2017-8 Video Marking Guide

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PSY307 Applied Psychology – video marking guide


Title is to-the-point and predicts the content of the movie. Titles should not
be over long, too general, or promise what they don’t deliver.
Has a clear message Each movie must have a coherent issue or question within
it that has relevance to ‘real life’. The message must be related to the poster topic
but distinct from it.
Explains complex science such that the lay person can understand it.. It must explain
the research with sufficient clarity and in plain English so that it can be
understood by the general public. This criterion speaks to ‘public understanding of
Includes empirical research: The movie must contain empirical evidence from at
least one journal article. Students should use relevant published papers to present,
define, evaluate and synthesise material in their chosen topic area.
Evidence of ability to employ research data in a convincing way: Here students
will be graded on how well they can evaluate the quality and usefulness of the material
they present in their movie. They must identify relevant research and show clearly how
this research addresses their chosen issue. In some cases, a student may conclude that
research that ought to be helpful is not useful in practice. The key evaluation here is
whether the student shows that they understand the significance of the psychological
research in accounting for everyday behaviour. Less good posters may simply have a list
of Organisation:
2. papers with no convincing reason why
The organisation theyshort
of the werefilm
will This element of
be assessed the mark
could also be described as ‘critical evaluation’
be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the field here.
The video is no more than five minutes in length and no less than three
Structure of video: The actual ‘storyboard’ of the video will be assessed here. Does
the video have a clear structure that tells a cohesive story?
Flow of video: Does the video flow clearly? Does the video run smoothly without clear
disruption? Are their missing links in the argument? Does the content jump back and
Building of argument Does the movie follow a train of thought? Does it express a
coherent point of view?
Concision. The movie should not be over inclusive or too descriptive.

c) Use of appropriate sections/segments: Are there appropriate sections included in

theUse of media
poster, and are the sections included in the poster relevant in terms of the material

Use of video software: Students will be graded here on their ability to use their chosen
video software. Can the movie be played? Is it properly uploaded to Blackboard?
Are there errors in editing?
Video is visually attractive: The aesthetics of the video will be graded here. The
minimum requirement is for the student to display Powerpoint slides and add a
voiceover to this.
Voice over commentary corresponds with visual materials: A well-designed video
will ensure that the voice commentary corresponds well with the visual material being
presented on screen.
4.Style and delivery

Communication of central ideas: The style/method in which the student

communicates their central ideas will be assessed. This could be done orally, or as part
of the video with specific ‘add-ons’ or effects (e.g. text boxes, sub and surtitles)
Voice: Must be clear, audible and of reasonable rate.
Engaging presentation: As part of the style and delivery section, the ability of the
video presentations to hold the viewers’ attention will be graded. The pace must be
appropriate for comprehension.
Professional use of English. Avoidance of slang and incorrect grammar

Outstanding work

In work of this type there is scope for a student to produce work with certain
outstanding qualities. If the student shows these the mark may be increased by
one point at the discretion of the markers.

Creativity in appearance of movie

Creativity in choice of topic
Creativity in coverage of topic
Additional work such as data collection

Overall impression/grade: Written feedback from the markers justifying their

overall grade will be included here. Both markers will ‘sign off’ their agreed
grades for each video presentation. Paper feedback will be available in SHS
level 5 within the feedback deadline.
Abertay grading system:

Grade Definition Description of grade

A+ Excellent Demonstrates an excellent
overall grasp of the subject matter.

Excellent capacity for

original and creative

Excellent ability to critically

evaluate, analyse,
synthesise and integrate
complex information.

Excellent communication

Exceptional in at least one

of the above

A Excellent Demonstrates an excellent

overall grasp of the subject matter.

Excellent capacity for

original and creative

Excellent ability to critically

evaluate, analyse,
synthesise and integrate
complex information.

Excellent communication

B+ Very good Demonstrates a very good

overall grasp of the subject matter.

Very good capacity for

original and creative

Very good ability to critically

evaluate, analyse,
synthesise and integrate
complex information.
Very good communication

Excellent in at least one of

the above but overall
performance deemed to be
very good.
B Very good Demonstrates a very good
overall grasp of the subject matter.

Very good capacity for

original and creative

Very good ability to critically

evaluate, analyse,
synthesise and integrate
complex information.

Very good communication


C+ Good overall Demonstrates a good grasp

of the subject matter.

Good capacity for original

and creative enquiry.

Good ability to critically

evaluate, analyse,
synthesise and integrate
complex information.

Good communication skills

Very good in at least one of

the above but overall
performance deemed to be
C Good/ Demonstrates a good grasp
satisfactory of the subject matter.
Good capacity for original
and creative enquiry.
Good ability to critically
evaluate, analyse,
synthesise and integrate
complex information.

Good communication skills

D+ Satisfactory Demonstrates a satisfactory

overall grasp of the subject matter
but limited grasp in some

Satisfactory capacity for

original and creative

Satisfactory ability to
critically evaluate, analyse,
synthesise and integrate

Satisfactory communication

D Adequate. Achievement of all

threshold standards but
grasp of some subject areas
and graduate attribute
development may be more
MF Marginal Fail Performance just below the
threshold standard. A
reasonable expectation that
a pass is achievable by
reassessment without the
need to repeat the module.
F Fail Performance well below the
threshold level. Some limited
evidence of achievement of
the outcomes
NS No submission No assessment submitted
I Incomplete Assessment is incomplete due
to valid mitigating

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