Bhagat Singh Vs Savarkar

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202017 ‘Bhogal Singh and Savarkar, Two Patios thal Tell Us the Dilference Between Hing and Hindutva The Wire is now in Hindi, too @RR Visit the Hindi website > RR The Wire is now in Hindi, too > WIRE Bhagat Singh and Savarkar, Two Petitions that Tell Us the Difference Between Hind and Hindutva BY THE WIRE STAFF ON 23/03/2017 + 72 COMMENTS The Indian revolutionary, who coined the slogan ‘Inquilab Zindabad’, demanded that the British send a military detachment to execute him by firing squad; the Hindu nationalist promised to give up the fight for freedom if released - and kept his word. 202017 Bhogal Singh and Savarkar, Two Palio thal Tell Us the Dlference Betwoen Hing and Hindutva ( / savarkar,jpg) Note: This article was first published on March 23, 2016, and is being republished today to mark Bhagat Singh’s death anniversary. Eighty-five years ago, on March 23, 1931, Shaheed Bhagat Singh and his two comrades-in-arms, Shaheed Rajguru and Shaheed Sukhdev were hanged in Lahore by the British colonial government. At the time of his martyrdom, Bhagat Singh was barely 23 years old. Despite the fact that he had his whole life ahead of him, he refused to seek clemency from the British as some well-wishers and family members wanted him to do. In his last petition and testament, he demanded that the British be true to the charge they laid against him of waging war against the colonial state and that he be executed by firing squad and not by hanging. The document also lays out his vision for an India whose working people are free from exploitation by either British or Indian “parasites”. Ata time when the Bharatiya Janata Party national executive has decided to make nationalism its rallying cry, it is useful to compare ttitude and vision of Bhagat Singh with that of the the patriotic Sangh parivar’s icon, V.D. Savarkar, author and originator of the concept of ‘Hindutva’, which the BUP sw rs by. Sent to the notorious Cellular Jail in the Andamans in 1911 for his revolutionary activity, Savarkar first petitioned the British for early release within months of beginning his 50 year sentence. Then again in 1913 and till he was finally tra hiips:thewirenr25657Ibhagat-singh-are-savarkar-aale-oftwo-pettons! ane eral tim rred to a mainland 282017 ‘Baga Singh and Savarkar, Two Petters thal Tll Us the Diference Between Hind and Hindutva prison in 1921 before his final release in 1924. The burden of his petitions: let me go and I will give up the fight for independence and be loyal to the colonial government. Savarkar’s defenders insist his promises were a tactical ploy; but his, critics say they were not, and that he stayed true to his promise after leaving the Andamans by staying away from the freedom struggle and actually helping the British with his divisive theory of ‘Hindutva’, which was another form of the Muslim League’s Two Nation theory. Reproduced below are Shaheed Bhagat Singh's last petition and the petition V.D. Savarkar filed in 1913. Shaheed Bhagat Singh’s Last Petition Lahore Jail, 1931 V.D. Savarkar’s Petition Cellular Jail, Andamans, 1913 To: The Punjab Governor Sir, With due respect we beg to bring to your kind notice the following:That we were sentenced to death on 7th October 1930 by a British Court, L.C.C ‘Tribunal, constituted under hiips:thewirenv2S657Ibbagat-singh-are-savarkar-a ale oftwo-pettons! To: The Home Member of the Government of India Ibeg to submit the following points for your kind consideration:(1) When I came here in 1911 June, I was along with the rest of the convicts of my ane soszo17 haga Sch an Sava, TWoP the Sp. Lahore Conspiracy Case Ordinance, promulgated by the H.E. The Viceroy, the Head of the British Government of India, and that the main arge against us was that of having waged war d against H.M. King George, the King of England. The above-mentioned finding of the Court pre- supposed two things: Firstly, that there exists a state of war between the British Nation and the Indian Nation and, secondly, that we had actually participated in that war and were therefore war prisoners. The second pre-supposition seems to be a little bit flattering, but nevertheless it is too tempting to resist the desire of acquiescing in it. As regards the first, we are constrained to go into some detail. Apparently there seems to be no such war as the phrase indicates. Nevertheless, please allow us to accept the validity of the pre-supposition taking hiips:thewirenv2S657Ibbagat-singh-are-savarkar-a ale oftwo-pettons! tone that Tell Us the Diference Between Hind and Hindutva party taken to the office of the Chief Commissioner. D” There I was classed as meaning dangerous prisoner; the rest of the conviets were not classed as “D”. Then I had to pass full 6 months in solitary confinement. The other conviets had not. During that time I was put on the coir pounding though my hands were bleeding, Then Twas put on the oil-mill — the hardest labour in the jail. Although my conduct during all the time was exceptionally good still at the end of these six months Twas not sent out of the jail; though the other convicts who came with me were. From that time to this day I have tried to keep my behaviour as good as possible.(2) When I petitioned for promotion I was told I was a special class prisoner and so could not be promoted. When any of us asked for better food or any special treatment we were told “You are only ordinary convicts and must eat what the rest do”. Thus Sir, Your Honour would see that only for special disadvantages we are classed as special prisoners. ane 202017 Bhogal Singh and Savarkar, Twa Pat it at its face value. But in order to be correctly understood we must explain it further. Let us declare that the state of war does exist and shall exist so long as the Indian toiling masses and the natural resources are being exploited by a handful of parasites ‘They may be purely British capitalist or mixed British and Indian or even purely Indian. They may be carrying on their insidious exploitation through mixed or even on purely Indian bureaucratic apparatus. All these things make no difference. No matter, if your government tries and succeeds in winning over the leaders of the upper strata of the Indian society through petty concessions and compromises and thereby cause a temporary demoralisation in the main body of the forces. No matter, if once again the vanguard of the Indian movement, the Revolutionary Party, finds itself deserted in the thick of the war. hips ihewireinr2S657ibhagalsingh-ard-savarkar-aale-ot-two-paiions! ters that Tall Us the Diference tween Hind and Hindiva (3) When the majority of the casemen were sent outside I requested for my release. But, although I had been cased (caned?) hardly twice or thrice and some of those who were released, for a dozen and more times, still I was not released with them because I was their casemen. But when after all, the order for my release was given and when just then some of the political prisoners outside were brought into the troubles I was locked in with them because I was their casemen. (4) If was in Indian jails I would have by this time earned much remission, could have sent more letters home, got visits. If was a transportee pure and simple I would have by this time been released, from this jail and would have been looking forward for ticket-leave, etc. But as it is, Thave neither the advantages of the Indian jail nor of this convict colony regulation; though had to undergo the disadvanatges of both. (5) Therefore will your honour be pleased to put an end to this anomalous si 282017 ‘Bhogal Singh and Savarkar, Two Patios thal Tell Us the Dilference Between Hing and Hindutva No matter if the leaders to whom personally we are much indebted for the sympathy and feelings they expressed for us, but nevertheless we cannot overlook the fact that they did become so callous as to ignore and not to make a tion in the peace negotiation of even the homeless, friendless and penniless of female workers who are alleged to be belonging to the vanguard and whom the leaders mei consider to be enemies of their utopian non-violent cult which has already become a thing of the past; the heroines who had ungrudgingly sacrificed or offered for sacrifice their husbands, brothers, and all that were nearest and dearest to them, including themselves, whom your government has declared to be outlaws. No matter, it your agents stoop so low as to fabricate baseless calumnies against their spotless characters to damage their and their party's reputation. ‘The war shall continue. It may assume different shapes at different times. It situation in which I have been placed, by either sending me to Indian jails or by treating me as a transporte just like any other prisoner. I am not asking for any preferential treatment, though I believe \s a political prisoner even that could have been expected in any civilized administration in the Independent nations of the world; but only for the concessions and favour that are shown even to the most depraved of convicts and habitual criminals? This present plan of shutting me up in this jail permanently makes me quite hopeless of any possibility of sustaining life and hope. For those who are term convicts the thing is different, but Sir, I have 50 years staring me in the face! How can I pull up moral energy enough to pass them in close confinement when even those concessions which the vilest of convicts can claim to smoothen their life are denied to me? Rither please to send me to Indian jail for there I would earn (a) remission; (b) would have a visit from my people come every four months for those who had unfortunately been in jail Iiipsifthewiren/2S657Iohagat-singh-ard-savarkar-aale- of two-pettons! ere 202017 ‘Bhogal Singh and Savarkar, Two Patios thal Tell Us the Dilference Between Hing and Hindutva may become now open, now hidden, now purely agitational, now fierce life and death struggle. The choice of the course, whether bloody or comparatively peaceful, which it should adopt rests with you. Choose whichever you like. But that war shall be incessantly waged without taking into consideration the petty (illegible) and the meaningless ethical ideologies. It shall be waged ever with new vigour, greater audacity and unflinching determination till the Socialist Republic is established and the present social order is completely replaced by a new social order, based on social prosperity and thus every sort of exploitation is put an end to and the humanity is ushered into the era of genuine and permanent peace. In the very near future the final battle shall be fought and final settlement arrived at. The days of capitalist and imperialist exploitation are hiips:thewirenv2S657Ibbagat-singh-are-savarkar-a ale oftwo-pettons! know what a ble g itis to have a sight of one’ and dearest every !(c) and above all a moral - though now and thei not a legal ~ right of being entitled to release in 14 years; (d) also more letters and other little advantages. Or if I cannot be sent to India I should be released and sent outside with a hope, like any other convicts, to visits after 5 years, getting my ticket eave and calling over my family here. If this is granted then only one grievance remains and that is that I should be held responsible only for my own faults and not of others. It is a pity that I have to ask for this — it is such a fundamental right of every human being! For as there are on the one hand, some 20 political prisoners ~ young, active and restless, and on the other the regulations of a convict colony, by the very nature of them reducing the liberties of thought and expression to lowest minimum possible; it is but inevitable that every now and then some one of them will be found to have contravened a regulation or two and if all be held me sono? haga Sch an Sava, TWoP numbered. The war neither began with us nor is it going to end with our lives. It is the inevitable consequence of the historic events and the existing environments. Our humble sacrifices shall be only a link in the chain that has very accurately been beautified by the unparalleled sacrifice of [Jatin] Das and most tragic but noblest sacrifice of Comrade Bhagawati Charan and the glorious death of our dear warrior [Chandrashekhar] Azad. ‘As to the question of our fates, please allow us to say that when you have decided to put us to death, you will certainly do it. You have got the power in your hands and the power is the greatest justification in this world. We know that the maxim “Might is right” your guiding motto. The erves as whole of our trial was just a proof of that. We wanted to point out that according to the verdict of your court we hiips:thewirenv2S657Ibbagat-singh-are-savarkar-a ale oftwo-pettons! sors at Tl Us he Diference Btwesn Hin ar Miniva responsible for that, as now it is actually done — very little chance of being left outside rem: In the end may I remind your honour to be so good as to go through the petition for clemency, that I had sent in 1911, and to sanction it for being, forwarded to the Indian Government? The latest development of the Indian politics and the conciliating policy of the government have thrown open the constitutional line once more. Now no man having the good of India and Humanity at heart will blindly step on the thorny paths which in the excited and hopeless situation of India in 1906-1907 beguiled us from the path of peace and progress. Therefore if the government in their manifold beneficence and mercy release me, I for one cannot but be the staunchest advocate of constitutional progress and loyalty to the English government which is the ane soszo17 haga Singh ond Savana, Two Pl had waged war and were therefore war prisoners. And we claim to be treated we claim to be shot dead instead of to be hanged. as such, It rests with you to prove that you really meant what your court has said. We request and hope that you will very kindly order the military department to send its detachment to perform our execution. Yours, BHAGAT SINGH Translated by the Shaheed Bhagat Singh Research Committee ( (nttp:// hiips:thewirenv2S657Ibbagat-singh-are-savarkar-a ale oftwo-pettons! tone thal Tell Us the Diference Between Hind and Hindutva foremost condition of that progress. As long as we are in jails there cannot be real happiness and joy in hundreds and thousands of homes of His Majesty's loyal subjects in India, for blood is thicker than water; but if we be released the people will instinctively raise a shout of joy and gratitude to the government, who knows how to forgive and correct, more than how to chastise and avenge. Moreover my conversion to the constitutional line would bring back all those misled young men in India and abroad who were once looking up to me as their guide. I am ready to serve the Government in any capacity they like, for as my conversion is conscientious so I hope my future conduct would be. By keeping me in jail nothing can be got in comparison to what would be otherwise. ‘The Mighty alone can afford to be merciful and therefore where else can the prodigal son return but to the parental doors of the Government? one 282017 hapa Singh are Sovarar, Two Pls tha Tel Us the Diflerence Btweon Hin an Mindiva Hoping your Honour will kindly take into notion these points. V.D. SAVARKAR (From R.C. Majumdar, Penal Settlements in the Andamans, Publications Division, 1975) What to read next: The Revolutionaries and — The Image That Became Congress Were Friends Part of Bhagat Singh's Not Foes in the Freedom Enduring Appeal Struggle 15/08/2016 In "History" 72 Comments © Recommend 48 28/04/2016 In "Books' The Wire B Share e Join the discussion... hiips:thewirenv25657Ibhaga-singh-are-savarkar-a ale-ofwo-pettons! Why Bhagat Singh’s Writings Remain Strikingly Relevant Today 23/03/2017 In"History" @ Login ~ Sort by Best ~ sone 282017 ‘Bhogal Singh and Savarkar, Twa Patios thal Tell Us the Dlference Betwoen Hing and Hindutva V.OAH TANARATAMA MURA "a year ayo Bhagat Singh is a LION who dared the bison Britishers to execute him by firing like any revolutionary. He is the mighty son of the soil that India has ever produced. We Indians have forgotten these stalwarts and are worshipping paper HERO who beg for forgiveness and what not. 17.0 v Reply + Share> dilip + a year ago A timely reminder that the Sanghi’s are artists in the practice of deceit. They wish to conflate Bhagat Singh's militant anti imperialism with Savarkar's fanatic communalism and his central role in the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. Here is what their avowed hero Sardar Patel said about that crime: "the centres of conspiracy were Poona, Bombay, Ahmadnagar and Gwalior... It was a fanatical wing of the Hindu Mahasabha directly under Savarkar that (hatched) the conspiracy and saw it through... in the case of a secret organisation like the RSS which has no records of membership, no registers etc., securing of authentic information whether a person is an active member or not is a very difficult task." (Patel to Nehru: Selected correspondence, Feb 27, 1948). To this end they have placed Savarkar's portrait in the Lok Sabha, thus making a mockery of the values of justice and decency. Bhagat Singh was a staunch anti-imperialist, Savarkar was a prime hate- monger. The difference could not be more striking, nor the sheer dishonesty of the Sangh Parivar in attempting to cover it up in the name of their fake patriotism. 21.4. Y= Reply » Share» @ _ -2vesh Mananthavady iye > ap - ayearago <=> Patriots (Bhagat Singh) vs Traitors (Savarkar) 6A v © Reply » Share» @ Gaurav Sawant + Jayesh Mananthavady ye + 3 months ago = Half baked knowledge doesn't give you the liberty to condemn the people who gave up their life for the country to be free for us.., Little might they have known that people will do something like this! 2 \ + Reply » Share > Internets Why was Lala Lajpat Rai killed in lathicharge and MK Gandhi remained untouched and unharmed despite leading number of protests? Why was Subhash Chandra Bose chased out of the country and Jawaharlal Nehru allowed to remain? \du + ditip + 3 months ago 2A v + Reply » Share > a tiipsifthewiren/2S657Ibhaga-singh-and-savarkar-aale-of-two-pettons! we 191 A dilip « a year ago 282017 ‘Bhogal Singh and Savarkar, Two Patton thal Tell Us the Dlference Between Hing and Hindutva v <=> Savarkar was acquitted in the Gandhi assassination case. AY = Reply » Share» @ yh P5191 - amonns ago Savarkar's worker confessed to everything when Savarkar died. We know now that he was a part of ‘the conspiracy. 3.0 |v «Reply + Share > @ 8 PA vsh - 3 mons ago <=> The Kapur Commission report was released. after Savarkar died, and is based on hearsay of hearsa A” Y «+ Reply + Share > Ayush 4 si91 + 3 months ago Nope. It is based on the testimony of his worker who admitted that the murderers often met Savarkar and that he was in on the conspiracy. y+ Reply + Share > Qt ee The two letters or petitions written by two revolutionaries in ™ disferent circumstances with different strategies and political outlooks. So comparing the two and denigrating or insinuating one against another is not good. It is quite bad even. That way suicide bombers do not write any petitions even. So their supporters can claim them to be the highest or topmost revolutionaries. Savarkar ‘wanted to live and let live - he wanted a compromise with the British Government at that particular juncture because he realized their so-called armed revolutionary struggle became futile, insurrection attempts got aborted and all or most of them were rotting in Andamans or other jails. The only way out was to compromise, come out and do best to mend the things by changing policies. You should know that until 1928 end, even Indian National Congress did not give out complete independence slogans while Savarkar and others used to give out such slogans from 1890s itself. Obviously their efforts were premature. As for Bhagat Singh he was motivated with a death wish. That only his death can ignite the flames of revolution in India and hence he wanted to sacrifice his life and decried all and any who wanted to have his sentence commuted, That may be the one reason why Mahatma Gandhi also hesitated to fully espouse his cause and demand commutation or put it as a condition for the talks, ete, because then he (Gandhi) would be betraying Bhagat Singh's wishes. Though Gandhi did not meet Bhagat Singh after death sentence was pronounced, itis remarkable that Sukhdev wrote a flamboyant letter to Gandhi about their death wish after the sentence was pronounced. So. tiipsifthewiren/2S657Ibhaga-singh-and-savarkar-aale-o-two-peitons! vane 282017 iferance Between Hind and Hindutva ‘Bhogal Singh and Savarkar, Two Petts tal Tell Us please don't insult our freedom fighters by such shallow comparisons. You should know that in those days the book "The First War of Indian Independence" by Savarkar was like a real bomb; real catalyst; real inspiration for thousands of revolutionaries including many communists (who have gratefully acknowledged that contribution too). In those days people used to spend Rs. 300/- per copy of the book (a huge amount then, equal to not less than 10-20 thousand rupees of today) and the only reward would be years of jail or transportation in Andamans if caught with the book in their possession. Certainly Savarkar in his, later days turned more of a rightist and worried more about the fate of the majority Hindu community at the hands of the British rulers and Muslim forces in India and abroad. And he in his later days was not of much consequence in the freedom struggle too. But the foundation he laid cannot be forgotten or minimized. To the best of my knowledge Bhagat Singh also had good amount of respect for Savarkar and I think he even translated or thought of translating that book "First War of Indian Independence" into Hindi or Punjabi, etc. Of course, this has to be verified. So, without supporting the later ‘deviation’ of Savarkar, I pay my glowing tributes to his contribution in the Indian national movement too. 15.A v ~ Reply « Share» e Sandeep Chawla ® mksharma62 + 3 months ago <> Kudos sir. Well written. It ignites the wish for some more reading about both individuals for a better informed opinion on the subject, which everyone in a democracy is entitled to have, though not necessary to share/air it. But once again thanks a lot sir for writing a scholarly piece. Ay = Reply - Share > @ _mesharmasz > sandeep chawia » 8 months ago <=> To set things right I should draw attention of, everyone to the fact that it was Prof. Hiren Mukherji, that doyen among progressive historians as well as, parliamentarians, a communist scholar, who firmly declared in the Parliament that though Savarkar was not associated with the Assembly or Parliament in any way, the country and the Parliament should find a way to revere his memory and install a memorial for him in the Parliament. He insisted for a resolution by Parliament mourning his passing away. We should learn a bit from Irish examples. Irish Free State and Republican forces led by de Valera were in, a cut-throat civil war. In the initial phases the Irish Free State was successful though it lost many luminaries including the great Michael Collins, the indomitable fighter and leader for Trish freedom but who was the key man in the Irish Free State and a Iiipsifthewiren/2S657Iohagat-singh-ard-savarkar-aale- of two-pettons! rane 282017 ‘Bhogal Singh and Savarkar, Two Patios thal Tell Us the Dlference Between Hing and Hindutva sort of military genius. However, though obviously see more 1A © Reply + Share» @ cro eset ae A questior MM hagat singh’s letter isthe reflection of his grandeur. Talking about Savarkar, was that his only petition or letter? Author wants to prove a point of ridiculing Hindutva concept but he doesn't clearly make his point as these letters are of different subjects and cannot be compared merely by putting beside each other. Savarkar is not talking about Hindutva in the letter at all... If author wants to compare two revolutionary then he made his point that Bhagat singh was a better revolutionary. But The comparition of concept of Hind and Hindutva doesn't come out in the article! Sadly this is just another example of media people putting a fancy or provocation headline without a real argument to prove it. If author wants to just attract audience then he was successful. Ceei dit, T want to thank the author for bringing Bhagat singh's letter in the common media. 12.0 v « Reply = Share> @ Prem Panwar + onetwotree «a yearago <=> It's great insult of this country having installed in the temple of democracy the statue of a person with such a dubious background 2A Vv + Roply + Share» @ _Nerendera + Prem Panwar + ayear ago <= The greatest insult of this country was done by communist LEADERS like DANGE who approached to STALIN to invade INDIA . ------ Communists never never participated in QUIT INDIA movement . they assisted BRITISH 1A \ © Reply + Share > e logicandfacts * Narendera » 3 months ago <=> Neither did the Sangh. Infact, they refused to hoist the Indian Flag till much after Independence. 1A © Reply + Share» conetwothree Prem Panwar* a yearago Prem panwar, that is another issue... Nothing to do. with the ideological concept which are being compared. Putting status of people is un Democratic in first place. It's devinification of politicians in the tiipsifthewireinv2S657Iohaga-singh-and-savarkar-aale-of-two-pettons! vane 282017 ‘Bhogal Singh and Savarkar, Two Patios thal Tell Us the Dlference Between Hing and Hindutva “temple of democracy". In a democracy all point of view has their place to be presented. It could be hard line Hindutva supporter or a Marxists. They are as much part of our political history as other Congress men. But once again. The total of the article says something else and the article proves something else, Av = Reply - Share > @ _bitertrutn + onewotnres -ayear ago <> wee all understand that point the main point savkar all last 40 years bag for "mafi"He even opposed “quit india"moment. He even opposed free india. how can you even considered a patriotic indian. He was weak. Hindutva has nothing to do with free india moment. Ay = Reply + Share > ‘Atul Dwivedi » a year ago and bhakts and our feku PM worship savarkar QA v © Reply » Share» Nitesh Jain - a year ago the wire staff , my humblest apologies 1am no intellectual as compared to the finest brains that your team constitutes of. Your team is capable and sound enough to be termed as that of intellectuals , but your this post does not show me any real sign of maturity and sanity. my little, petty sense of judgement compels me to speak in accordance with my view. your this post isn't anything which could be termed as of "honest and unconventional journalism" , which your this website publicly boast of. merely indulging in the "babies talks" , I am not able to understand your viewpoint by your this post. what you are doing just appeared to me as a matter of contempt and a sheer act of defamation of a honourably respectable freedom fighter. my incapability to understand your big motive shows my petty ignorance , and it would he the kindest act if vaur team conld actually exnlain ta me. 4A v © Reply » Share > Shrikant Barve « a year ago Aart A oa Aggie, SER, WO TSA ere eRUTeTeHT St ef, Ht Pret ureter Seat hiips:thewirenv25657Ibhagat-singh-are-savarkar-a ale oftwo-petons! se 282017 ‘Bhogal Singh and Savarkar, Twa Patios thal Tell Us the Dlference Between Hing and Hindutva Fo aaah ora exh wa ones, Bra fafeerar org ag wrrfieg faxexiatate erel, of gat oar fer feeret ara saa tha Of are, aR aan Ra oT fasauct aaa caf aA, argauaatt apf at aa oiftle Sram Tah Th, AST BY, Se Ate fro FER, WU TBASA ... ye cond ar fee fRrerar orah, gf wera ge et fee He Tela AE TT Ged, ar en aia St Toren ht afeaett om ure at faa Brien wae 4A v © Reply = Share > RG ayearago Bhagat Singh is a legend! V.D. Sarvarkar is a man; I dont know enough about him to speak intelligently about his contribution to the freedom struggle, but honestly... 6 months in solitary confinement would break most men. Nothing cowardly about it. 6A |v = Reply Share > @ _ Prateck Agrawal RG» 9 months ago <= _& what about death sentence? would that not break a man? A man who gives up his "so called mission" in the face of an adversity does not need to be worshipped at least if not condemned! 4. v «Reply » Share» Rajbir Gill 4 RG» 3 months ago Please try to understand what is being said here. Bhagat singh writes to the governor to change his death sentence from ‘hanged till death’ to death by firing. So this was willful and brave activity. Whereas the solitary confinement was not a choice for savarkar. He had to go through it And from his letter to governor, it is very well depicted how brave he was. 1A © Reply + Share» SV-ayearago First of all great article highlighting the petitions!! However, the two petitions say nothing about Hindu and Hindutva. All they say about is the mental makeup of two men who are dealing with issues of their own impending fate. What is interesting though is that for hips ithewirein 2S657chegatsingh-and: savarkar-aale-o-two-peiions! ene 282017 haga Singh and Savekar, Two Petits ta Tal Us the Diflerance Between Hind and Hina his age, Bhagat Singh’s erudition shines through, despite his somewhat naive and idealistic commie vision. One thing is however certainly well known. Bhagat Singh was a staunch atheist, much along the lines of communist ideologies. He clearly was an avid reader and a bold thinker. Very few at the age of 23 even today can so clearly articulate their own own thoughts and vision. Savarkar on the other hand clearly gives into the frailties of the human mind and spirit, One can clearly see through his petition that he wanted out. Call it a ploy or whatever, the fact is, his letter betrays a simple instinctual emotion of succumbing and submitting to the will of the British in exchange for his release. Savarkar is more of an enigmatic person with some clearly opportunistic and pragmatic thinking underlying his various controversial statements and agendas, post his release. 3A v = Reply + Share > Rahul D + a yearago Can well imagine the "veer" groveling bravely 3.0 v = Reply » Share » Sunil Limaye a year ago Itis foolishness to compare the two personalities and their petitions. Please stop this nonsense. If we go by your logic those who died for the country were the only freedom fighter and those who did not die fighting for the country were not freedom fighters. Please let every one take a stand. Please note that without Hind Hindutwa will not remain Hindutwa and because of hindutwa this, country did not become Muslim majority or christina majority. 4A |v © Reply + Share> @ _ -everam 4 suniiLimaye + ayearage <=> No nationalism in your statement 5A v + Reply » Share» e Baljinder Singh 4 Sunil Limaye - a year ago <= sunil limaye- Only when BJP is trying to re invent savarkar into something that he was not , that the facts need to be brought out in public domain... Hindutwa is a flawed RSS concept & people of this great Nation will strive to remain diverse, secular and mantain brotherhood .. theocratic state is an absolute unwelcome 3.4 v - Reply » Share» @ _ Lv Anmed khan Khakad + sunt Limaye «8 montns ago <= Can you please explain how Hindutva were able to not, make India a Muslim majority or Christine majority country? AY + Reply + Share » Iiipsifthewiren/2S657Iohagat-singh-ard-savarkar-aale- of two-pettons! wwe 282017 ‘Bhogal Singh and Savarkar, Two Patios thal Tell Us the Dilference Between Hing and Hindutva Anil Athale « a year ago wvarkar's letter was a tactical ploy, else why would Germany send a cruiser Amadan to Andmans during WW I to rescue Savarkar? 4A |v © Reply + Share> @ yuh F Aniatnae 2 months ago If it was a tactical ploy, he would have indulged in anti- British activities once released. Truth is, true to his words, he NEVER did. Av + Reply + Share > Manoj Mohanka - a year ago Comparing Bhagat Singh with Savarkar is like comparing oranges with apples. Lets assume,even accept that Savarkar was not a "Veer" and capitulated before the British unlike Bhagat Singh.To me,that's only to be expected for Bhagat Singh was a revolutionary and the other an ideologue/thinker. I,for one,wouldn't even expect a Savarkar to react or behave the same as a Bhagat Singh; Savarkar throwing a bomb or trying to kill someone wasn't the way made.His strengths were different and I will eome back to that. All icons have a side to them that's not savory-as far as I am concerned it doesn't impinge on their greatness or their other work-does Mahatma Gandhi's sexual experiments or Mother Teresa's acceptance of money from dictators and fraudsters(and then extolling/defending them) impinge on their contribution to society or the world at large. I think not. Likewise with Savarkar;it's unfair to indict him for his merey petition. Whats more relevant is to criticize him for his beliefs and philosophy and argue against that on merit. And for all his alleged hatred of Mustims,read this: VD SAVARKAR: he was 5 v= Reply +» Share» @ Pano} Mohanka + 2 months ago Hahaha. Bhakts will Il go lengths justifying Hindutva. Accept it, Veer Savakar wasn't a Veer, he was a coward. 14 © + Reply + Share» S. SUBRAMANIAM BALAJI - 8 months ago please read about what all punishments Savarkar underwent and then comment and if possible go to the cellular jail, feel the vibes and then open your pens. most of us here will not even live for few Iiipsifthewiren/2S657Iohagat-singh-ard-savarkar-aale- of two-pettons! vane

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