were taken at 2-week intervals. This period corresponded
being determined by the model computation. The model formula- to the period of preparation before the primary competition. The
tion led to a mathematical relationship of the system output (per- average amount of training between weeks 15 and 19 was statisti-
formance) with the system input (amount of training). The model cally different (P<0.05) to the average amount of training be-
performance at day n ~n) was estimated from the successive tween weeks 19 and 21:26.9 (SD 9.0) TU vs 19.2 (SD 4.5) TU.
amounts of training (w ~, at day number i) by: Therefore, a 4-week period of intensive training (period I, between
weeks 15 and 19) could be distinguished from a 2-week period of
reducing training (period II, between weeks 19 and 21).

Stat&tical analys&. The statistical significance of the performance Table 2. Serum concentrations of testosterone (T), luteinizing
fit was tested by an analysis of variance on RSS. The df of RSS hormone (LH), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and
depended on the number of parameters included in the model T : SHBG ratio
computation. The F-test was used to estimate the level of signifi-
cance of the fit. Variables Weeks of training
Means and standard deviations (SD) were calculated for the
different variables. Linear regressions were used for calculation of 15 17 19 21
the correlation coefficients. Two-way analyses of variance were
used to evaluate whether significant changes occurred with time, T (nmol'l 1) mean 25.2 19.0 17.5 17.2
and changes were located by Scheffe's procedure. SD 8.6 5.6 4.4 4.8
LH (U.1-1) mean 8.8 12.0 11.7 10.1
SD 8.3 8.6 8.0 8.7
SHBG (nmol'l -~) mean 28.3 30.5 20.3 20.1
SD 5.1 9.2 3.7 3.8
T : SHBG mean 0.90 0.65 0.88 0.87
SD 0.26 0.19 0.26 0.24
Performance fit over the year

T h e g o o d n e s s - o f - f i t i n d i c a t o r s are listed in T a b l e 1. T h e
fit was statistically significant in each subject. T h e final
m o d e l e q u a t i o n was c o m p o s e d o f one t r a i n i n g c o m p o - II0
nent for subject 5 a n d two a n t a g o n i s t i c t r a i n i n g c o m p o - I
nents in the others. O n e initial c o m p o n e n t was o b t a i n e d
for s u b j e c t 5 a n d t w o for subjects 1, 3 a n d 6. T h e coef- o

ficients o f d e t e r m i n a t i o n r 2 r a n g e d f r o m 0.29 to 0.85.

[~ 70

Hormonal and modelled responses during the 6-week

period 50 i l i ~ i
13 15 17 19 21 23

T a b l e 2 shows the m e a n s e r u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f testoste-

- - * g o - -
r o n e , L H , S H B G a n d the t e s t o s t e r o n e : S H B G r a t i o dur- 240 "
ing the p e r i o d studied. C o m p a r e d with the values b e f o r e
the f o l l o w - u p p e r i o d , the s e r u m t e s t o s t e r o n e c o n c e n t r a -
tions were d e p r e s s e d d u r i n g p e r i o d s I a n d II ( P < 0 . 0 5 ,
Fig. 1). The m e a n decreases in t e s t o s t e r o n e c o n c e n t r a -
t i o n were 2 0 % , 24% a n d 30% in weeks 17, 19 a n d 21,


respectively. T h e s e r u m L H c o n c e n t r a t i o n was higher

( P < 0 . 0 1 ) d u r i n g weeks 17 a n d 19 t h a n d u r i n g week 15 120

(Fig. 1). T h e m e a n increase in L H c o n c e n t r a t i o n was

62% a n d 58% in weeks 17 a n d 19, respectively. T h e tes- 8O i i i i

t o s t e r o n e : S H B G r a t i o was l o w e r e d ( m e a n 2 5 % ) o n l y at 13 15 17 19 2T 23
week 17 ( P < 0 . 0 5 , Fig. 2). T h e s e r u m S H B G c o n c e n t r a -
t i o n was statistically lower at weeks 19 a n d 21 t h a n at
weeks 15 a n d 17 ( P < 0 . 0 1 , Fig. 2). T h e m e a n increase in
S H B G c o n c e n t r a t i o n was 2 3 % a n d 2 7 % in weeks 19 a n d

Table 1. Goodness-of-fit indicators of performance

13 15 17 19 21 23
Subject R P TSS (df) MSS (df) F ratio r2
Week number
1 2 2 152 (41) 61 (8) 2.75* 0.40
Fig. 1. Serum concentrations of testosterone and luteinizing hor-
2 2 0 752 (42) 640 (4) 54.14"** 0.85
mone (LH), referred to a week-15 level of 100 and daily averaged
3 2 2 317 (29) 155 (8) 2.52* 0.49
training loads (means and SD) during the 6-week preparatory peri-
4 2 0 210 (38) 73 (4) 4.56** 0.35
od. Asterisks denote significant changes, * P<0.05; **P<0.01;
5 1 1 520 (40) 151 (4) 3.69* 0.29
TU, training unit
6 2 2 723 (40) 474 (8) 7.61"** 0.66

TSS, total sum of square; MSS, model sum of square; df, degrees
of freedom; r 2, coefficient of determination of performance fit;
R, number of training components in the final model equation; P, 21, respectively, c o m p a r e d to week 15. T h e v a r i a t i o n o f
number of initial components in the final model equation; aster- L H c o n c e n t r a t i o n d u r i n g the p e r i o d I c o r r e l a t e d statisti-
isks denote the statistical significance of the fit, * P < 0 . 0 5 , cally ( r = 0 . 9 0 , P < 0 . 0 5 ) to the v a r i a t i o n s o f testoste-
** P < 0 . 0 1 , *** P < 0 . 0 0 1 r o n e : S H B G r a t i o d u r i n g the p e r i o d II (Fig. 3).

FI 80"

100 "

4¢-- 8#



40 i I i i |
13 15 17 19 21 23


r4o -1,5 -1 -0,5 0 0.5

Level of estimated fitness
120 (A% change during period I)

100 Fig. 4. Comparisons between changes in estimated fitness and se-

rum luteinizing hormone (L_H) concentration during period I
80 (r=0.97, P<0.01, n=6)


40 i i i i i
No significant changes were observed in modelled fa-
13 15 17 19 21 23
tigue and fitness levels, nor in performance, during the 6
weeks of the study. The changes in serum L H concentra-
tions in individuals were significantly correlated
" 30 ( r = 0 . 9 7 , P < 0 . 0 1 ) to the fitness variations during the
period I (Fig. 4).
.~ 10

"~ 0 I Discussion
~'~ 13 15 17 19 21 23
Week number
The data used in the present study were derived from a
Fig. 2. Serum concentration of SHBG, testosterone : SHBG (T: S) larger study concerning hormonal responses to weight-
ratio, referred to a week-15 level of 100 and daily averaged train-
ing loads (means and SD) during the 6-week preparatory period. lifting training (H~ikkinen et al. 1987) and only the sub-
Asterisks denote significant changes, *P<0.05; ** P<0.01. For jects who had a complete follow up of their training pa-
definitions see Table 2 rameters were selected for the present study, reducing
the group to six subjects. However, the hormone
changes observed in this reduced group were consistent
with those observed in the larger group studied by H~ik-
kinen et al. 0987).
A decrease in serum testosterone concentration was
observed during the 4-week period of intensive training.
"~. 20
The observation of a depression in serum androgens was
in agreement with previous findings (Kuoppasalmi and
Adlercreutz 1985; Adlercreutz et al. 1986). A decrease in
serum testosterone concentration has already been ob-
served after a short period of intensive and extensive
training over several days (H~kkinen et al. 1988b) with-
out a significant change in performance. This decrease
-30 in the serum testosterone concentration during a short
training period of a few days could serve as an index of
-40 the physiological stress of training. In the present study,
0 20 40 60 80 1O0 120 140
Serum LH concentration the L H response during the 4-week intensive training pe-
(A% change during the period I) riod suggested that the depression in serum testosterone
Fig. 3. Comparisons between changes in serum L H concentration concentration was not mediated by an impairment in the
during period I and changes in testosterone:SHBG ratios during hypothalamic-pituitary function. The decrease in serum
period II (r= 0.90, P<0.05, n = 5). For definitions see Table 2 testosterone concentration seems to have been caused
primarily by an increased metabolism in the tissues or a
default in secretion. Some arguments have been pro-
posed in favour of a depressed production (Kuoppasal-

mi and Adlercreutz 1985) or a depletion in the testoste- This is in agreement with the depressed pituitary re-
rone stores in the testis (Adlercreutz et al. 1986). sponse which has been noted in athletes suffering f r o m
The decrease in serum testosterone concentration in- persistently lowered testosterone concentrations (Hack-
duced a t e m p o r a r y decrease in the testosterone:SHBG ney 1989). Thus the negative effect of training on hor-
ratio at week 17. This ratio could be interpreted as an monal balance could be enhanced by the influence of
index of the serum free testosterone concentration, training on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. However,
which has been shown to be the biologically active frac- Viru (1984) has found the contrary to be the case in that
tion of the total testosterone (Kuoppasalmi 1980). The well-conditioned subjects were able to recover more
t e s t o s t e r o n e : S H B G ratio regained its initial level at quickly and the supercompensation phenomenon oc-
week 19 and remained statistically unaltered during the curred more efficiently.
2 weeks of reduced training (weeks 19 to 21). H/ikkinen In conclusion, intensive training in elite weightlifters
et al. (1987) have observed a significant correlation be- was observed to be linked to a depression in serum tes-
tween the changes in performance and in the testoste- tosterone concentrations. This depression was not pri-
r o n e : S H B G ratio in the larger group of subjects. These marily mediated by an impairment of the hypothalamic-
relationships were obtained between the weeks 15 and 17 pituitary system. However, the magnitude of the pituita-
and between the weeks 17 and 21. This was in agreement ry response could have been related to the initial fati-
with a previous observation (H/ikkinen et al. 1985). At gue/fitness status of the subjects. An incomplete recove-
the end of an intensive training programme, the increase ry f r o m the preceding training loads could diminish the
in the testosterone : S H B G ratio seemed to be mainly due L H response to depressed testosterone concentrations
to the decrease in serum S H B G concentration that oc- and thus reduce the recovery capacity of some athletes.
curred between the weeks 17 and 19. However, in contrast, well-conditioned subjects exhibit
The nonsignificant change in serum androgen con- a better recovery of androgenic activity during a period
centrations during the 2 weeks of reduced training of reduced training.
masked the behaviour in individuals during this period.
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