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Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Name: __________________________________ Date: __________________

MID-POINT SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Analyzing the Impact of Setting Ms. Brown Grade 6

Jump into the Wardrobe

Setting in a
shopping Parcel
OVERVIEW: Why is setting important in a book? When and where an author
places his/her story is a conscious, purposeful decision. To help you examine
the role of setting in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, this project asks
you to imagine yourself taking a trip through the wardrobe into Narnia. Upon
arrival, you will go with Mr. Tumnus and purchase supplies that will help YOU “…in the other arm [the Faun]
navigate the fantasy environment. Using your knowledge of Narnia – and your carried several brown-paper
understanding of the unique man v. nature conflicts the children experience parcels. What with the parcels
because of the setting (it is very different from England!) – from Chapters 1-8,
and the snow it looked just as if
brainstorm useful supplies to create a lifelike shopping parcel, like those Mr.
he had been doing his Christmas
Tumnus carried as he scurried around the lamp-post when Lucy first met him!
shopping” (p. 10).

Part I: Shopping List

Compile a list of at least three (3) items that YOU would need to purchase on a shopping trip
with Mr. Tumnus once you arrive to Narnia to help YOU navigate the setting. Brainstorm supplies
that will help you live in Narnia comfortably and healthily. Consider food, weather, geography,
housing, antagonists, etc. Plan carefully! Please note that the items should not be generic
supplies, like a toothbrush or socks. You would need those for any setting. Think about what
makes the Narnia setting unique and interesting and the conflicts that the characters experience
because of the setting. Select supplies that relate to those special setting elements. After each
item on your shopping list, write an I.C.E. paragraph that answers the following question: Why
would you need this item in Narnia? YOUR “CITE TEXT EVIDENCE” SENTENCE MUST BE A DIRECT
QUOTE (WITH PAGE NUMBER) FROM THE BOOK. A shopping list template is provided.

Part II: Shopping parcel with

Student-created Supplies
As the project’s creative and visual component, create a mock parcel
to bring your shopping list to life! Draw/color each of the three (3)
items from your packing list on a sheet of paper and then cut them
out. Or create them in 3-D form. (You may not buy the items or use
computer images; they must be student-created).

Lastly, package the three (3) items to resemble a shopping parcel.

For example, jazz up a shoebox with twine and Kraft paper or use a
brown paper lunch bag! (To inject some missing holiday spirit into
Narnia – which I’m sure Mr. Tumnus would appreciate - you may use
Kraft paper with Christmas/holiday designs). Feel free to be creative.
C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

ICE-formatted Shopping List

What would you need this item in Narnia?









Graphic Organizer for your I.C.E.-formatted Shopping List:

ITEM To what aspect of the setting does this How would this item help you? Would it
item relate? CITE A DIRECT QUOTE. protect you? What needs would it support?
C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Narnia Shopping List

Supply: _______________________________________________________________________












Supply: _______________________________________________________________________






C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe






Supply: _______________________________________________________________________












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