Shaggy Dog Story Grows Toxic: The Palisades' Forgotten Torso Murder'

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Palisadian-Post Serving the Community Since 1928

22 Pages Thursday, August 10, 2017 ◆ Pacific Palisades, California $1.50

Shaggy Dog Story Grows Toxic

in the future.
Neighbors remain uncon-
The conflict has been brought
How “Improvement Fatigue” and Bad to the attention of the Pacific Pal-
isades Community Council as

Manners Have Inflamed a Neighborhood another example of a perceived

rise in “bad manners” and short
cuts being taken by contractors
By JOHN HARLOW and Last summer he discovered elderly neighbor, Mary Hagerth, in a hurry across the town.
GABRIELLA BOCK that removing canine hair from much to her distress. This includes public urina-
air ducts in between tenants was Vallin’s surveyor ruled it was tion, abandoned trash and work-

W hen Alexander Vallin de-

cided to clean the air con-
ditioning ducts at his rental home
escalating into a major rebuild-
ing project.
A year later, delayed by bad
on his property. That has been
The hedge was replaced with
ing beyond permitted hours.
Maryam Zar, PPCC chair,
said she is considering establish-
last summer, he little realized weather and over-runs, Vallin plywood spray-painted with the ing an ad hoc committee to deal
it would lead to an 18-month claims he is facing mob anger. words “cameras in use, bitches.” The reporter and the contractor Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer with issues that the city fails to
nightmare that has set neighbor “The neighbors ambush me, Vallin confirmed he now has address through its 311 reporting
against neighbor and resulted in they want to cut my head off, CCTV trained on the property overflowed with raw sewage. well.” app.
dawn police calls, vulgarity and they call the police all the time, line in case, he said, of trespass. When a reporter from the Vallin insisted that Barash- Neighbors are encouraged to
broken friendships. this is madness,” he told the Pal- A jackhammer has been used Post approached the contractor kov has always operated with- collect evidence, such as video
And the possible establish- isadian-Post on Monday, Aug. 7. to remove concrete up to the le- on site, he swore at her and spat in the law and had 30 permits of active code violations.
ment of a new community coun- Some of the clashes are fa- gally permitted limit of 9 p.m., at her feet. She beat a hasty re- to prove it, but admitted that They have raised the issues
cil committee to calm neighbor- miliar tales of Angeleno rede- and, according to neighbors, lat- treat. he could have negotiated with with CD11 Councilmember
hoods when constant building velopment: blurred property er than that. The Polish-born Vallin apol- neighbors in a more diplomatic Mike Bonin. His area represen-
leads to “improvement fatigue,” lines, industrial noise and frayed Vallin has been cited for a ogized but defended his contrac- style. tative, Lisa Cahill, said it was le-
when not even the prospect of nerves. This is the new normal. dumpster in the street. tor, saying that he was “good Now, with six months of gally tricky if the contractor was
higher home prices feels worth But on Las Lomas, civili- He has declined requests man but very Russian. He does work to go, Vallin promised that following city permits.
the problem of living with con- ty became an early casualty of to erect a noise-buffering, not know how to deal with peo- the heavy work is over, and he “Unfortunately,” she added,
struction. conflict between neighbors and dust-shielding fence around the ple being hostile to him very hopes to rebuild old relationships “we can’t regulate kindness.”
There are also demands for Vallin’s contractor, Russian-born house: It’s not legally required.

The Palisades’ Forgotten ‘Torso Murder’

a tougher “builder’s code” to en- Vladimir Barashkov. A break- It was not always thus. Thir-
sure they follow the rules. down that had not happened ty years ago, Vallin recalled,
This reflects the negative during six recent redevelopments he gave sanctuary to Hagerth’s
feeling on Las Lomas where on the street, neighbors said. mother as her home was fumigat- And the Remarkable Young Woman Whose Killer Remains Unknown
Vallin has owned a single-family It escalated last month when ed. Hagerth said more recently
residence on the 600 block for 33 Barashkov cut down a venerable she allowed his renters to shower By MATTHEW MEYER
years. Eugenia hedge shared with an at her home when his sub-pump Reporter

Research by

Ruthless Ryderz Return ALEKSANDAR PAVLOVIĆ

Special to the Palisadian-Post

I t was a sense of adventure—or

at least a disinterest in attending
class that day—that landed three
Palisadian teenagers on PCH on
Nov. 2, 1973.
The ditching teens had skirted
Palisades High School to check out
what was left of a raging Malibu
brush fire just down the road.
Juniors Gale Cruse and Eliz- The site of the haunting discovery. Photo courtesy of Aleksandar Pavlović
abeth “Liz” Taylor hopped into
James Levesque’s Jeep. One year “[It was] frightening,” he lat- port their haunting discovery, but
older than the girls, Levesque was er recalled. “How evil, and how feared that calling the police might
the admitted “lead troublemaker” of ugly and how sad … Who the heck reveal their truancy. They settled on
the gang. would do something like this?” an anonymous telephone hotline at
When his car blew a tire just The teens knew they had to re- the local radio station, KHJ.
past the Chart House restaurant on By the time they returned to the
PCH, he set to work on the Jeep beach from a pay phone down the
while the girls gazed out over the road, police had descended on the
ocean. area.
That’s when they spotted some- Cruse called that day her “big
thing bobbing in the water near secret”—a vivid memory that re-
shore. played constantly in her head, but
At first Cruse thought it might one that she hardly spoke to anyone
be a doll. But as she and Taylor about, aside from passed notes to
scrambled closer along the rocks, Taylor in class.
they realized with horror that it was She scanned what limited ac-
Photo courtesy of Drew Jackson
a woman’s torso—separated from cess she had to news reports, but
At 11 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 8, around 40 members of the Ruthless Ryderz motorcycle club congre- head and limbs. never discovered much more about
gated at the intersection of Sunset and Chautauqua boulevards to leave tributes for David “Babyface” “It was surreal,” Cruse told the what was later called the “tor-
Babalyan of Reseda. He died in a collision with a teenage driver at the intersection on Sunday, April 2, Palisadian-Post last month. “We so murder” at Will Rogers State
since when, LAPD officers say, the numbers of Ryderz driving at high speed through the Village on Sun- were freaked out.” Beach.
day and Wednesday nights has fallen. Levesque scrambled down Toni Goman Coverage of the incident was
alongside the girls to get a better look. Photo courtesy of the Amos family (Continued on Page 3)

As the powers that be quarrel endlessly amongst themselves, a vast and sprawling continent sits in disarray. In light
Voices from the Street of these troublesome times, the Palisadian-Post asked locals the one question left on everybody’s mind: Who will win the
“Game of Thrones?”
By GABRIELLA BOCK Reporter Photos by Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer

Purcy Glove Ned Hardy Mike Minky Emily Rishwain Julie Stumpus
You know, I think Sansa’s go- I’m going to have to go with Okay, I’ve never actually Daenerys and Jon are going to I want it to be Jon Snow, but
ing to take Westeros. People un- the dragons. Just the dragons. watched “Game of Thrones.” I team up and take it all. that seems a little too obvious. I
derestimate how smart she is. wish I had more time, but now I’m think it might be Littlefinger—
too far behind to start. mostly because he’s a cockroach
and I think George R.R. Martin
may just be that cruel.
Page 2 Palisadian-Post August 10, 2017

This week’s hottest topics on
Facebook, Twitter & Instagram Palisadian-Post
Torino Johnson has resigned
as head coach of the Pali-
sades High girls basketball
program and will be join-
Out of the Past
January 30, 1969
ing the women’s basketball
staff at Cal State LA as an Volunteers load sandbags onto California National Guard trucks to prevent further damage Your Two Cents’ Worth
assistant under head coach to homes and public streets in Mandeville Canyon after torrential rains dropped 7.29 inches Got something to say? Call
Cheryl Miller. Johnson won onto already-saturated earth. (310) 454-1321 or email 2cents@
203 games in 10 seasons at and get those kudos
Palisades, where he led the or concerns off your chest. Names
Dolphins to four City Section will not be used.
championships and earned
four City Coach of the Year
awards. #palisades #palipost
I will never understand why
Arwen Hernandez that guy insists on using a dis-
Congratulations, Torino! Cal State LA is lucky to have you! abled parking spot at the Pali
Steven Burr park every time he parks for
Congratulations Torino!!! Will miss seeing you around Pali! You’ve his tennis game.   Seems like
built an amazing program here and I know you will have continued
just another self-entitled jerk
success. MTFBWY, A!
in PP.
Darian Vaziri
Torino K Johnson congratulations Coach T!! You deserve it, some of
my favorite Pali memories was announcing those Pali InvitationalS Tourists
junior and senior year and feeling like a part of 2 championship teams.
You made me feel at home with you guys more than any other team at
I got stuck behind a tourist
Pali did. Thank you bus up in Amalfi, just invent-
Do you know where a person in this photo is today? Contact ing names and addresses of
Laurie Chesler-Clark
Congrats Torino K Johnson I knew big news was coming . Thanks for people who live up there. I
keeping an eye out for the boy too . do not even think that Keanu
Tony Archie Reeves has ever lived in the
caoachhhh congrats bro proud of u man Vatican music: Three Palisadian members Palisades, although he may
of the National Children’s Choir—pictured, have spent time in Topanga.
Young Ace
Congratulations bro. I will be following the schedule to see if I can from left: Nellie Mullane, mezzo-soprano, If I was those tourists I would
make it to a game. Christopher O’Brian, bass, and Lilliana Zar, be asking for my money back.
soprano—traveled to Rome with their Post
Rob King
to perform “Joyful, Joyful,” “Hail Holy Queen”
Congrats Torino K Johnson - you will be missed!!!!!
and the Gregorian melody “Ubi Caritas” in St. Shard
Stephanie Gomez The car-ripping shard is back
Peter’s Basilica.
On to bigger and better! Congrats!!! Will miss you friend! Torino K on PCH, just after you turn
Want to see your photo left from Chautauqua. Am I
in the Post? Take your
Palisadian-Post on your next trip allowed to thank the unfortu-
LETTERS TO (near or far) and email a photo to
nate who sliced it clean away
(at the expense of their paint-
THE EDITOR work, I am sure)? And also,
(Letters To The Editor continued)
those yellow plastic flipper
Chipotle, Beer and Freedom flapper things down the mid-
I’ve lived in the Palisades for to Santa Monica or Malibu.
The Gelson’s Cover-Up dle of the road—knocked flat,
15 years. Last week, I went to a So, when I heard Chipotle I was interviewed on NBC-11 news about Gel- When I asked Gelson’s why it was censored, too. And yet Caltrans does
neighborhood council meeting applied to serve beer, it meant I son’s censoring the August edition of Vanity Fair whether it was a customer or corporate decision, they
for the first time. A Chipotle that might not have to leave anymore because of a cover image of a naked and pregnant said it was a corporate decision. So, I phoned them to
not seem to learn from design
opened here a few months ago and and could relax with a good burrito Serena Williams. make some noise. I went off at them. errors—a definition of mad-
applied for a beer license which and beer after work. This is the worst kind of body shaming and I do My impression was that they listened to us and ness.
has been strongly opposed. Since The chair cut me off mid-sen- not think the naked body is anything to be ashamed the cover was put back on the shelves.
it’s common for adults to drink tence. I was shocked as others had of in 2017—there is a lot more material around to be The idea that a pregnant woman might offend
beer with dinner, I was curious.
Chipotle gave a presentation
been allowed to speak for longer.
I continued, adding briefly
offended by.
Having been brought up in Saudi Arabia where
“family values” was just wrong, this was body sham-
ing. So, if you see something like this, challenge it. Ryderz Replacements?
on the history of their successful that I had lived as a teenager in the the female body—including mine—was censored all And I am so happy that the entire community of I know there are fewer Ry-
25 years in business. They want Palisades and teens just don’t try to the time, it was shocking and upsetting to see this in Pacific Palisades rallied around this issue and we are
derz on a Wednesday night
to simply offer adults the option buy alcohol in restaurants because the Palisadian-Post and I felt very strongly that this not dominated by a few.
to have beer with dinner. They are it’s too difficult. She cut me off was wrong. Michelle Villemaire down Sunset, but I have seen
known as family friendly and a step again mid-sentence. I didn’t feel I speeding motorcycles from
above the average fast food restau- was given a right to speak or that
rant. They specially train employ- my voice was allowed to be heard, other gangs taking their place,
ees to identify discreet markers on even as a Palisadian.  judging by their jackets. Or
IDs from each state to determine It’s ridiculous such restriction Heaven on Earth
legitimate proof of age for alcohol of rights is even possible in Los
are these Ryderz in disguise?
I recently addressed an audience in the Palisades fulfillment, justice, harmony and peace; avoiding
consumption. They’ve never had a Angeles, much less the United Library about transitioning to a new society of heav- competition resulting in winning and losing, being
problem with underage drinking in States which is built on freedom of
their years of operating in Los An- choice. It should be up to the com-
en on earth.
I showed how, with Arpi, my wife of 52 years,
civil and being morally right.
I believe in deserving, success, joy, happiness,
Ryderz II
geles, even at their popular location pany to decide what they can and I have learned, as everybody can, to live in Heaven wealth, abundance. I have heard from a friend
in Westwood near UCLA, which is can’t serve as long as it’s legal.  on Earth. Continual learning and sharing; creativity, inno-
impressive. The beer is kept under Beer is part of our culture and up in the Valley that the Ry-
There are aims at meeting common needs. vation, integration, evolution, growth and multipli-
lock and key, and there’s always an not detrimental to health if con- These include loving, thanking, forgiving, being cation; contribution to the community. derz are finding other ways to
employee over 21 years of age at sumed in moderation. We seem to positive, avoiding criticism, being negative, trusting, I believe that what one sows one reaps; doing rumble and ride up there. One
every location. share the Iraqi government’s views respecting, praising, honoring, encouraging, worth things in small steps and slowly for success with
There were immediate ob- on alcohol in the Palisades. giving, high esteeming, coordinating, cooperating, gladness, confidence, without anxiety, depression, has even put a sound-baffler
jections about teenagers stealing This kind of thinking is a very collaborating to solve common problems and needs. anger, hatred, violence or revenge. on his rice rocket bike. Could
bottles of beer. Or even seeing serious parenting issue.  I have This results in common winning, satisfaction, Dr. Simon J. Simonian
alcohol being sold at restaurants. been an educator, teacher and ther- this be a sound of silence to
A man stood up and said he was apist for teens and children, in- come? I hope so.
concerned if he was sitting with
his kids at a communal table, his
cluding at-risk kids with emotional
disturbance and special needs, for Palisadian-Post
Published weekly since 1928 by the Palisades Post
kids would drink from someone’s more than 10 years, and so I know
881 Alma Real Drive, Suite 213, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
nearby beer bottle. Members of kids.  If parents don’t trust their Tel: (310) 454-1321  •  Fax: (310) 454-1078  •
the council sympathized and it be- teenage children to not steal, that Highlands neighbor, thanks
came clear the license wouldn’t be is a huge problem with a long list John Harlow Gina Kernan for trying to cool the block by
passed. of negative implications. Editor-in-Chief Managing Director
I was shocked. How could this The fact that in the Palisades leaving your refrigerator out-
man not notice his children drink- parents consider it normal to ques- EDITORIAL ADVERTISING side for the past three weeks.
ing someone else’s beer while they tion whether their teenagers have Steve Galluzzo, Sports Editor Nilanti Narain, Account Executive
Sarah Shmerling, Managing Editor Lena Ford, Account Executive Now maybe you can call and
sat 6 inches away from him? It’s the willpower to steal or not steal Matthew Meyer, Reporter Lia Asher, Account Executive
considered normal parenting for is outrageous to me. The most dis- Gabriella Bock, Reporter
have it disposed of? Obvious-
adults to watch and supervise their turbing implication here for me is Michael Aushenker, Contributing Writer ly, the regular trash pick-up is
children when out in public. Peo- these parents don’t trust their own Rich Schmitt, Staff Photographer
ple don’t watch their kids? abilities to supervise or effectively not taking it.  
I would understand that if Chi- educate their kids. Parents should GRAPHICS Ashley Crocker, Receptionist/Classified Ads
potle did not run a run a very tight be able to morally influence their
Michael Dijamco, Graphics Director Carolyn Morrison, Executive Assistant
ship in regards to alcohol. children and watch them while in
A few people stood up during public. That is not the responsibil- Adjudged a newspaper of general circulation to publish all official and legal notices of the City of Los Angeles, the Judicial District of Los Angeles, the School District of Los Angeles, the
The owners of the former Jack
the time allotted for community ity of Chipotle or any other com- County of Los Angeles, the State of California and for other state, county and city government jurisdictions of which the City of Los Angeles as a part under judgment rendered January
9, 1958, as modified by Order of the Court on August 7, 1959, and further modified by Order of Court on November 21, 1960, in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for
members in the audience to speak. pany. County of Los Angeles, Case No. SMC 6022. in the Box on Sunset should
I said I was thrilled because if I I am writing because this is a THE PALISADIAN-POST (USPS 418-600 4) is published weekly for $69 per year, by Pacific Palisades Post, 881 Alma Real, Suite 213, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. Periodicals postage
paid at Pacific Palisades, California. POSTMASTER: send address change to the PALISADIAN-POST, 881 Alma Real Drive, Suite 213, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. be embarrassed with how
want to have dinner and a beer at serious issue that needs to be given The Palisadian-Post is 100% owned by Charlie Loves Brooms and Molly Loves Peanut Butter, LLC.

the end of the day without paying some attention in the Palisades. they let that place go.  What
Palisadian, Vol. LXXXVI, No. 68  •  Pacific Palisades Post, Vol. LXX, No. 68
$30, I have to leave town and drive Julia Richardson did Jack ever do to you?
August 10, 2017 Palisadian-Post Page 3

PALISADES Neighborhood News ‘Torso Murder’

(Continued from Page 1)

The Village limited—but newspaper archives

paint a clearer picture of the in-
Gelson’s Reveals Serena vestigation that followed.
The LA Times reported that a
Gelson’s supermarket has removed “modesty sheets” from the pair of shoes and a purse found
cover of the August edition of Vanity Fair magazine. It showed a near the body were the focus of
pregnant and naked Serena Williams. Management had covered a “massive effort” to identify the
it up after a “handful” of local people suggested the image would woman, said to be between 20 and
hurt children. Gelson’s uncovered it again after the issue flared on 30 years old. Sgt. Edwards in the Times
local television and national social media, where the supermarket LAPD Detective Sgt. John Photo courtesy of LA Times
was accused of treating the black tennis champion differently from Edwards told reporters that he sus-
white celebrities who have adopted the same magazine cover pose pected the woman was from out And without ever seeing Go-
without being censored. – JOHN HARLOW of town, and that she was likely man again, there was always a
killed elsewhere and dead for sev- flicker of doubt: “We would al-
Pacific Palisades eral hours before she was taken to ways look for her face in a large
the beach. crowd of people.”
Back to School The front cover of the Pali-
sadian-Post that week featured The Amos sisters grew up alongside Goman. Photo courtesy of Amos family
The Amos family raised Go-
man’s son, who went on to attend
Another summer has sped by for students at Palisades Charter a lead story about the incident, University of Utah and serve 20
High School, with registration starting this week for the 2017-18 noting that local lifeguards had mother gave her up for adoption, She and Vicki recalled the years as a Navy pilot.
school year. assisted in gathering evidence for shared their memories with the pain of her failure to return, and Questions surrounding her
Twelfth-grade registration and orientation started Aug. 8, with the detective. Post for the first time. the days of wondering before den- murder will always weigh heavily
juniors, sophomores and freshmen reporting on Aug. 9, 10 and 11, In the Valley News of Van “Toni was a special cousin,” tal records provided by their father on the family.
respectively. Nuys, an officer likened the killing Vicki said. “She always made ev- finally proved Goman’s death. But their fond memories shed
The first day of school is Aug. 16—reflecting the Pali High to the horrors of the Black Dahlia erything more fun. “It took my sister Bobbie and light on a certain truth—Goman
Board of Trustees’ recent decision to start classes in mid-August for murder, a still-vivid memory for “When Toni was a teenager, I about 20 years to get over most left the world too soon, but the
at least the next three years. many Angelenos at the time. she spent time in her attic bedroom of the trauma of our loss, of our lives she touched while living
—MATTHEW MEYER Then the news went quiet, as listening to her radio and her 45 special cousin,” she later told the have assured that she’s far from
detectives searched for identifica- LP records. She also liked to draw Post. forgotten.
The Village tion, and life and crime continued
in one of the country’s most pop-
and sketch … she was a very good
Doctors Set Sail ulous cities.
In December, police used sur-
Bobbie, too, recalled Toni as a
fun-loving creative.
Sign of the Times
The Floating Doctors, an Optimist Club-sponsored nonprofit gical scars and dental records to “Toni was like the rest of us
organization, boarded their boats and set sail to Bocas del Toro, finally identify the woman as Toni cousins until she turned 12, 13,
Panama on July 31. Elinor Brown Goman, a 28-year- 14,” she said. “She then start-
Founded by Palisadian Ben LaBrot, the organization is respon- old who had traveled to LA from ed blooming into being a free
sible for providing free acute and preventative health care services Ohio with a male friend about a spirit. She would take walks in
to people living in isolated areas. week prior to her death. our woods—take off her top and
This year, the Optimist Club of Pacific Palisades helped a re- Police told the LA Times that [quote] poetry or sing.
cent Optimist Youth Home graduate named Victor Solorio achieve their investigation “would now be “Once she met a hunter com-
his goal to intern for the philanthropic organization. concentrated on her activities and ing towards her and she tells me he
Now one week into the program, LaBrot told the Palisadi- associates” since her arrival. turned tail and got out of there. She
an-Post that Victor has been an “asset” to his team as they hike A few leads emerged, but ulti- laughs saying he probably thought
through remote mountain villages and fulfill their mission to pro- mately led nowhere. she was a crazy person.”
vide fundamental health services for all who need them. Goman’s companion had re- Toni’s carefree youth gave
—GABRIELLA BOCK ported her missing on Nov. 4, af- way to an at-times troubled young
ter attempting to pick her up from adulthood.
Pacific Palisades a Beverly Hills hotel known for
seedy dealings. He had dropped
She battled with anorexia and
depression for some time as a teen.
her off at the hotel a few days pri- Later she became pregnant with a
Refreshed Optimists Board or, he told police. son, Arthur, in an ill-fated marriage
Kane Philips, of the Optimist Club of Pacific Palisades, named The man, identified only as to a man named Ron Birchum.
the new board, which will run from October 2017 to October 2018. a former Ohio State University She attended Ohio State Uni-
It is: President Ann Vogel, Immediate Past President, Jody Margu- student, had a record with Colum- versity, where her free mind led
lies, 1st Vice President Jed Peters, 2nd Vice President David Hen- bus police of assault and battery her to the frontline of pacifist and
wood, 3rd Vice President Sue Pascoe, Treasurer Al Greene, Peter charges. feminist movements. Goman was
Scolney, Naidu Permaul, Lester Wood, Dan Ackerman and Mike While police sought to ques- a founding member of the campus’
Kafka. ––JOHN HARLOW tion him upon his return to Ohio, Women’s Action Collective and an
they never gathered the evidence active member of a peer counsel-
The Village to issue a warrant for his arrest.
And that’s where national cov-
ing service for women.
In a letter to the Columbus
erage left off—detectives never Dispatch newspaper after her
Perini to Construct Caruso convicted a killer, and Goman’s death, a group of Goman’s fem-
Tutor Perini, one of the largest construction giants in the world, death slowly faded from the pub- inist peers called her a beloved
will be building Rick Caruso’s Palisades Village project over the lic memory, as so many victims friend, and named a women’s
next 12 months. The contract value has not yet been revealed. The tragically do. center in the area the Toni Goman
$4.2 billion-a-year firm is run by USC graduate Ron Tutor, a yacht But her memory didn’t fade Feminist Rape Crisis Center, in
enthusiast who was also briefly a Hollywood mogul. The compa- for her family; nor her peers. honor of her contributions to their
ny’s battles with Californian cities over billing questions have been And outreach by Post re- burgeoning movement. Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer
well-documented: Tutor Perini is embroiled in a $228 million dis- searcher Aleksandar Pavlović Goman’s association with the
New direction: After five years at 881 Alma Real Drive, the
pute over costs racked up prepping the LA-San Francisco bullet this month has uncovered more day’s political movements was a
Palisadian-Post—like so many historic and deeply rooted com-
train route. —JOHN HARLOW about Goman than the details of distant and somewhat abstract pur-
munity newspapers—has its own building identification sign in
her unfortunate end: a picture of suit to family back home.
the blue and white colors of the Pacific Palisades flag. Now read-
a free-spirited revolutionary, with But she remained deeply loved
Riviera impassioned ideals. by all.
ers, visitors and friends can find the town’s only weekly newspa-
per more easily in the heart of The Village. And there are many
Sisters Vicki and Bobbie Bobbie said that Goman was
Abrams Reconnects with Obama Amos, cousins of Goman whose considering moving to California
more changes on the way! —JOHN HARLOW

Palisadian film director and “Bad Robot” television produc- family raised her after Toni’s when she left on her trip.
er J.J. Abrams and his wife, Irish TV actress Kate McGrath, have
each donated $125,000 to the National Democratic Redistributing
Committee, a group backed by former president Barack Obama to
challenge Republican redistricting changes that disadvantage Dem-
ocratic Party election candidates. ROBBERY BURGLARY/THEFT FROM VEHICLE The suspects (#1-2 male, NFD) VANDALISM
Both parties do it, but, critics said, in recent years, the Repub- Sunset/Temescal Canyon, 1300 block of Avenida De entered victim’s home through a 700 block of Lachman Ln,
licans have proven more effective with the legal but controversial August 5 at 3:40 p.m. A 28-year- Cortez, between July 26 at 8 p.m. window and took a purse. August 1 at 10:30 p.m. The sus-
tactic. —JOHN HARLOW old male was arrested for attempt- and July 27 at 8:30 a.m. The sus- 17800 block of Tramonto, pect possibly fired a “BB” gun at
ed robbery after he attempted to pect entered victim’s vehicle and between July 26 at 12 p.m. and victim’s window causing damage.
forcefully pull a cell phone from took money and sunglasses. July 30 at 9:30 a.m. The suspect 500 block of Mt Holyoke,
victim’s hand. 18000 block of Sandy Cape smashed a glass door to enter vic- July 18 at 11 p.m. The suspect
Spotted in the Palisadian-Post: Dr, between July 30 at 9 p.m. and tim’s home. It was unknown what poured brake fluid into victim’s
March 19, 1970 GTA July 31 at 7:20 a.m. The suspect property was stolen at the time of car engine.
700 block of El Medio, July entered victim’s vehicle and took the report.
Center Will Receive Exercise Parcourse 28 between 2:30 and 3 p.m. The
suspect took victim’s vehicle us-
a briefcase and a surgical loop.
14700 block of Whitfield,
16700 block of Livorno,
Provided by LAPD
“Malibu Canyon should be a magnificent park, not a wall- Senior Lead Officer
ing key left in the truck. between July 25 at 6 p.m. and July July 28 at 10:30 p.m. The suspect
to-wall concrete gutter.” Michael Moore. In case of
Pacific Coast Hwy/Sunset, 26 at 10 a.m. The suspect entered (a 20-year-old Hispanic female,
With that expression as its rallying thought, the Save Malibu emergency, call 911.
July 30 between 2 and 3 p.m. The victim’s vehicle and took a watch. black hair, 5’6” 130 lb, driving a
Canyon Committee this week increases its campaign for dele- To report a non-emergency,
suspect took victim’s vehicle us- BURGLARY dark blue, four-door Nissan Alti-
tion of the Malibu-Whitnall Freeway from state blueprints. call 877-275-5273.
ing key left in the car. 800 block of Brooktree Rd, ma) took a package from victim’s
July 27 between 12 and 2:45 p.m. front porch.
Page 4 Palisadian-Post August 10, 2017

THU 10-11 a.m. Tai Chi for all ages with Elliot Barden. Rustic Robert Revere Eiermann

Laura Dadea Kuper

10 Canyon Recreation Center, 601 Latimer Road.
10-11:30 a.m. Tai Chi for Seniors. Loose, comfortable
July 13, 1921 - July 14, 2017
AUG clothing and shoes are recommended. Pacific Palisades
Woman’s Club, 901 Haverford Ave.
3:30 p.m. New Teen Volunteer Orientation for teens ages 14-18
R obert “Bob” Revere Eier-
mann was born and raised
in Brooklyn, New York to Frank
who are interested in getting involved—while earning volunteer Robert Eiermann and Blanche
service hours. Palisades Branch Library, 861 Alma Real Drive. Karr Eiermann.
An interest in STEM subjects
FRI 9:45 a.m. Community Chair Yoga with Alison led to his being selected to attend
11 Burmeister. Seated yoga and breathwork. $15 suggested Brooklyn Technical High School
where he was an active participant
AUG donation. Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club, 901 in intramurals, school clubs and
Haverford Ave.
3:30-5 p.m. Needle Arts Circle, hosted by Margaret Hatfield. other organizations. After grad-
uation, Bob served in the Army,
Palisades Branch Library, 861 Alma Real Drive.
stateside, during World War II.
While stationed in Florida,
SAT 7:30-12 a.m. CLEANup Event. Anyone 18 years and he met Stella Henrietta Pederson
12 over are invited to help clean up the abandoned homeless
encampments. Via Mesa Bluffs, Hiking Trails.
of Wilmar, Minnesota. They mar-
ried in March 1945 and had two
AUG 12-3 p.m. Summer Block Party. A street fair with face daughters, Susan and Lynda.
painting, petting zoo, hair braiding and more. Malibu Country After his discharge, they
Mart, 3835 Cross Creek Road. moved back to New York and Bob was active in a computer club
1 p.m. Saturday Movie Matinee. “A Street Cat Named Bob,” lived in Queens. Through the GI as well as the Planetary Society, Laura Dadea Kuper passed and at Santa Monica Emeritus
starring Luke Treadway and Bob the Cat. Palisades Branch Bill, he earned an engineering de- and spent time working on the away at her home surrounded by College exhibits. She learned to
gree in electrical engineering at family genealogy. her family on June 17 at the age play bridge and played all over
Library, 861 Alma Real Drive.
Brooklyn Polytechnic, now a part Family was important to Bob of 87. the Westside. She was a long time
8 p.m. Movies in the Park presents “The Little Mermaid.” of NYU Tandon School of Engi- and he was a strong provider and Laura was born in Milan, It- subscriber to the Disney Music Palisades Recreation neering. supporter of his wife and daugh- aly where she met and married Center and attended as many live
Center, 851 Alma Real Drive. In 1955 he and the family were ters. When he finished with the Polish Harry Kuper. They moved shows at the Hollywood Bowl and
moved to California by Hughes service, he earned his degree in to New York in 1949. She raised other venues around town. She
MON 9:45 a.m. Community Yoga with Alison Burmeister. Aircraft Company. He worked at the evening while working during two children and then returned to loved going to the shows at the
14 60 minutes of Vinyasa Flow. $15 suggested donation.
Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club, 901 Haverford Ave.
the Culver City facility and for the
aerospace division for 30 years
the day.
There were always family
school to earn a master’s degree.
She was a math teacher and coun-
Palisades Theater.
Laura loved living in the Pal-
AUG 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. “Exercise Prescription for Older until his retirement. During that trips and opportunities for the girls selor in the New York City school isades. Laura had suffered from a
Adults: What Should Seniors Be Doing?” Presented by time, he had the opportunity to to learn about the United States as system for 20 years. heart condition since she was a lit-
observe a satellite launch at Cape they drove across country to their Harry and Laura moved to tle girl; she underwent numerous
Palisades Alliance for Seniors, featuring guest speaker George
Canaveral, Florida. new home in California, and later Pacific Palisades in 1994. Laura heart surgeries and treatments,
Salem. Palisades Branch Library - Community Room, 861 When the family moved to visited the national parks and Cal- immediately became active in nu- but would always be a fighter and
Alma Real Drive. California they lived in Mar Vista ifornia missions. Bob always had merous organizations, including came back stronger and more de-
and then in 1963 moved to Pacif- his camera out to document fami- the Palisades’ “Newcomers,” Red termined than ever. She is also a
TUES 12:30-1:30 p.m. Tai Chi for seniors with Elliot Barden. ic Palisades where he and Stella ly trips and activities. Hat Women, book clubs, Chabad, breast cancer survivor.
15 Rustic Canyon Recreation Center, 601 Latimer Road.
3-5 p.m. N/E/X/T/Garden Volunteer Workday. Hand
spent the rest of their years. After
retirement, Bob was active with
Stella predeceased him. He
leaves a sister, Norma Burton of
B’nai Birth and Hadassah.
But she never stopped learn-
She loved to travel and ex-
plore sites and people all over the
AUG tools and gloves supplied. 310-383-5275. NE corner of the Palisades Garden Club, where Long Island, NY, daughters Lyn- ing, taking at least four classes world. She was totally devoted to
Temescal Canyon Park. Stella was president. da Eiermann and Susan Eiermann every semester at Santa Monica her children, grandchildren, and
3:30 p.m. Storytime for children ages 3 and up. Palisades He enjoyed photography and Olson (husband Jami), grand- Emeritus College. She made gor- her sister and extended family in
won a few awards. He was espe- daughter Kristin Olson Mundy geous jewelry and became an ac- New York, Italy, and Israel.
Branch Library, 861 Alma Real Drive.
cially talented at photographing (husband Kyle), grandson Jon- complished artist, not to mention Her smile and laughter will be
Stella’s beautiful orchids, as well athan Olson (wife Avery), and the best cook ever. deeply missed. Her love for life
WANT TO MAKE An Announcement? as other flowers in their garden. great-grandchildren, Olivia and She won many art awards will continue to inspire all who
Post your events at For many years of his retirement, Reese Olson. at the Palisades Branch Library knew her.


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Sports Thursday, August 10, 2017 Page 5

Nothing but Net

Torino Johnson Steps Down After 10 Seasons as Pali High Girls Hoops Coach
By STEVE GALLUZZO In March, the Dolphins reached their third straight Open Division
Sports Editor final but lost to Fairfax by two points in overtime.
Under Johnson’s guidance Palisades posted a stellar 92-28 record

here are no regrets for Torino Johnson, who has stepped down in Western League play and won four league titles. He earned the
as head coach of the Palisades High girls basketball program City Coach of the Year Award four times and was name Division I
after 10 seasons. State Coach of the Year by Cal-Hi Sports in 2016. He also grew the
While fulfilling his annual camp duties at Michael Jordan Flight Dolphins’ own Palisades Beach Invitational into one of the best high
School last Wednesday afternoon, Johnson confirmed that he will be school tournaments in California.
joining the women’s basketball staff at Cal State Los Angeles as an “None of my accomplishments would’ve been possible without
assistant under head coach Cheryl Miller. the help of others,” Johnson added. “The credit goes to George Rav-
“I’m so grateful to the Palisades community and the booster club, eling, Gary Colson, Jamallh Clark, Randy Aguirre, Jerry West, Ron
Charlotte Atlas who hired me and all of the families that have come Adams, Chip Engelland, Kevin Lorick, Metta World Peace, Lisa Sax-
through our program,” Johnson told the Palisadian-Post. “There are on, James Paleno, Sheldon Crowley, the Palisades Booster Club, my
big things going on in my life, a lot of different projects, and I’m very family, all of my players and all of my coaches. I’m thankful to all
excited about this new opportunity.” the people who helped me build the program like the maintenance
Johnson took the Dolphins’ program to new heights, racking up crew that kept our gym clean and all the programs that supported our
203 victories against 123 defeats and piloting Palisades to four City tournament throughout the years.”
Section championships: back-to-back Division II titles in 2011-12 and The decision to leave a program he poured his heart and soul into
back-to-back Open Division crowns in 2015-16. was a difficult one, but Johnson felt the time was right.
“Walking away from all of that wasn’t easy, but I’m a growth-ori-
ented person and this is a chance to work with one of the greatest bas-
ketball minds ever. Cheryl Miller is a Hall-of-Famer and I’m looking
forward to adding value to Cal State LA.”
Miller is an icon in women’s basketball, winning two NCAA titles
at USC and leading the 1984 U.S. Olympic Team to the gold medal.
Before taking over at Cal State LA, she coached at USC, the Phoenix
Mercury of the WNBA and Langston University in Oklahoma and
was a sideline reporter for 17 years with TNT. A four-time high school
All-American at Riverside Poly, she once scored 105 points in a game.
Johnson not only made a difference at Pali High, but in the summer
of 2015 he was hired to head the Los Angeles sector of USA Basket-
ball’s Youth Development program. He organized Saturday pick-up
games through an endeavor called “Open Court LA and coached USA
Basketball’s U16 girls team.
“The program was the first of its kind and I was honored to be able
to host it at Palisades,” Johnson said.
Torino Johnson, shown instructing guard Kayla Williams, notched Palisades has posted the job opening on its school website and is Torino Johnson led Palisades to four City titles and earned four
his 200th victory at Westchester in February. Photo: Steve Galluzzo accepting applications to fill the position. Coach of the Year awards in 10 seasons. Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer

Offensive linemen (left to right) Baraka Beckett, Syr Riley, TJ Michel, Ari Sallus and Cole Aragon will open up plenty of holes for Palisades High running backs this season. Photo: Steve Galluzzo

Work in Progress
Palisades High’s Offensive Line Will Be the Key to the Dolphins’ Success on the Gridiron
By STEVE GALLUZZO 4, 310 pounds), Baraka Beckett had in my six years here. Don’t in April, being bumped from un- Palmer understands that senior returner, and junior Daniel
Sports Editor (6-4, 285), TJ Michel (6-1, 260), get me wrong, we have tons of rated to three stars after taking games are won and lost in the Hayes, a transfer from Loyola.
Cole Aragon (6-3, 270) and Ari work to do, but if these guys get reps at guard and tackle. trenches and success is predicated “It’s all about us getting better

ow far will the Palisades Sallus (6-4, 285), who will give on the same page... look out.” Michel has looked good at the on protecting your quarterback. In each and every practice,” said Sal-
High football team go opposing defensive coordinators Although two of their best center spot in camp and Jack Esta- That was his primary job in 1978 lus, a first-team All-League selec-
this season? Well, for of- nightmares. linemen from last year graduat- brook and guards Frank Viramon- when he was the starting left tack- tion last year. “If there’s one thing
fensive line coach Larry Palmer, “If you were a defensive line- ed (Brandon Castro and Nathan tes and Jonathan Molina will also le at Granada Hills High, where I learned from last season it’s to
the answer is simple: however man, would you want to come to Campos), back is Riley, the West- get snaps under head coach Tim he blocked for a gunslinging sig- stay humble and don’t brag. I
far the five up front take it. the line of scrimmage seeing those ern League Lineman of the Year, Hyde’s “next man in” mentality. nal-caller named John Elway. think we’re better than last year at
The Dolphins boasted one of guys?” Palmer asked. “I doubt it.” and added to the mix is Beckett, Palisades amassed more than “I was a 6-foot-1, 185-pound this time, but we’re not satisfied.”
the best offensive lines in the City Once a prep lineman himself, a junior transfer from Windward. 3,400 rushing yards in 12 games senior when John was a junior,” Sallus is comfortable at right
Section last fall--a group that al- Palmer knows how intimidating Both have received scholarship and reached the City Section Di- Palmer recalled. “I protected his tackle, right guard or left guard
lowed tailback Innocent Okoh to size can be. Combine that with offers from numerous Division vision I quarterfinals last season. blind side.” and will also start at noseguard.
gain a school-record 1,965 yards. speed and agility and you have a I schools. Riley, who made the The Dolphins have loftier goals This year, Palisades’ front line “I like to hit and in football
The scary thing is Palisades formula for success. All-City second team as a junior this year: the outright league title will be assigned with protecting you get to hit on every play,” he
might be even better this year be- “I’m very optimistic,” Palmer in 2016, impressed at the Rivals and a berth in the City’s inaugural and providing ample time to throw said.
hind the likes of Syr Riley (6-foot- added. “This is the best group I’ve 3-Stripe Camp at Citrus College Open Division playoffs. for quarterbacks Jared Dodson, a (Continued on Page 6)
Page 6 Palisadian-Post August 10, 2017

Athlete of the Week

Coming Full Circle
Former Post Cup Winner Danny Westerman Now Coaches Tennis at His Alma Mater
By STEVE GALLUZZO “Denver was a green pro-
Sports Editor gram and a great place to get my
start,” Westerman said. “I loved

t isn’t often someone can say living there, I inherited a good
they have found their “dream team and I was able to keep the
job,” but Danny Westerman momentum going.”
is one of the lucky ones. During his nine-year tenure
Not only is he coaching ten- at Denver, Westerman led the Pi-
nis, the sport he loves, but the oneers to the NCAA tournament
Palisades High alumnus is do- five times, posting a 123-83-1
ing so at the University of Wis- record and earning ITA Moun-
consin, the school he loves and tain Region Coach of the Year
played for. honors.
DIEGO “This University holds a Westerman earned his bach-
HUTTEPAIN special place in my heart for me
and my family,” Westerman said
elor’s degree in marketing and
management in 2002 and his
after returning to Madison from MBA in 2005. He and his wife,
a recruiting trip last weekend. Elizabeth, a Madison native and
“There aren’t many coaches that Wisconsin men’s tennis coach Danny Westerman (center) fires his former Wisconsin women’s ten-
get the chance to coach at their team up before a match last season. Wisconsin Athletics nis letterwinner, have two boys,
alma mater and I want to give James (4) and Thomas (2).
back to the tennis program that the prestigious Ojai Tournament. strings, it’s all more advanced. “Yes, talent is important but
gave me so much.” “When I first got to Pali we The players are a lot bigger and I want someone who is going to
Westerman became Wiscon- hadn’t won City in a few years, faster. Even in my best shape I be a positive competitor,” Wes-
sin’s 17th men’s head coach in so winning it as a freshman [in wasn’t as well-conditioned as terman said. “You may be hard
A senior-to-be at Palisades High, Diego captured the singles 2015 and piloted the Badgers to 1995] was big, then trying to see these guys are now.” on yourself but can you stay
title of the New Balance High School Tennis Championships at their winningest season in six if we could do it four times in a Westerman enjoyed a stellar positive throughout the match?
Weil Tennis Academy in Ojai. Seeded No. 2, he dropped only years. His sophomore campaign row. That was the motivation.” playing career at Wisconsin, be- I want someone who is not go-
two sets in five matches, upsetting No. 1-seeded Adam Sraberg was even better and he begins Westerman, who lived in coming only the fifth three-time ing to bring anyone else down.
from Harvard-Westlake (ranked in the top 20 in Southern Cali- his third season at the helm with West Hollywood but attended All-Big Ten selection at UW Every college match is like the
fornia), 2-6, 6-4, 6-4, in the final. Diego won back-to-back City eyes on the Big Ten title. Palisades through the magnet and earning the Big Ten Medal final of a junior event. When I’m
Section Individual double titles (with different partners) before “It’s a constant grind—not program, was ranked No. 8 in of Honor in 2002. He finished in the living room, do you say
reaching the singles final last spring. He has helped Palisades a day goes by that I’m not out Southern California when he his career fourth in Badgers his- ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to your
win the last three City team titles. To nominate your favorite recruiting,” Westerman said. “I graduated with a 4.2 GPA. tory with 92 singles wins and parents? Do you look me in the
Palisadian for Athlete of the Week, email look in the Midwest first but we “I still keep in touch with his .634 winning percentage eye? Will you be respectful to
have a good mix of kids from all Coach [Bud] Kling, Artin and a ranked eighth in school annals me and your teammates? Those
over, including Florida, Ireland few other teammates,” Wester- at the time of his graduation. He things matter.”
and Spain. Half the players next man said. “In fact, Artin went to reached No. 16 in the national Westerman’s parents moved
Inexperience Is Concern for season will be my recruits, so
I’m excited to see how we do.”
my wedding and I went to his.”
A left-hander with a nasty
singles rankings and went 63-47
in doubles in his four seasons.
to Westwood in the fall of his
freshman year at Wisconsin and
Pali High JV Football Coach It’s coming up on 20 years
since Westerman won the Post
kick serve who liked to attack
and volley, Westerman was used
Even before his own career
was over, thoughts of coaching
his younger sister Julie, who was
captain of the girls team at Pali
Cup Award as the outstand- to being No. 1 in high school, but had entered his mind. High and went on to play No.
By STEVE GALLUZZO ing senior athlete at Palisades quickly discovered the college “At the end of my junior year 1 singles at UC San Diego, got
Sports Editor and yet that remains one of his game was a whole new level. I started paying close attention married in May.
proudest accomplishments. “It was very humbling once to what was going on,” Wester- “I think my [Post Cup] is at

very season presents its own unique challenges and one of the “That was really amazing,” I got to Wisconsin,” he said. “I man said. “Half my teammates my parent’s place,” Westerman
biggest ones facing the Palisades High junior varsity football he said, remembering his days in was playing No. 5 and No. 6 sin- were predicting I’d coach some said. “I still have all the newspa-
team this fall is inexperience. the blue and white. “To be rec- gles my freshman year. It was day and was like ‘You guys are per clippings from high school.
The Dolphins have only three starters returning and two of them ognized by your peers and your another step up the pyramid. The crazy!’ At that time I wanted to My sister made me a scrapbook
will line up in new positions, so head coach Ray Marsden knows his school is great and it meant all mountain keeps getting steeper. go pro.” in college. Madison is a fabu-
boys have their work cut out for them if they want to win their league. the hard work paid off. As far as The biggest change for me was Following his college ca- lous place to live. It was a cul-
“I’m hesitant to set unrealistic goals right now,” Marsden said. high school goes, I was able to the physical part.” reer, Westerman attained a world ture shock at first, but the people
“We have 57 kids, which is about the same as last year, but we have check off all the boxes.” According to Westerman the ranking in both singles and dou- here are amazing and everything
a ton of new guys. I’m pretty happy with the line, we have enough Westerman played varsi- game has changed dramatically bles as well as a Top 100 rank- revolves around the university.
coming back who know the sysetm, but we have some holes and the ty singles all four years at Pali since his Pali High days. ing in the United States. He had LA is great too, just different.
core guys are goijng to have to play both ways. High and helped the Dolphins “The athleticism is so much ankle surgery after he graduated It’s neat that Coach Kling is still
The returning starters are center Pedram Zamanpour, left guard win four City Section team ti- better now,” he said. “I was over and his prolonged recovery pro- at Pali. His son Ryan went to
Joe Huff and fullback/linebacker Will Clifford. Adam Cravens will tles. He won the City Individ- six feet, which is above average vided him ample time to weigh Wisconsin and I’d see Bud every
be the fullback and three sophomores (Tayari Gloster, Kalaan Day ual singles title his junior year height, but I’d be the shortest guy his options. He served as an as- year at the NCAAs.”
and Jared La Violette, each of whom saw action last year, will rotate and was the center piece of one on my team now. I was trying to sistant coach for three seasons at Will his boys follow in dad’s
at tailback. of Pali High’s best teams ever get to net a lot where now most Wisconsin, which led to his first footsteps? He said they already
Four newcomers will bolster the defense: ends Immanuel Newell in 1998, teaming with Artin Ta- guys stay back. From the tech- head coaching position at the are: “They watch all the sports
and Malachi Gregory and cornerbacks Alec Barron and Chandler fazoli to win the doubles title at nology to the equipment to the University of Denver. and they love Bucky Badger!”
Hooks. Palisades will have two varsity-caliber kickers in Tommy
Meek and Sebastian Conway-Burt and taking over at quarterback
is Nick Ghysels, who ran the scout team last year, although he’ll be
pushed by ninth-graders Forrest Brock and Sloan Senofsky.
“Every game this year will be close, defensive battle--I don’t see
any blowouts,” Marsden predicted. “We’re not taking anyone light-
ly, that’s for sure. We have two dates circled as revenge games--at
Granada Hills and Fairfax--and the Western League is always tough.”
Mary Lu Tuthill
home of the week
why take a chance with anyone else?

Offensive line coach Larry Palmer believes this is the best group
he’s worked with in his six seasons at Pali High. Photo: Steve Galluzzo

second-teamer who will also back

Work in Progress up Beckett at defensive tackle.
(Continued from Page 5) “Consistency is the key. We just
“The biggest guy on my high need to find our rhythm, whether it
school team was Blanchard Mont- be running up to the line , our ca-
gomery, who played in the NFL,” dence or putting our hands down

Paul Williams Treasure

Palmer said. “He was 6-3 and about faster. Coach Palmer told us the
235 pounds. That shows how much offensive line picks you, you don’t
things have changed. We couldn’t pick the offensive line. I played offered at $16,950,000
use our hands as much back then so baseball my freshman year, then I
there was less we could do.” wanted to be a tight end, but I like P o n d e r t h e e n c h a n t m e n t o f l i v i n g i n a n e x q u i s i t e Pa u l W i l l i a m s o n a g o r g e o u s a c r e l o t , w i t h s w e e p i n g o c e a n v i e w s .
Aragon likes left guard but will where I’m at. I’m a machine.” Located on prestigious Oakmont Drive, this small home could be expanded and remodeled into one of the most signif icant
play wherever the team needs him. Aragon said offensive coordi- and beau tiful homes in Los Angeles . The exceptional si te is a ref reshing invi tation to indulge oneself in an unpre tentious
Although he sees unlimited poten- nator Rocky Montz has challenged y e t p r i v i l e g e d l i f e s t y l e w i t h t h e w e l c o m e a r i s t o c ra t i c a i r s o p r e va l e n t o n t h e s t r e e t . A o n c e i n a l i f e t i m e o p p o r t u n i t y.
tial in his unit, he isn’t about to fall his team to rush for 4,000 yards this
prey to complacency.
“I’d say that last year we were
season and for that to happen, the
O-line must play a big part.
©2017 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Owned by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker, the Coldwell Banker
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great addition and he’s learning the ning back will be successful if we
plays,” said Aragon, an All-League open the holes,” Aragon said.
August 10, 2017 Palisadian-Post Page 7

In Good Hands

Sean Steele Courtesy of Don Steele

Sean Steele Swims to

NCAA Title at Emory
Campbell Ford recorded six
outs on 12 pitches in Palisades’
Caden Abraham had two hom-
ers and seven RBIs against the F ourteen months ago, Sean
Steele graduated from Pal-
isades High having helped the
opening game. Photo: Steve Galluzzo Potter Pirates. Photo: Steve Galluzzo
Dolphins win two City Section

PPBA 12U All-Stars Start swim titles.

Now the native Palisadian
has done the same thing at Emo-
Red Hot in Cooperstown ry University in Atlanta. The 2016
Pali High graduate swam distance

A ll summer the long ball has been the trademark of the Pacif- this year for the Eagles, who won
ic Palisades Baseball Association’s Bronco 12U All-Stars and the men’s NCAA Division III na-
they were back at it Sunday in the first two games of the Dreams tional championship for the first
time in the program’shistory. Ten-year-old Jesse Ettus catches a pass on Monday during youth coach Tharen Todd’s Summer Football Camp at Calvary
Tournament in Cooperstown, New York. Christian School. Among the alumni of Todd’s annual academy are former Palisades High quarterback P.J. Hurst, now at
Following a strong showing in the skills competition, where it Steele, who attended Calva-
ry Christian School from kinder- Tulane, and former Harvard-Westlake High linebacker Michael Mapes, now at UCLA. Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer
finished seventh and missed the finals by one slot and three-tenths
of a second, Palisades opened pool play Sunday morning doing garten through 8th grade, was on
what it does best. Tommy Farmer led off with a home run and Troy
Winkenhower, Caden Abraham, Davis White, Jack Richman and
the Pali High swim team for two
years and trained for four years U.S. Amateur Tees Off Monday at Riviera
Sean Nguyen all followed with round-trippers in the first inning. with Team Santa Monica (TSM). mateur golf returns to Fans are encouraged to walk
Later, Winkenhower homered again, Finn Johnson belted a grand He was recruited by Emory and Southern California on the fairways with the players
slam and Abraham, Farmer, Winkenhower and Richman combined the rest is history. Monday when Riviera Country and watch the action from an
to pitch a one-hitter with Richman inducing a game-ending triple Now entering his sopho- Club and Bel-Air Country Club “inside the ropes” perspective.
play in a 16-1 victory over the Ramsey Renegades of New Jersey. more year, Steele just flew to host the oldest golf competition in On Monday and Tuesday,
Afterwards, the father of a player from another team presented Thailand to begin training and to the country, the U.S. Amateur. each player tees off for 18 holes
Palisades with a Marine Corps challenge coin for its “classy” play take part incommunity service at The field of 312 players of stroke play (one round on
and sportsmanship. the ViengPing Children’s Home. will contend for the title won each of the two qualifying cours-
In its second game Sunday afternoon, Palisades racked up 25 Among the cities the Emory by some of the sport’s greatest es), after which the field is cut to
runs in four innings against the Potter Pirates of Maryland. Abraham team will visit are Bangkok, Chi- players such as Bobby Jones, the low 64 scorers. Six rounds
went three-for-three with two homers and seven RBIs, Jake Gross- ang Mai and Phuket. Included in Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, of match play begin Wednesday,
man went three-for-three with four RBIs and a two-run homer and the trip will be a boat tour of the Phil Mickelson and Tiger Woods ending with a 36-hole final Sun-
Nguyen blasted a grand slam. Richman pitched the first two innings legendary Chap Phraya River, a for the first time in Los Angeles day, Aug. 20.
and Campbell Ford pitched the last two, recording six outs on 12 guided trek through the hill coun- since 1976, when Bel-Air Country Club hosted it. The USGA is returning to Riviera for its third
pitches (all strikes), including back-to-back strikeouts to end it. All try of Chiang Mai and canoeing Among the 65 exempt players will be 2017 championship, the first being the 1948 U.S. Open
12 players got a hit, drove in a run and scored a run. and scuba diving in Phuket. U.S. Open low amateur Scottie Scheffler of Dal- (won by Ben Hogan) and the second being the
Monday was more of the same, as Palisades cruised past the Steele chose Emory for its las (who also won the 2013 U.S. Junior Amateur); 1998 U.S. Senior Open (won by Hale Irwin). In
West Chester Dragons from Pennsylvania 15-3, then blanked Pap- strong academics, particularly in Maverick McNealy, of Portola Valley, who just addition to the 1976 U.S. Amateur, Bel-Air hosted
pi’s Pride of Maine, 15-0. In the first game, Abraham had two hits biology, medicine and liberal arts. finished a decorated career at Stanford and played the 2004 U.S. Senior Amateur.
and five RBIs, Richman added two hits and three RBIs and Rowan He clocked a personal-best last week’s British Open at Royal Birkdale after Tickets are available online at www.2017us-
Jen pitched two shutout innings with two strikeouts. In the second 4:45.51 in the 500 freestyle Dec. 1 making the cut at the John Deere Classic the week Prices are $20 per day or $75 for a
game, Jen, Winkenhower and Abraham each had two hits while Jen, at the Miami Invitational. His PR before; and nearly everyone in the top 50 of the weekly pass. Military personnel and students re-
Nugyen and White each had three RBIs. Johnson, Davis and Farmer of 10:07.11 in the 1000 freestyle World Amateur Golf Ranking as of June 21. ceive free admission with a valid ID.
combined on a four-hitter. came in January in a meet against
Palisades improved its record to 27-7 after Tuesday morning’s Delta State; his PR of 16:28.18 in
17-1 triumph over the Eagan Wildcats of Minnesota. Its power was
again on display as Winkenhower and White had three hits apiece,
the 1650 freestyle was achieved
in December at the SCAD Invita- Gerry Blanck’s Dojo Keeps on Kicking
Nuguyen had two hits and six RBIs and Grossman added four RBIs. tional; his PR of 2:08.71 in the 200 hen he opened his dojo in
Nguyen was equally stellar on the mound, striking out four batters backstroke came Jan. 14 against Pacific Palisades 35 years
in three innings. Birmingham-Southern; his PR ago, Gerry Blanck had no idea
Palisades wrapped up pool play Tuesday afternoon against the of 2:35.06 in the 200 breastroke he’d still be kicking in 2017.
Pine Bush Bombers of New York. The playoffs began Wednesday. came in October against Queens Since opening his martial
Head coach Jim Ford’s talented Pony squad entered its final University; and he recorded his arts center in the summer of
tournament having hit 52 homers with 256 runs scored in 29 games personal-best time of 4:17.17 in 1982, Blanck has embraced the
(an average of 8.8 runs per contest) and seemed intent on capturing the 400 individual medley in De- community, sponsoring a PPBA
its fourth championship since the All-Star season started in May. cember at the SCAD Invitational. team every year, marching in the
Last year, Palisades’ 12U team won six of seven games to place In the summer of 2013, Steele Fourth of July Parade and teach-
in the top 16 and two years ago, under Coach Joe Collins, the 12Us joined Sunset Mesa resident and ing Yoshukai karate to hundreds
won nine straight games to reach the semifinals, tying for third out 2016 Olympian Jordan Wili- of local children.
of 104 teams--Palisades’ best finish ever in Cooperstown.  movsky at the Flowers Sea Swim On Saturday, he’ll celebrate
in the Cayman Islands, com- his 35th anniversary in style, be-
peting in the one mile and 10K
Chris Conte Back at Safety for Buccaneers events. The one-mile featured 900
ginning with a seminar featuring
World Yoshukai Karate Kobu-

P erhaps the two biggest defensive plays last swimmers and Steele placed 11th do Organization Directors and
season for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers were overall with a time of 18:35.99. 8th-dregree blackbelts Hiroaki Yoshukai karate blackbelt Gerry Blanck celebrates his 35th year in
made by Palisadian Chris Conte. His interception In the 10K, he was ninth out of 30 Toyama and Mike Culbreth, lo- Pacific Palisades on Saturday night at the Pearl Dragon.
return for a touchdown keyed a 36-10 victory swimmers in 2:19:55.30. cal kickboxing champion Baxter Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer
over the Bears, his former team, and the next One month earlier, Steele Humby and Grand Master Kat-
week he picked off an Alex Smith pass in the took second in the 500-yard free- suoh Yamamoto’s wife, daugh- two and $100 for three or more. The celebration culminates
end zone in a win against the Kansas City Chiefs. style with a time of 4:49 for Pal- ter and grandkids. The seminar is from 10 a.m. to with dinner and dancing at Pearl
Conte, 28, is eager to begin his third year isades in the City swim finals at Kids are welcome to par- 1 p.m. after which donors are Dragon (15229 Sunset Blvd.),
at safety for the Buccaneers after agreeing to a East Los Angeles College. ticipate in the workout and will invited to pay their respects to beginning at 7:30 p.m.
two-year, $5 million deal in March. The former Steele also swam in the 2015 receive karate medals. Tradi- Master Yamamoto at the Martial Those attending the museum
Loyola High standout played in 14 games in each Speedo  Sectional Champion- tional white gis must be worn. Arts History Museum in Bur- event can email Sensei Blanck
of his first two seasons in Tampa Bay. ships. Cost is $50 per person, $85 for bank from 4-6 p.m. at

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Page 8 Palisadian-Post August 10, 2017

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Pali Life Thursday, August 10, 2017 Page 9

By GABRIELLA BOCK are very temperamental creatures and one false

Reporter move can cause an entire hive to perish.”
Marck explained that such factors—along with

T his summer has been sweet to Palisadian bee-

keeper Eli Marck.
Last winter’s uncharacteristically wet season
pesticides and the pervasive Varroa mite—play a
large role in colony collapse, a phenomenon that
occurs when the majority of a colony’s worker bees
brought more plant life to bloom this spring, and disappear and leave the queen behind.
with the extra rainfall came more food for the busy Such tribulations brought Marck to seek out
workers of Marck’s business, Eli’s Bees. Nevada County bee biologist Randy Oliver.
“Last winter was good to all of us,” Marck told Oliver, who runs 1,000 to 1,500 hives in Cali-
the Palisadian-Post. “When the bees are happy, fornia and is a long-time contributor to the Amer-
humans are happy.” ican Bee Journal, agreed to take Marck under his
Bees—nature’s tiniest farmhands—are respon- wing under one condition: He wasn’t allowed to
sible for pollinating the planet’s rich variety of pro- wear protective gloves.
duce. Without them, humans would feed solely on a It was a stipulation that Marck continues to
nutritionally deficient diet of mostly rice, soybeans adhere to even four years after their lessons have
and wheat. concluded.
In the state of California, our booming almond “I still get stung every day, but after awhile
industry, alfalfa-fed cattle and sprawling fruit or- you just get used to the feeling,” Marck said with
chards require billions of bees to produce much of a laugh. “Randy taught me that good management
the food consumed by hungry people all over the leads to healthy bees—so I’m sticking with it.”
nation. In operation since 2013, Marck’s business has
From farmers to ranchers, bees are a natural seen exponential growth after starting out small
wonder. with 16 hives.
But for Marck—who studied architecture at To date, Marck keeps 140 hives throughout the
New York’s Columbia University—the interest in Palisades, Malibu and Topanga Canyon, with each
the flying insects came not by necessity, but by pure hive playing home to an average of 55,000 honey-
happenstance. bees.
After traveling to Chile for an extended surf A simple calculation revealed that the 31-year-
trip in 2010, Marck exchanged labor for room and old tends to an estimated 7.7 million bees—mean-
board with a South American beekeeper. ing Marck provides a home to 1.9 bees per every
It was there that he stumbled upon a fascination Angeleno.
that would eventually lead to his livelihood. And those numbers continue to grow every
“I didn’t plan to become a beekeeper,” Marck time the young beekeeper performs a removal ser-
told the Post. “At first it was just a hobby that I vice for another Palisadian apiphobic.
had picked up during my travels. But after my dad “Our company exclusively uses one-way traps
asked me to remove a swarm from his home, I kept to perform live bee evacuations for people all
the bees and began growing my hives right here in around the Westside,” he said. “We remove the fe-
Pacific Palisades.” ral bees from the undesired location and then incor-
Marck, who lives in the backcountry near Will porate them into our own hives here.”
Rogers State Park, explained that the Palisades’ cli- With so many able-bodied bees comes an ev-
mate is a “godsend” for beekeeping. er-flowing supply of nature’s candy.
Just on his property alone, Marck is able to After years of trial and error, Marck has finally
keep hives in multiple different micro-climates. found his “sweet spot” and is operating his person-
Nearby, attractive toyon berry—also known al honey factory at peak performance—a nearby
as California holly or the Christmas berry—plants restaurant has already purchased 1,000 pounds.
grow naturally beside a perennial creek while tow- He’s even preparing to set up shop at the Pacific
ering trees create a natural canopy that provide Palisades Farmers Market, where he can offer Pal-
shade for just one of Marck’s many apiaries. isadians a varietal taste of the unique honeys made
“This area has a rich botanical history,” Marck right here in our own backyard.
told the Post. “If you just look around you’ll see na- “Honey makes people happy,” Marck said with
tive plants—like the California pepper tree—grow- a smile. “I like making people happy. ”
ing right next to multi-story stalks of bamboo.”
Although a few feet from his property line, the For more information on Marck and his bees,
creek area was gifted to Marck by the late and loved visit
Palisadian environmentalist Ethel Haydon.
Marck later explained that the land was once
used for the Haydon family nursery and had been
instrumental in providing the landscaping for Disn-
eyland’s 1955 opening. Harvesting the sweet stuff Photos by Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer
If you venture a few hundred feet uphill to the
Marck residence, the sun sits closer to land with
arid features that feel reminiscent of an old Athe-
nian olive grove.
Apiculture’s long and celebrated history spans
all the way to Ancient Greece (and Rome, Egypt,
Mesopotamia, etc.) and has played a substantial
role in the diets of our ancestors.
Described as the “food of the gods” in Homer’s
“Hymns to Hermes,” philosophers Aristotle and
Democritus both maintained that people should
nourish the body with honey to keep themselves
long-lived and immune to disease.
Back in the Palisades, Marck produced 1,200
pounds of the sweet stuff last year—a quantity he
believes his bees will surpass this summer.
“The average harvesting season lasts Febru-
ary through June,” he noted. “But last winter’s wet
season has our production year running well into
But like in any specialized industry, Marck’s
yellow thumb didn’t come overnight.
“There was a period of a few years where I
killed every bee I had,” Marck told the Post. “Bees Busy workers The finished product
Page 10 Palisadian-Post August 10, 2017


The Tuck Room Tavern

10850 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Price: $$

Contributing Writer


Staff Photographer

U pbeat and social, The Tuck

Room Tavern creates atmo-
sphere on a large scale and then fans
out from there, providing a tasty Wagyu Beast Burger
menu that finds its greatest strengths
in its cocktail and dessert programs. Seared Atlantic Salmon and Mango + Habanero Baby Back Old Fashioned, Sugie’s Original at the late, great Ambassador Hotel comes in a pewter container, and
Located adjacent to the iPic Crispy Chicken Schnitzel Ribs Gimlet and The Tuck Mule in LA’s Koreatown. an Old Fashioned, a reliable bour-
movie theaters (formerly the Avco Also on the sweet side is Su- bon-based favorite that arrives with
Westwood) along prime Wilshire for you to stuff with delicious cuts nied by a dollop of hand-cut French neously sweet and spicy. The rack gie’s Original Gimlet, named af- orange bitters and makes for a solid
and Westwood boulevards, The of pork, radish, jalapeño and cilan- fries and catsup, this gourmet ham- of ribs is tender and plentiful but ter Howard Sugarman, owner of hard-liquor experience.
Tuck Room has only been open for tro. This is a bang-up way to launch burger definitely constitutes a meal, you’ll want to order a beverage to the Polynesian-influenced Tropics Hospitality here is also top-
a year and yet, entering the restau- your meal—very savory, satisfying both in intersecting flavors and in go with it because these glorious Supper Club during Hollywood’s notch, from our hostess and our bar-
rant, you feel as if it’s been around and definitely something that I portions. flavors will set your mouth on fire. Golden Age. This libation mixes tender to the general manager and
forever. would personally order again. Beyond the burger, try the Inevitably, all culinary roads your choice of gin, rum or vodka our servers. What The Tuck Room
Replete with relaxing atmo- If you feel like having a salad, Seared Atlantic Salmon, which ar- led to us partaking in Chef Yard’s with passion fruit juice and house excels at is creating an environment
sphere and lounge spaces, this tav- enjoy the Grilled Gulf Shrimp + rives on a bed of coconut jasmine signature specialty: the sweets. sour to excellent effect. where to bring a group of friends
ern delivers a familiar and inviting Beet, an excellent chevre-accented rice, flanked by garden vegetables We enjoyed Red Velvet Pav- We also enjoyed The Tuck space, quirkiness and unpretentious
vibe, despite its vast square footage bowl of greens brought to life by and tomato ginger curry. It’s a tasty, lova—a vivid volcano of red vel- Mule, a Moscow Mule, which whimsy are all in abundance.
and its existence as one-fourth of a big, bulbous shrimp, naval oranges, healthy way to go here. vet shortbread cake, raspberries,
high-end chain, with other outlets hazelnut and shaved fennel—all of Poultry-wise, you can order whipped cream and chocolate
found in New York City, Houston it flavored with a white balsamic Herb Roasted Jidori Chicken, with sauce—and Chocolate Hot + Cold,
and Miami Beach. vinaigrette. sweet corn, button mushrooms, chocolate gelato, chocolate pearls
The entire enterprise can be Entrees here average between cherry tomatoes, bacon lardons and cake croutons that comes with
credited to Chef Sherry Yard, a $22 and $26 per plate. Don’t come and jus. However, we went the a deep dark chocolate sauce pour.
James Beard-winning pastry chef here if you’re not packing a big ap- quasi-Viennese route and opted for Cocktails are strong here, both
and cookbook author who worked petite because portions run rampant Crispy Chicken Schnitzel, a big cut in alcoholic potency and in creativ-
with Wolfgang Puck for nearly two here, and no matter how hungry you of pounded chicken breast served ity. A pineapple-y drink housed in a
decades and crafted desserts at the are, chances are high that you’ll be with mixed greens, pee wee and shaved coconut called the Coconut
iconic Spago before bringing her taking leftovers home. purple potato salad, shaved cucum- Grove packs a tropical punch with
experience and expertise here. For instance, the Wagyu Beast ber, and red onion. its blend of Bacardi 8 Year Rum and
Yard and company keep the Burger lives up to its monstrous The hearty Mango + Habane- El Dorado 8 Year Demerara Rum,
menu tight on options yet varied. name: a hulking pile of quality ro Baby Back Ribs, which come Balsam American Amaro, and fresh
In terms of starters, there’s a great beef with aged cheddar, bacon jam, with spicy tangy coleslaw and hon- coconut water. This exotic, visual-
range of appetizers here, and all the crispy shallots, smoked ham, Ap- ey-glazed cornbread topped with ly exciting drink is inspired by the
plates that we sampled were better plewood bacon and aioli. Accompa- whipped goat cheese, is simulta- kind once served during Prohibition The Los Angeles Lakers Ron Artest (left) and friends
than average to excellent.
On the fair side, we enjoyed our
Mac N Cheese “Fries” platter— Dr. Sherri Nader
four fried sticks filled with maca- PSY 22116 / LCS 22848

roni and cheese and accompanied Licensed Clinical Psychologist

by a roasted tomato dip. They were Adjunct Faculty, USC
delicious, if not something we had Individuals / Couples / Families / Parenting
had before. Children / Adolescents / Teenagers
Better yet, for an amazing ex-
perience, be sure to order the Spiced Weekend Appointments Available
+ Sweet Pork Belly Wraps, a Viet- (310) 459-6350 • Pacific Palisades
namese-style board that arrives
with fresh, crispy leaves of lettuce

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August 10, 2017 Palisadian-Post Page 11

A Summer at the Post REEL pali Weekly Rescue Pets

NKLA Pet Adoption Center
Intern Palisades Connections 1845 Pontius Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
to Film and TV
(424) 208-8840 §
ummer break is the perfect
time to explore your interests. The NKLA Pet Adoption Center has adoptable dogs and cats
If you’re in college, this often
takes the form of interning, work- Bridges Plays ‘Wise Alky’ from featured NKLA Coalition partners, with $0 adoption
fees on select pets 7 years and older. All pets are spayed or
ing to gain experience in a partic-
ular field.
This summer, I had the op-
in New Indie Flick neutered, microchipped and vaccinated. All adoptions are
same day. Located in West L.A.; open daily 12-8pm; 1845
portunity to intern at the Palisa- By GABRIELLA BOCK Thomas’ world comes Pontius Ave 90025; (424) 208-8840. Learn more and watch
dian-Post and explore journalism. Reporter crashing down, however, after videos of adoptable pets here:
After writing for The Heights learning that his father is hav-
newspaper at Boston College, I
knew journalism was something I
wanted to explore further. At the
J ust like the Simon and Gar-
funkel song, Marc Webb’s
upcoming familial drama “The
ing an affair with a beautiful
and seductive woman named
Chato is an 8-year-old spunky senior who is quite possibly
Post, I have been able to write Only Living Boy in New York” Played by the alluring Kate the perfect best friend! He loves pool parties, relaxing,
about a myriad of topics, includ- follows a young, drifting New Beckinsale, Johanna quickly and when you are ready he's up for an
ing a local artist, a Palisadian li- Yorker named Tom. becomes the young man’s main adventure walk around the
brarian, stroke activists, the de- Played by Callum Turner, focus as he attempts to save his neighborhood. Chato is
bate over high school start times, Thomas Webb is a 25-year-old mother from the heartbreak of gentle and sweet, and he
a concert and a Palisadian educa- Photo courtesy of Claire Meylan aspiring writer with a lovely her husband’s infidelity. loves everyone he meets
tional business. Journalism is a girlfriend—and a chip on his In the process, Thomas and (charming them with his smile).
field that doesn’t get old—you’re experience journalism much more shoulder. his father’s mistress begin an He was in a home with a
always learning and writing about fully. As a result, I have become Living next door to Thom- illicit affair all of their own—a small dog and a dog his size
something new. a stronger writer, and am able to as is an eccentric author named relationship that upends the and enjoyed his stay! Chato
Many internships consist of write faster and more efficiently. W.F. Gerald—played by Pal- young man’s life and unearths would be a wonderful pet for
going on coffee runs, making cop- As my internship comes to a isades Charter High School the film’s poignant story arc. a first time dog owner, too.
ies and filing papers. While there close, I want to say a big thank alumnus Jeff Bridges—a man Also starring Pierce Bros- Adopt him at the NKLA Pet
is nothing wrong with interns you to everyone at the Post for who is one-part shrewd men- nan, Cynthia Nixon and Ki- Adoption Center for $25.
doing such tasks, I am extremely this opportunity. Everyone was tor, three-parts alcoholic. ersey Clemons, “The Only
grateful that my internship was incredibly friendly and support- Through their love of Living Boy in New York” is
not made up of these things. ive, which made my experience books and bellyaching, a the fifth film by “500 Days of Gloria
I spent my time at the Post enjoyable and fun. quirky friendship between Summer” director Marc.
writing stories, conducting inter- I want to say thank you spe- Thomas and Gerald soon blos- Be sure to catch this quint- Gloria is the sweet little
views, attending meetings and cifically to Sarah Shmerling, John soms over shots of aged whis- essential indie drama when it friend you have been
helping proofread the paper. It was Harlow, Matthew Meyer and Ga- key. hits select theaters Aug. 11. looking for! She is always
a unique and hands-on experience briella Bock for their guidance, a pleasure to be around
for an intern that allowed me to humor and support. with her relaxed and easy-
going personality. Gloria
is an affectionate and
cuddly lap cat! She loves
to be held and is just so
precious. Gloria is 10 years
old and ready to be your
best friend. Adopt her at
the NKLA Pet Adoption
Center today!

Turner and Bridges Photo courtesy of IMDB


Retired Rabbi, Kehillat Israel To me, the
Palisades resident since 1996 Post represents
the power of
community and
and the importance
of belonging to
something greater
than ourselves.

Photo taken at Kehillat Israel

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Page 12 Palisadian-Post August 10, 2017

What We Are Doing This Summer

The purpose of the camp was for
attendees to experience Air Force
Academy life while partaking in

Young Palisadians Find Their Own Camps their particular sport.

While he did have workouts
and some time to train for running,
By AVA KERKORIAN Greanias had even more fun hang-
Intern ing out with kids from all over the
country, as well as some from out-

N o two people are the same …

so why should any two sum-
mer camps be the same?
side of the U.S.
“Don’t get me wrong, the
camp itself was awesome,” Grea-
According to the American nias proclaimed, “but every day at
Camp Association, there are more 4 p.m., we were released and were
than 14,000 summer camps in the allowed to do pretty much whatev-
United States, covering a diverse Air Force camp friends Photo courtesy of Jake Greanias er we wanted until 11.”
assortment of interests, from a typ- Because the camp was located
ical sports sleepaway to a full-on The two-week camp was de- on the world,” he revealed. “The at a military base, Greanias said
circus camp. signed to help participants become things we learned were meaningful that it was fairly strict during his
Palisadian teens joined the more involved in their own par- to the point that they changed me. stay.
summer camp madness and found ticular community and help make But more than that, I was changed “But the officers weren’t as
camps that best fit their interests. it an overall better place. The by the people I met.” soulless as some would expect,”
Judy Zhang, a soon to be soph- Joey and his campers Photo courtesy of Joey Pollack coursework at the camp generally His last summer before his he shared. According to Greanias,
omore at Palisades Charter High covered the broad concepts of the senior year of high school, Jake the supervising officers could be
School, attended a camp at Stan- him. However, three weeks later, I traveling she did was for soccer economic, social and political de- Greanias, a member of Pali High’s surprisingly easy going and hu-
ford University to showcase her would not give up the memories I camps. Adewumni, who will be a velopments of the world. track and cross country teams, morous.
debate and public speaking skills. experienced in this time for all the junior at Pali High, enrolled in soc- “I loved the camp so much, but spent a week of his summer at the “My experience was over-
The camp was part of Junior State money in the world.” cer camps at Cal, USC, Georgia, because of the people I met, not the Air Force Summer Sports Camp in whelmingly positive,” Jake con-
of America Summer Programs, and Harrison Garff, a few weeks Alabama, North Carolina, Con- course itself,” Pollack recalled. Colorado Springs. cluded. “Hearing planes piloted by
the course she attended was about away from his senior year at Pali necticut, New York, New Jersey, “I came home, and I now have “I would definitely rather it students and drills all around was
speech and political communica- High, attended a two-week, in- UCSB, Princeton, Dartmouth and a completely different perspective lasted longer!” declared Greanias. actually a really cool experience.”
tions. tensive music camp in the moun- Brown.
A typical day was filled with tains of Idyllwild, California. The “I 110 percent enjoy these
classes and debate workshops, camp was called Idyllwild Arts, camps,” explained Adewumni,
which she said made it hard to and while there, Garff played as a whose average day at one of the
complete the large amount of part of a talented orchestra and got camps is jam-packed with soccer
homework assigned, which includ- advice from top notch coaches and from around 8 a.m.-9 p.m. “It’s
ed reading a 500-page textbook, conductors. exactly what I want to be doing—
writing a 12-15-page paper, a mid- A day at the camp consisted honing my craft, getting ahead of
term and a final. of multiple practices, lessons and my competition while they’re tak-
But all of the work didn’t rehearsals, all of which Harrison ing their days off.”
seem to dampen the experience said he enjoyed and that he felt he Another soon-to-be sopho-
for Zhang. “was able to excel musically and more at Pali High attended a sleep-
“At the beginning of this socially.” away summer camp, this one out
camp, the director said that it was Palisadian Aina Adewumni of state. Joey Pollack went to the
going to be the best summer of my traveled the country over her sum- Leadership Institute at Brown Uni- Soccer camp Judy Zhang celebrates with friends at the Stanford
life,” Zhang said. “I didn’t believe mer vacation, but almost all the versity. Photo courtesy of Aina Adewumni camp graduation. Photo courtesy of Judy Zhang

15415 W Sunset Blvd, Free delivery when you order $50 or more
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Photo courtesy of Ava Kerkorian

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I can’t live
boutique on Antioch St.

without my
Palisadian-Post Serving the Community Since 1928
August 10, 2017 Palisadian-Post Page 13

The Happy Faces That Say it All

A Photo Essay Around Palisadian Camps
by Palisadian-Post Staff Photographer
Rich Schmitt—As Promised Last Week, Week Two!
The pictures that need no words were taken at Perfect Day Surf Camp, Learn to Surf Camp, LA
Clippers Basketball Camp, Sportsmania Summer Camp, Gerry Blanck Summer Camp, Fitness By The
Sea, ATAM Summer Camp, Jr. Lifeguards, Sandy Day Beach Camp, Iverbe Sports Camp, Pali Tennis
Center Camp and Sinjin Smith Volleyball Camp. For more pictures, turn to Page 14.

By giving 10% of each commission to these charities

We have been fortunate enough to donate $534,222 since 2014.



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Page 14 Palisadian-Post August 10, 2017

More Happy Faces

(Continued from Page 13)


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BRENTWOOD | A Pe rfe ct Se t t in g PACIFIC PALISADES | Modern Mediterranean Estate PACIFIC PALISADES | Traditional with Contemporary Flare PACIFIC PALISADES | Contemporary View Home Lease
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PACIF IC PAL ISADES | Pacif ic View Estates BRENTWOOD | Quiet and Serene Co ndo W. HOLLYWOOD | WeHo Condo With C ity Views SANTA MONICA | Ocean, Mountain and Coastline Views
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J. Res p o n d e k 3 10.4 8 8.44 00 A . M ollica 3 10.4 9 9. 3 04 8 M. McMilla n 310.625.6466 D. Greene 310.403.0 634 Jon Brown 310.593.4351 Pa u l a Ross J o n es 310.880.9750

CRISTIAN E. DAVID, Vice President / Brokerage Manager

PAC IFIC PAL ISADES B ROK E RAG E | 310.4 54.0 0 80 SA N TA M O N I CA - Ve n i c e Bro ke ra ge | 3 10. 3 9 6. 55 00
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Sotheby’s International Realty and the Sotheby’s International Realty logo are registered (or unregistered) service marks used with permission. Operated by Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. Real estate agents
affiliated with Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. Sotheby’s International Realty CalBRE#: 899496.
Palisadian-Post Real Estate

Palisadian-Post Thursday, August 10, 2017 Page 15

Home Spotlight
L ocated in the 24-hour, guard-gated Ridgeview
Country Estates, this enchanting modern Med-
iterranean villa stuns with its unobstructed views
of the ocean and Tuscan-style vineyard. Built by
prominent architect Dan Lang, the spacious interior
has a vast, open concept design. Upon entrance, the
villa meets you with 31-foot-high ceilings, an opu-
lent entry with a spiral staircase, and an expansive
living space that melts effortlessly into the outdoor
living area and infinity pool. The family room and
bar is sure to be the center of all entertainment or
find a moment to escape to the private library/of-
fice. Enjoy dinner parties in the formal grand dining
room or create culinary masterpieces in the chef’s
kitchen that’s finished in rare Brazilian blue lapis
granite. Upstairs, the master bedroom and bath-
room comes with sweeping dual walk-in closets
and a secluded master balcony. This five-bedroom,
six-bathroom romantic Mediterranean villa offers
the perfect get-away feel all year round.

Address: 16300 Shadow Mountain Dr., Pacific Palisades, CA

Price: $8,750,000
Realtors: Cindy Ambuehl
Phone: 424-321-4947

To submit a candidate for the Home Spotlight, send an email

to with the subject line: Home Spotlight.


GorGEouS BrEnTwood ModErn 4 SunSET MESA 3

offered at $2,695,000 3.5 offered at $2,325,000 2.5
• Gated Modern with privacy & tranquility • Beautifully remodel w/refreshing style & quality
• Open floorplan & library/office upstairs • Ocean views from several rooms
• Private yard with resort-like setting • Master suite with office & spa-like bath
• Just minutes from everything • Large patio, pool, spa, garden area and dog-run


1422 MonTE GrAndE PL | 5 BEdS | 6.5 BATHS | offErEd AT $3,295,000

Set on a small cul-de-sac on a 15,000+ sq ft lot. Beautiful with large-scale rooms for entertaining. Soaring
ceilings and raw, thick wood beams. Perfect floorplan allows each room to flow into the other seamlessly, Two BLockS To ocEAn AvE 3 PrIvATE & SEcurE 3
eventually connecting to the resort-like yard complete with huge pool, spa, tiled patio, and bbq surround- offered at $10,000/month 3 offered at $5,800/mo 2
ed by lush planters and punctuated with a massive tiled wall fountain and a pool bath. The family room is
• Full guesthouse, large yard & lots of parking • Gated Huntington 3 blocks from Village
the heart of the house with a bar/pool room and kitchen/breakfast just off to either side. The lower level
has two en suites plus a powder, while the upper level boasts a lavish master, two additional en suites and • Close to all SM shops, restaurants, park • Charming sun-drenched courtyard
a spacious sitting area/office space. Over 6,000 sq ft. This home is one-of-a-kind. • Immaculate, charming & recently upgraded • Hardwood floors + beautiful wood accents
• Large living room + dining & family room • Grass yard surrounded by tall hedges

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Page 16 Palisadian-Post August 10, 2017


purchase has steadily diminished. It may be interesting to note between supply and demand. ly repeat itself, it could be expect-
For example, as of Aug. 1, 2016, that an even greater impact has Two particular areas are ex- ed that another cycle would begin
there were 108 Palisades homes been experienced in the local con- periencing the greatest degree of within the next six to 12 months.


available for purchase, whereas dominium market. Because it is upward pressure: The Alphabet Some factors that could initiate
this year there are only 68 avail- almost impossible to find a home Streets and above, and the Rustic/ this cycle include significantly
able. in the Palisades for under $1.5 Santa Monica Canyon area. Con- higher interest rates, higher inven-
By MICHAEL EDLEN been the relatively low cost of The inescapable economic law million, many prospective buyers versely, the areas currently expe- tory available for purchase and/or
Special to the Palisadian-Post money for a remarkably long time. of supply and demand will almost have elected to purchase a town- riencing the least upward pressure changes in government regulations
Although an increase in the cost of always result in higher prices un- home/condominium. As a result, are the Marquez and Castellam- or tax code, or major international

A lthough it may be difficult for

most people to conceptualize,
the median cost of a Pacific Pali-
money has been long anticipated,
interest rates still remain well be-
low the more typical six to 11 per-
der such circumstances. Overall,
median sale prices are 19 percent
higher than at this time last year
the market demand for condos has
proportionately been greater than
that for single-family homes. This
mare areas.
One obvious observation is
what could be termed the “Caruso
events. Only time will tell.

Michael Edlen has been care-

sades home has increased to nearly cent. As a result, a large number and the price per square foot is 12 has produced a relative shortage effect.” Properties closest to The fully tracking and analyzing each
$3.2 million. This equates to more of buyers have been able to obtain percent higher. of condos which has led to an in- Village tend to have the greatest neighborhood within the Palisades
than $1,100 per square foot, with loan approval at higher prices than Of course, there are various crease in median average prices by demand, and therefore have the for more than 20 years. He and
an average home size of 3,670 they would otherwise have. reasons why fewer people are 27 percent. greatest pressure on inventory. his team have an unprecedented
square feet and lot size of 8,560 The major reason for prices listing their homes today. These The general numbers dis- Since the 1970s, Westside 98+ percent accuracy 95 percent
square feet. The unprecedented increasing as much as they have include reluctance to pay capi- cussed above pertain to the Pali- real estate price movement has of the time in Palisades home
price level is clearly due to a few is that while the number of Palisa- tal gains taxes, uncertainty as to sades community as a whole. As tended to be in nine- to 10-year evaluations. He can be reached
well-identified factors. dian sales has remained relatively where they would live next and in most market areas, different cycles. Considering that the last at 310-230-7373 or michael@
The greatest fuel for the con- constant for the past few years, family pressure to retain the fam- sections of neighborhoods may downward moving cycle began in for a compli-
tinuing escalation of prices has the number of homes available for ily home. have greater or lesser imbalances 2008, while history may not exact- mentary consultation.

Condo Sales 27% Bump Pacific Palisades Home Sales

Special to the Palisadian-Post
The lowest sale price so far
this year was a two-bedroom, one-
bath on Radcliffe, which sold for
of raw land available, ranging from
3,700-square-foot lot on Posetano,
offered at $175,000, to $5.95 mil-
2017 vs. 2016
A s of Aug. 1, there were 68
single-family Palisadian resi-
dences listed in the Multiple List-
$1.5 million. The highest sale so
far this year was an exquisite new
home on Casale in the Riviera,
lion for several acres on Via Santa
Ynez. Two lots have sold this year.
There are now 61 available
January 1st – July 31st
ing Service, which is and aston- which sold privately for $32.5 mil- leases in the Palisades. They range Brought to you by Michael Edlen
ishing 37 percent lower than at the lion. from a one-bedroom, one-bath on
start of August 2016. So far this There are now 11 condomini- Sunset, asking $3,200 per month,
year, 150 Palisadian homes have ums/townhouses on the market. to a five-bedroom, six-bath home
Number Median Price per Average # Active as
sold, which is slightly lower (two They range from one-bedroom, on Posetano, asking $100,000 per Year Sold Sales Price Square Foot D.O.M. of July 31st
percent) than last year. There are one-bath on Sunset, offered at month.
now 38 homes in escrow in Pacific $589,500, to a four-bedroom, There have been 143 leases 2017 150 $3,165,000 $1,142 58 68
Palisades. four-bath penthouse on Sunset for so far this year. The highest lease
The average price per square $1.675 million. Seven condos are so far this year was a five-bed- 2016 153 $2,675,000 $1,019 62 108
foot ($1,142) is up by 12 percent currently in escrow. room, seven-bath on San Remo
over this time last year, and the There have been 41 condo for $85,000 per month and the
median sale price ($3.165 million) sales so far this year. The lowest lowest was $2,850 per month for
is up by a significant 19 percent was a one-bedroom, one-bath on a one-bedroom, one-bath on Sun- Statistical comparisons for 2017 vs 2016
now. Low inventory continues to Sunset, which sold for $589,000 set. The median was $7,950 per
be the strongest driving force be- and the highest was a three-bed- month. This is eight percent higher Number of Sales ............................................................................................................ 2 % lower
hind the increased market perfor- room, three-bath townhome in Sea than the median lease price at this Median Sale Prices .......................................................................................................... 19 % higher
mance. Ridge on Palisades Drive, which time last year. Price per Square Foot ...................................................................................................... 12 % higher
The lowest-priced available sold for $1.65 million. The median Average Days On Market ................................................................................................ 6 % shorter
home is a three-bedroom, three- condo sales price is $1.13 million, Michael Edlen, an agent with Active Inventory .............................................................................................................. 37 % lower
bath on Sunset at $1.695 million. which has increased by an amaz- Coldwell Banker, has been keep-
The highest-priced property is a ing 27 percent from this time last ing statistics on Pacific Palisades Statistics based upon M.L.S. records of Palisades single family residences only
seven-bedroom, 13-bath on San year. housing prices for the last 31 (Including Sunset Mesa)
Remo, asking $38 million. There are currently 14 pieces years.
August 10, 2017 Palisadian-Post Page 17

Back from the Dead: The Land Use Committee Kicks Off
By JOHN HARLOW ber Mike Bonin. He was able ble here, but the 35 community be proposed. Right now planners,
Editor-in-Chief to sketch out the political back- plans will roll out over six years. dealing with a housing shortage,
ground to many of the town’s in- They will be looking at the Valley are authorizing the safer additions

F rom commercial cannabis lo-

cations to “granny flats,” from
California Coastal Commission
frastructure complaints.
Gale said that re:code LA, the
city’s bid to rationalize building
before the Westside, so it’s some
time away.”
He said these may be con-
in return for developers building
more affordable housing.
The tangled issue of short-
woes to Airbnb conflicts: The codes that date back to the 1940s, nected with prospective Coastal term rentals, as through Airbnb,
newly revived Land Use Com- was in full swing, changing how Commission plan changes, which will also come up at PLUM in a
mittee of the Pacific Palisades planning rules regulate neighbor- since the 1970s, has laid down the bid to prevent the mass eviction
Community Council covered the hoods. law on properties within 1,000 of the poor and the creation of de
waterfront at its first meeting on “It is moving on from Euclid- yards of the beach—and saved facto mini-hotels, he said.
Thursday, July 27. ean spots on maps to modeling many beaches and other sensitive The question is how long can
The nine-strong committee, the types of buildings wanted in areas. But the plans are overdue an owner rent out a house before Ezra Gale Photo courtesy of the office of Mike Bonin
chaired by property law expert an area,” Gale said. “Rules regu- change. it becomes a hotel—180 days per
Howard Robinson, raced through
seven items on the agenda that
have all caused friction in the Pal-
lating R-1 (single-family homes)
structures will be subject to up-
dated community plans. That is
He said there will be new “lo-
cal coastal plans,” also known as
“applicable zones,” but that pro-
year, or 90 or 60? And how can
such rules be enforced?
Gale also referenced a city
What Is the Land
isades over the last year.
They were guided by Ezra
Gale, who has been, for the last
being rolled out area by area, and
that will be your opportunity to
say what you want to see in the
cess will reach hyper-gentrifying
Venice before the Palisades.
It could speed up planning
map highlighting where canna-
bis clinics could be built in the
Palisades after Jan. 1, 2018, only
Use Committee?
two years, a planning special-
ist employed by Councilmem-
future in your neighborhood.
“There is no specific timeta-
hearings from the current nine
months, closer to the old expecta-
tion of three to six months.
indicated two locations in Los Li-
But, as both are near the
I f you are building or redevel-
oping in Pacific Palisades, you
already have to deal with city
mendations to the board.”
The ambition of consistency,
deplored by Ralph Waldo Emer-
SINCE 1996 Gale said the long-running de- Westside Waldorf School, which planners and their ever-chang- son, prompted the only flare-up at
bate about granny flats will reach is not shown on the map, it seems ing re:code LA rulebook, maybe the LUC’s inaugural meeting on
the city’s Planning and Land Use as if the Palisades may remain the California Coastal Commis- Thursday, July 27.
Management committee later this cannabis smoke-free for a little sion down in Long Beach, the LUC member and Save the
INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT’S ELITE year, when new standards could longer. Design Review Board, which re- Bluffs campaigner Sarah Conner
views architectural changes in the requested that the LUC should
310-625-3443 FOR LEASE Open Sunday 2 - 5 p.m. commercial areas, and the Civic bake in a commitment to the Charming two bedroom, 1 ¾ bath
CalBRE #01153843
ranch style home, approx. 1581 sq. League, which looks over build- Coastal Commission guidelines
feet, in great location close to village ing ambitions in the central area protecting the Palisades.
and bluffs, complete with hardwood
FIND OuT yOuR hOmES vALuE INSTANTLy hERE: known as Tract 9300. LUC members, some of
floors, crown moldings, Living Room with sunny window seat and cozy And now comes along the Pa- whom are also professional plan-
fireplace, office alcove, open kitchen cific Palisades Community Coun- ning consultants, fretted about
and dining areas, outdoor deck per- cil, which as of July 1, has revived how building law evolves and
707 Wildomar
fect for entertaining, lush landscaping,
Pacific Palisades French doors leading to backyard,
its long-dormant Land Use Com- baulked at the Conner amendment
mittee. as potentially restrictive. The LUC
For appointment Mountain Views, basement and double
call Bonnie Burke garage. A sweet place to call home. It will meet once per month, kicked that can down the road, to
15115-½ Sunset Boulevard, Suite D at (310)459-3493 $6500 pER mOnth
just before the full PPCC meet- be considered in due course.
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
ings in the Palisades Branch Li- And so, the first bid to be truly
brary, and under chair Howard consistent already appears to re-
Robinson, will set out to take a semble Emerson’s hobgoblin. But
more-lofty than nitty-gritty view planning is nightmarishly slippery
of property developments in the and there will be other monsters
tapestry of concrete and drywall down the road.
that makes up the Palisades. Members of the commit-
Officially this means it wants tee include: Howard Robinson
to “help standardize and pro- (chair), Reza Akef, Richard Blu-
fessionalize the PPCC Board’s menberg, Sarah Conner, Gilbert
consideration of zoning and land Dembo, Rick Mills, Chris Spitz,
use-related issues by offering George Wolfberg and (ex-officio)
thorough, well researched and Maryam Zar.
consistent analysis and recom- —JOHN HARLOW

Janice Min
Co-President/Chief Creative Officer
of The Hollywood Reporter
There’s no
Palisades resident since 2010 story more
than what’s
going on in my
own backyard.

I can’t live
without my
Palisadian-Post Serving the Community Since 1928
Photo taken at Café Vida
Page 18 Palisadian-Post August 10, 2017

The Young Eye

Growing Up in The Bluffs

By CLAIRE MEYLAN houses are within a mile of the northern side. The view includes
Intern Palisades Village, making late- a stretch of coastline until First
night Yogurt Shoppe runs an al- Point at the Malibu Pier.

I f you were to draw a map of

Pacific Palisades, the most stra-
tegic way to break it up would
most effortless possibility.
As is a theme in the Palisades,
the Village Bluffs contains a mix
Facing the other way, you
can see the neon-flashing Ferris
wheel on the Santa Monica Pier,
be into its characteristic neigh- of older, small homes and remod- as well as local Will Rogers State
borhoods. After all, the Palisades eled, larger homes. As a result, Beach. Words do the view no
has 25-30,000 residents, a not- the neighborhood feels authentic justice, especially at sunset, so I
so-small community with a small and quirky, with its fair share of highly recommend checking it
town feel. one-way streets, traffic islands, out for yourself.
A Palisadian describing canyons and ocean views. As I head back east to Boston
where they live is as easy as nam- Warm relationships with for college, I can’t help but feel
ing a neighborhood such as The neighbors? Check. bittersweet about leaving sum-
Alphabet Streets, the Riviera or On my street, dog sitting and mer on the bluffs. Boston, with its
the Highlands. Each neighbor- babysitting for neighbors are American historical significance
hood has its perks, such as the common, as well as sharing flow- and charming brownstones, is a
secluded, wooded vibe of Rustic ers with sick neighbors and giv- pleasant place to be.
Canyon or the larger-sized lots ing graduation gifts. When a fire But the Village Bluffs—full
of the Riviera. And almost ev- broke out on the bluff, neighbors of ocean views, wildflowers, dogs
ery Palisadian believes their own watched the blaze together in the and breezy weather—is difficult
neighborhood is the best. middle of the street and shared to leave behind. No matter how
But I’m going to make the updates. long I’m gone, it still feels like
case for mine: the Village Bluffs. For years, my family has home.
The Village Bluffs—some- gifted zucchini bread and choc- Each Palisades neighborhood
times referred to as the Via olate star cookies with neighbors brings its own charm—so why
Bluffs—has been my home for 19 during the holidays. These are the not take the time to explore dif-
years. The neighborhood is quiet relationships that make the Pali- ferent areas in your own commu-
and relaxing, especially as you sades feel like home. nity?
move farther away from the Vil- My favorite of the neighbor- This not-so-small town is full
lage toward the bluffs. hoods perks is the stunning view of quirky neighborhoods and hid-
By 9 p.m., a surprising num- from The Point at the Bluffs, a den gems, but the Village Bluffs
ber of lights are out. Yet, the small park on the neighborhood’s will always be closest to my heart.

Deep flowering Photo courtesy of Claire Meylan

Ocean views Photo courtesy of Claire Meylan

Natural beauty Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer


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801 Via de la Paz • Pacific Palisades • 310-454-5529 Rabbi and Rebbitzen Eli and Elka Baitelman
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Rev. Msgr. Liam Kidney, Pastor There are services and programs daily for community
Fr. Dennis P. Mongrain, Associate Pastor members of all ages.
MASSES Please visit for our No. 2017176090 (Signed) BARBARA VANDEMAN, of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious
services & upcoming events. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Barbara Vandeman business name in violation of the rights of another
Weekdays, 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. The following persons are doing business as: President under federal, state or common law (see Section
Saturday, 5:30 p.m. (Vigil Mass) REALLY ROTTEN MUSIC; 833 Brooktree Rd., This statement was filed with the County Clerk 14400 et seq, Business and Professions Code).
17315 Sunset Blvd | 310-454-7783 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 of Los Angeles County on June 19, 2017.
Sunday, 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. July 27, August 3, 10, and 17 2017. KAREY KIRKPATRICK; 833 Brooktree Rd., Pa- NOTICE—THIS FICTITIOUS NAME STATE-
Holy Days, 8:00 a.m., 12 noon and 6:00 p.m. cific Palisades, CA 90272 MENT EXPIRES FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE No. 2017175181
Confessions every day at 5:00 pm. This business is conducted by an Individual IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUN-
Kehillat Israel Reconstructionist The registrant commemnced to transact busi- TY CLERK. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT
Sunday School, 9:30-10:30, ages 3-K The following persons are doing business as:
Congregation of Pacific Palisades ness under the ficticious name or names listed NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED PRIOR TO
Elementary Religious Education, Mon. 3:30-5:00 p.m. above: 06/2015 THAT DATE. The filing of this statement does not PROGRESS WEALTH ADVISORS; 6140 Oak
An inclusive, spiritual Jewish Community
Adult Religious Education, RCIA, Tues. 7:15-9:00 p.m. (Signed) KAREY KIRKPATRICK, of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Rabbi Amy Bernstein • Rabbi Nick Renner • Karey Kirkpatrick business name in violation of the rights of another PROGRESS WEALTH; PO Box 2010, Temple
15100 Sunset Blvd. • Pacific Palisades • 310-454-1328
Cantor Chayim Frenkel Owner under federal, state or common law (see Section City, CA 91780
Visit us at: This statement was filed with the County Clerk 14400 et seq, Business and Professions Code).
Friday Night Shabbat Services: 7:00 PM PROGRESS WEALTH ADVISORS, LLC; 6140
of Los Angeles County on June 10, 2017. August 3, 10, 17 and 24 2017.
Palisades Presbyterian Church Saturday Bar/Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Services: Oak Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
10:00 AM/4:30 PM MENT EXPIRES FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE This business is conducted by a Limited Liability
Reverend Grace Park, Associate Pastor Company
10:00 a.m. - Sunday Morning Worship Service Early Childhood Center: 424-214-7482 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The registrant commemnced to transact business
(Sunday School and Child Care at Worship Service) Jewish Experience Center: 310-459-1569 NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED PRIOR TO The following persons are doing business as: under the ficticious name or names listed above:
Preschool - Enroll now at 310-454-0737 For a complete calendar please visit: THAT DATE. The filing of this statement does not CREATIVE IMAGES CA; 1130 Galloway Street, 06/2017
16019 W. Sunset Blvd., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 (Signed) JOAQUIN STEVE SERRANO,
For complete information and upcoming events see: JAMES T CONLON;1130 Galloway Street, Pacific
business name in violation of the rights of another Joaquin Steve Serrano 310-459-2328 under federal, state or common law (see Section Palisades, CA 90272
This business is conducted by an Individual President
15821 Sunset Blvd. 310-454-0366 14400 et seq, Business and Professions Code).
This statement was filed with the County Clerk
August 3, 10, 17 and 24 2017. The registrant commemnced to transact business
under the ficticious name or names listed above: of Los Angeles County on July 7, 2017.
Palisades Lutheran Church
Traditional Worship, 9:00 a.m. (Childcare) The following persons are doing business as: James T Conlon IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUN-
Adult Bible Study, Sunday School, 10:15 a.m. BG CONSULTING; 1266 Calle De Sevilla, Pacific Owner TY CLERK. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS
Palisades, CA 90272 This statement was filed with the County Clerk NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED PRIOR TO
Contemporary Worship, 11:00 a.m.
Communion – 1st and 3rd Sundays PARTNERSHIPWORKS LLC; 1266 Calle
De Sevilla, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
This business is conducted by a Limited Liability
of Los Angeles County on July 6, 2017.
THAT DATE. The filing of this statement does not
of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious
5th Sundays – 10:30am Combined Worship
Preschool: Enroll now! (310) 459-3425 (310) 454-1321 Company
The registrant commemnced to transact busi-
business name in violation of the rights of another
under federal, state or common law (see Section
15905 Sunset Blvd • 310-459-2358 • ness under the ficticious name or names listed NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED PRIOR TO 14400 et seq, Business and Professions Code).
above: 04/2017 THAT DATE. The filing of this statement does not July 27, August 3, 10, and 17 2017.
August 10, 2017 Palisadian-Post Page 19

Local Realtors ‘Tell All’ Street was up for sale, I looked at

Wallace and said, ‘Well, that’s the
By GABRIELLA BOCK El Medio Bluffs area after getting Just like that, the couple
Reporter married in late ’80s, are integral bought the house on De Pauw
faces at Rodeo’s Pacific Palisades where they have remained resi-

T he relationships between real

estate agents can often seem
marred by competition and mar-
There, the two are a dynamic
sales force who delight in helping
dents ever since.
Stepping away from their role
as real estate agents, Leifer and
ket slumps. families find the right Palisadian Muller are a true renaissance cou-
But behind the “sold” signs place to call home. ple.
of Rodeo Realty’s Wallace Leifer And surprisingly, it Before entering the world of
and Francesca Muller is a Pali- wasn’t the market that moved residential real estate—or “retire-
sadian couple who hold the keys them into the neighborhood. ment,” as he called it—Leifer was
to marriage, moon missions and “I had attended DePauw Uni- a civil engineer who focused more
working together in a cutthroat versity in Indiana,” Muller told on commercial construction rather
industry. the Palisadian-Post, “and when than on homes.
The couple, who moved to the I saw that a house on De Pauw Such focuses even took one
Leifer to new heights.
As an engineer, Leifer de-
signed the Grumman Lunar Ex-
cursion Module landing gear used
by astronauts Buzz Aldrin and
Neil Armstrong during the 1969
Apollo 11 moon mission.
“I hid a photograph of my Talking business Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer
daughter, Lorin, in the inside of
the landing gear,” he revealed with “She really knows how to surroundings. another.
twinkling eyes. “And [because] talk to people and cater to their When asked if there was a “With that being said,” she
the equipment was left behind, emotional needs,” he explained. “secret” to working together as a continued, “it also helps that we
my daughter’s face has remained “Francesca is a true asset to have couple, Muller shrugged. both love the industry and the
on the moon ever since.” on board.” “For us it comes pretty nat- community we work in.”
Besides helping to ensure that Together, Leifer and Muller urally,” she explained. “After “It’s a win-win for all of us,”
America’s first-ever moon land- synergize their analytic and cre- 20-something years of marriage Leifer added. “There’s really no
ing was a success, Leifer is an ative strengths to cater to the we know what to expect from one other place like the Palisades.”
accomplished landscape and por- needs of their clients.
trait artist whose paintings hang And, according to Muller,
in galleries and homes all across some of those needs can change
California. overnight.
He’s even painted a fam- “Right now people want a
ily portrait of American rap- large kitchen, a home theater in
per-turned-actor/author LL Cool J the basement and an instant re-
and his wife. sponse from their Realtor,” Muller
And as for Muller, she’s got told the Post. “Like in any indus-
roots right here at the Post. try, real estate has been changed
Her grandfather, Herman R. dramatically by technology.”
“Doc” Klauser III, was an original Other client needs are time-
publisher of the Pacific Palisades less—like a well-maintained
Post before the newspaper merged backyard with ample space to en-
with the long-standing Palisadian tertain.
periodical. “Palisadian families love be-
Muller, who grew up in Los ing outdoors,” Leifer noted before
Angeles, has a celebrated history mentioning that he’d previously
in consulting and sales negotia- served on Potrero Canyon Park’s
tion—a quality that her husband advisory board. “You can tell that
said gives her an edge over the the people who live here hold a lot
Muller and Leifer Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer competition. of appreciation for our beautiful Admiring a Leifer original Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer

Let us help you


$38,000,000 |, Pac Pal | 7BD/13BA $6,950,000 | 20715 Las Flores Mesa Dr, Malibu | Land $5,250,000 | 1120 Monument St, Pacific Palisades | 6BD/5½BA
Elisabeth Halsted | 310.820.9340 Marco Rufo | 310.230.3765 Marco Rufo | 310.230.3765

$4,995,000 | 352 N Grenola St, Pacific Palisades | 6BD/7BA $4,995,000 | 336 Via de la Paz, Pacific Palisades | 5BD/5BA $3,885,000 | 625 Haverford Ave, Pacific Palisades | 5BD/3½BA $5,995,000 | 721 Latimer Road, Santa Monica | 4BD/5BA
April McKenna | 310.985.9625 Alexandra Pfeifer | 310.230.3776 The Feil Group | 310.230.3752 Isabelle Mizrahi | 310.230.3720

$3,795,000 | 629 Erskine Dr, Pacific Palisades | 5BD/5BA $3,495,000 | 1448 Cuesta Linda Dr, Pacific Palisades | Land $3,489,000 | 536 E Rustic Rd, Santa Monica | 4BD/3BA
Ellen McCormick | 310.230.3707 Gary Glass | 310.820.9343 Isabelle Mizrahi | 310.230.3720

$2,650,000 | 746 Swarthmore Avenue, Pacific Palisades | Plans in process $1,850,000 | 5814 Lantern Ct, Playa Vista | 3BD/3BA $1,695,000 | 16723 Sunset Bl, Pacific Palisades | 3BD/2½BA $7,500/mo | 706 Radcliffe Ave, Pacific Palisades | 3BD/2BA
Brian Bleak | 310.428.1112 The Feil Group | 310.230.3752 Marco Rufo | 310.230.3765 Ellen McCormick | 310.230.3707
©2017 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties (BHHSCP) is a member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates LLC. BHH Affiliates LLC and BHHSCP do not guarantee accuracy of all data including measurements, conditions, and features of property. Info. is obtained from various sources and will not be verified by
broker or MLS. Sellers will entertain and respond to all offers within this range. Buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information. CalBRE 01317331

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Page 20 Palisadian-Post August 10, 2017

Pacific Palisades
839 Via De LA Paz
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272



Sophisticated and Luxurious 2017 Construction in the coveted
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Room. Private backyard with pool/spa & grill. A fantastic home
27551 Pacific Coast Hwy, Malibu 126 N. Canyon View Drive, Los Angeles for the most discerning client. Square footage includes garage.
$9,500,000 $8,495,000
Desiree Zuckerman Elizabeth Broukhim 6 BEDROOMS 8 BATHS 7,700 SQ.FT
310.871.3903 310.689.8997 |

17470 Tramonto Drive, Pacific Palisades 11805 Henley Lane, Holmby Hills 3655 S Barrington Avenue, Mar Vista
$6,999,900 $2,900,000 $2,500,000
Ben Salem Candace Lazan ZiZi Pak
310.882.2265 310.497.8890 310.266.5032

710 Bay Street, Santa Monica 11333 Gladwin Street, Brentwood 10430 Wilshire Blvd #506, Wilshire Corridor
$1,899,000 $1,895,000 $1,699,000
Tregg Rustad & Peter Maurice Jimmy Heck & Ross Berg Tregg Rustad & Peter Maurice
310.623.8825 310.650.1116 310.623.8825

815 Hampton Drive, Unit 7, Venice 453 S Barrington Ave #203, Brentwood 2222 5th St #202, Santa Monica
$1,595,000 $1,398,000 $1,288,000
Jimmy Heck & Ross Berg Elyse Arbour Nicole Nash
310.650.1116 310.893.9388 323.428.6398

660 Marr Street, Venice 11952 Darlington Avenue #4, Brentwood 2339 34th Street #42, Santa Monica
$1,149,000 $1,095,000 $859,000
Joe Babajian Tam Nguyen Tregg Rustad & Peter Maurice
310.623.8800 310.691.9346 310.623,8825

1 2 Offic e s + 1 , 2 0 0 S a l e s As s o c i at e s
Rodeo Realty Inc. does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size or other information concerning the property provided by the seller or obtained from public records or other sources. CalBRE License # 00951359
August 10, 2017 Palisadian-Post Page 21

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Page 22 Palisadian-Post August 10, 2017

The Young Eye

Historic Bradbury House Sold for $12 Million
Childhood on Sunset Blvd. By SARAH SHMERLING
Managing Editor
The four-bedroom, four-bath-
room, 5,198-square-foot home on
counters and cabinets in quar-
ter-sawn oak.
By ERIC SEGALL Ocean Way features a two-story The property includes an at-
T he Bradbury House, located at
102 Ocean Way in the Santa
entry hall, exposed beam/hand
stenciled ceilings in most rooms,
tached two-story garage/guest
house, which was built in the

I lived on Sunset Boulevard for

six years. It is on the outskirts of
Pacific Palisades next to Malibu.
Monica Canyon neighborhood,
sold for $12 million.
On April 26, 1994, the house
a grand staircase with custom
tile work and carved oak mantel,
and a vintage chef’s kitchen with
1970s by architect Wallace Neff.
The 7,649-square-foot lot also
boasts a pool and ocean views.
There I hear rushing traffic, but was declared Historic-Cultural
that white noise is the same that Monument No. 594 by the city
helps me fall asleep. of Los Angeles Cultural Heritage
I lived in a small apartment Commission Cultural Affairs De-
building that many of my friends partment—which means the city
lived in. I was able to jump across recognizes the building as im-
the hedge or head upstairs in order portant to the history of the city,
to hang out with some pals. state or nation. The designation
Neighbors were friendly and I also makes the property eligible
was often invited in to sit and chat, for property tax reductions and
or allowed to conduct a water bal- allows the commission to object
loon fight all over the building. Pointing home Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer to the issuance of a demolition
Upstairs, Nancy was constantly permit for 180 days, among other
working on her jewelery and next and play. We would make our way in- conditions.
door, Trish was playing with her On the same road, there was side and exchange our greetings, A Spanish Colonial Revival
yorkie. Ronny’s Market & Liquor, where I but my favorite part was her back- residence, the Bradbury House
People were friendly and un- would purchase candy and a tea to yard. There is a koi pond, in addi- was built in the 1920s by re- Exterior Photos courtesy of MLS
derstanding that I was a child. It relax outside. tion to a wonderful birdbath that is nowned architect John W. Byers
was a community. Next there was Vittorios, always filled with hummingbirds. for Lewis L. Bradbury, Jr., the son
One block over on Mar- where there was my favorite Ital- They flutter about, drinking nectar of Los Angeles-based real estate
quez Boulevard, my friends and ian food. Sometimes we would get and relaxing in a haven. My sec- developer and mine owner Lewis
I would play at Marquez Charter delivery to our house when I was ond dog, Foxy, loved the backyard L. Bradbury.
Elementary School. There was a sick and other times we would and would play chase with me. The elder Bradbury commis-
huge playground where I rode my have birthday dinners there. It was—and still is—a place sioned the construction of the
bike, played on the equipment and On the other hand, my grand- of family. I am always excited to Bradbury Building in downtown
walked my dog. mother’s house was a little far- go there because I know I am go- LA—which in 1962 became the
It was a place that felt so dif- ther down on Sunset Boulevard. ing to see my favorite people. sixth ever building to be declared
ferent because I never went to I walked there with my mom and a Historic-Cultural Monument.
school there, but I knew it so well. my dog to visit her. I climbed up
The school was empty and I often the long steps to greet her and I am
would adventure to see other kids warmly welcomed with open arms.



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Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
2011 Top 100 Agents in Region
Our intern Eric The Bradbury House is a Histor- Serving Pacific Palisades/Westside since 1991 DRE #01088639
Favorite haunt Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer Photo courtesy of Eric Segall ic-Cultural Monument.


$9,350,000 $6,249,000 $3,295,000 $3,149,000
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Patty Cornwall (310) 454-1111 Eddie Kaye & Jill Jensen (310) 339-1668 Michael Edlen (310) 230-7373 Ali Rassekhi (310) 359-5695


$3,145,000 $3,089,000 $2,395,000 $2,325,000
Gorgeous 6+7, pool, spa & lush landscaping. Guard Gated. “Value Package” 5 + 4.5 + FR + Lib. Great VIEWS! Ocean view. Gorgeous inside & out. Energy efficient Smart Hm Beautifully done in & out with quality & style. Lrg yrd/patio w/pl, Also avail for lease $9995/mo spa. Unobstructed vu.
Lauren Polan (310) 573-7776 Sharon & John (310) 573-7737 Afrouz Nosratian (310) 230-2489 Michael Edlen (310) 230-7373


$1,675,000 $1,300,000 $13,500/MONTH $7,500/MONTH
Like a House. 2740 SF 4 BR 3.5 Bath, Single Level Updated Luxury Great opportunity end-unit over 2,700sqft w/ mtn view, prvt Spacious gated 5 bedroom home with pool & views of Santa Beautifully updated and 4 Bed & 1.75 Bath 2-story home in
Condo. patio, only 1 common wall. Monica Canyon in prime location. wonderful bluff/village location
Adam Katz (310) 230-2415 Aberle/Convey/Saenz (310) 612-3292 Ali Rassekhi (310) 359-5695 Lisa Hay Morrin (310) 968-3334

©2017 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Owned by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker, the Coldwell Banker Logo, Coldwell Banker Global Luxury and the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury logo
service marks are registered or pending registrations owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Broker does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size or other information concerning the condition or features of property provided by seller or obtained from public records or other sources, and the buyer is advised to independently
verify the accuracy of that information through personal inspection and with appropriate professionals.

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