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Test Limba engleză

Clasa a VII- a

• Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor se acordă 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se

acordă 10 puncte. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 50 de minute.

Underline the correct choice:

1. Just as we left/ were leaving the room, we heard/ were hearing a noise. A car which drove/
was driving across the road had had an accident.
2. When we called/ were calling you yesterday you talked/ were talking on the phone because we
could not/ were not canning get through in any possible way.
3. All the family had/ were having a party while their house burned/ was burning, so they did not
know/ were not knowing until the police telephoned/ was telephoning them.
4. The man shot/ was shooting his gun and the race started/ was starting .
5. I watched/ was watching TV when she called/ was calling me.
6. He jumped/ was jumping into the river and rescued/ was rescuing the drowning man.
7. I saw/ was seeing my first baseball match while I lived/ was living in New York.
8.They had/ were having tea when the doorbell rang/ was ringing.
9. Father smoked/ was smoking his pipe while mother read/ was reading a magazine.
10. While he mowed/ was mowing the lawn, it started/ was starting to rain.
11. He had/ was having breakfast when the toaster blew/ was blowing up.
12. When I came/ was coming into the office, my boss waited/ was waiting for me.
13. When we saw/ were seeing Brian, he drove/ was driving a taxi.

14. Up to the present time I never visited/ have never visited this museum.
15. I caught/ have caught him just as he was running out.
16. Her husband is a very nice man. I liked/ have liked him ever since I met/ have met him.
17. The workers chose/ have chosen my brother as their deputy.
18. This house belonged/ has belonged to a rich women up to the present time.
19. I told/ have told him to write this letter at once.
20. When the bell rang, all the children jumped/ have jumped from their seats and ran out.
21. We sat/ have sat here for two hours.
22. When I last saw her she decided/ has decided to join her family in the USA.
23. She knitted/ has knitted a sweater for her brother.
24.I lost/ have lost my keys, so I can't open that door.
25. Columbus arrived/ has arrived in the New World in 1492.
26. Nina broke/ has broken her leg. She is still in hospital.
27. I lived/ have lived here all my life.
28. Colin left/ has left for Brazil this morning

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