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Name Age Profession Picture

Pratibha 44 Professional


Answer 1)Precision matters when it comes to adding and

combining ingredients. While basic math comprehension may get

you by in the kitchen, a thorough understanding of addition,

subtraction, division, fractions, measurements and knowing how to

make conversions are essentials for routine cooking and meal


Q2) Do you think that there is a need of mathematical logic

ANSWER 2) Math and the ability to tell time are essentials when it comes to cooking. In fact, all
phases of cooking require some math, including meal planning, grocery shopping, food budgeting,
baking, measuring ingredients, adjusting recipes, and storing and freezing food.

Name Age Profession Picture

Monika 17 Professional

Q1) Does the knowledge of mathematical concept aid the

understanding / skills of cooking?

ANSWER1) Yes, the knowledge of mathematical concepts do aid

the skills of cooking. It helps to make dishes with exact precision

Q2) Which are the areas in the kitchen that are based on multiple

mathematical concepts/ combinations of maths concepts`?

ANSWER 2) There are many areas in kitchen based on

mathematical concepts.


Most ranges have dials that display the cooking temperature of the

oven. In some countries recipe and oven temperatures are often

presented in Celcius whereas in others its on the Fahrenheit scale.


Weight often affects cooking time.

We also use math when cooking and baking to estimate the cost of a certain dish.

Name Age Profession Picture

Nidhi 33 Chef

Q1) According to your experience, is math really-really important

in careers like catering?

A1) Growing up, I hated maths. I should write that in capital

letters. I detest maths. Maths are kryptonite to me. I always

thought all I needed about maths was to know how to add,

subtract, multiply, and divide. I thought pursuing a career in

writing would lead me to a life without maths. I thought that

pursuing a hobby, and what is now a decent small business of

running a catering business would leave me to just deal with ratios

and proportions of ingredients and whatnot. But then came


The reality is that you can never avoid maths, no matter what

profession you choose in life. Every single career choice will always

boil down to the reality of dealing with mathematical equations

one way or another.

Q2) How do we use math while cooking food?

A2) While cooking food, rotis are to be made in a circular shape

and when cooking some vegetables, or anything, the ratio of the

spices has to be maintained, which again involves the use of


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