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Address of DG Narciso S.

8 July 2017

Good Afternoon!

Thank you for the generous and well-prepared introduction.

At the outset, allow me to express my gratitude to PRES. Gersam

Balag, President, Rotaract Club of Santa Maria – Host Club, for
inviting me attend the 2017 Rotaract CLUB OFFICERS SEMINAR
AND TRAINING (COST) today. Today, I am pleased to meet and
address the Future Leaders of our society.

I just came from my successful and momentous installation last

night and despite the fact that I still need to rest, I could not say
no to your invitation and give importance to our activity today.

I am very moved to feel the affection and confidence that

Rotarians have shown towards me last night as I took my oath of
office. I thank all my fellow Rotarians who are with me on that
important event in the history of District 3770.

For the record, this is my first official Rotary function that I have
ever attended after my formal induction into office. I am fortunate
to be with wonderful young people, like you, and I have a feeling
now that I am in my youthful days.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that “The

world now has the largest generation of young people in history. I
place great hope in their power to shape our future.” I also take
that cue that that you, young generations will shape our future.
Time will come that we, the adult, will one day leave this world
and you, the young people, will take our place.

In taking our place, strengthening of Rotaract is one of my agenda

and part of the plans and programs of the District. This is in line
with the thrust of RI President Ian Risely to involve Rotaract, our
young leaders, to the world of Rotary. You are our gems, you are
our future.

I am hopeful and I can see in the near future that you young
Rotaractors will be future club presidents, district club offices and
ultimately be one of the District Governor. Thus, you need this
kind of seminar training to prepare you what lies ahead.

I challenge our district and club officers to endeavor of bringing

together adults ages 18-30 to take action in their communities,
develop their leadership and professional skills, and have fun.
We can do this if Rotary clubs sponsor them; if Rotary Club will
encourage them to form one thru the support of colleges and

When we trust young people, when we invest in them, when we

give them the opportunities, and when we train them just like we
have today – they will feel their importance and be ready for their

Helping today’s Rotaract become tomorrow’s leaders.

What we have today is an annual leadership training program of

the Rotaract District particularly focuses in empowering Club
Presidents and Secretaries through informative talks, reflective
exercises, inspiring sharing and engaging network-building with
their term classmates.

The 2017 Club Officers Seminar and Training with the theme
“Together we can make a difference” is envisioned as the 1st
phase of District Leadership training for Rotaractors. This is to
prepare you in carrying out your responsibilities; provide a review
of roles and responsibilities in accordance with the policies of RI;
set a forum where you can seek advices from veteran Rotaract
and Rotary Leaders and allow to bond and continue fellowship in
the district.

To the young leaders, I will just ask you a question?

When you hear the word leader, what image or name immediately
pops into your mind?

How is that belief transferred to you as young leaders? As I
thought about this, the responses I received when I asked this
some years ago were inspiring, thoughtful and empowering.

“Someone who never gives up and is responsible for their


“Someone who people look up to, and sets a good example for

“Influential. Makes leadership attainable, not positional.”

“A leader empowers others to individually and collectively rise to

their fullest potential.”

“They never stop learning, inspiring, supporting, questioning, they

lead by example and they empower others.”

“A leader is someone who inspires action through their vision and

uplifts others around them.”

To give you a glimpse of another face of what a real leader is to

bring you back to the Bible. One of the great young leaders is
David. This young man in the Bible did great things for the Lord
and a wonderful example to you, young people, today.

According to history and the Bible, when David fought Goliath he

is only 17 years old. His leadership and bravery is unequal in the
history of mankind because he was able to kill a lion and a bear
as a Shepherd boy, he is obedient to his father, God fearing, and
who really leads by example.

David was told by his father to take provisions to his brothers who
were fighting in the Israelite army against the Philistines. When
David arrived he heard the champion of the Philistines, the giant
Goliath, blaspheming the name of the God of Israel. David could
not stand that someone would speak evil of the Lord. He was
surprised that the army of Israel was not doing something about
the wicked threats against God.

Since David had battled lions and bears using his bare hands and
a sling, he figured he would do the same with Goliath.

He never have a second thought that he is too young to become a
soldier, he never had a thought he will lead the Israelites, he
never thought that he is too young to make a difference in the
lives of the Israelites, he never thought that he cannot do it, he
never thought that he too young.

David chose 5 smooth stones from the riverbed and rushed to

fight Goliath. With a single stone he was able to knock the giant to
the ground. Then David took Goliath’s own sword and killed him
by cutting off his head.

Regardless of your age you can make a difference in the lives of

the people you will touch. There may be Goliath that will hinder
you to perform your task as a young leader, but keep on fighting.
Age does not matter. Show to the world that age is not a
measurement of your contribution to your family, to the
community, and to God.

The secret is that if you are able to place your life in the hands of
God and allow Him to work. God is doing, and will do, a great
work in your life. He chooses to use people of all ages to
accomplish His purposes. How wonderful it would be to allow Him
to use you to accomplish great things for Him and for human kind.

I will be counting on you young leaders, the Rotaractors, to rally

behind the district, to be our partner in fulfilling our mandate of
serving humanity.

Thank you very much! God Bless us all and God Bless Rotary.

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