Epithermal Mineralizations

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Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015

Melbourne, Australia, 19-25 April 2015

Active Geothermal Systems and Related Epithermal Mineralizations

in the Djibouti Republic
Abdourahman Omar Haga
Ministry of Energy, in charge of Natural Resources
Keywords: geothermal, epithermal, gold, anomaly

The Djibouti republic is located in the junction of three majors extensional structures(east Africa rift, red sea rift and gulf Aden
rift)forming the Afar depression(Barberi& al 1975). The Afar region is characterized by the importance of volcanic manifestation
which developed since early stage of extension affecting the Afro-Arab plate (24My ago Barberi &al1973). At earlier stage of
rifting, as well as in the recent volcanic centers of Afar margins, the magmatism association is mainly bimodal (basalt and rhyolite).
These volcano-tectonic processes have created numerous geothermal systems in the Djibouti republic. Hot springs, fumerols, hot
grounds, deeply altered basalts and hydrothermal deposits (silica, zeolites, calcite…) are found along faults lines. Geothermal
explorations in the 70th (BRGM) and in the 80th (Djibouti is in cooperation with Italia and World Bank) have confirmed the
potentiality of DJIBOUTI in geothermal resource. These explorations were mainly focused in geothermal resource without any
consideration for possible minerals deposits from geothermal systems. Lindgren (1933) has defined different categories in
hydrothermal metal deposits and among them the epithermal deposit (formed in the 200-300°C interval, in low pressure
environment and low sulfidation condition. Geological, geochemical and hydrothermal alterations data’s collected during
geothermal and mineral exploration programs(from 1980 to 2012) clearly show that surface expression of low sulfidation
epithermal deposit linked to active geothermal systems exist in Djibouti Republic. The Assal rift geothermal field drilled by the
BRGM(Bureau de Recherche Geologique et Miniere) in 1975 (Assal 1 deep well) and by the Djibouti government between1986
and1988(Assal 3 and Assal 6 deep wells have a brine reservoir( T°=260°C,P=20 bars ,TDS =130 mg/l) depositing lead and zinc
sulphides in well head). A USGS(United State Geological Survey) study in the 90th demonstrate that some geothermal fields are
probably depositing precious and base metals in the country(Dr Mike Foose, unpublished report). The geothermal fields of
GARABAYS; OKLILA’OU and ASSALAYTA are closely associated with high surface anomalies of gold (Usgs 91, Green River
2004 and Stratex International 2012). In 2012, Stratex International (gold exploration junior) has discovered the ‘’ Pandora’’ reefs
in the southeastern part of the Gaggade graben, surface samples analysis from these veins has given very high anomalies of gold
(9.80 to 25.9 g/t Au, press release number3786B09 of 16 April 2012). Aligned in the same NW-SE structure of ‘’ Pandora’’ reef,
several actives fumaroles (T° around 90°C) are situated to the northern part of the area. Although surface expression of epithermal
mineral deposit is widespread in some geothermal fields, until now commercially exploitable minerals deposit was not still
discovered. Knowing the high risk related to any first step in exploration (geothermal or minerals) for private investors, the Djibouti
government has decided to use local and regional specialists for this initial phase. Capacity building in geosciences is in progress at
several state departments and at the University of Djibouti with the help of international organizations (PNUD, UNEP, UNUGTP,
ICEIDA...). A new state institution for geothermal exploration (ODDEG) was recently created and is in charge of geothermal
resource assessment (surface studies and drillings). The increasing number of local geologists; geophysists and geochemists could
lead to a much better understanding and using of geothermal systems of the country.

The Djibouti republic is situated in the AFAR depression where occurs the junction of three rifts(Red sea rift ,Gulf Aden rift and
East African rift).The CNR(Italian) and CNRS(French) have studied in details the AFAR area in the 70th and concluded the
existence of spreading axes similar to oceanic rifts in the AFAR. In this context of volcanism and extensive tectonism since 25 MY
(CNR-CNRS, afar team1973), the republic of Djibouti is mainly covered by volcanic rocks. Different volcanic series where defined
in the country (Barberi and others, 1972b; Barberi and others 1975a). These volcanic series have erupted during different phases of
expansion and are: Adolei basalt(26 to 19 my),Mabla rhyolite(16 to 10 my),Dalha basalt(9 to 3.6my),Ribta rhyolite(4.25 to 3.2
my),Stratoid basalt (4 to 1 my),Gulf of Tajoura basalt(3.1 to 1 my),Recent rifts basalt(Holocene to present) . Extensional tectonic
phases and related volcanism have created numerous geothermal systems in the republic of djibouti. The most tectonically active
structure in Djibouti is the ASSAL rift, a westward extension of the gulf of Aden oceanic rift. The first geothermal exploration in
Djibouti was then done by the BRGM in the 70th.


The Afar depression is an area including the northeastern part of Ethiopia and the Djibouti republic. Several studies was done in the
zone because it is as Iceland, the only on shore region where rift between divergent plates is observable. Afar is situated in a triple
junction of 3 rifts(the Red sea rift, the Gulf Aden rift and the East Africa rift).It is a region of rapid expansion resulting from the
separation of Arab plate ,Nubian plate and Somalia plate (Tazief & al1969,Barberi and Varet1977).The beginning of expansion in
Afar is estimated to the low Miocene(25 my),from low Miocene to upper Miocene began the thinning of the continental crust ,the
development of continentals rifts with NNW-SSE directions(Red sea) and occurrence of intensive volcanism with diversified
products .From upper Miocene to middle Pliocene ,we have mainly basaltic volcanism(Dalha serie),the oriental edge of Afar
stabilized in upper Miocene and from that time this area belong to the Arab plate .From Pliocene to Pleistocene(4 to 0.5 my)
intensive distensive tectonic and great volcanic activity (mainly fissural) occurred (stratoid series).It is during the Pleistocene that
the AFAR depression acquired it present geologic structure: axial spreading center ,mosaic complex of horsts and grabens.


Figure 1: localization of the AFAR region at the NUBIAN plate-SOMALIA plate-ARABIA plate triple junction

Figure 2: geology of the AFAR depresion



3.1 French exploration in the70th
The first geological and geochemical studies of the AFAR depression by the franco-italian team in the70th pin pointed the
existence of high heat flow in the region .So the French BRGM initiated in 1973 ,the geological mapping of the ASSAL
rift(Stieljes,L.1973),succeeded by a research for geothermal field ( Stieljes,L.1975).This exploration for geothermal resource was
mainly focused in the ASSAL rift where fumaroles and hot springs are widespread. The first geothermal deep wells were the A1 or
‘’assal 1’’(1554 m deep) and A2 (1147 m deep).The well A2 was dry but the well A1 produced a biphasic brine(tds=128g/l) of
around 260°C with an output of 38kg/s for a 6 bar wellhead pressure .During the production test of A1, there was deposition of
several products at the wellhead and the production line ,these scaling were mainly sulphides (sphalerite and galena),amorphous
silica with Fe and Mg .

Figure 3: THE ASSAL RIFT (geothermal wells are in green dots, red dots are fumaroles).
3.2 The geothermal exploration of the 80th in Djibouti republic
The Djibouti government initiate the second geothermal exploration with the technical assistance and financing provided by
bilateral and multilateral agencies .A first inventory(all over the country) of fumaroles, hot ground and hot springs was made by
Iserst (Cerd) with the supervision of Aquater (see fig 4).

Several geothermal fields were determined (see fig 4) and decision was made to explore first the HANLE-GAGGADE area.

Figure 4: Geological map of DJIBOUTI REPUBLIC and active geothermal fields (in red circles and ovals).


Geological ,structural ,geochemical and geophysical studies were undertaken in the Hanle and Gaggade grabens .Three
temperature gradient wells were drilled (teweo 1,Garabays 1 and garabays 2),then two deep wells(H1 andH2) were drilled in the
Hanle graben ( Hanle1at 1623 m depth with a bottom hole T° of 72°C and Hanle2 at 2038 m for a bottom hole T° of 124°C).Low
temperature and permeability characterized these wells and the drilling program was displaced to the ASSAL rift. Having several
geophysical studies (BRGM1980) and knowing the existence of a geothermal reservoir (BRGM1975), the aim of the second series
of drilling in ASSAL was to understand and study this reservoir. Four deep wells were drilled in the ASSAL rift
(Aquater1989):ASSAL1 (depth 1316m), ASSAL4 (2013m), ASSAL5 (2105m) ASSAL6 (1716m).Only A3 and A6 were
productive, the best well A3 produced a brine with a flow of 360 t/h at 12.5 bar for 265°C and a TDS of 116g/l . During the
production test a scaling deposition(PbS,ZnS,Sio2,Caco3……) constrained the deliverability of wells( see Figure 5&6).

Figure 5: characteristics of deep geothermal wells in the ASSAL rift

Figure 6: scaling at the wellhead of the geothermal well A3 drilled in ASSAL rift



The galena and sphalerite scaling deposit of Assal geothermal well clearly demonstrate the relationship between geothermal system
and ore deposition. Knowing that active geothermal systems are similar to ancient geothermal systems that had deposited metallic
ore elsewhere in the world (Pachuca (Mexico); Eureka, (Colorado); Aurora (Nevada)…), we were convicted that epithermal ore
deposit could found in this country. The surface geothermal exploration of the 80th and studies of cutting from geothermal wells of
Assal (mainly A3 and A6) were crucial in the understanding of hydrothermal alteration. It is in this context that began
collaboration between ISERST (CERD) and USGS in March 1991. In October 1991 a team of USGS (Dr Mike Foose and Dr
Frederic) and a team of ISERST (Haga) have made a brief exploration in the country and collected 26 samples for geochemical

In February 1992, Dr Mike Fosse writes this Conclusion in his report: “26 geochemical samples were collected from four sites in
Djibouti. Results from three sites provide clear evidence that the hydrothermal transport and deposition of precious and base metals
has occurred. in two of the four sites, mineralizing processes produced anomalous Au values in rock; at the third site, anomalous
Ag, Pb, Cu, Zn were found in scales from hydrothermal wells. The Au-rich samples probably were deposited from the higher and
cooler parts of hydrothermal systems in which Ag, Cu, Pb, and Zn were being deposited in deeper and hotter parts. These data show
that bases and precious metals are locally being transported and deposited in a number of different places within Djibouti. They
further indicate that additional work is warranted in order to evaluate the potential for and identify the location of areas that may
have economically recoverable amounts of base and precious metals.” In 1992, the most interesting area as a gold prospect was the
Garabays areas in the Dikhil region (USGS analysis indicated anomalous gold values of 190, 170, 90 and 130 ppb) In 1998 an
American Junior “Quest international Resources’’ obtained 7 exclusive exploration permit but in 1999 because of difficulties in
locating enough funds for exploration decide to renounce and free the area. In 2002 an Australian Junior named “Green River”
obtained 2 exclusives exploration licenses (the Garabay and the Hess Daba area). From 2004 to 2006 Green river has made
geological and tectonic mapping, of the Garabay and Hess Daba area; they also drilled 5 verticals explorations wells (using the
rotary drilling without coring). The results of exploratory wells were negative and the permits were retrieved to the government at
the end of 2007. In 2014, two mineral exploration companies are active in the Republic of Djibouti, JB mining (an Indian junior)
has obtained an exploration license of 5 km2 in the Hess Daba area (Dikhil region) and Stratex is still in the surface exploration
stage of 10 EEL .Among the Stratex permits, we have the OKLILA prospect that has given the greatest surface anomalies ever seen


From 1990 to 2013 a great amount of sampling and analysis was made by several mining juniors and others .Many surface
anomalies where so delineated within old eroded and active geothermal fields in the country (see Figure 8).The main active
geothermal fields where surfaces samples has given high precious and base metals content are: Assal; Garabays; Oklila; Arta and
North-Goubet (numbered in figure 7:1, 2, 3, 4, 7).

Figure 7: actives geothermal fields (red ovals) and active geothermal fields with gold/base metal, surface anomalies (red
ovals with black star in).


Geathermal site Minimum gold anomaly Maximum gold anomaly

Name (ppm) (ppm)
Old and eroded
Adolei &mabla series related geothermal
0.007 2.3
system(examples: Ali Ade &Daasbio)
0.005(golo daba)
Stratoid serie related old altered geothermal 0.005(hess daba) 3.73(golo daba)
system(example: Golo Daba & Hess Daba) 11
Garabays (hanle)
0.002 1.74
systems Gaggade south- east(oklila) 0.24 65.7

Assalayta 0.061 2.37

Assal west(hercule 1&2) 0.006 6.64

North goubet
1420 to 2960ppmCu

- 0.122
Assal rift(assal3 geothermal well)

Arta 0.005 0.687

Figure 8: the minimum/maximum surface gold anomalies in Djibouti geothermal fields.

6.1 The Garabays prospect.
The Garabay prospect is composed by a group of low hills of cherts breccia with a partial cover of coarse grain sandstones
(lacustrine deposit of Pleistocene QL² in the geological map 1/100000 of Dikhil sheet). The cherts breccia seem to be a silica sinter
from a hot spring activity. The cherty and silicified hills are surrounded by basalt (stratoïd series) alluvium and diatomite deposit
(Green river). The Pleistocene sandstone was colored in red by hydrothermal activity. Hydrothermal brecciation affect cherts with
different textures (fine grain; banded, vuggy; Zeolitic…). Hydrothermal explosion breccias are wide spread. We can observe
silicification; pyritization; chalcedony; calcite. Petrological and chemical analyses of rock show us a hydrothermal activity of low
sulphidation epithermal system. Hydrothermal activities in the Hanle area are related to a NW-SE (N120 to N135E) extensional
fault and a NE-SW (N70E). Hydrothermal vents (Hills with high gold anomalies) are aligned in a NW-SE direction (fault).

6.2 The Oklila site

THE Oklila prospect is situated at the southeastern part of the Gaggade half-graben (see fig 10). Near the Taɛassi Da’ar wadi
outcrop several greats veins or reefs (1 to 3 m).The greatest veins named ‘’Pandora’’ is 2 kilometers long and 2 m wide .Veins are
hosted by the lower stratoid basalt serie(2 to 2.7 my). The Pandora vein was previously mapped as rhyolite by French geologists.
The direction of the main vein is parallel to the northwest trend of the Gaggade half-graben and it dips steeply to the
northeast(Stratex.2012)) .The basaltic lava flows of the area are sub horizontals .Three fumaroles are situated along the structure
hosting the vein of Pandora ,confirming that the geothermal system that had deposited gold in veins is still active.

In 2012 a total of 586 samples were taken in this zone ,they give gold values mostly higher than 5 ppm( highest gold content is
65.7ppm).The mineralization is in banded veins and breccias ,the main alteration in basalt wallrocks is smectite ,illite and +/-


Figure 9: the geology of HANLE graben and DOKKNOYO horst (red stars are fumaroles; black oval is the area with
highest gold anomalies; basalts series is colored in green; rhyolite series is colored in red; others colors are
representing tertiary and quaternary sediments)

Figure 10: the geology of the Oklila prospect and related geothermal manifestations (basalts series are in green; rhyolites
series are in pink color; others colors are representing tertiary and quaternary sediments)


6.3 The Assalayta geothermal system

The assalayta area is situated in the southern edge of the Assal rift .It is related to a rhyolitic dome of the stratoid series. Faults
direction is mainly the NW-SE direction of the Assal rift and chalcedonic /calcitic veins have this trend.

Sampling made in 2009 by an indian mining junior (JB group) have given surface gold anomalies of:

 1.34ppm over 64m

 2.05ppm over 8m
 13.71 over 15m
 62.90 over 3m

The system is still active because fumaroles were observed in2009.

Figure 11: Assalayta geothermal field at the southern edge of Assal rift.

Figure 12: geothermal system of North-goubeth (red dot= fumaroles; violet blue=Assal rift basalt; blue=gulf basalt;
green=dalha basalt; pink color is representing plio-pleistocene sediments; grey to white color are Holocene to actual



7.1. The North-Goubeth site
Several fumaroles and one hot spring are found in the North-Goubeth region .A fumaroles near the wadi AFAY, is in the present
day ,depositing a copper carbonate(malachite).A new sampling was made near the vent of this fumarolle(nov 2013) ,it was a
reddish clay like product .Obtained analysis results is: Cu=1460 to 2880 ppm; Zn=165 to 232 ppm ;Pb=127 to 178 ppm .

7.2 The assal 3(A3) geothermal well scaling deposits.

The geothermal well A3 drilled in the Assal rift, was stopped because of high scaling deposits .Among the scaling product lead and
zinc sulphides represent a great percentage (around 31%).The reservoir under A3 is saturated with Galena (PbS) and sphalerite
(ZnS) only (F.D’AMORE 1998) (see Figure 13).

Figure 13: image of the scaling deposit in the A1 geothermal well of Assal rift.

Geological observation, samples analysis, textural and alterations (gangue minerals) descriptions of veins in some active
geothermal fields enable us to consider these systems as low sulfidation epithermal systems depositing now some valuable
minerals(gold and silver).Others have defined these same geothermal fields as extinct systems because of scarce field observation
and mapping.

From now ,we need to make on job training for the young geologists concluding their studies in the university of Djibouti .With the
increasing of young geoscientists , we have the necessary work force and we could use our natural resources(geothermal and
minerals) in a better way for sustainable development.

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