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Timing:  Spring  Semester  2016    

-­‐‑  Class  Start:  Wednesday  10  February  at  1500  hours  UTC    
                   (each  week’s  material  will  be  released  on  Wednesdays  at  1500  hours  UTC)  
-­‐‑  Class  End  (last  assignment  due):  Wednesday  4  May  2016  at  1500  hours  UTC  

Instructor:   Dr.  Chris  Caplice  (    

Teaching  Team:    
    Prof.  Eva  Ponce   Dr.  Fredrik  Eng-­‐‑Larsson  
  Ahmed  Alawaji     Shruti  Banda  
  Xiaoliang  Yao     Kevin  Thomas  


This course is a survey of the fundamental analytic tools, approaches, and techniques used in the
design and operation of logistics systems and integrated supply chains. The material is taught
from a managerial perspective, with an emphasis on where and how specific tools can be used to
improve the overall performance and reduce the total cost of a supply chain. We place a strong
emphasis on the development and use of fundamental models to illustrate the underlying concepts
involved in both intra- and inter-company logistics operations.

The three main topic areas we will focus on are: Demand Forecasting, Inventory Management,
and Transportation Planning. While our main objective is to develop and use models to help us
analyze these situations, we will make heavy use of examples from industry to provide
illustrations of the concepts in practice. This is neither a purely theoretical nor a case study
course, but rather an analytical course that addresses real problems found in practice.

This is one of the five course required to complete the MIT MicroMaster’s Credential in Supply
Chain Management. A full explanation of the MicroMaster’s Credential can be found in the
separate FAQ in Course Information.  


CTL.SC1x  is  divided  into  eleven  weeks  numbered  from  week  1  to  10  with  the  11th  week  
containing  a  final  exam  that  covers  all  of  the  material  taught  in  the  course.    Prior  to  the  1st  
week,  we  will  release  some  information  on  course  logistics  and  background  material  that  
should  help  you  be  prepared  for  the  course.      

Weeks  1  through  10  are  the  course  content-­‐‑based  weeks.    Each  of  these  weeks  is  comprised  
of  a  number  of  sub-­‐‑sections  to  include:  

•   Welcome  to  the  Week  Video  –  a  short  (<2  minutes)  video  welcome  from  me  
providing  an  overview  of  what  will  be  covered  in  the  coming  week.      
•   Interactive  Lessons  –  each  week  will  have  2  lessons.    Each  lesson  consists  of  a  
bundle  of  short  videos  interspersed  with  Quick  Questions  and  discussions.    Each  
video  is  between  2  –  12  minutes  in  length  with  the  total  duration  of  videos  in  a  
complete  lesson  ranges  from  40  minutes  to  just  over  an  hour.    They  are  designed  to  
be  able  to  be  watched  in  one  sitting  –  but  do  not  need  to  be.    The  Quick  Questions  
within  each  lesson  are  not  graded,  but  are  designed  to  help  reinforce  the  concepts  
introduced  in  the  videos.    Some  weeks  will  have  an  optional  to  provide  additional  
assistance  on  difficult  concepts.    For  each  lesson,  you  are  able  to  download  PDFs  of  a  
complete  set  of  slides  (both  annotated  and  clean).    
•   Practice  Problems  –  these  are  problems  that  you  can  use  to  test  your  skills  on  the  
concepts  covered  in  the  lessons.    These  problems  are  NOT  graded  (which  is  why  
they  are  called  practice  problems).    They  are  solely  designed  to  help  you  learn  the  
concepts.  Verified  certificate  students  will  have  access  to  additional  practice  
problems  that  they  can  use  to  further  hone  their  skills.    All  practice  problems  will  
have  full  explanations.      
•   Graded  Assignment  –  this  is  the  only  graded  component  each  week.  The  
assignment  will  usually  consist  of  a  number  of  problems  and  may  include  a  data  set.  
The  Graded  Assignments  are  designed  to  assess  your  knowledge;  therefore,  there  
will  not  be  explanations  or  detailed  answers  provided.    Additionally,  in  some  cases,  
you  will  not  know  whether  you  provided  a  correct  answer  or  not.    Graded  
assignments  are  due  two  weeks  after  being  assigned.    THERE  ARE  NO  EXTENSIONS  
Graded  assignments  are  worth  60%  of  your  total  grade.      
•   Supplemental  Material    –  Verified  Certificate  students  that  have  been  successfully  
ID  Verified  will  also  have  access  to  supplemental  videos,  problems,  and  
documents.    These  materials  are  intended  to  round  out  the  supply  chain  education  
of  the  student  -­‐‑  but  are  not  covered  in  the  Graded  Assignments  or  Final  Exam.    As  
the  name  implies,  they  are  supplemental.      

The  11th  and  final  week  consists  of  a  Final  Exam  –  the  final  exam  will  be  a  series  of  
questions  that  cover  all  of  the  material  presented  in  the  course.  As  with  the  Graded  
Assignments,  the  Final  Exam  is  designed  to  assess  your  knowledge;  therefore,  neither  
explanations  nor  detailed  answers  will  be  provided.    Additionally,  in  some  cases,  you  will  
not  know  whether  you  provided  a  correct  answer  or  not.    Again,  THERE  ARE  NO  
EXTENSIONS  GRANTED  TO  THIS  DEADLINE.    The  final  is  worth  40%  of  your  total  grade.          


There  is  a  discussion  forum  on  the  website  that  is  designed  to  be  used  by  students  of  
CTL.SC1x.    You  may  use  this  as  a  forum  to  discuss  course  concepts,  problem-­‐‑solving  
approaches,  interesting  references,  New  England  sports  teams,  and  any  other  topics  related  
to  the  course  or  the  course  material.    You  may  also  use  it  to  ask  questions  for  the  teaching  
assistants.    However,  please  do  not  post  full  solutions  to  any  of  the  graded  assignments.    
They  will  be  removed  and  the  student  who  posted  will  be  contacted  and  dealt  with  
individually.    If  you  have  clarification  questions  on  any  Graded  Assignments,  send  them  to    This  is  meant  to  provide  clarification,  not  to  be  a  tip  line  or  source  of  
hints.    Please  observe  appropriate  online  etiquette  as  outlined  in  the  Forum  Guidelines  
posted  in  the  Course  Handouts  section  of  the  course  Info  tab.    The  course  staff  moderates  
the  forum  and  will  try  to  respond  to  all  queries  within  24  hours.        


The  grading  in  this  course  consists  of  Graded  Assignments  each  week  and  a  Final  Exam.    
There  are  10  total  Graded  Assignments;  one  each  for  weeks  1  through  10.    While  the  
number  of  questions  asked  within  each  week  varies  slightly,  each  week’s  Graded  
Assignment  counts  as  60%  of  your  total  grade.  The  Final  Exam  is  worth  40%  of  the  total  
grade.    You  must  score  at  least  60  percent  to  pass  this  course  and  earn  a  certificate.          


Online  students  who  achieve  a  passing  grade  in  CTL.SC1x  earn  a  certificate  of  mastery.    
These  certificates  indicate  that  you  have  successfully  completed  the  course,  but  will  not  
include  a  specific  grade.    Certificates  are  issued  by  edX  under  the  name  of  MITx.    For  this  
course  in  Spring  of  2016,  there  are  two  certificate  options:  Honor  and  Verified.    

The  Honor  Certificate  is  free.    As  an  Honor  Certificate  student,  you  will  have  access  to  all  
lesson  videos  and  slides,  quick  questions,  Key  Concept  documents,  and  most  of  the  practice  

The  Verified  Certificate  costs  $150  to  administer  and  requires  you  to  show  some  sort  of  
identification  during  the  semester.    You  must  be  ID  Verified  to  earn  the  Verified  
Certificate.    Verified  Certificate  students  have  access  to  additional  practice  problems,  
supplemental  materials,  and  occasional  live  discussions.    It  is  also  important  to  remember  
that  in  order  to  earn  the  MIT  MicroMaster’s  Credential  -­‐‑  you  must  successfully  pass  and  
receive  a  Verified  Certificate  in  each  of  the  five  SCx  courses  (CTL.SC0x,  CTL.SC1x,  CTL.SC2x,  
CTL.SC3x,  and  CTL.SC4x).    

If  you  are  just  interested  in  learning  the  material  -­‐‑  then  the  Honor  (free)  path  is  probably  
fine.    But,  if  you  wish  to  use  this  for  further  studies  or  certificates,  I  urge  you  to  consider  the  
Verified  Certificate  option.    You  have  limited  time  to  switch  to  a  Verified  Certificate  student  
–  you  should  get  ID  Verified  as  soon  as  you  register  as  a  Verified  Student.    See  the  edX  FAQ  
for  more  details  on  certificates  (­‐‑faq  ).          


This   is   a   fundamental   modeling   course   so   we   presume   you   have   a   basic   understanding   of  

high   school   level   math   (especially   algebra).     We   will   be   utilizing   some   more   advanced  
(college  level)  methods  involving   statistics,  probability,  and  optimization,  but  we  will  spend  
time   explaining   the   principles   involved.     However,   CTL.SC1x   is   not   designed   to   be   an  
introductory  methodology  course,  so  if  you  feel  that  you  need  to  brush  up  on  some  specific  
topics   (before   or   during   the   course)   I   highly   recommend   using   the   Khan   Academy  
(   ).     It   is   free   and   is   very   useful.     I   periodically   use   it   to  
refresh  myself  on  topics  and  techniques  I  have  not  used  for  a  while.      

We  also  assume  you  are  proficient  with  (or  at  least  vaguely  comfortable)  using  
spreadsheets.    You  will  need  to  use  spreadsheets  to  solve  many  of  the  practice  and  graded  
problems.    We  have  taken  great  pains  to  make  sure  that  all  functions  and  features  we  
demonstrate  in  the  video  lectures  and  require  for  the  problems  can  be  accomplished  in  
either  Microsoft  Excel  or  LibreOffice.    Excel  is  the  world’s  most  commonly  used  spreadsheet  
but  is  not  free,  while  LibreOffice’s  Calc  module  is  a  very  comprehensive  spreadsheet  and  has  
the  benefit  of  being  opensource  (i.e.,  free).    Week  0  contains  some  practice  problems  for  you  
to  brush  up  on  your  spreadsheet  (Excel  or  LibreOffice)  skills.    


There  is  no  single  textbook  for  this  course.    However,  there  are  many  excellent  texts  and  
reference  books  that  you  might  want  to  consider  looking  up  or  adding  to  your  personal  
library  if  this  topic  is  of  interest.  One  sad  note  about  books  on  supply  chain  management  is  
that  they  rarely  use  similar  notation  for  the  same  concepts!    This  is  a  long-­‐‑standing  
frustration  for  anyone  working  in  this  space.    We  will  be  consistent  within  our  class,  but  
chances  are  if  you  consult  any  text  on  Supply  Chain  Management  the  specific  notation  will  
differ  slightly.      

Here  is  a  list  of  reference  texts  that  I  find  very  helpful.    These  are  not  the  only  books  out  
there;  they  are  just  the  ones  I  typically  find  myself  referring  back  to.      

•   Silver,  Ed,  David  Pyke,  and  Rein  Peterson,  Inventory  Management  and  Production  
Planning  and  Scheduling,  3rd  Edition,  John  Wiley  &  Sons,  1998.    
•   Ballou,  Ronald,  Business  Logistics:  Supply  Chain  Management,  3rd  edition,  Pearson  
Prentice  Hall,  2003.    
•   Cachon,  Gerard  and  Christian  Terwiesch,  Matching  Supply  with  Demand:  An  
Introduction  to  Operations  Management,  3rd  edition,  McGraw-­‐‑Hill,  2011.  
•   Chopra,  Sunil  and  Peter  Meindl,  Supply  Chain  Management,  Strategy,  Planning,  and  
Operation,  5th  edition,  Pearson  Prentice  Hall,  2013.      
•   Daganzo,  Carlos,  Logistics  Systems  Analysis,  4th  edition,  Springer-­‐‑Verlag,  2004.    
•   Nahmias,  Steven,  Production  and  Operations  Analysis,  5th  edition,  McGraw-­‐‑Hill,  

Additionally,  in  each  lesson's  Key  Concept  document  that  summarizes  the  relevant  material  
we  will  list  specific  references  that  might  be  helpful.    I  hope  that  these  materials  will  be  
useful  to  your  learning  experience!  

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