Commentary: Diagnostic Approach To A Patient With Hyponatraemia: Traditional Versus Physiology-Based Options

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Q J Med 2005; 98:529–540 Advance Access publication 13 June 2005



Diagnostic approach to a patient with hyponatraemia:

traditional versus physiology-based options
From the 1Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus Medical Center, Erasmus University Rotterdam,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and 2Division of Nephrology, St. Michael’s Hospital,

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University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

The usual diagnostic approach to a patient with be detected by physical examination supported
hyponatraemia is based on the clinical assessment by routine laboratory data, and a tendency to
of the extracellular fluid (ECF) volume, and labora- diagnose the syndrome of inappropriate secretion
tory parameters such as plasma osmolality, urine of antidiuretic hormone prior to excluding other
osmolality and/or urine sodium concentration. causes of hyponatraemia. We conclude that the
Several clinical diagnostic algorithms (CDA) apply- typical architecture of CDAs for hyponatraemia
ing these diagnostic parameters are available to represents a hierarchical order of isolated clinical
the clinician. However, the accuracy and utility and/or laboratory parameters, and that they do not
of these CDAs has never been tested. Therefore, take into account the pathophysiological context,
we performed a survey in which 46 physicians the mechanism by which hyponatraemia developed
were asked to apply all existing, unique CDAs and the clinical dangers of hyponatraemia. These
for hyponatraemia to four selected cases of restrictions are important for physicians confronted
hyponatraemia. The results of this survey showed with hyponatraemic patients and may require them
that, on average, the CDAs enabled only 10% of to choose different approaches. We therefore
physicians to reach a correct diagnosis. Several conclude this review with the presentation of a
weaknesses were identified in the CDAs, including more physiology-based approach to hyponatraemia,
a failure to consider acute hyponatraemia, the which seeks to overcome some of the limitations of
belief that a modest degree of ECF contraction can the existing CDAs.

There are two different, but not mutually relies on the use of clinical diagnostic algorithms
exclusive, ways to arrive at a clinical diagnosis (CDA). The second, which we shall call the
in a patient with hyponatraemia and to design physiology-based approach, emphasizes the
appropriate therapy.1 The first, which we shall underlying mechanisms that might have led to
call the traditional approach, uses a combination the development of hyponatraemia. It applies
of clinical and laboratory parameters, and often simple principles of physiology at the bedside,

Address correspondence to Dr R. Zietse, Dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
! The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Association of Physicians.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
530 E.J. Hoorn et al.

and relies on deductive reasoning and a quantitative from textbooks of general internal medicine,
analysis.1,2 nephrology and endocrinology.14–21 Eliminating
Our objective is to compare these two identical and overlapping CDAs, these 19 CDAs
approaches by conducting a survey where were reduced to 10 (Table 1).
physicians were asked to apply ten different The parameters to evaluate included a clinical
CDAs for hyponatraemia in four selected cases. assessment of the extracellular fluid (ECF) volume
The outcome was compared to a physiology-based (8/10), fluid challenge tests (1/10), and whether
approach. hyponatraemia was acute (1/10). In the laboratory
data, plasma osmolality (Posm) (4/10), plasma
urate (1/10), renal function (1/10), urine sodium
concentration (UNa) (7/10), urine osmolality (Uosm)
Methods (5/10), and the fractional excretion of urea and urate
Literature review (1/10) were assessed (Table 1).3–21

Published CDAs were identified from a literature

search using ‘hyponatraemia’ (Medical Subject

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Heading) limited to review articles published in Four challenging cases where hyponatraemia was
the English language between January 1998 and a central diagnostic issue were selected.22–25 To
August 2004. The search yielded 218 articles, determine the value of each CDA in the differential
of which 11 were review articles that included diagnosis of hyponatraemia, 60 surveys containing
a CDA with an approach to the patient with the four cases and the ten CDAs were sent to
hyponatraemia.3–13 We also collected eight CDAs physicians from five different countries (Canada,

Table 1 Existing algorithms for hyponatraemia and their accuracy in three illustrative test cases

Algorithm Algorithm hierarchy with included References Correct diagnosis in

parameters and cut-off values three test cases

1 ECF volume 5, 9 6%
2 ECF volume – UNa (20–40) 6, 14, 20, 21 7%
3 ECF volume UNa (20) 3, 19 8%
4 Acuity of hyponatraemia ECF volume 13 6%
5 ECF volume 4, 16 12%
UNa (20)
Uosm (500)
6 Posm 8, 11, 12 9%
ECF volume
7 Posm 17 11%
8 Posm (280–295) 15, 18 7%
ECF volume
UNa (10 and 20)
9 Posm (280) 10 9%
Uosm (100)
UNa (20–40)
Fluid challenge tests
FEurea, FEurate, Purate
10 Uosm (100) 7 9%
Renal function
ECF volume
UNa (20)

Ten different clinical diagnostic algorithms for hyponatraemia were identified from the literature review. In a survey in
which 46 physicians participated, it was analysed how often these algorithms led to a correct diagnosis in three illustrative
cases of hyponatraemia (see text for case descriptions). The selected diagnoses are described in Table 2. Posm and Uosm are
in mOsm/kg H2O, Una in mmol/l.
Diagnostic approach to hyponatraemia 531

the Netherlands, South-Africa, Taiwan, USA); 46 Cases

surveys (from 27 residents, 6 fellows, and 13 staff
physicians in internal medicine specialties) were Case 1
available for complete analysis (77%). The reason
An 88-year-old man had complained of nausea
that we chose the survey as our method of and vomiting for 4 weeks.22 A cutaneous B-cell
analysis is that it provides a reasonable way to lymphoma on his right cheek had been diagnosed
evaluate the current diagnostic approaches to 2 months ago. He was not taking medications,
hyponatraemia. and had lost 2 kg in weight over the past several
Physicians were asked to provide a (differential) months. Physical examination was not consistent
diagnosis in the first three cases using each CDA. with a contracted ECF volume (normal pulse rate
Respondents could also indicate that they could not and blood-pressure, no orthostatic changes). Plasma
reach a diagnosis with the available information. sodium (PNa 125 mmol/l), potassium (PK 4.5 mmol/l),
Diagnoses were subsequently classified as correct, glucose (72 mg/dl; 4.0 mmol/l), creatinine (Pcreat
not correct, or not possible (Table 2). Because 0.9 mg/dl; 77 mmol/l) and thyroid stimulating
Case 4 lacked most of the information required for hormone (2.3 mIU/l) were measured on admission.

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the CDAs, we chose to present a list of possible His UNa was 100 mmol/l. Plasma pH, plasma
diagnoses for this case in multiple-choice format cortisol, and Uosm were not measured.
(Table 2). We were also interested in additional
information such as the likelihood that
hyponatraemia could be life-threatening, and
Case 2
which therapy the physicians would select. Finally, A 19-year-old woman had myasthenia gravis.23
a case-specific question was asked (Table 2). Her main complaints were progressive weakness

Table 2 Results from survey: algorithm diagnoses and respondents’ analysis of cases

Case Algorithm diagnoses Threat to life? Therapy Case-specific question

1 SIADH 48% Yes 11% Hypertonic solution 4% How important is ECF-volume in

Adrenal insufficiency 11% No 89% Isotonic solution 26% differentiating hyponatraemia?
Not possible 30% Hypotonic solution 2% Most important 2%
Other 11% Water restriction 65% Important 30%
Other 3% Not very important 61%
Not important 4%
No answer 3%
2 Adrenal insufficiency 19% Yes 74% Hypertonic solution 13% Which rate of correction?
Primary renal disease 7% No 26% Isotonic solution 57% 12 mmol/l/24-h 22%
Not possible 66% Hypotonic solution 9% 8 mmol/l/24-h 61%
Other 8% Water restriction 2% 5 mmol/l/24-h 2%
Other 19% 0–4 mmol/l/24-h 15%
3 Psychogenic polydipsia 53% Yes 0% Hypertonic solution 0% Is hyponatraemia due to
SIADH 12% No 100% Isotonic solution 2% low Na intake possible?
Not possible 21% Hypotonic solution 0% Yes 24%
Other 14% Water restriction 80% No 70%
Other 18% No answer 6%
4 Multiple choice: Yes 59% Hypertonic solution 24% Is there a reason to believe that the
SIADH 11% No 41% Isotonic solution 54% PNa is under- or over-estimated?
Water ingestion 13% Hypotonic solution 2% Yes 48%
Na loss in sweat 28% Water restriction 9% No 52 %
Not possible 17% Other 9%
Other 31% No answer 2%

The first column shows the diagnoses selected by the 46 participating physicians in the survey after they had applied the data
of cases 1, 2 and 3 to the algorithms described in Table 1. The two most frequently chosen diagnoses are shown, as well as
how often they felt it was not possible to establish a diagnosis with the data provided. The other columns show the
respondents’ answers to specific questions about the case (see text for details).
532 E.J. Hoorn et al.

and fatigue over the past 6 months. Her appetite Results

was poor and she had a 3 kg weight loss. In addition
to a PNa of 118 mmol/l, she had four other impor- Analysis of cases with the
tant abnormalities: hyperkalaemia (8.1 mmol/l), traditional approach
hypoglycaemia (45 mg/dl; 2.5 mmol/l), a low ECF
Table 1 depicts the ten CDAs, as well as how often
volume (blood pressure 60/40 mmHg, heart rate
each algorithm led to the correct diagnosis. Table 2
126 bpm in the absence of blood loss) and a low
depicts the two most frequently chosen diagnoses
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) (Pcreat 5.3 mg/dl;
in Cases 1, 2 and 3 and how often a diagnosis
461 mmol/l). During the initial 12 h, she received
was considered not possible to make using the
4.6 l isotonic saline and excreted 4.5 l urine with a
available data. When compared to the final
Uosm of 438 mOsm/kg H2O and a UNa þ UK of
diagnoses (Table 3), the results demonstrate that
80 mmol/l.
for Cases 1, 2 and 3 a correct diagnosis was made
in 11%, 19% and 0%, whereas an incorrect
Case 3 diagnosis was made by 59% (48 þ 11), 15%
(7 þ 8) and 79% (53 þ 12 þ 14) of the respondents.

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A thin, 34-year-old woman ran several miles
In addition, 30%, 66% and 21% of the respondents
per day in a hot environment.24 Because she felt that insufficient data were provided to establish
sweated profusely, and because she thought it a diagnosis in these three cases, respectively
a healthy habit, she drank a large unmeasured (Table 2). Table 2 also shows the respondents’
volume of water per day. She was an ovolacto- opinion about whether hyponatraemia appeared
vegetarian and had a restricted salt intake. She did to be life-threatening, which therapy they would
not smoke, consume alcohol, or use illicit drugs or have chosen, and which causes of hyponatraemia in
herbs. Her only symptom was polyuria (4–5 l/day). Case 4 were thought to be likely.
There were no findings on physical examination
to indicate that her ECF volume was contracted. Analysis and comparison with the
The principal lab findings were chronic hypona-
traemia (131 mmol/l) with Posm 268 mOsm/kg H2O,
physiology-based approach
Uosm 81 mOsm/kg H2O, and UNa 10 mmol/l. Table 3 summarizes the four cases using a
She did not have a high Pcreat (0.9 mg/dl; physiology-based approach. It includes the clinical
80 mmol/l) or plasma urea (5.9 mg/dl; 2.1 mmol/l), diagnosis, diagnostic pitfalls that were recognized,
or a low PK (4.0 mmol/l). Follow-up studies did the physiological principles that were applied and,
not reveal thyroid or adrenal insufficiency, a finally, potential threats to survival.
metabolic disease (e.g. porphyria), or lesions to
explain why antidiuretic hormone (ADH) might be
released. Discussion
Each case will be analysed in more detail using a
Case 4 physiology-based approach, and this information
will be compared to the outcome reached using
An 18-year-old female presented to the Emergency
the traditional approach. We shall organize this
Department because she became unwell at a party
section by defining the problem in each case
(reference 25, case adapted for this review). Shortly
after presenting its outcome (for Cases 1 and 2),
after arrival, she had a grand mal seizure. In blood
and by subsequently asking two questions that
drawn immediately after the seizure, her PNa was
are clinically relevant and address the specific
130 mmol/l; all other measured values except for
challenges of each case.
her plasma chloride were within the normal
range. Body temperature was 40 C; other vital and
haemodynamic signs were unremarkable. During
Case 1: Hyponatraemia without evidence
the first hour of hospitalization, she did not void and of a contracted ECF volume
therefore there were no urine data. History from Continuation of the case: Because of the lymphoma,
accompanying friends revealed that the patient had normal PK, absence of signs of ECF volume
taken MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine, contraction, and a UNa of 100 mmol/l, 48% of the
‘Ecstasy’), that she had consumed a considerable respondents selected the syndrome of inappropriate
volume of water, but no alcohol, and that she ADH secretion (SIADH) as the diagnosis (Table 2).
had been dancing on a crowded and hot dance The preferred treatment was water-restriction
floor. by 65% of the respondents and the authors of the
Diagnostic approach to hyponatraemia 533

Table 3 Analysis of cases with the physiology-based approach

Case Presentation Diagnosis Diagnostic pitfalls Applied physiological Potential threats

principles to survival

1 Hyponatraemia in ‘Normokalaemic’ Apparent ECF contraction may Untreated:

the absence of a Addison’s disease normovolaemia not be detectable8–34 haemodynamic
detectably contracted Normokalaemic Calculation of transtubular collapse
ECF volume Addison’s disease K gradient2,70–72 Treatment: osmotic
2 Excessive renal Addison’s disease Acute presentation Calculation of fractional Untreated:
excretion of Na with an additional of chronic excretion of sodium2,72 haemodynamic
stimulus for hyponatraemia Calculation of tonicity collapse
Na excretion Second stimulus for balance12,43 Treatment: osmotic
high Na excretion demyelination
3 Hyponatraemia with Hyponatraemia due Polyuria in the Normal kidneys are able Increase in water

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the ability to have to low delivery of context of to excrete 12 l of balance: cerebral
a water diuresis solutes to the hyponatraemia electrolyte-free water2 oedema
collecting duct Hyponatraemia Calculation of free Treatment: osmotic
with minimal water clearance24 demyelination
release of ADH
4 Acute hyponatraemia Ecstasy-induced Acute vs. chronic Different pathophysiology Untreated: cerebral
in a patient who hyponatraemia hyponatraemia acute and chronic oedema
took ‘Ecstasy’ Discrepancy between hyponatraemia59
symptoms and PNa PNa may be confounded
Rise in PNa due after a seizure55
to seizure

paper.22 With this therapy, hyponatraemia persisted with a contracted ECF volume such as Addison’s
and, unfortunately, the patient died in hospital disease.
2 weeks after admission with haemodynamic In contrast to the importance the 8 CDAs gave
collapse. Post-mortem examination revealed to an evaluation of the ECF volume, the majority
adrenal failure (plasma aldosterone 0 pmol/l).22 of the physicians (65%; 61 þ 4) believed that
Definition of the problem: Addison’s disease was determining ECF by physical examination is not
not suspected and/or excluded because signs of a very reliable and should only be supportive in the
low ECF volume were not found and hyperkalaemia differentiation of hyponatraemia (Table 2). This
was absent. Although the symptoms nausea and opinion is supported by the literature. Several
vomiting may have been suggestive of corticotropic studies have analysed the validity of confirmatory
insufficiency,26 they are rather non-specific and tests for ECF contraction, performed by physical
can also be symptoms of hyponatraemia.27 Most of diagnosis,28–32 haemodynamic parameters (blood
the respondents (89%) stated that his hyponatraemia pressure, central venous pressure, blood volume,
was not potentially life-threatening (Table 2). In plasma volume, cardiac output),33 laboratory
conclusion, the two questions that arise from this analysis (ADH, aldosterone, catecholamines, renin,
case are, ‘How reliable is the clinical assessment of fractional excretions of Na or urea and total
the ECF volume?’, and, ‘Why was the PK in the urates),33 and/or urine electrolyte data,34 and all
normal range?’ unequivocally showed a low sensitivity and speci-
(i ) How reliable is the clinical assessment of ficity. Therefore, although clinical decision-making
the ECF volume? All but two CDAs included ECF is often based on the assumption of ‘dehydration‘,
volume as an important parameter to determine the degree of confidence in this impression is not
the cause of hyponatraemia, and in 4/10 (40%) it supported by a strong database.
was the first parameter to assess (Table 1). In cases in (ii ) How can the absence of hyperkalaemia in
which a low ECF volume cannot be established by Addison’s disease be explained? Hyperkalaemia is
clinical examination, this may lead to the exclusion not observed in 1/3 of patients with Addison’s
of causes of hyponatraemia that typically present disease;35 hence its absence does not exclude
534 E.J. Hoorn et al.

this diagnosis. Perhaps normokalaemia reflects a The above analysis illustrates that in a case
poor intake of K, a deficiency of cortisol with where hyponatraemia is associated with a low ECF
sufficient aldosterone activity remaining to avoid volume and impaired renal function, it is useful to
hyperkalaemia, and/or the rate of excretion of K calculate the FENa. One CDA introduced the option
may be unusually high because of a high distal of evaluating renal function in their strategy,7 but
delivery of Na when Na reabsorption in an upstream none suggested calculating the FENa (Table 1).
nephron site was inhibited (aldosterone augments (ii )How might ODS have been prevented? This
Na reabsorption in the distal convoluted patient was treated with isotonic saline and
tubule).36,37 developed ODS—her PNa increased by 11 mmol/l
in 24 h. Although a rate of 12 mmol/l/day is said
to be acceptable,40 it is not a target to be achieved,
Case 2: Excessive renal
rather, it is an upper limit not to be exceeded.2
excretion of sodium Moreover, because this patient had chronic hypo-
Continuation of the case: There was a presumptive natraemia and was catabolic, the risk of ODS was
diagnosis of Addison’s disease on the basis of increased.41 Therefore, in cases where there is an

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her auto-immune disease. As a result of the infusion ‘acute discovery of chronic hyponatraemia’ the
of isotonic saline, there was a decrease in her PK target for the daily rise in the PNa should be much
to 5.1 mmol/l and an increase in her PNa to lower, 0–4 mmol/l on the first day.2,23,42
129 mmol/l. Unfortunately, this increase in the PNa The reasons that her PNa rose so quickly when
led to the osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS) isotonic saline was infused becomes apparent when
(confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging) and a tonicity balance is calculated.43 There was a
the patient remains in a vegetative state with trivial positive water balance of 4.6–4.5 ¼ 0.1 l.
frequent attacks of myoclonus. In contrast, there was a large positive Na balance
Definition of the problem: At first glance, of 330 mmol (4.5 l  150  4.6 l  80). Prevention of
Addison’s disease appears to provide a sufficient this rapid rise in PNa could have been achieved by
explanation for the observed hyponatraemia and matching the tonicity and volume of the infusate to
ECF volume contraction. However, this assumption that of the urine (in this case infusing close to half-
conflicts with her Na þ K excretion rate, which was isotonic saline). This emphasizes the importance of
close to 360 mmol in 12 h (80 mmol/l  4.5 l) after what can be called an intravenous (IV) fluid regimen
therapy began. This can be extrapolated to that remains ‘isotonic to patient’ in balance terms.
720 mmol/day (500 mmol/min), a value that is Of the respondents, the majority (78%; 61 þ
almost 5-fold higher than the usual Na þ K excretion 2 þ 15) stated that although they would apply a
rate.38,39 Hence it is prudent to ask, ‘Can low correction rate of 8 mmol/l/day or less, their
aldosterone levels be the sole explanation for choices of the type of IV fluid was isotonic (57%)
hyponatraemia?’ And, with regard to the develop- or even hypertonic saline (13%), possibly as a result
ment of ODS, ‘How might ODS have been of the belief that her hyponatraemia was life-
prevented?’ threatening (74%, Table 2). This therapy caused
(i ) Can hypoaldosteronism explain her deficit too rapid a rise in her PNa and, consequently,
of Na? This question can be answered when this the ODS.
patient’s renal function is evaluated. Because the
GFR should be reduced when the blood pressure is Case 3: Hyponatraemia with the ability
low, the filtered load of Na will be much lower than
normal. Moreover, Na reabsorption in nephron
to have a water diuresis
segments where aldosterone does not act should Definition of the problem: In this case, the first
be stimulated by the low ECF volume. In quantita- impression is that hyponatraemia is due to the
tive terms, because her PCreat was elevated 6-fold, ingestion of large quantities of water. Indeed,
her GFR should be  1/6 of normal (20 vs. 120 ml/ most CDAs led to the diagnosis of primary
min). Therefore, her filtered load of Na should polydipsia (53%, Table 2). However, if this were
be 2360 mmol/min (118 mmol/ml  20 ml/min) with the case and if kidney function were normal, one
this GFR. Accordingly, the fractional excretion of would excrete the maximum volume of dilute urine,
Na (FENa) is  25% (500/2360 mmol/min), a value which is 15 l/day.2 Furthermore, because the Uosm
that is much greater than the ‘expected’ 5% of the is much lower than the Posm, there appears to be
filtered load of Na. This high FENa suggests that a very little ADH action. These considerations lead to
second ‘renal lesion’ contributed to the excessive the following questions: ‘How can hyponatraemia
excretion of Na.23 occur in the context of minimal ADH release?‘, and,
Diagnostic approach to hyponatraemia 535

‘Which groups of patients are susceptible to this produce many urinary osmoles because beer is low
type of hyponatraemia?’ in protein and NaCl.
(i ) How can hyponatraemia occur in the context In this patient, hyponatraemia was not considered
of minimal release of ADH? Water retention in this to pose an immediate danger (0%, Table 2).
setting of minimal ADH release can occur when However, this patient could be susceptible to brain
there is a low delivery of filtrate to the distal swelling if water intake continued, but water loss in
nephron.44 To have a low distal volume delivery, sweat (did not run that day) or urine (non-osmotic
there should be a low GFR and/or enhanced reason for ADH release) was prevented. In addition,
reabsorption of filtrate in the proximal convoluted brain damage (ODS) from rapid correction of
tubule, responses that typically accompany a low hyponatraemia could occur, especially if she was
intake of sodium chloride.45 Second, there may be malnourished and/or K-depleted.41
a small degree of water permeability in the distal
nephron that could be the result of trace levels of Case 4: Acute hyponatraemia in
ADH—levels that are not detected by conventional a patient who took ‘Ecstasy’
assays46 and/or by ADH-insensitive water perme-

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ability (called basal water permeability47). Definition of the problem: In this case, there
In this patient, there was a very low distal volume appears to be a discrepancy between the measured
delivery as reflected by the low rate of excretion of PNa and the severity of the symptoms. Hence the
osmoles. Because urinary osmolality is a composite questions are: ‘Might there be a confounding issue?’,
of both electrolytes (primarily sodium, potassium, and, ‘Should the emphasis in management be
and their accompanying anions) and excreted further diagnostic tests or immediate therapy?’
solutes, electrolyte-free water excretion is also (i ) Might there be a confounding issue? Symptoms
dependent on the total rate of solute excretion.24 related to acute hyponatraemia (548 h) most
commonly occur if the PNa is 5125 mmol/l.53,54
Therefore, if solute excretion becomes very
Nevertheless, the presenting symptom in this case
low, electrolyte-free water will be retained and
was a seizure, which can raise the PNa acutely
hyponatraemia may ensue. In this patient, the
by 10–15 mmol/l.55 The mechanism involves the
low rate of solute excretion can be explained
generation of new osmoles that are retained in
by the combination of a low-protein diet (low
skeletal muscle cells (which account for 50% of
urea) and a low NaCl intake and/or a large non-
total body water) and cause water to shift from the
renal or former renal NaCl loss. Because isolated
ECF to the intracellular compartment.55 A similar
groups that eat a diet with little NaCl do not suffer
situation may be seen when severe rhabdomyolysis
from hyponatraemia,48 a low PNa will not develop
causes hypernatraemia.2 The PNa should therefore
solely because of low salt intake, contrary to the be re-evaluated after the seizure to reveal the
comments of 24% of the respondents (Table 2). steady-state PNa. Almost half of the respondents
(ii ) Which groups of patients are likely to develop recognized that the PNa may represent a non-steady-
this type of hyponatraemia? There are three set- state value (48%, Table 2).
tings where hyponatraemia is associated with a low In conclusion, this case illustrates the importance
rate of excretion of electrolyte-free water without of analysing possible confounding factors in
having detectable levels of ADH in plasma—called the differential diagnosis of hyponatraemia. The
‘trickle-down hyponatraemia’ by Oh et al.49 most common examples include ‘pseudohypo-
First, this can occur in elderly patients who natraemia’,56 and situations where an ‘effective’
consume tea (electrolyte-free water) and toast (low osmole in the ECF prevents water from moving
protein) diets, especially if treated with a thiazide into the intracellular compartment (e.g. hyper-
diuretic and a low salt diet for hypertension. glycaemia, therapy with mannitol, surgery with
Second, it can be observed in patients who wish lavage fluids).2,57,58
to control their body weight by diet and exercise, (iii ) Should the next focus be diagnostic tests or
especially if they have a large intake of water. therapy? In the patient with acute symptomatic
Although exercise causes a large sweat loss, if the hyponatraemia, therapeutic considerations domi-
diet is particularly low in NaCl, the net effect can nate over diagnostic ones.59 Once acute, symptom-
result in a very low renal excretion of Na and Cl. atic hyponatraemia is suspected, it is imperative
The third setting for trickle-down hyponatraemia to infuse hypertonic saline, because irreversible
is beer potomania.50,51 Because dietary carbohy- changes in brain function can occur in a very
drate, fat and ethanol all have carbon dioxide and short time.60 A minority of the respondents chose
water as end-products that are excreted in a 1 : 1 a hypertonic solution (24%, Table 2), although
stoichiometry via the lungs,52 they will not usually 59% did believe that the hyponatraemia was
536 E.J. Hoorn et al.

STEP 1: Determine if hyponatraemia is acute or chronic and

design therapy accordingly

Plasma Na < 120 mmol/l

Is duration known to be < 48 h?

YES, this is acute NO, this is chronic

Convulsions or coma?


· Usually post-operative · Go slowly! · Rapid initial correction

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· Rarely 1˚ polydipsia - PNa rise < 8 mmol/l / 24 h - Hypertonic NaCl
- Restrict water intake - Raise PNa until
· Treat aggressively: - Replace ECF Na deficit symptoms abate
- Hypertonic NaCl - Think about ICF K deficit (usually < 5 mmol/l)
until symptoms abate
· Raise PNa < 4 mmol/l / 24 h if: · Then slowly
and/or PNa 135 mmol/l
- K deficiency
- Malnutrition
- Possible recent rise in PNa

STEP 2: Consider the pathophysiology of hyponatraemia

A. Low plasma Na and high ADH

Low plasma Na & high ADH

What caused the

release of ADH?

Can be both

Non-osmotic stimuli SIADH

· Low ECF volume · Disease or drug known to
· Poor cardiac performance cause the release of ADH
· Oedema state

B. Low plasma Na and low ADH

Low plasma Na & low ADH

What is the mechanism for

positive water balance?

Can be both

Low water excretion High water intake

· Low distal delivery · Primary polydipsia
(find low osmole excretion rate)

Figure 1. Physiology-based approach to hyponatraemia. Free water clearance ¼ urine output  (1  Uosm/Posm). Transtubular
potassium gradient ¼ UK/(Uosm/Posm)/PK. Fractional excretion of sodium ¼ (UNa  Pcreat)/(PNa  Ucreat). In Step 2, ‘High ADH’
and ‘Low ADH’ refer to pathophysiological considerations in the patient, and do not necessarily imply that the determination
of ADH levels is required clinically; an estimate about ADH levels may also be inferred from (for example) the urine
Diagnostic approach to hyponatraemia 537


Mechanism History Possible Possible findings Typical Physiological Final diagnosis
ECF in plasma UNa analysis
Low delivery of Beer-potomania; No Low Purea Low Posm >U osm ‘Trickle-down
filtrate to distal low-solute diet hyponatraemia‘
nephron Non-detectable Calculate water
ADH levels clearance5

Excessive water Presence of No Low Posm > Uosm Psychogenic

intake or psychosis; polydipsia;
administration hypotonic IV fluids Intake >15 l/24 h hypotonic IV-fluids

Renal Na loss and Diuretic-use: often Yes Low PK - High High UK Diuretic-induced
physiological ADH recent and often Metabolic hyponatraemia
secretion thiazides alkalosis High UHCO3–

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Vomiting Yes Low PK - High Low UCl Hyponatraemia due
Metabolic to vomiting
alkalosis High UHCO3–

Adrenal pathology: Yes High PK High Transtubular K Addison’s disease;

auto-immunity, gradient <269–71 adrenal
tuberculosis, Low cortisol, insufficiency
cancer, aldosterone

Intracerebral lesion; Yes High Time-course UCl73 Cerebral salt

polyuria wasting

Non-renal Na loss Diarrhea; burns; Yes Metabolic Low Hyponatraemia due

ileus; pancreatitis acidosis (in to non-renal Na loss

Low cardiac output History of heart, No; oedema Low PAlb Low FENa (in renal Hyponatraemia
or low albumin liver or renal is possible failure)72 associated with
disease Metabolic heart, liver or renal
acidosis (in renal failure

Non-physiological Disease or drug No Normal PK High FEurate74 Syndrome of

release of ADH known to cause inappropriate ADH
release ADH Low-normal Exclude (ad)renal, secretion
Purea and Purate pituitary, thyroid

Figure 1. Continued.

life-threatening (Table 2). Remarkably, only Concluding remarks

one recently published algorithm included the
distinction of acute vs. chronic hyponatraemia in For a classification to be useful, it must permit
the diagnostic approach (Table 1),13 despite ample the clinician to reach the correct diagnosis and
literature on this subject.61–63 This may delay implement the appropriate therapy. It must also rely
recognizing the dangers of acute hyponatraemia, on criteria that are valid and available in a timely
which should always be the primary focus. fashion. Unfortunately, as demonstrated by the
Finally, with regard to the pathophysiology of selected (and biased) cases, the existing CDAs did
Ecstasy-induced hyponatraemia, different possible not live up to these standards (Table 1). In part, the
mechanisms have been described, including low accuracy can be explained because many
ADH release,64 water intoxication65 and reduced physicians felt it was impossible to establish a
intestinal motility.25 diagnosis when they applied the available data to
538 E.J. Hoorn et al.

the CDAs (Table 2). However, the requirement that connecting it to the clinical situation at hand.
certain values should be available before being able In addition, the unique pathophysiology of
to proceed in the CDA, is in itself a weak point, and hyponatraemia with low circulating levels of ADH
may unnecessarily delay diagnosis and treatment. is presented. The final step of our algorithm was
In our analysis, the most serious error was the failure intentionally organized in a tabular format so that
to rule out acute hyponatraemia as the first step. all causes of hyponatraemia can still be taken into
A second weak point was the mistaken belief that consideration without excluding others (Step 3,
a clinician could detect a mild to modest degree of Figure 1). The philosophy behind this is that relying
ECF volume contraction by physical examination on one single value may be misleading, as expected
supported by routine laboratory data. This was most values may vary depending on the situation. This
evident in Case 1, because it led to an incorrect has been illustrated for urinary values36,68 and for
diagnosis (SIADH) and improper treatment (water diagnostic tests.26 Here, a physiological analysis
restriction) that could have been responsible for using simple formulae can be used simultaneously
the fatal outcome, due to eventual haemodynamic and synergistically with the traditional analysis
collapse.22 Although more laboratory tests may (Figure 1 and Table 3) [2,24, 69–74]. We emphasize

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have been desirable, this case appears to represent that our algorithm is not intended to completely
a more common pitfall where the clinical replace the other existing CDAs, but rather, to
scenario resembles SIADH, which subsequently is provide a physiology-based alternative, which seeks
not reconsidered and may lead to an adverse to overcome some of the identified limitations of the
outcome.22,26,66,67 Of note, SIADH should be a existing CDA’s.
diagnosis of exclusion, and should only be con-
sidered if adrenal, thyroid and pituitary insufficiency
are absent.26,66,67 Another problem that merits Acknowledgements
attention is that the traditional approach often
relies on generalizations rather than reliable data. We would like to thank Dr R.H. Sterns,
Examples cited were the need to find hyperkalaemia Dr M.R. Davids and Dr S.H. Lin for their
to diagnose Addison’s disease55 and to assume a cooperation with collecting the surveys.
stable PNa under circumstances where water-shifts
are likely (e.g. seizures, rhabdomyolysis).2,35 In
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